Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Avoid the Spiritual Ego & Do This Instead ∞The 12D Creators: A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, October 26, 2023


Avoid the Spiritual Ego & Do This Instead ∞The 12D Creators: A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, October 26, 2023

We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. You have been on a path for a very long time. Your path did not begin when you woke up in this lifetime. Your path began so very long ago that it would be difficult to quantify it in a number of years. The journey is always changing because you enjoy variety and you enjoy challenges. You do want to fathom how old you really are so that you can understand how wise you really are, how masterful you really are. In order to do that, you must see yourself as being bigger than this singular incarnation would indicate. You are meant to see yourself as a multidimensional, eternal, infinite being. You are meant to see yourself as light and love. That doesn’t mean that you need to destroy your ego or bury your ego, but it does mean that you need to use that sense of self that the ego is to expand, to move into your natural self. Your true self is Divine. Your true self is everything, and therefore, when you at least open up to that idea, you can take yourself and your life less seriously and start enjoying the fun ride that you are on. Now, we know that you have to make it fun, because it’s not always presenting itself to you as a giant amusement park. But when you consider how much you have already done, how much you have already achieved as an eternal being, you must realize that making this life fun and enjoyable is a small task by comparison to how much you have already accomplished. You need to give yourselves more credit and elevate your sense of self without getting caught up in spiritual ego. Spiritual ego would tell you that you are the savior, that you are better, or more spiritual than everyone else. You don’t want to get caught up in that egoic trap either. We are all Source, and we are all one, and there is nothing higher than that. And you don’t have to figure out who you’ve been in every dimension and in every lifetime in order to know yourself. You do want to feel for the love that you are in order to know yourself more completely, and that’s something that is a lifelong pursuit. You want to know yourself as love in the face of hate, in the face of discrimination, in the face of abandonment. These are real challenges. These are the things that your life is really about. And yes, as a result of doing all of that work of just being yourself in the face of whatever is in front of you, you do get to ascend. You get to know yourself as more, experientially and in a more permanent way, than you do when you just choose love in a particular moment. Now, people there on Earth often get caught up in what they are supposed to do, but it is so much more important for you to focus on who you are supposed to be, and then let the doing come from that. But don’t see the doing as what life is all about. You can also see the expression of the true self as being significant, because it is, and that can be expressed in a smile, in kind words that you speak, in compassion that you feel or healing that you send. Relax and know that you are loved because you are love, and don’t get so caught up in the details of your life, of anyone’s life. You don’t even need to get caught up in the human condition, in the human struggle, that you sometimes see all of humanity embroiled in, because it’s all good. It’s all serving the greater good. The highest good will always be served whether you ask that it be or not. If we were to summarize, and give you our teachings in a nutshell, we would say - be curious about yourselves; be curious about life. Be curious about exploring who and what you really are, and don’t worry about mistakes or missteps. Don’t worry about getting it wrong, because as we said, it always serves the highest good, and you can tell whether you are moving towards that highest good or not by how you are feeling in the moment. We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

Thursday, October 26, 2023

All You Need to Know About Life on Earth Right Now ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled: Daniel Scranton, October 23, 2023


All You Need to Know About Life on Earth Right Now ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled: Daniel Scranton, October 23, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.” We have been following all of the events there on Earth in every moment of every day. We do not just tune in to the trauma and the tragedies of life on Planet Earth. We feel into all of it at once, and overall, you are continuing to raise the level of the collective consciousness there, and you deserve to feel very good about how you are evolving as individuals and as a collective. Now, do you have to get your house entirely in order there on Earth before you can feel good about life on Earth? The answer is of course, no you do not. Everyone is carrying something and working on something. Everyone is evolving out of something and shifting from something else. Therefore, you must look for those opportunities to laugh and sing and dance and play, in spite of the fact that you still have your challenges. You can forget about the things you need to work on until they come up for you in a moment. You don’t have to schedule time to work on yourself, but rather, you can pursue a life of joy and just know that anything you need to face you will. You are not just there to live a life of joy. But rather, you are also there to spread joy, love, peace, and harmony around. You are there to be creative and enjoy the creativity of others. You are there to welcome in the light and spread the light around. Therefore, you don’t have to solve all the problems of the world or the challenges that you face in your life just because they are there. Here is what we recommend - hand them over to your team, your guides and to Source, and go have fun, and see how much can get done when you’re not the one who has to do all of the hard work. Let go of more, and reach for what is lighting you up, putting you in a space of peace, a higher vibration, giving you solace in a moment. Whatever allows you to be in a state of bliss, in a state of appreciation, is worth pursuing all the time, regardless of what is going on in your finances, in your relationships, in your body or in the world. And as we said before, when you do need to look at something, to clear something, to let go of something, it will show up. But like a child who chooses to play in the playground even though they might fall down and skin their knee, you can cry, or get angry, or whatever you’re going to do in that moment of skinning your knee, and get through it, get past it, so you can continue to play. Or you can decide that playing is just too dangerous, and instead you’re going to put kneepads on and walk slowly throughout the rest of your life. You know how you want to live, and you know what you feel inspired to do and not do, and all you have to do is listen to that guidance that is coming to you from within at all times. It is spot on, and right now it’s directing all of you to appreciate something in your life as it is and pursue something that lights you up. And that’s all you really need to know about life on Earth right now. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, October 22, 2023

A Healing for Earth & Her Inhabitants ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters & Daniel Scranton, October 22, 2023


A Healing for Earth & Her Inhabitants ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters & Daniel Scranton, October 22, 2023

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. We are here, now, in this transmission ready to give planet Earth and all of her inhabitants a healing. We are transmitting more than words through the channel here, and we want you all to realize that the healing energies coming through are for you and for everyone else, because everyone is carrying some sort of weight, some sort of trauma. Everyone there on Earth needs to receive more healing, and so we offer the healing energies, and we invite you to receive them in your bodies and in your minds. We seek to help you in opening your minds so that you can believe in the possibility for healing. We invite you to unclench, to release all the tension that you are holding in your body right now, so that you can receive the offering of our healing. We invite you to see yourselves as already being healed. Tune in right now to what that feels like for you. Welcome in all the help, all the support, and all the resources because they are all coming to you, and they can be received by those who have open minds, open hearts, and open arms. Remember that you are there to experience all of it. You are there to experience getting hurt and getting sick. You are there to experience what that feels like when you have emotional pain, physical pain, psychological pain, and you are there to experience a healing, a releasing of that which has caused the pain. You are there to experience joy, to connect the physical with the nonphysical, to recognize who you really are while remaining in your physical body. You are there to elevate the consciousness of self and of others. And when you receive healing, you then have something more to give to those you are there to serve. And so, it serves you to be healed, and it serves all others that you receive this healing, this energy that we are transmitting to planet Earth right now from the twelfth dimension. Whenever you receive this message, you can receive the healing. This is not a time sensitive message. The transmission is complete when you receive it. And by ‘you,’ we mean all of you. Rest, relax, drink plenty of water and realize that you have so much help coming to you from above at all times. It is in no way limited to us and our transmissions. We invite you now to not only feel for it, but also breathe it in all the way down into your root chakra, all the way down into the soles of your feet. Breathe it into the core of Mother Earth, and now send the healing you have received to where you know it is needed the most. And trust that it will get there. Trust that you are already healed and that there is nothing in the way of you living a full, complete life of joy, love, peace, creativity and excitement. We support you in those endeavors that you want to partake in the most, and we know that you can bring your whole selves now to whatever you are going to do next. That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Thursday, October 19, 2023

The Orion Wars & Earth Wars ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, October 19, 2023


The Orion Wars & Earth Wars ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, October 19, 2023

“We are The Pleiadian High Council of 7, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom. We have experienced wars in our history as a civilization, and none of those wars were as horrific as the Orion Wars. We did participate in the Orion Wars, reluctantly, and when the Orion Empire crumbled, we then looked at ourselves and asked ourselves what they represented within us. We came to realize that we had an ideology that we wanted to spread throughout the galaxy. We thought we knew better than beings on other worlds and in other star systems, and we sought to spread our healing methods and our spiritual teachings throughout the galaxy. The Orion Empire had a similar agenda. They were believing that they had the best interests at heart for the entire galaxy and sought to bring their form of rule to the entire galaxy. So you see, they thought they were on the side of good, just as we figured we were on the side of good by going out, just as missionaries do there on Earth, and spreading the good news of the Pleiadian ideology. Now, we tell you this because we want you to recognize that at the heart of every wrong deed is someone who believes they are doing right. And that is true whether it is an individual or a group. They believe they know what is best for everyone, and they will impose their will, sometimes violently, in order to make sure that everyone knows what they know and believes what they believe. And so, as you look at the wars going on there on Earth at this time, and you wonder how anyone could do such a thing, recognize also that you can get pretty attached to your own beliefs, your own ideologies. And when you take the approach to life that one must live and let live, then you will see that also more reflected back to you on Earth and throughout the galaxy. Many well-meaning people there on Earth still think that they need to defeat someone, something, or some ideology in order for there to be peace, prosperity, freedom, and everything else you all want. It doesn’t matter what side you put yourself on, as long as you are on a side, you are perpetuating war. And that is a tough pill to swallow, and we know it. We know it because we had to do it ourselves. We had to look at ourselves and ask ourselves how we created the Orion Wars in our experience and what they were meant to teach us. The wars lasted a very long time, and the way they ended was through a grass roots movement of change. They ended because the average person was willing to raise their vibration throughout the galaxy. Enough people said, ‘Enough is enough,’ and instead of picking up another weapon, they went within themselves and battled their own demons. Enough people raised their vibration to cause a shift in the collective consciousness of this galaxy and of this universe. And that’s what you are being called to do once again at this time, and you are the ones to do it. The Arcturians have called you ‘The Awakened Collective,’ and they are right, you are. You are the changemakers, the wayshowers, the lightworkers, the healers, and the leaders of humanity. And you did it before when you were incarnate during the time of the Orion Wars. And now you’re doing it again for the final time. This is part of the completion of the shift in consciousness, and you will not have to experience wars every again once you ascend. We are Pleiadian High Council of 7, and we are very fond of all of you. And that is all.”

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Lyssa Royal: First Contact; The three Stages of First Contact


Part 1 talks about the stages of First Contact, and gives examples of two polar opposite civilizations in their approach to ET Contact. The two examples are titled, Alpha 3, and Beta 4. Alpha 3 being a positive, and accepted response, while Beta 3 as a more negative, and repressed interaction. 

Part 2 of the video: Start at 8:50 for, "How do humans fit into this picture?" 

Stage 1: Stage one is telepathic contact with the inhabitants of the planet. This is carried out approximately 50 and 100 years before the next stage is introduced. Telepathic contact is made with receptive individuals within the society. The telepathic contact is not saying "We are here." it is instead a filtering of ideas about extraterrestrial beings that seemingly enter the imagination of the recipient and the normal flow of their life. This is reflected in society as, for instance, fictional works of such as books that introduce the society to this idea. This would also include archetypal contact through symbology, on an unseen levels of the humanoid mind. 

Stage 2: Stage two is a contact of a physical nature with the inhabitants when the physical crafts of other civilizations are seen in the skies. This is not presented in a threatening way. It is usually presented where there are large Gatherings of people people, so that it becomes very quickly known. Often there will also be experiences with these physical crafts. For example, let us say there is a forest fire that is very difficult to contain. The ET crafts come by and assist the firefighters to put out the fire, then they disappear. This is a demonstration of benevolence, and is continued for a span of perhaps 25 years.

Stage 3: Face to Face contact. Stage three takes advantage of the progress made in stage two, after one of these instances when the craft had actually assisted with a disaster, the craft would land and come face to face with some of the inhabitants of the planet.

That is First Contact. those are the three main stages. 

Youtube channel interviews - Wisdom from North

 Wendy Kennedy 

Daniel Scranton

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Escaping Perfectionism - Hidden Brain Podcast


"Perfectionism is everyone’s favorite flaw. It’s easy to assume that our push to be perfect is what leads to academic, athletic and professional success. But psychologist Thomas Curran says perfectionism has a dark side, and that there are much healthier ways to strive for excellence."

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Whales of Sirius B ~ galaxygirl October 2, 2023


Greetings land walkers. We are the whales of Sirius B. We have been in contact with your creatures of the deep on your water world for eons. Together we form a network of high intelligence and love, grounding light and wisdom in the deepest of dark waters. We see not in the dark but follow our own inner light, our own inner knowing. We see this could be of benefit to the land walkers. Inner guidance and inner knowing, following the light of the inner lighthouse; as Source fractals, you have this inner lighthouse calling you home, and yet home is within and without, it is the connection between the all of all things and all not things. All is one. These are troubling times upon your water world. We assist Gaia by sending our light and energies to our cetacean earth family. We bridge light and balance anchor points across dimensions, but not across time as all is now. In the wateriness of the deep dark, the creatures there must follow their own light, their own knowing and guidance. Every motion is a motion of faith, of trust, that the Great Mother will guide and embrace us in the dark deep. Just as she embraces you in your dark deep wanderings in the water. (I am seeing bioluminescent creatures of all sizes and shapes, creatures unknown to me. Some look like glowing mushrooms that morph into squid shapes and swim away. Others are curious and swim towards me, surrounding me in bioluminescent lights. The whales are around me. I feel their presence. It is a space filled with overwhelming love). Children of Earth, land walkers amongst the galaxies, we see you. We see you with our hearts, we see you as you are, as the great ones who volunteered to come and swim in the depths to shine your lights so that the others around you could see, and realize they too have an inner light. You are all spark plugs of Creator. You are all magical in your creativity. Do not be afraid of what is to come, do not shy from your inner light. Light is what brought you here, and light is why you came. It is your destiny. For you are of it. (The whales are blowing bubbles all around me and I am seeing peoples’ faces in the bubbles as they find their light within.) You are the ocean, not just the waves, it has been said on your world. Our worlds are mostly water, there is little land except deep within where others dwell. We surround our world with light with sound. Our singing holds vibrational keys for healing. We send these vibrations of song to you now.

Little ones, you have been burdened. Many of you wonder what else you may do to assist. We assist by bringing light to dark water, by raising the vibration of the waters so that the planets may sing. Do not doubt your path. You are currently swimming in what feels like darkness but it is surrounded by light. (I am seeing a fish bowl with dark water that is surrounded by blinding light). We whales of Sirius B are much larger than the whales of your world. Our energies have an impact through great distances, just as your energies do as well. Do not be frightened by the depths and the deep. Magic lies there waiting to be discovered. And that magic we believe is you. We are the Whales of Sirius B. You wonder if our message is complete? Our message is ever flowing like the tides and the pull of the moon. We are with you always. Your pathway in the water will be shined upon by the moonlight that governs your waters. And it will be made clear which path you are to swim. Light unto light. There are worlds with many creatures of the deep, too numerous to count. Creation is always expanding. Be on the look out for new currents with warmer waters, which will pull you in your highest direction. We are the Whales of Sirius B. Peace. When you are weary we swim with you, you may rest on our backs. We are your friends of the deep. We are ever with you. We are one. ~ galaxygirl

Bashar: Uluru, Australia


Monday, October 2, 2023

A First Time Experience for Humans ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters by Daniel Scranton, September 28, 2023


A First Time Experience for Humans ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters by Daniel Scranton, September 28, 2023

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. We see you as you truly are, and we hold that vision of you for you, but also for ourselves. We only feel the way that we want to feel when we see you as perfect, as Love, as Source. When we see you as beings who have decided to lower your vibration enough to have the Earth experience, we feel proud of you. Therefore, when you all wonder why so much interest is taken in all of you there on Earth, remember that when you are experiencing anger, hate, frustration, loneliness, and despair, these are not reflective of who and what you really are. They are temporary experiences that feel so all encompassing that you take them on, and you assume they reflect something about you as an individual. This is also true of the actions you’ve taken that you regret, that you might call a mistake or a sin. As much as you attempt to define yourselves by what you’ve done, whether it be good or not so good, that’s not who and what you really are, and it’s not what we’re focused upon as we gaze upon any of you. We see the spark, the Creator, the Love, the joy, the peace, and the excitement that is still inside of each and every one of you, no matter what your life circumstances are in this moment, no matter what you’ve been feeling about yourself, about others, and about your life. You still are that which you truly are, and we focus on that because we are of greatest service to you when we do, but we also want you to know that we would feel so very terrible if we were to ever agree with you that you are unworthy or a sinner. And so we choose not to, and we invite you to join us in this vibration. It is the vibration of wellness and it is the vibration of all-encompassing love. We invite you to join us here because it serves you well to do so, and also because you are of greater service to all of your fellow humans when you drop all of the judgments, all of the fears and all of the resentments, and you be more like the master that you truly are and feel the difference in how you feel when you do. That feeling is enough to get you going back again and again to those beautiful, expansive feelings that we get to experience all the time. And yes, we know how fortunate we are to be able to exist in this state and in this dimension, and we want you all to know that there’s an aspect of you that is here with us at all times, that we also interact with, and it helps us to know the true you in doing so. Now, please do accept our invitation to see yourselves as perfect, as Love, as Source, and to see all of your fellow humans as the same, regardless of what they are doing, saying or believing, and you will transform everything by transforming you into what you always have been. You are there to remember that and to experience it for the first time under the set of circumstances you are currently living, and that’s exciting. That’s why all of this is and all of us are, and we want to play together in peace and harmony in this entire universe, with all of its many moving parts. That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”