Friday, November 25, 2022

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

You Will Transform in the Moment You Do This ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 15, 2022

You Will Transform in the Moment You Do This ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 15, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy to assist all of you in all of the ways that we can. We often do invite you to ask us for help regarding specific issues and challenges that you are facing in your lives, and we absolutely do want you to ask us for help. But we also know that in the asking for help, you are in that moment acknowledging that help does exist. And so, it is in the asking that you open up more to receive what it is that you are asking for. You open up to the help that is already there, already being offered by us, your guides, and so many other helpers that you have working on your behalf twenty four hours a day. Remember that none of us can do it for you, but we can assist you. We can make it easier for you to get what you want and get to where you are going by holding space, by nudging you in a particular direction, by giving you an activation or an upgrade that will make whatever it is that is blocking you from being where you want to be that much more of a loud, obnoxious noise in your experience. In other words, all the upgrades and all the activations are helping you to single out the resistance, the blockage, the belief that is inside of you so that you can release it. You are doing it all yourselves, however. Help is there to support you, to guide you, to love you, and to hold space for you, and it is always there, and it is there from so many beings that we wouldn’t want to number all of them right now in this transmission. Some of you have more helpers than others because you’re facing more challenges, but all of you have a tremendous amount of assistance, and when you relax and unclench, and open up and let it all in, it comes flooding in. It’s not just coming from one specific place, or one specific star system or one specific being or collective. You have more help than you could possibly imagine coming your way, so you can relax. You can look for opportunities to experience joy, and you can appreciate the life that you have already created. You can appreciate all that you can with your five senses and more. You can rest in the knowing that more is always coming. More energies will always be coming in to support you, and more manifestations will always be coming because you’ve created them and they are yours, and it is inevitable for you to experience those creations. Now, we can help you speed up the time that it takes for you to manifest something by reminding you that how you feel matters and by reminding you that it is inevitable that you experience what you’ve created. We can help you to manifest everything more quickly by reminding you of all of the help that you have and by pointing out that joy is the path. You are not on a path to joy and joyous experiences and circumstances, but rather the path is created with joy, and when you are in joy you stay on the path. You continue to make the journey forward, a journey that you are destined to be on. You all not only have a tremendous amount of help, but you also have a tremendous amount ahead of you. You have so much that you have yet to experience on that Earth in those physical bodies. You don’t just have to wait until you are on the fifth-dimensional Earth with a light body. That is not the only time for you to be in a state of joy, to be surrounded by love. That is not the only time when you will experience ultimate freedom, wisdom and confidence. All of those vibrations are available to you right now, and all of your helpers are showering you with those vibrations in the hopes that you will relax enough to let them in and feel them run through your physical body. This is why we encourage you to get out and enjoy Mother Earth and Mother Nature. We know that they put you at ease and that you are more likely to open up when you get away from all the thought forms and all the energies in your homes. We encourage you to let all of this sink in, and then let all of the help that is coming your way enter into your energy field, your chakras, your cells and your DNA, and you will feel transformed in the moment that you do. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Is Your Technology Taking You to 5D? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 19, 2022

Is Your Technology Taking You to 5D? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 19, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to see how many of you are using technology appropriately. You can use technology to connect with one another. You can use it to access information, and you can use it to share aspects of yourself to the world. You can be very creative with it, and you can use it to help other people and reach other people who are in need of your help. Those of you who are truly awake are using technology in these positive ways, and you are helping to shift the collective consciousness of all of the various human collectives through your use of technology. Like anything, it is fundamentally neutral, and it can be used in a positive way, but it can also be over-used, abused, and used to promote something that is negative. Therefore, the use of your technology requires a certain amount of discernment, and you must not rely so heavily on technology that you forget that you have the power to do all of this within yourselves. That is the next step for all of you who are awake. The next step is to recognize that you don’t need a phone in order to communicate to a loved one. It is the recognition that you can download whatever you need and have it available to you at all times. You are ready to create out of thin air, rather than using a 3D printer to create. You can go even further right now than the current level of technology that you have at your fingertips. And the technology is there to bridge your belief between where you were before you had all of these gadgets and where you are going, which is a place where you will set them aside because you will realize you don’t need them after all. Why do e.t.s still travel in ships then? That’s an obvious question, and we have an answer. They travel in ships because they like to have an experience of traveling together. They like to co-create with each other. Also, the ships are meant to activate something in the one who is seeing the ship. You are meant to feel closer to full, open extra-terrestrial contact because of your sighting of a ship or ships. And so, they do serve many purposes. Some of the ships are organic; they are beings with higher level consciousness, and they want to carry their friends around. Again, it is to have a group experience, a co-creative event with loved ones. Some ships are powered by consciousness. They need no fuel source whatsoever. You do not need exterior, external technology when you realize that you are everything and everywhere. You don’t need anything to heal you when you realize you are already healed, but for now different healing modalities and technologies exist to help you to get to that place where you can say once and for all, ‘I am healed, and I know it,’ and really mean it. You are getting there; you are getting to the place of teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, even time travel, all without the need for a machine. So you don’t have to worry about the direction you are all headed in right now as a society, because these are just stepping stones to get you to where you are really going, and those of you who are awake perhaps already knew this but needed the reminder. And we are always telling you to put down the device and go outside and this is why. You don’t need the device, but you do need to shift your vibration to a higher level, and being outside, generally speaking, will help you do that. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Albert Einstein via Galaxygirl, November 17, 2022

(I like galaxygirl's messages. Whether that is truly him (Einstein), I do not know, but I will continue to archive the her  messages) 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

How 11/11 is Carrying You into a Glorious 2023 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled: Daniel Scranton, November 14, 2022

How 11/11 is Carrying You into a Glorious 2023 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled: Daniel Scranton, November 14, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to be able to offer you this progress report for humankind. We hear you wondering whether humanity is doing all right, whether you are making it possible for yourselves to ascend to the fifth dimension. And really, you just need to ask yourself that question, as humanity will always be a reflection of you. Ask yourself whether you feel worthy of ascension and what you believe is holding you back from ascending right now. Your answers will be interesting to say the least. But in spite of your doubts, there is enough faith within the Awakened Collective to carry a positive vibration through your day. You are affecting the rest of humanity with the knowing that you have that you are all headed to a better place, a better version of humanity and Mother Earth. Your ability to connect to higher consciousness is a big part of that journey. That is what Daniel here has demonstrated to all of you time and time again. He has shown you what is possible, and many of you have discovered you have the ability to do so yourselves. This is what we have indicated the 11/11 energies were all about, and they are still upon you. You are still benefitting from the energies that support you in reaching beings and collectives in the higher realms. The energies are also, of course, to support you in reaching within yourselves, where you will also find everything, everyone, and every being and collective throughout the universe. You are at the midpoint now of the month of November, and the tail end of the 11/11 energies, and you are ready to bring these connections that you are making to the higher realms to the next level. You are ready to go into the Solstice energies with your heads held high, with your arms, hearts, and crown chakras open wide open, and you are ready to bring in the energies, the consciousness, the wisdom, and the teachings that will carry humanity into a glorious 2023. The potentials of 2023 are immense. You will see more e.t. contact within humanity on the personal and group level, and the potential is there for a mass landing of ships that will be the first domino to fall in the completion of your ascension to the fifth dimension. It is happening, and it is because of your willingness to connect to higher-frequency energies that it is possible for this version of humanity to make that leap. If you feel that you are not connecting to a higher consciousness at this time, then again ask yourselves the question of why. Do you believe it is possible for you, and do you believe us when we tell you that it is not only possible, but it does happen from time to time? You just want to be able to get to that heightened level of consciousness on your own and on purpose, and you can and you will because you are awake and because you have the desire to do so. Having the desire is always your way of telling yourself that this next step on your journey is an inevitable one. Take each step with the knowing that you are going in the right direction, that everything is going according to plan, and that you are ascending in the perfect timing for yourself and for the entire human collective. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, November 13, 2022

The Enlightenment Evolution Hour - Ep 143 - Rob Gauthier and Daniel Scranton


Are You Doing Enough of This? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 10, 2022

Are You Doing Enough of This? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 10, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always very happy to encourage you to move towards that which is interesting and invigorating to you. We know that there are lots of things on Earth that you have to do just to maintain your bodies, your vehicles and your homes. And then there are the things that you truly want to do. There are the moments that you savor, the experiences that you crave more of, and we will always recommend that you make yourself available to as many of those as you possibly can. We know that there is great value in you having to face your chores, your obligations, and the things that you feel you need to do in order to maintain your health and well-being, but you need to make time for yourselves for the things that you would do all day everyday if you could. You need to prioritize them because being in a higher-vibrational state is necessary for those of you who have signed up to be lightworkers, to be awake. You need to offer that higher vibration in order to ground in the energies that are coming in and in order to be of service to your fellow humans. We know that you sometimes find it difficult to make time for yourselves and for your true desires, but do not be afraid to ask those in your life to make room for you and for your needs to be met. You are not just there to be in service or to be a martyr; you are there to enjoy the journey of your ascension, and you know what you need to give yourselves in order to do that. You know that you are love and that throughout the course of your life, you will at times be challenged to be the love that you truly are in spite of certain circumstances. You know that is a part of your experience, but you also know that you love the things that you love for a reason. You love doing certain things because doing them is also a part of your becoming who you really are. You must allow yourselves to be you completely. Do not try to fit into anyone else’s box, whether they are a family member, whether it is society as a whole, or whether it is a spiritual teacher who is telling that you need to do this or that in order to be more spiritual. Many people are living lives right now that are not their own; they are living lives that are not the lives of their choosing. And that is more than just unfortunate. That is detrimental to the living fully that needs to happen for each individual in order for each individual to be themselves, to fit in the role that they agreed to play. You also need to know that sometimes your beliefs are what block you from doing what you truly want to do, and those beliefs were by and large handed down to you by someone else. You did not create them; you took them on, and you sometimes need to test the validity of them by taking a leap of faith, by moving towards something that may seem like it is a pipe dream. Please allow yourselves the freedom to choose, because the living of your lives has gotten you to this point where you have developed clear preferences, clear desires. Follow through with them and you will be able to allow more love to flow through you, especially in those circumstances where you are being called upon to be the love in the face of that which is appearing to not be love. We know that some of you just needed this encouragement today, and we hope that you are going to take us up on our offer to support you in doing what you love. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, November 6, 2022

The November 2022 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 31, 2022

The November 2022 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 31, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy to be here with all of you and to tell you about the energies of your upcoming month of November. These energies are coming in from all points across the galaxy, as your galactic family wants so much to bring humanity into the fold, and in order to do that you need this series of upgrades that is coming along with the November energies. These upgrades to your seven main chakras will be granting you access to more of your light body. These upgrades will be readying you for full extra-terrestrial contact with physical e.t.s that you will have in the waking state. They will also be catalysts for all of you to take initiative, to take actions that you need to take to start living your lives the way you want to live them. This is another piece of the puzzle for full and open e.t. contact. Humanity must free itself from limiting beliefs, from self-imposed bondage, and you must be willing to take a chance at the life you know you want and deserve. The energies of November will help because they will be so supportive, and they will give you the ideas and the intuitive hits, the inspiration to move forward in the ways that you have wanted to for quite some time. The time is now; the time is upon you. And as you open up to these energies, remember that they are quite transformative and that you will feel an urge to make changes in your life. You have all of this inside of you already, but the energies of November will be activating what is inside of you to make the next steps in your spiritual development and evolution easier. And as we said, you are so supported in entering the galactic community. You are being called forth to join those of us who exist in other star systems, and you are being asked to rise up to meet your physical e.t. family. This is a wonderful time for all of you to be taking good care of yourselves, relaxing, and letting these energies in. And that means, of course, paying attention to how you feel and what you are carrying within you that might prevent the energies from flowing to you and through you effortlessly. So there is always something for you to do to open up more and to be the proper vessel for the energies that are upon you. And most of you know what those steps are; you know what you need to do. And hopefully this will be the catalyst to get you to take those steps. Taking care of yourselves also shows the e.t. community out there in the physical realm that you are operating from that higher level of consciousness. We look forward to witnessing how you absorb these November energies and what you do with them. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Progress Report: Update on Your Affect on the Universe ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 27, 2022

Progress Report: Update on Your Affect on the Universe ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 27, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy to have every opportunity that we can get to connect with one of you there on Earth because you are the ones who are doing the most challenging work in our galaxy at this time, and we are fascinated by you. We are fascinated by your resilience, we are fascinated by your creativity, and we are fascinated by your ability to find joy in a situation that is inherently not joyful. You are doing exceptionally well there on Earth, in spite of what your critical minds might think. Remember how much you took on before incarnating there for the very first time and how much you took on in this lifetime, and give yourselves a break. We love giving you so much praise and so much energy because we see how you are transformed by it. We see how our love influences you, and we’ve noticed that those of you who connect with us tend to then offer more love to your fellow humans. You are less likely to fly off the handle at someone who you think really deserves it. You are more likely to forgive, you are more likely to feel compassion, and that brings us joy because we can see how we have affected you in a positive way. You always have that free will, however, to not accept our love and support, and you always have the free will to not listen to your own hearts, hearts that are telling you that love is the answer. And so every time you make the conscious choice to feel more love, compassion, empathy, and offer forgiveness, we light up here in the ninth dimension, and we express to the other collectives in the ninth dimension that humanity really is benefitting from all that we do. And we create new and stronger alliances because we have something positive to point to, because these other nonphysical collectives see humanity as a group of beings who are doing exceptionally well under the circumstances and who are responding very, very well to what we and others like us are offering. You continue to make giant strides towards the fifth dimension, enormous leaps forward in the evolution of your consciousness, and you continue to surprise and amaze those who are looking in on you from above. You need to give yourselves more credit and pat yourselves on the back more frequently because what you are doing there on Earth is affecting the entire universe and is doing so in a positive way. You understand the ripple effect, the domino effect, the butterfly effect, but you don’t always give yourselves credit for being the one who initiates those effects. It is time to start seeing yourselves as the powerful beings that you are, and it is time to give yourselves more credit for the evolution of consciousness that is happening on your planet and throughout the universe. And as your proud teachers and supporters, we know that you will continue on this heavenly journey of ascension, and you will do so with so much more joy in your hearts than you ever thought was possible, and we know you will continue to receive what we and others like us are offering, and that fills us with joy. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Mass Awakenings & the Full ET Contact Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 3, 2022

Mass Awakenings & the Full ET Contact Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 3, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to announce that you are all doing quite well with the current energies that are upon you, and we see the transformations underway already in your month of November. We know that you all thrive on being given the appropriate energies that you need, and we also know that you do so much better at absorbing the energies when you know they are coming. Therefore, we are always happy to inform you that more help is always on the way. You are doing such wonderful work for this universe and for this universal shift in consciousness that is ongoing. The shift is not about one moment in time that will catapult you all into a new dimension. The shift is about the work you are willing to do on yourselves to become beings of a higher consciousness, beings who look outside of themselves for how they can help. When you see there to be no separation between you and any other person there on Earth, it becomes a lot easier to recognize where help is needed and how you can give it. Therefore, you always want to look for those points where you can connect to another human being. Feeling more connected to your fellow humans will help you to access all the love and compassion that you need to continue to be the positive force that you are in the ascension process. As you focus on receiving the energies that are upon you right now, you cannot help but then want to spread those energies around. You will fill up on them yourselves, and then you will want to transmit them to your fellow humans. And when you do, you automatically open yourselves up to more of those energies. You become a conduit that is always open, always spreading light and love around, always working towards that goal of raising the level of consciousness for all of humanity. You see, because you are connected to every other being, whenever you do any work on yourself, you are helping the collective of which you are a part. You are adding more positive energy to the human collective consciousness. And the number of human beings who are doing this consciously and deliberately is growing every day. You are going to see more mass awakenings coming towards the end of 2022, because you need more individuals working for the light to prepare yourselves for full and open e.t. contact. The timing of that mass landing of ships has always been around this time. We could never and still can never say exactly when it will happen, but it is what you are preparing yourselves for. You need to have that higher level of consciousness in order to stand in front of a physical e.t. being who can read your every thought, who will force you to face every emotion that is inside of you just with their presence alone. This is the next step in the ascension process, and we see you moving towards it beautifully, consciously, and with more joy in your hearts, as you know that the e.t.s who are coming will present you with more opportunities to connect. And those connections mean that you’re going further along in your spiritual evolution, getting closer and closer to Source, your true nature, and your home. So keep it up, Awakened Collective, because what is to come will be exactly what you have been waiting for, and it’s coming sooner and sooner because of the work you’ve been doing on yourselves right now and the energies you’ve been accessing and transmitting to humanity. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Energies to Finalize the Shift Are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 26, 2022

The Energies to Finalize the Shift Are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 26, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to announce that you have all done a tremendous job of handling the energies of October. You have positioned yourselves nicely for the remainder of the time that you have in the fourth dimension by continuing to acclimate to all of the changes that are occurring. You are constantly receiving upgrades, downloads and activations to ready you for what is to come, and as many of you know, you do have a lot more contact coming with physical extra-terrestrials. That physical contact requires you to have everything in order, physically, emotionally, mentally, and vibrationally. It is a very serious next step in your evolution to have full open contact with physical e.t.s. Some of you wonder what you are doing with your lives right now, because of a lack of clarity in terms of action steps forward, but this is a big action step forward, and you are preparing yourselves by allowing these higher-frequency energies to flow through you. You are preparing yourselves by accessing your fifth-dimensional chakra system, and you are preparing yourselves by becoming more aware of what is going on inside of you at all times. Awareness is a big factor in your spiritual evolution. It is hard for anyone to consciously shift to a higher level of consciousness if they are unaware of what they are holding in their chakras, in their energy fields, and in their emotional bodies. Those of you who are awake are more likely to tune in to what’s going on inside of you, and you are more likely to care about it. You may have been told throughout your lives that you were too sensitive, but now you are seeing that your sensitivity pays off, because if you were not sensitive, you wouldn’t care about what’s going on inside of you. And because you are sensitive, you want to do something about what’s going on inside of you when something doesn’t feel right. Doing that moves the needle for you and for everyone else in the collective of which you are a part. Therefore, you can rest assured that you are doing something at this time, even if from an outsider’s perspective you are not doing much of anything. You have to let go of caring about what other people think, because that will only take you further from that awareness of what’s going on inside of you at all times, and you need that awareness so that you can clear out anything that is heavy, negative, or dark, and then you will be those primed vehicles who are ready for higher-frequency energies that are preparing you for full and open e.t. contact, the shift in consciousness, and so much more. You are shifting everything at this time. Do not worry about when other shifts will happen that are outside of you, shifts having to do with your financial system, or your educational system, or your health care system. They will all follow suit, but you will be the ones to initiate it all, just as you have been doing there on Earth for so long. Many of you have been at this for decades, and you need reassurances, we know, that everything is going according to plan. We give you those reassurances by pointing out that what you are doing is far more important than any accomplishment that you could point to and get approval from others for. Remember you are the primary creation, and from where we are sitting, you are doing a wonderful job of handling your own transformation into the fifth-dimensional higher self being that you are destined to become. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”