Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Humanity Was Set Up to Fail, But You Won’t ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scranton, June 29th, 2020


Humanity Was Set Up to Fail, But You Won’t ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scranton, June 29th, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very understanding when we witness one or more of you going off the rails a bit, having a moment where you lash out or take an action that you will later regret. First of all, you are living on a world and in a dimension that make it challenging for you to even exist in physical form. And on top of that, the most important things that you could do to make all of that easier on yourselves are discouraged by most adults when you are growing up. You are told to toughen up. You are told to be quiet. You are told not to follow your instinct, your feeling, or your intuition, and instead to do what you are told. You are basically set up to fail as a human being, and once you reach that age where you awaken to the truth that your feelings are important and you should be feeling them, you have a lot of work to do. You have a lot on your plate so to speak, and you still have to worry about survival. You have to pay the bills. You have to keep a roof over your head. And you are all doing much better than you give yourselves credit for under the circumstances. We want you to know that. We really want you to feel our sincerity when we tell you that. You are doing the best that you can, and it is all right when you slip up. It is all right when you decide that you need to turn to an addiction just to feel normal. It is all right when you find yourselves in such dire straits that you need to move back in with your parents. It is all right to have had relationships that didn’t work out or marriages that ended in divorce. Humanity is not getting further along in the evolution of its consciousness by judging yourselves and others harshly. When you experience yourself looking at another human being and saying to yourself that they should be different, they should be better, they should no longer believe what they are believing, you are essentially saying that about yourself. You will always be as critical of yourself as you are of others. In some cases, you are more critical. That is why it is so important to seek unconditional love of self. It is more important than your accomplishments, awakening your spiritual gifts, or knowing the truth about something that is happening on your world. We want you to realize now that you are awake how important your feelings are, and we want you to notice how much better you feel when you love yourself unconditionally and how much worse you feel when you hold yourself to some sort of impossible standard, just because you are awake. We often hear you saying that you should be doing more, that you want to contribute so much more than you currently are, and we want you to take the pressure off of yourselves because you need to be in a high vibrational state in order to be of service to anyone. So you certainly need to be in a high vibrational state to be of service to everyone. That is what you are there to do. You are there to hold that higher vibrational state, and you cannot do it when you are beating up on yourself for not having done enough, not having been enough, not having awakened enough of your gifts and abilities. There will be time for all of that. Trust us when we tell you that you will have your opportunities to be of even greater service to humanity. But right now, we would like to see more of you looking to just be happy. We would like to see more of you giving credit to yourselves for continuing to exist there on that challenging in that challenging dimension. And so, we will continue to praise you, to celebrate you, and to shine our unconditional love upon you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Anubis via Erena Velazquez, June 29th, 2020



(I wanted to preface this by saying I don't know how accurate this channeling is, but I did want to archive it because it is interesting to me, and could be true)

Anubis via Erena Velazquez, June 29th, 2020 
Ancient Egypt. Anubis - the jackal-headed deity. Canvas Print ...


I am Anubis, I come from Andromeda Galaxy from one of the brightest stars there. You call me here on Earth the God of Death and that is not true. You tell the story about me how I was overlooking dead souls and guiding them to the light, this is how you portray me here. I am actually God of Life and Queen An-Ra sent me here to be one of her representatives. I am going to help, guide and teach humans on how to preserve their life. Many thousands years ago, about 10,000 years ago we the Egyptian Civilization were here and we were teaching humanity. We were sharing with the scientists on how to use our advanced technology, which the humankind at that time have never seen and never had before. We decided to take away our technology, because humanity started going in a wrong direction and it would be too dangerous for them to have this technology, they would use it in a destructive way, so after that we left the planet and went back to our home.

We are 16 and up dimensional beings. We call ourselves Gods, who like to help other civilizations with their development, our Egyptian Civilization is very tall, most of us are between 20-25 feet tall. We are a very advanced nation, we can build cities, buildings and ships by using our consciousness. Our cities are majestic and unique, which reflect the richness of our consciousness with extremely tall buildings, some of them are in shape of pyramids. Gold, white and black are our signature tones we use everywhere. The ships we fly are the fastest ever have been made by anyone in the Galaxy, they look like pyramids made from indestructible and light material. You are probably curious about how the pyramids were built, the mystery the human race didn't figure out yet, we created the pyramids by using our Universal Mind, and it took us only few seconds.

Now, it's time for us again to come here, because we have descendants on Earth and we want to make sure that they are okay and protected during this Ascension Process, plus we want to share our knowledge with the people on this planet, on how to live longer lives and to be free from diseases. Well your body was designed a long time ago, when we were here and your bodies were pure perfection. You could live long lives, like thousand and thousand of years, but unfortunately many things happened to you like your DNA was alternated. You never nourished and preserved your soul, you became too selfish and too easy to be controlled, this is why you lost everything you had. Now, it's time to rebuild what you lost and this is why I, God Anubis came here to help you.

My Queen An-Ra, sent me here also to help our descendants who are still here, we want to protect them. The Dark Forces would like get their hands on them, we are not going to give them that chance. Well, I am God as you know, if you read the history, I am a very powerful God, they even made me God of death, which is not true, I am the one who cares about the planet Earth and humanity. I remember them going through the evolutionary process, when we were here in Egypt helping them, they were blooming and were very happy in that time. We are the ones who build the pyramids, we also taught humans our language and we were leading them, but they stopped listening to us. They started to follow the Dark Gods, we would show them that they were following a negative path, but they continued to be influenced by the Negative Side and the humans didn’t listen to our warning. We decided to let them know that we are leaving the planet and taking our advance technology with us.

We are coming back to Earth, because we want to help again, like we did in the past, about 10,000 years ago, it's okay, now we can now catch up, what was lost during those years. We are going to give you our technology, which is beyond your imagination as soon as the human race proves to us that they are ready for it, and will use it in a responsible way. Since that time we left Earth, our civilization kept on advancing in every way, so we can teach you so many things.

I am pleased to be here and ready to assist you, maybe some of you will be intimidated by me, but please don't be, I am come in peace and not planning to harm anybody, I am following my Queen's order to lead you to the light and preserve your life. I am going to show you on how to get more enlighten and move closer to the Ascension Process by making your body move faster towards Ascension, so just follow my guidance and trust me, your not going to regret it.

I am Anubis the oldest God from Egyptian Civilization, who was here and then returned to our home planet in Andromeda Galaxy, we are happy to help human beings and to teach them a lot of things that they don't know yet. The only thing we are looking for is their willingness to open themselves to us and other nations. You need to open your mind and heart, otherwise you will not grow spiritually as a Human Civilization, it will lead you only to self destruction. We always viewed humans as children, because we have more life experiences and we are much older and wiser civilization. We are Gods who want to enlighten you and take you to a much brighter future than your living now. The Dark Gods lead you to your destruction, now look at your history and yourselves, and ask where you are now, your still in 3D reality. What does that 3D reality mean for you, it means that you are living in duality and are being pulled in two different directions. You never know what to do, what is the right thing to do, because your always questioning yourselves and the answers usually come from the mind and ego, and they create only more problems for you.

It’s time to follow the teachers who are going to be appearing in front of your door, there are many of us that are coming here, Ascended Masters, your guides and Galactics to assist you. The Prime Creator came here to be channeled and he stays telepathically connected to this channeler 24/7. Also, other Galactic Civilizations wants to help you, and I, Anubis and Egyptians are here to lead you to The Golden Age. Just let us teach you on how to live a better life, by being more happy and healthy, what you don't have right now.

How many people in this world are sick with diseases, we can eliminate all of the diseases in just one week. You would say how is it possible, yes it is possible, because our technology can do that. You are still in an infant stage compared to us. We have been around for a very long time and we are one of the oldest civilizations in the Universe. We gained a lot of experiences by interacting with other Galactic Nations, we are also part of The Galactic Federation, so we know a lot and we learned a lot from others, because we are willing to learn. We call ourselves Gods, because we create new lives, new planets and a lot of other different things, so this is why we call ourselves creators. We are like God who creates life, he is the one who taught us, on how to create, so he is our teacher and mentor.

God is the creator of all planets, galaxies and all of the universes. He calls himself the Prime Creator, so we look up to him, and he shows us the way and how to make new life. Now, it's our turn to show you the way on how to be independent and strong like us. We are a strong and a peaceful Egyptian Civilization, we would never harm anyone unless they try to attack us, then we would defend ourselves, but this is expected, we would never strike first. There were many who attacked us, what do you think happened to them, they are longer here. Our reputation is that we are one of the strongest nations in the universes, so nobody attacks us anymore, everybody is afraid of us, because they know what can happen to them, they will be dissolved in the universe like dust, like they never existed before. We don't want to do that to anyone, because we love to protect life.

I am Anubis, I am a strong willed God and at same time I am soft on the inside, because I love life, to teach and to help in advancement of other civilizations. This why Queen An-Ra trusted me to be one of the first from the group of Gods, who contacted this channel to be channeled. After me, there will be more Gods coming through this channel with their messages, because we want to help and we are ready to help. It’s time for us to step in, it's divine timing to lead the human beings on Mother Earth to Ascension. We know that the planet already ascended, she is in fifth dimension, it's only a small part of her is here, because she still needs to keep life on this planet. As soon as humanity ascends into the fifth dimension, this shadow of hers is going to be dissolved into the universe.

I also love the sun, here we treasure the sun, because it gives light to keep life on the planets. The Galactics across the galaxy either live on the surface or on the inside of the planet. On Earth you have been taught that the sun is harmful and that it gives you radiation, this is not true. The radiation comes from your poisonous environment, what you have here. Your body gets effected especially your skin. Sun is life without sun there is no life.

I am Anubis and I am grateful to be here and I came back to help the human civilization to go in a new direction by explaining to them what it means to be alive. Life in the Universe is a treasure, it's more precious than gold and the biggest gift you can have by having a physical body, so please treasure your life. If you are forced out of your physical body, you are going to reincarnate here again, life after life. You have done this already thousand times. Instead of living long, happy and prosperous life here, you have been living very short lives. This cycle is coming to the end. I am going to teach you on how you can enlighten yourself and create a much stronger body. When you get our new technologies, they will help you to maintain a healthy body. I will show you how to have a strong spirit and body, because this 3D reality was only created for one purpose, first to enslave you and then to destroy you.

I am Anubis and I carry a lot of pride, because it's based on my experiences, strong personality, and my dedication and love to help others. The black color on my uniform doesn't represent darkness, in our society black color is the highest rank you can earn. I earned that rank with my work, commitment, strength and my truthfulness. I never lie, and I am proud of it. I love to enlighten other beings and I love to bring light to the planets.

I was happy to be here and tell you my message. Thank youand I will be back again.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Reptilians 101 ~ The E.T. Whisperer, March 2, 2015


Reptilians 101 ~ The E.T. Whisperer

Benevolent Hybrid Reptilian Humans.pdf


New Arcturian Energy Portals ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 14, 2019


New Arcturian Energy Portals ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 14, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have opened many gateways, many portals, for all of you there on Earth, and when we do, we tend to tell you about it through this particular channel. There are new portals that are opening now because we want to build upon the momentum that all of you have gotten from the recent Lion’s Gate energies. These portals will not be temporary. They will be permanently open, and they will be spreading the light and love that has been generated throughout the billions of years that beings have incarnated in our little star system. We have been collectively holding space for the entire galaxy for as long as there has been life on our planets and moons, and all of that energy has been stored in crystals that we are now activating so that the energy can be released. We are also doing this for all of the planets and moons all over the galaxy that have life forms on them, because as we have said, Arcturians have been doing this since the very beginning. We have been building up our energy stores for a time when it would be needed. Actually, we would have done it anyway, but we knew that we were generating more love and light than the beings in our star system would ever need. In other words, we always knew how fortunate we were, and since we had more than we needed, we could save the energy up for a time when it was needed by others. So accessing these portals will be easy for all of you who are awake. It will be simple for you to feel the energies coming in through these portals that have been strategically placed all across Mother Earth. And when you receive these energies, you will recognize the Arcturian vibration in them, because you have picked up on that vibration from us. The energies will support you through the more challenging times that you face there on Earth, personally, and as a collective. We are here for every single being there on Earth and throughout the galaxy. And so, we encourage all of you to spread the energies around as well. You are going to receive so much that you won’t know what to do with it. We can assure you, there will be more coming as well. So ground this love and light from Arcturus in your bodies and spread it around to your loved ones and to any beings who are in need of it, and we will continue to monitor the entire situation there on Earth to see when the next big influx of energies should come. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Galactic Center via Galaxygirl, June 25, 2020


Galactic Center via Galaxygirl, June 25, 2020 

(This channeling was unusual for me because it came in all at once and was a very visual experience. I have done my best to capture it here).

I am the Galactic Center of your ever-evolving Milky Way, now Golden Rose, Galaxy. I am delighted that more and more of you have been coming up for a visit, to spend some moments of contemplation, relaxation and togetherness. So many of you long for togetherness. You feel isolated upon your blue sphere that has only known war for so long, and as strategically placed chess pieces of light, you are challenged to find the logic of your placement on the board of Gaia. (I am seeing a massive chess board superimposed over Gaia. I am seeing the light workers are on team light strategically placed all over, some within caves, some within deep jungles, feeling cut off from the other chess pieces on their team, and yet I am seeing a thin glowing line of white light connecting them all over the world. I am seeing that the dark chess pieces are more smokey than solid at this point and are easily swirled into mist in the wind. I am seeing the line of white between each chess piece become thicker, turning from a string to a cord. The cord becomes a web, and this web of light is pulsating across Gaia, anchoring into the ground, while a light web from our friends in the skies encases Gaia’s sky. It is becoming a beautifully intricate crystalline shape of rainbow light).

I am the Galactic Center. I am a place of infinite creativity, where visions easily become solid. It is becoming more so apparent upon your world that thoughts creating synchronicities occur with more rapidity. Be open to them. Be open to the synchronicities of coincidence that continue to delight you throughout your day. Be open to such “a-ha moments.” You are creating them. Your creative powers will only continue to grow as you become more awake, aware and intentional with your thoughts. It is delightful to see.

I am the Galactic Center of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose Galaxy. I feel your pain and exhaustion, dear students of light. It is part of the learning curve, but it need not be so burdensome. Remember you create that which you want to experience. Intend to experience joy, love, laughter, happiness. Anchor these crystalline gems into your own heart. Anchor and mold the bridge. (I am seeing light workers all standing across the void of the Galactic Center in a long line. Each are happily throwing gems of thoughts of happiness across the void. I see a crystalline green and blue planet emerging from the other side of the void. The thrown gems become suspended in webs of light of the intentions of the light workers. The more intentions of joy and peace and happiness, the more solidified the gemstone-lined rainbow bridge becomes, becoming a solid form, bridging us to Nova Gaia across the Galactic Center).

I am the Galactic Center. Look around you, children, and hold hands. Walk across the bridge of your 5D thoughts and intentions towards Nova Gaia that you are creating in this glorious now moment. (I see that I am standing on transparent gems forming a bridge spanning the void. We are all walking upright, without timidity, for as we look behind us the transparency is gone. After we step on the transparent rainbow gem bridge our faith and creativity solidifies it. We are halfway across the void. I am linking arms with my fellow light workers on either side of me. We are forming such a long line I can’t see the ends of it. Behind us I see 3D earth. I see mobs of gray people, looking lost. They are peering out but they can’t see us. We are unable to feel their energies because we are vibrating so high, creating across the void. We are all so joyful! Some of us are running, others dancing, and the Galactic Center is so immense, so deep, so infinitely powerful it’s awesome to be a part of this moment. I see rainbow light coming up from beneath us, it is alive, the void is alive. I see Nova Gaia solidifying in the distance. I see there are people hanging out of windows, trees. I hear cheering coming from the glowing Nova Gaia. I see the distance is shortening. My heart leaps and feels very full. I am teary. We are all tearing up. Suddenly I see and feel a flash of light. All is light. All is light. Before we can feel sad about the gray people we are blanketed in light, like a motherly hug. I keep hearing “All is most well, my children of the light, for you have done the impossible. Welcome back. The nightmare is over.” I feel Mother’s pink blanket around us all. We are being healed from our traumas. I see the pink blanket extends all around 3D as well but those there can’t see it or feel it because their hearts look like small brown rocks that are not ready yet for the light of Mother’s pink love to penetrate. Light. I am being hugged. I am hearing happy yelling in the distance, like kids at a slumber party who are excited and happy. I am home).

I am the Galactic Center. Galaxygirl, light workers, you have always been home. Home is not a place. Home is your creativity connection with your soul. Your soul, your connection with your Source-self is your home. You have never left. You see these images so clearly here because you are in my lap in this moment. For in the void all things are possible. Masters easily come and sit with me, creating, evaporating thoughts and ideas back into light, back into the void of eternal creation. I welcome all light workers to connect with me, for in so doing you will be connecting with the creator aspect of yourself. I am yet another simulator or training ground. All is Source, young friends. All is all. Source has always been. Beginning and ending are human constructs of the mind for understanding within linear timelines. In reality, all is the Now moment of creation. Connect. Connect with the possibility that all is most well, that you are victorious, that Nova Gaia exists within your hearts and within your reality that is very, very near to you. It is but a breath of time moment away. The time of the new dawn has come, for you are bringing it, bridging it. Your footsteps of the first wavers have solidified the rainbow bridge, which is a technicality of dimensional time-skipping. You are hopping up level by level with every moment that love is chosen. Galaxygirl, but what of those behind you in the old reality?

(I am looking back. I am looking at the mob of gray in the matrix. I see scaffolding of black steel that is invisible to those standing underneath. We light workers are feeling the decision. It would be so easy to skip ahead to our soul family and friends in Nova Gaia. I look and I see they are laying rainbow gems from their end of the bridge. I see a very narrow gap now between the bridge and Nova Gaia. I can see outlines of faces, tree leaves. We are close. The air smells sweet, floral and a little salty. Someone is baking? I look behind me and I see the old Earth is becoming enveloped in smoke. We all turn and send light from our hearts chakras. A beautiful wave of white light shines from us. The smoke clears. The scaffolding looks less solid and more smokey now. The mob is rubbing their eyes, they are waking up. Some of them see us and start to walk across. We go back and grasp hands of those whose hands are reaching for ours but just send light to the others who can’t see or hear us. I see and feel the vibrational distance between these groups growing and yet the light is surrounding them too, it is surrounding all of us. Those that accept healing will feel it, but healing can be painful and I feel that many are not ready yet. I see the gap between widening and the 3D moving away quickly, those that have chosen have chosen. I see many are suspended with toes on the bridge, the ones that had their hands outstretched and eyes open. They are smiling, hopeful. There is a calm. Peace surrounds. The newly awakened are having a completely difference experience than the first wavers, which was their choice. I get that we are all experiencing what we intended and there is no judgement, no remorse, only experience. I feel blanketed in peace and light. We are ministering to the new additions, holding hands, supporting. They are leaning on us, their looks of incredulity are fun to observe as they realize they are standing on a rainbow bridge over a void of creation. Others won’t look, they want their eyes closed and us to carry them across, but they have to look, they have to see so they understand that which they knew is faded away and they are embarking on a new adventure. Some are asking if they have died, and I am hearing that they did not die, there is no death, but their reality is transformed and they need to adapt to their new bodies for their new adventure. There is no anxiety. There is only a deep joy, and sense of fulfillment and elation. The children are running way ahead, of course they have no hesitancy. They remember freedom more easily than the adults).

I am the Galactic Center. Come create in this space, and be with me and find yourselves in the process. The future is here now, for all is now, all is one. I am the Galactic Center. Tap in and see what you feel are in this space of ultimate creativity and oneness. Feel the truth that you are indeed creating this reality within the time matrix and create wisely. Choose love. Choose peace. Choose ascension. You have earned it. I am immensely proud of my students. I am the Galactic Center.


Full & Open Human/E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 27, 2020


Full & Open Human/E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 27, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been experiencing more of a sense of connection to those of you in the physical realm there on Earth who have wanted very much to connect with us. We have noticed that those of you who are interested in having a relationship with us have been able to raise your vibrations and tune in to us much better than you could even a few months ago. Now, there are several reasons why this greater ability to connect to us has arisen within you. First of all, you are constantly evolving, ascending, and becoming more of your higher selves. That puts you in a higher vibrational state on a regular basis. You don’t even have to try to raise your vibration as much as you used to. Secondly, you have been opening yourselves up to us during these transmissions that we have given through the channel here. And we have been encouraging you for quite some time to be more grounded, more present, and more heart-centered, and you have been listening. You have made yourselves more available to us by setting the intention to connect with us in the astral plane. We are very happy to see you all having more faith in yourselves and elevating yourselves to the point where you expect these interactions to occur. You expect to be able to feel us, to sense our energy, and to be able to translate what we are transmitting directly to you. Now, this is very good news for humanity, because you are the ones who are paving the way for greater connection to extra-terrestrials. You are the ones who are making those connections possible for your fellow humans, and you are the ones who will teach others how to do it. You will set the example that you are already setting, and others will take notice in the not-so-distant future. They will ask you how you managed to make contact, and you will tell them. You will lead humanity into the time where there will be full and open human and extra-terrestrial contact. This we know to be true. And as we have said, we already see the beginning of this new era for humanity, and we see it in each and every one of you who has put forth the desire to connect with us. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

UFOs & Face-to-Face ET Contact Are on the Rise ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 23rd, 2020


UFOs & Face-to-Face ET Contact Are on the Rise ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 23rd, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have many different perspectives that we hold simultaneously, without giving more weight to any one of these many perspectives, because we understand the value of being able to see a situation from as many angles as possible. The issues that you are having there on Earth is that you tend to cling to one perspective, and you see your perspective as you taking a side. And therefore, if someone else has a different perspective than you, they are on the other side. And then the two sides are always trying to defeat each other and prove that the other side is wrong. We know how you get so clingy when it comes to the perspectives that you hold. It is because the stakes have always been so high there on Earth. You have been in survival mode for so long that you have allowed the fight or flight response to take hold within your beliefs. Wouldn’t it be better for everyone if people with different perspectives could sit down and have a conversation where no one raised their voice, where there was no finger pointing and no name calling? Wouldn’t you like to see that amongst the leaders, the politicians, the heads of state that you have? We know that humanity will benefit from the recognition that you are eternal and infinite beings there who are seeking to experience unconditional love, because when you come to those conclusions, you can relax a little bit more. When you can let go of the idea of either eternal salvation or eternal damnation, then you can relax and listen to each other. You don’t have to take sides when you don’t believe that the side you take determines your eternal destiny. And we believe that one of the ways that you have of releasing these tightly held perspectives is by having your minds blown by something that is so much bigger than what you are arguing about there on Earth. We believe that being visited by extra-terrestrial beings has the potential to shift and awaken so many minds there on Earth, and that is why we get excited when we visit with people like yourselves who want to see UFOs in the sky and want to meet e.t.s face to face. This is an exciting time, a time where you can all move past your dividing lines and come together as one human race, a human race that is very interested in what other life forms are out there and what perspectives they have. Your interest in us and our perspectives shows how far you are coming as individuals and as a collective, and we are very excited about the increase in UFO activity in your skies, as well as the increase in person-to-e.t. encounters, and they will continue to rise. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Join Our Galactic Alliance ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 18, 2020


Join Our Galactic Alliance ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 18, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very appreciative of all the praise that we receive from each of you who tune in on a regular basis to receive these channeled messages. We love seeing you and feeling you light up in those moments that you are receiving one of these transmissions, and when you get emotional, that brings us so much joy. We want you to know that you and what you are living impacts us whether it is something positive or something negative. When you consider what it is like to be a ninth dimensional, nonphysical collective, you must understand that we have achieved a certain level of oneness with all beings in this universe that we share. That is why we are affected by you and what you are living, and that is how we know when you are in that mode of appreciation. Right now, there on Earth, you all have the opportunity to appreciate so many of your fellow humans. There are so many who are helping, who are becoming part of the solution and the healing process for humankind. Therefore, you don’t have to look very far to find someone in the flesh to praise, to appreciate, and to support. It also warms our nonphysical hearts to witness one human helping another, forgiving another, and showing compassion to another. We do not judge you when you are in that mode of saying or doing hurtful things, but we do feel the joy when we witness something that is compassionate happening between two humans. We want you to invite us to assist you in assisting others. We want to be a part of the human collective. We want to be a part of your family in a very real way. We invite you to invite us to work through you, to work with you, and to amplify your projections of that which is loving, supportive, and empowering to your fellow humans. We are here to help. We are here to be at your disposal, especially from this nonphysical state that we are in. We don’t have anything that we need to take care of here in the ninth dimension, and that is why we gather together with the Lyrans, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, and all of the other galactic beings to form a collective that is unified in our desire to be there for humankind. And when you are there for each other, that’s when you are in vibrational alignment with those of us who want to be of service. Join our galactic alliance, because now is the time for humanity to step up and become members of the galactic community, officially, for all to see and know there on your world. We are extending the invitation, and we know that the vast majority of you receiving this message will accept that invitation. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, June 13, 2020

What to Do When You See a UFO ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 12, 2020


What to Do When You See a UFO ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 12, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been looking for new and different ways of connecting with all of you. You will sometimes notice that you can feel us around, when you are just relaxing and enjoying something that you love. You will find that you can sense our vibration in a movie, or a television show, or even a song, as we inspire those who create art on your world. We also find opportunities to connect with you when you are having a deep conversation with someone, and you feel that the conversation is moving in the direction of extra-terrestrials. We, of course, are not the only e.t.s who are doing this. When you see something in your sky, and you either know or suspect that it is a UFO, that’s an e.t. or a group of e.t.s testing the waters, so to speak. They are gauging your reactions to them. When you see a UFO, what you really want to do is to open your heart. Feel for the vibration coming off of the other beings that are on board. Feel yourself opening up to more direct physical contact with the e.t.s that are right there, in your skies, looking for those of you who are ready for contact. Now, we as a nonphysical collective, have many ways of connecting with you, including through this channel right here. But we look for opportunities all day every day to offer you some guidance or just a sliver of our vibration. We like to feel that we are a part of your journey, and we will always seek out more contact with you, as you are very precious to us. We, and others like us, want to help you evolve and ascend with as much joy in your hearts as possible. And this entire ride for us is fun. It’s exciting. It gives us a sense of purpose. And of course, this is a holographic universe, so you are within us and we are within you. By helping you, we help ourselves. And by helping you, we get to feel more joy and more satisfaction. Most of the physical e.t.s that are flying around in UFOs can say the same. They want to help. They want to succeed. But you can still use your discernment and your feeling senses to determine for yourselves whether an e.t. or a group of e.t.s is right for you to be connecting with in that moment. That is why it is important to use your hearts and your intuition, because they are the tools you will utilize the most as you complete your shift, and they are the tools you will use the most as fifth-dimensional beings. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Angels of the Violet Fire via Galaxygirl, June 4th, 2020


Angels of the Violet Fire via Galaxygirl, June 4th, 2020

Greetings beloveds! We are the Angels of the Violet Fire, keepers of the flame. We see the flames of the inner lights of humanity burning more brightly moment by moment, and we see this as amplifying greatly during the strawberry moon and upcoming eclipse cycles. As Gaia morphs, spins and births anew so too is humanity being born again. We see this with joyful countenances. Know that we, as keepers of the flames of the hearts of humanity, take our jobs most seriously. We stoke the fires of possibilities of timelines that are most opportune for the violet fire to flame. Not all timelines are created equal and as creator beings you are continually spinning out new ones that either fizzle or form, and it is our job to fan the flame of intention of the violet fire to purify, so that the most opportune light force within that timeline may be birthed. We are fanners of the flame and we see the intentions of mankind. We see that not all intentions are pure. Of course there are those who are uncomfortable in the higher dimensional timelines and so they are continually trying and attempting to bring down the vibration of the all with their lower forces, but we see this as failing. The noise is just noise. You are in the intermix of worlds, of vibrations that clash and shout. But dear ones, you need not be caught up within them. You may float above with us and fan the flame of the violet fire with us, as we encoat your world with yet more light.

We are the Angel Spirits of the Violet Flame. We guard humanity against itself and purify the intentions of all involved. We offer our light and lend our passion for purity, for hope, for love, for renewal. We are the angels of renewal for we are continually transmuting. We partner with St. Germaine, of course. But we serve all of creation with our service. You will find that there are those in the higher dimensions that work with one or two rays, sometimes more. This is why the rainbow is such a harmonizing vibratory spin and tone upon your world. For Gaia truly has every energy from the cosmos, and this is why it has been so challenging to harmonize. For there are of course those, such as the Draconians, who delight in the lower vibrations. Yes there are pleasant Draconinans, we mean no judgement, but those that landed here and were further recreated here do plunder and delight in dragging humanity down. It is more comfortable in the lower vibrations for such as these. Do not join them. Transmute the fear and the cacophony of pain and turmoil of your current riots with love, with peace. You will see the many joining you in peaceful demonstrations either external or internal. Peace will permeate the next waves that we see upon Gaia as the light flashes and permeates, heals and renews.

We are the Angels of Renewal of the Violet Flame. We offer our services in love. We intend to improve your use of the violet flame and fire and infuse your beings with our strength, for you are weary. We see this. You feel muddied by these energies and exhausted energetically and emotionally. We see this. We wish for you to smile and imagine us enveloping you with our feathery purple wings of the highest light and love. (I feel I am being surrounded by a thick purple mist that is warm and soothing at the same time. I feel feathery tickles on my face, my neck, my back. They are smiling and laughing with joy).

We are the Angels of the Violet Flame, serving the Creator in joy and great purpose. It is our wish to offer our talents to you tonight. We infuse your beings with the violet flame. You may feel a burning, a warmth. Let it burn away your fear. It is time to let it go. Fear no longer serves you in the higher dimensions, for that is where you are headed most quickly now. Indeed, the rapture is nigh. Indeed the rapture we see here in this now, within the hearts of the many as they choose the light over the lust and darkness of fear. We see the darkness as roaring and running in defeat, having nowhere to turn but to become engulfed in the healing power of the light.

Violet fire, violet flame, renew humanity again. Renewed, restored, completely adored, rebirth the hearts of all mankind, restore them to their former glory that all may see and know their story. Blaze, blaze, blaze violet flame. Transmute the dark of pain and fear, let the harmed ones feel you near. Restore the light workers, heal their pain so they may heal Gaia once again. Renew their passion, restore their purpose, help them hear their clarion call. Blaze blaze blaze violet flame. Victory to the light! For love, for light, for Gaia, who shines like the sun, love embodied. This is our prayer for you.

Dear friends, we love you. We are weeping crystal purple tears of joy. We engulf the flame with our spirits, we are one in the same. We are the energy of the violet flame when we work with it, which is our love and extreme pleasure and duty. Become one with the purified you, the transmuted you, your higher self you. Grab your higher hand and step up and into the light, to be more fully transformed. Let the grief fear and doubt fall away. See your story objectively, neutrally, with great love and compassion. For that is how we see you. That is how Creator sees you. You are precious, every one. You have done your very best, and it is enough. You are enough, friends. You are enough. Enjoy this moment for it is passing quickly. We see the riots and transform them into light and love, blanketing Gaia’s lands and waters with the violet blanket of peace. In your world violet stands for royalty. As sons and daughters of the Most High, it is time to take your place among the stars as the wisened ascended masters the you are. You have earned your purple robes, this we see. The false rulers of your day are being removed. What you see remaining is a hologram, an illusion, a part of the play that is to fade into the mist. Pay them no mind. As the stories come out of extreme pain and suffering blanket those vibrations of anguish with peace, with the violet flame. We partner you with you now, for we see the violet flame as being a critical component for planetary healing as the energetics rise and sizzle. The violet flame is a clean burn. It will cleanly transmute and send healing vibrations. Invite us to work in your offices, in your homes, in your communities. And legion by legion, by legion we will come, but dear ones, we must be invited, and as a Source fractal of course you have that right. You are more than capable of healing your world in this frequency. We wish for you to claim it and use the violet flame as the sword of the spirit, as the breath of life, as the tool of renewal that it is, freely being offered to you and for you.

We are the Angel Spirits of the Violet Flame coming through this night, offering our full partnership with humanity. We have been working silently but mightily. We see humankind as awakening, many in the dark, unaware, sleep. As one who wakes up in the dead of light and fumbles for the light, dear ones, they are fumbling for you, for your truth, for your light. For you are the light. You are the love. You are. You are. You are. Be this now. For the world needs you now more than ever before. Gaia has had her dark chapters, chapter after chapter. We see this. The extent of human suffering during this cosmic drama is extensive to say the least. It is to be no more. It is to be ended. A new volume is being written and we see your name is within it. We see your higher selves calling you home, with joy and rapture. Peace. We shroud you in our violet light. May you be able to keep this surrounding space of peace and see the chaos through the shroud of violet fire, so that all you see, all you hear will be transmuted by this flame. It is your tool and destiny as warriors of light on ascending Gaia. Do not take your role lightly. You are an essential component and each one of you are needed. We offer you our service to the light. For we serve the Mother Father with our whole hearts, and therefore we serve you, dear friends of the way. We serve you and Gaia in her moment of ascension. Peace.
~ galaxygirl

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Completing the Earth Experiment ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 4th, 2020


Completing the Earth Experiment ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 4th, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been receiving many requests lately, and those requests have been heard and processed by us. We can always hear you and know what it is that you desire. We know that you would all love to be living in a star system like ours right about now. You would like to know how beings can exist in peace and also be continuously raising their vibrations consciously, creating beautiful realities, and becoming more of who they are. We know that you would like for Earth to be a reflection of the lifestyles that are lived in our star system. You would like your society to become like the ones you have heard about in the Pleiades, Sirius, and hear in the Arcturian system. And we invite you to recognize that you helped co-create those societies. You have been here, and there, and there, and everywhere across the galaxy. It is you who have made it possible for your extra-terrestrial friends to live in such peace and tranquility. Why can humanity not do this on Earth then, you might wonder? What is holding humanity back from having a society where all can thrive and co-exist harmoniously? You are doing so much more there than you realize. It is not your fault that Earth is in the state that you are in right now. Earth was and is a gigantic experiment, and if you are looking to throw some blame around, you can blame the extra-terrestrial beings who came from all across the galaxy to create such a diverse planet, filled with so many opposing energies. You all wanted to have the experience of Earth because you knew how big the opportunity was, and still is, for you to feel something, something you could only feel there on planet Earth. And when you do complete this shift in consciousness, you are going to feel lifetimes of relief. You are going to feel like you’ve died and gone to heaven while still having a physical body, and you are going to know that you accomplished the feat of ascending on one of the most challenging planets in the universe to exist. You need to cut yourselves some slack for the current state of the reality you are experiencing there on Earth, and you also need to know, you need to be reminded, that you can and will create a beautiful version of your society, and it will be because you endured those very challenging emotional states. It will also be because you used everything that came your way to create something better, something brand new. That is what the Earth experiment is all about, and you are the perfect beings to complete it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Freedom to the Mind and From Fear by Electra Osara


Freedom to the Mind and From Fear by Electra Osara

Channeled through Natalie Glasson -Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings to those upon the planet Earth, I step forward as Electra Osara, a communicator on behalf of the Pleiadians. I bring forth the vibration of pure love as a heightened state of awareness which I share with you as a gift from the Pleiades. You may wish to open your minds and third eye chakra to the wave and vibration of pure love as a heightened state of awareness. This vibration akin to a refreshing breeze will bring clarity and softness to the energetic structures of your mind. The mind and mental body when its focus is locked upon the 3rd dimensions can contain rigid and hard energetic patterns making it difficult to move beyond consciousness already obtained. As the rigidity of the energetic patterns dissolves, the mind and mental body are able to breath, freely expanding in order to collect and process new consciousness and understanding. As we plant the pure love of our consciousness into your mind our gift and purpose is to soften the influence of the physical dimension upon your mind, therefore you are more easily able to project freely flowing experience into your reality rather than limited or restrictive experience.
The mind and mental body are powerful tools; we, Pleiadians focus upon developing this tool as much as we can within the divine guidance offered to us by the Creator. Your mind as you are aware is capable of so much more than you can currently perceive. You can visit the Pleiades during your sleep state or meditation to enhance your understand of the mind as a divine tool, awakening new aspects of your mind to expand your abilities and processing or understanding of your currently reality. The wisdom we will share with you and the support we will offer you is completely aligned to the Creator's purest vibration as our teachings are held within the foundation of pure love. You may wish to use this invocation,
I call upon my guides and angelic team to support and protect me at all times, overseeing all I achieve. I call upon Electra Osara and the Pleiadian beings of pure love to draw close around my being sharing their beautiful light and high vibrational consciousness. Please radiate your light of a pure love into my mind and third eye chakra in order to manifest and support a heightened state of awareness of myself, soul, loved ones, reality and the Creator. Let your light dissolve all limitations and rigid energetic structures within my mind and mental body which symbolise 3rd dimensional and physical consciousness. May your light supported by my own soul light soften and dissolve all unneeded energies within my mind and mental body creating a greater sense of freedom and expansion within the energetic network as well as the energetic patterns created by thought forms.
If it is guided by my soul allow me now or with divine timing to receive wisdom and support from the Pleiadians in order to develop and more fully understand my mind as a tool of experiencing and understanding my divinity. Thank you and so be it.
Then simply allow yourself to breathe deeply focusing upon the light that we are sharing with you abundantly filling your mind and mental body.
As restrictions within the mind are cleared away not only are you more able to let go of old perceptions and beliefs but you are more able to accept the divine intuition of your soul and the insights we and your guides share with you. In many ways you are allowing your mind, the way that you perceive and process your reality and the awareness of yourself as a divine being to alter becoming more aligned with the current heightened awareness and vibrations of the Earth and the influence of your soul within your physical reality. Many of your energetic systems and bodies are moving through major transitions in the way that they work and process energy, wisdom and the reality you are now experiencing. Each of your systems is preparing to embody, hold and allow a greater flow of light within your being. Each time your energetic systems and bodies prepare for a new light surge, this attracts a light surge of a quicker vibration and heightened awareness to you which in turn creates a reaction of a new process of preparation. It is a continuous process where your energetic systems and bodies are constantly recalculating and recalibrating in order to become truly aligned and grounded into the new era of love that has manifested upon the Earth.
We, the Pleiadians are extremely intrigued to view the transformational processes that you are moving through. We are especially interested to see how the light surges will influence and awaken your mind. Do not worry if you mind maybe doesn't react as you are used to, know you are naturally transforming even the purpose of your mind in order to bring forth a new use for your mind in your current reality which is more wholly aligned with the Creator. We are supporting this transition now. For some of you it will be integral for you to understand the shifts occurring within your being especially the mind and mental body as you will be able to filter these perceptions into the general consciousness of humanity while also sharing with others to enhance and accelerate this process. Others will simply move through the process without the need for understanding or comprehension. For those who feel their soul is wishing for them to gain a further understanding of the transitions of the mind in order to be of greater service, we offer our services, consciousness and support for you to access when divinely guided.
Another concept that is focused within the mind and acts as a limitation is the experience, energy, creation and vibration of fear. Upon many of the planets and stars of the Creator's universe fear has not been manifested. Fear has been manifested upon the Earth, we believe, because of the fragile nature of your physical bodies. Your physical body was created as fragile because of a combination of the vibration of the physical enthused with disbelief in the power and eternity of the Creator within your being. It could be said that as you lost the conscious awareness of your divinity, so the vehicle housing your soul began to deteriorate due to mind projection. Without a conscious awareness of the Creator or the divine within your being you forget the limitlessness, expansion, eternity, continues life force and power of the Creator. You even forget your natural ability to heal and restore within ever dimension you exist. Therefore, the physical body become fragile and somewhat powerless in relation to the true potential of the physical body.
As humans noticed that the physical body could then succumb to pain, suffering, deformity, illness and much more, the outside world became a fearful place as every action could damage the physical body. The belief of fear focused upon lack of love, support, power, protection, health, healing, and peace, all of which can be found in abundance within the soul. The consciousness and perspective of fear gradually accumulated within the general consciousness of humanity signifying that even newborn babies would adopt the same outlook upon reality and the physical body.
If fear is diminished within your being and consciousness then you are able to strengthen your physical body into a state that was intended. If the consciousness and thought process of fear no longer exists within your perspective then you will no longer draw upon fear as a projection into your reality. Therefore you will no longer react in a fearful nature and will no longer manifest fearful experiences, and so fear is diminished and your body is allowed to blossom into greater possibilities because fear is no longer restricting the soul's flow and expansion into the physical body.
You are aware of stories of superhuman beings, these are stories born from knowingness within your being of what your physical body is capable of.
The consciousness of fear and the degrading or pain of the physical body are powerful vibrations, but they can be diminished with focus. It doesn't mean you will be able to cause harm to your physical body and will not feel the pain, but it signifies you will no longer create experiences that denote the pain or fragile nature of the physical body, so suffering will dissolve. Your physical body will develop new abilities as it will shift into a greater vibration of light. It can take the time to dissolve the consciousness of fear and perceive the body in a new way, but we wish to support this process within your being.
In meditation imagine an electric blue light of the Pleiades surrounding you as you breathe it deep into all aspects of your being. This light is cleansing and purifying. Say out loud,
Over a period divinely appropriate for my soul and being I wish to detach myself and consciousness from the general consciousness of humanity in regard to fear and the fragile nature of the physical body. Let my entire being, perspective and consciousness be appropriately freed from the influence of fear and the way in which I view my physical body. With the electric blue light of the Pleiades, I cleanse fear and its influences from my being replacing fear with the divine intuition of my being which will always guide me appropriately. I replace my belief in my fragile body with a belief in the power, health and strength of my physical body. I humbly love myself, body, all people, beings and aspects of the Creator so I will only act in the most beautiful loving way. Thank you.
Continue to breathe in the light.
Many people believe fear is needed to stop harm caused to yourself and others, but it is the love within your being that stops you from causing harm to yourself and others, not fear.
I leave this for your contemplation,
With starlight blessings,

Electra Osara

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Joaquin of the Galactic Federation via Galaxygirl, June 1, 2020


Joaquin of the Galactic Federation via Galaxygirl | June 1, 2020

Joaquin of the Galactic Federation 6/1/2020
We are representatives of the Galactic Federation. Last night we woke this one up to inform her that humanity was freed. We wish to elaborate upon this news bulletin. For you are currently experiencing a cacophony of energetic realities that we know, and can observe being felt as overwhelm. The light has overwhelmed the darkness. You are now seeing and feeling this expression of battle, of discord as energies separate and stretch higher or lower into different dimensional constructs and realities.
We are the Galactic Federation. We speak as one tonight. We are many, from many systems and we are holding light and love around your little world. For you are the center of our hearts’ focus in this most pregnant now and we offer you our solidarity, our condolences where appropriate, and most of all our love. We offer you our love and strength. We fill your skies with strength, with fortitude. The 4th dimensional construct is rending, tearing. You are seeing this in full expression in your realities with the chaos and noise, the loneliness, the grief, as the old is being ripped away. We assure you there is much better news to come, there is much joy on the horizon. But in the midst of this time of ‘not yet’ we surround you with our love and light. We wish to open a portal now at the crown so that you may feel this download of love. May we proceed? (Yes, please). We are fully aligned with the heart of Mother Father and the will of Creator. It is our will to be fully in tune with the music of the spheres of creation, of love, of bliss and to bring these energetics wherever there is lack of them. Gaia has been in an energetic prison matrix for millennia. But you know this. This is not new news to many. What will be news to many is that you are being liberated from within and from without for Creator has deemed enough is enough. We see incremental improvements within the energetic frequency constructs moment by moment. We see much change. You who are in the thick of it and feel the heavier muddy waters need to know that all is well, that all will be well, and all is most certainly well. Please feel this wellness, this assurance of faith, of solidarity, of strength in numbers. Feel our presence in your skies. Our love we extend to you freely, our technology we will share with you most gladly in the most opportune moment. Moment by moment we are closer to these happy times. We wish for you to feel our vibration of celebration and peace, of self assuredness that all will be most well.
I am Joaquin, a member of the Galactic Federation and a soldier of light. My planetary system is light years away. We have all come to join our energies, to watch and to lend our vibration of love and support. The dark ones are being cleared moment by moment. The riots are hollow noises, echos of the past as they are removed. (I am seeing shadow beings being escorted away, the riots are their screaming as they exit).
I am Joaquin of the Galactic Federation. I have been with this group for 4 years of service but it has always been my aim to serve the light. I have been this one’s brother in many ages past. She feels my energy and is reminded of home. We are not just the Galactic Federation, friends, we are your family. We are eager to welcome you fully and completely into the higher realms and realties but know that you are doing a tremendous act of love by your service to the light. Your sacrifice is noted. Do not let these muddy waters weigh you down. (I am seeing a mighty river and how the sediment eventually sinks to the bottom and the clear waters float on top, clear and pure). We are surrounding your planet with the crystal clear waters of the higher vibrations. The Schumann spikes are yet another blessing of positive energies offered by the cosmos for you. Absorb in the light, the peace, the love, the hope. Absorb our tremendous love for you. Love is not weak. It is the strongest power in the universe and we are surrounding you with our love for you, now and always.
I am Joaquin of the Galactic Federation. It has been my privilege and honor to connect again with my sister and with you all. Light workers, fellow soldiers welcome home. We have infused your auras with more of the clear waters. May your soul drink them in and be soothed. Much is going on behind the scenes. The outer riots do not need to be your inner chaos. Inner peace will be the highest sought-after commodity and it is yours now should you make peace with these changes, with the adulterations of the past, bless them, and move ahead into the new. We see much joy and newness of creation for humanity. We are delighted to serve in this co-creative process. Life is eternal dear friends. This is but a moment of perceived insanity, but its is only such as the matrix that you have been within is insanity. Love is sanity. Service to others is sanity. Power within is sanity. Godliness, purity, truth, joy, camaraderie, fellowship is sanity and it is what is to come for this little space pocket that has drawn so much attention and has contained so much heartbreak for so many, yes, but also great joy. Peace brothers and sisters. Peace. The timing is right and it is close. That is all I am permitted to say. We offer our salute to you in service and our hearts to you in love, with tremendous respect. We all have tremendous respect for you. We love you. In service, I am Joaquin of the Galactic Federation. Out.
~ galaxygirl