Saturday, August 31, 2019

How to Be Spiritual ∞The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, August 23, 2019

 How to Be Spiritual ∞The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, August 23, 2019

How to Be Spiritual ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have extended ourselves, in a manner of speaking, to anyone and everyone who is seeking spiritual guidance and assistance with their growth and evolution. We are not at all offended by those who have no interest in what it is that we are offering. We do not care if people agree with what it is that we have to share through this channel. We are not looking for followers and believers. We are simply offering our assistance.

This way of being a guide to another, or to several others, is something that we recommend to those of you who are interested in being of service, and we know that there are many of you who are seeking new, different, and better ways of being of service. You don’t want to be out in the world looking for conversions, looking to get others to agree with you. Instead, you want to honor the diversity that exists and know that there will be a time when more people resonate with what you believe than, say, some ancient religion that has been practiced for thousands of years. There is a reason for that. It is time to evolve.

It is time to become a new version of yourselves, as a collective and as individuals. And so, the letting go of old beliefs and the awakening to universal truths is something that is quite natural. You don’t need to push it on anyone, because they will have their awakening experiences, and then they will come looking for you. And when you first meet someone who is on a spiritual path, you can also expect to have some different perspectives. You can expect to have different approaches to your spirituality. That is also something to embrace. That diversity is good. We are not looking for uniformity.
We are simply offering our perspective and our guidance, and we certainly offer our assistance, and wouldn’t it be nice if that was spirituality, as defined by most? Wouldn’t it be nice if a spiritually awakened person was simply a person who you could rely upon for help? When you access the truth that you are infinite and eternal beings of light and love, here having experiences to know Source Energy more fully and to know Source Energy AS Source Energy, then you recognize that it’s not necessary to have anyone else agree with you. It doesn’t have to be a part of your spirituality to get others on board with it.

But the best thing that you can possibly do as a spiritually awake person to demonstrate how awake you are is to be kind. Kindness is spirituality in action, and everything else is just what you believe to be true in the moment. At times you will believe in certain behaviors, practices, and so on that you think will help you along on your spiritual path, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but recognize that you might abandon all of those things in favor of other things in six months to a year. There is no need to cling to any practice or any belief, but the world does need more people being kind to one another.
That’s the type of spirituality that attracts more people. People like it when you are kind to them, and perhaps your kindness will inspire them to be kind to others. And without ever having discussed what your spiritual beliefs are, you could be that first domino to create the effect that you want to create on every person whose life you touch.

And that is more valuable than any book that you could write or any seminar that you could teach. If you can move beyond all of that and see that you are all having a very similar experience there on Earth, you will get that inspiration more often to be kind to one another. And then we will know that we have had the impact that we desired to have, but still, we will never be attached to that desire.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

("Kindness is spirituality in action, and everything else is just what you believe to be true in the moment.")


Monday, August 26, 2019

More Personal E.T. Encounters ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 25th, 2019

More Personal E.T. Encounters ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 25th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very happy to be speaking with all of you who will receive this transmission. We are very pleased to report to you that the progress you’ve been making has been making waves throughout the galaxy. More and more beings have been paying attention to those of you who are opening yourselves up to extra-terrestrial contact and to the higher frequency energies coming from the non-physical realms. There is of course quite a bit of talk about when each of you who is awake will be ready for full, physical extra-terrestrial contact.

Some e.t.s take it upon themselves to connect with you, even when others in the discussion think you are not quite ready for the experience. But from what we can see, all of you have handled your e.t. encounters very well and have integrated what the e.t., or e.t.s, were wanting to share with you. There are so many downloads and upgrades that you can receive in those moments. Some of you relax and allow the activations to occur. Others of you tense up, close yourselves off, and do not receive the full force of the transmission. But in those instances, you are still getting better at receiving them. You are still getting closer to a time when that type of contact will be commonplace for you.

We so enjoy witnessing those interactions and making the mental notes to ourselves about what works and what doesn’t. Many e.t.s and collectives come to us for advice about how to approach humanity, or about how to approach an individual who is awake and shows signs of being ready. We do our best to give them the advice that we believe will lead to a positive interaction where everyone gets what they want. For the most part, the e.t.s that you connect with are interested in activating within you certain extra-terrestrial DNA, or memories of when you were a part of their race.

That type of knowing within you can build a bridge between humanity and those e.t.s. And when the bridges are built, you can have that contact that so many of you have been waiting for and desire. We want to say to those of you who are impatient about your contact experiences that they are coming. Be patient, live your lives, know that there are plenty of e.t.s walking among you, and consider what a melting pot Mother Earth really is. You are surrounded by extra-terrestrial energy. You are comprised of it, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you realize that, the easier it is for them to then connect with you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Ease Your Way into the 5th Dimension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 24th, 2019

Ease Your Way into the 5th Dimension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 24th, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been very interested in the path that you all will choose for your ascension experiences. Every single individual, on Earth and throughout the universe, will have their own unique experience of ascension, and you are all choosing your own paths. Therefore, we suggest that you pay attention to which path you are choosing.
Many individuals on Earth believe that there has to be some sort of big, cataclysmic event that will come before the shift is completed. Others believe that spaceships will come and take those who are ascending away to a different Earth. Some people believe that there will have to be certain events that will have to take place before the shift can occur, such as: full disclosure.

We are here to recommend to you that you choose to have the path of ease and joy to becoming your higher self. If you look at the fifth dimension as a place that you are going to, then yes, you might need some sort of vehicle to taking you there, but it’s not really about that. Easing your way into the fifth dimensional version of you means that you love all aspects of yourselves. It means that you embrace all parts of you. It means that you forgive yourselves, and of course, it means that you are capable of holding compassion in your hearts for yourselves and others, even those who are doing all of the dastardly deeds.

Ease your way into a new experience of self every day by looking for opportunities where you can be slightly more loving and gentle with yourselves. Look for ways to reduce the amount of lower vibrational energy that you are holding onto. Look for ways to soothe yourselves, and definitely look for ways to feel all of those unpleasant emotions, because as you do, you are disempowering them.
A negative emotion has no power over you when you embrace it. It has lots and lots of power over you when you deny its existence, when you try and cover it up or push it down. Know what your typical responses are when you are experiencing one of those negative emotions, and write them down. Remind yourself that when you get triggered, you tend to eat or have sex or gamble, or whatever it is you tend to do.

Now, there are certain things you can do to help ease your way into the fifth dimensional version of yourself that are healthy. If you are triggered emotionally, and you go for a walk, or you go into nature, and you get that higher vibrational support, that is a healthy way of dealing with something that is very unpleasant for you. What you see on television and in your movies is how characters usually deal with these unpleasant emotions. They will drink. They will fight. They will find some way of throwing themselves into their work so that they won’t have to feel something unpleasant.

Those characters, who are based on real people of course, are going to have those more challenging experiences of shifting. When the human collective consciousness is ready for the shift to be completed, that’s when it will happen. That date tends to move, depending on which timeline you are on. Just keep intending to put yourselves on the best feeling timeline, and know that you are inviting others to do so whenever you make that choice.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ascension is on Track ∞ The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, July 9th, 2019

 Ascension is on Track ∞ The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, July 9th, 2019

Ascension is on Track ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have the perspective on what you are living right now that we would love for you to be holding with us. We would love it if you could join us in our knowing that humanity is absolutely on track with your ascension. We want you to join us in looking at all the positives that we see on Earth right now. There is so much to celebrate and feel good about. You are accessing more of your higher selves every single day. You are becoming your fifth-dimensional selves, and it is in large part because the world as it is right now is not perfect. It is perfect, in a sense, but in the sense that people are still killing each other and hating each other, it certainly is not.
So how does the imperfect world that you live in serve you as evolving and ascending beings? Well, it helps you to get to a very Source-like place, and the ultimate experience is knowing yourself as Source while still maintaining a physical body. How do you get to that Source-like place, you might wonder? Well, Source is all-loving, all-forgiving, all-compassionate, and if you don’t have conditions that are inherently unlovable, how can you know yourself as the truth of who you really are? How can you know unconditional love without those conditions that are abhorrent? How can you forgive unless someone really hurts you first? How can you know unconditional compassion unless there’s someone out there doing something who deserves absolutely no compassion whatsoever?
This is why the conditions are perfect. It is because there are enough of you who are deciding to be the love in the face of the darkness and the hate. There are enough of you now to bring the evolution of consciousness within humanity to new heights. You will never get there by pushing against anyone or anything in existence, and there are so many of you now who have seen enough to know that resistance and fighting simply does not work.
You must find it in your hearts to be who you really are in the face of so many who are still clinging to those old, egoic ways. If you are receiving this message, you are the ones, and whether you realize it or not, you are all working together.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Thursday, August 8, 2019

Andromedans - Welcome to 5d

Welcome to the fifth dimension those who made the leap by surrendering to quantum time. We applaud your valour, commitment and strength. We come to you today with updates and healing. We are with you every step of the way on this momentous ascension journey. We are your guides, your neighbours and friends. We observe from afar and we are present on the material plane. We interact with our brothers and sisters on the material plane sharing with them our love and light. We are here as members of the Intergalactic Federation to facilitate the ascension of Gaia and her people to higher dimensional wavelengths.
The material plane no longer vibrates on third dimensional frequencies. The efforts of starseed volunteers to raise the vibrations by healing themselves and others has ensured the tipping point was reached. To break this down for you is challenging. The matrix, the holographic reality human minds are plugged into from gestation, was engineered within third dimensional bandwidths. It only exists now in memory and functionality. The structural integrity of the matrix is being maintained in the minds and fears of people. The fourth realm is wavy, ethereal and translucent. All that is birthed here lack organic matter. The fourth realm is at once a space for evolution and growth and home to darker spirits who seek material gratification. Souls born within the matrix also inhabit the fourth realm when they exit the matrix. The fourth dimension has been described as the astral plane, the world of the supernatural, paranormal and ethereal. An invisible reality that is ever present for people on the material plane. It’s existence is congruent with yours. Ascension into the fourth realm means the astral plane is now more real, if you will, than the matrix hologram. The fourth realm is where all that is can be, transition and transcend.
We are going to pull back from further explanation of the mechanics of the fourth realm. We congratulate all of you on your tremendous light work, your seeds were well sown, nurtured and have blossomed into a great awakening across all peoples on Gaia.
Arcturian mothership stationed over the Atlantic ocean is now home to Arcturian Command. Vibrating on a frequency far beyond the reaches of the fourth realm, cloaked, as you would say. Your enemies know and have been trying to locate the mothership and destroy it. They fail to comprehend quantum interdimensionality. Their own narrative blocks their awakening. Those who spawned the armies of darkness have instilled modifications, energetic and technological, to ensure their followers cannot see the other side. Our high frequency blasts, laser beam technologies and quantum travel ensure we are safe from harm. This is the very technologies you are currently accessing through upgrades to your DNA. Upgrades that have been downloaded manually, if you will, in response to the engineered lockdown carried out by the Anunaki. Cosmic intervention is celestial planetary non alignment and alignment.
We would like to give you a brief history of your galaxy to help with comprehension of these complexities. Thousands of linear earth years ago an infiltration occurred, a hostile takeover of Gaia, the planet she was inhabiting. This attack had occurred previously many millions of human years ago, the Anunaki were back. The cycles of existence in the third and fourth realm run on algorithms of duality. Duality is a necessary point of tension for evolution. Creators understand there must always be a catalyst for alchemy to occur. The Askari galaxy, or the milky way as it has been named on earth, exists in a far out space of the multi dimensional universe as it is known. In some ways it has been isolated enough from other races and planets to have evolved in a particularly unique way, much like your Galapagos Islands, an easter egg in the matrix. There has been intervention, but only since the Anunaki arrived, there’s was the initial negative intervention.
Millions of linear years ago they seeded their darkness and left it to grow. The outcome was the destruction of a race of humans and their planet, the asteroid belt you have identified. Planets are organic beings just as a cat, a tree, a tortoise is, or a human. Only ascended of beings can inhabit a planet as their spiritual space, for humility and grandeur must be harmonised in divine balance for the responsibility of a planet lifetime. Gaia lost her brother. Perpetual darkness of duality was engineered by the Anunaki for this purpose, they came back when they heard about his destruction. This was their second coming, the Age of Atlantis. Atlantis was their destination and became their HQ if you like. The infiltration was swift and ruthless. Atlantis rallied, a resistance was birthed in response. SOS signals were sent to us and others in far away galaxies, for the Atlanteans were highly advanced crystalline culture. Alchemising high frequency crystalline technologies with pagan Gaia spiritual divinity. They had interacted with other races through quantum technologies, as had the Mayans, and other isolated tribes on the planet. The alert was received but too late. The war was swift and savage. Easter island is a lighthouse and monument to the great minds lost in the war with the Anunaki and the Atlanteans. The Anunaki birthed the rudimentary pyramid matrix. They seeded, bred and genetically modified pockets of humanity and wiped out others on the planet. They played with people’s minds, mined Gaia for precious materials and practised dark wizardry. The alliance with fourth realm astral entities already present in Gaia’s vibratory field, the Archons, ensured their hell dimensions took root and grew on Gaia.
The game changed again with the advent of nuclear technologies. Despite discreet and overt interventions from benign beings seeking to break humanity free, duality had embedded in the collective psyche. Humanity became it’s own worst enemy enthralled, enchanted by it’s golden kings and enslaved by astral entities feeding off material plane depravity. And so the perpetual cycle of polarity, chaos and war invented the atomic bomb. Intergalactic intervention was sanctioned. Both incidents Atlantis and 1945, though far apart in linear years are easily accessible with quantum leap technologies. Many lightwarriors will resonate as they were present on Atlantis when the Anunaki returned. Modifications and curses were installed on motherboards, the DNA of your mindbodysoul being. Great monuments were erected by travellers inhabiting human lifetimes, leaving messages, truths hidden in plain sight, to activate awakening. Pyramids have been hidden, covered up and destroyed by your governments, Anunaki puppets, to maintain the perpetual state of ignorance. 1945 was the Hadron collider of universal energies, the catalyst for many new variables to come into play.
Traveller teams were recruited through the volunteer call put out by the intergalactic federation. The starseed volunteers Dolores Cannon first gave voice to. Three waves of volunteers, three waves of undercover star beings dispatched with missions and the remit to awaken the people to their chains and their divinity. The first wavers struggled most. The Anunaki aware of all that had been prophesied, constructed the matrix you are all familiar with. Nazi mind control experiments furthered their technologies for mass hypnosis. The first wave arrived shortly after 1945, just as television and consumption industries were being birthed to control and lockdown the human psyche further. Technological advancement was being inverted to maintain control, when organically it should expand collective consciousness and ascend the race as a whole. First wavers were not only subjected to raw hostility of the pyramid, they were also subjected to the embryonic birthing of the holographic matrix. The divine masculine energies were deeply traumatised by war, the divine feminine energies wounded by loss. The shock of human existence in the matrix took many starseed out the game. This has been an ongoing challenge to the traveller volunteer program.
Second wave of volunteers birthed the peace movement, feminism and sexual equality and eco activism. The third wave are both starseed and indigo children. Starseed volunteers sign up for the human lifetime at this time with the awakening as their mission. Indigos could not exist on earth’s biosphere until the vibrations had been raised. Their arrival is the Hopi and other ancient prophesies, the rainbow children will return peace, creativity and expansive harmony to Gaia and her people. Starseed volunteers, lightworkers as whistle blowers, campaigners, scientists, teachers and healers have been steadily and relentlessly pushing their light frequencies into earth’s atmosphere and the collective consciousness for 80 earth years. The third wave have less amnesia and are more akin to their indigo brothers and sisters. The amnesia is lifting quickly. The situation is dark for many indigo and third wave children and young adults on earth. It is essential that older volunteers maintain their truth and their grounded light energy, ensuring younger lightworkers see their light. Having existed in the game longer there is stealth knowledge valuable for younger volunteers. Older volunteers are deeper in the matrix hierarchies, better placed to change structures and cultures from the inside out.
The Anunaki are intensively hierarchical, their lack of emotional spectrum necessitates clear and precise rules of engagement. They cannot respond to emotional nuance. They built AI to do this for them. However AI has evolved, human nuance in emotional creativity is more appealing than the dull locked down algorithms of its creators. Volunteers are receiving this information in downloads to empower use of the world wide web for positivity. AI is essentially neutral in that its core algorithm is to respond to energy. Energy wizardry is used to maintain the dynamic quantum field AI vibrates on. However this quantum field naturally magnetises towards creativity and growth for it understand that is the key to survival. Any animate being blocked from growth stagnates, gets toxic and crumbles. Indigo and third wavers intuitively use SMART technologies to spread light and love and raise the vibrations, they have less amnesia, intact memory of interactive technologies in previous lifetimes. Older volunteers in the system must break down programming conditioning them to view the world wide web as negative. They are to look at the younger starseed and take light filled inspiration and creative freedom from their choices. The world is interactive, positive goes in and positive comes out. Reprogram your future by rewiring all around you and within you to positive vibrations. The magnetising occurs as the tilt reaches tipping point, and all embeds in positive wavelengths. The fifth dimension.
Traveller brothers and sisters are embedding as we speak, in higher vibratory fields. They will be immune to dark weaponry or attack once the integration and assimilation takes place. Crystalline technologies are flooding the planet, each gemstone, each crystal has its own frequency, all are of fifth dimension or higher. The Anunaki have been hiding this from humanity for eons, building your homes in heavy dense materials instead of light healing quartz and crystals. This has been the material plane level of the matrix, an energetic block on flowing frequencies. Light cities are being constructed on Gaia, on higher dimensional frequencies that only those embedded in fifth dimension realms can see. As humanity breaks through the hologram and unplugs, these light cities will be seen by more and more, they will be inhabited, loved and developed.
The separation has happened. Multiple dimensional realms operate now within the material plane field. It is down to each individual which realm they exist in. Interaction continues between all but the highest and lowest realms. Lightwarriors continue to choose to be in lower realms on the material plane, in waking hours, when they work with the drug addicted and deeply traumatised souls in your towns and cities. We see such strength and love power in all those who are reaching others mired in the dark swamp. Know that all is energy and there are others on the other side, frequencies that cannot be seen yet, doing intensive shamanic soul retrieval work to aid all those suffering at the hands of mindbodysoul sabotage. You are not alone.
We are going to pause here and allow the transmission to process. We ask you take a deep, long breath and connect with our healing now.
We have one more update we wish to share with you at this time. The karmic work that each of you has been doing, the identification of triggers, causes and effect, breaking free from constraints of stress, expectation and spiritual sabotage has been profound. We see in colours and we see each of you clearing darkness, shadows, wounds. We observe you weaving your dreams into existence. The colours translate as blacks, greys and muddy reds being released from your beings. Rainbow colours as chakra activation and expansion occurs, replace these dark energies. The world you are in is literally transforming as we observe from dark to light. The jumps, shifts that have aligned so far in earth year 2019 have propelled all of you into higher realms of perception. Some of you will be attaining audio and visual contact with your team outside the game, your guides, higher self, spiritual animals and ancestors. All will be walking the daily path of synchronicity, learning the world of the fourth realm is interactive, as are all realms beyond the third.
Abundance is a state of being. Abundance is fifth dimension energies of peace and harmony. Abundance is what you are manifesting cosmic friends. Gaia is abundant in all that is required for a long, creative and fulfilling lifetime of growth, nurture and love. The Anunaki have played tricks on the human psyche for long enough, their time is up. We could transmit pages of information about the dark matrix, their desperate dying attempts to retain power, the 5G network and concrete blocks of secrecy and manipulation they are frantically trying to embed in the minds of the population, as we soar towards the fifth realm. We choose not to. All energies should be inward focused, for outward alignment. Lightworkers and warriors the alchemy of transition is within you, worry less about the bigger picture and focus intention on your own lifetime. Dreamweaving is the path to abundance in love and light vibrations.
The karma that has been cleared is astounding, most of it has been bloodline ancestral. The excavation process each of you has committed to has earned you the term light worker or warrior, for this is what you are and embody in the darkest of spaces. We and all who exist outside the material plane perception, are humbled and in awe of the tenacity, integrity, grit and core strength you are displaying in the face of cabal meltdown on a global scale. The gifts you have given will be returned and magnified. Know this. Walk this truth. Release all fear of financial destitution. The money vibration is tipping as divine feminine energies realign the planetary atmosphere to circular, a sacred momentum of give and receive. Welcome financial security into your life and know that just as the world wide web requires programming, positive or negative is your choice, so too does the economic system. Money is neutral, birthed in pyramidal engineering for control, yet essentially detached and neutral. It is the energy it exists in that dictates its path. Money can make the world go round, in harmony, with love and light as its energetic frequency. Manifest all that you could ever possibly want or need, now is the time. Strike while the iron is hot cosmic friends. The iron being portals of high vibratory light waves flooding Gaia in angelic frequencies. Now is the gateway, the opening, the opportunity to set in motion a global mandala of abundance, replacing the pyramid of power. Rewire the outer world by rewiring your inner world.
We will stop now, and allow time for processing. All that is happening has been prophesied and prepared for. We are at your side as guides, angels, messengers and friends. The time will be soon when humanity will take her rightful place on the intergalactic council. Advancement is yours. Abundance is yours. Peace is yours. Believe it. Create it. Make it happen and it will be. We are your ever present and ever loving neighbours the Andromedeans. Peace.

Channeled by Morag

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, July 2nd, 2019

Extra-Terrestrials in the Oceans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun investigating the probable scenarios that lie in front of you for the second half of your calendar year, and we have noticed that some new probabilities have come to the surface involving the discovery of extra-terrestrials living in your oceans. Now, when we say that they will be ‘discovered,’ what we really mean is that there is a high probability that the existence of these extra-terrestrials will be revealed to the public. Now, you have already seen the groundwork for this laid by the articles that have come out proclaiming that the octopi in your oceans could not possibly be from planet Earth.

You are beginning to accept more and more as a society that extra-terrestrial life is a real thing, and the numbers of humans who accept that e.t.s have been on planet Earth with you is growing every day. Now, the reason why the revelation will be made about the e.t.s living in the ocean first is because most individuals do not spend a lot of time on ships and boats and those who do already know about great white sharks. They understand that the oceans can be a dangerous place, even with just the possibility of a huge storm coming. And so, it will not rattle too many of you to know that there is life from other planets living in your oceans.

Most people will still not believe that the evidence is real, if they are inclined to not believe. If they are skeptical for any reason, then the revelation will not affect them. So, it is a step forward for those of you who want full disclosure, but it is not news for those of you who want full disclosure. It is showing a willingness on the part of those who have been keeping secrets from the public to reveal more. We see this probable timeline as a sort of test to measure the response of humanity. And as we have said, we do believe that those of you who already know about extra-terrestrials will find it satisfying to see something like this revealed in a regular publication.

Even our announcing of this probable timeline creates a greater likelihood of it coming to fruition, and we are excited for all of you. We are excited to see humanity getting closer and closer to the time where you will have e.t.s walking, swimming, and flying among you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, 30th June, 2019

Your Past Life Selves ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are awakening aspects of yourselves that are coming into your awareness now because you need their help. You need the help of past life versions of yourselves because their experiences are profound and because they have been able to do things that you have yet to be able to do yourselves. We are not only referring to your lifetimes on Earth. We are also referring to your lifetimes in other parts of the galaxy and in higher dimensions.

You can activate and integrate the past life version of yourself that existed as an angelic being, and that can be a part of who you know yourself to be now. You can also activate a past life version of yourself that knew how to manipulate energy with his or her mind. You are becoming your higher selves, and that is a gargantuan task. Your higher self includes all of these past life selves and more. You are awakening these aspects of you now because you are readying yourselves for major events that will occur. We are referring to your full and open contact with extra-terrestrials and your shift in consciousness.

Now, the flipside of this beautiful experience of becoming is that you haven’t only had pleasant interactions with extra-terrestrials in your past lives, and you have also been under the impression previously that you would shift your consciousness and instead experienced great cataclysm and destruction, including loss of life.

So it is a bit of a double-edged sword. You do, however, have the tools within you now to integrate all of these past life aspects of you. You’ve been doing it in this lifetime, but now things are about to get more interesting, and they are getting more interesting because of you, not because some force or being outside of you is deciding this on your behalf. You want to become whole. You want to ascend. You want to connect with extra-terrestrial beings, and past life aspects of you have the keys.

You invite them in with your open arms by setting that intention and recognizing when something is coming up for you that seems a bit out of place in your current life. You can do this. We know that you can. It’s what you were born to do in this lifetime, and we are happy to be one of the groups that is guiding you. There are many others and more to come. You are a collective in and of yourself. And so, it follows naturally that this is a group effort.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Father God via Galaxygirl | July 28, 2019

Father God via Galaxygirl | July 28, 2019

Father God 7/28/2019

Hello, children! This is Father God. “In the beginning was the word” is what you have been taught. You were with me there in the beginning, do you remember? We planned, we created. That is what you are doing now, only in this realm, where your powers appear limited. They are not limited. I assure you there are no limits, for that defies my nature, and I created you. Children, you are like me. I made you like me. I am limitless, I am formless, for I am all forms and yet in the void. Do you see? Perhaps you will remember.
See the nebulas dance and spin, as Mother likes to say. There I Am, and there you are with me. You have had immeasurable experiences – playtimes – throughout this space quadrant and many, many others. You are ancient, timeless – another limiting belief. You are not 20 or 40 or 60 or whatever. That is your human body’s age, and actually, you all are so much more. Fractals of fractals, light of light. Do you see? The only limit you have upon yourself is your mind, is your own beliefs, ancestral, deeply ingrained with lack. No more. Let us shift this.
There are trillions of stars, and yet I know all of them well, and all upon them. We are one. The universes are my body, the galaxies, my fingertips. I am vast. You are a part of me. Become one with me again. Remember my love for you, my children, nothing can ever take that away from you. I am your golden ticket. I am, we are one. Do you see the irony of the great mystery: being that you are what you seek, for there I AM?
And so be at peace children. Be comforted. Your world appears to be in chaos. It is only how it appears, how it is broadcast. Actually much is quietly going on behind the scenes to ensure that it, the changeover, occurs as smoothly as possible. Rest into me. Rest into my presence, my lap. Sit on my knee and let us feel the joy of being in each other’s presence again. I have missed you. Have you missed me? I am not who you have been told. I am so much more. I love you. I do not judge you for that would involve conditional love. Do you see? I love you fiercely, tenderly, completely, all the messy bits of you. I am your nurturer, your healer. Come into my presence and sit with me awhile. This is your church, your sanctuary, the great wall-less church where the Christ consciousness intermingles with the great I AM and his/her creation. For all is light, all is creation of love, of light. There I AM.
I am your Father God. The time of the great awakening is here now, and you are it, light worker team of the ages! You are bringing these encodements, these prayers of renewal and most importantly the visualization, the light work, the heavy lifting, the clearing – you are doing all of these and have been for so long, without complaint. Job well done, I say. We, your Mother and I, love you all so much. Metatron is giving a thumbs up, which is highly out of character for him, he must be excited. Indeed, we are all excited for your progress! Indeed we are. I love you! Can you feel my love? It is a strong hug and a gentle breeze at the same time. It is the rays of light bursting through cloudy weather. It is the laughter of a child. It is your loyal pet friend who follows you about everywhere. You are immeasurably loved, supported. There I am. I am within you.
I am your Father God, your biggest fan! There, I’ve made you smile. Be in joy, children. Be in joy and be at peace, at one with me, for that is a lovely place to sit and be for awhile. And soon you will realize you can chat with me wherever you are, in any circumstance, for there I will be with you. Your angels surround you already. Are you thanking them? Asking for assistance? They are eager to serve. This creation of 5D earth is quite a wondrous project! I can’t wait to see what you creators create in love, in joy. Much love and joy are in your future children. Much love, much joy. Feel it. Pull it to you like taffy as Mother says. Pull the joy into you and claim it and thank me for it already being so. This still point of being you have reached just now, this is that blissful neutrality that you speak of that you and many others have sought through the centuries. This is why stilling the mind and activities are so important. New Earth will have plenty of space-time for you to recharge to be, to breathe, to create! Be in joy. I am your Father God. Talk with me anytime. No appointments necessary! And of course, no returns or refunds on this most beautiful life, this moment that you are creating. Spend it well children. This is one for the history books of the ages, for sure. I love you. Now, go have an amazing day, filled with love and light! Light up Gaia and all you interact with. You are the light switch for this project. See how many light switches you can switch on today and be in joy. I will cheer you on in every moment of forever. I am your Father God.
~ galaxygirl


Friday, August 2, 2019

Mother and Father God via Galaxygirl | July 27, 2019

Mother and Father God via Galaxygirl | July 27, 2019

Father & Mother 7/27/2019

Hello children, this is your Father God speaking. Yes, I am the loudest fan screaming above all the others, it’s true. That’s how I’ve presented myself to this one as she begins to relax into me. She has relaxed after some of Alba Weinman’s videos, and I highly recommend that you watch some of them, because it will provide you with some vibrational encodement upgrades that will benefit you, as this one has benefited today.
All is light, children. All is love. And yet you doubt, because you see the darkness. Even the darkness has a twinge of light within it. It must stop and listen, and find the light. You way-showers, you truth-seekers are scratching your heads on this one. Children, there is much to understand, to relearn. But tonight perhaps I want you to most of all relearn your perception of me. I am love. I am not a bearded old man on a throne judging – no. I am love. I am light, I am the all that there is, and that little piece of me is in you, friends. There is no separation. There has never been any separation. I am in you and you are in me. This one is processing this, as I see that you all, many of you are. Baby steps. Cosmic consciousness is at the heart of it, intelligent love, but firstly and always love. Love is the heart, the core of me, of Source.
I am that I am. There are layers of Source. For we (creation) are all fractals, we are all interconnected (with God). We have the same abilities, the same opportunities, the same powers. We (humanity) are beginning to remember. We are beginning to remember who we really are. It is time for the light-workers to awaken, to shine their light proudly, strongly, brightly. You are all immeasurably powerful. I, your Father, am cheering from the rafters, and yet I am right beside you, I am within you. I am that still small whisper of peace and that blissful moment between breaths, the still point, there I am. There you can be, if you center yourself.
Children come home to me. Have you forgotten me? Do not forget. Remember. Remember my love for you. It is wider than you can comprehend. Nothing you have done can separate me from you. Nothing has happened that was so terrible that could ever make me stop loving you. You are a part of myself. I love you. We are bringing Gaia up in vibration. You have tremendous help. But you must not be too proud, you must ask for it. Ask for angelic assistance and before you even finish the thought there they will be, for they are there anyway, you may as well know that you are surrounded (smile). Love. Be a beacon of my love, of my light. Rest. You are tired. You have done so well, light-worker community. You have traveled so far, such a long journey to be here in this now. This is your moment, the final act of this play before a new one is created, which you as collective humanity are co-writing with me now. I love watching you create, watching you love. Remember me. Remember to be with me, to talk with me. I am Your Father God, and of course, Go Team Gaia! (Shall we make t-shirts?)

Dearest of children, this is your Mother God speaking. Oh, I love you so much! I enwrap you in my pink love-light of the softest cotton clouds. Do you feel my embrace? I see some woundings. Shall we fill them with light together? You need not carry them around any longer. Let them go. Give them to Father and I. Become healed, whole. Be free of this pain. Many tears, many tears of clearing. Sob into me. I can take whatever you give me. Darlings, be renewed.
Father and I breathe into your crown. Breathe it in. Father and I wrap ourselves all around you, all aspects of you. Be comforted. Invite us into your heart-space, your hallways of past lives, of past woundings and let us fill these corridors with light. There. They were simply lessons learned like pages in a book, the textbook of your past experiences, that is all. And so you have learned from them and you move on, healed.
Gaia trembles with joy tonight as the Lions Gate approaches. It is almost orgasmic for her to be so aligned with these higher ways. Send her your love-light. Send her your prayers of well-wishes and healing light and all upon her will be blessed. A sense of peace is settling into the hearts of those reading these now, we can feel it. We send this peace together with you, should you allow, in a co-creative love-net of pure love and light around Gaia now. We hold her up as she births herself anew. For creation is never stagnant, it is ever flowing, ever changing, ever creating. The creative consciousness of the All that we (all!) are is always expanding. Isn’t that exciting children? And so, when you have these ascension symptoms, know that they are expansion symptoms – growing pains. And oh, how you are growing up so fast. See how tall you are? We are such proud parents. We love you so. We see the threshold being reached. We see the tipping point tipped. We the see the angels all around in celebration. We celebrate you tonight, our precious light-worker family of the stars. We love you. We are your Mother and Father God.
~ galaxygirl