Saturday, May 28, 2022

What it Means to be Awakened ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, June 26, 2018

What it Means to be Awakened ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, June 26, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. It is a beautiful sight to behold one of you having a moment of awakening. We see the awakening experiences occurring on your planet, and each time it happens, another light is shining more brightly. Many of you wonder what it takes to be considered awakened, and it is quite simple. You are awake when you acknowledge that you are a Source Energy Being who is creating the reality that you are experiencing. Now, you are not always going to maintain that truth in you consciousness as you navigate through your lives. You are going to have moments where you feel quite separate from the person in the car that just cut you off. There are going to be times when you feel like a victim. There are going to be times when you judge others, but the beauty of your status as awakened beings is that you will always come back to the truth of who you really are. And when that really sinks into your consciousness, you will also be looking at others in the same way. You will see others as Beings of Light and Love. You will see them as Source Energy, and you will accept that others will create experiences that are different from yours. You will accept their creations without judgment. You will come to know that whatever someone else is dabbling in, they will also be coming back to the truth of who they are, and they will somehow be better off for having had the experience. It is so important that you allow each other to have different experiences and to co-exist harmoniously, not feeling threatened at all by what anyone else is doing, and certainly not by what anyone else is believing. When you truly embrace the truth that you are Source Energy Beings, you understand that everything that you experience stems from something inside of you. And so the more you turn your attention back on yourselves for the truth of who you are and for the momentary vibration you are offering, the more awakened and enlightened you will become. This is your destiny. This is the destiny of every single human who is living on Earth at this time. Some of you will get there sooner than others. And when you do, you will reach out as Source Energy with a compassionate hand. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

This Is What Really Matters ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 28, 2022

This Is What Really Matters ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 28, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are quite capable of receiving all of your requests, even if they are all being made at the same time. That is one of the advantages to being a collective consciousness, and it is also one of the advantages of being nonphysical. You have two ears to listen with, but we have no ears, and yet, we can sense all. We take your requests as energy that we then are able to format in a way that it makes sense to us. That is what Daniel here is doing with our energetic transmission, and it is what we do with your energetic transmissions. This is how communication is happening on so many other levels than just words spoken or written, and you are receiving energies from above all the time, but many of you want to hear a little voice in your head so that you know exactly what you are receiving in that moment. Others realize that there’s a subtlety to the communication that is happening from the higher-dimensional planes, because that communication starts out as energy, and those who are really tuned in can feel for those energies. That is what we suggest you do when you want to communicate with us, with other nonphysical, higher-dimensional beings and collectives, and with each other. Realize that what you are projecting energetically matters. It will be interpreted by whoever is receiving it. Make sure you clear whatever you need to clear out of your bodies, out of your systems until you feel that it’s no longer there, and then you can communicate with another more clearly. You can align your words and your intentions with your energy. You are projecting energy all the time, and it is the way in which you create your reality. You want to pay attention to what energies you are receiving and what energies you are offering, because the time of being able to hide behind words that you don’t really mean is coming to an end. You are all becoming telepathic. You are all recognizing that you are energetic beings and that energy matters, and at the same time you are shifting your consciousness. When that shift is complete, everyone will know that they are communicating telepathically and energetically, and you will find less and less need for words. You will be energetic beings who vibrate on purpose, and you will know that you are. You will know what vibration you are offering. Every time you process an emotion, you get closer and closer to being able to discern exactly what vibration you are offering in every moment. Make sure you are clear energetically, if you want to be clear in your communication, and clear in your offering to the universe of what it is that you truly want and need. The universe, and all of us within it, respond more to your energy, your vibration, than we do to your words, and even your thoughts. If you are going to speak a mantra, make sure that mantra aligns with the energy that you are offering. If you are going to think a thought, make sure that thought is in alignment as well. You are getting there, step by step, day by day, and you can practice all of this with us, because as we said, we are open to receiving from all of you all the time. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, May 21, 2022

You Hold the Master Key to This ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 17, 2022

You Hold the Master Key to This ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 17, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very pleased to have so many of you there on Earth in human form responding to us and our messages in a positive way. We know that it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day lives there on Earth, and we also know how much you all know you benefit from remembering that you have helpers in the nonphysical like ourselves. We also remind you of all of the other nonphysical helpers that are around you, supporting you, giving you everything that you need, and reminding you that you are loved. With all of this love pouring down upon you from the heavens it then becomes easier for you to remember who and what you really are. You are beings of pure, unconditional love. You come from Source, and you still are Source, even though you forget sometimes who and what you really are, and Source is Love. Now, our transmissions to you are all about reminding you of who you really are so that you can go out into the world and be who you really are. Nothing feels as good as loving, and when you love another, whether that other is a person, an animal, a plant, or some other aspect of Source, you are in that moment being your true self. You are being true to yourself as love, and therefore, by receiving the love that you get from us and from the other nonphysical consciousness that is constantly sending it to you, you then have more to give. You have the love that you are activated within you, and from that place of being activated, the love that you are pours from you into the world effortlessly. You don’t have to try to love others when you are being love, when the love within you is so active that nothing can switch it off. And only you can switch that love flow off that comes from within you. You have the master key. If you decide not to be love in any given moment, that’s you using your free will. That’s you making a decision that gives you a feeling once again of separation from who and what you really are, and that allows you to play in this game a little bit longer, the game of the third and fourth-dimensional Earth experience. As you remember who you are throughout the course of your day, you are more likely to spread love all around you and create a universe of love for you to experience. Now, as you go about your day, being the love that you truly are, you are then the ones activating love in others. So there is a domino effect with whatever it is you are spreading there on Earth. Spread what you want to see activated in others, and they will show you that reflection, and you will enjoy each other’s company, because what is most important about each of you will be at the forefront. You will have to let go of that which is not who you really are along the way, but that’s going to happen one way or another. Do it consciously and deliberately, and you will enjoy the rest of the ride that you have there on this fourth-dimensional version of Earth. And so much awaits you in the fifth dimension, so much more of who you are, and we are just excited to witness that journey with you, and we are so happy to be a part of it. That’s what brings us the most joy in delivering to you these transmissions. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, May 20, 2022

Collaborate with Us ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 3, 2018

Collaborate with Us ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 3, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have taken the steps necessary to insure that humanity is not interfered with along your path of ascension. We have acted, so to speak, together with many other beings and councils from across dimensions, and galaxies even, to guarantee that you would have the opportunity to ascend. Now, as you discover that you are working with us, it will become easier and easier for you to take advantage of our generosity, and our interest in your evolution. You can begin to see us as parts of you and extensions of you, rather than as beings who are up there, out there, somewhere, far, far away. And as we begin to work together more as a team, as a collective, we will be assisting you in ways that you could not even possibly imagine at this point in your evolution. You don’t even need to know at this point in your evolution what you are going to need us for and how much we can help. The love that we feel for you increases with every day, with every moment, and the process of ascension as you experience it is felt by us, but on an exponential level. The frequencies that you have been receiving of late are a reflection of the joy that we experience through our connection to you. This ascension process is one big, giant collaboration, you see, and we are not steering the ship any more than you are. We are here for the ride as well. We evolve with you. We are partners in this, and we receive as much benefit from our connection to you as you do in your connection to us. We can see the various roads ahead for humanity, and we will continue to nudge you towards the timelines that give you the greatest opportunities for joy and to ascend with the greatest amount of ease and grace. We love you so, so much, and this is the way that we demonstrate that to you. But we also invite you to feel for it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Collaborating with Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans & Andromedans ∞9D Arcturian Council thru Daniel Scranton, October 27, 2020

Collaborating with Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans & Andromedans ∞9D Arcturian Council thru Daniel Scranton, October 27, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are offering you these transmissions to help remind you of who you have been and to beckon you towards who you are becoming. You all need to have the gaps filled in somehow and in some way, so you don’t fall into the trap that says you are only a human being, living on Earth. Many of you never considered the idea that you had past lives in other parts of the galaxy until well into your adulthood. It is hard for your minds to accept those types of possibilities as true, even though from our perspective it makes perfect sense. You didn’t just pop into existence there on Earth one day. You have a history. You have friends spread out across the entire galaxy and beyond, and you are having memories and aspects of yourselves awakened through these transmissions, as we are sprinkling in so much more than just the words that Daniel here can come up with as he speaks for us. There is a much bigger picture here, and some of you are aware of that picture. Some of you take the time to go beyond what your minds can grasp, and you feel for the experience of having those gaps filled in by just one collective from one star system. We do work with others as well. We must admit that. We collaborate. We allow the Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans, Andromedans, and so on, to drop bits and pieces into the energies that we transmit through this channel, because we do want you to get the whole picture of who you are and who you have been. And you will return to all of our star systems and ones you’ve never even heard of when the timing is right. For now, keep looking to your skies, and keep feeling for the resonance with extra-terrestrial energies. We are here to assist. We are here to help. And even our little group of collaborators here is just one of many. You are getting activations to fill in those gaps all the time, and we are not alone in the universe, and of course, neither are you. It’s time to recognize that you are a part of the grand history that makes up this galaxy, and you are the pioneers out there on Earth, doing the best you can to unite all of the energies, so that we can become a unified galactic collective. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

What You Have Coming with Full E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 19, 2022

What You Have Coming with Full E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 19, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always interested in what makes humans tick, what keeps you interested in life there on planet Earth, because as the awakened collective, you know that there is so much more available to you. However, you do share a planet with many people who are seeking very specific experiences that they can only have in their physical bodies there on Earth in the fourth dimension. It’s very interesting to us to observe what motivates a person to get up in the morning and do all the things that they think they need to do in order to have what it is that they want and experience what they want to experience. We are watching the movies of your lives with great enthusiasm, because we love to learn about the nature of your consciousness. Knowing about the nature of your consciousness helps us understand ourselves better, and that’s what e.t. contact is really all about. Many people want to be rescued, want to be whisked away on a spaceship, want access to that very advanced e.t. technology. But those of you who are awake must recognize that when you meet an extra-terrestrial being, you are meeting more of yourself. You are being given an opportunity to explore an aspect of you that you never knew before. In some cases, you can’t even fathom what these e.t.s will be like and what they will activate within you when you are in their presence. That’s something to get excited about. We know that when you get an opportunity to observe your e.t. friends and to see what makes them tick, you will be fascinated as well. You will have new understandings of what existence is all about just because you will see how culturally different they are from you. Merging your culture with their culture will create something new, something never before seen and experienced in this universe, and that will be a delight for us to witness as well, but even more importantly, it will be such an amazing experience for all of you to partake in, that coming together of different perspectives, different practices, different art forms. We are so in favor of you having more extra-terrestrial contact right now that we want to encourage you to open yourselves up to them every night as you fall asleep in your bed. Do not be afraid, because you have so many well-meaning e.t. friends that are your helpers. They want to connect with you, and they are waiting for the right timing and the proper invitation. Tell them you are ready to meet with them and to co-create with them, and you will send that signal out to all of your star family members, all benevolent e.t. beings, both physical and nonphysical, and you can expect to have some remarkable experiences when you do make those connections, experiences that go far beyond what their ships are like and what gadgets they have on board. Get ready for an explosion of your own consciousness into so much more than what it’s ever been before to you, because that’s what you have coming with full e.t. contact. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Prayers for Nepal and Baltimore - The Founders, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 25, 2015

Prayers for Nepal and Baltimore - The Founders, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 25, 2015

“In the offering of a prayer for someone, something, or some situation, you are giving energy to that which you want to see. You are participating in an outcome with your attention to it and your intention for it. So if you want to say a prayer for the people of Nepal or the people in Baltimore, say the prayer in the way that you want the situation to be, rather than praying for what it is that you see on the news. Instead of praying for death and suffering, pray for life and renewal. And instead of praying for conflict, anger, and hate, pray for peace, love, and harmony. Be aware of what you are praying for. Be aware of what you are putting your focus on. And by all means, believe in the power of your prayer. Believe in your ability to access the outcome that you desire for all beings. Your prayers are powerful. Your prayers are creative. And your prayers are felt, whether the recipients realize they are feeling your prayers or not. There is so much attention at this time on the situation in Baltimore and on the earthquake in Nepal. And when there is that much attention being given by such a large group of humans on your world, there is an opportunity for so much that is wanted and needed to occur. There is an opportunity for all who are observing those situations to feel the relief and the resolution, and the rebirth. There is an opportunity for a coming together as a collective. And your prayer, your intention, adds fuel to the flame. You are making a gigantic shift in your collective consciousness, and we are witnessing as proud parents would. We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

How Humanity is Handling the Full Moon/Eclipse Energies ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 16, 2022

How Humanity is Handling the Full Moon/Eclipse Energies ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 16, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are noticing the effects of the full moon and lunar eclipse energies on humanity at this time, and we want you all to know that no matter how you think you are doing, no matter how you think you are handling the energies, we can see the bigger picture from the broader view, and we see you all getting exactly what you need to take you to the next step of your evolution. You spiritual evolution will not look like a neat little graph with a line steadily going upward, because you will experience dips along the way, dips in your vibration. And when you experience those dips, it’s easy to see how someone in human form would interpret that as backsliding or regressing, and that is why you think you are not doing as well as you are. It is because when emotions are high and feelings of tension and anxiety come to the surface, you think you must be doing something wrong. But in actuality, everything you feel brings you closer to ascension. You really are on an upward spiral, no matter how you might feel in any given moment, and that upward spiral includes feeling some feelings that are uncomfortable and unwanted. It includes facing some aspects of yourselves that you haven’t wanted to face, and it also includes letting go of some 3D attachments. One of those attachments might be that you are in control all the time. Once you realize that you offer a vibration, and you can offer it on purpose, many of you get down on yourselves any time you are not offering a high vibration. But that’s the perfectionist in you coming up to be loved and lovingly released. You don’t need to be perfect to be on a spiritual path; you just need to acknowledge everything that is inside of you and embrace it just as it is. So when an eclipse and/or a full moon comes along, and you feel yourself getting triggered in some way, or you feel yourself breaking down for no apparent reason, celebrate those moments of progress. Celebrate that you have tapped in to something else that needed to be felt in order to be released or integrated, because that’s how it really is. And because we see so many humans right now facing what they need to face and feeling their feelings, we know that this planned event has done wonders for the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, and that is something we can always feel shifting and changing for the better, even if emotionally not every human is where they want to be in the moment. Use this time to clean house, to let go of what you need to let go of, and use this time to get clearer about how you do want to feel, even though you simultaneously have to give up control of feeling the way you want to feel all the time. When you can accept that seeming contradiction, you can move forward from a more third-dimensional type of consciousness, and you can close in on the fifth-dimensional consciousness that you are all destined to hold. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Receive from the Archangels, Ascended Masters & Others ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 14, 2022

Receive from the Archangels, Ascended Masters & Others ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 14, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very consistent in our offerings of energy to all of you, because we are offering you energies even when Daniel here isn’t channeling us. We want you to know that you can open up to our transmissions at any time, and you will receive the latest. We also want you to relax into the receiving. We advise you to let in our energetic transmissions. There is no trying involved, and struggling to feel for them will not help. But if you can relax into what is coming to you, and you can do that consistently, day after day, moment after moment, you will feel the expansion of your consciousness occurring in leaps and bounds. Now, as we have said many times before in these transmissions, we are not the only game in town. We are not the only ones who are offering you higher-frequency energies. We are not the only helpers you have here in the higher realms, and so at times you may feel like opening up to Pleiadian energies, or the energies of your favorite ascended master or archangel. You may even feel like faerie energy is what you would like to attune to in that particular moment. It’s good for you to know that your spirit guides and higher selves are also very consistent in their offerings to you. The transmissions just keep coming and coming, and many of you feel for them. Some of you realize that you have been feeling them after the fact. You may notice some changes in yourself or in your world, and then when you look back at the past several days or weeks, you will realize that you have been receiving energies and you have been working with them. For some of you, this is not new. You’ve been doing it for a very long time, and you know then that it is part of your journey to help others to recognize that they too have energies they can tap in to, receive and work with at any time. A lot of people who are receiving this transmission are wondering how to do it. It’s quite simple really. You just have to relax. Let go of all of your tension, your anxiety, your thoughts, your worries, your fears, and then you naturally open up to receive those higher-frequency energies that are coming to you from above. And as we’ve said, you can point yourself in any direction you like. You can receive archangel energies one day and Sirian energies the next. The day after that, perhaps you will be more into faerie energy. Think of this as choosing what you’re going to wear today or what you’re going to eat today, and know that we are always open for business. We are always seeking to help, to heal, to guide and to support. Most of what we offer is just love, healing, compassion, peace, and all the other high-frequency vibrations, and sometimes it is more specific. And when it is, Daniel here usually tells you about it with our help. Right now, just luxuriate in all the energies that are positive, playful, and helpful, and all around you all the time, and you will never feel alone again. You will never feel separate or abandoned again, and you will always feel full of everything you need to create the beautiful 5D Earth you are continuously moving towards. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, May 12, 2022

As Awakened Souls, This is Your Work Right Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, May 12, 2022

As Awakened Souls, This is Your Work Right Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, May 12, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always impressed with the way that humanity has been handling all of the challenges that you have thrown at yourselves in this particular lifetime of ascension. It hasn’t been an easy path for most people, whether awake or asleep. You would think that being awake would make it a lot easier to be there at this time, but as awakened souls you are less likely to sweep something under the rug or numb yourself to it with drugs, alcohol or some other way of smothering emotion. This is the time where everything is rising to the surface, and that is why it looks like things are not going so well there on Earth and humanity is not making the progress that we always report you are making. When things come to the surface, it can get a little hectic and chaotic there on Earth, but all of that has to be seen and felt, acknowledged and forgiven in order for you to move on. So whatever you see out there in the world right now that upsets you, remember that it is not your job to copy, paste, and post so that others can agree with you about how horrible that person, group, country, or situation is. Your job in that moment is to offer forgiveness, release judgment and have compassion for those who are doing the horrible things they are doing or saying the horrible things they are saying, because they are doing so from that place of being out of alignment with Source. And there is no worse place to be in, and you all know that because you have all been there as well. So what your fellow humans need is not more condemnation, more finger-pointing, but rather, they need to be seen as Source Energy Beings who have lost their way and who are acting out like a toddler having a tantrum. That is the way you bring the level of consciousness to a higher level there on Earth, and that is the only way. There are no bypasses. There are no ways of getting around what your work is at this time, because if you cannot forgive another and have compassion for them, you won’t be able to do it for yourselves either. And there are many aspects of yourselves. The one you are right now is not the only one, and you carry the rest of them around with you, sometimes in your energy field, and they need love, compassion, and forgiveness. And many people who are awake will go to a healer, or someone who is like a healer, and ask to have that entity or that attachment removed, when in actuality it needs to be integrated. This time you are in is all about integration, not about separation, not about the light defeating the dark. There is no spiritual war, and warfare is not the way, whether it’s physical or metaphysical. Those of you who are awake know all of this, of course, but at times something can get under your skin just enough for you to forget. And so, we are here to remind you, because we absolutely love it when we see you right on track, and no matter what other challenges you are facing in your lives right now, the challenge of uniting humanity is the biggest one that you have. Remember that, and remember that you are there to help and to heal, and everything will be all right. Everything is of course all right, but there is always room for it to get even better. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

You Have Been Preparing Your Whole Lives for This ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 11, 2022

You Have Been Preparing Your Whole Lives for This ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 11, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very excited about what is to come next for humanity, because we know that the experience of the growth that you have in front of you is going to be pure ecstasy, especially for those of you who take that growth on fully. Those of you who accept the expansion that is available to you are always going to enjoy the ride more than those who are fighting against change, progress, movement forward that is inevitable. Therefore, you could say that you have been preparing your whole lives for this, for what is to come. You have been clearing out your traumas, your chakras, your negative beliefs, thoughts, and emotions, to get you to this point where you would be able to take on all of the potential growth that is there for you. And when you embrace it, when you know that it is the next step in your evolution, it is so fun, playful and enjoyable to partake in. Now, as you know, everything is changing there on Earth and changing for the better. Those inevitable changes are the result of all that humankind has lived collectively, leading up to this point. The changes have all been asked for, and the asking has been answered in the affirmative. And now it is about opening up the floodgates to let it all in, and those of you who are ready for the energies of change will not have the impediments in the way that others around you do. In other words, by clearing out everything that you have released, you have made yourselves these wonderful vessels for high-frequency energies to flow through. But not everyone has been doing this, and they are going to have a harder time. Anytime you see someone clinging to something, feel compassion for them and send love, but also ask yourself if there is anything you are still clinging to that you need to let go of in order to be that open, pure, clear vessel. And know that all that you allow to flow through you will eventually get to those who are clinging, who are closed off, and who are afraid of change. They are coming along for the ride, whether they know it or not, and the ride will include some dismantling of old systems that only really worked for the few anyway. And the new systems are being birthed all the time. They are in the stage of infancy right now, but they are growing. They are growing in power, in numbers, and those of you who are focused on those new systems are bringing more energy to them. You are doing a wonderful job of ushering in the changes that will support the new level of consciousness. These changes reflect the new level of consciousness as well. And when you feel for it, when you feel for more of that oneness and equality, more of that unity, you know that it feels right to you. You know that everyone is a part of this giant puzzle that is Source, and everyone’s piece fits in some way. As you set the example of playing your part beautifully and willingly, you make it easier for others to remember who they really are and the part that they have to play in this cosmic dance of ascension. The ascension will of course continue until we all return home to Source and to the feeling of who we really are. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Energies Coming to Make Sense of It All ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 9, 2022

The Energies Coming to Make Sense of It All ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 9, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very interested in what it takes to awaken a human being. It fascinates us to watch as your stories there on Earth unfold, and as we notice people awakening in peculiar and unexpected ways, we realize that we still have a lot to learn about the human experience there on Earth at this time. We know that all of you must have unique paths in order to fulfill your purpose, and we know that each and every one of you is playing a part in the expansion and evolution of the consciousness there. We often wonder how to be best of service to you, because as we watch and witness you, we realize that so much of your journeys are unfamiliar territory for us. You’re having these amazing experiences that have never been had before in this universe, and it is an absolute delight to play any part in the unfoldment of your stories. We would like for you to have the same fascination with your journey as we do, because we know that you could be enjoying your process of evolution more. We know that it is time for you to start acknowledging yourselves and seeing yourselves as the beautiful creators of these experiences. We also want you to know that the help that is on its way right now for all of you will come in the form of energies that will help you to make sense of everything you’re experiencing in your lives and globally. We see a lot of humans trying to make sense of what’s happening, and in the process of doing so, they are creating stories that they are then making true for themselves. And that comes from a person who doesn’t pull back far enough to see the bigger picture. Within the bigger picture there is continuity, synchronicity, and it all makes sense. But when someone looks at something so specifically, and tries to get to the bottom of it, to deconstruct it, oftentimes they will find that they are in a bottomless pit. Once you start down a path of creation, it can be challenging for all of you to get off of that path, to zoom out, and to remember that in the bigger picture we are all creating this journey for fun, for the joy of it, for the experience of it. And when you zoom out far enough, there is no ‘them,’ but rather each and every one of us plays our part to weave the tapestry that is this universe, a universe that becomes more integrated and united all the time. The energies we and our colleagues are getting ready to send to you now will help you see that. They will help you make sense of it all in a bigger picture type of way, because that’s what so many of you need who tend to get fixated on one issue or one aspect of life there on Earth. You are meant to be conscious of the bigger picture at all times, and we know that you can be and that many of you are already starting to see the world and the universe in that way. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Your Many Paths to Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 26, 2022

Your Many Paths to Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 26, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are illuminating many paths to ascension for each and every one of you. There is not just one. There will not be one experience of ascension, as that would not serve Source’s desire for a variety of experiences. You, as souls, desire a variety of experiences because you are little chunks of Source Energy, so why would Source be any different from you as the individual chunks? You crave variety of experience, and so does Source. Therefore, there will be as many different experiences of ascension as there are beings incarnate at this time throughout the entire universe and throughout the entire multiverse. This is why we say we are illuminating many paths to ascension; it is because there isn’t just one. You get to decide which path you take, and we will always encourage you to take the path that feels the best, that has the most opportunities for joy and expansion. And we know that you want the same for yourselves, but we also know that it is easy to sucked in to someone else’s story of what ascension will be like for everyone or for the percentage of the population that is going to ascend. We would like for you to forget about everything you’ve ever been told and instead tune in to your ideal path and feel into what it feels like. Now, as you do so, you invite others to join you, but they don’t have to join you on your path. They can take their own good-feeling path to a higher level of consciousness, because we are all different. Therefore, you don’t have to tell people that you have found ‘the way’ and try to get them to join you on ‘the one and only path.’ Instead, you give everyone permission to be themselves and to follow the path of joy by doing so yourself. Now, along the way, of course, you are going to encounter the themes, the issues, the karma and the trauma that you came to experience so that you can release all of your negative energy, your judgments, your fears, and so on, around those experiences. But you might as well encounter those little potholes on the path of greatest joy for you, and we want you to know that you get to decide what your joy is as well. You are there to experience it all, not just the good stuff, but all of it, in order to then choose the stuff that you deem to be good for you, good as far as you are concerned, and joyous, of course. When you make those choices, and you continue to focus on the choice you have made, you manifest that reality, you experience that path, and you get to have more joy because you have chosen to be yourself, your whole self, rather than to follow along with what everyone else is doing or what most people are believing is necessary for you to do or to partake in, in order to get to the next level of consciousness. All you have to do is be yourself and follow your feelings. Now, of course, you have heard about the differences between service to self and service to others. Well, guess what? When you’re joyous, your service to others matters more. It creates a bigger impact on the lives of those you seek to serve than when you are doing so out of guilt, out of obligation, or out of a feeling that you have to do it in order to be the better version of yourself that others have told you about. Inspire others with the way you live your lives, and they will inspire others, and those will inspire others, and so on and so on. That’s the path of joy, and all the paths of joy are what we are illuminating with our messages to you and with the energies that we send. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”