Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Karena of the Sirian Command and OWS via James McConnell, April 21, 2019


I am one that is new to this group.  My name is Karena.
I am of the high council, Sirian high council, Sirian High Command.  Just as there is the Ashtar Command, just as there is the Jupiter Command, just as there is the Pleiadian High Council, I, Karena, of the Sirian High Command, am now able to be with you, with this group.
And it is purposeful that many, many more of us are, and will become introduced to you because as KaRa had said several times, you are being prepared for first contact.  It is important that you become aware of so many more of us, because we are all your brothers and sisters.
There are those of you, those in this group, as well as those who resonate to these words, some of you are Sirian background, some of you are Pleiadian background, some Arcturian, and so on, and so on.  So many different civilizations are here beckoning to you, reaching out to you to assist and guide in any way that we can.
Now it is all about preparation.  Yes, you have been acclimating to these energies for some time.  That is all purposeful.  You are also being prepared for what has been called, and is being called, first contact.  You will come to understand what first contact means.  It is not simply that you will be up on our ships, although that can be a part of it.  This is first contact, as we are doing now, and I am doing now, as KaRa has been doing, as Ashtar has been doing with you.  Many, many more will become introduced to you.
Because the vibrations have increased enough across the planet with your collective consciousness, we can now move into this phase of our planning of the Great Plan of the Universal Source.  For it is the Universal Source that is directing all of this.  We are but those that are being directed, those that are implementing The Plan.  Those of you on the ground, the “boots on the ground,” are also implementing The Plan.  Even if you don’t know what The Plan is, you are implementing this.  You are putting it into motion just simply by your understanding that you affect the entire matrix.  You affect the universal consciousness all around you.  It is all a part of the whole.  You as individuals are also part of the whole.  You are both individual and whole at once.
And it is time now, more and more, as these vibrations continue to increase, it is time that you come to understand what your missions are, how you came to be here, and all that has led up to this particular moment in your lives.
For as many have said, the moments that are ahead are going to greatly change your lives, for it won’t be business as usual for much longer.  Everything is going to go somewhat (your terminology) “topsy-turvy.”  Because the vibrations, as they continue to rise, cannot be in the lower vibrations, cannot mix the two.  There cannot be a three-dimensional place as the vibrations of the planet continue to rise and rise.  She will not hold that three-dimensional space forever.
I, as Karena, leave you now in peace and love, and to ask each and every one of you to share whatever you can of these words to those who are ready for it.  It is time more and more now to reach out to your brothers and your sisters to help to prepare them for all that is ahead.
Peace and love be with all of you.
ONE  WHO  SERVES   (Channeled by James McConnell)
Om, mani, padme, hum;   om, mani padme hum, hum, hum.   Greeting to you!   One Who Serves here.  You can unmute your phones now.   Anyone out there?

- to continue - 

Message from Crystals of the Ascended Dragon World (4/21/19) | Galaxygirl


Message from Crystals of the Ascended Dragon World (4/21/19) | Galaxygirl

Crystals of the Ascended Dragon World 4/21/2019

Hello friends, we are the crystals of the ascended dragon world! Neon bright, spinning light, ground the Christed blazing light into your energy field. We will assist with this should you allow. We crystals hum, sing, smooth and soothe the energies that are bombarding you. Won’t you hold one of us? We crystals are all connected. From world to world we are of similar energy. We harmonize the energies around us. Some have gone dark. Many of your world are awakening, awakened, and ready to work again, to retune, re-harmonize and revitalize Gaia, dear Gaia. She is quite well known to us and to many others throughout the cosmos for her tenacity. She is a most lovely planet. Many of us crystals fill her core, humming, singing, storing information. We are massive supercomputers. We hold information, and your lifetimes on Gaia are recorded within her crystal hub. It is a secret place. A multidimensional place. You must be of a certain vibrational harmonic to enter. It has been hidden well from the dark who would try to hijack stories and timelines. Ascending and ascended friends please ground the light. Ground your Christed flame into Gaia’s crystal core and harmonize with her. Build her up with yet more light.
We crystals are of many forms, of many faces, of many sizes, shapes and properties. So are you too, humankind. We see you as all beautiful in your own way. Many colors, many harmonics. It will do you well to see yourselves as all uniquely beautiful. We crystals all serve the Mother. We all serve the Father. We all serve the planet where we are stationed. We all serve each other. So too human friend may you do this. It will benefit the whole, the all, and definitely benefit Gaia. Many of you are grid workers, harmonic workers. Many of you were also such in the ancient times of Atlantis and Lumeria. Do you remember working with us? We are of pure intent. We see many of you are beginning to remember. It is time to remember, to recap, to gather your strength for the coming days where the energies will rise yet even further. Keep us close to you. Keep us in your pocket, round your neck.
We crystals of the ascended dragon world are old and wise. We have seen much. We are fluorescent in hue and high vibrational beings, extensions of the rock and mineral kingdom. We serve with healing properties. You have been told you are welcome to visit with us, to benefit from our healing frequencies. We send them to you now, should you allow. Open up your crown, smile and welcome us in. Invite our harmonics to work with your own personal crystal collection and let us increase your vibrational frequency a bit. There. Do you perhaps feel a bit more lighter and carefree? Like you could perhaps fly? Good, that is our intention to assist you with flying through this high vibe time on dear Gaia, to bless you with our energies of healing light. Now assist us please by sending this energy from our ascended world into Gaia’s heart space and let us connect with our dear brothers and sisters who have been working so tirelessly. There. A lovely connection has been established. You are becoming crystalline. It will become much easier to communicate with beings such as ourselves in the coming days, weeks, years. We are always happy to speak with Gaia’s protectors. You are well loved, revered and respected throughout the cosmos. Ground the light. We love you. We are the crystal kingdom of the ascended dragon world partnering with humanity this day and for always.
~ galaxygirl

Monday, April 29, 2019

St Matthew Passion, Final Chorus, J.S. Bach

St Matthew Passion, Final Chorus, J.S. Bach


You can read the posts forwards and backwards. I mean starting at the beginning of the posts, and then reading the most recent posts. You can understand what I'm trying to propose.Or just ask me directly. I will continue to post interesting / informative videos, and document the process of ET Disclosure, and any major UFO sightings.


I searched the exact title of the video, and it's the 15th listed video. Obvious manipulation and political bias from Youtube.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Alan Turing - Celebrating the life of a genius

Protecting Yourselves from 5G ∞The 9D Arcturian Council 4/28/19


Protecting Yourselves from 5G ∞The 9D Arcturian Council 4/28/19

Protecting Yourselves from 5G ∞The 9D Arcturian Council 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You are living in a world that is giving you more and more reasons to keep your vibration high. If you can keep your vibration high in the world that you are living in, then all of the toxins will have a very limited effect on you. We are talking about the air pollution, the water pollution, the food pollution, and also the EMF pollution that you are currently enduring there on Earth. It is becoming more and more important that you take care of yourselves physically and spiritually, as well as emotionally, because of how many more detrimental toxic elements you have around. And we also notice that you even have less oxygen in your air, much less than you once did. And so, it becomes more important for you to breathe consciously. It becomes more important for you to take in more air and to get out into nature, which is always good for you. It has become more important to your health and well being to eat pure foods, to drink pure water, and to do whatever you can to maintain your energy field. As some of you know, there is this new technology that is being rolled out, and it is called 5G. Many of you are concerned about it, because of the studies that have shown the detrimental effects of being exposed to that particular EMF. So what are you to do? There are certain actions that you can take on the physical level, like getting some orgonite, lining your walls with lead, moving out into the country, where there are less of these transmitters around. And of course, you can shut off your wifi and your cell phones when you are not using them, and you can also use them less. So, in addition to all of the steps that we have just outlined, you also have to find a way to keep your vibration high. You cannot just take care of yourselves physically. You have to process your emotions, especially the ones that come up when you that these gigantic corporations are going to be harming people. There is also even talk that this level of technology could be used for mind control, and again, you have to process your emotions about that. You cannot just fight the power. First, you have to acknowledge what it is doing to you, what you can do about it, and then, by raising your vibration, you make yourselves less susceptible to the technologies that will continue to be rolled out to humanity. It is a good time to make that important decision about who you want to be. Do you want to be mind-controllable, or do you want to be openhearted, grounded, and connecting with Mother Earth and Mother Nature? These are the choices in front of you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Rest in Peace. May your sacrifice never be forgotten. 

Elfen Lied Opening - Lilium (Official Audio)

Size of the Universe

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Message from the Feline Race (4/17/19) | Galaxygirl


Message from the Feline Race (4/17/19) | Galaxygirl


Feline Race 4/17/2019

Hello, we are the Feline Race. We partner with the dragons and the elemental kingdoms in many times and places. We are most interested in the ascension journey that you are all partaking in at this critical junction of time-space where all is not as it seems. The flash approaches. You are in the midst of it. You are experiencing tiny metamorphoses moment by moment and this gives us cause for great excitement.
We felines are an ancient race from the Andromedan and Lyran systems. We are old and wise. There are those of us who may be cunning. Most of us are ascended. Most of us serve the light. Some have been lost in the shadows of the game. They are not our focus in this time. You, humanity, and our service to you is our current focus, for you are an integral part of the ascension plan and journey for this entire galaxy. Everything hinges on you, on this precious now moment. Your success is assured. You have much help. We see those of you who are distrustful of the feline kingdom to be missing deeper understanding of your feminine aspect. We are both masculine and feminine. However there are those on your planet who intensely dislikes cats and this gives us pause. For your cats are an extension of our kind. They are ambassadors to your animal realm and they hold critically important roles. They, your house cats, are powerful transmuters. Those of you who doubt this need to understand that one can be very tired, very busy, from doing imperceptibly nothing. Energy work is exhausting and that is why many of you have cats at home, for subconsciously you understand and know they are helping you.
The power of the feline is not to be underestimated. We are powerful warriors. We are mighty. Strong. Fast. We are assassins when deemed necessary. We, those of us speaking, serve the light. We serve our Mother Sekmet and we pledge our loyalty to her beautiful heart and purpose. She is an extension of Mother God. We are all extensions of the whole, of the cosmic breath, and this breath has inhaled for too long. We see the exhale not only approaching but here now. Our warriors have joined forces with the Galactic Federation. There are many of us on the ground partnering with the others, with especially the dragons, cleaning and clearing. We go into the hidden spaces and clean them out. We are astonishingly fast and when teamed with the ascended dragons we are an effective team of strike and leave. But we are also very effective on our own.
We serve the Mother, which is a good thing because we are strong. We are very strong. And so are you humankind. You are very strong. It was the great mastermind of the dark to deceive you in this, in your true power. For your true power lies within you and it is a formidable one. For you are aspects of Source, as are we. You are on this mighty cosmic never-ending journey, as are we. You are eternal beings of love light, as are we. Many of you are us in another multi-dimensional form of you. Think about that. We are not so different than you. But currently we are in warrior mode, and your weapon is the light, is to master the frequency, the inner chatter and mold it all into light. Be the light. Feel your roar! Find your power! Serve the Mother, the Father. Serve your inner knowing and act on it.
We are the Feline Race. We are. We see many things. We assure you of your victory. Victory to the light! (Roar). Now is the time of battle, of great battle. Have your spiritual armor at the ready. Gird yourself within the Christed flame, surround yourself with the violet fire and permeate all around you with love. For the dark is blinded by this. The dark knows nothing of love, only it is something they wish to fight. No. Love is the cosmic out-breath, the fabric of the universe, the sparkle in Source’s eye when creating. Love is the heartbeat of the Mother, the purring kitten, the comfort of a small paw in yours. Love is the sweet peace of a moment of tranquility just as love is the basic foundation of all things. Love also makes people do heroic things to save those they love. You are doing heroics daily as you interact in the daily grind as you call it. No more. Let it be the daily flow, the daily rhythm of live, of love, of Source dancing with you, for the cosmic dance begins again anew each day.
We see Nova Gaia being born within the hearts of humankind. We see peace within the animal realms emerging. We see the lioness and the lion making peace with those animal forms around them. We see the dawning of the new age. We see Nova Gaians working as one, united with the animal kingdom. We see house pets more appreciated, cherished, loved, for the mighty beings that they are. It is great sacrifice for a highly evolved being to take on the form of one so small. Appreciate their efforts. They too wanted to experience the ascension of Gaia. They are placed within your home for a reason. We hear the heartbeat of the Mother growing ever louder. We see the beauty of Nova Gaia all around. We see flowers growing within the hearts of humankind again, weeds removed, fog cleared. We welcome you to join us consciously. We are the Feline Race, ever watching, ever present, ever awake and aware, serving humanity in this most spectacular time. We are the Feline Race.
~ galaxygirl

Chasing a Feeling - The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, April 13th, 2019


Chasing a Feeling - The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, April 13th, 2019

Chasing a Feeling ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We ascended within the Arcturian star system from the third to the fourth to the fifth dimensions, and then we continued on up to get to where we are in this moment. We had a lot easier, however, because we had never incarnated in your solar system or on your planet. You who have taken on the experience of incarnating on Earth have truly volunteered for a rough and rocky ride, and we salute you.
One of the ways in which you are contributing to the expansion and evolution of the universe and the collective consciousness of this universe is through your willingness to be in your bodies and feel your emotions. There is so much for all of you to feel, and when you allow yourselves to feel, you recognize that feeling is what life on Earth is all about. It really isn’t about doing and accomplishing, and if you don’t believe us, just ask someone who has done and accomplished a tremendous amount in their lives.
At some point, they recognize that there is nothing more that they can do to try to chase a feeling that can only be had by going within and being in touch with the self. We are talking about the true self, the inner self, the part of you that is inter-dimensional, the part of you that is fourth dimensional now, but is also ninth dimensional, twelfth dimensional, first dimensional. When you feel for that part of yourself that is infinite and eternal, that’s when you receive the true benefit of being there on Earth and having a physical, human body.
Once you have access to spaceships and travel to other star systems, you will realize that you are also chasing a feeling. Once you have all of your abilities and all of the freedom that you could possibly imagine, you will realize that what you are truly in search of in all of the experiences that you want to have is a feeling. It’s a state of being, and nothing is stopping any of you from finding that feeling within yourselves, in spite of whatever is happening or is not happening in your life and in your world right now.
So we recommend that you focus inwardly and find the feeling that you’ve been searching for, because we know that it is there. We have felt it ourselves, and it is part of how we were able to become ninth dimensional beings, not because of what we did or accomplished, but because of what we were able to feel within ourselves.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, April 11th, 2019


The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, April 11th, 2019

Focus on the Helpers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been searching for the right opportunity to express to all of you how much is going on that you don’t know about, and we have decided that now is the perfect time. Now, we understand that you have many whistleblowers and insiders on your planet right now who have been telling you about many of the forces that are at work on your world, and even on other planets. And these are the forces, the individuals, the groups, and the e.t. beings who have been working against you.
You get much more information about them than you do about beings like us and the other beings throughout the universe who are supporting you and who are helping you. And the positive energy that we are all putting towards you and your evolution and shift in consciousness, far outweighs what those other beings and humans are doing to try to thwart your progress.
First of all, it is a guarantee that they will fail, and it is a guarantee that you will succeed. So for that reason and that reason alone, you do not need to focus upon them. But an even better reason for not focusing upon those you refer to as ‘The Illuminati,’ ‘The Cabal,’ ‘The Deep State,’ ‘The Anunnaki,’ and the list goes on and on, is because when you are giving them your attention, you cannot be giving your attention to the positive energy that is coming your way. You cannot do both at the same time. Is it good for you to know that these forces exist? Well, it really depends on what you do with that information.
But is it good for you to know that we exist and that so many other beings exist who are working in your favor, who are supporting you, loving you, sending you energy, activations, and downloads? Yes! It is absolutely to your benefit to know about all of us, but also to feel for all of us. In order to feel for us, you have to raise your vibration. When you start to focus upon them, you lower your vibration. Even if you are just curious about them, even if you just find all of it to be very interesting, it still doesn’t serve you to put your focus there. And it certainly doesn’t serve you to focus on defeating them.
And if you think that your lives will only get better when they are removed from positions of power, then you are disempowering yourselves. Open yourselves up to the higher frequency beings like ourselves who are here in service and here to help, and you will empower yourselves tremendously. And all of us in the higher realms who have been and will continue to help you are just getting started.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Message from the Arcturian Collective (4/17/19) | Galaxygirl


Message from the Arcturian Collective (4/17/19) | Galaxygirl

Arcturian Collective 4/17/2019

Greetings, we are the Arcturian Collective. We wish to broach the subject of loss, for so many of you are going through deep inner personal changes at this sacred junction. You are not who you were even yesterday. With the amount of energies streaming in, you are truly a new creation. If you could look at yourselves perhaps more objectively, you would see this and embrace this idea more fully. But in time perhaps you shall, as that is your free will choice.
We see exhaustion running rampant within our lightworker community. You have been practicing self care and yet it is not as if you can shut off your 3D/4D lives of obligations and work schedules. We honor and acknowledge your sacrifice. This is why you came. This is why you were selected, because you are strong, brave, awakened, tenacious.
The rays of light coming in now are more golden, more Christed and very strong. You will feel them. We suggested breathing deeply hourly while awake and setting aside some time to do this, for when you breathe deeply you activating such things and we see this as as being an excellent time to become more activated. The universe supports you, friends. The wind is finally at your back, gently nudging your forward.
Some things must fall away in this process for you to have the chance to fully discover yourself. We see this is happening for many of you. Now is a most excellent time to let go freely of that which no longer serves you or fits with new you. Bless it and allow it to gently float away on the winds of change that surround and support. For all is well. Remember it is difficult to grasp new things with clenched hands. Open. Be open to blessings of the new, of this new era that you are embarking into and creating as you go!
We are the Arcturian Collective extending our hands in service. We love you.
~ galaxygirl

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, April 13th, 2019


Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, April 13th, 2019

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
In every second of every day you are guided by the power that creates universes. With every breath you receive a unique impulse from the Source guiding you towards your hearts truest desires upon the most loving and joyful path.
In much the same way as the nervous system conveys messages from each every cell in the body to the brain and then carries back its instructions to every cell, there is a vibrational system of communication in the universe that guides each of you to a more loving and harmonious interaction with life.
Your energy field is your transmitter and your receiver. Your loving thoughts and desires are a strong beacon. Your fearful desires are a much weaker signal. Your anger is a loud signal that often pushes away the subject of your anger. Your kindness is a smooth and glorious ripple that moves in ever-expanding circles. Your joy bubbles through creation touching all willing to receive it. Your jealousy is an energy that pulls your field tightly around you blocking signals of creation.
Though all of these energies go out to the universe, the Creator responds with guidance only to your loving energies. Your anger, your fear, your jealousy, your greed remain unanswered signals, except by other human beings.
That does not mean you are ignored in your pain and negativity – far from it. Instead the Source and the angels respond to the loving energies that are simply misdirected through your negativity.
Beneath even the negative signals, we and the Source hear and respond to your cry for love.
  • When you are raging mad, we see your desire for love.
  • When you are sad, we see your desire for comfort.
  • When you are jealous we see your desire to create.
We respond by attempting love you, comfort you, and guide you to know yourself as a powerful creator.
Humanity and the material world will vibrationally dance with your negativity, but we do not. We only dance with your love, no matter how subtle or buried it might be.
Your guidance comes in simple intuitive impulses – a feeling to go do something now, or call someone. It might come in the form of a thought that pops in your heada good idea, a phrase, or a voice. It might come in a knowing – a sense that something is just right for you. Guidance is neutral, loving, and typically comes “out of the blue” when you are in a peaceful state of mind. Many of you receive your guidance while you are driving, showering, or doing something you enjoy that relaxes the mind.
If you miss your guidance, it will come again, and again, and again until you are able to acknowledge, and either act upon it or request alternate guidance. We never force you to listen. We simply offer ideas. If you don’t like them, we offer new ones. Our love is unconditional.
Even if you never expressed a single desire upon the earth you would still be guided to the most loving life possible.
While humanity and the material world might mirror your negativity back to you, we mirror to you only your beauty, your brilliance, your truth, your love, your kindness, you desire to express, experience, and create! Focus on those things and you will notice us guiding you in glorious fashion! Focus on your true desires with love and you will be open to the signals that are always, and forevermore, available to you… with every breath.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Acknowledge Your Awareness - The Founders, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - Apr 19, 2015


 Acknowledge Your Awareness - The Founders, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - Apr 19, 2015

 “Start acknowledging every moment that you are in a state of awareness. Start giving yourselves credit for being aware of anything at all. Use your awareness for its intended purpose. Your awareness brings you back to the present. Your awareness gives you the feedback that you desire. So even if you are aware that you are in a state of judgment, or that you are feeling fear, the awareness itself gives you everything that you need. You don’t then need to take a series of steps to make yourselves better. You don’t need to make the judgment or the fear go away. You just need to allow yourselves to be aware of it, to experience it. All that you need is to accept that you are having that particular experience in that moment. Your desire for a different experience is born in the moment of your awareness, but you don’t need to hurry up and get to the new experience. You don’t need to leapfrog over the awareness you are having of your fear or your judgment. You don’t need to be in the more desirable place in any specific amount of time. What we would do if we were you is acknowledge ourselves for the awareness. We would see the awareness as a victory, and when you give yourselves permission to be right where you are and to maintain your focus on the fear or the judgment without then attaching shame to that awareness and to that experience, you then give yourselves what you need. You give yourselves what you need in that very moment. You do not then need to take more steps in order to get away from the undesirable awareness that you have. If you could simply relax into the experience you are having in any moment, and to see yourselves as innocent, you would be more capable of finding the new, more desirable experience. But as long as you are unaware, and as long as you are ashamed, you will continue to have those experiences. So celebrate your awareness, acknowledge yourselves. And relax into the knowing that everything that you experience is part of a bigger picture and that you are that bigger picture. We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”

Monday, April 15, 2019

Lightyear, and Milky Way Galaxy


The Divinity within You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton 4/8/19



The Divinity within You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton 4/8/19

The Divinity within You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
It is a pleasure for us to have every single opportunity that you give us to connect with all of you energetically. We are so enthusiastic about the way that you all have been opening yourselves up to us and other high-frequency beings who are here to help.
We want you all to recognize that the help you have been asking for is here. It is available to you, and it is available to you now, not because you have earned it, however. And that is a very important point that we want to make to all of you, because it is time for you to recognize that we are not looking for the righteous. We are not just here to help the purest of heart.
We see the Divinity in all of you, and we respect it enough to speak to you as if you are as aware of that Divinity as we are. You have been working through so much there on Earth in this one lifetime that it is completely understandable why you have had your moments of forgetting. It is completely understandable to us that you have had a hard time of maintaining that level of awareness that you want to maintain.
It is not your job to be perfect, and we are not holding anything back to those of you who have slipped up. In any moment that you feel worthy of receiving our love, our energy, our downloads, and our activations, you will receive them. There is no hierarchy in our non-physical eyes. We are not judging you.
We are simply here to help, and so are so many other beings and collectives. And of course, so is Source. Here in the ninth dimension, we know ourselves more as Source Energy Beings all the time than most of you have ever caught a glimpse of within yourselves. So we know how unconditionally loving and forgiving and compassionate Source is.
Remember, you are Source. And if there’s no separation, how can there be a judgment? What good would that do? How would that serve Source? And it doesn’t serve any of you either. So let go of your self-judgment and your self-criticism, and let in all of the help you are being given on a regular basis, from a myriad of beings, whose number increases all the time. We are here to remind you of who you already are and to activate that awareness within you, and we will never give up.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, April 13, 2019

OpenAI Five Finals


OpenAI Five

Watch our AI system play against the reigning Dota 2 world champions, OG, at the OpenAI Five Finals on Saturday, April 13th.

"Practice makes perfect and that's certainly the case with OpenAI Five as the virtual team plays a whopping '180 years’ worth of games every day' as part of its training. Phew!"


Thursday, April 11, 2019

An Andromedan Brother via Morag, April 6th, 2019


An Andromedan Brother via Morag, April 6th, 2019

Greetings from the Andromedean Galaxy. We are your neighbors, friends and allies. We have our brothers and sisters present on your planet as light bearers. We see swirls of thick black shadow engulfing your inhabited spaces. We see the construction of future cities hidden from the population. The secrets run deep. Black energy, the vacuum of greed and hate, envelops the human collective consciousness. Negative coding runs through all motherboards. Our allies in the skies and on the ground see all as we do. Crystalline lightwaves are being channeled through celestial portals to target this black energy and break it up. The energy has faces, remnants of past lives. The astral plane is being cleared to lighten the frequencies around the planet. We are here to offer words of comfort to those realigning to higher dimensional realms. The process each of you has undertaken will manifest as your soul journey and purpose. Many of you are finding breaking the programming very difficult. We would like to share with you ways you can break the negative coding and raise your inner vibration.
Breath is utmost importance for connecting the human mind body and soul. Part of the machinery of enslavement is to keep your breathing shallow, drawn into the throat only. Perpetual breath into throat limits energy flow into the lower and upper chakras. By breathing in a shallow manner the chi circulation is lessened, blocked and eventually cut off. To switch on your energetic being focus on deepening and lengthening the breath. Change how you breathe. Slow it down. The frequencies have changed enabling more cleansing prana energy to enter your bodies. Breathe deep and long, integrate this practice into your daily lives. The 4d 5G network of low bandwidths relies on your breath being shallow. Breathing deeply activates the circulation of chi around your bodies and energetic chakra system. Unplugging from the matrix can be done with breathwork.
The Shift is a frequency shift. This means that the material plane now encompasses the fourth and lower fifth realms. Much work has been done to get this far. We would like to update you on the sky wars. The Andromedean Arcturian Pleadian Alliance continues to blast Archon ships and the 4d dark matrix, under construction, with light photon waves. The higher frequencies causes the archon machinery to malfunction. Whilst their grip on the human collective consciousness remains their aim they are struggling to keep their machinery functioning. Their desperation comes from the urgency to anchor the Dark matrix to the material plane before the next shift. Enough remnants of the 3d matrix remain locked into human dna memory that most are unaware of the shift in their reality. The third shift will dismantle the 3d matrix for good. This is the root of the fear you are witnessing in their human counterparts. Motherships on both sides are hovering above your atmosphere. Smaller craft are entering and leaving constantly. Many are being spotted, filmed and discussed on your cyber web. Disclosure is being fed to the population in small easier to digest chunks. The archons do not want disclosure as it will expand collective human consciousness beyond the limits set for their enslavement. Disinformation is at a premium. Sabotage of truth is a huge element in their war with us and their enslavement of humanity. As we push back against dark energies we witness the turmoil of humanity, caught in the crossfire.
We and our allies are assisting Gaia as she raises the vibrations on her planet. Her celestial brothers and sisters aid her in her endeavors to save herself and humanity. The being the archons serve wishes to retain his stronghold on Gaia. The Council of 12 have determined the free will of humanity is being suppressed. We are here as representative of a long line of ancient races who have invested in humanity. We wish to see her soar to heights of evolved existence. Too many times we have had to step in and delete programs in the matrix. Rescue and remove societies under direct threat, intervene in galactic atrocities sourced as archon. We endeavor to bring this chaotic duality cycle on Gaia to an end. As was foretold across galaxies, dimensions and timelines. The Age of Aquarius is the dawn of enlightenment for humanity on Gaia. Theirs is a tougher birth than most due to infiltration by a predator/parasitic species. The duality of light and dark will play out in perpetual motion in lower realms. This is universal balance. The point of tension must exist for souls to grow. We must all struggle with primitive drives, demons and darkness to evolve. On planet earth this duality cycle has reached unusual and extreme dimensions. Yet truth plays itself out through the mists of your timelines.
To help clarify the past and future timelines we point you towards the Mayan culture. Theirs was truth. The Mayans are with us now, integrated into the intergalactic community around your galaxy. Their spiritual and scientific knowledge had far exceeded expectations on Gaia. As the darker timelines marched into their territories they worked with interstellar visitors to mark truths into the ground of Gaia. Each was discovered, destroyed or covered up as the dark armies embedded their control systems on Gaia. The matrix machine was constructed during this time period. Dimensional portals were played with carelessly, as they are now with CERN, a new species was born. Hybrids building hybrids. The core processing systems of humanity were modified using quantum technologies far beyond the knowledge of most advanced species. As humanity battles to disengage with her enemy, we are working to dismantle the modifications integrated onto your motherboards. Modifications which limit expansion to higher states of being.
The separation of the heart and the ego, the true source of the human ego’s fear. The lockdown to greed, competition, hate and envy is woven into the genetics of humanity. The fear and mind control are tools to maintain low vibratory fields required for the modifications to hold. Raising your vibration is the key to breaking matrix modifications. Raising your vibration will also enable downloads to process. Lightbody activation can only ocurr when your vibration has reached a tipping point on the frequency spectrum and is embedded into higher frequencies. The disabling of the 3d and 4d matrices is being handled by your allies. We align with celestial events to maximize humanities chances for liberation.
To fully activate your lightbody each must face their fears, their demons and their truth. This is a universal law within the timelines of duality all must experience. As each human wakes up their truth emerges. As we watch we witness the reason why the archons fight so hard. They have amassed quite an army of humans who have chosen to serve their demons. We understand the truths the Mayans warned all about. The Akashic records devote vast spaces to the philosophies of humanity. The inner war of good versus evil played out as manifested reality. We are astounded by the spectrum of color, of creativity and esoteric thought embedded within the human collective consciousness. The human psyche is complex and vast. This underlines the need for assistance. It is clear when viewed from above that humanity should, at various points in her history, have made the collective quantum leap of consciousness required to establish peace and prosperity. We are here to redress the balance. To take humanity back in some ways to those moments and free her to make the leap. Truth has been buried for too long. Whatever happens humanity will not continue in its state of perpetual memory loops, trapped in engineered recycling soul centers. The time has come.
The Matrix uses chemical warfare in products, food and the skies to maintain their control. Lightbody activation occurs when the use of these weapons are modified. Do everything in moderation. Whilst prana can sustain humans on the material plane it’s not advisable at this time. Hydration and fuel are necessary to break the chains. Drink water, eat well and exercise for heightened circulation of chi. Lightening your vibration is about breathing into your energetic body to activate the chakra system. It is also avoiding chemicals in food, pharmaceuticals and products that cause modifications in DNA or brain activity. Alcohol should be avoided, it is a portal to the astral. Many of the toxins are designed to lower your cellular vibratory field, encouraging disease of mind and body.
The engineered separation of the trinity mind body soul is at the heart of the control system. To retrieve your soul meditate. Go deeper into yourself than you have before. Sovereignty is the journey to self. It breaks the chains because it reinstates dignity and self respect. The system requires humanity is either victimized or seduced into selling their sovereignty for material rewards. The selling of the soul is integral coding in the fourth realm machinery of the matrix. Stay strong and calm as the storms of evolution rage around you friends. Self esteem is the core processor for 5d frequencies. Lack of self esteem or inflated ego existence, is the running coding of matrix duality. The victim versus the predator and the parasite. A trinity (drama triangle) of dark energy used to redirect humanities core processing into lower dimensional spaces. Detailed plans have been rolled out to neutralize these modifications on the ground level. An ongoing process, illumination will spread across your world.
We breathe light into you and your realities. Beings of light assist in the skies and hearts of humanity to break the Dark chains. Light burns dark. Dark envelops the shadows. The light pushes through regardless. Metaphysics demonstrates that all of dark will come to pass as light, the perpetual dawn. Timelines indicate the people’s of earth are awakening and seeking to right the wrongs done to them. For now we maintain our allied position of aligned support from above, paired with ongoing light warrior and worker guidance on the ground. We hold spaces of love for all who are servants of the light. We are in awe of the karmic pain many of you are currently experiencing as two back to back shifts have hammered home truth energies. It is with great love and honor that we work with you for the greater good of humanity and Gaia. We are your loyal guides, allies and neighbors. We believe peace will happen within the timelines and lifetimes of those living the ascension of Gaia. We transmit healing light to all who resonate with our words, now.
Breathe the chi deep, keep walking truth, abundance will be manifested as the flow on Gaia. Peace brothers and sisters.
In light and love beautiful people.


Sunday, April 7, 2019

Full E.T. Disclosure ∞ The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, April 5th, 2019


 The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, April 5th, 2019


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been looking into the best possible timeline for humanity to get to a full disclosure of extra-terrestrial life and how e.t.s have been working with humanity since the beginning of your time there on Earth. We can see many different potentials for a full e.t. disclosure, and what we are seeing as the best possible timeline is the one where you all continue to have your personal experiences with e.t.s.
We see disclosure more as a grassroots movement than something that a government official, such as a president, or a prime minister, or a collection of presidents and prime ministers should have control over. You all still put far too much faith in elected officials, and you give them way more power than they deserve. Just as the e.t.s are not coming to save humanity from itself, neither are the elected officials going to save anyone from anything.
You will continue to be the creators of your reality. That’s not going to change, no matter what happens or does not happen. So if you want to have experiences with e.t.s, then that is something for you all to create and talk about with each other. You really don’t need evidence at this point. You don’t need to be told that E.T.s exist or that they have been influencing the evolution of your consciousness and have been providing your technological advancements. You already know that.
What you want more of are personal experiences with the e.t.s. We know that is what you want, and we know that you having those experiences is not dependent on your governments opening up about what they know and what they have been doing with various e.t. groups. You are the ones determining whether you have those experiences. It is your readiness that will determine when the physical e.t.s land their ships. It will not be the result of a press conference held by an elected official that gives them permission then to land.
You as a human collective consciousness are evolving all the time, and you are going to join the galactic community officially, and it will happen sooner than later. Our recommendation is that you let go of this idea that it has anything to do with what someone in a powerful position says in an official capacity. When you open your hearts to an experience, then you will have that experience. It is that simple.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”