Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters via Daniel Scranton, March 31, 2024

The Resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters via Daniel Scranton, March 31, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. We are here now to speak to you about resurrection and what it means. It can mean that you die in a body and then come back into that body, as you do every night when you fall asleep. Now, you don’t die every night, but you do leave your body, and remain corded, or attached, to your body while you’re on your journey through the astral plane, and then you come back into your body because you’re still connected to it. But a resurrection doesn’t mean a severing of that cord that connects your soul’s consciousness to your body consciousness and then coming back into that same body. A resurrection is a transformation, and transformation is what Yeshua was and is all about. Yeshua is here amongst us, in case you were wondering. He is part of this collective and a very beautiful example of what is possible for all of you there in your human physical bodies. You don’t need to die to be reborn. You don’t need to experience a trauma to grow spiritually either. You simply need to remember who you really are and to access that energy, to allow that energy to flow to you and through you, to inhabit a different kind of body, a light body. And so, when we talk about ascension, we are talking about resurrection and transformation, and that is what Yeshua wanted for himself in that famous lifetime and for all of you. Yeshua wanted other humans to follow in his footsteps, but without the martyrdom, without the crucifixion. Now, he had completed his teachings and completed his mission, and every life that ends ends because the purpose for that life has ended. And so, he chose to check out in a very dramatic way that would lend to all of the speculation of who he really was and is. He wanted people to see that there is no death, that the consciousness cannot be destroyed, and you cannot destroy an idea either. His teachings still live on, and they live on because of their profundity and because he chose a dramatic end to his ministry. Now, ultimately the resurrection proved that the body is not the only house for the consciousness. There are other bodies. There are lighter bodies, and you all now are transforming yourselves into lighter-bodied beings so that you can have eternal life. Eternal life is something that Yeshua’s modern day followers believe in, and you all who are awake also believe in the eternal nature of the soul. Now, as your soul, you can inhabit any body you want to, and you are choosing lighter and lighter bodies as you go to represent the evolution of your soul, the evolution of your consciousness, and the direction of your focus, as you focus yourselves into higher and higher states of being, higher and higher vibrations, and you allow yourselves to become your fifth-dimensional higher selves, your resurrected, ascended selves. Remember that you resurrect ever morning when you wake up into your body and you get to decide who you are going to be on that particular day, what that lifetime of those sixteen or so hours is going to be about. And you will continue to be giving yourselves that choice for all of eternity, and that is something to be happy about. That is something to feel joyous about because there is no end to our experience, and there is no end to what we can explore and discover about ourselves as Source Energy Beings. That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Faster Manifestation Times ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 21, 2024

Faster Manifestation Times ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 21, 2024

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are excited to be connecting with you. This is a glorious time for humanity because you have access to so much. So many individuals have tapped in to so much nonphysical consciousness that you do have more teachings available to you. You do have more tools, more tricks and more techniques to utilize in the creation of your experience of your reality. Now, there is a key component that not all of these teachers from the nonphysical are talking about that we would like to address here. When you exhibit the trait of patience, you are in that moment letting go of your attachment to what you want to create and experience. And therefore, patience will cause what you want to experience to come more quickly to you. Now, you can be eager and excited and patient all at the same time. And when you add the eagerness and the excitement, you do also accelerate the manifestation into your reality. However, patience is the key because when you have patience, it is like telling the universe, ‘I trust that it’s coming, and I accept the perfect timing of it.’ When you don’t have as much patience as is required, then you experience doubt, and then you worry about whether you did the right technique for manifestation. You might also wonder if you have some blockages or some bad karma that’s keeping it from coming to you. All doubt and all worry slow down the manifestation process. Two other states of being will speed it up for you. One is love, and love speeds up the manifestation process because love is your natural state. It is our natural state. Joy is the other state of being that will help you in manifesting more quickly what it is that you desire. When you are experiencing joy, you are saying to the universe, ‘I have everything that I need right now to be my whole and full self,’ and it is that energy that is abundance. That energy is in alignment with abundance. And what you want to manifest is an abundance of your desired reality. You want to manifest what is in that desired reality. So you are asking the universe for more, and when you match the vibration of abundance, you get more. When you are thinking about the fact that what you want to manifest hasn’t arrived yet, you are in the vibration of lack, and you will experience more lack as a result. You get what you focus upon. You have undoubtedly heard that expression before, which is really a truth. It is a truth with a capital ’T’ in this universe of ours. We invite you to get excited about even knowing that you are manifesting your reality at all times. We invite you to get excited in knowing that everything you have ever wanted is already yours. We invite you to get excited about experiencing yourself as being one with your desired manifestations. We want you to feel more whole and complete as you are, and these manifestations that you desire don’t make you feel more whole and complete. But rather, they reflect to you the wholeness and the completeness of your nature, your true nature. And so, we desire for you what you desire for you, because we know that you will get it when you become more of your whole, natural self. And we know that we can contribute to those teachings that you have received by reminding you of these truths as often as we possibly can. We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The New Earth ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 12, 2017

The New Earth ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 12, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You are making progress in ways that you cannot measure with instruments. These are not quantifiable steps, and therefore, they are a mystery. There is a part of you who can track the progress that you are making, but it is not a conscious aspect of self. And therefore, you must rely on those beings like us, and you must trust that we are giving it to you straight. The progress that you are making is with the creation of a new Earth, the creation of a new fifth dimensional reality. So you can see why it is immeasurable and difficult to detect from where you sit. Many of you are reaching for and yearning for this new Earth to take hold in your experience, but ultimately it is something that is still under construction. However, we can see the completed result of all of your efforts, and we are here to tell you that you are inheriting a magnificent planet filled with love and equality, filled with peace and acceptance. You will not get to this new Earth by hammering away at the old one. You don’t need to chisel away at the governments, the economic systems, and the corporations and banks in order to get there. You simply have to embrace your inner realm. You have to believe that this new Earth exists inside of you and that it will appear in front of you when you are ready to inherit it. So that is why it is more important for you to go within yourselves and feel for the energy that you are using to create your reality. And at times it is necessary to let go of your attempts to change the physical reality that you currently experience. And certainly, you want to let go of any need to change any other person that you experience in your physical reality, no matter how much power that person seems to have. There is a letting go of the old Earth that is necessary in order to move to the new one. And you are capable of doing this gracefully without large natural disasters or other catastrophic events, because you are creating this new Earth within yourselves. And you are allowing yourselves entry and passageway to the new Earth you have created. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

How to Jump Timelines w/the Equinox Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 20, 2024

How to Jump Timelines w/the Equinox Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 20, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been instructing all of you for quite some time in the astral plane, and we have specifically been giving you guidance as to how to jump timelines. We know that you have heard of jumping timelines before, and we also know that you perhaps believed that you had to jump timelines with the entire human collective going to the new timeline with you. But that is not the case because there is a version of the human collective on every timeline. Therefore, you don’t have to wait until everyone else is ready there on Earth to have an experience yourself of what you want, even if that experience involves all other humans. An experience like peace on Earth, or an experience like a mass landing of spaceships are two examples of global events that you can have at any time. And again, that is because when you personally jump a timeline, you go to a different reality where there is already a human collective that is also vibrating at that same frequency to have that global experience with you. And so, we mentioned that the equinox energies are there to assist you and allow you to jump timelines, but we want you to know that there are an infinite number of timelines to choose from, and we also wanted to assure you that you don’t have to wait for everyone else to be ready the timeline that you want to experience. Now is the time to get crystal clear about what you want to experience on your new timeline. Tell the universe and your guides. Tell your higher self, and tell them all out loud. And then match those words with your vibration. Align with your new timeline. And again, you don’t have to feel bad about leaving your old timeline behind and the human collective that exists on that timeline, because you can renew, refresh, and restart that timeline as you are leaving. Your intentions are so powerful, and as you hold that intention to not abandon anyone, then that will be your experience. You will not be abandoning anyone, because another aspect of your soul will still be there on that timeline helping, serving, doing all the things that you want to do to live a life of purpose. And so, do not feel guilty about jumping to a better timeline, because you are setting a good example to everyone else and showing them how it’s done. You are adding something to the collective consciousness of all humans on all timelines that everyone will benefit from, because anyone and everyone can tap in to that template. You are doing such amazing work on yourselves and doing so much for all of humanity by being awake, and you get to experience the relationships, the prosperity, the health and well-being that you want, and then you will teach others how to jump timelines, because you will have successfully done it and felt the difference on the new timeline. And as we said before, these energies that are coming in for the equinox will be helping you always to jump timelines. And so, everyone will be able to benefit from these energies at some point, and you will always be able to help the entire human collective, no matter where you are. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Equinox Energies of March 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 18, 2024

The Equinox Energies of March 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 18, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a great deal of excitement flowing through us as we contemplate the impact of the equinox energies upon you. You are coming to a time of greater and greater flexibility within your lives and within the paths of your lives, and these equinox energies are coming in to support you in shifting, in jumping timelines. You also will be given the opportunity to refresh the timeline that you are on before jumping to the new one that is more to your liking. Therefore, you can feel a lot less like you are abandoning the Earth and the human collective that you are leaving behind on the timeline you are currently on. You can add something to what you are jumping from as you are jumping to that which is a better reality for you and for all who will share that reality with you. A timeline is nothing more than a series of realities strung together where there is a logical cause and effect. You are the cause. You are the prime mover. You are the one who decides what you are vibrating, whether you know you are doing it or not. And therefore, you determine which timeline you are on. Now normally you would not then think about the timeline that you just left, but because so many of you are beings of service and want to have such a positive impact on your world, you are being given that opportunity to refresh, to essentially restart the timeline you are currently a part of before shifting away from it. Now, how would you do this, you might wonder? Well, the first thing you want to do is open up and receive the equinox energies. Relax, know that you are one giant receptor at this time, and know that the equinox energies are coming. They are coming for you, for your best use. And then choose with that conscious mind of yours which timeline you would like to be on. Choose a timeline with more peace, more prosperity, more fairness, with all of the manifestations that you want for living a life of joy and freedom, a life of abundance. Choose a timeline where you can let go of your past that seems to be holding you back, and that includes your past lives, your ancestors and their karma. You can leave all of it behind, and we suggest that you do because you have this opportunity that will always be there. There is no window here. The window will be flung wide open and it will stay open, because you are all receiving help now that is eternal and not temporary. You are not there to just receive a quick fix or a boost. You are there now to be transformed and to transform, and you deserve all the help that you are getting. And so, feel worthy of receiving the equinox energies, and know that you are supposed to use them in whatever way you want to use them. You are known to be the beings of light and love that you are. You are known as beings of service, and you are trusted with the responsibility of choosing whichever timeline best suits you at this time. And so, it is time for all of you to get very excited, as no matter when you receive this message, this transmission, you will be benefitting from it and from the changes that the equinox energies of March 2024 will bring about. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, March 11, 2024

Professor Michio Kaku & Ross Coulthart interview | UFO UAP News


I think this is a good video to bring people up to speed on the UFO / UAP topic, especially the scientific community, because Michio Kaku is very well known / respected. 


Pentagon CLAIMS NO EVIDENCE Of UFO Technology

Breaking Point, March 12, 2024

Thursday, March 7, 2024

How You Will Experience the Completion of The Shift ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled Daniel Scranton, September 6, 2021

How You Will Experience the Completion of The Shift ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled Daniel Scranton, September 6, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very interested in the development of the new self that is taking place within each and every human being at this time. You are essentially shifting your consciousness from within by noticing that you are more than the identity that you had previously clung to as the real you. Now, as you transition from being an egoic being to being your higher self, this place you are in now is the most interesting and fascinating to those like us who observe this process of evolution. We see you becoming more of who you are every day, because we witness you as an energy that vibrates, rather than as a human body that speaks, thinks, and acts. The up-leveling of your vibration is inevitable because your planet is shifting, just as the entire solar system moves through the galaxy to greener pastures, so to speak. It is a time for you to be looking at yourselves in new ways, seeing the eternal expansion of your consciousness to include more of the sense of self that you had previously. You are meant to grow and become, and the process of your evolution is through the realization that nothing else really matters. That is why you experience loss; that is why you experience the break-up, the loss of money, home, possessions, even your youth. You continue to lose more the longer you move through time and space there on Earth, which eventually helps you to come to peace with the fact that you were never meant to cling to these illusions in the physical in the first place. It was something that you were taught to do. You were taught to identify as a race, religion, nationality, gender and so on, and as those things are becoming less important to the awakened collective, there is push back. People who are still clinging want you to cling as well. They want you to have national pride, a religion, an easily-identifiable gender, and so on. The way of the ego is to cling, to attach, to assign meaning to the meaningless, and the way of the higher self is to be present, to care not about form, about structures, about made up ideas, like a country, and instead to be more unconditional love, to show more compassion, and to create from the beauty that is all around the higher self. This is essentially what you expect to do after you ascend, but you are in this transitional phase right now where you are stripping away the identities of the ego in order to become your higher self, and those of you who have done a lot of that work can begin to identify as your higher self right now. You don’t have to wait for a solar flash, an event, three to however many days of darkness that are being talked about, and so on. You don’t have to wait for any of it to occur outside of you in order for you to decide that you do want to identify as an infinite, eternal, formless being of light and love. And as yo make your expressions about that feeling that you have cultivated within yourself, you light up to others, and then others will be more interested in what you have than in the shiny new car, the big house, the luxurious clothing and other items that they have, and they will want you to teach them how to find that place inside where they too can have inner peace and a sense of satisfaction just from existing. This is why we continually that as the awakened collective, you are leading humanity. It is because we can see how the shift will actually continue to unfold. It will be a grass roots movement where all of you who are paying attention to what’s going on inside of you will lead the newly awakened back inside themselves to where everything that they need already exists. And as you do, you help the collective of humanity move from an egoic one to one that exists as a collective, as a higher, and then you will experience the completion of the shift. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, March 4, 2024

Representative Andy Ogles | UFO Disclosure & The US Government (Interview with Jay Anderson, Project Unity)


6:26 "Where do we go from here, in order to get answers to the UAP Phenomena?" He suggests that the Speaker of the House should establish a select committee specifically dedicated to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, equipped with the authority and subpoena power needed to uncover the answers to these questions. This committee would have a clear mission statement and directive outlining the desired outcomes from both a congressional oversight and intelligence committee perspective. He is quoted as stating that "a select committee initiated by the Speaker of the House (Mike Johnson) could be created swiftly with a simple stroke of a pen."


For a letter, or to call him: In a recent interview with Representative Andy Ogles, he raises the question, "Where do we go from here, in order to get answers to the UAP Phenomena?" He suggests that the Speaker of the House should establish a select committee specifically dedicated to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, equipped with the authority and subpoena power needed to uncover the answers to these questions. This committee would have a clear mission statement and directive outlining the desired outcomes from both a congressional oversight and intelligence committee perspective. Representative Ogles underscores the importance of transparency for the American people.

He is quoted as stating that a select committee initiated by the Speaker of the House (that is you) could be created swiftly with a simple stroke of a pen. I strongly encourage you to do just this. In the interest of National Security, it is paramount that we have more transparency regarding what is in our skies, particularly in commercial and military airspace. Additionally, there have been sightings of UAPs at nuclear military facilities.

I ask once again, please create this necessary select committee on UAP Disclosure. Thank you.

"The Honorable Mike Johnson"

568 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC, 20515-1804

Phone: (202) 225-2777