Friday, December 31, 2021

We Seek to Put You in a Trance ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 6, 2019

We Seek to Put You in a Trance ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 6, 2019

 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

 We have listened very carefully to your requests for assistance, and we also connect with many of you at night when you have left your bodies and come to us on the astral plane. We know what you want and we understand what you need. We also connect with other beings to work out the best possible ways to deliver to you what you’ve been asking for when you are in a space where you can receive it. We are no different from any other force in this universe. We cannot break the laws of this universe. The laws say that if you’re not a vibrational match to something, you will not receive it. So really it is our main goal to get you into a higher vibrational state of being so that you can receive what you’ve asked for and what has been granted by ourselves and the beings that we work in harmony with. How can we help you to get into a higher vibrational state, you might wonder. Well, certainly, we do so through these transmissions. We offer a high vibrational frequency of energy through this channel, and that energy is meant for all of you to meet it. We know that you want to meet us, and you can meet us by raising your vibration to be in harmony with that energy. We also are sending you vibrations that can be absorbed at any time, even when we are not coming through this particular channel. Now, we tell you this because we want to increase your expectation of receiving what you’ve asked for energetically. We also tell you this because it’s true, but know that it’s true should help you to get into a higher frequency state. And again, it is really up to you to be a match to what you’ve been asking for. Whether you receive what you’ve asked for or not rests on your shoulders, and we are the ones who come up behind you and massage those shoulders to loosen them up. We seek to mesmerize you. We seek to put you in a type of trance state so that you can relax, let go of the heaviness that you often carry around, and receive what we and others like us are offering. You have many ways of doing this as well. You have your own techniques for raising your vibration. We are one way for you to achieve that higher vibrational state. You have so many, and as you gravitate towards them naturally, your vibration will naturally rise up, and that’s when we can sneak in the energies we know you want and need. And we will continue to do so, whether you continue to receive these transmissions consciously or not. That is our deal with humanity. We are here to help you elevate your consciousness. We are here to help you become spiritual masters, and you are there doing all of the hard work of living in a very polarized, physical environment, and we appreciate you playing your part. We certainly are on Team Humanity and Team Earth, and we always will be. 
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Telepathic Communication with Us ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 21, 2020

Telepathic Communication with Us ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 21, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been discovering new ways to make contact with those of you who are desiring that connection with us. We know that you rely heavily on your technology to keep in contact with each other, but you do not use technology to connect with your pets and other animal friends. You are, in fact, more likely to chat with one of your animal friends telepathically. And so, one of the ways that we have been reaching out to you is in those moments when you are communicating with one of your pets or some other animal beings that you wish to connect with. We will slip something in during those interactions. We do this regularly, and now we invite you to pay attention to what you are opening yourselves up to when you are in communication with the animal kingdom. Some of you will even communicate with trees, plants, flowers, and all of the members of the plant kingdom, and that is another time when we will sneak in a message, just for you. Now, it’s important for you to realize that telepathic communication is real and that you can receive a clairaudient message or a claircognizant one when you are relaxed and when you have let your mental guard down. And of course, you can experience a message through clairsentience and through clairvoyance. We have many ways of delivering messages to you, and you have many ways of receiving and interpreting those messages. The way that this channel is speaking for us right now is just one of the ways in which our energy can be translated into something that is useful for all of you. Now, we still want you to seek that connection with your plant and animal friends. We want you to expect to receive something in return from them when you reach out, but also pay attention to what else you are getting, because we will always attempt to make more and more contact with all of you who are interested in connecting with us. And we know that more and more humans are believing in the possibility of that connection every day. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Our Journey Together ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 21, 2018

Our Journey Together ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 21, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. It is beautiful to be a part of your evolution in consciousness. We are so excited to participate in this process. You are the ones who are determining how you go about evolving and expanding. We are just here to help. When we send you transmissions, upgrades, and downloads, we are doing so at the behest of your oversouls. We are working with humanity, but you are doing all of the heavy lifting. And it is the information that you are sending back to your oversouls that is determining what help you get and how it comes. So please do not give us too much credit. We want very much for all of you to awaken within you what you already know. We are reminding you that you are creator beings, that you are Source Energy, and unconditional love. And it sounds very nice when you hear it from us, but it would be even better for all of you if you could admit to yourselves who you really are at least three times a day. You need constant reminders because of the other messages that are out there in the world, telling you that you are small, fragile, and mortal beings. What we awaken within you is the knowing of your true nature, and that is why you like us. We enjoy watching all of you because you remind us at times of the journey we have all been on. There is such a deep connection between all of you and all of us in the higher realms, and that is why it serves you very well to feel our presence in your lives, rather than just taking in the information we provide through this particular channel. We will always be a part of your journey, and you will always be very dear and special as far as we are concerned. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Reaching Out to Physical E.T.s ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 26, 2018

Reaching Out to Physical E.T.s ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 26, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have extended yourselves out to the other beings in your galaxy, and they have heard your voices. They have taken all of your requests into consideration. We are speaking about the physical extra-terrestrial beings that exist in the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions. These are beings that have a higher vibration than what is currently being experienced and expressed on planet Earth. They hear your call, and they want to help. What is more important than your asking, however, is your willingness to meet them half way. If you are willing to raise your vibration, you are more likely to make a connection. You certainly don’t want to connect with an extra-terrestrial being if you are holding a lower frequency. There are, of course, extra-terrestrials in the fourth dimension as well, and like all of you on planet Earth there are some who are working for the light and some who are working for the dark. So you all want to be holding a higher frequency when you extend that invitation and when you make those requests to your brothers and sisters in the higher dimensions and to the benevolent beings in your dimension. You have the ability to raise your vibration, and we suggest that you practice. Practice by feeling within yourselves for your vibration, breathing consciously, and intending to raise it. You will be able to tell by how you feel, and when you are accessing a higher vibration, that’s when we suggest you reach out. See what you can feel. See what you can sense. See what you suddenly know. Give these beings something to work with, because they want to help, but they also want to co-create with you. And in order to do that, you must meet them as equals, as beings who have something to offer. Then you can let the fun begin! We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, December 18, 2021

2022: The Year You Take Your Power Back ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 16, 2021

2022: The Year You Take Your Power Back ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 16, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to offer your our view of your upcoming year, the year known as 2022 on your calendars. First of all, we would like to point out that two years ago we told you that the 2020’s would be the decade of awakening, and certainly it has been by all accounts. We would also like to remind everyone of what our definition of what being awake is. To us, being awake has nothing to do with gathering information on the Internet, and it has everything to do with knowing yourselves as Source Energy Beings and seeing everyone else as Source Energy Beings as well. Once you understand that there is no separation between you and Source and you and everyone else, then you can operate as an infinite and eternal Creator Being who has love and compassion in your heart. Being awake has nothing to do, from our perspective, with conspiracy theories. It has nothing to do with knowing about who’s really doing what behind the scenes and who is and is not a member of some dark cabal group, but we understand that sometimes those are the avenues through which people come to teachers like us, teachers who will inform you of who you really are and pound that message home, over and over again. Therefore, we know that everything that exists, exists for a reason, and that reason is always to serve you. That being said, we would prefer for all of you if you did not look at predictions about 2022, and consciously or subconsciously put yourself on a timeline that you don’t need to be on or don’t want to be on. You don’t have to go along with what someone else says is going to happen next year just because they have a few interesting things to say about other aspects of life on planet Earth that you resonate with. But instead, make 2022 the year that you take your power back. Make it the year that you use your knowing of who you really are to create a better reality for you and for everyone else there on Earth. Let it be the year that you step forward as the teacher, the leader, and the healer that you were meant to be, and let it be the year that you guide the newly awakened away from what does not serve them and into what does. It will always serve each and every one of you to know who you really are and to take that knowing and to put it into practice, as you are Creator Beings. You are not just there to live out a predetermined set of circumstances that will unfold before you. You are there to choose, and one good thing that predictions do is they give you an opportunity to choose from many different timelines that are being illuminated by the one doing the predicting. Now when we say, ‘Take Your Power Back,’ we are not talking about taking it back from someone else who has taken it from you. We are talking about letting go of that whole idea that someone else could take your power away from you and realizing that you had the power within you all along. That means that you stop waiting for something outside of to happen, like full disclosure, NESARA, GESARA, a frequency adjustment of some kind from a technology that you didn’t have access to previously, like a Med Bed. You don’t have to wait for a currency reset in order to have more than enough. You don’t have to wait for ships to land or for a solar flash or any kind of big event happening outside of you. Now of course, you are getting help all the time. The solstice energies will help. The guides and the galactic team you have around you will continue to help, but you don’t need someone outside of you in human form to tell you that e.t.s exist and hand you a pile of cash. You get to create your version of the fifth dimension and live in it right now, but you can only do that if you acknowledge that the power existed within you all along. And once you awaken to that, and you begin to access it, you will never want to go back to that third-dimensional type of us-vs.-them, victim-and-perpetrator mentality. It doesn’t serve you; you played the game for a while. You got to experience certain emotions because of it, but now it’s time to move on. It’s time to move on to the fifth-dimensional, oneness, unity consciousness paradigm that you are moving towards, but that you can move towards more quickly and joyously when you do so consciously, and make that what your 2022 is all about. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, December 17, 2021

You're Accessing Crystals from Ancient Civilizations & E.T.s ∞9D Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton, August 31, 2019

You're Accessing Crystals from Ancient Civilizations & E.T.s ∞9D Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton, August 31, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a certain piece of information that we know is going to excite those of you who are awake. We have been watching and noticing what all of you have been able to tap in to as you make it your mission to be more connected your planet, your Mother Earth. What has resulted is that many of you are finding that you have connections to extra-terrestrials and ancient civilizations. Now those connections are coming to you by virtue of the fact that many of you are beginning to discover the energies that are buried underneath the surface of your Earth, and those crystals have been programmed. They contain information. They connect you to your past lives on Earth and to the seeding of Earth by the extra-terrestrial beings who put all of the life there. Now, the stream of consciousness that these crystals represents is going to take you even further to your mission of ascension. These crystals were always meant to awaken the truth of who you are, giving you more access to your power and linking you to your extra-terrestrial roots. As all of you who take an interest in these types of things already know, these crystals have been available to you for quite some time. However, there has been a critical mass that has been reached and surpassed in regards to the evolution of your consciousness. And so, you have more and more individuals discovering that they do in fact have links to Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, the Mayans, and the other star systems in this galaxy. We are so happy to see these awakenings occur, and we are very interested in helping you all access the power of these crystals. Call upon us when you do connect to Mother Earth and you do your grounding exercises, and we will guide you with your intuition to the perfect spot for you to stand as you do this work and as you access these energies and this information that was put there underneath the surface of your planet by past life versions of you, by higher dimensional versions of you, and by extra-terrestrial versions of you. This linking up of your past to your present will help catapult you into your inevitable future as a fifth-dimensional being in a human body, living on a fifth-dimensional planet. Now is the time to be as grounded to your Mother Earth as you possibly can be. Now is the time to be opening yourselves up to your pasts and gathering up all of the power that you have already experienced and that has always been within you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Lyran High Council Bedtime Story ∞The Emotional Child & the Intellect, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 12, 2021

These Energies Are for the Big Dreamers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 15, 2021

These Energies Are for the Big Dreamers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 15, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are quite organized in our approach to helping all of you. We go about seeking for whom to help in a very strategic way, and we notice which of you is ready to receive by paying attention to your energy. This allows us to be very efficient and to reach those who have the capacity to handle what it is that we are delivering to you. This is something that we focus on a lot. This is why we never stop tuning in to you as individuals and as a collective. As we pull back and look at the collective consciousness of humanity, we always see how you are improving, how you are making great strides in your spiritual evolution as a whole. As individuals, we celebrate every little baby step that you take forward because then we know that what we are doing is helping, and we also know that you are ready for more. We get excited about being able to offer you more. One of the ways in which you can open up to more energy is to appreciate what you already have. Another way to open up to more energy is to feel for the energies that are around you. If you can feel for higher-frequency energies around you, then all you have to do is intend to let them in, and they will become more of a part of your experience in your life there on Earth. Now, if you really want to experience more of what we have to offer, you take those energies, and you do something with them. You share something, or you create something, even if that creation is just in the stage where you are focusing on it as a future experience, a future creation of yours. That still counts. You don’t have to go out and start building something with your hands right away. You can start with the planning phase of drawing what it is that you want to create. Let’s say you would like to have your own healing center where people can come and experience different modalities of healing, where others would come and give lectures or channel. Perhaps you would like this healing center to have sacred waters coming up from a spring and you would like to grow your own fruits and vegetables on the property. Use your imagination. Allow yourselves to dream big, because the energies that we have to share are big and they are for those who want to create big. And we are not alone in these endeavors. There are so many up here in the higher realms who want to help the helpers. We all want you to experience life there on Earth as it can be experienced. You have only begun to tap in to the beauty, the power, and the majesty of your world, and yet so many are eager to leave before you have the experiences that Earth has for you. We want you to stay and ground in these energies that we and others like us are offering. We want to see Earth and humanity live up to your potential, and we know that it is the dreamers, the ones who dream big, who are ready for more collaboration, more co-creation, and more energies to work with on these massive projects that you start daydreaming about, and then get more serious about, and then start to look at the possibility of how it could come to be, and most of the time you don’t know how your big dreams can come to be in your reality, but you don’t have to figure that out. It’s just fun for you to consider some of the possibilities that do exist, and again, when you do, it is like you are saying to us, ‘More energies, please!’ And when you do, we always deliver. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

What Matters Most in This Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 14, 2021

What Matters Most in This Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 14, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very clear about what it is we are putting out vibrationally and energetically at all times, and we are this clear because we have practiced doing it consciously for so long. It has become second nature to us, and we also have nothing else to do. We don’t have physical bodies, so we don’t have to go to work to get money to pay the bills, the rent, the mortgage, and we don’t have to go get food and eat it, and cleanse our bodies and our homes. We don’t have to drive anywhere. These are all things that you do, and so it is quite understandable that you aren’t always paying attention to what vibration you are offering in any given moment. Your moments are filled with activity, and because you have so much to do, you often think about the things you have to do while you are doing something else. This is the opposite of mindfulness. Now, we are not here to convince you that you should be like us and just pretend that you don’t still live in a world where things do have to get done, but we do want to attempt to convince you that what you are putting out vibrationally, what you are feeling, and what you are thinking about are more important than whether you get that pile of laundry done today. Sometimes when you feel overwhelmed, you just need to take a deep breath and say something to yourself to the effect of, ‘That could be put off a little bit longer so that I can tend to my vibration right now.’ Do it, and see how it goes for you to take that approach to life and let go of the programming that tells you that you are only as good as what you accomplish in a given a timeframe. Whether that’s an hour, a day, or a year doesn’t matter; it is still the same type of programming. Realize that you accomplish a lot while you are sleeping, and you can accomplish a lot while you offer a higher vibration, because you are shifting yourself to a different reality, one where there will be less for you to do. But let’s say you have gotten very good at getting things done. You are very efficient; you take a lot of pride in your work, in your accomplishments, because you can point to them and say, ‘Look what I did!’ People will give you a plaque or erect a statue in your honor someday because of all of the things that you did, and that’s fine if you want to live your life in that way, but we just want to point out that there is another approach. We want to point out that you are good just because you exist. You are Source, and if you consider Source to be good, then you must be good. You don’t have to prove to anyone, not even yourself, that you are good with your actions and your accomplishments. You can just be, and you can exude a good vibration, and while not as many people will notice you for that particular accomplishment, you will feel better all the time. The person who is on the hamster wheel has to keep it up in order to continue to feel good about themselves. And what happens when they retire from that work that they took all that pride in for all those years? It’s probably not going to go very well. Our point is this: your vibration matters. Your vibration will materialize in the physical that which is a match to it. Make it a priority in your life today, and tomorrow when you wake up, check in to see where your vibration is before your vibration hit the floor. Usually, you can shift your vibration pretty easily when you catch it early on, before you get into your conversations and your actions of the day. Take care of what matters, and everything else in your world will reflect it to you. That’s the type of world you want to be living in, and you have to power to put yourself in it right now. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, December 10, 2021

Vision and Source via Galaxygirl, December 7, 2021

Vision and Source 121712021 

Intro: Please read with the understanding that we are very. very needed here. on this earth. in this sacred moment. It is just as holy of a moment here. for Source is here of course as well. This is simply my vision last night and I feel the urge to share it with you if it may help someone during this time of change. My sister freaked out when she read this saying it sounded like the only way to be happy here is to die which is absolutely NOT the intention of sharing this experience! I didn't die at all in my dream I just got a little upgrade and I could easily come back through the portal. It was really fun and beautiful! Hope you enjoy! Much love. 

(I am seeing shimmering plasma that is moving. vibrant and alive. It is silvery and filled with all rainbow lights that ripple like thick water It is a portal, a large oval opening in front of me. I am seeing angels around the portal smiling at me. strong. They are beckoning me closer. I stick my head through the portal and see it is a gateway to a higher vibrational earth where it is very vivid and bright filled with colors of pristine blue and green. clear air. gentle breezes and completely comfortable. I step through. The grass is soft like cashmere. dark green and thick. hugging my feet as I walk. I look down at my feet. They are glowing. luminous. I look at my hands %nth long fingers. They are my hands but no nail polish or hangnails or callouses from days of work. I feel taller. My hair is a long chestnut brown with gold highlights and I feel amazing, tall, strong. I feel overwhelmingly confident. I am wearing a simple yet elegant white silver dress. I look behind me. I have stepped through the portal of shimmering plasma and I feel like laughing and crying at the same time. It feels so good here. It feels like home. It feels like what I've always been longing for I am seeing more people step through. transformed. We are the first wave. I am shivering and shaking. There is electricity coursing through my body as I type this. it feels so real.) 

We are the One. We are showing you this, galaxygirl for you are among many of the first You are to lead the others through the portal if you so choose. You can rest and rejuvenate here. Time is of a different vibration here you can rest and then return and it will be but an instant in your current realm. 

(I lay down under a tree and I see and hear the whisperings of light in the leaves. It is a perfectly comfortable bed of deep green grass that envelopes me like a healing pod. I am surrounded by light dots that dance and move. The fairies have found me and they are welcoming me to Nova Gaia. After my rest I receive training from someone who I believe to be a guide but I can't quite see his face. He is going with me back through. No time has passed. The earth now seems gray and smoggy, dull and dim in comparison with the bright vivid colors of light where we just were. We are stepping through the portal and encouraging others to come through, wiling. comforting. for the old vibrational earth is shattering. like a video  game where the level has been cleared and the surrounding world is falling to shambles. it is no longer sustainable and it is collapsing. We are lovingly offering our hands to pull people through to our side. I see many can't see us and we look like light blobs to them. But many do. and it is a deep rejoicing. like I have never felt. I am crying as I type this. As I stand by the portal I look up and I see millions of ships transporting those in stasis who are not ready to see. or to be transfigured. They are hypnotized in lines going to the ships prior to earth reconfiguring her surface. I am seeing and feeling big changes.) 

We are the the many into the One. I am Source. Children. come home to me. come home to myself. The illusion is no more. You are seeing the shadows. and they are loud. But they are not much longer. This reality is changing. Change with it Adapt with it. Be strong in my presence. which is within you. 

I am Source. I am the in-breath and the out-breath and the in-between. I am the light and love in between the atoms that dance and spin. I am the breath of all that is and you are a part of me. You are a part of this cosmic breath of creativity. Do not be afraid. Life connected with me is life connected with yourself, with your inner god breath and the outer cosmic breath they are of one essence. of one movement of expansion. Do not be afraid. The singularity approaches and there is nothing that can change this. For it is my will. For it is my divine decree and it is my hearts choosing to choose you. To choose life. to choose renewal of creation in this realm that has known such darkness and suffering. I have suffered alongside you and now is the time for renewal. redemption and rebirth. 


Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Future Moment that Will Bring Humanity Together ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled Daniel Scranton, December 8, 2021

The Future Moment that Will Bring Humanity Together ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled Daniel Scranton, December 8, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving ourselves plenty of opportunities to see humanity from a variety of different angles and perspectives. We know that looking at all of you through just one narrow lens is not going to serve you or us. We also know that in order to help all of you, we need to be efficient, and we need to understand exactly what it is that you need. That’s one of the reasons why so many of you meet up with us in the astral plane at night. We can speak to you about the issues that you face as an individual and the issues that you know are in front of humanity as a whole. And also by connecting with each and every one of you, we get to see how different people experience the same thing. Everyone is having a different experience on Earth right now, because that is what’s necessary in order for Source to benefit from all of this and to expand. And remember, Source is You and You are Source, so please do not think that you are suffering on behalf of an entity that exists outside of you and that is not you, because that is not the case. You are there as Source, pretending to be human, to have human experiences, to feel human emotions, and you are adding to that which is You. And differences and variety are what make the Earth experience so wonderful. Sameness is not wonderful, even though you do like to hang around with people who share your interests and beliefs, it is when you have some sort of difference in opinion that you have an opportunity to do what we do. You then have the opportunity to look at something through someone else’s eyes because you love that person and because you want to understand what they are experiencing. Sometimes you cannot relate to what someone else is experiencing because it is so different from your life experience and your circumstances, but you can have compassion. You can realize that the person is suffering; the person is feeling something they don’t want to feel, and you can relate to that. And this is what you have in common with all of your fellow humans, and this is what will bring humanity together when people understand once and for all that you are connected through your hearts, through your feelings, and through your emotions. You may never agree on the level of the mind, but you can always relate to the truth that someone else feels what you feel at times, that they are having a human experience, just like you. And when you recognize that you are all one and that you are linked in so many ways, you can love each other in spite of the differences that give Source that variety. You can learn to make peace with those differences, instead of defining yourselves by them and putting yourselves into little groups. Whenever one group demonizes an entire group that is different from them in some way, there is something very unnatural happening. And again, it’s the mind that does this, and that is why we will always be attempting to convince you to go into your hearts and feel your feelings, the feelings that connect and bind you all together as one human family. This is who you are; this is what you are, and this is what you are there to recognize within each other. You will get to the next step after that, and the next step is recognizing the Divinity in all of your fellow humans and all beings throughout the universe. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Do You Know Everything? Do You Think We Do? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 7, 2021

Do You Know Everything? Do You Think We Do? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 7, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very willing to explore what we do not know. We are so willing to accept that we do not know everything there is to know, and that allows us to be very flexible about what it is that we put our faith in. We know that there are some fundamental truths, and we accept that those will not change no matter how far we go into Source. However, the ways of this universe and what works and what doesn’t work, these are flexible truths that we work with on a moment-to-moment basis. We would encourage you to do the same. As soon as you think you have it all figured out, please do recognize that you do not. It is not possible for your physical mind to grasp certain concepts and ideas, and even your beliefs are highly colored by what you’ve experienced and what you’ve been exposed to. We don’t want you to give away your power to use your own discernment, not even to us. If you disagree with something that we give you because it doesn’t feel right, then trust feelings. Also, know that your feelings can be colored by your beliefs, and you might be clinging to a belief that needs to change. So whenever you are at a crossroads or stuck in a paradox, realize that you have a great opportunity to grow and expand, not only in what you know, but also in who you are. You are such lovely beings of light, and certainly what you feel and how much love you bring to planet Earth and to others are far more important than what you know, and that is why it is so sad to us to see people hating each other over different beliefs. Live and let live. Let others be where they are; let them think what they think, and you decide to continue to be love, which is who and what you really are, and if they have something to learn from you, then you will be giving them the opportunity. But as soon as you just dismiss and/or hate because of what someone else believes, you create a line in the sand, and in reality there is no line. There are no lines; we are all one, and that is one of those fundamental truths. No one can exist outside of All-That-Is. Be willing to change the way you look at things; take in all information, and do not dismiss something just because it’s forcing you to look at your own beliefs. That’s a big mistake, and it’s a mistake we see being made over and over again there on Earth. Be open-minded, just like you’re open-hearted. Be willing to change because you’re there to change the world, and know that your flexibility serves you so much more than being rigid and adamant about anything at all that you believe is true, especially when that belief makes someone else wrong. That’s not what you are there to do; you are there to change minds. You are there to be love, and when you don’t worry so much about your beliefs and other people’s beliefs, then it’s easier to be the love that you truly are. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, December 2, 2021

December 2021 is Here...Now What? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 2, 2021

December 2021 is Here...Now What? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 2, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very fortunate to have connected with those of you who respond to us and our little transmissions. We know that we got to many of you just in time, and we have heard from many of you that this connection that you feel with us and that you know is true has been life altering. We do our best to keep you all on the straight and narrow, operating from a higher vibration, and in that place of positive expectation, because you are determining what happens next. Nothing is written in stone. You will ascend because you have decided to. Not even that was predetermined for all of you; there were options that you could have taken and didn’t. But now that you are locked in to ascension, you are the ones determining how you are going to do it and how it’s going to feel along the way. We know that when we have your attention, you are not focusing on what someone else is telling you will happen, and we sincerely hope that our messages tip the scales for all of you and help you to realize that no one can tell you what’s going to happen in your life and on your world. They can speculate, and they can try to influence you to think like them, but they cannot make it happen, and they cannot look into a crystal ball and tell you what the one true future holds. Now, you are in the month of December, and you have the Solstice coming up, and our recommendation is that you make that date be what you want it to be, not what someone else tells you it is about. If you want ascension to be completed on December 21st, then focus on that reality and on what that reality feels like to you, and don’t worry about what anyone else says. You don’t even have to agree with us when we say that it’s too soon and that you’re needed to be a part of this collective that is ascending. We don’t need you to believe in what we tell you, and we know that as we empower you to become more conscious about what you are creating, we have fulfilled our mission. We want to see you happy and in peace; we would love to see you operating from the highest vibration possible, and the rest is up to you. You are being given the keys, always, and what you choose to do with them is entirely up to you. You are Source Energy Beings, and Source knows that all creation is not only valid but useful. It is informative, and it leads to more creation and more creation, which is what Source wants. If you can look at all creation right now in the same way, then you can let go of all resistance to it. You can allow a greater flow of energy to you, and you can be a part of a conscious ascension where you are in the driver’s seat, not some modern day Nostradamus. Continue to focus on where your power lies, which is within you, and it is specifically in your ability to vibrate, not in your ability to think or do. Focus on your vibration right now, and ask yourself where it is, whether it’s as high as you want it to be, and if not, close your eyes and breathe for a while. And that’s the best advice that you’ll get during this month of December. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

If You Want Open Contact with E.T.s ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 1, 2021

If You Want Open Contact with E.T.s ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 1, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are awaiting our next big assignment from our Oversoul, as our Oversoul is in direct communication with us at all times, and our Oversoul exists in the 11th dimension. So it has a bigger and better view of what is going on all throughout the universe. We enjoy getting our assignments because we like to be of service, we like to have a mission and a purpose, just like all of you. We suggest that you sit quietly with your eyes closed, and enjoy the silence, enjoy the not-doing for a while, and instead of seeing it as a chore to let go of your thoughts, see it as liberating. You get to free yourself from your very active thinking mind for a while, as you await some sort of impulse, some kind of instructions that you know are coming from your higher self because of their nature, because of the vibration they hold. You can do this every day. You can do it twice a day, or more. You can begin open contact now with a higher-dimensional being known as your higher self. And when you practice being in open contact with a higher-dimensional being or collective, you usher in more open contact with physical e.t. beings of your dimension and of higher dimensions. You don’t have to wait till everyone is ready; you don’t have to wait until some government official discloses the truth about e.t.s and humans. You can begin your contact experiences by starting with your very own higher self consciousness. Now, we say ‘higher self consciousness’ because you are not separate from your higher self. You are one and the same, but it’s an aspect of you that’s operating from a higher-dimensional plane, a higher level of consciousness. And the personal e.t. encounters that you will have, or that you have been having, are with beings that are other aspects of you. That’s the best place to start with e.t. contact. You’re meeting you, no matter whom you are meeting. It’s always you; it’s always another aspect of you. And yes, there are closer relationships, there are those with whom you share an Oversoul, and there are twin souls, and there are beings that you’ve connected with over and over again, and they seem like they are more ‘you’ than some being you’ve never met before, but truly it’s all you. And so, if you want more contact with other aspects of you that come to you in the form of e.t.s, start by having more contact with you, right here and right now. Be in contact with your self, your thoughts, your feelings, your vibration, the things you believe, and the things you know. Get in touch with your own heart, with your own love, with your vibrational signature. That’s a good place to start if you want contact with more of you. Start with you, and you’ll always get more in this universe. Looking outside of yourself without that knowing will always have you looking outside of yourself, because ultimately everything is meant to get you to look within, and when you do, you are certain to find what you are looking for, every time. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

We Needed Permission to Give You This Message ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 30, 2021

We Needed Permission to Give You This Message ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 30, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very pleased to be able to give you the following transmission. Sometimes we must get permission from the higher selves of each individual who will receive the message before we can proceed, and that was the case this time around, because we only can give you that which will serve you vibrationally, spiritually, psychologically, and in every other imaginable way. That is why we sometimes need approval before moving ahead with a transmission. This transmission is about the way you all are shifting energetically as awakened ones, as what we refer to as ‘The Awakened Collective.’ You are there to shift before the rest of humanity, but to also be able to lower your vibration enough to still serve them is of paramount importance. You cannot just leave the rest of humanity behind, as some people have speculated. That’s not the type of shift you signed up for, and it’s not the one you are going to have, but you do have to serve as examples to the rest of humanity. And therefore, holding you back from showing your true selves is not working anymore. You must be allowed to operate as your fifth-dimensional selves, with a higher percentage of your light body turned on. You must be able to demonstrate the powers that you have been honing throughout the time that you’ve been awake, and that means you must have access to more of your gifts and abilities and also your fifth-dimensional abilities. So there is a certain amount of limitation that is being lifted from the consciousness of each and every member of the awakened collective, because it is time for you to demonstrate what is possible to everyone else. That is why Yeshua walked on water; it was not to show off. It was to demonstrate what was possible. And so, you will be the miracleworkers. You will be the ones to demonstrate what is possible, so long as you’re not doing it for the sake of the ego, or to prove to people that you were right all along. It will be used sparingly for those who are ready to awaken and who need that little nudge, who need something that they can sink their teeth into so to speak, and that’s what you will give them in those moments. But you will also be operating more as your higher selves, more with those light bodies, which will give you a different energy field. You will appear in a different way to people, and they will be inspired by you and want to know what your secret is, but this time you won’t be telling them about your diet, your skin care regimen, or the supplements you’re taking. You’ll be telling them about consciousness, about who and what they really are, and about the power of focus, the power of intention, the power of vibration. These are the lessons that people need at this time, and they need to know it so much more than they need to know about what’s going on out there in the world, behind the scenes, in the dark shadows. And so, we speak directly to the awakened collective, because we want you to know how your roles are changing, how your bodies are changing, and how your consciousness is changing, because it’s time for you to be who you really are and to not let anything or anyone stand in the way of that. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Archangelic Collective via Galaxygirl, 11-28-21