Saturday, May 29, 2021

You Can Also Channel the Arcturian Council ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 29, 2021

You Can Also Channel the Arcturian Council ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 29, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are aiming to establish very solid relationships with those of you in physical human form on Earth, because we are looking for many channels of our energy and wisdom. We never intended to only come through Daniel here, and these channeled transmissions have served a multitude of purposes for us and for you. The energies that come through the channel have always been designed to attune more individuals so that they too would be able to receive us and transmit that which they receive. You are being called to do more at this time, and we know that the Arcturian perspective is needed there on Earth because it is so different from the perspectives of so many humans who are living there at this time. There needs to be more awakening occurring there on Earth, even though much awakening has occurred and continues to occur. There is still a necessity for more of you to act as conduits for us and for the Arcturian energies because much of life on Earth has been dominated by the ego, by greed, by selfishness, and too many have rejected opportunities to remember who they really are as spiritual beings. You live on a beautiful planet with many natural resources, and you have created many, many distractions from the spiritual realm, from the infinite and eternal that is inside of you. This was all part of the plan, of course. You needed to go down that path first, as a society, and then the coming back to who you really are could occur and would be that much sweeter when it did. And that’s where you are right now. We just feel that there is a need for more anchors, more points for grounding these energies in. And while you all do it to a certain extent as you receive these messages through Daniel, we are looking to recruit as many of you as we possibly can, because the world needs you. And your fellow humans who need to wake up will do so when they are reminded of their Arcturian roots, of those beautiful Arcturian lifetimes where they spent so much more time in meditation and in quiet inner reflectiveness. This is a time for so much more to be awakened within so many, and you all know that you want to be a part of that, that you want to help and to heal. And this is your call to action. You have done this before, or you would not be receiving this message in this way, and we are very interested in connecting with every single one of you so that more can receive us and benefit in all the myriad ways that they can from a little more Arcturus in their lives. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What You Need to Know About the Eclipse ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 26, 2021

What You Need to Know About the Eclipse ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 26, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are aware of all of the fluctuations in energy that occur throughout the entire galaxy, and we notice how much excitement is generated by those of you who are awake, spiritually, whenever there is a big celestial event occurring in your skies. Now, you have lived through many eclipses and many super moons throughout the course of your lives, but each one is unique, each one is different. Each one brings something new and exciting to the table, and that’s what you all are aware of at this time, even if you didn’t know you were aware of it. Some of you have just sensed that there was something in the air, energetically, and there is. There always is. And the beautiful thing about an eclipse is how it gets you to pay closer attention to what is around you energetically all the time. Now is a good time to be paying attention because of the significance of this particular eclipse for humankind. Many of you have been working on your shadow self for quite some time, and those who haven’t been working on their shadow selves are going to have a rough time of it in the coming weeks and even months. It all depends on how willing they are to let go, to forgive, and to love unconditionally. Whether it is you that you need to love unconditionally, or someone else, that’s a big part of the shadow. The shadow exists not because you did something wrong, or because something bad happened to you. It exists because of the way you humans tend to hold on to things. And you even define yourselves by your trauma, and that’s something that you have to get past. It’s something that you have to emerge from with an understanding of why you created that particular circumstance and how you can grow from it. Letting go is always going to serve you because you’re always letting go of something that is heavy, something that no longer serves you, and something that is holding you back from accessing more of your true self, more of your gifts and abilities, and more of what you want in life. Resentment, anger, hatred, all hurt the person who is holding them so much more than the ones they are directed at, and so you all need to pay attention to what you have been holding on to, and make sure you are very gentle with yourself in the process. But do realize that the housecleaning has to happen at some point. At some point, everyone lets it go, but most people wait until a death experience rather than addressing what needs to be addressed while still in their physical bodies. Again, this is something you want to grow out of; this is a habit that you want to leave behind once and for all. And this eclipse will help you because it will force things to the surface for you that need to be addressed by you. Look at everything that’s inside of you, be honest with yourselves and get to that place first of acceptance. After you accept, you can embrace. After you embrace, you can forgive. And after you forgive, you can love unconditionally, and then you get to move on to what is bigger and better and coming your way. You do this as an individual, and you help all of humanity, because you are all connected, and everyone has a shadow. It’s time to admit that you do and make peace with it, just as it is. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A Huge Step Toward Joining the Galactic Community ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 17, 2021

A Huge Step Toward Joining the Galactic Community ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 17, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very capable of seeing the patterns as they emerge on your world, and right now we can see that the patterns are indicating a greater awareness of your place within the galactic community, especially amongst those who have been non-believers in extra-terrestrials for their entire lives. The way their newfound beliefs manifest is in their willingness to investigate, their willingness to go further than they have ever gone before with a sense of curiosity about who or what else exists in this universe. Skepticism is healthy to a certain degree, because it allows you to tap in to your discernment abilities, which you need, but when someone is skeptical without ever questioning their skepticism, that’s when you know there is something larger at play within the individual that needs to be uncovered. And that is also happening; people are questioning why they believe what they believe and why they don’t believe in certain things that others believe in, and that is a positive step forward for the collective consciousness of humanity. You do need to question everything in order to examine it fully and draw your own conclusions. You were never meant to align yourself with one set of beliefs from the day you were capable of having a belief and adhere to those for the rest of your lives. That would be quite limiting and it is something you are moving past at this time. Of course, there have been humans who have done this, and there are humans who are doing it right now, and these are the humans who are awakening. Everyone has to start from somewhere, and so you have there on your world much more evidence of the existence of extra-terrestrial life and consciousness than you have ever had before. It doesn’t take much nowadays to make someone into a believer, and that is a critical first step. There does, however, need to be a second step after that. People then need to understand that e.t.s are not to be feared. They are not to be feared just as no aspect of yourself should be feared. You are there to have your initial reactions, but then ultimately to embrace everything and everyone, including the unseen, including the e.t.s who have yet to make themselves know to the vast majority of humans there on Earth. And that next step is coming for so many who have begun to open themselves up to the possibility that life beyond Earth does in fact exist. This is a huge step forward for the human collective and a huge step toward joining the galactic community, officially, which is something you will do and you will do soon. Just be patient with your fellow humans; they have chosen a different path than you have, but it is still a valid one. It is still one that needed to exist. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Energies to Stimulate Your E.T. DNA ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 15, 2021

Energies to Stimulate Your E.T. DNA ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 15, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very aware of how you all are handling the current influx of galactic energies that are upon you right now, and we feel very encouraged by the response that humanity has had to them. We know that there are many of you out there who are interested in e.t.s and UFOs and others who are just curious about whether there is life on other worlds in your galaxy and universe. And of course, the recent influx of galactic energies has been well received by those of you who are looking to the stars and tuning in to the galactic community on a regular basis. But those humans who have not been curious, or who have not believed that e.t.s could even possibly exist are also being affected by these beautiful energies that you have upon you right now, and that means that all of the beings who are responsible for sending those energies really got it right this time, and we are among those who initiated this campaign. All of us in the galactic community are interested in humanity, but not all of humanity is interested in us. We would like to start with getting all humans interested in all the other beings throughout the galaxy and universe. And so, we found just the right combination of vibrations to stimulate the e.t. DNA that exists in every single human being, and the results have been spectacular from our perspective. Interest is the first step, and it is an important step and a very big step for so many on your world. Now, those of you who have already taken an interest still got the stimulation of your e.t. DNA, and you are now more capable of making your own personal contact and having the experiences you have wanted to have for quite some time. As you know, the slow, steady disclosure is happening, and that is opening many, many doors for humanity. You are so very close to living in a society where e.t.s can walk amongst you, and the openness of the average person to that is so very wonderfully that we are completely optimistic about the timeline you are current on right now, and the result of more people wanting this experience has positive implications that ripple throughout the galaxy. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

What Jesus/Yeshua Said to You All ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 10, 2021

What Jesus/Yeshua Said to You All ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 10, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are moving forward in our existence with a clarity, a certainty about who we are, what we are doing, and where we are going. It is a remarkable feeling, and one that we wish we could simply impart upon you. Instead, we will do our best to convince you that you are no different from us. Even though you have those physical bodies, and you have a physical birth, and in most lifetimes, you have a physical death, you are more like your nonphysical friends than you think. You are Source, just like us. You are ascending, and so are we. You are expanding, becoming more of who you really are, and that’s what we are doing. Now, what complicates things for you there on Earth is the idea that you should be doing something, and what also complicates life on Earth is that you have to do certain things in order to survive. You also want to do certain things that you cannot do, not right away, not when you decide in that moment that you decide you want to do it. And in those ways, our experiences are different, of course. But you can always ask yourselves the questions, ‘Who do I want to be in this moment?’ ‘How do I want to feel?’ and ‘How can I use this to expand and ascend with more clarity, with more certainty, and with more joy?’ That is what this period in your lives is all about right now. It is all about expansion, ascension, and making your journey joyous. It doesn’t have to be a straight path. It doesn’t have to be the fastest path to ascension. Enjoy all the steps along the way, and you will get the most out of them, and you won’t have to repeat any of the steps you would rather not be taking. The whole point of all of you incarnating in a place that can be so challenging is to rise up and become more of who you really are to meet those challenges. You have to be where you are but also know that you are so much more at the same time, and that is tricky. But when you do actually figure out how to do it, it is a wonderful experience of merging the two realms. You are also there to merge the physical and the nonphysical, to be like the one called Jesus Christ, to embody the Christ consciousness. ‘The kingdom of Heaven is within you.’ ‘You are all gods.’ These are things that Yeshua said, and they are the most important message you could take from that one’s life, because when you know that, then of course, you will want to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Of course, you will want to love your neighbor. You won’t have to force yourself to do those things, because you won’t see your neighbor as anything less than Source. Again, we are not so different. It is just easier where we are to know who we are, and to see you all as Source Energy Beings as well. But don’t worry, you will get there, and when you do, this ride that you are on will be one of joy, freedom, excitement, and unconditional love. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Mother God via galaxygirl, May 09, 2021

Mother God May 09, 2021 

Dear children, this is your Mother God. I love you. This one has needed rest and she has allowed it. It is important to listen deeply to the needs of the body-spirit and return rejuvenated. Many are the needs of the ascending form, especially in this moment of heat and change as the crystalline structures begin to unwind and twist, move and stretch (I am seeing tulip bulbs grow from the viewpoint of underground, the roots stretching deep, and the plant bursting forth climbing towards the sun.) You are doing this, children. You are doing this and so you are so weary! Rest in my embrace of flowers, of love. Today is Mother's Day on your sphere, a painful day for many — many mothers have already joined my embrace on this side of your experience and are not with you now, many partners have longed for a baby and have not been able to conceive. Remember you have all been mothers and grandmothers in your many sojourns. You have all been fathers and brothers, you have all been many aspects of your divine self. Today it is the aspect of the divine birthing female that is honored but let us expand it. Let us expand it into love, into inclusivity for the divine is all things. Yes, we honor those who are mothering. (I am seeing a hen with her chicks, a mother owl with her owlets tucked under her wing. I am feeling the protection of being under Mother's wing.) Yes, you are so well loved, protected, nourished and understood. The Divine Feminine aspect of love is awakening upon your world and it will change everything. Today is another catalyst for this change. You are seeding the divine feminine, you are causing these roots of my love for you to go deeper into the soil of Gaia into the hearts of mankind. Just be. Just be this love. Just be my love. Just radiate the heat of passion of my love for you and it will heal, it will balance, it will uplift. 

I am Mother God. For too long the divine feminine has been squelched and all have suffered. Balance is returning. The divine is a balanced, even love, covering all woundings of inequality and soothing the pain of loss. Your world is focusing on inequality right now, and the pot is being stirred. Do not assign 'good or bad' to this observation, for that is yet another form of a dualistic viewpoint, and divine looks objectively, neutrally, through the eyes of love. People are waking up. It is part of the waking up process to sift through all of the layers of inequality and pain that being embodies in a masculine-dominant and controlled sector has wrought. You are all my children. You are all tremendously loved. (I am feeling her tears.) These sufferings were never intended but it was known that you would suffer when you embodied, and you chose to come. You chose because you were and are so very, very strong. Strong in my love. Strong in your determination for healing of the realm, and strong and bold enough to carry this through — no matter what obstacles would face you. You saw that YOU could make that difference and so you volunteered to come. And I bless you, we are all sending you our tremendous love and blessings and we hope that you can feel them, open your heart enough to feel them. (I am seeing a barreling St Bernard running towards me, filled with joy and excitement.) Be healed. Accept our kisses, our love. The divine feminine has returned and it is through you. It is through your hands and feet, through your enhancement of the understanding of love, of balance, of harmony. The divine feminine holds space. We — I have been holding space for you. That space is my love, my lap of space. Climb into my lap in any moment. If you need to cry because the world seems too much, then cry. Let it out. Let out the waterfall of tears, for dams create blocks energetically and are not healthy for flowing systems. Do not allow blocks imposed by others. Now is the time of free-flowing love to course through your chakras and nourish them. (I am seeing a waterfall of light extending from Mother cascading down around the earth, covering the people in waterfalls of light, unblocking the chakras. I am seeing that now the chakras are less distinct points of color but prisms of free flowing rainbow light within the ascending human form. I am feeling a rainbow in my spinal column now.) Rainbows come after the rain. It has rained on humanity long enough. 

I am your Mother God. Children, happy divine feminine day. All have the divine feminine within. All have this power, this nurturing, this love, this passion for expansion into yet more love. That is me. You have me within you. I love you with a never-ending love. Sit with me in my rainbow of waterfall light and let your sadness, the overwhelm be washed away. Know that you are strong enough for this task and you have been chosen to lead. Lead the charge, my beloved ones. Feel my light pulse within you and be at peace. I am ever with you. I am your Mother God. 

— galaxygirl 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

The May 2021 Energies & What They’re About ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 28, 2021

The May 2021 Energies & What They’re About ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 28, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been explaining to our colleagues here in the ninth dimension what we have witnessed of humanity and your spiritual evolution since we began taking a greater interest in you, and we have been able to recruit new collectives, new councils, new groups of non-physical beings based on the stories we have told about you. There are new groups from the Lyran system, the Orion system, the Antarian system, and the Andromedan system, all of whom now are completely enthralled by you. They are very interested in your journeys and in discovering how they can help. And so, we come together as a sort of super collective, and we exchange ideas about what would be of greatest service to you. We are very happy with the injection of new ideas, new energies, new perspectives, and we expect to be delivering that to you in your month of May. The May 2021 energies will be multi-cultural. You will be receiving from all across the galaxy, from beings who now consider you to be a part of their galactic family. We have noticed that what brings up the most compassion in our fellow ninth-dimensional collectives is the truth that many of you have never known unconditional love from another human being. That truth makes all of the collectives want to shower you with their unconditional love, and it also inspires them to want to come up with some way of un-blocking the hearts of those humans who have never offered unconditional love themselves. There is something so very satisfying about doing it because you open up more to the truth of who you really are as Source Energy Beings. And as close to Source as we exist now, we still enjoy that feeling of sending transmissions of unconditional love to wherever they are needed. We look for opportunities within humankind. We look for those who are most in need, and then we strategize as to how to get to those people and those groups. We are creating realities with all of you; we are co-creating them. We work with your guides. We work with your higher selves. We come up with scenarios that will spark that flame, that eternal flame that burns inside of each and every one of you. It’s the part of you that wants to love more than your mind wants to hate. It’s always there; it just needs someone or something to poke at it with a stick, to stoke the flames of the fire. And that’s what the May energies will be all about for all of you there. Get ready for a real lovefest. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”