Saturday, October 24, 2020

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Our Chats with You in the Astral Plane ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 22, 2020

Our Chats with You in the Astral Plane ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 22, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are sitting here upon our nonphysical perch in the ninth dimension, looking for ways to relate to all of you and what you are going through there on planet Earth, and that is why our little chats with you in the astral plane are so valuable to us. Not only do you get to visit the customer service department in the sky and unload the burden of the weight that you carry, but we get to have somewhat of an understanding of what you are going through and how it feels to you to go through it. We have developed the skill of being very attentive listeners. It was a big part of our spiritual practice when we were incarnate and communicating with each other and others. We developed the skill of listening to not only what someone was saying to us, but also to what they were not saying. We want you to know that if you have something to say to us, if you have requests that you would like to make, we will always be listening attentively, with compassion, and with a desire to be of service. Being of service is what helps us to feel that we have a purpose for existing. We get to expand because of all that you are living and all that you are asking for, and so it makes perfect sense then that we give to you whatever we can, energetically, and in cases like this, through words of wisdom that we can share. If you talk to us on a regular basis, we will speak back to you through the universe. We will find a way, just as we are always searching for new ways to help humankind. We want you to know that. We want you to know that you are not doing it all by yourselves, even though you are creating one hundred percent of your reality. You are doing it with a support staff, with a whole team of assistants, and with an entourage in the nonphysical. We want you to know that all of us understand how hard it is to be on planet Earth at this time, and we want you to feel the support that you need to keep going, to keep living, and to keep ascending. And we want you to know that we do have a good chuckle about it in the astral plane while you are asleep at night. Set that intention, as you are drifting off to sleep, to remember those interactions upon waking, and then the you that exists in the physical body can have a chuckle about it as well. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Secret Forces that Want Humanity Divided ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 23, 2020

Secret Forces that Want Humanity Divided ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 23, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been impressed by humanity’s fortitude in the face of so many oppressors throughout your history. You have continued to persevere in the face of powerful individuals and groups who want to keep you down, who want to keep you in the dark. Now, many who are awake have learned about this oppression that is going on from unseen forces, oppression that doesn’t even show its face to you. But you have learned about these oppressors, and you have gotten angry, sad and afraid, because of what they have done and because of what they might do next. These beings and groups benefit from you being and feeling divided, pushing against each other, based on your beliefs, your gender, your sexuality, your skin color, your nationality, and any other factor they can use to keep humankind from realizing that you are powerful, powerful beings of love and light. It is their goal to have you feeling disempowered and then to put all of your faith in something outside of you, like a politician, or a political party. They don’t even care which one you support, as long as you think the other party is the root of all evil. It has gotten to the point now where you cannot trust the sources of information that your parents and grandparents trusted. And so, you have to rely upon fringe elements, people who make all kinds of claims about who they are and what they know, but even these sources have become tainted and are clearly seeking more divisiveness, more of an us-versus-them mentality. You, as the awakened collective, must be able to see the good in everyone, no matter what they believe, no matter whom they are supporting. You must give everyone the opportunity to show you who they really are and not just dismiss them because of which political party or ideology they are aligning themselves with in the moment. It is important to remember that you are all in this together, and we are all in this together, and what you are playing out now on your world is simply a rehashing of what has been played out throughout the galaxy many, many times. You did not create this issue of being polarized and divided all by yourselves. This was a planned part of your spiritual evolution, and it was known beforehand that there would be enough of you who are awake to rise above the polarization of humankind by these unseen beings and groups. And we say ‘beings’ because we know that they are not all human, and so do most of you. So what does all of this mean for you, the one receiving this message? It means we are urging you to love your neighbor, no matter what. Love them unconditionally, and you will bring out the best of them. Hate them because of how they vote or how they worship Source, and you are more likely to experience the worst of not necessarily that individual that lives next door to you, but someone who is like them in some way. We know that those of you who are awake can bring out the best in each other by sitting down with your fellow humans and talking about how you feel about what’s going on in your world. And if you can respect someone else’s feelings, and someone else as a Being of Source, you don’t have to agree with the conclusions they come to in order to connect with that person in a very real way. That is how you are all going to get past the current set of circumstances on your world, and you are going to become stronger as one human race, because of the efforts of a minority. You, the awakened collective, are that minority. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, October 23, 2020

Ishlana via Galaxygirl, October 22, 2020

Ishlana via Galaxygirl, October 22, 2020

I Ishlana speak. For eons of time we of the Feline Warriors watched, assisted, observed, rescued. We are warriors in the higher realms. We work closely with those of our alliance and are aligned with the light. We serve the light. Much darkness has been in this sector. Little remains and is being removed. Those remaining are creating appearance of maximum chaos but their doom is nigh. For all that have not submitted to the light will be consumed by it, transformed and transmuted into the higher ways. (I am seeing the great Central Sun and a long line of beings escorted to it). I Ishlana am a fierce warrior princess of the Feline Race. I honor the All with my service, just as you, human warrior of light are doing the same. We are not different. (I am seeing large feline paws with long black claws being lovingly held up to my human hand). Numerous raids have been occurring in the stealth of your night. It is when we fight best for the light illuminates the darkness and all plans are revealed. We are unafraid of all that the dark ones could try to send our way. We are stealthy. We stalk with precision. Our strike is clean and swift. The dark ones refer to us as the feline assassins. We serve the All in our service of removal of dark creatures that hide. 

I Ishlana am from the Lyran society, an ancient and sacred place to me and to my people. Some of you are of royal blood of the stars. We navigate by the star maps and by the breath and heartbeat of Gaia. We can read her shifts in electrical fields and feel the presence of our enemy. We serve with our sacrifice, our loyalty to the light and to Mother Gaia. Our planets are sacred to us in our system. (I am seeing several planets of pristine beauty where beings live in harmony with nature. One planet is a brilliant blue, with many blue plants, similar to the Arcturian sky blue pumpkins I have seen before). Gaia must be protected. That is why we all came. (I am seeing purple grapes tightly packed on a healthy green vine. I am being shown that we are all like little grapes from various parts of the vineyard serving the whole, all connected yet from different vantage points of experience. I am seeing star systems are like these grapes and we came from everywhere to serve). Can you see your importance? It is as if a great web of light is threaded between each one. Just as the star grid is held tightly by faith, love and Source-breath, so too are you providing this framework for interstellar healing and interplanetary grace. 

I Ishlana, warrior of my tribe and future empress of my homeland wish for those embodied who are awake to the inner light to know that you are infamous in these realms. You are most courageous to come. We all serve in our own way. You may ask us to occasionally patrol your home realm. We can see through your house cats if you have their energy signatures within your home. We can tap into their genetics and utilize their sight for your home surveillance needs. We have been called to the underbelly and we are working side by side with the dragons and the others. The dark bases are being cleaned or scorched out. We are proud of our warrior skills just as you should be proud of your accomplishments while within this form. It is a weaker form than ours physically. We are eager for your DNA to be repaired. We send Lyran activations of light to you now. (I am seeing spirals of silver blue light in double helixes descend into my body. It feels like home, expansive and safe). Lyran energies should be most familiar to you. It is the breath-beat beginning of the human form from long ago. Gaia will feel more at home to you now that additional star gate energies are flowing from your homelands more freely through the portal of your sun. We move through portals. We are easily able to maneuver, just as you will be. It is effortless for a 5th dimensional being to utilize the biophysical made available for higher dimensional travel of positive intentions. 

I Ishlana of the feline race offer courage. You are not alone.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Have Faith in Your Helpers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 23, 2019

Have Faith in Your Helpers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 23, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been in and around your consciousness for quite some time. Most of you who are receiving this transmission have agreed to allow us in so that you could benefit from our presence, and the rest of you can feel for us just outside your energy fields, so that you can know that we are there with you, observing, helping, cheerleading. We would like to do more, of course. We are like so many of you who look around at what’s going on there in your world, and we want to help. We would like to offer as much assistance as we possibly can. We also recognize that you have freedom, independence, and that our help will only be received if it is desired in the first place. Talk to us, and talk to the other beings that you know are around and are seeking to help. Talk to the universe. Talk to your guides, and don’t worry about being heard, because you are always heard. And please do not worry about whether you hear anything in response, because not hearing anything and still believing in our presence is a sign of faith. We don’t need you to believe in us, but it serves you to believe in something and someone that is holding space for you. It serves you to believe that there are beings whose only agenda it is to be of service to humanity. It serves you to know that you do not have to do everything. You don’t even have to think of everything. We have thoughts and ideas all the time, and so do the rest of your helpers. We can grant you access to more of your own world, and we delight in seeing one or more of you discovering the power that you have to tap in to all of the energies around you. Planet Earth is in no way being depleted of her natural resources. There is so much more for you to discover about yourselves, your planet, your solar system, your galaxy, and your universe, and we and others like us are here to help. So please lean on us more. Ask for more help, even if you don’t know exactly what that help will be. You are the ones determining how much of that help you receive, and every show of faith helps you to open up more, to receive more. And even when you give up all hope and lose all faith, sometimes that is exactly what you need to release all of your resistance and to be the vessel for higher frequency energies that you were always mean to be. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

New Higher-Dimensional Beings & Collectives ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 26, 2019

New Higher-Dimensional Beings & Collectives ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 26, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very privileged to have the connection that we do with so many of you, because you are the movers and shakers of the galaxy. You are the ones who are making the biggest difference right now, because you are making the biggest leap forward that is possible in this universe. And we feel that the connection that we have with so many of you is serving us just as much as it is serving all of you who look up to us. We had a much easier ride here in the Arcturian Star System. Planet Earth is the melting pot of this galaxy, and the challenges that you have taken on and faced head on are enormous. We have so much respect for all of you, and we want you to know that we are joining forces with so many other councils and collectives that we are connecting with for the first time. And we are all so very interested in how humanity is going to come together and raise your consciousness. And so, there are lots and lots of meetings and discussions about how it is best to be of service to all of you. We decided that the best way for us to have the impact that we want to have on humanity at this time is to let you know how enjoyable the experience has been for all of us, just to have the opportunity to connect with you. And we also want you to know that we are not the only ones who feel this way. Every time one of you reaches out and reaches up and connects with a higher-vibrational, higher dimensional being or collective, you are giving a gift to the ones you connect to, and they are just as appreciative as we are. We want you to know also that there are more of these groups coming forward and taking an interest in you, and so you have more friends, colleagues, and helpers to choose from. There are more of us now than ever on Team Earth. And if you feel for the support that you have, as an individual, and as a collective, we know that you will tune in to it. You will tap in to the energy of these gatherings, and you will know that you are being talked about in a very positive way. And we can foresee more and more of you making profound connections that will shift the way that you view yourselves and each other. And that is what we believe will be the first step for humanity in completing the giant leap forward that you are taking to the fifth dimension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you."

Friday, October 9, 2020

Full ET Contact, A Mass Sighting of UFOs & Unity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scranton, October 8, 2020

Full ET Contact, A Mass Sighting of UFOs & Unity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scranton, October 8, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been looking into the possibilities that are in front of humankind at this time, and we must say that we are very pleased with the timelines that you have been putting together. We know that so many of you continue to desire extra-terrestrial contact, and we want you to know that the way you have all been handling yourselves lately has brought you closer to that time where you will have full, open extra-terrestrial contact for all. There are many of you who’ve had your own encounters, your own experiences, and you’ve done a wonderful job of acclimating to the energies of the e.t.s that you’ve encountered that there are new plans for sightings of spaceships in your skies. You are going to have more experiences where humans come together to observe the so-called UFOs in the sky and marvel at their beauty and their movements. It is true that proof of extra-terrestrial life will unify the human collective, because you will all start to see each other as one race, and that is so important for humanity. It is so important that you set aside your differences and realize that you all have the same feelings, the same emotions. Your ability to emote connects you in a very real way to one another, energetically. And so, even if you disagree on the level of the mind, if you were to have an actual conversation about your emotions, you would realize that you are all the same, and yet wonderfully diverse and different at the same time. Now, we have talked about a timetable for full, open extra-terrestrial contact before, and we want you to know that you have brought yourselves closer to that experience. You have brought yourselves closer to a mass landing of ships around the world, and it is because so many of you are asking for a unifying human event to bring you all together, to set aside those mental differences so that you can embrace each other as members of one human race, one human collective, one beautiful group of beings who are having a human experience at the same time on the same planet. You will start to see it that way on a much larger scale when you have these sightings, and you come together to observe your friends from across the galaxy. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Earth Collective Meetings in the Astral Plane ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled, Daniel Scranton, October 7, 2020

The Earth Collective Meetings in the Astral Plane ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled, Daniel Scranton, October 7, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to announce that humanity has taken yet another leap forward in the ascension of your consciousness. You have made such tremendous strides in your development, because enough of you have gotten fed up with the way life has been there on Earth for so long, and that segment of the population that desires great change has been getting together in the astral plane with the intention of creating some wonderful new systems for your planet. Not everyone who gathers together in this Earth Collective in the astral plane would agree with each other if they were to gather together while in their fourth-dimensional bodies with their fourth-dimensional minds, operating from their egos. But in the astral plane, you all come together because you may not agree on what is needed, or how to change, but you do agree that change is needed there on Earth because the systems that you have in place serve the few and not the many. And we have noticed that there is still a large segment of the population that expects a few politicians to bring about all of the changes, while they sit on their hands and do nothing. There are many humans who assume that someone else is going to create that reality for them, someone in a position of power. That is not the case. It takes more than one, or two, or three, or ten people to enact change on your world. This gathering together of what we are calling the Earth Collective in the astral plane realizes that it takes many of you coming together and working together to bring about the changes that you want to see on your world. Now the vision that this Earth Collective holds for humanity is brilliant. There is a version of the human collective conscious that you are a part of that is benefitting just from the meetings, but the creations of the new Earth, an Earth that can still be actualized in the fourth dimension, are beautiful. And you are all moving towards this new Earth. You are getting there because enough of you are fed up with the way things have been there on Earth, and you want to see massive changes. Enough people are waking up now to the truth of who they are as Source Energy Beings, as creator beings, and that is very encouraging to those of us who root for you, who want to see you succeed. We, of course, have been invited to these gatherings, and we love to put our perspective into the mix. And we also love that this particular Earth Collective thinks for itself. These individuals, and we know we are speaking to many of you right now, are determined, empowered, and certain that they can make the best possible version of the new Earth, an Earth that is for all, not just for the fortunate few. And as you put your intention to join this collective out there, we are certain that you will be attending the next meeting that takes place in the astral plane. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Mountains of Nova Gaia via galaxygirl, October 3, 2020

Mountains of Nova Gaia via galaxygirl, October 3, 2020

Polarity Will Bring You Together ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, December 30, 2018

Polarity Will Bring You Together ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, December 30, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are expecting a gigantic movement towards the unity consciousness that we have been telling you about, and we expect it to occur because of how polarized you have been, not in spite of it. You all have played out the idea of separation for so long that you are tired of running that program. You are tired of nationalism, racism, sexism, homophobia. You are tired of people from different religions not liking each other based solely on the differences that exist in their religions. You are tired of arguing with one another over your political differences. You have done all of this already. There is really nothing more that you can gain from it, but it has served you well. Every time two people have argued over a point of view that each of them holds, there has been a desire on the part of both of those individuals to come together. Every time you fight with a loved one in your life, don’t you feel that desire boiling up within you for greater unity with the person you are fighting with? So now you know that the desires amongst all of you who are awakened for that unity is born out of what you and the rest of humanity is experiencing. You are ready for something new, something better, something different, and now is the time. Now is the time because you are so tired. You are tired of the way things have been. You are tired of resisting each other, and you are tired of weakening yourselves by not coming together and co-creating the experience of the world that you want to have. You want to be a part of a world where everyone gets to believe what they want to believe and gets to do what they want to do, and you are going to get there, and the divisiveness that exists on planet Earth is the catalyst that is bringing you all together. So don’t feel despair the next time you see two people arguing over gun control or abortion. Smile in the knowing that those two people really want to love each other, and that the love will win. It always does. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, October 2, 2020

A New Lyran Alliance with the Arcturian Council ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 1, 2020

A New Lyran Alliance with the Arcturian Council ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 1, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been experiencing much more satisfaction lately, because of how many more humans are capable of receiving these energetic transmissions. We feel a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, just like you do, and we have been working to find just the right calibrations so that these transmissions would have the desired effects. Not only are we patting ourselves on the nonphysical backs that we don’t have in this transmission, but we also wanting to praise all of you who have worked to rise up so that you could receive these little messages from above. You are getting it because you have dedicated yourselves to learning, to being in a higher vibrational state, and to opening yourselves up to energies so that you can be of greater service to your fellow humans. This is why we are so pleased right now to announce that we are partnering up yet again to see if we can have an even greater impact. We have been in communication with a Lyran collective for quite some time, one that also exists in a ninth-dimensional frequency range, and that makes it easier for us to connect, and together we will bring you bigger and better downloads. We will deliver on this beautiful new partnership because we will dedicate ourselves. We will practice, practice, and practice some more. We are focused on serving humankind, and so are the Lyrans. This group that we have been in contact with is especially eager to help all of you, and they work just as tirelessly as we do to find the ways that are available to us to help, to serve, to elevate the consciousness of humankind. We want to see you grow. We want to see you thrive, and now is the perfect time for you to take all that we and the Lyrans are going to be delivering to you, and create something magical, something never before experienced there on Earth. You are there to experience peace and harmony within yourselves so that you can experience it outside of yourselves. And those of us in the higher realms are here to help. We sprinkle those vibrations into every transmission that comes through this channel, and we look for even more ways. We are working with your Earth. We are working with your sun. We are working with the plant and animal life that you have on your world because we want you to feel so surrounded by love and support that you cannot help but find the peace and harmony within you that is there, just waiting to be realized. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, October 1, 2020

What You Knew Before You Incarnated on Earth ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 30, 2020

What You Knew Before You Incarnated on Earth ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 30, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been noticing that when you raise your vibration as a collective, there is a certain amount of excitement that is generating for you throughout the entire galaxy. Every time we feel an uptick in the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, we then feel the ripple effect, and it is inspiring. You are there to elevate the consciousness of your fellow humans. That is why you chose to go against the grain in this lifetime and be a part of a minority. The minority we are talking about here is the awakened collective. You wanted to feel yourselves as the ones who would initiate that ripple effect throughout your human collective consciousness, so that you could then experience what it is like to have such a huge positive impact on the entire galaxy. We are very proud to be a part of your spiritual evolution, because we know how significant your ascension and awakening of consciousness is. We are happy to be here for you and to see you taking such tremendous strides forward. You do so because not only did you choose to be awake in this lifetime, but you also chose to be sensitive to your feelings. You chose to value your feelings. You knew that you would choose love over fear. You knew that you would choose unity over separation and segregation. You knew that you would choose what resonated over what made logical sense, and you knew that because of all that you feel, you would be the perfect ones to lead humankind into the fifth dimension. You also knew that you would take an interest in extra-terrestrial beings. You knew that you would awaken to the truth that you have been in other star systems and that you have incarnated in very different bodies than the ones you have now. You knew that making those connections to other beings in other star systems, other dimensions, and other lifetimes would give you a sense of who you really are as a whole and complete being, and you knew that nothing else would do. Everything else, you have already done. And so, in this lifetime, you wanted to not only be a part of something huge, but you also wanted to be the ones who would initiate the progress, the evolution, the expansion, the growth, and ultimately, the connecting of all beings to one another, consciously, so that you can feel something you’ve never felt before. When you do, you always recognize that the feeling is the point. It is the mission. It is the purpose. It is what you went there to experience. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”