Sunday, November 29, 2020

Create New Rabbit Holes with the Current Energies ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, November 28, 2020

Create New Rabbit Holes with the Current Energies ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, November 28, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very slow to come to a conclusion about something in reality, and we certainly do not jump to conclusions. We are always looking for new routes, new ways of getting from point A to point Z. And therefore, we are not very quick to accept the idea that the route laid out from point A to point Z is the best, the easiest, or the fastest one. We like that there are so many perspectives out there in the universe, and we believe that any perspective can be true and certainly can be a part of the being who believes in that perspective’s experience. But you see, we enjoy creation so much more than we do following in the footsteps of what others have done, said, or thought. We are looking for pioneers and trailblazers. We are looking for those of you who are looking to create, rather than duplicate. We are looking for those of you who want to lead, rather than fall in line. We want you all to question everything, even if it is something that we are transmitting through this particular channel, because we want you to create something new. We want all of you to channel and bring forth more perspectives, because we know that the more perspectives there are, the more of Source Energy that is then present in that reality. You see Source not only allows for all perspectives to be, but Source also is all perspectives. Source also gets excited about an aspect of Itself seeking to create something new. Create your own rabbit holes, rather than just looking at what someone else has just laid out for you. Be inspired by others, but never let go of the flame, the truth, the love that burns so brightly inside of you and wants to come out in the very unique way that you have of expressing your love, your truth, your light. Now is the time for bringing forth what is new to the Earth plane, and you are the perfect ones, as The Awakened Collective, to do just that. As we have said many times before, the energies coming in are for you to co-create with once you receive them. You are not just receiving energies so that you can have gifts, abilities, memories, DNA activations, and so on. You are there receiving energies so that you can create something new, something never before experienced with those energies. And we are now and will always be huge supporters of those endeavors. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Attunement for an Arcturian Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 26, 2020

Attunement for an Arcturian Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 26, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very engaged in the process of your evolution of consciousness. We absolutely are intertwined with humanity at this point, and we are very happy about that. We want you to know that we will always be with you, always by your side, always seeking to help you, and we are eager to share with you more about our spiritual evolution as we have been experiencing it. As we have told you many times before, our ascension was much easier than yours, and we chose an incarnational cycle that was also much more joyous and filled with wonderful experience after wonderful experience. We did not choose the hard path, as you did. But what we did to bring ourselves into a higher consciousness, you can also do. One of the ways we were able to achieve such monumental leaps forward was of course going within, focusing on our vibration, our chakras, and our hearts. It was easier for us to do these things because that’s what everyone was doing. On your world, most people are looking outside of themselves for validation, or for satisfaction, for fulfillment, for pleasure. We were taught at a very young age about how much ecstasy we could access by focusing inside of ourselves and breathing consciously. We were taught that the inner world was more exciting and interesting, and that was why it was easier for us to ascend. We also didn’t have anything to push against. There were no villains in our experience. We never had to fight for the right to do anything, and all Arcturians were equal to one another. Therefore, even when we were existing as third dimensional beings and had egos, we were not in competition with one another. We didn’t compare ourselves to anyone else, and it was very easy to see how we were all connected. If we could give you that gift of knowing that you were all connected, we would, and we will continue to attempt to convince you that there is so much more available to you when you go within than there is anything outside of you that compares. We want you to have an Arcturian spiritual awakening and an Arcturian ascension journey, because you have done enough of the hard work, the struggling, and the heavy lifting. Now, we also consider it to be very interesting that most humans spent many lifetimes in our system. So you have also had the experience of being able to grow with ease, being able to evolve spiritually without having to try very hard. And we also will continue to seek to awaken those memories within you. We invite you to feel for the energy that we are projecting right now, no matter when you receive this message. We are offering you an attunement through this channeled transmission to get you to remember the truth of who you are as an Arcturian being, as a spiritual master, as one who can take the easiest path to your ascension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Divine Mother God - Connect with Us, Update from Gaia, Community, BE KIND & Emissaries of Light 11-22-2020, via Dancing Dolphin

Divine Mother God - Connect with Us, Update from Gaia, Community, BE KIND & Emissaries of Light 11-22-2020

Message from Divine Mother God 
Connect with Us, Update from Gaia, Community, BE KIND & Emissaries of Light

Sunday, November 22, 2020
Note: this message was dictated and then transcribed.

Dear Children, my Children who currently live on Gaia; I send each and every one of you my love every day, every minute, every second. I am continually sending all of you my love. Of course, when I say “my” I mean “Mother & Father”. We are together, we are not separate even though some of you think of us as different aspects. We are ONE just as you all are ONE with us. You each have a piece of us inside you, so needless to say, each and everyone of you can talk to us any time of the day or night. We hear you, we feel you, we are always in constant contact with all of you.

I know many of you have felt lonely in different times of your lives. I wish to remind you that you are not ever alone; unless you wish to cut off communication from us or your Angels who watch over you, or your Spirit Guides. You absolutely may cut off communication, but we still do not leave your side! We still are with you, we still watch over you. We understand that you go through difficult times. For instance, if you lose a child, that is one of the most difficult situations to experience during your journey as a human and you may feel angry with us. But, even so, we are always still here with you.

I reiterate this message at this time because this year has been extremely difficult for everyone on the planet. There isn’t one individual person who has not felt the stress, anxiety, confusion and chaos that has been prevalent on Gaia. The fear has also been very intense. Fear of this virus and the need to protect your loved ones is great. So, this is why I wish give this message to you now. Please reach out and contact us if you feel the need for comfort and love. We are here!

GAIA’s Journey
Next, I would like to speak about your dear planet. Gaia herself has been going through many changes. She has been gifted healing from many Lightworkers and your Galactic Family. Gaia is eternally grateful for the assistance that you have given her and asked me to convey this message to you. The Lightworkers of Gaia have been doing a fabulous job!

This part of the message is directed towards Lightworkers who have actively participated in Gaia’s healing. Gaia is aware of the many healing methods which you have taken part in and she appreciates all of them. These include; mass meditations, personal meditations, energy work, actual night-time soul travels where you work in groups (such as AA Michael’s ‘Cleaning Crew’) and actively praying for Gaia. She is eternally grateful and she holds no malice for humanity for the atrocities that they have committed to her over time. She is in an elevated spiritual position where she understands why those acts were created (for example dumping of toxic waste due to greed). Now is the time for looking and moving forward.

I have stated this before, but it is still true that Gaia has been consistently ascending as have you all. She has not reached the apex of her ascension yet as her healing is not yet complete. She would very much appreciate your continued support so she can continue to ascend to the level she wishes to attain. She could not have come as far without your help! Gaia knows you all by name; those of you who have helped her during this lifetime and others—she knows you and says thank you!

Bright Side of the Global Pandemic
I have seen with great joy the surprising bright side of the global pandemic that you all have experienced this year. You have re-learned the value of Community. Those of you who were forced to quarantine in your homes have had the time to focus on topics other than work, including; the value of home, family and community. Many of you have reached out to neighbors who may have needed help; possibly elderly or disabled neighbors. You helped others even though you weren’t sure if you were in harm’s way or not, you still acted. This brings your Father and I great, great joy!

What About You?
This experience has provided a wake-up call and made many people stop to focus on what they really wish to do in their lives as well as what is important to them. What is vital to you? What makes you happy? What are your goals? Think about your own life...has your outlook on life changed this year? Do you appreciate it more? Have you lost family and friends to this illness? Have you lost your job? Have you been forced to re-think your current career path? Have you changed careers? If you have lost your job and have not found another one yet, please keep your mind open and think how you can use your talents in a different way. No one is locked into any one industry or career. Focus on your skills and how you can adapt them.

My wish is that you allow yourself to take the time and focus internally on your own journey; especially 
during this Winter (for my children living in the northern hemisphere) or the Summer (for those living in the southern hemisphere). This is vital for your continued spiritual growth. 

Allow yourselves the luxury to deeply ponder such questions as…
Are you happy where you are in your life?
Are you happy with how your life is playing out?
If not, how would you change your life?
Would you move to a new location?
Would you change jobs or careers?
What is your passion?
Are you happy with your relationship status? If not, why?
Would you rather have a different partner or be alone?

Think about your life! This magnificent P_A_U_S_E that you all are experiencing is happening for a reason as you may well expect. It is a blessing. Many good things have and will continue to come out of it!

Community Support
Now, I would like each person, in the theme of the last section, to extend your vision outward. Now that you all have re-learned the value of Community, let’s do a small visual exercise.

First, see yourself standing on the ground in front of a giant, sturdy ladder. Start by focusing on yourself and your immediate family. Visualize yourselves shut in your home, working and learning there and feeling isolated. You miss your friends, major life celebrations and the freedom you took for granted.

Second, take a few steps up the giant ladder. Now you can see your immediate neighborhood and even your community in general. What is happening in your community? Has the quarantine put local business owners out of business? Are many shops boarded up? Have many people been laid off work? Are you or your neighbors feeling lonely and/or ill?

Third, take a few more steps up the giant ladder. Now you can see your region, maybe your county, state or even country if it is a small one. What is the overall feeling you get from your region? Is it functioning smoothly? Are all areas being serviced with food, medical and home supplies? Does the supply chain function well? Does your region still have clean water and power? You may step down from the ladder.

What have you learned from this tumultuous year that can be used to benefit your community in the future? Think about what you and your community could do if something like this should happen again. What can you do for the people in your area who have been affected by this now? How can you fix this going forward? Working together is the only way through this. We are one.

As you all know, specific industries have been hit very hard during this pandemic. Millions of people lost their jobs as these industries were either forced to close or became deserted when people stayed at home. Travel & Tourism, Entertainment (Movie theaters, Play Houses), Restaurants & Bars, Spas & Salons, etc.

The economic trickle down impact of this massive job loss is significant. This affects EVERYONE, even if you still hold a job. All of these people are now displaced. What can you do to help those people in your community? What can you do to help the business people in your area who have lost their business and livelihoods? They are your neighbors, they are you—we’re all one.

I wish you all to contemplate how you can help your neighbors get back up on their feet. You’re not just an individual family or person in your own home or apartment anymore, right? This experience has shown you many, many things. It’s shown you how connected you all are! And how lonely some people have become because they are not allowed to visit family or friends or even hug those who they are allowed to see. You all must have realized during this time how inter-dependent you all are on each other for social engagement and your general well-being and happiness. You all greatly miss contact and interaction with other people. You’ve taken that for granted and when you get it back, it will be so much more appreciated.

So, I want you to think about your neighbors who have suffered during this experience; who may have lost their business, their jobs, may possibly have become ill with the virus or lost a family member to the virus. Even those who have survived the virus may be feeling weak or vulnerable. What can YOU as the collective human race do to help them? As you know, there are many aspects of this whole experience that need to be considered. So before it ends, I ask you to spend time pondering how you can help your neighbor, how can you be of service to your town or community. Can you join a planning committee or start talking to your neighbors? Maybe hold a Town Hall meeting and see how everyone else is feeling, then bring these issues and ideas to those who govern your local municipality.

This has been a long discussion of the same topic, but it is one that I wanted to bring to your attention first and foremost in your minds. Not only how you and your family can survive, but also how you can help others around you. The stronger that your community is, the better off your well-being and quality of life will be.

You are a precious creation
I would like to conclude by emphasizing to each and every one of my children: YOU ARE AN INFINITE BLESSING TO ME! Each and every one of you is unique, is a precious creation. There are no two Souls alike—even twins are not anything alike in our eyes. We (your Father & I) know each of you by name, we know all about you and we love you, we love you! We reside inside of you. Just think of us and we can connect and speak with you, we can send you impressions, inspiration and we can send answers to your questions. You are each absolutely precious to us and we are so blessed. Be gentle and patient with yourselves. When I say be gentle—I mean, please don’t criticize yourself for being too this or too that or not enough this or that! We love you just as you are, always!! Your life is a gift to you and a gift to us. Each and every second that you are here on Gaia, walking on Gaia and interacting with our other creations is a gift.

You have no idea how much of an impact each and every one of you makes. That is why many say: Be Kind! Be kind to every single person, every Being you come in contact with. You under-estimate your impact. A smile (or a wave of your hand if you’re wearing a mask), you can smile with your eyes or you can greet them with a “hello!” is all it takes. The important part is to acknowledge the other person and wish them well with your heart. They will feel it. When you’re thinking of a loved one who may be far away, or even in the next house but you cannot see them—wish them well. Your impact is great, it is more than you know. If you’re online and connecting socially, those impacts also have a strong affect on others, good or bad. I ask that you be hyper aware of how you interact with others on all levels, even unconsciously. For example, if you feel anger towards someone that is perceived also. So, I ask that you make them positive and joyful effects. 

I would love to see rippling joy out from every single one of you! You are a Beacon of Light, you are a light upon Gaia. And when I look, I see and feel your lights, but we perceive you as lights and we and we want to see emanations of good vibrations coming out of you. If everybody on Gaia did that (heavy sigh)—you would all ascend in the snap of a the blink of an eye, everyone would ascend! Because that JOY that you get from connecting is glorious; it’s the highest form—especially connecting when you are helping somebody, when you’re giving of yourself, when you’re serving someone else—that is the highest form of joy that any human being can experience! It is the highest form of love, a very powerful form of love!!

Any time that you spend on Gaia; in person, on the ground, you interact with other people. Please be hyper-diligent on how you interact with other people on a day to day basis. Make your time here worthwhile! Because someone who is so lonely, is so down and is in a deep depression; if someone like that comes across your joy in a non-threatening way, experiences a piece of your joy, it’s trans-formative for them. It’s not going to cure them instantly, it’s going to give them a little crack of light that will come through the darkness that is surrounding them. And the more people that treat that person with kindness, the more the crack opens and light can come into their lives. I know all of you have been lonely at one point or another in your life. So you can imagine how deep, deep loneliness feels. And honestly, many people are feeling this way right now because of the quarantines that are going on. So, when you have the opportunity to interact with someone in any form or fashion, DO IT WITH JOY, even if you’re not feeling 100% at that exact moment. Just remember to Be Kind. All of you are our creations and people are going through many, many different difficult times in their lives.

Emissaries of Light & Beacons of Light
I ask that you be my Emissaries of Light! I asked you before you came and you all said YES, that you wished to be an Emissary of Light. So I am reminding you now! This time, right now---this is it, honey! (laughs). This is why you agreed to be here, why you asked to come, because YOU CAN MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE! And you don’t have to do anything other than smile, other than wave, or offer to help (“Can I lift this for you?”) with any small act of kindness that you can give. And even if you sit at home and you bring love into your heart (focus on Father and I in your heart) and the love will build and build and build, and then you send it out! You send out love to your neighborhood, OK? And then it keeps building and you send more love out to your state or your country! And it keeps growing! There is no limit!!!

I’m tapping you all on the shoulders right now and saying “Hey! Remember, this is what you said you wanted to do! You said that you wanted to come be a Beacon of Light, so this is your time honeys! OK?” I wanted to remind you of this today. This is very important stuff! This is very important and I’m counting on all of you and I know you can do it, and I know that you can be successful. So, there it is. That’s your assignment! Do you choose to complete your Mission? (She giggled because she mimicked the TV show “Mission Impossible” when she said that.) You can do it, I have no doubt. And I love all of you, all of you! I am inside all of you, I’m with you and so is Father and we love you, love you, love you!! Just call on us, OK?

Dear heart, I believe that is all that I wish to say today. Thank you for asking me for a message. Namaste.

* * * * *
Please feel free to share!

Dear Readers, I am reminded how extremely important Mother’s message is to us this day. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.A. I AM extremely grateful for all my blessings while at the same time my heart aches for all those who are suffering difficulties and who are lonely. Let us take up Mother’s challenge to BE and DO what we said we would do when she asked us “Do you wish to be my Emissary of Light?”

I read an article recently by our local Fire Chief who listed the staggering number of suicides and drug over-doses cases that his department has experienced since the ‘lockdowns’ started this March, 2020. This speaks directly to what Mother told us above about how lonely and depressed many people are at this time. And, she showed us how easily we can help others. We must act—now!

Love & Light to all my Brothers and Sisters!!!
Dancing Dolphin

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Ashian: The Schumann Resonance and December 21st, via Jennifer Crokaert, 20 November 2020

Ashian: The Schumann Resonance and December 21st, via Jennifer Crokaert, 20 November 2020 

Ashian: The Schumann Resonance and December 21st

(A=Ashian, J=Jennifer)

Ashian: We are grateful for this wise question about the Schumann Resonance.  You may understand the Schumann Resonance as the degree to which individuals and society are receptive to love or blocking love.

Yes, it is true that the vast majority of humanity’s population is uncomfortable above a certain frequency (8Hz); this is because the wounds and scaring that they carry within them – from this life and previous lives, as well as ancestral wounding carried forward – limits their ability to feel love. 

Love is uncomfortable to them.  There is a certain quality of love, mixed with anger, fear, manipulation, suspicion and many other forms of wounded love that they are comfortable with, simply because they are familiar with that pattern of love, it has been – almost – hardwired into them from inception.

Those of you on the spiritual path, who have been working on healing your inner wounds, releasing you limited ideas of who you are and what you are capable of, have a far greater capacity to experience a more refined, less distorted, vibration of love.  It is for this reason that your friend is more comfortable when the Schumann Resonance increases.

In response to her question about raising the frequency on and after December 21st, let us clarify that the resonance is constantly being raised, otherwise it would not be capable of peaking in the way it currently is, from time to time.  Those moments of emotional cohesion are created by group meditations, pure intent and a predisposition within Gaia’s space time particularities that lends more to quantum physics (which in itself is truly only an exponentially rarefied resonance of love) than can be conveyed through our channel.

J: That’s interesting and a lovely way of framing it, I’m not sure I had heard of this perspective before.  I want to flag that I have some anxiety about where you are going next and this channel’s ability to not distort predictions of the future.

A: Why don’t you relax and just let it flow…  Then see assess how you feel when you have travelled through the words instead of fearing the visions you are currently receiving.

J: Excellent idea.  Very grounded of you!

A: We try!  The Harmonic Convergence of December 21st will bring together a quantum energy ‘bubble’ around Gaia herself and all who live in and upon her.  It will be the collapsing of a space time continuum that is on its last legs as we speak.  This moment will be held in loving consciousness by all the Galactics charged with Gaia’s Ascension, which will naturally add a great deal of loving harmonic resonance to the event.

The result of this will be a spike in the Schumann Resonance, and thereafter a fall as the harmonic resonance or vibration.  This event will create within each person a ‘love orgasm’ which then shatters the sense of self as you previously understood yourself.  It will also burst open all the scars that were holding your emotional suit of armour together.  For that reason, you are likely to see great variation in the field of resonance.  It is our intention that this will stabilise at a higher average frequency than previously.

Now, was that so bad?

J: I’ll let you know on Dec 22nd!  Issuing predictions is very risky business.

A: It will take longer than a day for this to play out.  It will take closer to a decade for what is about to happen to stabilise on your planet.  That does not mean that there will be a decade of chaos, but it does mean that there will be a decade of soul-searching, re-visioning and re-creating.  It cannot be otherwise, you have traveled as far as you can down the path you are on, without mass destruction.

J: There’s a cheery thought!

A: Truly, Jennifer, embrace this decade.  It is like the first decade in a child’s life; there is never so much exploration, creativity and change in life as there is in that exhilarating first decade.  It is a very great privilege to be in form during this period, it is an unimaginable honour.

J: Thanks Ashian, I think we will leave it there for today, on a wonderfully high-love note!

A: Yes, it is our pleasure.

Jennifer’s note: I have personally thought that, like December 21st 2012, most of the experience will seem to bypass us physically.  Ashian would beg to differ!  He seems to see it as vital that it is felt, but what is not clear is whether that is felt by a higher or more subtle version of ourselves and then trickles down to our mental, emotional and physical bodies, or whether we really do physically feel it.  And as for whether or not it’s on December 21st, 2020… well I personally won’t even go there!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Humans That Are Ready for Full E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 20, 2020

Humans That Are Ready for Full E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 20, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very enthusiastic about seeing all of you care so much about others and the fate of others on your world. What will always cause you to expand and become more of your higher self is compassion. When your hearts go out to those who are suffering, you become more of your whole self. Compassion is the full recognition of the truth that nothing and none of this is happening outside of you. You are that person who is being mistreated. It’s not just that you feel for that person. You recognize that if it’s happening to them, it’s happening to you, and that recognition has never been higher on your world than it is at this time. People are passionate about the causes that they support because they are passionate about other humans being treated well, being given the same opportunities that they have been given in their lives. You all don’t have to agree about which groups are more oppressed. What’s really important is that you care. You all don’t have to agree about how to go about changing the injustices on your world. The fact that you are passionate about injustice summons more lifeforce energy through you. Now, what you have to do in order for all of this compassion and passion to amount to something energetically is you must let go of caring about what someone else thinks. What others believe to be true is not nearly as important as your passionate stance that everyone needs to be free, equal, honored, respected, and given the same opportunities as everyone else. That truth is something the vast majority of people agree upon, and it is something you can come together about and work towards together. Once you start to see that humanity is a collective, that you are not separate, and you are not separated by race, religion, and nationality, then you can start to make the real progress, the changes you all want to experience on your world. If you can stop getting hung up on who are the heroes and who are the villains, and agree that you would like to see real change on your world, that’s when you will start to see it. And you will see it happening faster and faster, because you are more powerful as a united collective than you are as a divided one. That is why it is so important to turn your attention towards you and what you can do. It is time to put your attention on how you can come together with others to create the reality that is better for everyone. And when you do, you have more non-physical support, more extra-terrestrial support, and certainly more support from the aspect of you that is your higher self. You are never going to be your true self, as long as you are pushing against some person, some political party, some ideology, or some story that someone has made up and spread all over the internet. You have to focus on you because you have control over you. You can focus on purpose. You can release resistance on purpose. You can feel and activate vibrations on purpose, and right now humanity needs more people who understand that and are willing to do something about the power that lies within each and every one of you, power that is even more powerful when you are coming together as a unified collective. That’s the version of humanity that physical, extra-terrestrial beings want to meet face to face and invite to join them in the galactic community. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Will There Be an Event or a Solar Flash? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 18, 2020

Will There Be an Event or a Solar Flash? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 18, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to share with you the following transmission because we know that you all need praise and encouragement to keep going at times there on Earth. We love you so very much, and we want only the best for you. And we want you to understand that your higher selves also only want what is best for you. You are your higher selves, and your higher selves are you, but they are the part of you that has moved beyond the egoic needs. Your higher self is the part of you that knows your survival is assured. It’s the part of you that looks for the challenges, for the next ideal growth experiences. Therefore, nothing will ever come to you that your higher self didn’t feel was the next best thing for you to face in your lives. Remember that the next time you are resisting something or shaking your fist in the air. It is no one and nothing outside of you that has put that challenge in front of you. Now is the time to let go of fear, separation, judgment, resistance, and shame, because those are the things that keep you from simply knowing that you are your higher self. The doorway to the fifth dimension is not out there somewhere. It is not an event that takes place outside of you. It is not a solar flash. It is you. It is you opening that doorway on such a consistent basis that you forget all about what you were afraid of, or what you were judging or resisting. We want you to have a selective memory and selective attention so that you can allow that which is the true you to come forward and not only be a part of this beautiful planet Earth, but also we invite you to see yourselves as the ones who are there to set the example to others of how to be and how to thrive. Will there be an event or a solar flash, or something like that at some point in the future? Possibly. But will it matter to those of you who have discovered the portal that exists within you, a portal that takes you directly to your fifth dimensional self? It will not. Therefore, we want to steer you away from predictions and prophecies and steer you back into yourselves, because your fifth dimensional higher self is certainly looking for more integration, not more separation. Your fifth dimensional higher self is not looking to board a spaceship to get off of your crazy world and get away from those who are ruining it for everyone, and that is because your fifth dimensional higher self enjoys the challenge so much of staying and transforming the collective consciousness within it. Be love that is so undeniable that you transform every single person, every single being that is in your path and that even hears about you from another. That experience is far more powerful than something happening outside of you to rescue you from yourselves, from each other, from those you disagree with. Now is the time to get more heart centered than you have ever been before and to shine that light from within your heart brighter than you have ever let it shine before. That is the most satisfying experience that you can have right now, and it has never been more available to you than it is right now. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Energies We’ve Channeled That Are All Around You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 17, 2020

Energies We’ve Channeled That Are All Around You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 17, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very capable of handling all of the energies that come to us from the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dimensions, as well as the energies that come directly from Source. We often receive energies that we then send along to all of you. We are very much like the energy healers that you have there on Earth. They also receive energies from the higher-dimensional planes, run those energies through their bodies, and then deliver them to another person or persons. We know that the energies we receive are for you, because we know what you are asking for. We also know how to recalibrate those energies, based on your very last moment in existence. We are that responsive to your needs and your desires, and we are just one group of many who are looking out for you in this way. So why then do you feel the need to work so hard and to struggle so much? You were taught to believe that the weight of the world is on your shoulders and that you must toil away at some task or some job in order to receive anything that you want in life. This idea is reinforced to you over and over again throughout your lives, and it is based upon the notion that you are all alone, that no one is looking out for you. Perhaps you were taught that you had a guardian angel, or that you could pray to God or Jesus Christ, but very few individuals were raised with the understanding that they deserve whatever they are summoning, simply because they exist. You are there now to change the way that the human collective consciousness thinks about itself, about its worthiness, and whether struggling and toiling away is virtuous. Those of you who have struggled and toiled away know that there is very little reward for extremely hard labor. You are there to bring new light to the way that humanity thinks about its relationship to the higher realms, to the nonphysical, to all the beings and collectives who want nothing more than to help you. Helping you and others is one of the main reasons why we still exist in this universe at all. We are tied to you, and so are all of the other beings and collectives in the higher realms. Your success is our success. We see and know that there is no separation between any of us in the entire universe. And so, we wonder what it will take to convince you that what we are saying is true and that you can simply open up to receive all of the energies you have summoned and more. Often a human being will only do this when they hit rock bottom or when something forces them to give up and surrender. And in those moments there is a releasing of resistance that is so powerful that you let the floodgates open and you become a vibrational match to that which you have summoned. We invite you to feel for these energies now. They are all around you. They have come from the highest of the high points in this universe. We have channeled them, and now they are yours for the taking. Please accept our generous donations. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

You are making a difference - Ophelia the Faerie, channeled by Daniel Scranton

You are making a difference - Ophelia the Faerie, channeled by Daniel Scranton. Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings, volume 2, page 44

"I am here. I am with you.

You are making the most of the current state of affairs in your world. You are all doing the best you can. It is a wonderful thing to observe all of you banding together in some cases, working alone in others. You are all making a difference, no matter how it might seem to you, no matter how big those 'others' seem. You are having an impact, and your impact is felt not only on your world, but in the entire universe. 

Whenever you choose to support other beings in your collective, or when you make a choice that will benefit the environment that you all share, or even when you simply nod and say hello to someone you pass on the street, you are sending out waves of high vibrations. These waves collect. They find each other. They are like building blocks. 

You are creating a new reality with everything that you do, everything that you say, everything that you are. You must never feel insignificant. You are only insignificant when you take the perspective of the third dimension. When you see your life as being created through action and when you believe that the only impact you can possibly have is the one that is made through your reach into the collective, then you will feel outnumbered and overwhelmed. 

But when you know that you create energetically, when you see evidence of the shift in the details, in the emotions that you feel, and in your tiny corner of the universe, then you put yourself on the track that you want to be on. You do not have to do it the old way. You do not have to get enough signatures to bring something to a vote, and then convince people to vote. That is the old way.

You are more empowered by each thought, by each word you speak, by each little action you take then you could ever possibly be by passing a law or by preventing a law from being passed. I encourage you to notice your impact, to feel your impact within yourselves, and to encourage each other. You are beautiful beings, and you are doing so well.

I am Ophelia, and I love you." 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Opening of Your Third Eyes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 14, 2020

The Opening of Your Third Eyes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 14, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very eager to witness all of you gaining more access to your clairvoyant abilities, your ESP, your sixth sense. We know that some of you came in with those gifts and abilities turned on, and others of you have developed those gifts since you’ve awakened. But there are still so many who have yet to tap in to these powers, and make no mistake about it, they do make a person more powerful. A person who is clairvoyant can perceive things that others cannot, which at first can come across as a curse to many who possess that power, but they are the trailblazers. They are the ones who decided to develop those abilities sooner than most so that they would be able to show all of you the way to have more control over your gift. And now we see that more and more people are getting the upgrades, the activations, and the attunements necessary to have a very wide open third eye. For many, it’s not because of anything that they have done. It is just time for more humans to awaken, and this is one of the easier ways to get those who have been asleep to wake up. And so, the opening of the third eye of so many humans is what will be taking place over these next several months. The mass awakenings that you have already experienced on your world are just the beginning, and there is a need for more. Some of you who are receiving this transmission right now will be the perfect ones to help your fellow humans who have those newly-opened third eyes. And you will answer the call, because you have wanted to be of service for so long, and it is also fun to have a gift and then to see someone else develop their gift. It gives you something to talk about. It gives you something to have connect about, and that is something else that humanity needs at this time. You need to feel more connected to one another, because those who seek to separate you are continuing to put forth that agenda in a variety of ways. But no one can stop a human being from waking up, and these third eye openings, these activations of clairvoyant abilities, are a long time coming. For many, it will be a reawakening, a reopening, as they had the gift when they were a child, and then lost it for one reason or another. There are many. But nothing can stop the avalanche of energies that is coming in at this time to support so many in the opening and awakening of their third eyes. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Upgrades You Received on 11/11 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 13, 2020

The Upgrades You Received on 11/11 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 13, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased with the way humanity has been allowing for an upgrade that has been a long time in coming to you. You have had your central channels upgraded so that you can run more energy through your physical bodies and through your seven main chakras without overtaxing any aspect of you. This was a planned upgrade that was finalized on 11/11, due in large part to the expectation that you all have for change to occur on that particular date. There was an opening, and those of us in the higher realms saw it and took advantage of it to grant you this very timely upgrade. It is very timely because so many more higher-dimensional beings are reaching out at this time to humans, even ones who have never channeled before. There is a need for more energy to be grounded in your physical bodies and into Mother Earth at this time as well. So you see, you can use these central channels even if you have no intention, or no desire, to channel other beings. You can just channel higher-dimensional energies into your bodies and into Mother Earth’s grid system. There are always many ways to be of service and many ways to use your many parts. Your central channel is not talked about enough; it’s not even known about by most. But it is that tubing of sorts that stretches from the top of your crown to the base of your spine, and you all have the ability to tune to in to it and feel for the upgrades we are talking about right now. In fact, we urge you to do so. We want you to do more than just walk away from this transmission feeling that something has happened to you that is a good thing. We encourage you to use your newly upgraded central channels to access more energy and information, more healing, more love, more of everything that is higher dimensional. You have the ability to do so much good on Earth at this time, just by sitting at home alone and participating in the running of energy through your central channel. This lifetime is not about what you do; it’s about who you are becoming. And the best way for you to evolve is for you to feel. If you can feel higher-dimensional energy moving through your physical body, then you will want to continue to have that experience, and you can become an instrument of this benevolent universe that is looking for more of you who are looking those of you who are ready to take in more of its love and light. And in the higher-dimensional planes there are so many beings and collectives who want to connect with those like you who are awake and who are ready to make the big changes on your world that you all want to see, changes that include full and open extra-terrestrial contact. You are the ones who are being invited to being about those changes with more ease and more joy. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, November 13, 2020

Your 9th Dimensional Angels ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 12, 2020

Your 9th Dimensional Angels ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 12, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have an important role to play in your ascension, just as you all have an important role to play in ours. As we help you, we help ourselves, and as you help yourselves, you help us. We have a vested interested in seeing you all succeed, and because of that, you can certainly trust what we are saying to you. We want to ascend to the tenth dimension, just as you are looking to ascend to the fifth. We see our role as guides to all of you, and we are also your ninth dimensional angels, as we seek to offer you the love, light and energy that you are seeking and that you will continue to seek, even after you have completed your shift to the fifth dimension. As you help each other, you also help yourselves. You help that other person, who is in need of your help, and as you do so, you integrate a part of yourself that the other person represents. Therefore, even if you start out despising someone, if you can get to the point of feeling neutral about them, and then even loving that person unconditionally, you will have given that aspect of yourself exactly what he or she needs to reintegrate, to heal, to become whole again. Now, we would prefer that you help others out of a feeling of compassion that you have within you, but not everyone is as empathic as those of you who experience that tremendous amount of empathy. We also recognize that helping others feels good when you do it, and therefore, that good feeling becomes the reward and the incentive to continue. Now, of course, you’re not always going to feel like helping someone else, and in those moments you might experience guilt and even shame. You create those experiences so that you will forgive yourself for not being able to be everything to everyone. And by forgiving yourself, you integrate a part of yourself, you see. All of these co-creations of coming together with others and having your experiences are about you all becoming whole again. And so, embrace every experience that comes your way because there is something in it for you. There is some growth to be experienced. There is some integration that will occur, if you allow yourself to feel everything, and then you will move on to the next experience that you will need to take you along on your ascension journey. When you are having a very hard time with one of your fellow humans, call upon us, your ninth dimensional angels, or call upon the archangels for help. We want what you want, and so we will deliver that help, and those of you who are open to receiving will receive it, and you will be able to move past the challenging experiences that you sometimes have with your fellow humans. Know that you are there to challenge each other. You are there to challenge each other to love unconditionally. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Are You Worthy of Ascending to 5D? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 12, 2020

Are You Worthy of Ascending to 5D? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 12, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are already convinced of your worthiness as individuals and as a collective. We know that in all of your lifetimes put together there on Earth, you have done good deeds. You have attained levels of spiritual mastery, and you have noticed the flow of Source Energy coming to you and moving through you to others, or at least one other. Therefore, you have nothing left to prove to us, to yourselves, or to anyone. Those of you who are playing the role of the lightbearers in this lifetime have played the role of one in the dark, and those who are on the darker side of the spectrum have in other lifetimes been on the lighter side of the spectrum. Therefore, the only thing that is missing, the only thing that you don’t have enough of there on Earth is Love. You need to love yourselves enough to know that you are worthy of ascension. You need to access enough unconditional love to forgive those who have wronged you and wronged others, and then you can all ascend together. We have said this before, but it bears repeating; your ascension will never be about the light defeating the dark. The ones who are playing the roles of the villains at this time are there to give you all the opportunity to know yourselves as unconditional love, to know yourselves as Source, to know what it feels like to really forgive someone. You get to be the light in the face of darkness, and you get to determine for yourselves that being the light is what you prefer. But that’s not the narrative that you see very much of in the new age community, and that’s what you need to rise above if you are going to be the leaders that you truly are. If you are going to bring the healing energy that we know you can, then you have to rise above the whole idea of white hats and black hats, good and evil, and all of the other polarities that you see people writing about and talking about. You are there to embrace every aspect of yourself first, and anything you see outside of yourself is a part of you, just as much as it is outside of you and represented by that person, or that belief, or that heinous act. The way to be who you really are is to be heart-centered, to let go of grudges, resentment, hate, and everything else that weighs you down. The path to the fifth dimension is about taking the high road. It’s about being the best version of yourselves, and you are the best version of yourselves when you are in forgiveness, not judgment and not condemnation. You have a unique opportunity right now to set the example in the new age community that is needed now more than ever. Shine your light because you are light. Love because you are love. And do what you know is right because it feels right when you do it, not because you are trying to prove that you are service-to-others, rather than service-to-self oriented. You are the ones who are there to make the big difference that is needed on your world and in your human collective consciousness, and if you resonate with this transmission, then you are right on track to lead humanity with ease, with joy, and with grace into the fifth dimension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

(kinda clickbait title, but still good message)

Monday, November 9, 2020

Becoming Your Faerie Selves ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 7, 2020

Becoming Your Faerie Selves ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 7, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been in the process of becoming our oversouls for quite some time now, just as you have been in the process of becoming your higher selves. We are excited to get to know ourselves as a broader and more expansive consciousness, but we are not waiting for the shift in consciousness to be complete before we experiment with the idea of ourselves as our oversouls. We suggest that you do the same. Ask yourselves how you would think, feel, create, and even hold yourselves if you were already your fifth dimensional higher selves. What would be your average day? You can start to contemplate these ideas because, as fourth dimensional beings, you are capable of accessing the fifth. Your higher selves are inside of you. They are not separate from you. They are not out there somewhere. Your higher selves are you without all the filtration. Feeling into your higher self is like is like feeling into your superhero self. If you imagine all of the abilities you would like to possess as your superhero self, you start to get an idea of who you will be as you fully embody your higher self’s consciousness. Not everyone will be the same right after you shift to the fifth dimension. Not all of you will have the same abilities, and not all of you will have the same interests, but one thing you will have in common is that you will be able to pursue your interests, your passions, without any limitations, and that will be fun. Right now is an excellent time for you all to be focusing on fun, as things continue to be very serious on your world, and there will be plenty of opportunities for you to take life on Earth as it is seriously, and means you will need to consciously choose to have a more lighthearted approach to life and a perspective that allows for more play, more laughter, and more fun. Your fifth-dimensional selves are also essentially faerie beings, as they have been occupying the fifth dimension and inviting you to their little parties, but not everyone is answering that invitation in the affirmative. The children do, but as adults you tend to get embroiled in more serious matters, because you have more responsibilities and because you know that there is a lot riding on whether you complete a task so that you can pay your rent or mortgage. But we say to you that in spite of all of that there is still room for more fun as you explore who you are as your fifth-dimensional selves, and the only rule in playing that game is that there are no rules. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Shaliah of Telos via Galaxygirl, November 7, 2020

Shaliah of Telos via Galaxygirl, November 7, 2020

Shaliah 11/7/2020 

Greetings brothers and sisters of the surface world, holding the light for so many. I am Shaliah, representative of Telos, a beautiful pristine city of many wonders and beauties deep within Gaia under your Mount Shasta. We have been here for eons since the sinking of Lumeria. We are ancient Lumerians who have continued our ancient practices of healing and honing the light. We listen to the Mother. We work with her energies and we hear her inner heartbeat and internal rhythms. I Shaliah am an aspect of this one. You have many aspects; you are mighty multidimensional beings. I say you, but I myself am a part of this mighty cosmic web of life. We are all connected. I am a crystal worker. I work deep within the crystal caves and red clay caves of Gaia on the outskirts of the city and underneath it. I am at home in the darkness for I bring my own light with me. (I am seeing red clay walls of deep caverns. The crystals are glowing beautiful colors of all hues. She is wearing a glowing crystal necklace and is also using one as lamplight.) We have a vast crystal network. It is an excellent internet upgrade. We are all able to communicate much like your communication systems but unhackable, for it is all based on intention and purity of thought. One thought intended for another will only reach that person's vibrational match. You will have similar technology abilities and many more wonderful discoveries on Nova Gaia. 

I am Shaliah. My message today is one of hope. There is always hope. Do not lose it amidst the swirling storm of chaos created by the few to affect the many. Do not let it affect your vibration. We can see your lights from the surface. We can see how brightly you are glowing and it assists with our inner earth energy work as well, for it creates harmonic grids of energy that we are able to utilize to stabilize various key regions of interest. We can stabilize and shut down portals from within. We work closely with the Ley lines, harnessing the ancient wisdom of our ancestors and of Gaia's hidden mysteries. She trusts us and we work in harmony with her body. We have been assisting and intending for this ascension process since the fall or our beloved Lumeria, which was such a tragedy to personally intending for this ascension process since the fall or our beloved Lumeria, which was such a tragedy to personally experience. You all have also experienced numerous tragedies in your surface world lives. You have had so much pain. I see this. We all do. You are not suffering alone. It is because of this suffering that your lights will shine brighter. I do not mean to sound trite. But it is because of the suffering of Gaia and all that she has endured that this mission has the attention of so many to ensure a positive outcome. It is because of your own sufferings that your inner light has been your priority to find. It is in the longing for peace that the wise one finds it. There is tremendous peace in these crystal caves under Telos. They are one of the major planetary chakra hubs. It is essential that Gaia's energy bodies remain balanced. (She is planting glowing crystals from her sachel into the red cool earth of the cave floor. The surrounding crystals glow in soft colorful lights. She is creating an earth map of her chakras and drawing the Ley lines in the dirt. She is showing how these connect to the major surface cities and how these Ley lines have been tampered with.) Yes, but this will all change. As the surface world energies grow and expand the Ley lines are activated further by these positive vibrations. The dark empire is being dismantled energetically. This is an energetic war, you would refer to as WWIII but in truth this planet has seen much war for so long, it is impossible to number them. Lumeria was such a beautiful pristine paradise. It was my home. It is my home. I feel very aligned with Nova Gaia for she is ancient Lumeria reborn. I was high priestess in my lifetimes on Lumeria. I continue the energy blessings and work with my own practice of crystal work. I work with many of you on the surface who are aligned with the energies of Lumeria and are crystal keepers of the surface. Many of you live near massive crystal veins that your energy practices of meditation activate. It allows a unique multidimensional partnership between your work and mine. Together we are uplifting the massive crystalline grid that infuses Gaia with higher dimensional light. (She is getting up and dusting off her blue knees and walking down a long corridor, holding her crystal like a lantern for light.) 

It is so peaceful in the caves. I love doing my meditations as I work, for it is very meditative work. I feel at one with Gaia. We have been old friends for a very long time. Sometimes I feel as old as she is! There are many like me who do this inner work and clearing for the city. We are the ancient priests and priestesses. Our skin has turned bluish turquoise from the mineral rich waters here. I was not always blue but I don't mind it. It helps me feel more connected to Gaia. The minerals also increase our vibration. Everything is in balance here. (Suddenly it is bright and we have reached an inner garden just outside of the cave. There are many gardeners who look like Shaliah with her bright red hair and others with dark hair. All have blue skin and wear simple clothing. They are laughing and talking, eating fruit as they work. It is a paradise of color and fragrances.) We are able to work with her energies to infuse more love into our foods. This helps improve our longevity. We have numerous ways to renew our bodies. We do not age unless by choice. We have all we need. These gardening and farming techniques are easily reproduced on your surface. There is plenty here. (I am seeing acres and acres as far as I can see of fields and gardens that support the city's populace.) We will teach and we will serve in this way. Hydroponics upgraded utilizing the inner energies of the crystals will infuse your fruits and vegetables with more life force, thus healing and sustaining many with less. Many joys are to come. It will be with joyful tears that we reunite. 

(She is painting my face with red and yellow clay.) Be brave dear light workers. You are the light lifters of many. You are the hope of this mission. Be strong in this time. Feel your own connection to Gaia. Work with the crystals and send the energy of an awakened human deep into the grid and we will see you and will be able to communicate. The outer is rising to match the inner. Those which do not resonate are unable to withstand change. We honor you for your service. We too serve all in our own way. Humanity is to be saved. The Christed light has come. Lumeria rises within the hearts of the awakened ones and will rise again becoming the Nova Gaia that we all long for. You will finally feel at home again. Feel this vibration of home and know that it already exists all around you. We are all working to achieve the same end of planetary peace. The inner will finally match the outer. 

I am Shaliah. (We are returning to the cave entrance with the glowing crystals on the walls.) Although I love the sunlight and the gardens I feel most at home in the caves. (She is touching a green crystal.) This connects me to the giant green crystal under Arkansas. It is a very effective communication system. I can speak to the crystal workers there who may need more information. When it is time, teleportation systems can be enabled but it has been shut down for some time for safety. We too long for more freedom of movement. It shall come. 

I am Shaliah. I love you. You may meditate and walk with me in these crystal caves when you need space for contemplation. We always welcome a surface bother and sister who is aligned with the light and inner mysteries. (I am seeing that underneath the crystals on the walls are all very technical fluid plasma screens with unknown symbols. Although this appears to be primitive it is anything but!) Yes, we have had thousands of years to hone our crystalline technology. I do not need to touch the rocks to do my work but it brings me joy to communicate with them in this way. (She is showing me a hologram of earth in front of us delineating the inner working of the planet, showing the crystalline network of communication. It shows where all of the inner earth colonies are, the crystal network, the large water reservoirs, bases.) Gaia withholds nothing from us for we are the keepers. So too shall humanity understand the gravity of this task and embrace it fully. Serving is the higher way. I am Shaliah. I serve with you. You are well loved. I honor you for your service to the light and to Gaia. 

~ galaxygirl 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

A Better Fourth Dimensional Earth Experience ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 17, 2020

A Better Fourth Dimensional Earth Experience ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 17, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in creating more opportunities for you all to connect with us directly. We are very interested in co-creating with you, especially at this time when there is so much asking going on there on planet Earth. We feel more of you opening up to receive directly from the higher realms, and we always take advantage of every opportunity that comes our way to connect with you for the purposes of co-creating a better life experience there on Earth for the remainder of the time that you have in the fourth dimension. We know that some of you have been waiting for the shift in consciousness to occur for decades and that Earth can feel like a giant waiting room, filled with expired magazines, as you are forced to listen to music that is not to your liking. Therefore, we offer you our assistance in co-creating a better version the Earth experience as you await the completion the shift in consciousness for this entire universe, of which we are a part. We want to assist you with our high vibrational energy because when any of you are in a place of suffering, we feel that compassion within ourselves and that desire to be of service strengthens in its intensity. We want very much to come together with any of you who are willing to be a part of the co-creative dance. And so, we invite you to open yourselves up in any moment that you feel that you have slipped into a higher vibrational state. Any time that you feel relaxed, or even just tired, you can more easily connect with us and feel the energetic transmissions that we are offering for that potential co-creative experience that we seek with you. We love humanity. We want to see you thriving there on Earth, and we are eager for you to become a part of the galactic community in an open way, where everyone gets to connect. That is why we are so eager to help, and we have such a strong desire to co-create with you a better Earth experience for you and for everyone, regardless of whether they are awake or believe what you happen to believe. Everyone deserves to live on a planet where there is peace, prosperity, and abundance in all forms. Invite us in to co-create with you, and feel for our consciousness and our energy as we merge with you, because we are very happy to be a part of your growth experience, your evolution, and your ascension to the fifth dimension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, November 6, 2020

The Karma of the Beings of Darkness ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 6, 2020

The Karma of the Beings of Darkness ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 6, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a tremendous amount of respect for everyone who is there on Earth at this time, regardless of who they are, what they have done, and whether they are playing the role of a being of light or a being of darkness. We keep telling you that we are all in this together, and that includes those who are playing the role of the dark ones. They agreed to be the villains for all of you, in spite of the fact that they knew they would have to pay off their karma if they were going to ascend in this lifetime. And if they do not ascend in this lifetime, they will have to go back to a third-dimensional reality to pay off that karma that they are accumulating at this time. That’s why it is so important that those who are playing the role of the dark ones have you. You are the ones who can forgive them, show them compassion, and uplift them with your light, with your positive energy. You can save them. You can bring them with you, or you can condemn or vilify them, which only lowers your vibration, making your ascension an event that will take place even further in the future. Therefore, we recommend the forgiveness path, because we know that you all want to ascend, and you all want to ascend quickly. One of the reasons why many people want to ascend is to escape reality. Many just want to live on a world where they don’t have to do any of that hard work of forgiveness and offering compassion to those who have wronged them or others. We understand that; we still admire and respect everyone there on Earth, no matter what their point of view, because it is hard to be there, but what we are giving you and what we will always give you is the easier path. We will always tell you which path has more joy on it, which is the shorter path, and which is the path that allows you to be more of who you are. You don’t want to just ascend because you didn’t do anything wrong. You want to ascend and feel the satisfaction of having taken such a high road that you were able to bring those around you with you who otherwise would not be able to make that journey. So when you are thinking about what you can do to be of more service, or what you can do to accelerate the ascension process, the answer is easy. You can forgive, rather than condemn. You can look for the light within everyone. See them as Source Energy, and actually appreciate them for taking an even harder path than the one that you are on. Those who are playing the role of the dark ones feel even more separate from Source than the average awakened person who has their doubts at times, or who forgets who they really are. One way to remember who you really are is to be Source Energy in action. Be the love that you have inside of you, and know that the love you have inside of you feels glorious when it is coming through you for no other reason than that you summoned it. It is very easy to love someone who is lovable, and certainly you want to start there. But we hope that you get to the point where you don’t want that feeling to go away. So you keep giving it to anyone and everyone who crosses your path. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

How Your Ascension Symptoms Serve You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 5, 2020

How Your Ascension Symptoms Serve You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 5, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have begun to discover new ways of getting through to you directly, when we are not speaking through this channel here. We have noticed that you all do tend to open up to us more when you are tired, and that is one of the reasons why you all decided to make tiredness one of your primary ascension. You all knew that you would need something physical to get you to slow down, and you also knew that you would be at your most receptive when you were at your least mind-oriented. Ideally, everyone would be quieting their minds on purpose several times throughout the day and in mediation, but since you all lead such busy and hectic lives, you sometimes need to tire yourselves out. Another time when we find it easiest to connect with you is when you are bathing, and that is true whether you are taking a shower or a bath. This is another time when you tend to relax more and open yourselves up, and the water also helps to insulate you and to clear your energy fields. Another time, believe it or not, when you are more likely to receive from us is when you are reading. Reading requires you to focus your minds on something other than what you are worrying about, or a conversation with someone that is upsetting you. While you are driving your cars is another time when we find you to be easier to reach, and that is because driving is also requiring a certain amount of focus from you, and it can be quite meditative. Knowing that we are taking advantage of all of these times to connect with you and to give you downloads for us and for you, as we know that you are interested in receiving from us all that you can. We encourage you to make a mental note of the times when you feel relaxed or focused enough on something to occupy your minds, and then call out to us and tell us that this is your time to receive what it is that we are offering you. And we do see each of you as individuals. We are not just using those times to sprinkle in energies that are for the entire collective. We love working with individual humans. We love the way that you receive us and what we have to offer and how appreciative you are. We are all in this together. We will work with your guides and your higher selves, and all of the other beings around you. We are a part of your team if you are receiving this transmission, and we know that more and more of you are receiving them every day. That alone gives us a tremendous amount of joy, appreciation, and hope for humanity. We have a knowing that you are going to complete this shift in consciousness. We just hope that you do it with more ease, more joy, and more grace, as you continue along on your journeys to the fifth dimension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, November 5, 2020

5th Dimensional Templates ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 8, 2018

5th Dimensional Templates ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 8, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been placing our attention on what you all desire, and we have been creating our own templates for your fifth dimensional experience. These templates will be made available to any and all of you who would like to access them. Now, you are creating your own templates, some of you more consciously than others, but we are creating templates for the entire human collective, as we have that broader view of you. We can see each and every one of you, and we know your desires. We know what it is you have been striving for as a collective, and therefore, we have created these samples for you. And they are just that. They are merely options, suggestions that you will have access to as you shift over to the fifth dimension. You will have access to them in the sense that they will be optional realities for you. But if you want to download the schematics of our templates, then you are more than welcome to do so before you shift. Those of you who are working more consciously on creating this fifth dimensional reality that you’ve been hearing so much about will appreciate the input. You can and will appreciate our perspective on what it is that humanity would like to be living. We only want to enhance that which you are all doing. We don’t want to take over. We can’t. We can only suggest and offer our insights and perspectives. One of the things we have noticed you all desire is an easier time moving around. You all desire to have no traffic, no pollution, no security lines, and so we have devised a portal system, which are like mini-stargates. These portals are natural. There will be no technology involved in it, and therefore, they will be safe to use for everyone. Again, this is one option that you can utilize for transportation in the future, and any of you can improve upon what we come up with, because you are the ones living it. You are the ones creating the fifth dimensional realty, but our help will always be there for you, if you need it or want it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 3, 2020

The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 3, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in what humanity is interested in there on Earth, and right now there is a lot of attention being given to the elections in the United States of America. There is quite a bit of attention being given to the presidential election, and as many of you know, the tension that exists there in the United States has a lot of people on edge. People are not certain about what will happen, and they are afraid. A lot of that fear has been generated by those who like having humankind nice and afraid, nice and divided, and that’s why you all need to try to see how someone you love could support a candidate that you detest. You have to give each other the benefit of the doubt right now and not give in to the divisiveness. You all have an opportunity here to take back your power and to recognize that all the change that you want to see in the world has to begin with you. No one politician is going to save humanity or any portion of humanity, because you all need to raise the level of your consciousness, which most people are not doing at this time. In fact, a lot of people are digging in their heels and getting ready for a fight. We suggest you send love to whichever candidate you hope loses, and we also suggest that you send love to the ones who support that candidate. We especially suggest that you make peace with the fact that you undoubtedly have family members who support that candidate, and realize that you have a lot more in common with everyone there on Earth than you have reasons to demonize them. It is time to look past the fighting and the name-calling and look within for unconditional love, forgiveness, and compassion. We know that we have been saying this for quite some time, but it bears repeating on a day when so many will be anxious, angry, afraid, and saddened by what’s happening with the elections in a country that has so much potential. The United States can be filled with so much light and love, so much promise and hope. The citizens, and even the non-citizens, of the United States can do so much to help each other and help the rest of the world, regardless of who wins. And you have to remember that. You cannot let what is happening on that very big stage affect your ability to reach within yourself and feel empowered. You get to create your experience of your world, your country, other countries, and political leaders. And we also want you all to take care of yourselves, because if you are receiving this transmission, you are sensitive and empathic, and you are going to pick up on all of the negative energy. So please do put yourself and your vibration first, and as we said, send love, and don’t get swept up in fear and hate. This is an opportunity for you all to make those big changes and take those giant leaps that we have been telling you about. But it has to start with you and your faith in yourselves, especially when you are united, which you will always have the opportunity to be. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

How To Save The World - Terence McKenna


Monday, November 2, 2020

Oversoul Collective via Galaxygirl | November 1, 2020

Oversoul Collective via Galaxygirl | November 1, 2020

(I am seeing gumdrops of all colors within various shaped candy jars on long white shelves that extend forever. I am seeing that one gumdrop has numerous grains of sugar that is strongly connected to each sticky part of the gumdrop). 

Greetings beloved ones in form. You are extensions of us. We are the Oversoul Collective. Just as one grain of sugar has a variant experience upon one aspect of the gumdrop that we have been showing this one, so too are your experiences shaping your own individuated perspective of your current life events. We are showing this one such candy shop images for we see the sweetness that is to come for you. Sweetness of experiences and joy in many moments to come is waiting within the collective. First you must experience the current situation of change within your world. (I am seeing broken glass from candy jars that have shattered). You are seeing the shattering of the 3D confines. Clear like glass, one who was within the confines of the jar would never know. You have been born within the glass of expectations and illusions. This glass is shattering and expanding into limitless possibilities for humanity in this now. 

We are the Oversoul Collective. We are the shelves of memories of these infinite gumdrops that we have been showing you. We are a collective consciousness of collective consciousness. It is time for humanity to expand and to grow into their own expansive and ascended collective consciousness experience that is no longer elusive but becoming substantiated in form. For the awakened ones are the gumdrops who have been observing the glass and assisting energetically from within it for sometime. The awakened ones are holding enough light streams to benefit and positively affect the All with great purpose. The shattering of glass shall continue for awhile until all illusions of the 3D confines and enslavement are removed. That which you thought you saw as truth you will no longer see. Truth shall emerge. Do not allow yourselves to be cut on the shattered glass of expectations and pain of others. Send enough light to all that the glass melts back into its original state of light and heat. Light and heat are great instruments of change, which is why we chose this analogy today. We are aware that yesterday was a very sweet and sugary holiday of costumes and joy for those who participated. Inner sweetness of a human collective who is expanded and free will bring great sweetness of freedom to the entire galaxy. We do not exaggerate. Since the Orion wars much pain has been experienced within this fragment of Source, and yes, this universe is a fragment of Source. It is time for this space quadrant to experience deep healing. You, many of you reading these words, have already ascended numerous times within this and other space quadrancies, which is why you were divinely hand-picked to come and to assist. Your sweetness of a healed spirit you are remembering. For you have been healed before and you will be healed again. 

Your healing is within heart-reach, for one's heart must choose its healing, its acceptance of situations and inner strength to wield them towards the light. The light has won, dear friends. You are seeing the shatterings. It does seem hard to appreciate the victory when one is having glass shards of mis-expectations flying down all around. More is to come. You are well — well — into the beginning to middle stages of massive planetary upheaval and change. You are here to anchor the light. You are here to anchor your multidimensional powerful selves into the higher dimensional codex and matrices of Nova Gaia's foundation which you are simultaneously building as bridge builders from the other side. Your little physical form is anchoring it from this side. You knew when you accepted this assignment that you would have to re-remember, a most tedious process that you are accomplishing. You are a gumdrop who remembered. You remember that you are infinitely a part of the galactic 'candy store' of brothers and sisters of shared experiences, of parallel realities having alternative experiences, all working together towards the whole of creation. This space quadrant has had to heal on numerous multidimensional and multicoated levels and so therefore you — you — had to be willing to volunteer in these various capacities as well. This is why we are now showing this one other types of candy in other intricate candy jars. (I am seeing crystal ornate glass jars with unique candies). It is all sugar, is it not? It is all made of the same substance similar to our previous vineyard analogies of infinite grapes. The sweetness of Source is within you, is within us. We wish for you to tap into deeply this sweetness of connection, of reconnection, of hope. The sweetness of hope is what has kept this project going for so long against all odds. All who hoped and cheered humanity onward are filled with deep joy at the success of the human victory over the enslavers. The enslavers are being repurposed. No longer are such dark activities being allowed, they are diminishing. The sweetness of peace shall be experienced by humanity. The sweetness of reunions with their true selves and their true purposes shall be undeniably joyful for all who both observe and participate. 

We are the Oversoul Collective. We are a collective of oversouls. We house the memories of those embodied on earth in numerous parallel and multidimensional facets of other worlds where you have and are having life streams and experiences. We know you. You are nestled within us, you are intricately woven amidst and within our energies. You belong. You have never felt like you belong in earthling form, likely because it is relatively new for you, or because of other memory wipe programs. But you belong to Source. Source is all around you, is within you. You are bringing the sweetness and light and love of Source into this world the is being redeemed and in the process of divine redemption. Your world is being redeemed from the misconceptions and enslavement protocols, which is why this must be performed slowly and with extreme care. (I am seeing gummy apple rings). The apple is a divine symbol, with the element of divine balance within it. (I am seeing the star within the apple core). It is as if those upon Gaia have only seen a drawing of an apple, tasted the sour ring and were told it was sweet. The illusion of deception is being stripped away. Gaia will shine again, with pristine flora and fauna, with clean and pure foods that nourish deeply the cellular structures within. You are being renewed. You are being repurposed and you shall be receiving your assignments shortly. Now, your assignment is to ground this beautiful light, to remain within the physical and to share the sweetness of Source within you to the others. You are not alone. 

We of the Oversoul Collective wrap you in our energies now. (I am feeling a silvery electric cloud filled with trillions of memories and aspects surround Gaia, surround me. I feel a sense of belonging and deep love. I am tingling and joyful. It feels like home). You are home beloved brothers and sisters. Feel the sweetness of this divine connection being achieved when aware and embodied. To experience this connection is of the highest level. Masters you are, dear ones. You are grounding the higher dimensional ways of higher dimensional lights deep within Gaia now, bridging the old to the new realities. 

We are the Oversoul Collective. You are divinely supported. We hope you deeply feel this connection and the sweetness of our affection for you. You are infinitely loved. You are infinitely supported. You are infinitely known. You are welcome to ask us for further support in your own ascension journey and in so doing you will have greater access to your past strengths and successes within the fabric-light of shared Source experiences. We are the Oversoul Collective. 
