Sunday, February 27, 2022

A Surge of Energy from Mother Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 19, 2017

A Surge of Energy from Mother Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 19, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. There has been a surge of energy rising up from within the core of the Earth. It is making itself available to all of you. Its purpose is to support you, to help you feel more connected to Mother Earth. Its purpose is to ground you and to open you up to all of the energy that your planet provides for you. It does so freely. It does so because your planet loves you. She is your mother. She is your collective consciousness in physical form. She is the oversoul of humanity, and she is also a guide, supporting you, loving you, giving you everything that you need to survive, and asking nothing in return. Now that the surge of energy from the core has reached the surface, you can expect to feel a difference when you are making a conscious connection to Mother Nature and Mother Earth. You are galactic mutts, with DNA and genetic material from all over this Milky Way. However, you were born here on planet Earth, and she has given you life. She has given you physical form, and she has cared for you all of your days in all of your lifetimes. When you acknowledge the power of that connection that you have to your planet, you feel more alive, you feel more secure, and you feel uplifted, even though your feet are planted firmly on the ground. Her nature is to love, to give, and to be that support that is always there for you. We understand that you have lots of other things to attend to in your lives, but we recommend that you give some thanks, some praise, and some love to this Earth of yours. When you do, you will resonate more with that surge of energy that has risen from the core, and you will use that energy to propel you forward on your journey, to give you everything that you need. And you didn’t even have to ask for it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Alrhoniah and Alisheryia via Galaxygirl, February 24, 2022

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Russia/Ukraine Conflict & the Galactic Community ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scranton, February 26, 2022

Russia/Ukraine Conflict & the Galactic Community ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scranton, February 26, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy to see how many humans on Earth right now are calling for peace, calling for an end to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. We have seen how many individuals have realized that it is necessary to be of peace, to be radiating and vibrating peace, and we know that it is through these intentions and through that focus that you all come together to change the world for the better. As soon as a person realizes that peace is what they want, that person can go about cultivating the vibration of peace within them, and this is how living in a world where you still don’t have peace all the time serves each individual. It allows all of you to ask yourselves the question of whether you are at peace within yourselves all the time. You need to check in and see if you are fighting with anyone, if you have gone to war in your head with another person, another ideology, or a group. It’s time to let go of that whole idea that you need to defeat the other side. It’s time for integration, which means it’s time to stop fighting inside the self and let all the pieces of yourselves come together in a unified, harmonious whole. When you do that as individuals, you can do that as a human collective, and then you can join the galactic community, as you will have shown that you are ready to get along with others who are different from you in some way. You tend to focus, as a society, more on your differences than what you have in common, and this needs to change, and it is changing. As we said, we do feel happy and encouraged by what we are seeing right now. The amount of people who are having the realization that they need to stop fighting is enormous, and it will continue to rise as the collective desire for peace on Earth also increases exponentially. You’re ready to live in harmony. You’re ready to move to the next level of your consciousness evolution, and this aggression that you are seeing right now there on Earth is about bringing you closer to peace, ultimately. It is not the best way to get there, but it is the way that you have chosen right now as a collective. It certainly is a conflict that has gotten the world’s attention. There are enough of you who respond to situations like the Russia/Ukraine conflict with compassion, and that’s what is needed. That’s what will heal and help, and fighting with others about who’s right and who’s wrong and what’s really going on will perpetuate conflict and war on your planet. So before you start doing that with other people to prove how right and how smart you are, and we are only speaking to a few people here who are tuning in, remember to go within your hearts first and feel for the compassion that is there for all humans who are living through war, conflict, bombings, and shootings, and recognize that you are so much more a part of the solution when you do that than when you tell someone what you think is really going on. Remember to spread what you want to see more of on Earth. And again, we know we are preaching to the choir here, but there are a few who will need to hear that who will receive this message. We are so proud of the vast majority of awakened individuals who truly understand what their purpose is at this time, and we are so happy to see you living that purpose and that truth for the betterment of all human beings on Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Struggle Between Russia & Ukraine ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 24, 2022

The Struggle Between Russia & Ukraine ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 24, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very interested in watching you evolve and ascend, because your growth is so easy to measure from our perspective, and when we can see and feel your progress, that brings us joy. We look at the positive when we look at humanity. We make a point of tuning in to your successes, to the ways in which you are doing better. We don’t ignore the rest, but instead, we see those other aspects of humanity as in the process of catching up to the rest of you who are demonstrating that you are evolving and ascending there on Earth. We know that looking at the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine right now with worry and fear does not serve anyone, but we also know that there are so many humans there on Earth who look upon that struggle with compassion, love, and who offer healing to all beings involved. We know that when you become aware of war, bombings, shootings, poverty, natural disasters, and all kinds of injustices, you become more compassionate and you look for ways that you can help. This is a sign of your spiritual evolution, and this is what is needed on Earth right now, and it is what has always been needed. Therefore, we invite all of you who are awake, and who know that you are there to help, to send your love, your healing, your compassion, and to hold space for the people who are affected by the struggles that the people face in the Ukraine, as well as sending as much love as you can to the people of Russia who are caught up in the midst of something that they themselves have no stake in. When you have a situation where people simply have to fight one another and have no idea why they are doing it, it is important to feel for those people and to know that it is not the fault of the soldiers. You have compassion for the civilians and those you would consider to be the victims in any situation, but it is also important to know that in a situation of war there are so many victims. Even the ones who are dropping the bombs or firing the weapons have to follow their orders or else face dire consequences, and they have their guilt and shame to carry with them for the rest of their lives. So you might as well send your love, your healing, and your compassion to everyone who is involved in the struggle between Russia and the Ukraine, and know that it is your path to do this. It is your purpose to be one who sends that positive energy out, and it is not your place to decide who is right and who is wrong. It is not the time to get caught up in conspiracy theories about what’s really going on. All of those mental gymnastics do not cause you to evolve one bit. But when people, and we see many of them, go within their hearts and beam love to where it is needed the most at any time in human history, we see enormous evolution, and that is what we look for at a time like this on Earth. That is what we continue to see more of, and that is why we feel so encouraged by what we see when we tune in to the consciousness of humankind. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Divine Mother via Jennifer Crokaert, February 18, 2022

Divine Mother: The Great Reboot

My divine, precious children, I am here to draw your attention to the great changes that are about to occur across your beloved Gaia.

You do not need a reset; that would only ‘rearrange the deckchairs on the Titanic’. You need a substantive change that completely alters not just the way your world functions, but the way each one of you perceive yourselves and each other. You need a profound experience of reconnection to your Divine Creator Selves.

This is what you would call a Heart Opening, Ascension, Enlightenment … but truly the term does not matter, because it is possible to argue the meaning of each of these terms. What matters is that the ‘rubbish programming’ will be cleared out, ‘debugged’ so to speak, and a massive reboot will occur.

Soon this gift will be yours, a gift of my love to you. It will melt the veils of separation that have shielded you from knowing your true self, your Divine Creator Self. I am returning to you what was always yours, but was hidden deep inside.

Once that heart-melting experience occurs, you will never again be cruel to yourself, because you understand your true Self, your true nature, your Truth.

Nor will you ever hurt another, because you see the deep interconnection of All That Is. You will instantly become aware that All That Is describes the Divine Father, and All That Happens describes the Divine Mother’s creative energy force. You have both – the beingness and the doingness. When they are aligned with your true, divine nature, your infinitely loving heart, you are in your Ascended Mastery.

In an instant your world will be forever changed for the better. Now that does not mean that action is not necessary: of course it is! The Divine Male and the Divine Female energies need to exist together, in harmony, in a dance, in union.

What it means is that you will have a deep knowningness of what is the right course of action for you, in every moment, in every circumstance. You will know what you came here for and how you can best share your joy, your gifts, to create a lasting legacy on Gaia. Your contribution to the Golden Age of Gaia will become clear, easy, fun.

So, how do you prepare for this? What do you need to do? To be? Move into the heart of you, not the emotional heart of ‘I like this, I don’t like that’, but the wise heart that beats to the sound of your Soul, your Higher Self. It has a wisdom that can be heard if you take the time to move into silence.

Any time spent in silence, in peace, in meditation or prayer will allow you to feel into your higher heart, to hear its gentle nudges guiding you towards the best actions, thoughts, words and even non-actions, for you, for this day.

One step at a time, one day at a time. Consciousness is best approached slowly, with the gentle hand of curiosity. In that way, it will open up; its nudges and prompts will become clearer and your life will take on greater ease and grace as you align with the divine flow of your life: your life will become a passage of expansion through joy rather than through challenges.

It may not always be easy, but it will be clear to you what to do, and that knowingness will make even harder actions seem doable, because they are aligned with the divine flow of your life.

So, my beloved children, keep heart. Know that I am with you constantly, in every heartbeat, I Am here, within you, waiting to be discovered by you. And in every heartbeat, you grow closer to recognising Me and merging in my infinite love for you.

(c) 2022 Jennifer Crokaert 


Friday, February 18, 2022

Awakened Collective: Work with the Grids ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 13, 2021

Awakened Collective: Work with the Grids ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 13, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving ourselves every possible opportunity to observe what it is that is happening there on Earth because you are in such a time of need. You need help, and we are helpers. We know that you have been making the most of a pretty bad situation there on Earth. We also know that you have summoned so much help, so much healing, so many solutions, that there is a sort of logjam of energies that have been coming your way but that not enough people are open to receive. Imagine being there on Earth and not realizing that all your prayers were being answered. Many think that perhaps they are not worthy of receiving help from above. Still others believe that some deserve that help because they pray to the right God but others do not, as they are heathens, unworthy of assistance from the Heavens. This is once again where you step in as the healers, the leaders, the wayshowers, the ones who are there to set the example. You step in because you want everyone to receive what it is they have been asking for, and you know that everyone there on Earth with you is a being of light and love, an aspect of Source. And so, you can hold space for all of humanity to get what they need at this time. You can offer yourselves up to the universe as conduits of all of the assistance that is coming. You can be the answer, the solution, the ones that humanity has been waiting for, and that means rising above all of the debating that goes on there on your world. That means helping those who don’t want your help or don’t think that they need it. You are not there to judge anyone because of their beliefs, their words, their thoughts or their actions. You are just there to be love incarnate and to help whenever you can. And now is one of those times when you can absolutely help by making yourselves available to the universe, by being the conduits of light, love, and healing energy that you were born to be, and by holding space for all of your fellow humans to get what they are asking for, what they need. Some don’t even know what they need and don’t know what to ask for, but you can still help them. You can still see all others as parts of a whole that you are also a part of and that you are there to make whole, to bring together, to integrate. As we have said, now is the time, and you are the ones, because you are not discriminating; you are not holding back your love for only those who deserve it, and this is your time to shine. We encourage you as the awakened collective to open yourselves up to all that humanity has been asking for, ground it into your physical bodies and down into Mother Earth, and let the wonderful energy grids beneath your feet do the rest. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

New Alliances, Blueprints & Templates to Come ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 14, 2021

New Alliances, Blueprints & Templates to Come ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 14, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are ready and willing to partner with any of the other collectives throughout this galaxy of ours for the purpose of assisting humanity there on Earth at this time. We have never felt more dedicated to the cause of assisting you in raising your vibration, and we have already partnered with so many collectives, including Pleiadians, Andromedans, Lyrans, Sirians, and Cassiopeians. We also call upon the Archangels and Ascended Masters on your behalf, as we know we can channel their energy into our collective and then act as a sort of magnifying glass to project that energy down to planet Earth. The energies upon you right now are intense because you all have gotten very intense, and you have called upon these same collectives and higher-dimensional beings for assistance many times. We understand that partnering up makes us stronger and helps us to realize more of who we really are as Source Energy, as All-That-Is. Right now, our focus is on assisting those like you who are awake, aware, and ready for more, because you are willing to unite with your fellow humans to bring about the great changes that are coming to planet Earth. And the great changes are coming, but it is up to all of you to create that change that you want to see on your world. Yes, you are there to open up and receive as much as you can, but you are also there to focus on what it is you want to see in society, in the global arena, and sometimes you do need to take certain actions in order to connect the dots between all of the lightworkers, gridworkers, and wayshowers across the planet. You have done so much already for humanity, but you really are just beginning to see how real change is made there on Earth, as the times you are living in have forced many to reach out and form bonds that they would not have otherwise have formed. This is the time for those of you who are awake to follow our lead and form new alliances, just as we are seeking to form new alliances here from our lofty perch here in the ninth dimension. We will send you the templates and the blueprints, the instruction manual, if you will, on how to work together to maximize your power and strength as a unified whole, as the collective you were always meant to be. You have awakened, and now it is time to flex that power to create, and you are so much more powerful when you are united. And that is why we always stress that forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love are far more valuable tools for you to have at the ready right now than finger pointing, and accusing, and looking for those you can lock up. It is time to start to see the world as it truly is, a reflection of everything that is inside of you, and we know you can do this. We have a tremendous amount of faith in you as we see how you respond to our energies all the time. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, February 11, 2022

Shifting to 5D & Returning to Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 10, 2022

Shifting to 5D & Returning to Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 10, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very determined to bring you everything that you need through these transmissions, and what you need is always better than what you want, because what you need brings you closer to the ultimate goal of existence, which is to return home to Source. We know what you need, and so does your higher self. Your guides know what you need, and so does your galactic team. All the Ascended Masters and Archangels know what you need. And as you open yourselves up to receive what is needed and what is being given, that is a much better way to pray than to simply plead for what you want. You do have the ability to tune in to the energies that are being given at all times, and when you do, you get to experience the growth that occurs when you raise your vibration, little by little, and it is the experience of that growth that this journey is all about. Everyone could just skip all of the experiences and go directly back to Source Energy, but then you would just start all over again anyway, because ultimately you do want the experiences. You do not want to take the bullet train to the finish line, no matter what you may think at times to be the case. You are there to have the experience of being there and the experience of moving through all the experiences and the feelings that ultimately will result in you returning home. But for now, you are making the incremental step to what we call the fifth dimension, which is a higher level of consciousness, and many of you want to just get there too. You want to just get it over with as quickly as possible, but if you miss out on all of the steps, all of the experiences, all of the feelings, then you will have missed out on your purpose for existing there in the first place. Many people wonder what their purpose is, and we tell you that no matter what you are living right now, you are living your purpose. It is your purpose to be there, to have experiences, and to grow from those experiences. It doesn’t have to look any more grandiose than that. And so, if it doesn’t look like you are doing much or achieving much in your life right now, remember that you are there, you are having experiences, and you are growing. You are in every breath that you take, moving that much closer to Source, and we all do return to Source, of course. It’s the only place to go. Nothing exists outside of Source, and nothing ever could. Remember that this journey is meant to be savored, and that is why we will always teach you to be more present, and all the other great teachers will always tell you about the benefits of being present as well. It is only in the present moment that you can enjoy the journey, and when you are present, you can feel the little changes that are occurring inside of you that let you know all the time that you are in fact moving closer to Source, to unconditional love, to oneness, to peace. Open yourselves up on a daily basis to receive the help that you need, that will give you more of that experience of movement, that experience of going home to the Love from which you were born. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Who Should You Believe Regarding Current Events? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scranton, February 2, 2022

Who Should You Believe Regarding Current Events? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scranton, February 2, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are listening to the rhetoric that is being passed along there on Earth at all times, and we want all of you to know that whether you are getting your perspective from someone who is an anchor on a mainstream media news channel, or you are getting it from someone on social media or YouTube, you are only getting their perspective. You get one person’s angle on something, and you can accept that as fact, as truth, if you want to, but you don’t have to accept just one opinion, one point of view. You can pull back from the entire situation and look at it from all the angles to have a more bird’s eye type view of whatever the topic is. You don’t have to give all of your power away to one person or one group, because they make a convincing argument about something, and of course, they will have a desire to convince you that they are right for some reason. Sometimes someone wants you to believe in what they say, because if you believe, then you validate them and their perspective, and they truly need that. Sometimes someone will be trying to convince you of something because they desire popularity, fame, fortune, and sometimes there is a political agenda behind what someone is spoon-feeding you. It’s hard for you to discern sometimes what someone’s agenda is, especially when you like other things that they have had to say on various topics over the years. Perhaps this individual is a great teacher of how to manifest the reality you desire, but then they also delve quite deeply into conspiracy theories, and when you watch those videos, you can feel your stomach turning. That can make it quite challenging for you to know which channel to tune in to for information. We will tell you that you don’t really need information as much as you need teachings. You need beings, whether in human or extra-terrestrial form, who will guide you into yourself, into your own truth. What you really want to know is how you feel, and if someone is telling you to listen to them instead of your feelings, then that’s a red flag. You also want to know what to do about your feelings when they come up and how to get yourself operating at a higher vibration. What you don’t want is to tune in to some information that disempowers you. You don’t need people telling you that this is the way it is, and there’s nothing you can do about it. There’s always something you can do about it, no matter what the topic. No matter what the issue is, there is a way to vibrate in harmony with the reality that you would prefer to experience. There is not one future that you are all destined to live; it is up to you what you vibrate in harmony with. And you have the ability to tune in at all times to what you are vibrating and shift it to a higher frequency, and that is really all you need to know. We care about you, and we care about your vibration, because we care about how you feel. And so, when we see you all tuning in to rhetoric that leaves you feeling worse, we know that you are confused, and we know that you need to let go of the mental processing, so you can go do some emotional processing. And we also know that once you clear whatever was just triggered inside of you, that’s when you can vibrate on purpose, and create a much better-feeling reality for you and for everyone else there on planet Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”