Tuesday, December 26, 2017

12-26-17 lucidmd's dream - Long lucid dream

(I wasn't lucid throughout the whole dream, or else I would have tried changing more of the dream instead of running away)

I had a dream where the characters were either helping me or trying to get me/ wake me up. I would consonantly change bodies in the dream. Earlier, I was reading a special book with my brother. The old book was about 5,000+ years old. The book would be passed down and serve a purpose for future generations. The idea behind the book - our reality is like the matrix; it's an illusion. Consciousness in interconnected, we are all One. We are all from one primordial soup. The 3rd dimension - our reality is an illusion. Humans are just different fractals, individualized consciousness from Source. The separation between each other is an illusion. * taking over someone's body in real life, jail thing, jumping timelines, seeing the truck go by multiple times*
Back to the dream, everyone was either trying to help or wake me up? At least 50-100 people in the dream. Good/bad guys, where the bad guys were trying to find me. Maybe every time I jumped to another body the dream characters knew? Hard to say. I talked with my friend Josh at one point and told him what was going on. Last part of the dream, I was underneath a indoor field/stadium, the doors were open, and it was raining. I tried to change the dream to just me and a girl nearby. Didn't work. Earlier in the dream I was getting chased around/fleeing and it was more chaotic. Unity consciousness?

12-18-17 lucidmd dreams - One of the best dream of my life.

(The start of the dream, Jonathan and I were at a house. I didn't feel comfortable with something and extra person there. Later, I was walking around with my brother and some of his friends and they were drinking. I think Alex was there. I think some kids were doing promethizine. Anyway, it seemed like they were doing it to fit in.) Later in the dream, I saw different aspects of who I was. Multi-colored. My right arm was black (such as from a past life, that individual's physical arm. I could feel the difference in energy between myself and this other aspect of my soul, assuming it was a past life.) I saw people from Lost in the room as well, Charlie and Claire.  I don't remember exactly but Peter was someone, a friend, who helped me. ( I don't know this person in real life, Peter "channeled" his name through my voice in the dream. And I asked, Peter? and I shook my head up and down)

Later, I was walking around a beautiful home. (All the scenery in the dream was surreal, extremely beautiful.) Things seemed the change and morph. Some paintings and other trinkets on the walls. It felt as if the dream was revealing different aspects of my soul. At one point, I was walking near a pond, and there was a nude woman nearby. I could feel my "parts" changing, but didn't go any further. The scenery was changing as well. I think I laid down on the ground. I think before this I tried to heal some flowers that were drooping.

When I was in the house, I became afraid when the artwork was negative, or devilish figures. Rikimaru was in one of the paintings. Later I woke up.

I wasn't lucid, but overall the dream was very beautiful and I felt that I learned more about myself.
lucidmd dreams - 9-23-16

The 5th Dimensional game - Remembering who you truly are.

We are all working together to remember our "game," our ascension process. (The Earth and most of her inhabitants are transmuting from the 3rd dimension into the 5th dimension.) The reason why we forget right now is to keep the game fun and entertaining. So all can cross the finish line and remember together at some moment. It's best not to judge others on where they are (spiritually) because we all came in together to play and have fun. But in reality we are all made up from Source. (God.) My dream last night helped me realize that.

All the way back to the remembering ceremony and people congratulating you on your trip to Earth and experiencing this challenging game. Perfect clothing, people rating each other? Based on how you played? But in a nonjudgmental way. (oversoul)

Waking up to the realization of who you truly are.
-pseudo contact in dream. It was like having someone shed light on this huge subject, finding answers.
Seemed like I was being shown the truth of who I truly am. I've never experienced something so profound in my life. The dream was spiritual in nature. Blissful as well, had feelings of calm inner knowingness.

-Dream of flipping through a literal packet of information on UFO/ ET contact. Images in my mind.

The book was the most amazing part. Akashic record? Flipping through packets of knowledge, new feelings or unlimited possibility. It was awesome.
(It is within you.)

Flying saucers, UFO's - the lack of physical evidence isn't the problem. It's where humans are spiritually, and being willing to accept ET contact, that is why they wait for us. When we collectively grow to be more responsible, loving, and take back our collective power, this is who we will restore "the Republic."

Glimpse into the 5th dimension - True loving nature at the soul of every human and living thing. I felt energized. Debriefed, clarity. The experience left me feeling like a "different person," and I had a hard time falling back asleep.

5th dimension - Pleiadians? 5-9th dimensional Pleiadian collective. Mira

lucidmd dreams - 


Had a dream about flying around and talking with "Dad" about UFO's. We saw a lot of flying saucers in the dream. We openly discussed the topic and he was glad I knew so much. 

( I remember in the past that I've had other UFO sighting dreams and they were very positive dreams.) 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Markets & Food Tech Will Save the World | Bruce Friedrich | Change Food Fest


Markets & Food Tech Will Save the World | Bruce Friedrich | Change Food Fest

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Looking back to move forward - gaia


Please visit the above link. The following message is channeled by Suzanne Lie. 

Looking Back to Move Forward --Year 2005


Dear Ones,
It is I, Gaia, returned again to communicate with the “People of my Planet."  I am here today to remind you that there is a part of you that is in a cocoon, looking out at a reality that is no longer quite real to you. 

As you awaken to the CALL of this inner reality, the YOU that is “inside” your cocoon, is activating your inner senses and beginning to perceive life beyond the confines of the third dimension.

Once the old physical reality, the 3D Game, was the only reality that you knew, except for world you lived in your imagination.  However, the “silly idea” that your imagination was real was erased from most of your minds by the time you were teens. 

Imagination was “just for children,” you were taught.  However, now the worlds that you “imagined” as a child are being revealed to you, especially from the safety of your cocoon.

With your expanded perceptions, everything is turning upside down. You are discovering that what you had always believed was stable, steady and “real,” is merely an ILLUSION and, yes, your imagination! 

You are beginning to realize that your “imagination” is actually multidimensional thought.  I ask you now to “imagine” a reality in which you are one with me, Gaia, the consciousness of planet Earth.  I ask you to remember that YOU are the Gaia, and I AM YOU.

With the use of your wonderful imagination you can custom-make your planet by choosing the elements that you wish to select for the illusions in your hologram.  See yourself in a huge warehouse of realities—Reality Depot—where you can go up and down the isles and choose the reality elements you wish to project onto your hologram.

Each isle of the Reality Depot is actually a grid from the matrix upon which your reality is projected.  3D reality runs across the space/time continuum, and is embedded in the 3D matrix system.   From your 3D perspective you can’t see the matrix grids, as they are an octave above the actual holograms. 

Therefore, the 3D grid is in the fourth dimension, the 4D grid is in the fifth dimension, and the 5D grid is in the sixth dimension.  The 6D grid is a “built-in” portion of your consciousness. By the time you can consciously remember your sixth dimensional consciousness, the “training wheels” of external support are no longer needed. Your sixth dimensional SELF KNOWS that NOTHING is external.

However, when you believe you are “only” third dimensional, you can’t see the grids or the many possible realities that they hold.  You are still asleep. Even if you “wake up” for a moment, you still can’t believe that YOU are the creator of your reality. You are so overwhelmed with surviving that you can’t see the forest for the trees. 

Each and every “tree” is an obstacle, something or someone that bars your way. You have to struggle and fight for every reward that a harsh, external environment will FINALLY release to you. Fortunately, from within your cocoon, you can see that the “self” living outside your cocoon is the “larval” stage of your true butterfly SELF.

From inside the SELF, who is inside your cocoon, you remember when we, the planetary consciousness, chose to create the 3D Game. We chose the hologram program of struggle and hard work, as we believed it would make for a faster evolution. 

We all believed that the polarity of light and dark would be a good catalyst for our development. We thought that the struggle between “good” and “evil” would create a great “virtual reality movie.” In fact, living with extreme polarities does create a good “movie,” and, often, it is nottoo much fun to be IN that movie. 

Most uncomfortable of all, we discovered that evil is infectious and that, when it infiltrates us, we do mean and horrible things to others, as well as to ourselves. Then, because we programmed “cause and effect” into our holographic program so that we could learn more quickly, we become recipient of that evil later on, or in another lifetime.  Even I, the planet, have become caught in the “cause and effect” cycle of the 3D Game. 

You see, I am the reflection of my inhabitants, especially my humans. It is true that many horrid things have been done to my body, Earth, and that my body also has caused much pain for my inhabitants. I am the amplifier of the thoughts and emotions of the Collective Consciousness of my people. Except, whereas you have thoughts and emotions, I have weather. 

Also, the illusions of 3D Game have made the people believe that they are separate from everything and everyone. This belief has allowed them to do many cruel things, not only to each other, but also to their planet. 

Entire forests that took hundreds, and even thousands of years, to grow were destroyed so that one or two generations could have homes and fires to warm these homes. Then, my people’s extreme emotions became intense rainstorms. 

In the areas where my trees had been chopped down there were great floods, while dwellings placed in areas that were unstable, or in the pathway of the nature water flow, were destroyed. Eventually, lush lands became deserts that were ravaged by the harsh winds of my people’s negative thoughts. 

My people also polluted their planet’s waters, killing what was once an active food chain for all my inhabitants to feed from. Lands were over-planted and poisoned with “fertilizers” and insecticides, which made it impossible for the natural flora and fauna to survive. Then, the once fertile farmlands became barren and were eventually destroyed, because there was no natural growth to catch the rain or stop the winds.

In an attempt to equalize myself, I had to re-adjust my plates, creating destructive earthquakes for the land dwellers. Meanwhile, the conflicting thoughts and emotions of my people could only be expressed as my tornadoes and hurricanes. My fifth dimensional elementals, water-Undines, fire-Salamanders, air-Sylphs, and land-Gnomes, struggled to right the balance of nature. However, they too were deeply affected by the thoughts and feeling of the people.

Meanwhile, the people, quite unconscious of the great power they had over their environment, felt victimized by my Earth and sought to battle against Nature.  Fortunately, the people are waking up and realizing the great Force of Nature that they carry within themselves. 

As more and more of my people awaken to the fact that they are ONE with the planet, I, Gaia, am also awakening to my ability to project my consciousness into the hearts and minds of my people. 

There are those of you, however, who have always opened your hearts and minds to me, life after life. You, my beloved people, have been my Priests and Priestess, my protectors and my voice. I wish to thank each of you for your great service. In the millennia of patriarchal domination, the Feminine Power of love and creativity has too often been lost to the legions of domination and fear.

But now, my Father/Sun has accepted the gift of the Return of the Feminine from the Galactic Center, my dear sister Pleiades, and has projected that Feminine Power into me, the Earth, as well as my Moon.

You see, my people, we are all ONE and we are ALL in transition. I CALL you now to emerge from your cocoon.  Where ever and whom ever you are, the time to answer my CALL is NOW!