Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Andromedans via Galaxygirl, December 25th, 2017

The Andromedans via Galaxygirl, December 25th, 2017

Message from the Andromedans for December 25, 2017

Greetings, friends! We are the Andromedans, your next door neighbors, and we send you holiday best wishes of joy, happiness and prosperity today on this blessed day within your varied holiday season. We have our own holidays, of course, but we are observing your earthly traditions with much interest and intrigue. Your foods are so fragrant and tasty and quite exotic to us. The lights, fragrances of baking and laughter with friends are ringing all over Earth like happy tinkling bells today and the vibration is nice and high, which is also an added bonus, as you say.
Our message is one of love and support for you, Humanity. You’re are not alone- nor have you ever been – and it is time for you to now know this and accept this. There is much to see and do in other star systems. There is much to learn from each other; customs, technology, food, and so forth. There is much joy and excitement for the reuniting of soul groups that we greatly look forward to, for there will be much to celebrate in your Collective and planetary ascension!
We send love to you each individually now; can you feel your crown and your spine tingle with the energies that we are transmitting now and any time you will read this? Be in joy. There is no more time or room for fear. Fear is so last year, as you may say. It is true! With these new energies of glorious light encodements, it will shake out and blast away the old thought forms of previous lower energy vibrations. Joy, light, love, laughter – these are most excellent choices in energy signature and it will make you shine ever more brightly in your exchange appointments and in your interactions with each other as well, of course.
Can you feel another energy hug from us now? Truly, we Andromedans are here to nurture, to help, to assist, to guide and of course to learn from you and your cultural variances and traditions. Your earth is such a unique planet of various customs because of all of the deliberate separations that you have all experienced over time – it is quite a unique scenario. Most cultures live side by side with the planetary hollow and we naturally have more interactions and information exchanges and experiences together. Your baking for the holidays intrigues us – such a process! Will you miss it when the replicators come? Likely not, because we may we asking many of you for lessons to teach us!
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy (future) Ramadan and Happy Kwanzaa. Happiness to Humanity today and all days. We send you our light and love now and we are in joy now, in this moment of connection with Humanity, our friends and family in many cases.
Be at peace. Be comforted. All is well and proceeding. We love you! We are the Andromedans. We hope to see you all shortly.
— Submitted by galaxygirl

The Andromedan Collective via Galaxygirl, January 28th, 2019

The Andromedan Collective via Galaxygirl, January 28th, 2019

Andromedan Collective 1/28/2019
Greetings friends, we are your Andromedan neighbors, traversing this part of space time, this space quadrant, with you. We have been closely observing your trials, tribulations and massive progress over the centuries and we are very impressed with the tenacity of the ascending human spirit, something that we can all learn from. You are an outstanding example of grit, of light shining in the darkness and we salute you for your progress and never ending spiral upwards back towards the Source light, the All. The shields no longer covers your eyes for you ascending ones can see clearly. You can see through the vexing trap of materialism, the greed of over-consumption and waste. You can see the harm that has been inflicted on your most glorious, beautiful planet Gaia, and you can feel in your heart it is time for the great changeover from overbearing masculine to the balance of the divine feminine and the divine masculine, in perfect harmony. The divine feminine receives light — receives, creates, restores, rebirths. The divine masculine gives, cares for, protects, and creates space for the rebirth of the new. Together in perfect harmony and balance there is nothing more satisfying to be a part of, for life hums when balance, this sacred divine balance of the sexual energies, is at its equilibrium, as as uniquely intended to be.
Sexuality is a steaming topic on your planet today, no pun intended. There is much confusion on this topic, and it is not something that we wish to tangent regarding, but it is going to come to light that this too has been greatly manipulated, but we believe this audience already knows that. Think of the antique balancing scale, where balance is the key. For far too long the unbalanced taking and conquering masculine has invaded and evaded the light of the balance of the divine feminine and has abused her most sacred creative energies. This is to be remedied. Of course this has shown up on your surface world in a variety of ways, including the confusion regarding sexual expression. Sexual expression is a divine gift of creative potential. Conception is of course an integral part of this creative process but it is not the only process. Your sacred mystery schools taught the divine sexual energies, taught how to align, how to concrete portals of bliss – it is much more than just a carnal lust process. Many of you long to experience this divinity of the sexual union where it truly is give and receive and chakra joining as fields merge. It is truly an astounding process of divinity sharing itself with another aspect of itself. We Andromedans also enjoy this creative process with our twins frequently and there is no shame surrounding this blissful, delightful union. No shame, no blame, no game. It is simply an expression of love. And thus as it is an integral part of our society, love and balance are everywhere. It is time that the sexual union is no longer exploited and misunderstood or maligned. This too shall come to pass on your surface world as you are all upgraded further into advanced understandings and increased light encodements, which is happening now.
We Andromedans see you with eyes of joy for our earthly neighbors, the brave ones who sought to expand the most the fastest and took on a seemingly impossible experiment and look how far you have come! We see and acknowledge there has been significant pain in the process of this expansion, such is not uncommon when one is birthing a new life. We see that many of you are in physical pain, and have been clearing much on behalf of the others, the collective. We salute you for this monumental task of clearing much dross for so many. We Andromedans have a rich history as well, fraught with space battles, expansion, return to a higher dimensional society, but our history is ancient, older, and we took more time to ascend than you have and so it is with eagerness of heart that we observe and cheer you on from the rafters as you have heard before. Truly there is much celebrating in the heavens right now regarding you – you! – lightworkers who are our knights in shining armor and we honor you for your valor, your determination and your steadfastness towards love. Your twins are waiting for you, many of you. You are well loved, well treasured, much appreciated and we salute you. We love you. We embrace you. We are the Andromedan Collective lending a heart, a hand and a hug. We would say that we are your biggest fans but you have so many it would be audacious to say so. Nonetheless, we are here for you in full support, militarily, spiritually and emotionally. We love you. We are the Andromedan Collective. Signing off.
~ galaxygirl

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Mother God via Galaxygirl, January 28th, 2019

Mother God via Galaxygirl, January 28th, 2019

Mother God 1/28/2019
Yes dears, it is I your Mother God. I wish to embrace you all in liquid light, my honey love of infinite comfort and well being. Breathe it in children for you are weary, I know this. We see this, your Father and I. We too are eager for this experiment to end but we assure you that it indeed has, and that you are experiencing the rebirth of the new. You are there to anchor the light, to remain in your precious physical bodies that are working so hard for you. Take the time to honor them for their service to you, and to fill them with my liquid light. I pass it on to you freely for healing of yourself, of the others. Be my hands and feet. Be my loving embrace to those who cannot feel me yet, or who think I do not exist because the scriptures make no mention of me. How can there be a Father without a Mother? How can there be light without dark? And yet you have experienced much darkness and are ready for so much light, children. Your light quotient is increasing day by day, moment by moment and it creates such inner joy for me, for your Father and I, for we see you as mini fractals of us, of pure light, of our Source energies experiencing the cosmos and creating constantly as you do.
I wish for you to do an exercise of relaxation with me. I want you to sit calmly and still. Breathe. Find that magical spot between the in breath and the out breath. Feel the body longing to breathe in and long to breathe me in. See? You are the out breath, I am the in breath. The still point between is where we embrace. Think how many times you breathe during the day and night. See how many times we embrace! See and feel how loved you are, how deserving of love you are. How radiantly full of love you are. That is how I see you. I see you as my utmost most perfect and beloved creation. You are all equally perfect, equally divine, equally without blemish! That is how I see you! See yourselves this way! This one is crying. See there is still much to release, but there is nothing to forgive on my end. Truly all of these most painful moments in your most blessed lives were contractual for you to be propelled ever closer to me, into my embrace, my outstretched hands and arms welcoming you back again into me. Further and further into my embrace. So whatever it was, a death, a divorce, an abortion, a betrayal, a great loss of love — what ever it was, find my healing and be free. Be comforted, be renewed, be at peace and know that I love you most infinitely, most perfectly and that it is time to accept – to REALLY accept – this love into the innermost deepest most wounded places and parts of you and find ME there. Find your healing for there is no accuser. Truly that is a shadow self. No. There is only me. Only light and pure love await you. Breathe in this love. Rest in me and find your renewal, find your healing, and find me. See? We are an inseparable team! We are light and love intermixed together as one mighty breath of creation. You are my out breath of creation. Find me when you breathe. Hold my hand during the day as you type at your 3D jobs, as you extend your hands to the others in service. Whatever you are doing, find me and rejoice in union of peace.
Child — daughter, son — you are so infinitely loved. Welcome home! Love and finding this love is your home. See? You are already there. You are already home when you rest in my outstretched arms of pure infinite love for you! There is absolutely no separation, should you allow this union. But of course it is up to you. That is the gift of choice, of free will. But really, haven’t you experienced enough shame and pain? Give it up. Give it to me. And be free of it. Drop it into the bottom of the sea of my infinite, most perfect love, and let us explore new things! Let us explore freedom, joy, bliss and perfect union with me. Hold my hands all day. All night. Hold me and I assure you I will hold you and support you in the most perfect, most comforting ways. Rest in this space of most perfect divine love. Rest in this cocoon of honey love perfection. Feel the golden light of thick juicy yummy love cascading all over you, insulating you from all fears and dissolving them into the light. Allow the honey love to coat your most wounded places and fill them deliberately with light. State “I now allow you Mother and invite you to please coat every tiny morsel of me with your divine bliss and love.” And I will do it ! The wave is approaching. See it is here! It is my honey love for you! Embrace it into you and when the cosmic flash comes you will be ready, joyful, bouncing, delighted and free. But you can feel all of that now! No need to wait! See? I am here and I am making all things new. I am the Divine Mother and I am calling all of my children home. Read these words as often as you wish. They are my lullaby to you, my elixir of love for you. I am your Mother God. Be at peace, children, and be comforted.
~ galaxygirl

Monday, January 28, 2019

KaRa the Pleiadian via James McConnell, January 20th, 2019

KaRa the Pleiadian via James McConnell, January 20th, 2019

I am KaRa.
I come again at this time to bring what might be considered ‘Part 2’ of my message, my continuing message.
Because I had asked that I be allowed to speak to this group and to all those who would resonate to these words, and was given permission to do so.  For you must understand that this group is well protected, and is not allowed for any outside interference to break through, through this one that I speak through now.  Only the light is allowed to come through.  And I bring this light to all of you.  I bring it to you as a Pleiadean emissary from the great councils.  But not only the Pleiadean councils, but the many councils of light, and from the many different civilizations that are here now and working toward bringing the light to this planet.
And I share with you now, as KaRa, that those of you in this group, and again those who would resonate to these words, are being prepared, prepared to be a part, not only of the many changes that are coming to this planet, but be a part of first contact with those of us.  We are preparing the way for all of you.  But it is because of what you have all been doing, intending, working toward, acclimating to the energies.  Because you cannot come aboard our ships without first being acclimated to these energies.  Your One Who Serves has said many times:  we cannot come down to you:  you must rise to us.
And rising you have been doing!  And rising you continue to do.  Rising into the high vibrations, into higher dimensional frequencies where you can then meet us, and we can meet you.  And we are preparing the way now for that.  No, I cannot give you a timeframe for this.  But I can say it is coming.
The way is being prepared for those of you to be a part of what has been called “the secret wave.”  If you would read that which this one, James, read some time ago, called “Prepare for the Landings,” you will understand what this secret wave is, and how it is the precursor of the waves to come after this, the waves of contact.  We are here to make contact with you.  We are here to bring you aboard our ships.  That is what this group is being prepared for.  Only for those of you, though, who would ask for it, who would want it. Your one, Cobra, has spoken of this as an emissary of ours.  He spoke of preparing a place in your properties where a ship could land, or a place outside of where you live where you could be at that moment when a ship lands.  Or certainly, be able to be beamed up when the time is right, when the energies are right for you to be able to do so.
And know that as these waves of energy continue to come, you are rising up each and every moment into the higher vibrations where you can then meet us, and we meet you.  But understand that the term “meet” is not quite relevant here because we know many of you, as you know many of us already.  The recognition will be there.  It is not only us, the Pleiadeans, who are preparing this, but the Cereans, the Andromedans, and others who are preparing the way for this.
Eventually, there will not only be first contact, there will be full contact, and full disclosure.  Then, we will be able to be in your skies, landing on your airstrips:  you will be coming aboard our ships and traveling to the stars!   Just as you were meant to do.
I am KaRa, and I will be with you often now from this point forward.  For the connection has been re-established between us, and will continue on for some time yet to come.
All of my peace, love, and all that I AM be with all of you.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, January 26th, 2019

Humanity’s Challenging Path ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are familiar with the process that you all are in right now. We became ninth dimensional by ascending, and before we ascended to the ninth dimension, we of course had to ascend to the fifth. We are aware of the journey that you are on, even though yours is different from ours, and we want you to know that the path you have chosen for ascension is by no means easy.
You are showing the rest of the universe how it is done, how it is possible to move from such a polarized version of reality to an integrated one. We, and so many others like us, are in awe of you, and we want to share our appreciation for what you are doing. It is no small feat. It is also no accident that you are the ones who are taking this particular path.
You knew how challenging it would be, and you chose to be there anyway. Now, you did this not because you are masochists, and not because you felt you needed to prove yourselves to anyone else, or even to Source. You chose the path that you are on because you knew you were the best ones for the job. You knew that humanity’s ascension would have a domino effect on the rest of the galaxy, and you wanted to be there on the front lines.
So when it is particularly hard to be there, remember that you wanted this challenge, and you wanted this challenge because you wanted to feel what it was like to move so far in a single lifetime, to explode with love, joy, and freedom bursting from your hearts. You wanted this. You are ready for this, and you are going to enjoy the rest of this journey to the fifth dimension. You are going to enjoy your shift to 5D more than we enjoyed ours, because we did not choose such a difficult path.
And so, we also want to express how much we hold you in a high esteem. You have many fans out in the galaxy, and we are amongst the biggest.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, January 24th, 2019

Humanity Gets a Seat at the Table ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening, and we are noticing, and all of what we hear and notice helps us to better help you. This journey that we are on is one that we are all on together, and we don’t always know how something that we present to you is going to be receive until you receive it. We want you to know that we are always paying attention to what works and what doesn’t work for all of you.
Now, you are coming upon a time in your evolution where you are going to be asked to step up more and be a part of conversations that involve other beings from other worlds. Yes, we are talking about your extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters who are in physical form. They want you input.
And even though many of you who will receive this transmission are helping during your astral travels at night, it is a whole different experience when you are awake and sitting at a table with e.t.s that look very different from you. You are preparing yourselves for these interactions with the astral travel that you do at night while you are asleep, and they are preparing themselves for you.
You are known as the emotional ones in the galaxy, and those emotions that you feel will be a welcome component to the conversations that will take place in the physical with these councils, collectives, and federations. We know that humanity is going to step up and provide great value to the discourse on how to move forward as a galactic community in peace and harmony, and we are doing our best to prepare you for these conversations. We look forward to witnessing them.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Message from the Elohim via Galaxygirl, January 22nd, 2019

Message from the Elohim via Galaxygirl, January 22nd, 2019

Elohim 1/22/19
We are the Elohim. Many of us are you now in human form. We see you and we acknowledge your sacrifice and great love for Gaia and for your fellow human beings. We wish for you to expand this feeling of kinship further towards your galactic family, who eager await their reunion with you in the skies. We wish to impart upon you the understanding that indeed we are all one. The same sentiment goes for all of your varied lifeforms – kingdoms – of Gaia. Gaia and her animals, plants… all have been greatly decimated / damaged by humans over the eons. It is time for her healing. It is time for your healing.
We Elohim have not only watched this game but initially suggested it, and so we feel a heavy burden / responsibility for seeing it through to completion. For this glorious experiment was hijacked by the dark and we must lend our light – your light to those of you reading and typing these words – it is time for a massive ground team light / effort to pummel the darkness once and for all. The time of negotiations are over. One cannot negotiate with one who is devoid of love. There is no harmony in this solution. It is time for humanity to rise up as one, in blissful union with itself. The time of bigotry, bias, lack, is all over. It must be. Those are the old ways, the old systems. They are crumbling now, we Elohim see this with keen acuity. We are from the beginning, we are ancient. We are wise in the ways of creation of worlds, of space quadrants. We are many of you. We fractalize our forms into many such that we can create and experience much. Such it is as Source further differentiates out and out, further and further, ever expanding into yet more, more newness of thought, of creation, of light.
We are Elohim. Know that nothing is too powerful against the light. Nothing is too lost that cannot be found. But it must want to be found by the light and if it refuses it is extinguished and recycled into yet more light, more understanding. You all have had many numerous roles throughout the ages. You have seeded worlds. You have created galaxies, participating in councils of design and creative thought / intention. You have seen much, experienced much, felt much pain and much love. And so you wanted to experience this as well, this rending of worlds, of matrixes collapsing, of new creation birthing in the physical. You have lived much, many times. And so you have died in a variety of gruesome and pleasant ways. All is experience. And you wanted to experience this unique ray of light, of rebirth within the physical, and be transformed by the light within and without, surrounding you in new encodements so that you can emerge anew.
You wanted to feel this. And so we Elohim say to truly let yourself feel it. Feel the changes. Journal your pains, your aches, chart / log your lessons learned and hold them dear within your ever-growing heart space. For you are growing, you are expanding, you are morphing as the dragons say, you are molting. But you need not be afraid of this change. You need only embrace it. Embrace the new. For that is what you are. You are a new creation every day in Source should you breathe that thought into being. You are wise, more beautiful, stronger every day, should you claim it. And so we Elohim, creator of worlds, of realms, of thought forms becoming reality, we say claim it. And mold, sculpt Nova Gaia, with every intention to love, with every breath of joy, with every heartbeat of the new. And become the Nova Gaians that we already see that you are. Become your best, highest self in every interaction. Bless the dark with your light and in so doing dissolve it. Crash the matrix into the rubble (powder) that it is destined to become. And the rubble will become the new sandy beaches, the new beauty, for it will be completely utterly transformed. The RV is merely a tool of this change. Of course you will need tools. Hearts will be changed.
The wave is most certainly coming, in many ways it is already here and you are experiencing it. For we are coming through loud and clear, yes? This is not how things used to be. The lid is off the jar, the veil is lifting and there is much to air out, to clean out, to scrub out. And you ground team are doing it most excellently. We congratulate ourselves as we congratulate you, for many of us ARE you in the physical, experiencing a planetary rebirth, a matrix-crushing event and it gladdens us to see this come to fruition. We are the Elohim. We are peppered within your stories of the Bible and other scriptures where we intervened on behalf of humankind and we do so now, again, just as we have over the eons. We are the Elohim. Know that all is not lost. All is being found, created, by your intentions. And so we charge you to meditate within this high energy space. Become the higher light. Invite it in and be so transformed by it. We are the Elohim.
~ galaxygirl

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Ann Albers, January 19th, 2019

via Ann Albers, January 19th, 2019

When I created you I envisioned for you a life of love, passion, and joy. I envisioned you being happy. I envisioned your relationships being ones of mutual respect, trust, and upliftment. I envisioned that you would find joyful expression and have all your needs met.  Even as I designed universes to work in cooperation with one another I imagined the same for you.  Why then, dear embodiments of my Love, do you settle for anything less?
I know the answer of course… you have forgotten that you were birthed from my very heart – the heart of love – and you live within me. You have never lost your connection. You cannot be disconnected from me anymore than a wave can be separate from the ocean.
I am there for you in every moment to guide you towards that which your heart truly desires. I have created angels within me that purely embody aspects of my love – protection, healing, truth, and so much more – so that you can more easily relate to my love, and hear my guidance.  The angels, like you, live within me. They were created to assist you in this expansion.
The angels encourage you to dream your dreams, and guide you to take the steps to make them come true.They live to gently steer you away from unpleasant thoughts and beliefs which attract unpleasant realities.  They whisper kind thoughts and inspired ideas to you so you can attract that which you truly seek. They love you even when you don’t love yourselves. They are embodiments of my love for you, created to remind you always that you are loved and guided.
Stop for a moment, and ask yourself, “Where am I settling in my life for less than I desire?” Are you in a career you don’t love, in relationships that drain your energy, in a financial situation that does not feel abundant, in a body that does not sing for the joy of being alive…
Dear ones so many of you suffer. In you and through you I feel your suffering, for we exist as one together. I want for you so much more. I want you to express what gives you joy, dance with people who are of like mind with whom you can feel free in spirit, know the abundance of my creation, and feel the aliveness of my love in every cell of your body. I am constantly guiding you towards this reality. I am constantly sending you this love and healing.
The stream of goodness that tries to pour through your hearts, minds, bodies, and lives is constant, ceaseless, and eternal… but you can either open to it through your thoughts of goodness, or disallow the experience through your focus on the conditions you do not enjoy.
Focus dear ones with all the willpower in your minds, and all the love in your hearts on those realities within you that you wish to experience in your outer world. For it is within you that you can find My love at all times.
Do not settle dear ones. Go within your minds and hearts. With willpower and love, focus on what you would love to experience. Feel it. Leave the details up to me, and my angels, and we will guide you up and out of your less-than-loving situations and into an expanded, loving, and passionate existence. Trust.
I love you. I am you. Together we are One.

Message from Mother God (1/19/19) | Galaxygirl

Message from Mother God (1/19/19) | Galaxygirl

Mother God 1/19/19
Yes, sweet children, it is I, your Mother God. Climb up, up into my lap as this one is doing and be comforted. For great changes are in your Now, occurring with vim and vigor and it would be wise – it will be easier for you – if you just remain in my lap, my space, my energy. See, I share myself freely with you in all times, in all circumstances. For you are my beloved child and it grieves me to see you suffer and remain out of love.
Now, for those of you reading this, this is old news! For you know my embrace. There are many still who do not remember me, who have so forgotten that they would choose fear over love and it is this problem that we are in the process of rectifying. For Gaia is to be a free will love zone now where those that choose love in all circumstances remain.
All else like chaff as it says in your Bible will be scattered, blown in the wind. And the wind of change is fierce and blowing relentlessly. Gaia herself heaves sighs of relief as those winds caress her body which is morphing into light, as are your sweet bodies morphing into the higher light energies.
I am grateful to you light workers, extraordinary ground team, for you have not only relentlessly pressed ever forward expanding into love, but you have sought me at every turn.
To the others I say turn to me. You were never meant to do this alone, to suffer, to grieve. No. It is time for reunion, for joy, for lightness of spirit and for full ever-expanding hearts in full and total union with me, with your god self. It is time to remember that you are aspects of me and precious, precious aspects – fractals – of my own heart. Remember I am in you and you are in me. Remember that we are one and when the world seems to be falling apart and the old regimes topple down, remember this is what you wished to see and this is when your talents are most needed.
Hold the light. Hold the love. It is happening, children. All around you great mighty massive changes are underway and occurring just under your noses and soon, very soon, no one will be able to deny any of it. For just as these changes are relentless so is my love for you! And I Mother God am calling you home. Be at peace and remain in my embrace, my lap, and allow me to comfort you with the sweetest of lullabies that soothe and bless the wounded bits of you. Allow yourselves to be encased and encoded in my light – my white light of pure love and perfection – and be still with me. This will embolden you for what is to come – for it is already here and you are most needed.
Warriors do battle. You have been in battle mode for so very long. It is ok to cry to let out the pain of it and allow renewal in me. Ah there. Your grit is still needed, much needed. And your weapon, your spear, is love, my love. For love melts away the fear and rends the darkness.
Love. Bring love with you wherever you go. Whatever words you say, say them with love, with the attitude of one who knows the deep inner stillness of me. For that is you. When you find me, you find yourself. Do you yet see? We are one. One! I am calling you back to me. Gaia is to be fully restored, resplendent in her beauty, just as are you. I love you so children. I am your Mother God. Be at peace and be comforted.
~ galaxygirl

Thursday, January 17, 2019

KaRa the Pleiadian via James McConnell, January 13th, 2019

KaRa the Pleiadian via James McConnell, January 13th, 2019

I am KaRa.   I have not spoken through this one or to this group before.  I have asked permission to be able to do so, that I would come as a representative of the Pleiadian fleets,
I say plural in fleets, because there are many of us circling the planet now.  We have been here for some time.  We are indeed coming closer and closer to your reality here on the planet.  We have been watching and waiting for the opportunity to be more fully involved with all of you.  Because in many respects, we are you, and you are us.
And I say I am a representative of the Pleiadian fleets of the councils, Pleiadian council.  I come at this time to prepare you for what is to come, for what this group is being prepared for,  and many who would listen or read these words after.  You are being prepared for those times where we make the connection with you.  For it must come before the event.  It must come before the many changes.  That we would become more associated with you, more closely with you.  And yes, indeed, even some of you will be invited upon our ships.
Those times are coming, and you have been being prepared for this.  This is why I come and speak at this time, to inform this group, many of you within this group, as well again as many who would hear and read these words after.
You are being prepared for those times where we can be together in a more physical fashion.  Not in your current vibration, but in a vibration that you are moving toward.  Because as you continue to raise your vibrations, then we are able to lower ours somewhat to meet you, what you call “meeting half way.”  We are in the process of doing that.
There are many functions, you might say, that are happening at this time, many programs that are being run.  Each time one of the programs that we are working on, one of the part of the plan, when that is finished, then we move to the next stage.
That is where we are now.  We have just moved to the next stage.  That stage is the preparation.  The preparation for welcoming those of you who would be called to come and be with us more fully.
It is a choice on your part, yes.  But it also requires a matching, a matching of vibration.  If you can match our vibration, and we can match yours, then we can have this more full connection–not at the 3D level, but at the 4D level.
That is where many of you are residing now:  in the fourth dimension.  Many of you are finding those things that you wish for, that you ask for are coming true much, much quicker.  Even those things that you don’t want are also coming through quicker.  So it is important now for all of you, as you continue to raise your vibration, to continue to control your thoughts, learn to still the mind, so that the connection between you and your higher self can become stronger and stronger.  When that occurs, when you have more fully connected with your higher God self, that is when your vibrations will be high enough to match ours.
It is not only we, the Pleiadians.  There are many of the fleets of the many different civilizations: Serians, the Arcturians, the Andromedans, and so on.  Many are preparing in various stages themselves for this ascension process that is underway now.  Yes, you are going through a transition and will continue to do so.  But as you are going through this transition, you are also moving through your ascension closer and closer to that moment, and you will realize fully who you really are.  In that moment, you will fully connect with your higher God self.  The integration will be complete.  You will move through the ascension in those moments.
Prior to this, leading up to this, is all that I speak of now.  Many changes that are happening here on the planet, some yet still behind the scenes, but all of it, is coming forward.  All truth is coming forward to be revealed.  Nothing, no rock, will be left unturned.  All will be revealed.  Trust in that.  Trust in yourselves.  Trust in the great plan that is forever working on behalf of the consciousness of man.
I am Kara.  I leave you now in peace and love, and a sharing between us that holds no bounds.

The Team via Peggy Black, January 15th, 2019

The Team via Peggy Black, January 15th, 2019

We are here ready to offer insights and empowerment to all those connecting to this transmission. You are standing in your physical position observing your reality. What you are observing, witnessing and experiencing can be and often is challenging. This reality seems to be increasingly more difficult to witness and experience. Many would like to step out of this state of being; others are asking the bigger question, what does this mean, what is unfolding, how am I a part of what is occurring?
There is an aspect of the awakened self that knows there are far better ways to deal with these personal and global challenges. Events seem to be spiraling out of control, old patterns and beliefs holding on to the collective. Outer appearances are fearful, and polarized as systems seem likely to fail. This is not what you hoped for or expected.
Consider for a moment that this is all part of a major shift, a cosmic shift. The matrix of this 3D reality is being transformed. This matrix holding your perceived limited reality in form operates on a very limited narrow bandwidth of low frequencies. This is an energy field of unconscious limitation.
The frequency spectrum of the galactic or cosmic energies is unlimited. These frequencies are vast and multidimensional. There is a gentle yet continuous wave that is activating and encouraging all earthwalkers to awaken and anchor this incoming flow of energy, of upliftment and to remember how these awesome frequencies and vibrations feel.
Quantum physics reminds you that there is only one immense ocean of energy that materializes and dematerializes over and over in a millisecond. Nothing is solid. Remember it is all energy. It can never be used up; it will never run out. It is only re-cycled, re-directed and re-imprinted.
Unfortunately, many continue to use their creative ability upside down and backwards. The results are to repeat and imprint the same old patterns, the same limited outcomes, influenced by fears, doubts, and feelings of being powerless or helpless. Consequently, the inadequate dysfunctions have continued to manifest.
The cosmic frequencies that are interfacing with your 3D reality are stirring you awake. This shift, this transition that is happening, is overdue. More and more light workers and conscious starseeds are holding a firm frequency of gratitude, appreciation, compassion and respect for others.
This awareness and the conscious work that is being done to imprint this energy field with a frequency of honoring and respecting are causing a shift. As more earthwalkers awaken to their true essence, they are realizing that they are unlimited divine beings having this physical experience.
The energy illusion that you are experiencing as life is actually beginning to disintegrate, to break down, to wobble, as you and other awakened light beings accept the invitation and opportunity to imprint and anchor a new experience.
You are beginning to understand the hidden connections which unite the outer and inner worlds of your experiences. You truly connect to every aspect of your experiences, from your own body and thoughts to every event and object in the environment. All life is interwoven. You are like the pebble tossed into the pool of vibrations rippling out to touch all shores.
Now is the time to step up, to take ownership of who you are as a member the galactic family. Be present, alive, fully engaged with this dimension and your wondrous world at this significant time in its evolution and ascension.
Everyone has free will. The realities being created now offer many different paths. Realize that there is neither right nor wrong, they are just different paths. From a bigger perspective each divine being has selected a physical experience as a method to evolve, to expand and to remember. How will these paths play out in the matrix? Observe how you respond to these different paths.
This planet, this dimension, is a teaching environment. Each divine being infuses a physical body and interfaces with the energy field of your earth, which happens to be a field of unconscious limitation. Whether that individual awakens to this truth in this life experience or the next is their growth opportunity.
You however are aware of who you are as a divine essence, as a member of the galactic family having human sensations and encounters.
Recognize which path calls to you and follow it with all your intentions and will. Follow your heart insight and guidance with dedication and action. And as a star being you have the opportunity to hold a vision of a path of peace, harmony, love and forgiveness. You have the opportunity to evolve and reclaim your divine partnerships.
We remind you to exercise self care, listen to your own guidance and intuition, practice consciously raising your vibration and frequency, engage in a partnership between your mind and your heart. Be in nature, practice quiet alone time, nurture yourself as well as others.
When you consciously apply awareness to clean your own misqualified energies, when you watch your thoughts, your actions, your words, you are cleaning up aspects of the collective consciousness with which you have identified. You are on a path of light. You are an anchor for a new reality to come forth. Be aware when you hold and anchor a frequency of the higher vibrations, you are powerful beyond measure.
When you hold the possibility of a reality in which pollution can be transformed into clean air and water, misqualified emotions of hatred and prejudice can be shifted to acceptance and understanding, you are offering a frequency pebble that touches all aspects of this reality. You are anchoring the energy of an evolutional shift. You are anchoring the energy wave being offered by the divine luminous beings of your galactic family.
We acknowledge you and the work and service you continue to offer. We celebrate you and we assure you that when we are invited, we will walk the path with you. You are meant to be in partnership and connection with the divine luminous beings of love. We do delight in your invitation. the ‘team’
©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.

Sunday, January 13, 2019


There are many interesting reads on the sananda website. It's impossible to sift through all the messages, but if you find something interesting that you would like to share, please feel free to link it below. Thanks

Saturday, January 12, 2019

New Beginnings 2019: A Pleiadian Perspective

New Beginnings 2019: A Pleiadian Perspective

Mary via Ann Albers, January 12th, 2019
I sat down to channel and was surprised with a different energy this week. Enjoy the sweet, and nurturing feminine energy of Mary – beyond religion or beliefs…
I come to you today with a message of peace, hope, and tenderness, for as surely as you are the children of the Source, you are my children too. When I walked the earth I knew myself only as a humble woman whose son had a purpose I could barely comprehend. As He grew in his awareness, I listened with respect, awe, and reverence. I drank from the wellspring of love, wisdom, and being that he shared, and yet guided him in his human doings as any mother would.
In my humanity, I could not comprehend the cruelty of humanity in the life of one so loving, yet I trusted there was a greater plan. When he resurrected and looked into my eyes, with the power and force of a Love so strong, I remembered who I truly was… and who we all are truly are. In a way he initiated me into this remembrance and for the rest of my life upon the earth I knew the Presence of God within myself and others as well. As a mother, and a being who now knew the true nature of the Divine, I dedicated myself to praying for humanity to know this love, and I continue this mission from the heavens.
I now experience myself as One with the Love that sources us all. Perhaps because of my role upon the earth, I experience myself predominantly as the feminine aspect of the Divine. I speak to you from the perspective of that awareness. I also appear to mankind from time to time, always speaking in a way that suits the beliefs and spiritual practices of those to whom I appear. There is great purpose in each encounter.
As with all aspects of the Creator, I live within each of you – male or female. As the feminine aspect of the Divine, I live in your tenderness, your care, your compassion, your nurturing. I live in your gentle strength, and intuitive wisdom. I live within the parts of you who wants to birth not only the Divine consciousness in the form or children, but just as importantly, the Divine consciousness within yourself as well.
Call on me to bring the Christ within you to light. I speak to you from a perspective beyond any religious ideology.
Call on me to nurture the Divinity within you into a greater expression.
Call on me to nurture and soothe you when you wish to be more loving, even when you feel you cannot.
Call on me when you want to connect more deeply to the Divinity within.
Call on me dear ones when you need God to come to you in the form of a mother who loves you without condition.
I do not literally ask my son to do favors and grant you mercy, I ask instead the Divinity within yo, the Christ within you, to rise up within you to bring with it the inherent help, mercy, grace, assistance and love that is part of its very nature. I ask creation to support you. I call forth my earthly sons and daughters with whom I feel you would have kind interaction, for although I played the role of the Mother of Christ, now I realize I am one with the mother/father/the source of all.
So are you dear children. I am here for you, regardless of religion or belief, in the form of Mary and in many different forms, to help nurture the Divine light within you into a glorious expansion, in your heart, your homes, and in your life.

I love you.

Friday, January 11, 2019

UFO's and ET Disclosure

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Mother Earth via Natalie Glasson, January 4th, 2019

Mother Earth via Natalie Glasson, January 4th, 2019

Awakening the Light of the Earth by Mother Earth
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 4th January 2019 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Love and gratitude, I express to you as co-creators of the reality we are all experiencing now. I am Mother Earth/ Gaia, I honour all that you are and all you are creating upon the Earth now. I wish to share with you that all you are creating is appropriate and necessary to create the larger picture of the Creator. Everything has a purpose and accelerates enlightenment or Creator realisation. The larger picture for the Earth is created by the Creator and you are an aspect of the Creator, therefore you hold this larger picture for the Earth’s reality within your essence. The more you connect with and bring your focus to the Creator the more you will access this larger picture of the Creator within you which will guide you appropriately forth. Thus, you and others upon the Earth as a collective will bring forth all that is divinely appropriate and necessary for each stage of ascension.
I, Mother Earth, invite you to accept that all you create through your thoughts, believes and actions in your life are appropriate for you now and at this stage of ascension. This means to let go of feelings or worries that your thoughts are too negative or not positive enough, that you are focusing inappropriately or need to alter your beliefs. Instead, I invite you to accept yourself, your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions as they are now. Accept that everything is appropriate for your reality and ascension stage now, as well as allows for you to access transformation and truth from within your being. When you accept that all you are creating right now is appropriate for your reality and the larger picture of the Creator you accept your power as an instigator of transformation, change, and truth in your world and the entire world. Accepting your power and ability to make shifts in your world and the reality of the Earth allows for illusions to fall away especially connected to your ability as a powerful beacon of light, spiritual being and wise expression of the Creator.
Rather than judging yourself and stating all the things you could or should do better, simply accept yourself as you are now, without the need to change, even if you are desperate for some form of change. This can be challenging although when achieved it creates a unique shift within you and a deeper connection to your truth; there is a sense of relief and empowerment. It is from this state of being and existence that you can then make the necessary changes and shifts within your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions with greater ease and without any form of resistance. It is through the acceptance of the now that resistance or battling with yourself dissolves, the lesson or meaning of an action comes to the surface, thus the energy is liberated, and you become liberated.
Awakening the Light of the Earth
I, Mother Earth, wished to share this understanding of accepting all that you are right now to empower you that you are a creator of your reality and the reality of the Earth. With this empowerment, I, Mother Earth, wish to join with you to create an awakening of light for the Earth, that all will benefit from.
The awakening of light is an activation within the core of my being, Mother Earth, which will fortify all aspects of humanity with sacred qualities of the Creator. This is akin to a revitalisation of your inner truth and divinity and a reconnection of the Creator with your entire being and reality. The qualities that will be fortified within all of humanity will be the qualities of acceptance of self, unconditional love for self and a redirection of mental focus free from illusions especially connected to self-power and self- abilities. The awakening of light from my being, Mother Earth, will support a deeper connection for humanity to all the dimensions and different aspects of the Earth, such as nature, animals, elementals etc. Thus, humanity will be able to draw from the essence of my being, energy, and aspects, the wisdom, knowledge, and support that is available to create a reality that supports and fulfils all.
You have a powerful role to play in awakening the light of my being, for once you connect with the light you will become an anchor and radiant of the light, delivering and supporting all that awakens from the light into manifestation upon the Earth. That which awakens from my light is somewhat unknown, we do know that it is ancient wisdom of harmony, compassion, and communication. These sacred qualities are needed to be fortified between the different civilisations inhabiting the Earth in order for the oneness of the Creator to dawn and be fully experienced once more. The different civilisations existing on the Earth at this time exist with separation in mind, this is especially present within humanity, as humanity sees themselves separate from the nature kingdom, animals and so forth. When harmony, compassion, and communication manifests between all inhabiting then a new wisdom and knowledge will manifest from the Earth regarding how to exist on the Earth, how to serve the ascension of all and how to exist in oneness and truth simultaneously. This will encourage many to look at the Earth, their world and all that has been created in a new way, from a space of the actions and possibilities that can be manifested and experienced by all. Thus, a judgemental and worrisome view of the Earth will dissolve. Each person and being will let go of the illusion and thought process that allows them to recognise themselves as being alone or unsupported. A new understanding and thought process will evolve where each person harnesses the power of being connected, supported and a unique aspect of a light filled collective. Now is the time to realise that you are fully supported that this is your divine right and a natural existence for you upon the Earth. It doesn’t mean that you need to know what your purpose on the Earth is at any given moment, your purpose changes and shifts constantly, while also consisting of recognising yourself as the true qualities of the Creator and delivering them through your being in ways that thrill and excite you.
When you and all of humanity co-create with me, Mother Earth, we create a powerful force where anything is possible. Imagine this for a moment.
The Process of Awakening the Light of Mother Earth
Allow yourself to gain a meditative state of being and awareness, imagine yourself sitting in nature which is luscious and green. Surrounding you are many large emerald crystals which exude the energy of my being, Mother Earth.
Feel yourself creating a network of energy and light with the large emerald crystals, receiving their energy and transferring their energy through your being. You begin to feel as one with the emerald crystals and feel the power of my energy, Mother Earth, building.
As the emerald light flows through and around you a brilliant white golden light emerges from below, this is the essence of my being.
Focus upon my white golden light drawing it up so that it flows up through your being while coming to rest within your heart chakra.
‘It is my purpose and wish to activate the light of the Earth now to bring forth a revitalisation of my inner truth and divinity and a reconnection of the Creator with my entire being and reality. The qualities that will be fortified within all of humanity will be the qualities of acceptance of self, unconditional love for self and a redirection of mental focus free from illusions especially connected to self-power and self- abilities. The awakening of light from Mother Earth, will support a deeper connection for humanity to all the dimensions and different aspects of the Earth, such as nature, animals, elementals, etc. May I become an anchor and radiant of the light, delivering and supporting all that awakens from the light into manifestation upon the Earth.’
Take time to observe, sense or simply focus on my white golden light. Be aware of how the light transforms and expands, where it flows to and how it impacts your being. The more you focus upon my white golden light the more you will allow its blessings, truth, and purpose to unfold to you.
In loving truth and support,

Mother Earth