Sunday, April 30, 2023

Help Coming from Arcturus (without Interference) ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scranton, April 27, 2023

Help Coming from Arcturus (without Interference) ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scranton, April 27, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have received so many requests for assistance from all of you, and we want to help you without interfering with your natural process of evolution. You see that has occurred there on Earth previously, and other extra-terrestrial groups have inadvertently stunted your growth by intervening and interfering. We who have observed all of this recognize that the best way to help you is to give you teachings and to give you energies, to give you support and to hold space for you. We know that when the mass landing of ships comes to planet Earth, it will be because you are ready, not because you need rescuing, not because all of the good humans are then going to be taken to the new Earth. We know this because we know that everything that ever happens in your experience happens for your benefit, but the benefit is to your spiritual growth and evolution, which is what all of this is for in the first place. You are not incarnating there because you are trapped, and you are not incarnating there because some being outside of you sent you there. You are incarnating there because as a soul, you recognize where all the good growth experiences are, and you want them. You want to experience the movement of feeling less evolved to feeling more evolved. You want to know yourselves more fully as you truly are, as unconditional love. So right now, take a look at your life as it is. Take a look at everything that is in your life and everything that is not in your life, and instead of asking yourself questions like, ‘Where did I go wrong?’ or ‘What could I have done differently?’ ask yourself how these current conditions are helping you to become more of who you really are as a Source Energy Being, as unconditional love. And yes, we know you want the answer right away and you want it to come in your mind’s ear in a voice that is not your own, or you want a vision of a guide to appear to you and to tell you how exactly how it is you are supposed to grow from your current set of circumstances. But again, it serves you more spiritually to look at it yourself and to come to your conclusions. A good question to ask yourself is, ‘How can I be the Love in this situation?’ And as you look at your world, as you look at the entire planet, and you see what types of struggles there are there on Earth, you can also ask yourself that same question. How can you show up more as Love in the face of that which is appearing to be something other than Love? Remember those circumstances, those conditions are also for your spiritual evolution, and they are not because someone in a government, or corporation, or someone who has way more power than you do, is creating it to be that way. Sure, there might be people playing those roles for you, but you are still the creator of your experience, and the sooner you own that, the sooner you can do something about it. You do like the feeling of growing and evolving, and you need to remind yourselves of that at times, and when you do help yourselves, when you do open up and allow in more of your own creations, then you do experience getting a helping hand at times from a being, or a collective, in a higher-dimensional plane. But it’s still you who had to align with that experience of receiving the help. It always will come back to you and what’s going on inside of you, and the sooner you see that, the sooner you recognize that, the sooner you can take all the growth experiences that are available to you in your life right, and the sooner you can thrive on planet Earth as it is right now. And we know that at the heart of all of your requests to us is that desire to thrive. You can do it, and we are here to help, and we will continue to do so. We promise you that. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Get All You Want & All You Didn’t Know You Wanted ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled: Daniel Scranton, April 28, 2023

Get All You Want & All You Didn’t Know You Wanted ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled: Daniel Scranton, April 28, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are highly-evolved beings, and yet we still do not understand everything. We still have a type of mind, and our minds are not able to grasp everything about this universe and about Source, and that is because we are ninth-dimensional, and there are twelve dimensions. There are three dimensions that are higher than this one where we dwell in right now. What we have come to know through our experience is that we don’t need to know everything, and this is so true when it comes to humanity. You think you need to know everything, and that’s largely what your sciences are based upon. You want to understand something so you dissect it. You want to prove something, so you do experiments until you get the proof you are looking for. There are things about life on Earth that are supposed to be unpredictable. You are supposed to be surprised. That is why your meteorologists cannot predict the weather with one hundred percent accuracy, and you cannot predict either everything that will occur. If you could, you would take the emotional component out of life there on Earth, and you really don’t want to do that. Therefore, if we were human beings right now, we would embrace the not knowing. We would plan to be surprised, because we would know that the surprise is always better than what we could possibly imagine with our minds. This happens to us in the ninth dimension all the time. We a love surprise, and we get surprises often, but the difference between us and most humans is that we have embraced not knowing what’s going to happen fully, whereas most humans still like the comfort of being able to predict. Now, those of you who are really smart understand that you are also creating your reality. That creation of your reality, however, needs to also remain open to the possibility that there’s something better for you than what you imagined. Therefore, your feelings are what matter most, because you can feel into a future experience and know you’re going to like it without knowing what it is. Some of you have had that feeling before, and you recognized that your feeling was right. Pay more attention to your feelings, and use your thoughts purposefully, but do not limit yourself to thinking. Be aware that there are always energies coming in as well to support the creation of that which is unknown, that which is unpredictable, and those energies are the most fun to play with when you recognize that you have the ability to do so. And most people who are aware of the current energies are also aware of how they feel most of the time. Therefore, we invite you to get out of your minds, to let go, to surrender to the flow of the energies, and to keep up with them by slowing down, by feeling good, and by breathing consciously. And when you can do those things, you can have everything that you’ve ever wanted and some things that you didn’t even know you wanted until they showed up at your doorstep. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Astral Traveling w/Sirians, Pleiadians & Arcturians ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled Daniel Scranton, April 26, 2023

Astral Traveling w/Sirians, Pleiadians & Arcturians ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled Daniel Scranton, April 26, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have established many wonderful working relationships with those of you in human form there on Earth. We know that some of you recognize us by our vibrational signature, and some of you even remember us from your Arcturian lifetimes. We know that to others we seem somewhat familiar, but you are unable to place where you know us from, but suffice it to say that we have a connection to every single being there on planet Earth. And when you fall asleep and travel through the astral plane, that’s when things get very interesting indeed. That’s when we can connect with all who want to share their experiences with us and gain even more of our wisdom through conversations. We know that whether you remember those interactions or not, you carry more Arcturian energy with you throughout your day, and you are able to live according to the wisdom that we share with you in those moments that we have together while you are asleep. Now, you don’t only come to visit us in the astral plane, and we do not get jealous when you visit the Pleiadians or Sirians. There are many, many beings and collectives for you all to visit in the higher realms, and all of those perspectives that you receive while you are speaking to us are a part of your thoughts in the waking hours of your lives. We offer you downloads, activations and upgrades, as well as attunements, and some of you even remember your Arcturian lifetimes in dreams that you download as you awaken. Therefore, you are already making contact with e.t.s all the time, but it is soon going to be much more conscious and much more deliberate and while you are awake. But these meetings in the astral plane prepare you for what is to come, and we help you with the day-to-day concerns that you have living there on planet Earth. We help other beings from other star systems as well, and we learn through your experiences more about ourselves than we ever could if we took a policy of isolation. Therefore, we encourage you to never diminish what you are doing there on Earth or what you are experiencing. Do not see it as less than what anyone else is doing or experiencing throughout the entire galaxy. You are the ones who agreed to experience that level of density, that level of polarity, and everyone benefits from what you are living throughout all of Source Energy. Therefore, it is not a burden to us at all to help you, to send you energies, and to continue to love you unconditionally, which is the only way to be loved. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Galactic Energies Preparing You for Full ET Contact ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled Daniel Scranton, April 25, 2023

Galactic Energies Preparing You for Full ET Contact ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled Daniel Scranton, April 25, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been witnessing the changes that have occurred in humanity throughout this month of April, and we are happy to say that you have made some giant strides forward as a collective. People there on Earth are opening up more. You are opening up more to your intuition, to your guides, to your higher selves. You have been opening up more to channel, to simply receive energies and healing energies. And we are very impressed by what we have seen. You have been opening up without fear, and you have been opening up without attachment, and you always get more whenever you do receive what has been gifted to you freely from all the beings and all the collectives who consistently want to help each and every one of you there on Earth. We are of course bringing our energies through this channeler here, but we have many other ways of delivering energies to you, and when you open yourselves up to us, you open yourselves up to a multitude of galactic energies that are pouring in at this time from all the major star systems. Now is the time that you are being prepared for full extra-terrestrial contact, and all the galactic energies help you to have more memories come flooding in of your lifetimes in other star systems. The galactic energies help you to remember that you have friends out there in the stars who elected not to incarnate on Earth like you did. You who understand that you are there to anchor in the highest-frequency energies that you can are doing so, and you are transforming. And of course, your transformation is not always pretty and it’s not always easy because you have to make room for the higher-frequency energies by purging out the lower-frequency ones. And that can look messy in your lives and in your bodies. The best way to avoid getting ascension symptoms and having detox symptoms, and all other types of symptoms is to let go, to surrender to what is happening. Do not resist it, but rather give yourselves the hydration, the rest, and the time that you need to let in the new and release the old. You are going to continue to do this to prepare yourselves physically, emotionally, and energetically for all that is to come there on Earth. All the positive changes that you have been asking for are coming, and they are coming because you are shifting. You are not just there to observe and experience the shift in consciousness; you are also there to participate in it. And those of you who are awake and who are aware are doing so consciously and deliberately, and you are bringing so many others along with you, because now is their time as well, whether they know it or not. But you can expect more and more people to be having stranger and stranger experiences because of the galactic energies that are flooding in right now, and you can help them in the same way that you had been helped or that you had helped yourselves. And that is a wonderful way to insure that the shift in consciousness is for everyone and not just for a precious few. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Your Personal E.T. Contact Experiences ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 13, 2023

Your Personal E.T. Contact Experiences ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 13, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been getting so much out of our visits with you in the astral plane, and you all have been getting so much out of those visits as well. We are able to sit with you, so to speak, in our nonphysical form for hours and hours, helping you to remember who you really are while we also plant seeds within your consciousness that will sprout and flower in your waking consciousness. We know that you all benefit from our experiences as physical beings in our star system, and we often share our stories with you of how we grew spiritually without trauma, without ever needing to go down a dark path or get very polarized within the group of us living in physical bodies at the time. We know you all seek to ascend with as very little trauma as possible on your paths, and we will continue to light the way for you and to remind you that you are awake. You do not need to be shaken awake. You do not need to be flooded awake. You do not need to be volcano-ed awake. You can continue to choose the rest of your journey to the fifth dimension and be creative about what it is you want to experience while you are still fourth-dimensional beings. E.T. contact is something that you are having and will continue to have as you move along that path, and you are readying yourselves for it by releasing anything and everything that does not serve you at this time. You can get clearer about what types of e.t. contact experiences you want and put those desires out into the ethers, and then you can just let them go and know that those creations are yours to experience. You can also trust that you’re going to have your personal contact experiences when the timing is right, and you will be able to consciously be on a ship with your physical body and remember it when the timing is right. In the meantime, you do still live on a beautiful planet with lots to create, lots to explore, and lots to share with others. You are the teachers, the leaders, and the ones who agreed to awaken first, and you are finding that there are a variety of different ways in which you can share your experiences and your knowledge with your fellow humans. Go out into nature, sit, meditate, and get inspired. Let the downloads drop in, and then take action. Be in a state of gratitude and appreciation for all that is flowing to you, and you will be ready for more. Let go of anything that does not serve you, and you will expand and become ready for your personal e.t. contact experiences. More importantly, in the meantime, you will be able to enjoy life there on planet Earth in the fourth dimension, and you will have more teachings to share with others who eventually will awaken and will want those e.t. contact experiences as well. You are just leading the way, and sometimes it can be extra challenging to be a trailblazer. But remember in those times of doubt that you wanted this and that you are right on track. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Bashar - Following your Passion, Law of Attraction, (Major Contact Event)


@1:29:05 Predictions 
 June 1 to Dec 2026,  Jan to June 2027 "Major Contact Event." ; 2026 to 2027 

Friday, April 7, 2023

The Monumental Event of Full ET Contact on Earth ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 6, 2023

The Monumental Event of Full ET Contact on Earth ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 6, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always very happy to connect with all of you who have an interest in us and in our star system. We are helping you to get closer to that time where you will be able to stand in front of a physical extra-terrestrial being, because it is easier for you all to handle energies coming from the nonphysical and from a place as peaceful and beautiful as Arcturus. We are existing in nonphysical form and therefore are nonlocal, but we still carry the energetic signature of our place of origin, the Arcturian Star System. We welcome all of you to open yourselves up to us whenever you get that opportunity to do so. During the times when you are receiving these transmissions, you could also be consciously be opening yourselves up to our energies and our consciousness so that you can connect to us on your own. We have seen and felt the progress that you are making there on Earth in regards to physical e.t. contact, and we know for a fact that many individuals are having their physical e.t. contact experiences. Some of those humans remember those contact experiences, and some do not. When you receive nonphysical extra-terrestrial energy, you are getting activations of your e.t. DNA. You also have the opportunity to remember more of your lifetimes as an extra-terrestrial. Therefore, these contact experiences are very important. They are laying the groundwork for the physical face-to-face encounters that you all want. You are also getting closer with the spotting of UFOs in your skies. You are receiving activations and downloads in those moments as well. Many of you realize this who have had those experiences, because you understand that they are aware of your thoughts in those moments. It is a beautiful time to be alive there on planet Earth because you get to have so many of these experiences in this one lifetime, and all of these experiences are of course leading to your ascension. Once you ascend, you will be able to interact with whichever e.t.s you want to, and you will have the ability to go to their star systems and set foot on their planets, their moons, and their space stations. You are getting closer to that time every single day that you are there on Earth. Relax and enjoy the ride because the destination is a guarantee. If you play with what you have available to you right now, you will be able to feel more timeless and to enjoy the journey to full extra-terrestrial contact with physical beings, and we will be cheering you on all the way to that monumental event there on Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”