Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Mass Landing of UFOs/Spaceships ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 10/20/19

A Mass Landing of UFOs/Spaceships ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 10/20/19

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have been exploring the possibility for humanity to have full and open contact with extra-terrestrial beings in a shorter amount of time than we had originally predicted. Now, we are not big on giving predictions that involve timeframes for all of you because you are jumping timelines so regularly. But we have been under the impression that you will have full and open contact with physical e.t.s in three to four years. Recently, however, the strength of the desire for this contact has increased significantly. Now the only question is whether enough of you will align with that reality where the e.t.s that you are going to have full and open contact with land their ships in less than three years. We are talking about a mass landing of ships that would be for everyone to witness. We know that ships land on Earth all the time, that people go on board those ships and have beautiful interactions and journeys with their e.t. friends, but we are talking about the landing of ships in areas where there would be so many witnesses, and also, the media would get involved. When you have amateur footage of UFOs, or more accurately put, spaceships, you also have a tremendous amount of doubt. Now, as much as people are doubting the mainstream media these days, when all of them, regardless of their political leanings, are reporting the exact same occurrence, it becomes harder to doubt. There will still be those who believe that the mass landing of ships will be faked, but eventually, the ships will come to almost every major city so that everyone will be able to experience contact and so that it will be undeniable that what they are seeing is real. People will feel the energy coming off of their new e.t. friends, and that too will be an undeniable experience. All right, now, back to the timing of this. It certainly is something that a great deal of you have been asking for, and there certainly are plenty of e.t.s who would like to answer that call, but you need a critical mass situation. You need a situation there on Earth where there will be more people embracing the e.t.s than there will be people ‘freaking out.’ And you’re getting closer and closer to that percentage. You are receiving this transmission because you are amongst the ones who would embrace your new friends from outer space. We know that, and you know that. We also know that you’re not going to convince anyone with your evidence that e.t.s exist and that they visit regularly. You’ll have an even harder time convincing people that they are walking among you. So this is going to be a very big change for those who doubt the existence of extra-terrestrials. It is also going to open up a lot of the secrets that have been kept from you, and the general population will have access to a tremendous amount of knowledge. Therefore, the timing of this mass landing of ships has to be precise. They cannot just come because so many of you want them to come. They have to wait for that critical mass to be reached so that there are enough of you to soothe the ones who are running scared. Again, you are closing in on that number, and a big part of that is the amplification of the desire for great changes on your world. Those desires will result in more individuals having their gradual extra-terrestrial experiences. When we say ‘gradual,’ we mean that they will build upon first experiencing them in dreams and through visions and channeling experiences, and then gradually working their way up to face-to-face contact. As many of you know, this is inevitable. It’s going to happen, and it’s just a matter of time. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Co-Creating Your Ascension Experience ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 10/19/19

 Co-Creating Your Ascension Experience ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

  “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have established so many wonderful connections with all of you who receive these transmissions and with others who have been receiving us directly, and we are very happy that you open yourselves up to us to the degree that you do. Now, there is a lot more that we can do together, as we collaborate here. The connection between Earth humans and Arcturians is well established at this point, and it’s something that we can build upon as we move forward. We want what you want, and you want what we want, and that makes it so much easier to collaborate with you. We want to see the expansion of the human collective consciousness, and we want to take part in the universal shift in consciousness with all of you. Now, the ways that we can go even further in this co-creative effort are by looking for the areas within humanity that could use the most love and light and aiming our consciousness and our intentions in those directions. We want to flood the people and places that need the most healing and the highest vibrational energies with exactly what they are asking for, even if they are not asking for it consciously. Many individuals think that they need one thing, like for a law to change, but what they really need is that healing energy and that compassion and that unconditional love that we can offer together as a team. You are the wonderful summoners of the energy, and we are the offerers of it. Now, we work with you in this way as a sort of compliment to Source Energy. Source is always working with you and working through you, but sometimes you need to connect with beings that you’ve established more of a grounded relationship with. And even though we are ninth dimensional and non-physical, it can be easier to relate to us and see us as partners and co-creators. So that is what we are aiming for, and if you can look around your planet for the people and places that need the most love and light, and be the projectors of that love and light, we will certainly contribute all that we can to those efforts, as you call upon us in the same way that you would an archangel or an ascended master. We have been in the process of joining Team Earth for quite a few years now, and we would like to make it official. So please do continue to call upon us and summon our unique vibrational signature, and we will always be there for you, lending a helping, non-physical hand. And we are looking forward to collaborating even further with you on the fifth-dimensional Earth. This is an exciting project and one that we are eager to participate in more closely. So please also call upon us when envisioning the Earth that you are ascending into. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Greetings, we are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We are are spreading our wings about you in this most precious now moment, around Gaia and all upon her. Breathe in this moment of peace that we are offering to you and be comforted. For not all is as it seems. Many of you have felt frizzed and fried from these incoming energies as you not only transmute your own dross but the dross of the collective, and it can feel dark. We see the light in you. We see the tremendous beauty in you. We see the Christ child giggling with joy within you. Do not lose heart. You are in the midst of the final changeover of the ages. Of course you feel bruised and battered. Much is coming up for clearing. Clear it and move on, move ahead on your journey.
We are the White Winged Collective of Nine, offering transmissions of hope, of joy, of perseverance. Do not lose heart. Be strong and courageous. We see this in you and we see it as complete. Extend your hands in service and these feelings will flow through you in healing, outwards towards the collective. For all is energy, all is connected. Your own inner work clears many, clears much more than just yourself. Be brave, be at peace. For all is most well.
We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. Human reading and typing these words, be at peace. As the outer wars rage, they need not rage within you. You are to anchor the peace, the light. We are to end the skirmishes. The darkness has no place to flee and they are slowly beginning to see their fate. Arrogantly they have assumed their power and we assure you it is now pouring through their hands like sand in the wind. The new power, the new grid of love is being laid now, by you, ground team. Do not be fooled into seeing what they wish for you to see (I am seeing grids of TV news stories). See beyond it with your high heart, with the truth that is within you and be at peace. Alcyone, our friend, your great central sun, is beaming, honing the most magnificent codes. Get outside. Ground them into your planet through your bare feet into Gaia’s body. In the ancient days you were barefoot with the dragons, for you knew the electrical benefits of grounding, of being one with your mother’s planetary body. Push your insecurities deep down and feel them being transmuted into light, into carefreeness of spirit.
Fly with us! I Elthor have spoken! The darkness is no longer! The light has Come! I Alisheryia speak with my beloved twin flame and counterpart. I too see the mist before your eyes, the weariness yet the stalwartness of the human spirit is not to be underestimated. Even though all continues to swirl around you, you, ground team, gods in human form, are holding the light. We are fighting with you from the ethers, from the skies, from the realms beyond time and your current knowing / awareness. We see you. We see the golden dragon scales of hard knocks forming on your bodies. We see you being transfigured into yet more light. Your crystalline is becoming more accessible to you, more online. So as the galaxies twist and spin so your DNA is rising, twisting, spinning, emitting an accepting more codes transfiguring you before the eyes of heaven. We see you. We hold you in the highest of respect. We are the Ascended Dragon Collective.
~ galaxygirl

Massive Changes on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 8, 2019

Massive Changes on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 8, 2019

Massive Changes on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 

 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have been sensing some urgency on the part of humanity when it comes to the massive changes that you have coming there on your world. There are massive changes coming, of course, because you are all evolving your consciousness. The massive changes are not coming to make everything better for those who are not doing the work on themselves that they need to do and that they incarnated to do in this lifetime. So, looking at massive changes on your world as the answer to the problem is to not understand what is at the heart of everything. At the heart of everything is the consciousness you are holding. 

 You can demonstrate to yourself this truth any time you want. All you have to do is let your normal and natural reaction to something be what it is, and then shift your perception by stepping back from it and seeing the bigger picture. And when you do that, you recognize that everything changed because you changed. This can be done with every little circumstance in your life. So when it comes to the massive changes that you all seek to see on your world, recognize that the shifting of the consciousness of humanity is the predecessor to those changes. 

 Now, as individuals, you can look outside of yourselves for the major shifts in your economies, your governments, your educational systems, and so on, or you can feel for those shifts within you and spread the light and love that you find within yourself so that others may benefit from your expanded consciousness, from your new perspective. We know that it would be nice to wake up one morning and be told that this major change had occurred on your world. Suddenly, free energy is available, for example, on your world and anyone can access it. 

 The clean energy that removes any need for fossil fuels would be something that most humans would welcome with open arms, and that day is coming. But before that day comes, you will all be shifting internally, running a cleaner energy so to speak, within yourselves, and you will be collectively creating that reality. You don’t need to be impatient about these shifting energies and circumstances that you want to experience outside of you. You can go within you right now and find that cleaner energy within to run through your system, and you can create the outside world to reflect that work that you’ve done, and others will follow in your footsteps. 

 You will create a grass roots movement that has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with people. This is how you will create the changes, the massive changes, you want to see on your world. 
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, October 7, 2019

How We Know You’re Shifting ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

How We Know You’re Shifting ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton



How We Know You’re Shifting ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very satisfied with the progress that we see all of you making there on Earth, and yet we will continue to offer our assistance. We offer you our assistance, not because we think you need it. We offer our assistance because we like being a part of something as grand as a shift like the one that you are making. We have mentioned before that we are also making the shift, but our shift is much less intense and significant than a shift from a third-dimensional frequency range to a fifth-dimensional frequency range. You are making a gigantic leap forward, and the expansion of your consciousness is something to behold. And so, we like to participate in that as much as we can, not because we want to take any of the credit, but because we like knowing that we have a purpose, and we know that you all will benefit from our perspective and experience. There’s something very gratifying about that, and we know that those of you receiving this transmission can relate to what we are talking about here. You are ones who enjoy being of service for the sake of being of service. You take joy from seeing others succeed and in being a part of movement forward in someone else’s journey. We know that this is true from your words, your actions, your thoughts, and from the questions that you ask us. The desire that those of you who are awake have to be of service is one of the reasons why we are very satisfied with your progress. It shows that you have evolved beyond the point of just wanting to survive, or just wanting your family members survive. You have evolved beyond the point of just wanting to get as much stuff as you can possibly get and live a life of leisure, and that indicates to us how far you have come. Now, as we say this, we also recognize that there are still a number of you who do not feel that you are doing enough or that you know exactly what to do. And to you we want to say that it is alright for you to just continue to focus on the expansion of your consciousness. We want to say to you that you are doing plenty by sending light and love to the places where you know that it is most needed, and we want to say to you that the majority of what you are going to do for your fellow humans is yet to come. You will be finding yourselves in positions where you will have people coming to you looking for your advice and your comforting words and hugs, and you will give all of these things gladly. You are the reason why we feel so confident about the rest of humanity and their journey. It is because they have those of you who are awake to rely upon when they are going through their ascension symptoms, or they’re having experiences that they cannot explain. And so, we see you as extensions of us. We see you as the ground crew who is able to put into word and action that which we want to give, and we see more and more of you acting from that place of wanting to help every single day, and nothing brings us more joy than to witness that. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” 

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Angels via Ann Albers, October 5th, 2019

The Angels via Ann Albers, October 5th, 2019

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Our channel has a little phrase this time of year, “Its pumpkin season!” In truth, there are so many seasons on your earth, all at once! In some places it is planting season. In others, it is the season for harvest. In still others, it is the season to prepare for a very cold winter to come. For some it is swimming season!
All over your globe, at the same time, but in different places, people are experiencing very different realities. In fact, even in the same house, the same job, or the same family, people experience vastly different realities.
Each one of you is a universe unto yourself, living in a reality you share with seven billion others but experiencing life uniquely through the lens of your own personal perception.
If you put ten people in the same exact situation you would have ten different perceptions, and therefore ten different experiences of “reality.”

So, what does this mean to you? Simply this dear ones – You get to choose how you will experience the “raw material” of your life. You get to sing in the rain, soak in it, slip in it, or all of the above. You can see an angry person as a hurting soul for whom you will pray, or as a wicked monster whom you will choose to hate. You can view your challenges from the perspective of a victimized and hurting human – as horrible evidence that life is out to get you. Alternately, you can see them from the perspective of your soul – as opportunities to grow and expand into greater love and personal power.

In every moment you feel less than joyful, ask yourself, “How might I better look at this situation? Can I try a different lens, a different perception of this reality? What thoughts would give me greater peace, love, and joy right now?” We’re not saying you should “think positive” if you cannot. Simply ask yourself, “What thoughts might feel a little better now?”

You can inch your way up the vibrational scale, little by little even when you’re not inclined to be positive.
Perhaps you can shift from feeling victimized into problem solving and seeing yourself as a competent and capable human being with the power of God behind you. Perhaps you can shift from feeling angry at someone else to being kind to yourself. Perhaps you can shift from sadness to hope, from feelings of betrayal to thoughts that God will never abandon you. You can always stretch a bit, with your perception and reach for a thought that feels a little better.

Dear ones, your perceptions about life – the lenses through which you view reality – will color your days beautiful or ugly, painful or pleasant, empowering or victimizing. You get to choose.
You may not easily be able to choose your first reaction to a situation because that is programmed and habitual, but you can choose your second, third, and so on… and in so doing you not only shift your thoughts, your feelings, and your energy, but in time you will shift your entire reality. 

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

— The Angels