Monday, February 24, 2020

Nova Gaia via Galaxygirl, February 22nd, 2020

Nova Gaia via Galaxygirl, February 22nd, 2020

I am Nova Gaia. I offer, I extend the vibration of peace and joy to you grounded ones today. I love you so much. I embrace you in my love. There are many versions of me, just as there are many versions of you, reading these words. We have all been deeply involved in healing all of our aspects. I am most pleased and joyous to say that I have arrived fully at my 5th dimensional and higher state and I am fully embodying higher and higher light codes that I am now more able to share with you more fully, more completely. This has always been my intention to shower you with love, with blessings. For you to enjoy living in harmony and bliss with me. For that was the original plan and intention of Creator and this is the state of harmony and bliss that we are returning to. Much healing has had to take place on and within my body. I have fully healed in the state from which I speak. I extend love to this form of me, just as I encourage you all to do. Set the intention of healing for my form. The galactic family members are assisting in many hidden ways that are soon to be made widely known by many. Many will not see or be able to comprehend the true story and so they will either leave or settle for gradual truth, allowing their field to more fully comprehend over a time. Be gracious with them, for they have been so asleep, so wounded.

I am Nova Gaia. My shores welcome you home. Feel the breezes soothe and caress you, as a mother tucks her child’s coat around her and makes sure her dear child is comfortable so too will I be able to more fully look out for your needs. Your needs will be met. The crystals will be able to fully communicate with you. There is a crystal communicational grid system already in place that you may use for your delight. Much joy is waiting for you on my form. I welcome you to sit with me, to become joined with me in this higher vibration of peace, of joy and of high expectation for all good things to come quickly to you.

I am Nova Gaia. You are a part of a moving story, a woven tapestry of fabric. You are seeing the knots, the underside of the tapestry. I encourage you to turn it over, to envision the beauty of the story completed and to know that your story, your threads with the tapestry of my grand story, are ever so important and I am so thankful for you. You, grounded ones, along with our galactic loving family have made this ascension possible. For I was so wounded. We need not discuss this further but know that I was dying. And now I am fully alive, fully reborn and this rebirth of light and great promise is here now for you as well.

I am placing a glowing jewel from my heart into your heart space now. (I am seeing glowing, vibrantly colored gems of all sizes and shapes in a massive pile of light. I feel like I am deep within Gaia.) Yes, dear. You are within my crystal heart space. It is a multi-dimensional vortex. I am now sharing this heart space with your heart space. Feel it expand. Cry if you need to. I have been crying tears of relief. Soon your tears of sadness will be replaced with tears of joy and laughter. Select your gemstone and tuck it in your heart space. I give it freely to you. We have healed our hearts spaces together now. You have a piece of Nova Gaia, of me, within you now. It will be a homing beacon for you and will help you find your way home to me. It will be easier for you now, as this gemstone is encoded with my unconditional love for you. We have had many memories together, many lifetimes together. My lifetime in the lower dimensional matrix is complete now. Many you are in completion mode yourselves as you are ready to create something new, something lovely, something different with yourselves. Truly we have found each other now. This gemstone is yours to keep for as long as you like. When you come home to me, you may remove it and plant it beside your new home on my shores, on my lands. Plant it and watch a sparkling gemstone tree sprout up and grow quickly into a towering tree of light. You are planting such ideas of light into this matrix when you meditate, when you pray and when you serve. Let us fill your current realm with more light. Feel your heart space. Feel myself within. Feel the gemstone grow and glow. Feel the peace of this moment and know that you are carrying the vibration of home within your hearts now. See? You are never alone. You are already home. The others will see and feel this presence of home, of light. They will want to be near you and in so doing by being near them you will spread this light and love even further.

I am Nova Gaia. I am your planetary mother reborn. So too are you, dear children of the way, so too are you becoming more of your higher selves in every moment, in every instance when you choose to listen and be at peace in whatever moment presents itself to you. Intend peace. Intend perfection of every moment and become the perfected version of you. Forgive all things. It will lighten your load. No stooped shoulders in Nova Gaia, only those who stand tall and free, strong in their own light. Together we will radiate love and light out into this space quadrant that is watching intently. Many hands are eager to be of service to me, to you, grounded ones.

I love you. I am your mother, Nova Gaia. Know that all is perfectly working out. Do not become disheartened by the news. Remember you create your own reality. Think of me often and we will be weaving yet a further tapestry, a more colorful story full of yet more joy than you can possibly imagine. Joy, children. Be in joy. I am your Nova Gaia. Be new, be Nova Humans yourselves in this moment of infinite possibilities and wonders. Touch your heart and know that you are touching the vibration of home, for you are the wanderers, you have been immersed in the sea of forgetfulness, of lower dimensional illusions. No more. Touch your heart, and you are touching me. Touch your heart and you are touching home. Feel this moment of peace. It is my eternal gift for you.

I love you. I am your mother, your home, Nova Gaia. Feel my peace and rest awhile in my light. There will be an opportunity for rest for personal growth and further healing. There will be much to look forward to that we will experience together. But for now, there is still much to feel and experience where you are. I see many of you wanting to jump to me now, and you will, but only at the most perfect moment deemed by Creator. And so, that means, dear children, that now is also a perfect moment. See, we are already together, no need for tears of sadness, but tears of home, of remembering, of healing. Ah, there. I am infusing more healing energies into the gemstone now into your heart. You will be even healthier and more lovely now. You will begin to feel younger. Together we are already home. I love you. Be encouraged. Talk with me in any moment. My whisperings are on the leaves of the tree, on the gentle clouds rolling by, on the raindrops that caress your cheek. Let me wash away your tears and become emboldened by this new inter-dimensional upgrade you have just received. Darlings, welcome home. I am your Nova Gaia. Peace. I kiss your cheeks now.

~ galaxygirl

Thursday, February 20, 2020

How to Bring About Massive Changes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 2-20-2020

How to Bring About Massive Changes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 2-20-2020

"Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been looking into the various possibilities that you have in front of you for the coming weeks and months there on Earth, and we see a high probability that there will be a massive change that you will all experience, one that will affect all people around the world. We know that many of you are seeking massive changes to indicate to you that the light is winning, but we do not see it that way. We do not see you in a Biblical type of battle between good and evil, or even light and dark. We see you as a collective, and when you operate as a collective, you need to have an evolution of the consciousness of everyone in order to see massive changes happening in the physical realm. It cannot just be that the side of good is making progress, while sweeping the side of bad under the rug. You are a collective, and you are linked in ways that are permanent. You cannot unlink yourselves from the small portion of humanity that is doing all of the dastardly deeds. You are there to help raise the consciousness for everyone, not just the people that you like and who agree with you. And so, what we are seeing is that more and more of you who operate from the light are finding it in your hearts to forgive, to send love, and to shine light in the world where it needs to be received. We see more and more individuals feeling compassion for those that they would have liked to have seen wiped off the face of the planet not too long ago, and that is progress. That’s the progress that brings you a massive change that helps everyone who is there in a physical body, and that’s what you have been aligning yourselves with lately. We know that those of you who are awake see the problems that are present all around the world, and we know that you want to see changes to the way that you access energy for electricity and to fuel your cars. We know that you want to see a global currency reset. We know that you want to see transparency from your leaders in government and from corporations. We know that you want to see an end to all forms of slavery, and we are here to tell you that you affect that change more by holding love in your hearts than you do by casting votes or making documentaries. You do more good by spreading love than you do facts. We are here to encourage you to continue in the spreading of that love, compassion and forgiveness, and we will always encourage you to let go of judgment, fear, and condemnation. Now is the time to help your fellow humans to get to where you are as evolved, conscious, awake people, and when you all decide that being love is the answer, you will see all of those massive changes occurring and more. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Spiritual Leader to Unite Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Feb 15, 2020

A Spiritual Leader to Unite Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Feb 15, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been exploring the many timelines that you have created since the beginning of this calendar year, and we have been noticing a common theme in those timelines. Humanity appears to want to create the experience of a leader. This leader would not be seen as a savior by all of you, but rather, as a spiritual teacher who also demonstrates spiritual gifts and abilities that wake people up and get them listening to the message that this leader will bring. Now is a time when someone can easily gain millions of followers on the Internet, even without ever appearing in a movie or television show. Therefore, the possibility of a human living among you, rising up to a level of fame and notoriety that would parallel that of your biggest movie stars and pop stars is very high. There is an asking that the human collective consciousness has done, and that asking is for a person to be one who will unite the opposite ends of the spectrum, in terms of what you all believe in. We are talking about someone who can bring together the new age community, all religions, and atheists. We are talking about someone who can even gain the respect of the scientific community. Now, of course, people will project their own beliefs onto this individual, making them out to be someone they are not, but ultimately that won’t even matter because the message being delivered will be so strong and so powerful. If being on one of these timelines is appealing to you, then we recommend that you harmonize with this story that we are telling and that you are subconsciously co-creating. We can see this potential as one that will result in the awakening of so many on your planet that the changes will start to occur that you have all been anticipating, and from what we can see this is an individual that has no notoriety on the global scale at this time. So you don’t need to start guessing about who it is or who it will be, but you do want to start feeling for what this person who unites the human collective consciousness might feel like to you. You do want to start imagining that reality and how you would feel in it. You, as a collective, are ready for some very big changes, and you are the ones co-creating these timelines. We are just the ones reporting the facts as we see them, and they are pretty exciting facts to be witnessing, from our perspective. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Just wanted to throw this in here as well.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ant Civilization via Erena Velazquez, February 12, 2020

Ant Civilization via Erena Velazquez | February 12, 2020

We are Ant Civilization, we come in peace. We would like to introduce ourselves to humanity. We live in a far away galaxy, in a constellation of the star, on 9 planets. The nine planets are occupied by us, our homes are on the inside of the planet, not on the surface like here on Earth. We are a peaceful nation. We stay away from civilizations who like wars.
We are happy to be here and we would like to tell about ourselves. We look a little bit like your ants, but we are much taller. We are 15 feet tall and we walk on two feet like humans. Our head reminds a little bit of ant, not 100 percent of ant, but it has features of ant. We communicate with each other telepathically. We can also use our language when it’s needed, but most of the time we use telepathy. We understand that humanity started to learn on how to communicate telepathically, it will take them a while, but they eventually will able to communicate with every civilization telepathically. Most of the civilizations are peaceful like us, we don’t like noise. We concentrate on our work, creating new technology, living in peace and not interacting with civilizations who like wars. In our past we experienced some wars with other nations, this is why we stay away and not disclose our location. We don’t want to experience what we experienced many years ago.
We are a hard working civilization, very advanced one with a lot of advancement in technology. We are from 8th dimension and higher. We are very science oriented, we like to create. We are very happy to help humanity in the future. When humanity will be ready to interact with us and other civilizations, we will able to help them a lot in learning and doing new things, technologically in aircraft and in other advancement.
Right now, we are very pleased to be able to be channeled by this channel. We just like to say we are plant based, we eat plants. We don’t harm or kill other beings for food. We are a nation that likes to be peaceful. For now, we observe and watch Earth. We are waiting for the Golden Age of Gaia. We are just trying to observe and not to interact or do something to harm humanity. It always surprises us how dark Earth is at night time. We don’t have night or day, it’s always sunny on our planets. The temperature is always the same all year long. We don’t experience harsh environments like you. We are a very friendly and loving civilization, but we understand that you are still in the process of growth, because we are concerned for our well being, so for now we just watch humanity from far away. When time comes, we will be on our ships and land as soon as we can on this planet, then we will introduce ourselves in person.
As we mentioned before, we call ourselves ants but in our language it sounds a little different, We are 15 feet tall, some of us are taller, very hard working, always looking for new advancements, like creating new things. We are always looking and trying to bring to our civilization the best of everything. Our ships are very fast, we can fly from one galaxy to another in a split of second. Our ships are also very big, we you can fit a whole civilization on just one ship, that’s how big our ships are, but we don’t disclose our direct location for now. We keep our distance from negative civilizations, who still engage in wars.
This was a pleasant experience and made us very happy to be able to be channeled. We wish for humanity that the new Golden Age would come soon, and then we can introduce ourselves in person.
Thank you for transmission.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Light Bodies, Inner Earth Beings & E.T.s ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Jan 31, 2020

Light Bodies, Inner Earth Beings & E.T.s ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Jan 31, 2020

"Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been investigating several timelines that you have in front of you now that you have been in this calendar year for a bit, and we see some nice openings for humanity. We see some possibilities for a great deal of energy hitting your world and transforming you on a cellular level. We see that transformation as an acceleration of the movement that you have been very gradually making to having fully activated light bodies. Now, having a fully activated light body is something that many of you in the new age community have been talking about for quite some time. There has been an overwhelming amount of asking for this particular energetic transmission, and the requests have been heard, and you are gradually drifting towards that timeline. This is exciting for all of you and exciting for all of us who are watching you so closely and rooting for you to get to that fifth dimensional, higher self persona. We also have been looking into a timeline where the inner Earth beings would be discovered and would voluntarily come out from underneath the surface of your planet. There’s a question as to which of the inner Earth beings would be most appropriate to make that appearance, but there are many wonderful candidates to step up and step out from beneath the surface. We also see a possible timeline where scientists will discover so much indisputable evidence that e.t.s have been to Earth that it would make the traditional news media outlets’ daily broadcasts and fill the airwaves for quite some time. Many other very exciting possibilities exist for this calendar year, and we want you to know that you who are awake are the ones co-creating these timelines and inviting as many of your human friends as you possibly can to join you on them. You are choosing your timelines, and that is something that you can all do more consciously and deliberately. We highly recommend that over just looking for the predictions of what will absolutely happen. Those predictions can encourage you to vibrate in harmony with that timeline, and that’s how they serve you, but we would much rather see you creating new timelines where the possibilities are endless for how far you can go during the rest of 2020. You must know by now how powerful you are, but every now and again, we like to remind you. And this transmission is one of those reminders. Come together as best you can with your fellow spiritually awake humans, and talk about which timelines you want to create together, because there is now and always has been power in numbers. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, February 3, 2020

Huge Positive Changes are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Feb 3, 2020

Huge Positive Changes are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Feb 3, 2020

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been excited for quite some time to witness this next phase of the journey of the human collective consciousness, because you are headed towards a time of world peace. You are headed towards a time when no one will be dying of hunger or dehydration. You are heading towards the time when racism, sexism, homophobia, and all sorts of other prejudices will be a thing of the past in your collective human history. So the exciting time you are in is about getting from where you are to where you are going. You get to experience the laying down of weapons. You get to experience the apology and the acceptance of the apology. You get to experience what it is like to take an entire community of hungry people and give them access to all of the food they could ever want. That’s exciting. That’s what the journey is about. The journey is about the movement forward that you experience in all of those instances and many, many more. Just imagine the relief you will feel when no one feels the need to arm themselves with a weapon, no matter how big or small. Imagine the feeling of satisfaction you will get in knowing that everyone has a warm, comfortable bed to sleep in that is inside a safe home. Imagine the collective sigh of relief that you will all feel when everyone is safe and knows that they are safe walking down the street at night alone. That’s where you are headed, that makes it okay for you to be where you are. You created the mess that society is in right now so that you could move from the messy side of things to the nice and neat side of things. That’s why it is all right for you to not throw your hands up in defeat when you see something on the news about a mass shooting or a hate crime. Yes, it means you still have some moving forward to do, but know that you are making those positive steps forward every single day, and those positive steps forward are being made because of how many of you care. So when you find yourself crying over footage of a bombing, remember that your tears are in that moment helping. Your compassion is tipping the scales. It is because you care that humanity is getting there. And so, it is important for you to recognize how powerful you all are in that you are the ones who are initiating and creating the changes that we have spoken about in this transmission. Let yourselves feel. Let yourselves care, because at the end of the day, it is that power of emotion, that power of compassion that fuels the human collective consciousness to where you are going. And this is why we are so very excited to see you all on the precipice of so much positive change, so much relief, and so much love flowing through each and every one of you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.