Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, September 16th, 2019

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, September 16th, 2019



“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are measuring your progress by the overall vibration that we feel the human collective offering, and one thing that you can be certain of is that your overall vibration as a collective continues to be in a higher and higher frequency. You are not regressing, not ever. You are always making progress, no matter what stories you see in the mainstream media, and you as individuals are making a huge difference when you are focused on your own vibration, that which you can feel and detect coming from inside of you.

Now, it may be difficult for you to feel exactly what you are vibrating at times because you are focused on your thoughts, the actions that you need to take, and what has just recently happened in your life that has you so focused mentally that you are losing track of your overall vibration. However, we notice that all of the energy that you expend through focusing on the past and the future and being mind-oriented eventually gets you all tired out, and you will take a break from trying to fix things that are going wrong from your perspective.

It is in those moments of rest and relaxation that you allow yourselves to benefit from what is happening throughout the entire universe. And that is a shift in consciousness that involves the frequency at which everything in this universe vibrates. You all benefit from it just by being, and of course, so do we, but the difference between the third dimension that you once knew and the fifth dimension that you are moving into is the biggest leap that a consciousness can make. What that means is that you have the opportunity to feel the shift more strongly than the rest of us here in the higher dimensions.

We want you to allow yourselves to feel what is available to you, and we encourage you to do it before you get tired out from all of your thinking and all of the doing that is necessary there on your world. Tune in to what’s going on inside and what you can detect in the overall energy field that is the universal consciousness, and we guarantee you that if you just let go and let yourself be taken into the higher frequency range, you will enjoy the ride. You have to let go of this idea that there’s something there that needs to be done to make it all happen, and instead, just let yourselves flow with the energies that are all around you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mother Mary via Galaxygirl | September 21, 2019

Mother Mary via Galaxygirl | September 21, 2019

 Mother Mary ~ galaxygirl 9/21/2019

Dear children, I am your Mother Mary. I am overwhelmed with love as I look out across Gaia, gleaming bright with the love-light that you are currently emanating so brilliantly from your heart spaces. The light has won, dear children. The light has won. And so let it in, deep into your tender-most places. Let it in, like the thick soothing honey-love of Mother God as it coats and soothes. Let it in. Let the love-light, the divine breath of the Mother-Father carry you further on your journey, for we, the Company of Heaven, see your weariness and we wish to impart encouragement this night as a prelude to the equinoxes.

The cosmic outpouring of love cannot be stopped. All upon your planetary experience will be affected. Sisters and brothers of the way, it is time to arise, to heed your calling. Now, what does this mean, you may ask. It means that you are listening, you are open, you are yes, surrendered, to the higher ways, to the Christed light. It means that you long for truth and justice more than lies and the comfort of being in a familiar pattern. It means that you are not comfortable perhaps, but it means that you are open. When the human being is open, awake and aware, much growth can happen. Children, you are tired for you are weary from the arduous tasks you have been accomplishing in both your waking and your sleeping state. You are working non-stop, as are we, for the success of this most glorious project of Gaia’s ascension! And so, surround yourselves with love, with the same love that we offer to you, offer it to yourselves. If you are prickly or fatigued, rest. If all you can do is smile at a stranger, you have blessed them for that day, more than you may know. All of these acts of surrender, of love, of openness to the light are ripples on a still pond whose ripples extend as far as the eye can see. You may only see the stone drop and look away, never knowing how far your action extended. We can see these ripples and their extensions most clearly and are filled with tremendous love for you as you continue to plod along, ignited with the fire of faith, day after day, after day.

I am your Mother Mary. Life is infinite for the great Mother-Father is infinite. There is no ultimate destination except love, except unity, except wisdom. And every moment you are here embodied on Gaia you are gaining more of these things. Do not be tied up in the next events, the next news stories - oh, yes, there is much excitement to be seen. But I see the weariness of the let-downs of dates come and gone. Frankly, children, there is so much victory going on behind the scenes that you are simply not privy to on the ground. And that is why we sought out only the bravest and brightest and most faith-filled volunteers of the multi-verse. And look at these precious hands typing these words, and these precious eyes skimming these lines of code, and these precious ears hearing these words of mine - they are you. You. Aspects of us, of Source. Aspects of your own aspects in this great cosmic dance of expansion, of liberation from the dark, of financial freedom, of spiritual freedom, of emotional freedom, of mental freedom, and the list goes on. Children, you are free. You are free if you claim it. No one can or will claim it for you, then it would not be true.

I am your Mother Mary. I am an aspect of Mother God. My eyes are her eyes, we are one. That does not place me any higher than you, dear children. We have all had our journeys, our trials, our tortures, our pain. Just as we have all had our victories, our solutions, our accomplishments, our healing. Just as this. The hierarchical degrees of separation must go away, for truly we are all the same being in various stages of awareness and experience. You are in a holographic reality, breaking free, and bringing the entrapped ones, many of them, with you. We were unable to save them all. There were many who wished to end their soul, but there were many more who decided to be freed from their own internal bondage of self-created hell and choose to embrace me, to embrace the Mother, the light. And this is the victory, that so many of my children are coming home to me. That so may have chosen the higher pathways of light, of love, of personal enlightenment. Fear not. No more fear, my children. I am here with you, in this sacred space of oneness and unity. Peace. Peace. Tears of joy, I see. Beauty and stalwartness I see. Christ I see. We will help you. Ask. Seek. Find. Be at peace. I am your Mother Mary. I surround you with the pinkest, softest light. I am Your Mother Mary.

~ galaxygirl

Cmdr Ashian: It will be unparalleled

Cmdr Ashian: It will be unparalleled

Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters of the earth dimension, a dimension which is undergoing rapid change.  Indeed, if you could see it in the same way we are witnessing it evolve, it would almost appear as your time lapse photography appears, the changes would be so rapid, so apparent.
Jennifer: You’re showing me an image of the planet, but it’s as though it is squeezing and turning, as if it is having contractions.
A: Yes, that is precisely what we wish to convey.  There is enormous change and literal, physical movement.  This is the last stage of the birth process, which many of you will know is the most painful stage in childbirth.  It is to yourselves that you are giving birth.
Yes, Gaia is of and in another dimension, the 5D, and you are morphing and changing in real time, evolving with enormous speed, indeed it is now happening faster than we had imagined it would. 
I hope that this news will give great comfort to all of you who have held on so long, so strong; you who have endured so much to bring the light to your brothers and sisters, so that they may share this glorious transition, ascension, metamorphosis with you.
It will be glorious.  It will be unparalleled, for never before will so many have ascended in form, and so rapidly.  Truly, you have all earned your PhD in Spiritual Evolution.  You are our A Team!
So please, continue to invoke the light, to ask for help, to accept everything that bubbles up within you, between you and others…. Accept it all. 
Realise that nothing that you are seeing now is real, or even of this present moment.  It is all the outpouring of old, dead history; of vibrations that require release and can only be released when you notice them and let them go.
Let it all go.  There is nothing here that you need to bring with you.  Within yourself, you have it all.   
You are All.
You have our love, our friendship, our assistance and our enduring admiration. 
J: Thank you Ashian.

blue spheres - final stage of ascension channeled by Jennifer Crkaert

Blue Sphere: Do you fear that you are going to crack open?

You may fear that you are going to crack open. You may fear that you are going to break, like an egg; shatter like glass, into a million pieces.  You may worry that you can no longer contain the pressure of this ascension process.
Welcome, my brothers and sisters, to the final stage of the Ascension process.  It is no easy thing to ascend; it is not easy to ascend in mass, nor is it easy to ascend in form.  Imagine the tip of an arrow, flying through space.  Imagine the pressure that builds at the very tip: that is you.
You who are reading this are at the tip of Ascension.  You are experiencing the brunt of the force of change and transformation, so that others - who have not volunteered to be here as agents of change – may also have the opportunity to ascend.
There are many earth-bound souls who are present at this time because they wish to experience ascension.  But they are not the catalysts creating ascension in the way that you are.  It is like a bus, both the driver and the passengers are travelling, but the driver has a role of responsibility, the driver is a guide bringing those who have asked to move to their destination.  The driver does not get off at the stop, it is not her or his destination; the driver returns to the terminus, the central base to meet up with the other drivers.  
Ascension is quite similar to this rather basic explanation.  You are drivers, not passengers.  It is no wonder you are tired from the concentration, the dedication, the work.  
Everyone on the bus is on the same road, but the passengers go less consciously; the driver is paying attention to the road, the pedestrians, the lights, the other vehicles.  The quality of the journey of the driver and the passenger are distinctly different even though the journey appears to be the same.  
When you are drained and exhausted, when you feel utterly spent, as if you cannot go on anymore, and others around you seem to think you are over-reacting because they are coping better, pay no attention!  The quality of your journey is far, far more intense because you bear much greater responsibility.
It is for good reason that you feel as though you will crack, you will shatter, you will explode.  Because you will.  That time is coming very, very soon.  
Don’t resist the feelings of implosion/explosion.  They are a crucial part of the process; the chick cannot hatch without breaking the egg, the child cannot be born without leaving the mother, the butterfly cannot fly without freeing itself of the cocoon that once served it so well.
So it is for you.  The intensity of this feeling is a marked sign that you are very close indeed.  Like a mother giving birth, breath through the spasms.  They will pass and you will be able to continue.  You are nearly there, hang in there, for you are nearly there now.
Note: When Blossom Goodchild suggested meditating with the seven blue spheres, I began doing this out of curiosity, after three weeks of receiving no channels, the following channel arrived during meditation.  I realised afterwards that, for decades, I have been seeing small blue orbs around me! 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Angels via Ann Albers, September 21, 2019

The Angels via Ann Albers, September 21, 2019

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Each cell in the human body, dear ones, has meaning, purpose, and value. Without it, you would not be who you are. You cannot discount a cell simply because it is so tiny in comparison to the body, and the Divine cannot discount you because you feel so small by “comparison” to the vast reaches of the cosmos.

Just as each cell matters, each soul matters. Just as each cell is unique, precious, and valuable to the overall well-being of the body, each soul is unique, precious, and valuable to the overall well-being of the One.

You all serve a purpose. You are all adding to the awareness of what Love can collectively become. Just by being your unique, precious self, you matter. How could you ever imagine yourself inadequate or unworthy of love?
We know the answer, of course. You’ve been programmed to think you must be something, do something, or serve some external purpose to be worthy of love. Nothing could be farther from truth. You are loved, beloved, treasured, and cherished. You are loved unconditionally. You are love.

Inadequacy and unworthiness only exists as concepts in fearful and lower vibrations. They exist in the vibrations of those who were afraid and who taught you to be afraid.They exist in the vibrations of those who didn’t know God loved them unconditionally and were afraid that you wouldn’t be loved if you didn’t live up to the “rules” and “conditions” that were placed upon them, and therefore upon you.

Unworthiness is a lie.
Inadequacy is a lie.

You are all worthy of love. Is a wave “worthy” of the ocean? The question does not even make sense when the waves knows that it is the ocean. Can the wave “fail” the ocean? That too doesn’t make sense when the wave knows it IS one with the ocean.

So too, the notion of you being “unworthy” or “inadequate” makes no sense at all when you realize you are ONE with the love that gives rise to universes. You are Love.
Dear Divine Source, help me feel your love rising up within me. Help me know myself as a precious, perfect, and unique embodiment of the only LOVE there is. Help me see your love in my eyes, feel your love in my heart, and most of all, help me know Your Love as the essence of my very being.
Then, when you catch yourself thinking or saying, “I am not enough. I made a mistake. I failed. I am unworthy. I am inadequate,” talk back to those voices:
Be Gone! You are lies! I am ONE with the POWER that creates Universes! I am ONE with the LOVE that sustains LIFE. I am ONE with all and I am simply growing into a greater awareness of truth! Be gone unworthiness! Be gone inadequacy. You have no permission to be in my mind, heart, body, and soul.

Make up your own version of this affirmation. Put it where you can see it. Repeat it often. See if you can feel it.

Dear ones, there is no such thing as unworthiness, inadequacy, failure in the eyes of God or your angels. These are seen for what they are – illusions of separation – in the higher levels of awareness.
Unworthiness and inadequacy are like the “monsters under the bed” that haunted you in kindergarten, but are no longer scary now that you see them for the illusions that they really are.
Just as you give up certain kindergarten notions as you evolve into higher levels of education, you will eventually realize that feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy have no more place in your heart, your mind, or your lives. And then dear ones, you will allow the love of the Divine to flow freely and unobstructed into your lives.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Portals to 4D Arcturians ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 25, 2019

Portals to 4D Arcturians ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 25, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have opened many portals for humanity over the past few weeks. We have been co-creating with the human collective consciousness, and the portals that we have opened are about sharing more of the Arcturian collective consciousness that exists in the fourth dimension in our star system. You have had more direct contact with physical Arcturian beings as a result, and some of you are aware of this contact. The biggest aspect of the sharing has been to make more of humanity aware of the importance of going within, being present, and meditating. 

These three approaches to your spirituality could not be more important at this time, and these are all aspects of spirituality that have been mastered by the fourth dimensional Arcturians whose collective consciousness is now more firmly connected with yours. There is a greater exchange of energy going on between humanity and those fourth dimensional Arcturians. What do you have to share, you might wonder?

Well, remember, Earth has far more diversity than any other planet, or moon, or asteroid, or any place where life can exist in the entire galaxy. The fact that you are co-existing at all there on Earth is fascinating to many beings. There is a great amount of creativity within the human spirit as well, and you have been able to endure much more than the average race of beings here in this galaxy.

So, there are many who take an interest in you and who want to see how you are going to come together and harmonize in such a way that the shift for humanity is not only inevitable, but also an enjoyable experience. That is what you are creating right now. You are co-creating a better shift in consciousness for humanity, and the way that you will accomplish this is not by defeating anyone or anything. It will not be by separating yourselves from any others. It will be by being present, going within, and having a consistent meditation practice. These are your best tools as individuals and as a collective.

We know this from experience, and so do the fourth dimensional Arcturians. Many humans know this as well, and you are going to recognize the presence of these individuals when you see them, when you hear from them, when they walk into a room, and even when you read something that they have written. This is how you will do it; this is how you will ascend with grace, ease and joy.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Elohim via Tarashtan, September 14th, 2019

Celebrating Liberation | Elohim via Tarashtan

September 14, 2019
Elohim via Tarashtan

Good day to you all.
It’s a very exciting time on Earth, and for all conscious beings in this universe. We are very happy about your liberation, and full of enthusiastic celebration.
Celebration is an inner state before it becomes an outer one. You have a few more steps to take before you celebrate on Earth; but in the inner realms the celebrations have already begun.
That is the gist of our message for you today: Hurray!
Now we would like to add a few details about the nature of your liberation.
The outer aspect of Earth’s liberation is that an oppressive global regime, hostile to humanity, is dissolving: as higher energies pour in to revitalize, heal and purify the planet and all forms of life upon it. An ancient order of deceit, subversion, domination and humiliation comes now to its natural end.
The inner aspect of this process is a liberation of consciousness. The consciousness of Gaia, the planetary being, is being liberated. The consciousness of humanity – along with that of all other species – is being liberated. And the consciousness of individuals, including yourself, is being liberated.
Now what you will do with your new freedom – as a human collective and as an individual – is entirely up to you. That is what freedom means.
There are a couple of details about this that we wish to bring to your attention today.
The first detail is about the consequences of past thought and action, and the great momentum of individual and collective consciousness. Usually individuals and collectives have to work through all the consequences of their choices in order to gain the power to make genuinely new choices and create new types of experience for themselves. Most of you are intimately familiar with the force of these requirements.
However, this is a very special time in this universe, and special rules have come into play. Everything arising from what has been thought and done – across the entire universe – is rapidly resolving, leading to a vast culmination: a universal re-set. Under these special conditions, all collectives and all individuals are free to release everything they have committed to, and all of the consequences that bind them to particular kinds of experience. We could put this differently, and say that time is speeding up, so that what previously took millennia to work through can now be done in minutes.
Within this special detail is another important detail: a special case within a special case. One of the choices available to you is to hold your existing choices and commitments, and continue to experience the same kinds of things that you are familiar with. Our re-set universe will allow for that! This is a paradoxical reflection of your unlimited power as a living exponent of God.
We want you to be aware of this scenario, because there is still some pressure on you not to evolve, not to expand, and not to realize and exercise the full scope of your freedom. Few of you wish to continue to suffer as much as you have in the past; but many of you look forward to suffering less. Some of you don’t yet appreciate that unmitigated joy is an option! We don’t wish to tell you how to set your sights, but we do want you to understand that the possibilities are infinite. We encourage you to use your imagination.
For example, many of you presently think of money as medium of oppression or enslavement that can be flipped over to a medium of free choice or free will. And that is certainly true! But humanity does not need to renew its fascination with money in order to realize its freedom. Money is not a necessary vehicle of liberation. Indeed, a gorgeous new version of Earth will appear without money – or any fixed rules of exchange – to accommodate those who are up for that. By the same token, those who wish to experience a free and fair economy and financial system – a motivation that is very easy to understand – will get to experience that.
We can say the same kinds of things about justice and health. Those who have suffered and witnessed gross injustice might understandably seek a world in which justice is fair and reliable. Those with debilitating physical and mental illnesses, or their loved ones, might understandably seek a world in which health is protected and healing is advanced.
But some of you might be more interested in experiencing another kind of world: in which there is no concept of justice because no-one ever harms or exploits anyone else; no school of healing because no-one is ever sick or injured; and no word for honesty because no-one can imagine speaking anything but the self-evident truth.
Choices, choices, choices!
It’s all good. And it’s all up to you.
We are the Elohim.
– Tarashtan

Michelangelo - Creation of Adam (cropped).jpg

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Preparing You for E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 15, 2019

Preparing You for E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 15, 2019

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have strengthened the bond between humanity and that which you consider to be extra-terrestrial. It is our intention to make it easier for all of you to have experiences with e.t. beings, whether they be in physical bodies or non-physical, like ourselves. We are taking our time here in warming you all up to full, open contact with e.t.s, because there are so many who are not ready for that experience. And we are only reaching a very small percentage of you who are there on Earth. And so, we plan to gradually increase the amount of energy that we transmit through this channel to bring you more gently into the full e.t. experience.

We have already opened many doorways through these transmissions, and we are continuing to do so as we connect with many of you individually. We are becoming more active, like the Pleiadians have been for quite some time, because we see the opening that the connection you all have to Pleiadians has created. We will continue to help all of you recognize that you are in fact extra-terrestrial beings, hybrids, and that you are all multi-dimensional.

Many individuals who receive these transmissions from us know that intellectually, but have yet to experience it on the physical level. And so, we invite all of you to think about the types of experiences that you want to have with e.t.s and to put your wish list out to let all of the benevolent e.t. beings know that you are available. You are the ones who are mostly cut off from the rest of the beings in this galaxy, and so you are the ones who get to determine the speed at which you march to that inevitable future where there is full and open contact.

We are just one group of many who are working on making this transition an easy and joyous one for humanity. As you absorb the energetic transmissions that come along with the words spoken by the channel, you ready yourself for more. And of course, many of you have had your Arcturian DNA activated by absorbing all that we are offering here in these messages. And the number of you who will get those activations is going to increase with each passing day.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, July 16th, 2019

  The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, July 16th, 2019

Downloading Your Galactic History ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are extending out an invitation to all of you there on Earth who want to have a deeper experience of yourselves as galactic beings. We are ready to transmit more information that you can receive as a download, and that download will include more of the history of this galaxy of ours. In your unique download, you will receive images and knowings of your place in galactic history. If you want to know what part you’ve played in bringing peace during the Orion Wars, then this is the download for you. If you want to know what healing modalities you created as a Pleiadian, then this is the download for you.

All you need to do is agree to receive the download, and then be patient. It might not come right away, and it certainly might not come in the way that you expect it to. But a good time to ask for this download to come is right before you are falling asleep. Now, at times, you will receive a download in your energy field, but you won’t get the details grounded into your consciousness right away. We are telling you this because we want you to know that it might take a while before you are able to translate the download into something that makes sense to you.

Some of the images you see, or the feelings that you feel, might be too intense for you given where you are at this time in your life, but you can still say ‘yes’ to receiving the download. We want you to understand where you come from and the history of this galaxy because of the truth that you will be experiencing open contact with extra-terrestrials in this lifetime. That is to say, most of you who are receiving this transmission fall into that category. There will be some who will have a death experience, but we know that those of you who are awake will want to come right back and experience the shift as an infant or a toddler.

So it does hold true for all of you that there will come a time in your lives on Earth where you will experience this full, open contact, and it will behoove you to have already experienced some of your personal history and some of the collective history of what has happened prior to your series of Earthly incarnations, which of course you are now in. There are many stories out there of course about the history of this galaxy, but no one else’s account will ever compare to your experience of your own memories. And that’s what this download we are offering is really all about.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Opening up to E.T. Energies & Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, September 11th, 2019

Opening up to E.T. Energies & Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, September 11th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been excited for quite some time about sharing with you the following transmission. We have been able to detect a huge uptick in the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, and we know that this is happening because you all have been far more open than ever before to receiving the energies that are coming from the other parts of the galaxy. The openness of humanity to extra-terrestrial energies has never been stronger or wider. We observe how many are taking contact for themselves very seriously, and we also observe how many of your physical extra-terrestrial friends are making their way into your lives, making their presence known to you.

And then of course there’s the extra-terrestrial energy that comes from collectives like ourselves. We do have that Arcturian energy that we provide, even though you are not going to see us appearing in physical form, appearing in front of you. The openness that you have to extra-terrestrial contact must of course be a sign of the evolution of your consciousness because the idea that there are other beings out there with more advanced technology than you all have could be quite frightening. You have all seen the science fiction movies about the invasion by this or that e.t. group. The reptilians have earned their reputation throughout the history of Earth and humankind on Earth.

And yet, there you are, ready and open to receive from your e.t. brothers and sisters, and most of you do not see us as the saviors of humanity. Most of you are levelheaded enough to know that we cannot be your saviors. We must allow you to choose to be empowered, to not be under anyone else’s control, and to not allow yourselves to be manipulated. That is a choice, even if it seems like you didn’t choose it from your egoic perspective. You did choose to come to this world and incarnate in this dimension so that you could break free from those chains of oppression, know who you really are, empower yourselves, and take your rightful seat at the galactic table.

The fact that there are so many of you who are looking to do exactly what we are talking about here without an organized religion telling you that this is the overall goal is incredibly encouraging to us. You don’t have a pope telling you what to believe and what you are all striving for, and yet, there you all are, coming to the same conclusions. How did you do it? You got quiet. You meditated. You went within yourselves, and you found the truth, and you found that desire to be a part of something bigger. And you can rest assured that you are and you will be.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Precence via Ann Albers, August 31st, 2019

The Precence via Ann Albers, August 31st, 2019

Dear embodiments of my love, I did not create you to suffer. I created you to enjoy the many facets of Self and to see what we could collectively create in our shared experience. I never intended for you to feel lack, disease, loneliness or a whole host of other less than loving feelings in your 3-dimensional reality. I want only for you to feel my love, and to experience it in countless forms and circumstances.

My love is constant. It is never diminished. You do not have to earn it. You are never disconnected from it. You only have to have a willingness to open to the experience of it, for it is always there – I am always there – within you, and in all forms, patiently waiting to be recognized and enjoyed.

You can, at any time in your life, pause, take a breath, feel your heart and feel me there. You can, no matter what the circumstances in your life, connect with my Presence. With the smallest act of appreciation, the slightest acknowledgment of goodness in your world or your life, or with the smallest act of self-appreciation, there you begin to find me.

I am here for you always, hidden in plain view. I am the earth, the sun, the moon, the sky. I am in those you love most dearly and even buried perhaps deeply within those you can’t stand. I am in your animals, the grass, the trees, the stars, in all of creation, and I exist beyond that. I am the Presence of love and harmony within everything you witness around you. I am, constantly guiding creation to help your bodies, your lives, and your worlds return to a loving order. Dearest embodiments of my love, I dream of your joy. I dream of your well being. I dream of your abundance. I dream of your harmonious relationships. All that is required is a willingness to surrender to love.

Sit quietly. Ask to feel my love rise up within you. Breathe calmly and wait. It is in your deep silence that I can easily make my presence known. I am there in the love you feel from your dear ones. I am there in the pleasant taste of your food. I am there in your own hands, giving yourself your own hugs, and I am there when your thoughts still for just a moment and your hearts ignite. Wherever love is present, you can find me, feel me, and experience me.

I lovingly wait for the moment when you desire to connect with my love and know your Self – your true Self – as nothing less than My love, the same love that lives and abides in all creation.
– I love you. I am you. The Presence