Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Our Current Activations are Just the Beginning ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, June 28, 2022

Our Current Activations are Just the Beginning ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, June 28, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are sending you energies at this time that contain vibrations that you have never felt before, and we invite you to see your journeys there on Earth as being about feeling into vibrations that you have yet to discover. We send you activations all the time, and sometimes those activations are for something very specific, like the activation for a spiritual gift or ability. Other times, we send you activations that are designed to get you to feel a vibration that ultimately also exists inside of you. But for the most part, you don’t feel a vibration inside of you unless something happens outside of you first to let you know that there’s something going on inside of you. Now, if you can remember being a child for a moment, and you can think about what it was like for you the first time you felt love, joy, fear, anger, sadness, and so on, and how those moments of feeling those emotions shaped your lives, then you can get an idea of the significance of what we are talking about here. There is so much that you have yet to feel there in your bodies, and while we can encourage you to feel around inside your chakras for various vibrations, it is also helpful, and a part of our purpose, to just send you the energies that will make you aware of all that exists inside of you. You are sitting on a treasure chest, and most of you don’t even know it. You don’t realize how powerful you are; you don’t realize what is contained inside of you. And to create circumstances in your lives to get you to feel everything takes time. You are on this ascension path that involves you all getting up to speed fast, and we want to help you do that. We want you to want to reach within yourselves more often, and we know that by giving you a glimpse, a taste of what is available to you is the fastest way to convince you that there is so much inside of you. When you discover what you are made of, which is literally energy that vibrates, you realize that you don’t have to take as much action as you’ve been taking. You realize that things can be a lot easier in your lives, and you realize that you are powerful creators and that you use vibration to create. Yes, sometimes those vibrations are represented by thoughts, and so people talk about thoughts being creative. And they are right, but there is always something beneath the thought, something behind the thought that gives you access to it. And that’s why we want you to go straight for the vibration, and then let the thoughts come, let the emotions come, let the life circumstances come that will reflect to you the very vibration that you have activated within yourselves. Our activations are just the beginning. They are not meant to be the end. We are not supposed to do it all for you. We are supposed to light the fire underneath you that gets you to feel what was always there, always waiting for you to tap in to it, and now you are ready to tap in to more. You are ready to do more, to be more, to feel more, and to have the lives you desire to have there on Earth. You are meant to arrive to a fifth-dimensional level of consciousness and range of frequencies with joy in your hearts, with excitement, and with a sense of play and wonderment, and we are here to help you do all of that with our gentle nudgings leading the way. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Making Yourselves Whole ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 2, 2017

Making Yourselves Whole ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 2, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You are bringing forth the entirety of your being-ness when you ascend. You are not leaving parts of yourself behind, because every part of you makes up the whole of you. And the whole of you is more of Source Energy, which is all that is, than just the pieces you like. Now, you still get to activate the pieces that you like, but you are bringing all parts of you, including all past life, simultaneous life, and parallel life versions of yourselves. It takes every bit of you to make the whole of you, and there is nothing wrong, nothing shameful, nothing broken or incomplete about any part of you throughout all of your history in all of your lifetimes. Every experience that you’ve ever had is extremely valuable in helping you to decide what you are going to create as a powerful creator being in the fifth dimension. Therefore, you need to bring all aspects of you because they contain those memories, those experiences. You’ve created quite a tapestry throughout your many lifetimes, and every single moment has been a valuable part of this evolution of your consciousness. How can you choose with all of the data available to you if you leave some of that data behind? Your lives as powerful creator beings will be about making informed decisions. Your lives will be about having all of you, all of your parts, at your beck and call, but choosing the aspect of you that you want to experience in the moment. This is how Source Energy operates, and this is how an awakened being, knowing that he or she is Source Energy, operates. The beauty and majesty of the totality of all of your lifetimes and all of your experiences is a treasure to behold. The more you accept and embrace all parts of you, the sooner you become the whole you. And the sooner you ascend. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Giving in to Temptation ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 23, 2017

Giving in to Temptation ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 23, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. There is a reason why you feel tempted to do things that you know are not in service to your highest good. You have within you a certain amount of programming that gives you an opportunity to test your limits. You want to make the most of the lives that you have in front of you, but this also is a time of integrating all aspects of self, including those that are on the darker side of things. So your lives are filled with opportunities to explore that which is unwanted, that which does not serve you, and that which does not serve the others around you. And it is an opportunity for you to partake in something, feel the vibration of it, experience the effects, and then learn from the situation what you need to know. You all need to experience compassion for your fellow humans, and what better avenue is there to compassion than having experienced something yourself? You now know what serves you and what does not, and if you are placing yourself in a position where you are tempted to partake in something that does not serve you, it means that there is still something for you in that experience. Perhaps you need to forgive yourself for giving in to the temptation in the past. Perhaps you still need to understand what brings someone to the darker side of things so that you can have compassion for those individuals, and sometimes you just need to feel how something feels so that you are more determined than ever to partake in the opposite. To be on the side of the light and to partake in that which serves you and all others is the choice you are all making. But just because the other choices exist, and just because you may have made those choices in the past doesn’t mean you are flawed in any way. Giving in to that which does not serve you is an experience, and you need experiences to help you decide, to choose what is best for you and for everyone else. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


(tags: drug addiction, alcoholism)

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Access Your 5D Self & the 5D Earth Right Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 22, 2022

Access Your 5D Self & the 5D Earth Right Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 22, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very elated to see you all working with the solstice energies and opening up to your spiritual gifts and abilities, and we want you to know that as you continue on in this journey of expansion and ascension, you will find that you do not have to wait until the shift in consciousness is complete to access that which you think of as fifth dimensional. You can tune in right now to what you want to experience as a fifth-dimensional being. You can tune in to your light body right now. You can focus on the 5D Earth right now, and bring certain aspects of it into your reality. This shift in consciousness is not just something to wait around for, but rather, it is something to aspire to in the here and now. To know that you have a fifth-dimensional consciousness available to you and to not use it is very sad when you think about it. When you think about what’s available to you, and what you allow yourself to access, which is much less than that, you can start to feel like you’ve got your work cut out for you, but you could also feel hope and inner peace. Knowing that it’s all available to you right now could send you into a state of ecstasy. There’s no need to feel ashamed or guilty about not having accessed all that is within you yet, but occasionally you will need beings and collectives like ourselves to come along and nudge you, and even light a fire under you to say, ‘This is possible right now. So what are you waiting for?’ The solstice energies are nudging you in the direction of accessing your gifts, and now we are nudging you in the direction of knowing yourself as a fifth-dimensional being right now, which means allowing the highest level of consciousness you have access to in the now to be the level of consciousness that you hold. Many people there on Earth have already experienced miracles. They’ve experienced moments where they understood that they were one with everything in the universe. They’ve had moments of enlightenment, nirvana, such profound inner peace, that they just want to share that with the rest of the world. That’s what you are there to do, and that’s why we keep directing you back inside of yourselves. We invite you to experience that which is available to you right now, when you focus and when you feel for all that is inside of you in the now moment. We invite you to spread that around with joy, because others need to be inspired and activated by you, just as you get inspired and activated by us. This is what we mean when we call you the ground crew, and if you’ve ever heard us refer to the Awakened Collective, we just want to assure you that you are a part of that group as well. Demonstrate to yourselves what is possible right now, and you will share that with others, because it will be impossible not to. Now is the time, and you are ready. The long wait is over. Go within and access your 5D self, and you will be very glad that you did. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Pleiadian/Human History & Co-Creating w/Them Now ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 13, 2022

Pleiadian/Human History & Co-Creating w/Them Now ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 13, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy to announce to all of you that you are already seeing the effects there on Earth of the June energies, the mass awakenings, the solstice energies, and of course, the full moon, which will be upon you shortly. You have begun to show this universe what you are made of, and your strength, your power, and your willingness and heal and to feel are coming to the surface right now at the best possible time for humankind. You have the opportunity to send a message to your e.t. friends, and that message is that you are ready now for more. You are ready for more contact, ready for more technology, ready for more philosophical help, and certainly you are ready for the healing energies that are coming to you from all across the galaxy, especially the Pleiadian star system. The Pleiadians are very close to humanity in a variety of ways, and they feel very responsible for you. The ones in physical form can look enough like an Earthbound human to fit right in to your society, and that gives them a great deal of influence. They are the original influencers there on Earth, and they have done so much for you over the eons of time that humans have been incarnating on Earth, but some of what they had done in the past turned out to be not so good for humanity. And so, when they answer the call for healing there on Earth, they are undoing some of their karma. They know, we know, and you know that human beings deserve to thrive. You have everything that you need there on Earth, and Earth keeps giving more and more of what you need all the time. And you are intelligent beings, you are feeling beings, and you are creative beings, and your creativity is the envy of many beings throughout the galaxy. The adversity you have faced has caused you to create so much that is beautiful on your world, and your Pleiadian friends want to co-create with you. They especially are taking notice of the movement forward humanity has made in the month of June, and they are very excited about the doors that have been opened to them. You have so much to offer the rest of the galaxy, and that is something for you to consider as well. Think about how much you can give to your e.t. friends who are scattered throughout your skies right now in their cloaked ships. They are waiting for you just as you are waiting for them, and the coming together occurs when you take advantage of moments in human history like you have there on Earth right now. Take advantage of all of the changes that have been taking place and all of the energies that are upon you, and you will get more contact, more technology, more help, and more healing. You are receiving the higher level philosophical truths through us and a variety of other teachers, and so many of you are absorbing them that the human collective consciousness level of vibration continues to increase in its frequency, and that is all you can hope for. That is all it takes, and trust us when we say you who are receiving these messages are all doing your part. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Energies Coming for the Awakened & Unawakened ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 6, 2022

Energies Coming for the Awakened & Unawakened ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 6, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always on the lookout for humans who can align with us and our energies, our messages, because we know how important it is to have what we are sending to you grounded into the physical realm, and the more of you there are who open yourselves up to us and what we have to offer, the more powerful the impact of the Arcturian perspective and energies. We seek to be of service to all of humanity, not just those of you who like us and listen to us, or read our messages. We want to help the entire galaxy and the entire universe, regardless of whether the beings we are helping know about us or like us. And so, when we look at various humans there on Earth who we believe are ready to shift, change, and open up to more, we calibrate the energies that we are sending to appeal to those individuals. Now, we don’t care if they know the energies came from us. We are not looking for people to worship us or follow us in the sense of a religion, but we do want people to receive love, because that’s what people really need. We do want people to receive support, because that’s what you all really need. We do want you to have your chakras aligned, for you to be grounded, relaxed, and open to what it is that serves you the most. We want people to awaken to the truth of who they really are as Source Energy Beings, and that is why we seek to reach more human beings. We will continue to do so, because it is very natural for a human being to wake up, and we may help to facilitate that process, to nudge people in a certain direction. But what’s going on there on Earth is inevitable. It is just time for you all to move on to new and different experiences. The ones that have been available to you there on Earth for so long are getting worn out, old and ineffective. To get to people to want to return home to Source, they need to be encouraged to be heart-centered, because that’s where you have the greatest access to the feeling of Source within you. That’s why we encourage even those of you who already receive us to stop trying to figure it all out. You don’t need to know everything that’s going on in the world in order to be awake. You have your own lives, and the people in your lives, who you need to love, forgive, and have compassion for, and the energies that we are emitting right now are for helping those who do receive this transmission to be more heart-centered. And the energies will also help those who have yet to awaken to feel for the energies that are available to them inside their own being-ness. You are infinite and eternal beings, and that means you have infinity and eternity within you. There is so much more to be discovered within every human being, and we will encourage people continuously to make the journey an inward one, because the journey that’s happening in the physical realm will always be taken care of, but you can do it from a grounded, heart-centered place, or while stumbling around in the dark looking for villains and conspiracies. Those of you who receive us on a regular basis know that we are not about any of that, and you also know that when you receive us, you feel the upgrades within you, and you feel the way your energy shifts, and that is what we are offering to all humans at this time in a variety of ways, because we can feel the importance of it, especially at this time there on planet Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Fairies and Gaia via Galaxygirl, May 26, 2022

The Timeline for First Contact Has Changed ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 1, 2022

The Timeline for First Contact Has Changed ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 1, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very excited about this particular time for humanity, as we see more and more people tapping in to their potential. We see more and more people recognizing that they have something to share with this world that goes beyond their ability to perform simple tasks over and over for forty hours a week. Never before has there been a time on Earth when so many were given platforms for their voice, their perspective, their talents and gifts. You have created a whole new economy that is based on yourselves, and we see that as a very good thing. You are accessing more of your power as you reach within yourselves for what you have to share with humanity, and then you take that power, and you create the better world that you all want to be living in with it. This is why it is a particularly exciting time there on planet Earth. You are exercising your freedom to be yourselves, and when you are yourself, you are more of who you really are as Source Energy. You allow more of that unconditional love to flow to you and through you. You are making such tremendous progress there that we feel you are getting closer and closer to full e.t. contact for all of humanity. We are not the only ones watching, of course. There are many who are in physical bodies, who are in your dimension, and who are in spaceships all around the planet, and they observe what you are doing and what you are becoming, and they see that the power has gone back to the people in large numbers. And they see the opportunities for giving you more activations and upgrades, and you are going to see an uptick in the number of people having e.t. encounters of their own, and then they will share those stories in all of the ways that you have of sharing, and more doorways will be opened for more individual contact experiences, and this will continue until the critical mass is reached, and you hit that tipping point, and it is decided that you are ready for full open contact. Remember, you are the ones who are making this possible, and what you are doing, what you have been doing, needs to continue so that you continue to move the needle for humankind. You are working as individuals and as a collective towards this goal of joining the galactic community once and for all, and you are doing it under very challenging times there on Earth. But those challenging times have led to more people rising up to feel their own power within them, and when that power is utilized with compassion and with a knowing that you are part of a collective, you show up on the radar of so many e.t. beings who want to help and who have been waiting for the right timing to do so. We see that time as now, and we are very proud of those of you who are stepping up at this time, and we want you to acknowledge the difference you are making there on Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The New Orion, Andromedan Alliance ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 31, 2022

The New Orion, Andromedan Alliance ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 31, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always on the lookout for new alliances throughout this galaxy of ours, and we have noticed that on the physical plane, in your dimension, there has been a new alliance struck between the Orions and the Andromedans. Now, this is significant for several reasons. The Orions have often been seen as the oppressors, the villains, the ones who want to dominate everyone else in the galaxy. And yet, they are evolving spiritually, just like everyone else is. In fact, it was an evolution of consciousness in the third-dimensional Orion System that led to the end of the Orion Wars. There certainly has been a lot of energy to clear since that traumatic time in the galaxy and in the universe, but enough of that work is now done to get the Orions to the point where they are ready to reach out with an olive branch to the Andromedans to form this alliance, to help secure the peace in the galaxy that most beings want. Now, this is also significant because the Andromedans have had an isolationist type of approach to the rest of the galaxy for quite some time. They have been watching from a distance and waiting to see who would raise their consciousness enough to get to the point where they would reach out to the Andromedans, and of course, the Orions did. Now, beings who have existed in physical form in the Orion System have grown spiritually even more because of the Orion Wars than if there had not been that degree of oppression, violence, and general discord amongst all the beings who lived there throughout their history. This is something that all of you on Earth can use to start to appreciate everything that you’ve been through there and continue to go through on your very long journeys to raising the your level of consciousness to a fifth-dimensional frequency. You’ve had a lot of wars, a lot of oppression, a lot of slavery, and of course right now you are going through a crisis of being divided and also a crisis involving the health and being of your air, water, and soil. All of this forces a person to grow spiritually, because if they do not, they bring about more suffering, and that suffering is getting harder to ignore, even if it is happening to someone else who lives on the other side of the planet. You are all so connected now, not just because of your Internet, but also because of your consciousness. Many people have traveled to parts of the world that they never would’ve dreamt of traveling to just a couple of hundred years ago. Your world is getting smaller and therefore more connected, and you are getting to the point where you as a collective are readying yourselves to reach out to other beings throughout the galaxy, and you will do so as a collective of human beings who wants to be a part of the galactic community, just like the Orions want to join with so many others throughout the galaxy in making sure that all are in agreement that peace and harmony are the way to ascension and the only way for all beings to live joyously, with love in their hearts. Before you assume that the Orions have a negative agenda because of something you’ve read somewhere, remember that we are reading their energy, and we know when someone is lying to us or lying to others. We can tell you right now that this is real, and that they are sincere, and it is a giant step forward for the entire galactic community, of which humanity is right now an unofficial part. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”