Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Making Contact - Asleep & Awake ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 31st, 2018


Making Contact - Asleep & Awake ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 31st, 2018

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been establishing contact with many of you, while you are asleep. Some of you are able to perceive these interactions in dreams and others of you are unable to determine who or what you are making contact with. We are not the only ones who are reaching out in this way to those of you who are open to these types of interactions. There are many beings and many collectives who want very much to assist humanity, and the best way that we can do that is by reaching out.
We want to normalize these types of experiences for all of you. We want you all to be talking to each other about the experiences that you are having. We want you to compare notes. We want there to be an open conversation about non-physical beings, orbs, extra-terrestrial beings, and other supernatural phenomena.
We take all of this very seriously because we are helping you to make progress, and we are absolutely excited to see the next leap that you will make as a collective. We are eager to connect with you more openly, in your waking states, but not all of you are ready for that type of interaction. All of you have the ability to channel, however, in order to make connections with high frequency beings like ourselves while in the waking state, you need to ready your consciousness.
You need to expose yourselves to high frequency transmissions, like this one, on a regular basis. And in fact, this is one of the primary reasons why some of you feel so attracted to them. These transmissions are readying you for your channeling experiences, and those experiences are imminent. You cannot hold back for much longer that which is knocking at your door.
There are streams and streams of energies and consciousnesses that want to connect with you, that want to make this a bigger party, and that want very much to invite you in to the galactic family that we all truly are. We are but some of the ambassadors, and we know that many of you are willing to be Earth’s ambassadors. These are very exciting times indeed.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, July 30, 2018

These Minor Events Add Up ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, July 29, 2018


These Minor Events Add Up ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, July 29, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have the ability to sense when you all are taking a gigantic leap forward, and we are having that feeling right now. And you can give the credit to what’s happening in your skies, but you deserve all of it because you have made yourselves available to the energies that you have been receiving.
What we see in most of you who are awakened is a desire to take the rest of humanity to a higher level. We see your willingness to pull humanity up and carry the weight on your shoulders. We see many of you processing emotions for the other members of your collective, and most importantly, we see you wanting to be of service.
When you hold that desire to be of service, there is so much more energy available to you because you have so many co-creators in the non-physical who want to work with willing partners. We are so pleased to see how these partnerships are formed, and we are proud to say that we are partnering with a large number of you who are reaching out to us. The momentum that is nudging you forward now is going to take you to the next minor event, but all of these minor events add up.
And you are accessing more of the love that you truly are just by being willing to be the leaders in this movement, a movement that involves the evolution of the human collective consciousness. Your service will, of course, be rewarded, but we know that you don’t do it for the rewards. You do it because of the compassion and the love that you have within you, and you allow that love and compassion to take priority over your thinking minds.
It’s time for more of you to acknowledge yourselves for the wonderful work that you are doing. It’s time for you to receive the thanks from those like us in the higher realms who are so happy to be partnered with such beautiful, awakened beings.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

7-17-18 We did it! , Dream about ET contact

7-17-18 We did it!

I had a "dream" but it felt very real. I was at my old workplace. I was working there, and saying hello, trying to pack boxes. I was saying "I used to be good at this." I was falling behind, and couldn't keep up. Later, there were "incubator babies?" Someone called these people that term when they broke out onto the manufacturing floor, and it seemed like they were having a breakdown. They said aliens were here, which peaked my interested. Then I saw an "alien" walk past the manufacturing floor, sort of down a hallway. At first he walked passed, then came back. I had this very weird feeling, I couldn't describe. His aura, or his presence definitely felt alien to me. (I'm going to use the term he, because all of the aliens in the dream seemed be male, or give off a male presence.) He was at least 6' 8" because he was at least 5-6 inches taller than me. I am 6' 2." He maybe was even closer to 7' 2."

He looked like the archetypal green/gray alien. He had green skin. He had special "sunglasses" on. The glasses didn't connect in the middle, like usual, but must have wrapped around behind his head. There was a gap in the middle. The lens had sort of trapezoidal shape to them. The hi-tech glasses allowed him to survey the workers on the manufacturing floor. I believe he could scan my coworkers' auras, or heartbeats. At first I was a little taken back, or shocked, but then when I greeted him, I hugged him. He hugged me back. He said he had to go soon. I believe because the coworkers were going to be upset? Hard to say, because not all of them were my coworkers from real life. And maybe they were just projections from my subconscious? So when he started to leave, I walked with him. There were other extraterrestrial beings, about 2-3, and one of them looked very human-like. All of them were male, from what I could tell. And before they left, the human-like one said, "You know this is real right?" And I said, "I believe it." And he said, "I know you do." And they said "goodbye for now," and lastly he said, "We did it!" And he gave me a high five. I started to get excited. "We did it!" I said back. They exited the "building." And I woke up shortly after.

Not the same night, but the night before, I asked to visit one of the Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, extraterrestrial ships. The following day, I felt very tired almost all day. I did write down the dream, but it seemed unrelated. I did eat in a cafeteria though, and it felt very comfortable, people there were DotA enthusiasts. Anyway, I felt tired most of the day, had a headache half-way through the day, and it got progressively worse until I laid down to take a nap. I got up from the nap around 11:30 PM, then went to bed later at 1:30 AM. I woke up in the middle of the night, around 4:30 AM to write the "dream" down. I wonder if my headache was related at all to the dream? And how much of it was real? I believe I did visit with ET beings. Maybe I was on their ship, or maybe my consciousness wanted to be at my workplace for this meeting to occur.