Friday, July 31, 2020

Fringe-Dwellers: It Matters That You’re Awake ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 25, 2020

Fringe-Dwellers: It Matters That You’re Awake ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 25, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very aware of the struggles that you have had there on Earth, and we have so much compassion for what you have all had to endure just to get to where you are today, a place that still feels very far from the fifth-dimensional realm. You are so much more fortunate than the average human, however, because you know that everything you feel and everything you experience serves a purpose. It all serves you in getting you closer and closer to the final stages of ascension. You were born into your physical bodies in this lifetime to be the awakened ones, the lightbearers, the gridworkers, the healers, and all of that has often left you feeling out on the fringe of society. From where we sit, the fringe of your society is the best part. It is so much better to not fit in and be who you really are than to conform and be trapped in a third-dimensional paradigm. Now, many of you broke free from that their-dimensional paradigm at a very young age, and you have been doing remarkable work since you were born into your physical body. Others of you have had a more circuitous path to getting to where you are now, to being in that fully awakened state. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. It doesn’t matter what you experience before you awaken. What matters is that you are awake, because it is only from that awakened status that you can see the bigger picture. You can see that there is more going on there on Earth right now than what makes the headlines. You can feel the energies coming in to support and heal humanity at this time. You have the opportunity to connect with beings like us and to know that it is more than just a fantasy. It is more than just a faerie tale when you connect with a faerie. Living on the fringe of society is the best place to live, and we know that more of you fringe-dwellers are going to be finding each other very soon. You will be connecting with more of your soul family members sooner than you think. You are uniting as the awakened collective because you know how powerful you are when united. Those of you who are truly awake have been able to rise above the polarity of politics. You have been able to rise above the us-versus-them mentality and the victim/perpetrator model. You are ready to experience the oneness that will be such a big part of the fifth-dimensional experience, and you are the ones to lead the rest of humanity with your wisdom, with your compassion, with your unconditional love, and with the knowing that no matter how it looks there on Earth at this time, you are moving in the right direction. You are forever on an upward spiral, and we are here to continue to invite you into the higher-vibrational realm, where we can do so much more than you can even imagine. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, July 30, 2020

A Thought that Source Had ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 30, 2020

A Thought that Source Had ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 30, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have begun to study the tendencies that you all have there on Earth. You tend to move in a certain direction, as a collective, and then you tend to move back in the opposite direction, as though you are getting a feel for all of the different ways you could take yourselves as a society, as a collective of humans. There are, of course, some of you who will always go against the wave that the rest of humanity is on, and we are speaking to that group right now. We are addressing the ones who have enough awareness to see the trends, to feel into them, and to decide that you are going to go in your own direction. You don’t do it to be rebellious or to get attention. You don’t do it just to be different or contrarian. You do it because you are following your hearts. You are following your feelings, and right now, the way to move, to be of greatest service to humanity, is directly up. You are ready to move above the discourse and the discord that is there on Earth at this time. You are the ones to rise above it all and to see that taking sides pits you against half of yourself. We told you in our previous transmission that the August energies we have been cooking up are all about reminding you that you are Source, getting you to feel it and embody it. And that means that there’s no division within you. There’s no need for you to choose a side, to say that you are for this thing and against that thing. You are the ones who can see the beauty in it all and still rise above it, and still see it for what it is. The state of affairs on Earth at this time is all about a thought that Source had, and the thought that Source had was and is, ‘What would happen if we were divided against ourselves.’ You are there living out that dream of Source, that illusion. You are pretending that you don’t love each other to bits, because you all really do. And those of you who can realize that this all is just a thought that Source had, can also realize that inevitably, you all come together. It must happen. You are all walking each other back to Source, back to where it all started. You can do it consciously by deliberately rising above the fray, or you can do it by kicking and screaming and protesting. It’s up to you. You are the ones who will raise the consciousness of the human collective, and you will invite others to join you in the beauty that is this reality, this thought of Source. Remember that you are the thinker of that thought, and you are masquerading as the thought at the same time. And maybe then, just maybe, you won’t get so attached to any of it. And in that letting go, you will rise up, and you will take all who resonate with you vibration with you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

August Energies from Arcturus, Pleiades & Sirius ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 29, 2020

August Energies from Arcturus, Pleiades & Sirius ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 29, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased and excited to share with you what we believe the month of August will be all about there on planet Earth. We have been working with a Pleiadian collective and a Sirian collective to put together a package of energies that will work quite nicely with the other energies that you have coming in for the month of August. It is our intention to make this upcoming month be all about you finding your core within. This is the month of humankind recognizing the Divine that is always present within each and every one of you. We really want to hammer home the truth that you all are Source Energy Beings, and that you have access to All That Is when you focus inwardly, when you give your full and undivided attention to the unconditional love that exists at your core, at your heart-center. If you are going to lead humanity as the awakened collective, then you have to be the ones who hold the Christ Consciousness within you. You have to be the ones to demonstrate to the rest of humankind what is possible when you truly know yourselves as Divine Beings of Light and Love. What we see there on Earth is far too much waiting around for something to occur that will rescue humanity from yourselves. Only humanity can truly rescue humanity. There are, of course, beings and collectives like ourselves who are doing everything in our power to help you awaken as a collective, to guide you back into yourselves, and to remind you of how powerful you are. But there are far too many humans out there telling you that you aren’t as powerful as some cabal group and that you have to wait for some kind of solar flash to come and rescue all of you. It’s time to stop pinning all of your hopes on one politician saving the day, or even a group of well-meaning individuals defeating the bad guys. What humanity needs now, and what this upcoming month is giving you the opportunity to recognize, is that Divinity activated within as many of you who are willing to go out there on a limb in the same way the one known as Yeshua once did. Remind everyone that they are Source, that they are Divine, that they are creating all of this as an illusion so that they can wake up from the dream and become the powerful beings of light they truly are. Welcome in the August energies with open arms, and take that full knowing of who you really are out into the world. Spread the light, spread the love, spread the healing, and offer compassion and forgiveness freely, and you will see your world transformed in a way that nothing else could possibly accomplish. You are the ones to truly embrace your true nature as Divine Beings, and it will be a group effort to bring the rest of humanity along for this very fun, joyous, and beautiful ride. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Mantid Collective via Dawn Phoenix | July 27, 2020

Mantid Collective via Dawn Phoenix | July 27, 2020

Message from the Mantid Collective~ Dawn Phoenix 07-27-2020

"Greetings dear Children of Light. We are the Mantid Collective, and we reside in non-corporeal form within the 12th dimension. Yes, that is quite a different dimension from the 4th dimension you currently reside in at this moment! But, rest assured you, too, will one day be here dispensing guidance to beings in the lower dimensions as well.

We are here today to tell you Humanity is on the right track and in perfect alignment with the Grand Plan, which is unveiling itself gradually, piece by piece. Though it may appear your world is steeped in turmoil and chaos, these are merely the hallmarks of great change taking place upon your planet, in your societies, and within your physical bodies. Great change always brings with it disruption, in one form or another. It is foolish to think change can occur without disruption, for there exists ... not one without the other.

We invite you to take a step back and view the goings-on in your lives from a loftier standpoint. We are more than happy to assist you in this endeavor, for we hold memory of our dimensional leaps when we, too, were in the physical. In fact, some of us remain in physical bodies there on Earth. Those were the ones among us who chose to remain incarnate to support Gaia and her children in the arduous Ascension process.

Think about what a Mantis evokes when you see one of us, or even an image of us. We are calm but confident, quiet but powerful, patient yet productive. We are here to model those attributes for Humanity, as they will greatly reduce much discomfort along your journey to the 5th dimension.

Whenever you are feeling anxiety, physical, mental, or emotional pain, or dissatisfaction with your world in view, do call upon your Mantid family to support your return to stability. Call upon us to assist you in returning to a sense of calm, a feeling of satisfaction, and faith in the strength your inner knowing provides no matter what is going on around you.

Ask us to visit you in the astral plane during your dreamtime to work with you on embodying these attributes as your own, to integrate them as part of your biological and energetic makeup. It will be much easier to access that which lies within than to ask for it from a place outside of you. You are more than capable of doing this, and we wish for nothing more than to see Humanity claim your radiant sovereignty once more.

We are watching and supporting, from near and far, Children of the Light. Go in peace, walk in strength, and be the calm your world so desperately needs at this time. We are with you, by your sides, every step of the way. Feel for our presence in your lives. Many blessings of Love and Light from our hearts to yours, your Mantid family."

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

If You Want Full E.T. Contact Sooner than Later ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 28th, 2020

If You Want Full E.T. Contact Sooner than Later ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 28th, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been exploring how all of you can live on a world where you do not feel connected as a global society, a global community, even though you have the ability in this day and age to travel to other countries and to connect with people from all across the planet with your internet. We understand how a person can be programmed into believing that the way they grew up was the right way to be in the world, but at a certain age, at a certain level of maturity, it would seem quite natural for all humans to want to explore something different. It would make logical sense for you all to want to get to know other people, living in far off lands, with different customs, different traditions, different rituals. And of course, there are many humans who feel that way, who want to expand their horizons, but the vast majority of humans still prefer to be around people who are almost exactly like them. And it is very limiting. It is very challenging for the expansion of the consciousness when a person stays in the town they grew up in and doesn’t show any interest in what’s happening in the rest of the world. When we look at human history, it begins to make more sense to us because oftentimes there would be an attack on a village, on a community, and that attack would come from outsiders, from people who didn’t look, or talk, or act like the villagers who were under attack. And so, what you are there to do now is process those fears. You need to process your fear of the unknown, of the outsider, if you are going to be ready for full extra-terrestrial contact. If you think that people who live thousands of miles, or kilometers, away are scary because they are different, then how is a person who thinks that way going to handle an extra-terrestrial from another star system. Once again, it is up to you as the awakened collective to lead the way, to show others the path to getting past those fears. You need to set the very positive example by connecting with as many different people as you can. You need to set aside any ideological differences in order to do this. You need to accept that certain people in certain parts of the world are not honoring every member of their society. Having compassion for the victims in those parts of the world is easy. Having compassion and forgiving the perpetrators is hard, but that’s why you are there on Earth, hardest place to be incarnate in the whole galaxy. You are there to do what seemingly cannot be done, and you are the ones to do it. We know that you can. We believe in you, and we know how much you desire to have full e.t. contact, and you want it sooner than later. And so, we advise you to start spreading the truth that diversity is good, that difference do not in and of themselves separate you, and that you can come together as one human race, to meet one extra-terrestrial race and to show them how unified you are, even with all the diversity that exists there on planet Earth today. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Break Free from Bondage & Become Sovereign ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 22, 2020

Break Free from Bondage & Become Sovereign ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 22, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very capable of sensing when there is something simmering just beneath the surface of the human collective consciousness, and we are getting that feeling right now, as we observe you. We are noticing a movement towards all of you gaining quite a bit of clarity about who you want to be, how you want to live your lives, and about your sovereignty. Humankind has been looking for the perfect opportunity to free yourselves from the bondage of depending so much on your governments, your leaders, your captains of industry. Humankind is ready to break free from the system that has been reflecting more of that third-dimensional consciousness that you’ve had present on your world for so long. You are ready to be free of all of the systems that limit you, the systems that tie you down and hold you back from being who you want to be. This is where you as the awakened collective come in, because you understand the mechanics of the universe. You understand how to create your reality, how to manifest, how to live outside of all systems. You understand how to make yourselves invisible to that which is third dimensional. Now, what we are talking about here is essentially raising your vibration high enough to where you create your own society. We are talking about moving yourselves out of your current economic and political systems, and living as fifth-dimensional beings, manifesting what you need out of thin air, starting communities where you pool resources and where you co-create with the power of multiple humans, focusing on what the community needs and what the community wants. You have grown weary of relying on politicians to represent you, instead of their interests. You have grown tired of expecting corporations to have a conscience, to care about the environment, to care about the people that buy their products. And many of you recognize that the system that you have been living in has been rigged to make those in power even more powerful. So why even try to thrive in that system when you know that you are ascending, when you recognize that the universe has you back, and when you can feel all the beings of service around you, who are there to support you, who are there to lead you into this fifth-dimensional realm that you are co-creating as the awakened ones. You are ready for something very different, and the world as it is today is showing that now is the perfect time to throw off the shackles of oppression, to free yourselves from third-dimensional ideas and paradigms. You are ready to start living in 5D right now, and you are the ones to lead the rest of humanity to that frequency range, as they will ride on the coattails of your successes, of your wisdom, and of your high vibration. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Queen An-Ra via Erena Velasquez, July 21, 2020

Queen An-Ra via Erena Velasquez, July 21, 2020

E.T. Contact Experiences in the Coming Months ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 21, 2020

E.T. Contact Experiences in the Coming Months ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 21, 2020  

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in witnessing the number of e.t. contact experiences you all have in the coming months, because those of you who are interested in contact with extra-terrestrials have been amplifying your desire for a face-to-face meeting because of all of the challenges you’ve had to face there in your calendar year of 2020. Many of you have been wanting for a number of years to make contact, to get on a spaceship, to go to another star system, and to leave Earth far behind. Now, we are not saying that it serves humankind to lose all of the ones who are going to be there to serve as ambassadors between humanity and the rest of the beings in the galaxy. What we are saying is that you can bring more of them to your backyard. You can allow more of them into your lives, because of the increased desire that you have for contact, and because so many of you have been working on yourselves at this time. You have been raising your vibration. You have been making yourselves a better match to your e.t. friends who want very much to make contact with you, but who also have to wait for your readiness. Many of you want to have experiences in your lives that you are not quite ready for, but in this time you have been readying yourselves. You have been making yourselves into better galactic partners. You have been creating those realities, those experiences that you want to have, and this transmission that we are giving you now is meant to get you to line up even more with these contact experiences. We can feel your readiness. We can see the timelines opening up in front of you, and we are cheering you on from up here in the ninth dimension, especially because we know that you are going to have positive contact experiences in the very near future with fourth-dimensional e.t.s who are not so different from humankind. You are ready. You continue to demonstrate that truth to us and to the other beings throughout the galaxy who want very much to connect with you. Get into that space of positive expectation for these experiences we are talking about because they are coming, and you are the ones to welcome your e.t. friends. The experience of full, open contact with all of humanity is also in your future, but these one-on-one contact experiences, or one-on-two, or three, are going to occur much sooner, and they are going to come to those of you who have that heightened desire. This is what we know to be true. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Sirian High Council via Galaxygirl | July 13, 2020

Sirian High Council via Galaxygirl | July 13, 2020

Greetings beloved family, we are the Sirian High Council. We are returning to further the codex expansion of our previous message that we appreciate has been well received by many. Our message today is simple: keep going. Keep continuing in your own personal expansion of renewal, of inner exploration and self discovery. For within you is Source and therefore the wisdom you seek. We wish for you to feel safe on your planet and in your bodies. We have been with and observing this one since our last message and as a ninth dimensional being it is sometimes hard to remember what it is like within a third dimensional form. We are reminded daily of the amount of work it takes just to sustain your physical vessels, the time for cooking delicious food, for clean up of this lovingly prepared meal, the time and effort it takes for you to go to and from your jobs, let alone the labor of your jobs themselves. We see you carrying the light as you do these things - no small feat. We see the loving interactions you are having with your children, younger friends and family and it gives us such hope for humanity. For not only are you succeeding with the mundanity (which is anything but) of your day but you are doing it holding more light. We see that the expansion of your inner monad-codex is rising in frequency moment by moment so that you are continually able to absorb more light, which is the entire process of ascension. Letting the old go, letting the lack go so that new ideas of expansion and abundance of the inner life can take hold. We see rich inner lives. We see the variety of timelines that you have infinite access to and we see you holding more and more firm determination for only the highest and best timeline for your own personal ascension. This warms our hearts. We have always loved humanity but our love we admit has indeed deepened over the past few days as we have had more intimate access to the inner lives of the light workers that have asked to work with us. (I am seeing points of lights all around the globe lighting up with Sirian codes. I am seeing light workers tear up and release so that the new can come in. I am seeing DNA light up like rainbow spirals all through the human body and I am hearing the song of creation that we have not heard in a long time hum with joy within our bodies. We are becoming attuned to the music of the spheres I think).

We are the Sirian High Council. We want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of our hearts for connecting with us, those who have chosen to do so. It is equally beneficial for us, as we have a bit of a window into the human lives currently on Gaia. We see and we feel the exhaustion that you have been dealing with and we wish to send you some energy of joy, of new love and light and purpose. We wish to send you a blast of joy, if we may, from our system to yours, for you have given the world and all of us such a great gift by just being there and shining your light. (I am seeing us all volunteer in a grand ceremony and our delight at our name being called for the final selection. We were excited to come, we knew we could do it. We knew we would find each other in the right moments but we knew it would overall be a solitary road of deep inner work and planet purging). It is time to come together light workers, family, friends. It is time to come together. This feeling of isolation that is very real within your past experience could be infused with some joy, we think, some sparkle of hope and reunions to come.

We of the Sirian High Council wish to extend our right hands to your hearts. We remove with love and with your permission the feeling of isolation and we replace with joy, with hope and with deep community. For we are here for you. Just as you have been here for us and for everyone else. We are here for you. You will find your tribe. See, it is being created even as our message goes out around the globe. Repeat if you desire “I call forth and I allow the codes of Sirian joy and bliss that I have experienced within their system to wrap and to soothe any heartache I have experienced here. I activate my inner joy. I choose to sound the inner call for my spiritual tribe and I extend friendship and welcome to those who are vibrationally aligned with my own journey. I send love to my Sirian counterparts and I welcome all of the support, love and divine protection afforded to me be my spiritual family. I feel safe. I feel surrounded in love. Isolation is but an idea that I can upgrade to family. I choose to upgrade this now. I am surrounded by family, loving friends of my past and my future. I am divinely supported in all things. I surround myself with the joy of this knowing. So be it.”

We are the Sirian High Council. Blessings on you, dearest of star seeds. You delight us. We honor you this day. Be at peace in this divine support and feel your family all around you, for we are. Our final message to you today is to keep going, continue, one foot in front of the other with a joyful and light heart, knowing that we are walking alongside you. Knowing that you are surrounded by angels in the ethers, knowing that you are on the right path for this arduous journey and that you have already succeeded. Infuse each step with more light and your footsteps reverberate around Gaia with the gentle vibrational hum of love. We are the Sirian High Council.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

How You Will Get to the New 5D Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 8th, 2020

How You Will Get to the New 5D Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 8th, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very encouraged by the signs that we see of improvement there on your world. We are noticing how many of you are letting go of layers upon layers of distortion and illusion and finally getting to the core of who you are as beings of magic, beings of love, beings of joy, light, and laughter. You are creating the fifth-dimensional Earth with what is inside of you. When you strip away another layer of that which has no longer served you for quite some time, you get to that core, you get to the heart center, the aspect of you that is so ready to put all of the pieces together and to have that whole self reflected back to you as the world you are living on. We know that it is easier to look outside of yourself and play the blame game. We know that you have done this, and we know that you are getting tired from pointing those fingers and shaking those fists. We can feel that there are enough of you there on Earth who are willing to do what you know you need to do in order to create and inhabit the fifth-dimensional Earth experience. You will get to that plane of existence because of your willingness to recognize that anything and anyone that is outside of you is also inside of you. And when you can make peace with all of the various energies that are out there and also within you, then you can start to recognize the signs that a new day is upon you. You are a part of a movement, and that movement is about co-creating a new age, an age of enlightenment, and you are going to get there by focusing inside of yourselves, on that which you know is at your core, that which is beyond all of the illusions. Some people on your world refer to the illusion as ‘The Matrix,’ and we understand why they do so. But we are not talking about science fiction when we talk to you about the mechanics of your universe. There are no villains in your story. There is you as a Source Energy Being, creating experiences for yourselves. And if you want to create that beautiful, new, fifth-dimensional Earth, then you must go within. You find that light, that joy, that laughter, and that love, because those are the colors that you want to paint your portrait of the new Earth with. You have the ability to do this right now, and no one and nothing can hold you back. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, July 13, 2020

Get Pulled Up & In by Our Tractor Beam ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 12, 2020

Get Pulled Up & In by Our Tractor Beam ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 12, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been seeking to connect with more of you who are so very interested in connecting with us, having physical extra-terrestrial contact, and being of service. We are reaching out to all of you who have shown interest because we know that the timing is right for deeper connection, contact, and for all of you to exercise that ability that you have to serve all of humanity. Now is the perfect time for more of you to step up and be the influencers that we know you can be, and so we shine more light upon you, and like a tractor beam that light is meant to pull you in, to raise you up to a dimensional frequency that can make you more aware of us, the other physical extra-terrestrial beings that you want to connect with, and you also can receive more inspiration on how to be of service when you are in that higher vibrational frequency. And so, when it comes to answering the call of our light and love, we would say the best thing that you can do is to state your intention to be in that higher vibrational state, and then clear your minds of all of your thoughts so that you can naturally and easily raise your vibration. All of this that you are doing there on Earth can be so much easier, and it gets easier when you take the weight of the world off of your shoulders, and you allow yourselves to be helped, to be pulled up by the tractor beam, figuratively and literally in the case of physical extra-terrestrial contact. Your skies are filled with e.t. spacecraft, and most of those beings are from the light and want to be of service. You also are going to have more opportunities to be of service to all of your fellow humans, and we would love nothing more than to inspire you to the words, thoughts, and actions that will help everyone there on Earth to raise their vibration so that they may be able to connect with us, connect with physical e.t.s, and be of service to all of humanity. Once again, we call upon you as the awakened collective to take the lead and let others follow. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Sirian High Council: Ascension Journey via Galaxygirl, July 9th, 2020

Greetings starseeds! We salute you in your current progress trajectory for Ascension Gaia and we hold honor in our hearts for you. Many of you have Sirian aspects and dormant memories, strengths and abilities from your forays in our little part of the galaxy. We wish to activate further your Sirian connections and memories of the light to assist you with your ascension journeys. Some of you have been our kings and queens, high rulers, but all of you have been servants of the light and to the light. For when we are true servants we can lead most fully and effectively. You will be called upon to lead in your current now. You will be called upon to do many things and you will be ready for it. For you have lead before, you have trudged through the darkness before and you are all well equipped for success on this journey. Gaia is rising rapidly and she is taking along with her those who are ready to serve, to lead from the heart and to shine their light brightly. The light is for all but not all are receptive to it, as is their choice. It will be easiest for those who embrace the light for that is their destiny and to fight with one’s destiny can be a rocky ride – which is never recommended unless you wish upon yourselves further challenges and awakenings. It is possible to awaken smoothly, easily. Call this to you, for you have already done the work. Many are feeling the burdens for the others. It is a kindness that you are providing this service in lightening the load for the many by the few. You are all doing this. This is why you are so tired, so exhausted but although it seems like a lifetime, as this one reminds us, it is but a moment not a lifetime, and it shall pass.
We are the Sirian High Council and we wish to impart our codes to our awakened and awakening starseeds currently on assignment to Gaia. Please place your third finger on your third eye and tap lightly, and in so doing you will be giving permission for the codes to flow. “I welcome the codes from the Ascended Sirian System into my body to further activate and allow any dormant Sirian memories that will serve my ascension including all gifts, talents and leadership skills that will serve the Gaians in this moment of transition. I activate and I allow further Sirian codes to illuminate the pineal gland which has been calcified and I command it to be uncalcified and unbroken, whole and complete. I trigger and I allow the further flowing of Sirian light language codes, talents and abilities to permeate my being, further unraveling DNA, awakening any dormant DNA that is in need of light activation. I command this with love and respect for my beautiful body that I am currently inhabiting. I respect my body and I send light to it to further allow for this expansion.“ Sit a while and agree to rest after this download. It will be needed. You will likely feel light headed and spacious as the codes are expanding further.
We are the Sirian High Council. Many of you sit at our round tables at night sharing your experiences in the thick of it. We are grateful for your acts of heroism and volunteerism for the light, ever in service.
We are the Sirian High Council. Expect more love and light and it shall find you. You are becoming the leaders for Nova Gaia. You are becoming and already are the bridge walkers, extending your hands for the others to cross. We see this most imminently. These codes will help you cross. This one is experiencing heart pressure. Yes, let us extend the awakening. ”I call to myself all of the joyful experiences and sublime love that I have experienced within the Ascended Sirian System and I call them forth to be made manifest in an ever growing peace within my heart space. I feel safe. I feel loved. I feel the divine support of my galactic family who is ever around me, offering divine codes of love and support. I wrap this love and support around me, further insulating, further supporting, and I call forth all of the moments of peace that I have experienced with my galactic family. I wish for this feeling of peace to permeate me, to soothe me. I am more than this human body. My family is more than this human Earthly family I have chosen to learn with and to experience Earth life with. I am a starseed and I call all of my power back to me now. I claim my divinity. I claim my ascension. So be it.” Rise inner warrior and be at peace. This feeling, this is who you are. This is who the dark are afraid of. They are afraid of you. Send them light and let us end this game. Call further the light into every cell, every molecule within you, let it unlock yet more light. We see you as blazing suns upon Gaia, shining your love from the few to the many. It warms our hearts. We adore you, starseeds.
We are the Sirian High Council. We send you our love, we send you our peace, it is within you. Blessings abound for you starseeds, and you are those blessings to us.
Channel: Galaxygirl

Source via Galaxygirl, July 8th, 2020

Source via Galaxygirl, July 8th, 2020

I am Source. I am everything and nothing all at once, for I am all that is. I am the fingers typing these words, I am the eyes reading these words all over the globe. I am the eyes in the ships hovering with love in your atmosphere. I am the atmosphere. I am the culmination of all of your interactions and experiences, and then some. All aspects are critical for the experience of ascension so that all may be experienced from every vantage point – some dark, some light, some undecided. I wish for you to feel my presence within you, to place your hands over your heart and breathe in my light, the light within you. It is wrapped delicately and intricately around every atom within you, for the light is all that there is. The light of me fills all of the in-between spaces between the synapses and cells of the human body, of the animals, of all creatures great and small, created and yet to be created. You are creator beings. The planets the stars are living and breathing, just like you, but in larger form. All is alive for all is me in various stages of awareness. You cannot get this wrong. It is your experience. The only judge is yourself. I do not judge you. I love you and I heal you when you ask for it and accept my healing. Much healing is coming to humanity, for the extent of darkness has been appreciated and the experiences of the dark needs to end, and end it shall. For the light is coming. The light is within you, dear ones, aspects of me. The light is stronger, growing stronger moment by moment until at last, just as one fills a cup of water to overflowing, the love and light will overflow the cups of the hearts of humanity and suddenly the experience will shift and more good things will be created. I am tremendously proud of my aspects from the stars currently embodied. You are on a tough assignment and you have succeeded. The cards are being shown, the chimes are hitting the strike of 12. Time’s up, dark ones. Remember all experiences are valuable, but not all are beneficial and necessary to be continuously repeated. The light will dominate Gaia’s beautiful form again as she rises higher into the higher dimensions of time space where many versions of her reside in this now. You light workers are the rescue squad here to infuse my light – your light – our light – into her form to help the others feel the higher aspects of themselves and to become who they were meant to be. You are growing in this process, it is an act of service but know that it is benefiting yourselves personally as well. For all is connected. Just as your cells communicate and interact with yourselves constantly, trillions of them, so too do my galaxies interact with the universes and the universes interact with the whole of me, constantly communicating the intergalactic language of light and love. The butterfly wing that changed the air currents truly affects all of your planet. Think of how strong a prayer of pure intention and love can be. Ripples are being made. Prayers are being heard. Many hands are here to assist, all guided by my light, my love, for my beautiful creation. The misguided and misdirected ones have become so riddled with fear that they have lost sight of me, they have lost their way. They are no longer able to find their heart. Send them light. It will further the quickening of all good things to come.

I am Source. Do not dread the news. Find your own news of love, of joy. Find your own acts of service to research and pursue. Service is strength, not weakness. It is time for all to serve each other in the realm, with more loving intentions, more strong families, more loving safe communities. Nova Gaia will be this, and this is what you are creating when you stand up with the quiet strength of one who has the eyes to see and ears to hear through that which is being presented to you. Start your own information streams. Connect with each other. Make social media heart media, share your stores of answered prayers, of synchronicities, of blessings being shown to you day by day. It is all there. Just as the darkness of the stories exists, or appears so too can your own personal news reel be just as enlightening yet true to your own reality experience. And what a joy it is to behold my children, my aspects creating intentionally as you are beginning to. This is the sign of one who has graduated successfully from the holographic matrix. It is time to start passing out some diplomas, I feel.

I am Source. I am Source. I am Source. Communicate with me as easily as the galaxies do. For you are a galaxy in and of yourself. The universes never end – they are layer by layer, interconnected in ways many scientists have yet to discover in many realms. (I am seeing universes being stacked like pancakes and each pancake is blurry because there are so many dimensional and parallel realities within it. It is shockingly complex. I see that it will be impossible to ever be at a loss for things to discover and create which fills me excitement at the abundance of possibilities). The masters of eternal expansion are just that – eternal discoveries of yet more joy and more things to create and experience. Your many lives are like this. After this experience when you have the ability to visit your own personal akashic section of the library some of you will be overwhelmed with memories of all of your experiences but you need not be. You will have all of the time that you need and or desire to process that which needs further processing and review. Each memory or each book in of itself is like its own galaxy of awareness, of inner awareness of the heart. And they have made you who and what you are today. So treasure them. Treasure your memories. Treasure your strengths. I am immensely proud of you.

I am Source. Connect with me and let us make this ascension journey together in unison. Let us expand as one. I am Source. Breathe in these possibilities of all light, love and blessings coming to you. It is the dawn of a new era for Gaia now and you have the front row seats. Tell me everything, and let us watch the script unfold together. You are loved in every moment, in every possible way. I hover over you, around you, beneath you, within you. I fill you with my breath of life, with my grace for a new day. Rise as one who has seen me and knows me and be the warrior of old that you are. I see wisdom within your heart. You will know what to do. Will you do it with me? I am Source.

~ galaxygirl 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Channel Update + Earth Affairs Update from Adronis: "Cosmic Truce & Everything will Culminate" - Brad Johnson

Channel Update + Earth Affairs Update from Adronis: "Cosmic Truce & Everything will Culminate" - Brad Johnson

In this channel update, Adronis, channeled by Brad Johnson, comes through to share an exciting announcement through an Earth Affairs Update.