Sunday, August 19, 2018

Message from the angels - via Ann Albers - 8/18/18

Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, August 18th, 2018

Ann Albers - Channeled messages

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There is within each one of you a vast reservoir of love. There is, within your grasp, a profound universe of wisdom. You have the answers, the resources, the strength, and the courage to overcome any obstacle in your path. You have within you the wisdom to discover the answer to any question. You have the love to light a path so brightly in front of you that you could never falter.
You have nothing less than the power that creates universes, working through you, for you, and from you to sustain and support each and every one of your dreams.
Close your eyes for a moment and breathe. Imagine that you are a wave upon the ocean. A deep presence rises up within you, shapes you, and moves you forward. You are never separate. The water is dynamic and moving within you. It is never the same. With each swell and trough you are created anew. The more you surrender to the power of the ocean within, the more you are moved effortlessly towards your destination.
With each inhale feel a wave of love rising up within you. With each relaxed exhale feel yourself sinking back into an ocean of love. Breathe in. Feel Love rising up within you and moving you. Breathe out. Relax back into the ocean of love.
Dear ones, when you have a challenge in your life or something you wish to create, breathe and feel the Presence of the Divine rising up within you. Breathe out and imagine relaxing back into the ocean of love.
Breathe for a few minutes in this fashion, and then ask, “What is my next step?” If nothing comes to mind, rest. There is nothing to do now, but relax, enjoy your life, and trust. If something comes to mind, no matter how small, trust, and take this next step. Just as the ocean moves a wave, the Divine moves you.
You are the ones who, through your dreams and desires, choose the destination. You either allow yourself to be moved towards these dreams, or try to create the movement all by yourselves. You can allow the ocean of love to carry and guide you, or you can attempt to solve your challenges all by yourself. Relax dear friends. Breathe. Allow yourself to be supported, loved, carried, and guided. Your life will become so much easier when you do.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Friday, August 17, 2018

Humankind's Telepathy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 17th, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been studying humankind long enough to recognize when you all experience something new, something that you have not yet experienced as a collective. Your ability to sense each other’s emotions, and even thoughts, has increased exponentially to the point where we would say that you are all telepathic now.
Certainly, there have been humans who have experienced telepathy previously, but for the entire human collective to have activated your telepathic abilities is quite a noteworthy occasion. And we are seeing it all over the world. We are seeing the ability to sense what another is feeling and thinking on conscious and subconscious levels.
Those of you who are awakened are having more of the conscious variety. Those who are still asleep are having more of the subconscious experience. They don’t know that telepathy is even possible, but they also know things that they previously unable to access. This is a huge step forward in your evolution. This is bringing you closer to a time when you will be able to communicate telepathically at will.
Right now, you are experiencing more of an understanding with those you are close to, but you haven’t yet learned how to fully access this ability, not with every other human. But that day is coming, and that day is much closer now that the entire human collective has turned on these abilities.
There’s going to be much more rapid evolution of consciousness now, because you won’t need to experience something yourself in order to know what it is like to experience it. And it is through experience that you evolve. It is through experience that you grow, and that you access more compassion. The sky is now officially the limit for the evolution of your consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 17 August 2018

Time marches on and be assured that measurers are being taken to speed up the introduction of the many changes that are waiting to be introduced. It has finally been recognised that the situation is becoming intolerable and that the people are desperately waiting to see things come to fruition. Humans by nature are inclined to be impatient, and for example some years have passed since the first mention of revaluation being prepared for introduction. Whilst it has been encouraging for you to know that preparations have been ongoing, it would seem that the delay has been way beyond expectations. So clearly it would be uplifting that some definite news could be given, with an indication of the likely timing that is expected. At least it would ease people’s concerns and put their mind at rest.
The problem has been previously explained and is due to continued interference from the dark Ones. It is becoming more under control and less effective and we know that revaluation is uppermost in your minds. Certainly the preparations have already been carried out but it is such a major operation involving so many countries, that once things can progress there is little room for error. It must commence and finish in an extremely short time to ensure the procedure is faultless, so it is worth waiting for to ensure total success. It will be the commencement of a whole series of changes that will slowly but surely propel you into the New Age. The higher forces of Light will be involved and help ensure a faultless change over, and intruders or negative influences will be kept at bay.
As time progresses it becomes more important than ever that you keep looking to the future. Humanity as a collective is gradually becoming more powerful with their “thoughts” and we have predicted before that you will become aware of it. it is therefore essential that you start practising control over them, and avoid negative thoughts or actions where possible. You have shown that you have the power and control to do so by having reached this point in your evolution. As you make further progress and the vibrations continue to lift up, it will become even easier to stay in a positive frame of mind.
In addition to the Blue Avians many interested ET’s are in your Solar System waiting to see your Ascension take place and is an event to be celebrated. The fact that little or no publicity about it seems a sad affair, but it is understood that at present that only a small percentage of the people would be interested in it or actually believe it. However, we know that it will not deter those who are involved in it and will enjoy their own celebrations regardless of all others. Yet as time progresses awareness of such spiritual matters affecting your future will be given more prominence.
We smile at your joke referring to the dark Ones being in the “Last Chance Saloon” but we understand the significance of it. We may be in a high vibrational level of existence but do still have a sense of humour. You have a saying that “Laughter is the Best Medicine” and we could not agree more.
We realise that conditions on Earth have deteriorated and there is a general malaise brought about by the few that rule over the many. However, that will change as soon as the lessons are learned by those who are mainly affected. It is something of a legacy from the previous Age and certain groups on Earth are slow to respond to the opportunities given them to move into higher vibrations. Many are working behind the scenes to bring matters to a close , and placing opportunities for peaceful settlements in front of those involved. There will eventually be a coming together, as it will be realised that co-operation and sharing is a far better way to bring peace about. Somewhere down the line steps including revaluation will also be taken that will help provide the basis for future peace on Earth.
The truth of what the future holds for humankind cannot be kept secret for much longer, as many advances that were held back must soon must be released to allow progress to be made. Changes are pending that will make a great difference to the quality of life, the greatest example of which is free energy, and to be able to use it freely to provide hot water and heating as needed, and the many appliances that can be operated with it. It will also open the door to new devices that may otherwise be too expensive to run in the present time. The possibilities are endless including alternative forms of transport. The groundwork has been done in many cases, and it only remains for the secrecy to be lifted and allow freedom of usage.
At different time you have been spoon fed with just small bits of information as to what the future will bring, but you now deserve to be more informed. Advancement cannot be held back much longer, as it is necessary to allow people to move beyond their present point of progress. This will help them to adapt more easily to the coming changes for which they will be prepared. There will come a time when people will look back to this present period, and be thankful that sufficient progress was made to allow further gains along with the commencement of a new cycle.
You never stop learning and a soon as you pass the next marker another one appears. However evolution is carefully planned and helped by the return of selected beings having the qualities and experience needed to carry you to the next stage. It has to be set at a level that is within the capabilities of most souls, and gives ample time for information to be absorbed. Often things are chaotic for a short period but usually settle down I readiness for the next upliftment. In general you are never given too much to learn at any one time, and in any event it is up to you how quickly you advance as you are always encouraged to atke things at your pace.
Never forget that you all have Guides that accompany you through your many lifetimes, and when they know you are aware of their help and guidance they can work more closely with you. At times most people talk to imaginary companions and find comfort in doing so. However, realise that they are usually real and delight in making a thought contact with you. You sometimes call it your intuition, but your Guides often help you solve problems and give you advice, even warnings if you are in any form of danger. Taking all things into consideration, in reality you are never alone when you have needs that you can be helped with.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

More Energies Are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 16th, 2018

More Energies Are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 16th, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been exploring the new timelines that have become available to you since the recent energies of the eclipses and the Lionsgate Portal. The reason that these new timelines are now available to you is because of how well you have assimilated these high frequency energies. Now, in addition to opening up these new possibilities, you have also vibrated out of range of some less-than-ideal timelines.
And therefore, we welcome you all to take the opportunity to pat yourselves on the back and to take it easy. We have also noticed that some of you have taken on more ascension symptoms as a result of the energies that you have been downloading. But we also want you to recognize that when you are in the midst of ascension symptoms, it means you are doing some serious clearing. And that is a very good thing, because now that you have demonstrated your ability to handle the recent energies, you are of course going to receive more.
Those of us in the higher realms are always watching to see how well you are handling the energies that you are receiving. And when we see that you are doing quite well, we line you up for some more. This is how it’s going to be, because this is the journey that you signed up for. But not to worry, because these energies that are forthcoming are going to be much easier for you to handle. If you are experiencing ascension symptoms, then these are the types of energies that will fill in the gaps from what you have purged. And there is a lot of purging going on.
We know that this journey has not been very easy. For those of you who are awakened, it has been especially challenging because you agreed to take on so much for the rest of humanity. Remember, however, that the rewards will be great. And also, recognize that it is so much more meaningful of a ride because you are awake. We also invite you to recognize that the experience of managing these energies is making you all into quite capable creator beings.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”Facebook

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Connecting with Other Beings ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 15th, 2018

Connecting with Other Beings ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 15th, 2018


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are overjoyed at the progress that we can see humanity making. We are particularly happy to see the progress that you are making in the realm of your connections with other beings. There are more human beings connected to more non-human beings, both physical and non-physical, than we have ever seen on planet Earth.
Now we know that there have been times on your planet when certain areas were visited openly by extra-terrestrial beings, and so you have certainly had more face-to-face physical contact and connection previously. But we are talking about the connections that you are making through your desire to connect and chat with other beings.
And more of you are able to receive and channel information than has ever been the case previously on planet Earth. So you can all feel very proud of yourselves for that statistic. You constantly reach out to beings in other dimensions and other star systems. And when you reach out, you are always heard and answered. But now more than ever we see you able to receive what beings like us are giving back to you.
Even if you are just receiving what we are sending on the energetic level, don’t downplay the importance of being able to receive on that energetic level, because it is a very positive and powerful first step to even more connection. And we see you all having a great deal of success with reading that energy. Even if you don’t know that’s what you’re doing in the moment, it is in fact a reading or a translating that you are engaged in.
You are receiving impulses. You are receiving our transmissions and translating them into thoughts, and sometimes you think those thoughts are your own. But many of you are onto us and realize that you have just received a download. We are very confident in your abilities to download even more, to receive from your friends in other dimensions and star systems. And we are happy to be amongst that very privileged group of friends.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

UFO Witness Declaration

What You Can Receive ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 14th, 2018

What You Can Receive ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 14th, 2018
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening to your requests, and your prayers, and we want to assure all of you that we do everything that is in our power to help you. One thing we cannot do is purge your old beliefs from you, and we wish we could.
We see many of you operating under assumptions such as: the idea that you are destined to live a certain way. We also see you clinging to the ideas that you are meant to fulfill a contract, and then there are the times when we see you limiting yourselves by believing that something is blocking you, something that you can’t quite put your finger on.
We invite you to recognize how powerful you are. Even if you have attempted previously to create something and manifest it in your reality, we urge you to not give up. But instead, let yourselves receive more. Recognize that the creation part is done, and now you are in the fun part of manifestation. You get to receive it.
So, how do you go about receiving what you have already created? Well, for one thing, you have to set aside these beliefs. You need to deprogram yourselves. Let go of any thought that is limiting in nature. Don’t allow what has been in your life to dictate what you allow into your life now. The two are not related.
What you have been able to do previous to this moment has nothing to do with this moment, because now you are working with higher frequency energies. And now you are stepping into more of a role of the creator beings that you were born to be.
So our recommendation is to let go of those old beliefs, ideas, and expectations, and let in all of your beautiful creations. We can help with the delivery, but you still have to answer the door. You still have to step up to the same vibration that you were in when you created these beautiful experiences and aspects of life that you want to have.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, August 13, 2018

Collection of Information On Pleiadians--compiled by Sue Lie

Collection of Information On Pleiadians--compiled by Sue Lie



A Collection of Information
Compiled by Sue Lie

Dear Earthlings, we the Pleiadians return to tell you about our Ships. Our Starships are all fifth dimensional, as they are Galactic Starships which can be cloaked to the third dimensional world. We may also chose to briefly reveal our Ships. 

We will usually do this when we recognize that the humans who would see us are awakened. Other than that, we cloak our Ships so as not to frighten the humans who are almost awakened, but not quite. 

These humans often have a high enough frequency of consciousness to perceive us, but they have not yet remembered that we are only interested in healing, guiding and awakening the humans that are ready.  

On the Ship we differentiate the words and concepts of: “reality,” “ship” and “planet.” 

REALITY represents the manner in which different people perceive the same planet’s ascension process. 

SHIP represents Star Ships which usually resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond.

PLANET represents the planet of our origin, which is within our Star Cluster. 

We Pleiadians live in what is called a “star cluster.”


Star clusters (or star clouds) are groups of stars. There are two types of star clusters: Globular clusters, which are tight groups of hundreds of thousands of very old stars, which are gravitationally bound and:
Open clusters:which are loosely clustered group of stars. These Open Clusters generally contain less than a few hundred members, and are often very young.

Pleiadians are from a star system called Pleiades. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the Constellation of Taurus the Bull, which is about 500 light years from planet Earth. 

Pleiadians are a humanoid race that visits Earth often and with whom we share a common ancestry of the Lyrans from Lyra, our common ancestors.

The names of the seven stars in the Pleiades system are:
2) Maya
3) Coela
4) Atlas
5) Merope
6) Electra
7) Alcyone

Because of the many wars on Lyra, WHERE IS LYRA many peaceful Lyrans left on their space crafts and traveled for many years until they came upon the seven cluster stars in Pleiades. They landed on a planet now called Erra, which is located around the Pleiades Star called Taygeta. Here is where they started their new civilization in the year 228,000 B.C.

The Pleiadians are a very ancient race of humanoids. They have kept a record of the complete history of Earth's human evolution from the very beginning to our present time. Pleiadians claim our Earth is 626 billion years old.

Around 225,000 B.C., on one of their scouting missions away from the Pleiades, the Pleiadians discovered a small sun system with a planet called Earth. On Earth, the Pleiadians found three groups of uncivilized people. 

The larger of these groups were light skinned and were of Lyran descent. Because the Lyrans treated the original brown skinned natives poorly, they were forced to stay on Earth and enter into Earth’s incarnational cycle. 

The primary areas in which the Plieadians lived is now known as Bali, Hawaii, Samoa and India. Between 196,000 B.C. and 10 A.D civilizations, came and went on Earth with many wars, peaceful cycles and natural disasters.

The Pleiadians stayed with humans on Earth until 10 A.D. trying to help develop various civilizations such as the Lemurians, Mayans, Inca and a civilization at Machu Picchu. They all tried to guide humans towards a more spiritual path.

At about 10 A.D. the last Pleiadian leader, called Plejas, left Earth for good, because Pleiadians finally achieved peace back home in the Pleiades. Also, they felt it was time for humans to evolve on their own. Before leaving Earth, the Pleiadians left a spiritual leader called Jmmanuel. 

Jmmanuel was a very evolved soul, whose father was Gabriel of the Pleiades system and Mary who was of Lyran descent.Earth continued to evolve on its own without direct Pleiadian leadership till the present time.

In the very near future, as Earth enters the Photon Band by year 2000, (This part of the sentence is from the Internet, and was written long ago.  the Pleiadians are going to help bring all humans on Earth into the light.  We are 18 years past that date, and the name Pleiadians and the Pleiades is now becoming known to many humans on Earth.

The following is a brief description of Pleiadian Culture on the home planet of Erra. Erra is located around the star called Taygeta.  Erra is 10% smaller than Earth. The Pleiadians are a Goddess Society (which worships family, children, women). They are on a fifth dimensional frequency, which is one of love and creativity.

About 400,000 people live on Erra, which the Pleiadians feel is the ideal amount for the welfare of their planet. The people of Erra are telepathic. Therefore they have no need for any external communication devices.

The Pleiadians are primarily vegetarians, but on occasion eat some meat. They have no medical problems for they control their health by using their own mental powers. The average age of a Pleiadian is 700 years. Their skin is whiter and smoother than human skin. The Pleiadians do not have blood, and they have a “memory matrix of light.”

The Pleiadians have no currency as we know it; they share the resources of their planet with all. All material goods are given to the people freely, and it is based on their contribution to their society. 
However, we often show the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequency of our ship, as people who perceive that frequency of reality have a higher state of consciousness. 

The Pleiadians mostly stay away from any third dimensional exposure to Earth, as there are too many people still who would become frightened or would try to shoot them down. Of course, humans could not “shoot them down,” but they may frighten others, or their weapons could hit something else and harm others. 

Reality is specific for each person's state of mind, and level of consciousness. Therefore, some people have spent their lives finding ways to educate people that Gaia is a living being and that humanity has been treading Her VERY poorly. 

On the other hand, some people see the planet as a place where they can take what they want to have, no matter what the cost to the planet. These people are often called the Illuminati, or the Dark Ones, or those who live via “power over others” with no concern for others. 

These selfish leaders who do not care about the planet, or even the people who live on it, and only care about themselves, their own money, and their own power over others. These humans will NOT be able to even perceive the higher dimensions of reality, much less enter into that vibrational world or starship. 

On the other hand, more and more of the “awakened ones” who have expanded their consciousness into the fourth and fifth dimensions, are answering Gaia’s SOS. These advanced beings are so dedicated to Gaia, and Her efforts to ascend Her Planetary Self, that they will actually come to planet Earth to assist with this Planetary Ascension. 

Also, any time a planet is able to ascend—raise it’s resonant frequency to the fifth dimension—the entire Solar System benefits from the flow of fifth dimensional light. 

The Galactics applaud all the valiant attempts of the “Awakened Ones” to participate in the great honor of merging their higher, fourth and fifth dimensional personal consciousness with Gaia’s planetary consciousness.

If you have found this inter-dimensional message and have taken your “earth time” to read it, you are likely among those who are remembering, and awakening to your own higher dimensional expression of SELF.

The Pleiadians, as well as our Arcturian and other Galactic friends, thank you for your “higher dimensional service.” Please remember that Gaia is a “planetary school” which primarily teaches humanity that “energy out is energy back.” 

Gaia also has on her curriculum courses to assist Her “students” to release the third/fourth dimensional illusion of “time and space.” Once that illusion is released, Gaia and Her inhabitants will remember how to return to their fifth dimensional Operating System of Here and NOW. 

We, your Galactic Family, want to remind you that we are HERE within your NOW to assist you with this evolutionary shift. Call us! We WILL answer!

Because of the many wars on Lyra, many peaceful Lyrans left on their spacecrafts and traveled for many years till they came upon the seven cluster stars in Pleiades. They landed on a planet now called Erra, which is located around the Pleiades Star called Taygeta. Here is where they started their new civilization in the year 228,000 B.C.

Because of the many wars on Lyra, many peaceful Lyrans left on their spacecrafts and traveled for many years till they came upon the cluster stars in Pleiadies. They landed on a planet now called Erra, which is located around the Pleiades Star called Taygeta. Here is where they started their new civilizations in the year 228,000 BC.

The Pleiadians are a very ancient race of humanoids. They have kept a record of the complete history of Earth's human evolution from the very beginning to our present time. Pleiadians claim our Earth is 626 billion years old.

Around 225,000 B.C., the Pleiadians discovered a small sun system with a planet called Earth on one of their scouting missions away from the Pleiades. They discovered on Earth, three groups of uncivilized people living there. The larger of these groups were light skinned and were of Lyran descent. 

The Lyrans had landed on Earth earlier and were forced to stay on Earth and enter into an incarnational cycle, because of their ill treatment of the original brown skinned natives. This became their karma. At this time, the Pleiadians decided to stay and create societies on Earth.

The Galactic Federation allowed the Pleiadians to enter into a incarnational cycle with humans on Earth. The places designated for them to do this was Bali, Hawaii, Samoa and India. Civilizations came and went on Earth with many wars, peaceful cycles and
natural disasters, between 196,000 B.C. and 10 A.D. 

The Pleiadians stayed with humans on Earth until 10 A.D. trying to help develop various civilizations such as Lemuria, Maya, Inca and a civilization at Machu Picchu. They also were trying to guide humans toward a more spiritual path.

At about 10 A.D.; the last Pleiadian leader called Plejas left Earth for good, because Pleiadians finally achieved peace back home in the Pleiades. They felt it was time for humans to evolve on their own. Before leaving Earth, the Pleiadians left a spiritual leader called Jmmanuel, who later was known as Jesus. Jmmanuel was a very evolved soul, whose father was Gabriel of the Pleiades system and Mary who was of Lyran descent.

Earth continued to evolve on its own without direct Pleiadian leadership until our present time.In the very near future, as Earth enters the Photon Band by year 2000, the Pleiadians are going to help bring all humans on Earth into the light.

The following is a brief description of Pleiadian Culture on the home planet of Erra. Erra is located around the star called Taygeta. Erra is 10% smaller than Earth. 

The Pleiadians are a Goddess Society (which worships family, children, women). They are on a fifth dimensional frequency, which is one of love and creativity.

About 400,000 people live on Erra, which the Pleiadians feel is the ideal amount for the welfare of their planet. The people of Erra are telepathic and therefore have no need for telephones. Their means of travel around the planet is done by a tube system. 

The Pleiadians are primarily vegetarians, but on occasion eat some meat. They have no medical problems, for they control their health by using their own mental powers. The average age of a Pleiadian is 700 years. Their skin is whiter and smoother than ours. The Pleiadians do not have blood, their memory matrix is in light.

The Pleiadians have no currency as we know it; they share the resources of their planet with all the people. All material goods are given to the people freely, based on their contribution to their society, in whatever manner one is able to give to others.

With the help of the strengths and wise counsel of their fifth dimensional leaders, they have been able to sustain 50,000 years of ultimate peace amongst their peoples. The Pleiadians also a wholesome spiritual life, and emphatically reject many human beliefs due to their connotation of cult involvement, being illogical, against the laws of Creation, and the enslavement of human consciousness. 

Pleiadian philosophy is based on the universal truth of Creation, and the knowledge of Creation,which is directed toward truth of existence for all beings. They also know and follow the Creative laws and discourses from the highest frequency beings. 

The Pleiadians believe that the ultimate Power of Creation is based on Unconditional Love, which embodies the universal consciousness and enhances spirit, truth, wisdom, and love, as well as  the laws and energies of life, of being, and of eternity.

Creation is perceived as universal self-awareness, and is the source of life of all within this universe. This universe, furthermore, is one of 10 to the 49th power other individual universes, which exist in infinite number, infinite space, and infinite time, as part of the highest form of Creation - the Absolute Absolutum.

The Pleiadians do not have a “religion” as the Earth human knows. They have no form of “adoration of a God.” Their spiritual life is based on life as the spiritual recognition of, and obedience to, Creation, its laws and commandments. This alone is the guideline that the Pleiadians adhere to regarding a philosophy of life and a lifestyle tuned in to Creation. 

They believe that creation means the same as love, life, spirit, truth, wisdom, logic, and intelligence, which is built upon the Creative laws and commandments, that are valid and absolutely unchangeable for all time and eternity.

Any life form, human or non-human, who recognizes, lives, and obeys the true knowledge of Creation, the spirit which results from it, as well as the related laws and commandments of Creation, can live in accordance with Creation. 

This means that the life form is living with true knowledge of the truth and with the truth of Creation and spirit, in fulfillment of the Creative, natural laws and commandments which are valid universally, without any false faith in illogical and anti-intelligence. 


Our Perspective ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 13th, 2018

Our Perspective ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 13th, 2018


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have a perspective on humanity that allows us to see who you really are, even when you are acting from your ego, even when you are living your lives from a place of fear. We still are able to see who you really are. We never lose sight of that truth that you are Source Energy Beings, comprised wholly of unconditional love. So when you are acting out in some way, and you judge yourself, or others place judgment upon you, just know that there is another perspective. There are beings holding that space for you, that space that allows us to see you as you truly are.
We are giving you this now because we want you to understand that you can always count on us. You can always come to us, no matter what you have done, no matter what you have said or thought about doing. You can check in with your friends from Arcturus, and we will show you our perspective. Not all of you will be able to receive it, but some of you can and often do.
We also encourage you to take our perspective when it comes to your fellow humans. If you can take that perspective that everyone is doing the best they can to be the embodiment of Source Energy in a physical body, then you can let go of some of your own judgment of other people. And that will free you. That will liberate you to hold a higher frequency, as we do. We don’t have any of those judgments or any of that guilt weighing us down.
It is easy to shift your perspective. It just takes a willingness to make that your intention, and then you can vibrate in harmony with us, with our perspective, and in the process you can become more of who you are. You are going to know yourselves as Source Energy Beings at some point, and you don’t have to earn that knowing. You just have to accept it. So why not start now, while you still have physical bodies to enjoy?
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Message from Elthor the Dragon & the Dragon Collective via Galaxygirl, August 12th, 2018

Message from Elthor the Dragon & the Dragon Collective via Galaxygirl, August 12th, 2018

Elthor the Dragon & the Dragon Collective 8/12/18
I am Elthor the dragon. We dragons speak now. Through out time and space we dragons roam the timelines, riding the winds of change, of frequency. For many, we are their guardians of their realms. Such it was with Gaia, and such it will be again. For we are returning in great force and number, we dragons of old. It is time for humanity to stand up and to be counted as the mighty warriors of truth, of light, that they are, that you are friends. In days of old many of us fought fiercely, bravely, against the foes of the darkness. In time, the energies shifted and we became enemies with the human who wanted us for what we could give them (our blood) and not for our companionship. Those times of darkness drove a wedge between our kind and your kind and many of us fled, returning home to the Pleiades. Others of us lay hidden, dormant, in the dark recesses of your planet waiting for when the energies would rise again, when it would be safe to reach out in friendship again with our human friends.
Human, you have much to learn, and yet you have already learned so much. Even daily you are expanding, growing, changing, evolving. We dragons see this with delight as we look on you fondly with our golden wise eyes that see all things. We dragons cannot be fooled. So too will you no longer be fooled, you who see with your opening third eye with the rising of the energy tides, for this is possible now. Seeing with your heart is possible now. All things good and mighty and wise are returning to the earth plane again. For Gaia is rising, fast and furiously. You my human friends, of the warrior side, are here to balance, to bridge the energies, to hold space for the floundering ones and to be the beacons that you came here to be, and that you are already in your innate being of Source light. For we are all emanations of Source.
There are many of you who feel you have had dragon exposure and past life contact and you are more than ready for our words, you are eager, and this excites us. For we are ready to be heard once again. We dragons are mighty warriors of the light. Welcome us into your homes, into your work spaces. Allow us to burn the dross for you, so that there is plenty of room for the new energies to sweep in and purify and uplift you and your spaces of dwelling or work. There is no more room for the heavier energies – these things are fleeing away. No, it is time for the new, for the higher energies of Christed light that is filling every cell of your being currently, making way for the new you to shine forth as your Christed self. Allow us to work with your energy fields if you wish. We are the Dragon Collective. I am Elthor the Dragon. This one is fatigued and we end our transmission now.
~ galaxygirl

Saul via John Smallman, August 10th, 2018

Saul via John Smallman, August 10th, 2018

(Just As) so many channels are telling you, humanity is moving collectively forward very rapidly toward the moment of awakening.  And there are signs of this in many places where loving concern and compassion are arising in discussions about the major issues that need to be practically resolved in order to prevent further, and possibly irreparable, catastrophic damage from being done to the planet, which could cause mass extinctions.  Humanity is at a tipping point, a point at which balance must be restored allowing and encouraging a whole new way of living to be established that honors all life forms.
There is no separation, and to attempt to live as if separation is real, while at the same time refusing to honor all life forms, is truly insane.  Much of humanity now sees this, but there are still many people with power and influence whose sole agenda is to maintain their positions regardless of the cost.  They tend to be the ones on whom the mainstream media focuses a lot of attention because they are powerful and influential.  Nevertheless, the days when people like these could arrogantly enforce their wishes on the subservient masses are over, period!
Your rapid movement toward awakening is unstoppable, and there are signs of it everywhere, and not just on New Age and Spiritual web sites.  Enormous and important changes are happening right now all over the world, even as the media focuses on reporting conflicts, disasters, and on the marital woes of the rich and famous.  Do not be distracted by these distractions.  Pay attention to Love wherever you find It, and that should not be difficult because It is everywhere.  It is within you!  Love is Reality, everything else is distraction.
As humans, living in the world, your bodies are the vehicles that permit you to be there.  Therefore, you do need to to care for them, honor them, and allow them to experience the pleasures and sensations that bring them joy.  However, your main reason for life on Earth is to evolve spiritually through the lessons that life as a human presents to you.  And now, in this age of awakening, you are here to complete your lessons – Take your Finals – and to assist other to awaken by being and demonstrating your true nature, LOVE!
You have limitless assistance available to you from your support teams in the spiritual realms, so whenever doubts, fears, or anxieties seem to be drowning you, call on them for help.  They are constantly available to answer your calls 24/7, and will do so instantly.  Of course when you are feeling overwhelmed, or even just a little out of sorts, your egos are usually very noisy as they attempt to get you to focus your attention on the issues that are causing you discomfort or distress, and so it can be very difficult to tune into the guidance that is being offered from the spiritual realms through your intuition or through coincidences and synchronicities.
Remember, when you are under stress, pause, take a few DEEP breaths, and then turn inwards to your place of inner peace.  Take time out there to allow the intensity of the situation you are dealing with to ease before you speak or take action.  You have all, without exception, at some time spoken or taken action in haste that you have, either in the moment, or later, come to regret.  Emotions can be extremely powerful, sometimes so much so that you fully identify with them as being yourselves.  They are not.  They are aspects of being human that can be invaluable, but they do not and should not control you.  You can allow them to run riot, like small children, and, like small children, they can get out of control.  Love them and honor them, while allowing and encouraging them to fulfill the role for which they were created – to provide deep meaningful feelings – but remember that they are not rational, and that they should not be let loose without your rational oversight.
Much is arising powerfully within people at present that has been hidden or denied for eons.  And much of it brings with it very painful memories that strongly effect their emotions, and so you are seeing personal explosions of anger that are way over the top.  This “stuff” is arising to be released so that all the blocks to Love dissolve, and when it happens to you give yourselves a “time out,” instead of engaging.  In the moment, if you do that, you may feel let down, disappointed, cheated out of an opportunity to prove yourselves right.  Later that feeling may still be there, but far less intense, and you will be glad that you restrained yourselves instead of perhaps finding yourselves embroiled in an unnecessary and painful conflict.  Even so your egos may be suggesting to you that you should have engaged, and that you would probably have won, but no one wins when there is conflict, because conflict just leads to more conflict.
You are all the beloved children of Source, Mother/Father/God, the Supreme Wisdom, the Supreme Intelligence, Whose Love for you is completely and utterly beyond your ability to conceive of.  Pay attention to the many reports from those who have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs), because they can and do give you marvelous insights into the wonder that is Love which they have personally experienced.  Each one of you without exception is divinely destined to experience Love as intensely and as joyfully as they have.  By going within daily, to your holy altar or inner sanctuary, you too can get a sense of the enormity of the Love in which you are permanently and eternally enfolded.  But in human form you cannot possibly experience anything like the fullness of It because your bodies would just disintegrate.
You need your bodies at this time because you chose to be in service on Earth to complete your lessons, and to assist many others in their awakening process.  This is a choice for which you are most highly honored.  Your continuing persistence in the face of the great difficulties that have arisen or are arising now in your lives is fully understood and greatly respected by those of us watching over you so lovingly from the spiritual realms.  You could think of it as being like watching your own children or grandchildren graduating, and then moving out into the world to take their places to assist in humanity’s awakening process – and truly many of them are doing just this.  Truly all is well.  There is only Love, and the word ‘only’ bears absolutely no resemblance to Love’s infinite vastness.  You are all loved way beyond measure.
With so very much love, Saul.