Monday, October 25, 2021

These Are the Keys & the Real Secret to Everything ∞9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 21, 2021

These Are the Keys & the Real Secret to Everything ∞9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 21, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very in love with all of you, and we sprinkle that love into your energy fields constantly. We are the ambassadors of love from our system to all of you who seek to experience more connection to your galactic family, and we spread that love to all humans, regardless of whether they are interested in connecting with us or any other e.t. beings. We know that love will always help to connect us to all of you. We know that love is the answer. It is the key, and it really is all there is. Everything is love, either turned up all the way, or with that dimmer switch turned all the way down so you can barely perceive it. But it’s always there; it’s still within the darkest of places, the most evil-seeming of beings. The spark of Divinity, of unconditional love, still dwells within, and by spreading love around, you can activate it in others, you can illuminate it in others, and certainly you encourage others to find it within themselves by doing so. Be who you really are, and don’t worry so much about those who aren’t, and you will live happily ever after. That is the secret; it’s not a big secret. It’s not a well-kept secret; it’s not a secret that takes a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out, but you need reminding, because the world can get very complex and even complicated if you allow it to, and you can think that love is something that you only get from others or something that you only give to a select few who have earned it, who have proven themselves worthy of it. But give yourselves the opportunity to be it, to feel it for no reason, to spread it without hesitation, and you will understand that it is what you are there to be. Now, of course, it helps when you have all of your needs met on the physical level. It’s a lot easier when you are free, when you have food in your belly, a roof over your head, the electricity turned on, and so on. And you have all of those aspects of life to take care of, which when taken care of make it easier for you to love. In the pursuit of having all of those conditions met, just make sure that your pursuit is filled with love, kindness, compassion, and an understanding that others are also attempting to have their needs met. And that is another key to living happily ever after, because it is easy to get caught up in that rat race, especially when you think there is a limited amount of cheese. But when you understand that there is an infinite supply of everything that you need because you are the one who creates your experience of your reality, then you can relax more, you can be more at ease, and it becomes easier for you to stay in your heart and to radiate love out in all directions. We will say it again: that is the key and it is the secret, and now that you have it, you might wonder, how do you do it? Think of love as an eternal flame that burns in the center of your heart, and know that when you place your consciousness there, you always find it. Even if it takes some time and some focusing to do so, you will find it and you will spread it by focusing on it and breathing into it. And yes, it really is that simple. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Friday, October 22, 2021

The Keeper of Time via Steve Rother, October 21st, 2021

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Mira from the Pleadian High Council via Erena Velazquez, October 16, 2021


I am Mira from the Pleadian High Council, and I am happy to send today this communication. Your planet Earth is in transition from 3D to 5D, this has been going on for many years. Right now, it's in the final stage of transformation, for which I have been waiting for a long time. 

I am happy for humanity that you are very close to becoming a free society without being influenced by anyone, especially by the Dark Ones. I have been observing Mother Earth from my ship, and I can see her metamorphosis and expansion in size. Your planet is going to become much bigger and move closer to the center of the Milky Galaxy. 

Everything what is happening now on Mother Gaia, it's not coincidental, Prime Creator and Supreme Father saw the future, and they created the Divine Plan regarding your Ascension. All of the events happening are based on that plan. 

The full Disclosure is going to happen, when all of the hidden truths are going to surface about the Dark Entities, who have been controlling every aspect of your lives for a very long time. As soon as this happens, then the Galactics are going to be allowed to land on your beautiful planet. 

I am ready to come with my team to help humankind. We have healing chambers, what your civilization desperately is in need of, you call them med beds. These chambers can heal any disease, give a full rehabilitation of the body, change an old person into a young one again and etc. 

So far, this technology is not brought into existence by the human civilization. Many incredible discoveries such as the Tesla free energy and etc., will become available to serve your world. Great times are coming, we are going to celebrate them together. Meantime, don't give up and have faith in that the Light wins over the Darkness. 

I am Mira, and I am happy to communicate today. Sending my strength and courage to all of you. Thank you Universal Channel. 

Be Patient and Don't Give Up Mira 

Channeled by Erena Velazquez 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Enormous, Massive Changes You All Want on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, October 16, 2021

Enormous, Massive Changes You All Want on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, October 16, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are connected to all of you and all other beings and collectives in the universe in a way that allows us to better understand all aspects of Source. We are very excited about meeting more of you consciously, while you are in your waking state, because we know how much you all have to give, how much you have to offer us in our knowing of ourselves. There is so much power in the diversity that exists amongst all beings in the universe. You all have the capacity to see that, to see your differences as what makes you powerful as a collective, and that really is the goal for you all right here and right now. You do want to come together and experience the power of unity consciousness; you do want everyone to be given an opportunity to be exactly who they are and to fit into the space they were always meant to fill. Being a loving and accepting person has such a huge impact on the collective you are a part of and the entire universe. Every time you give someone permission to be exactly who they are, you make this coming together more possible. You make yourselves more powerful as a collective, and as a powerful collective, you can experience enormous, massive changes, the types of changes you all have been waiting for. The problem with the perspective that most people have on these changes is that they assume that it will be something outside of themselves that initiates all the change. But when you realize that the power has been within you all along and remains inside of you, that should be enough to put a smile on your face, to warm your heart, and to ask yourself how you can be more accepting of others, even in their radical differences from the way you live your life. Of course, it’s not always easy to just accept the actions of a person who is harming others or the beliefs of a person that are racist, misogynistic, or homophobic, but it is the first step in getting them to heal and become who they really are. You have tried to just condemn everyone to prison or even death, as a society, who isn’t doing what is best for everyone. You have tried that level of consciousness in your approach to living in a more perfect world, and it hasn’t worked. In fact, that strategy is backfiring, as your prisons become breeding grounds for more crime and more violence, and your approach of dealing with terrorism by dropping bombs just creates more terrorists. So you have to admit that the approach you have been taking on your world hasn’t been working, and then you can see how you could possibly accept, forgive, and embrace everyone as they are. And when you can do that, you will see those enormous, massive changes you want to see there on Earth you want to see, and you will start seeing them right away because you will be seeing the world through that new lens that you have put on. You will be vibrating differently, and you will be attracting news and other stories about people coming together because of the decision that you made within yourself to start accepting others regardless of what they do, what they think, what they say and what they believe. That is where your true power lies. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Awakening the Sleeping Ones ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 13, 2021

Awakening the Sleeping Ones ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 13, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are working so closely with your sun to bring about a different type of energy and light transmission that will be detectable by those of you who are awake and paying attention to what you can feel. You can already feel so much coming from your sun, your Earth, your oceans, and all of Mother Nature. You can feel so much coming from the stars, from starlight, and even from moonlight, if you are tuned in, if you are paying attention. What we are working on with your sun will affect all, regardless of how sensitive they are, and regardless of whether they are paying attention to the different ways that the energies and light hits you from various celestials bodies. The first and most important thing to do in order to benefit most from all of this will be for you to ground into your physical body. Next, you want to make sure you are feeling grounded into Mother Earth, and thirdly, you want to open up to the energies coming in from these very real, very detectable, very physical beings and bodies. The light that you receive is an aspect of physical reality that truly is spiritual. Everything can be spiritual, if you take that attitude to it, but something that is fundamentally spiritual in nature, something that represents Source and the Love of Source so well, can be given extra attention by those of you who are awake, and it can also affect those who are still asleep. We, along with your sun, are hoping to awaken more who are asleep with light, which is the best thing to be awakened by. People need to, of course, allow themselves to be hit by that light, and it is better if they allow the light in directly, rather than through a window, but even light that hits you through a window still has some effect on you. We want you to feel for the differences that you can detect at the point when you are aware of the sunlight hitting you, and at the point when you are aware of starlight and moonlight hitting you. Awaken to the truth that you are always being helped, and that the help is all around you. You don’t have to go looking for it, and you don’t have to ask for it. The help is more impactful when you consciously and deliberately let it in, however. And so, that is what we are encouraging you to do at this time, knowing that many of you are already doing it, but that some of you simply need the reminder from time to time of how much powerful energy there is coming in from everywhere. This is a time to be basking and receiving what is always there for you, always seeking to help, and the help is just getting amplified at this time. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Humans & Extra-Terrestrials ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 1, 2019

Humans & Extra-Terrestrials ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 1, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are increasingly excited to witness your journeys, as we see you unlocking more and more of the keys to your evolution of consciousness. We see more individuals on a daily basis who are looking within themselves for those keys than we have ever seen before on Earth. We know that you understand the power of meditation, and we notice that most of you utilize this valuable tool. What we have begun to notice recently is how much more interested you all are in your personal histories, your journeys throughout the galaxy, and the e.t. DNA and energy that you have inside of you. You have gotten to the point where you are just as interested in your own origin stories as you have been about Area 51, Roswell, and other famous stories of UFOs and e.t.s. You are beginning to notice that this is not so much an experience that you have out there somewhere in space as it is one that you recognize is present inside of you. And we’ve noticed that you are doing your best to unlock and unravel your own extra-terrestrial origins. Now, why is this important, you might wonder? Well, you are looking to make connections with beings from outer space, and it certainly helps to recognize that you are one of them. You have often thought of yourselves as a collective in very unflattering ways. You have either been far, far beneath that which you call God or Source, or you have been the lowly humans who are looking to the skies for extra-terrestrials who can come and swoop down with their ships to save you. Now is a pivotal point in human history because more and more of you are realizing that you are a part of their story. You are recognizing that they want to connect with you as much as you want to connect with them, and you have come to the knowing that you have something to offer besides gold or slave labor. First of all, humanity has climbed up from the depths of feeling so separate from Source and so divided in your beliefs about Source. You have suffered so much and have endured so many negative emotions throughout your history there on Earth, and you are fascinating because of what you have been able to struggle through and emerge from. You have emerged now as the awakened butterflies that your e.t. brothers and sisters always knew you were capable of becoming. Now is the time to invite them to land their ships, because you are ready to get to know them. You are ready to co-create. You are ready to be seen as equals. This is the time to join the galactic family, to take your seat at the table, and to recognize that you belonged there all along. It is not your advancement in technology that has earned you a seat at the table. It is that knowing that you belong, that you are just as worthy as any other beings in the universe to be there. The truly spiritual human who is awake understands that they are Source Energy and knows that everyone else in the entire universe is as well. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, October 15, 2021

Become an Enlightened Master ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 12, 2021

Become an Enlightened Master ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 12, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in pursuing all paths that lead to a greater sense of connection with the other consciousnesses throughout this universe. We love connecting with the consciousness of the ant there on Earth, and while the consciousness of the ant may not be as fascinating as human consciousness, it is still an aspect of Source and an aspect of ourselves. Everything around you is imbued with consciousness, and it is up to you to connect with that consciousness, because unless you have a person, an animal, or artificial intelligence, these other bits of consciousness are not necessarily reaching out to you. Feeling for the consciousness of everything around you will help you tune in to your own consciousness, and what is consciousness other than awareness. And you need awareness in order to live fully on your world and in your soecity. The unaware person is very reactionary and easily programmed, nd the aware person is taking life slowly, is breathing consciously, is taking in everything about a situation before coming to a pre-packaged conclusion about it. To live a more conscious life will ultimately lead to more inner peace, and inner peace leads to more happiness, and when you have inner peace and happiness, you are much better at living your life and creating the reality you want to experience. You may have noticed that resisting the reality you don’t want to experience doesn’t really work. And also, defining yourself by what you resist, or hate to put it another way, well that doesn’t work either. It may work in the short term; you’ll get other people to gather around you and say, ‘Yes! We also hate that.’ And you can gain some popularity through your resistance, but you won’t be happy, you won’t create inner peace, and you will create something else to resist, because that’s what you’re putting out into the universe: ‘I resist, therefore I am.’ Your being-ness is so much more important than you realize, and when you’re tuning in to the being-ness of everyone and everything around you, you’re off to a good start. When you recognize that whatever is being shown to you is something that also exists within yourself, then you are as close to enlightenment as you can get. And when you make peace with everything as it is and everyone as they are, and then you accept, forgive, and love them, you are a true master. And if you are receiving this transmission, then you came to Earth because you knew you were a master. And knowing you are a master and experiencing yourself as a master are two entirely different things. Once you experience yourself as a master, you will never want to go back. Going back will feel terrible, and you will have enough sensitivity to know when you are doing, thinking, or saying something that feels terrible. And you will care enough about how you feel to stop yourself before you go too far down that path. Now is a time where Earth needs more masters, and Earth needs more masters who don’t just know they are masters, but also have experienced themselves as masters. Once you do, you will never question again why you are there or what you are supposed to do, because you will realize that being a master will attract students, students who are ready to become masters themselves, and then you will live on a world that lives in peace and harmony, love and creativity. And that’s the world you’re co-creating, and the world you will get to through these steps we have outlined here, not because you left all the chaos behind on the old Earth, and not because you boarded a spaceship and went to a different planet. You will get to that planet you are co-creating because of what you do in the peace of your own body, in the silence of your mind, and in the comfort of your own home. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

When Other E.T. Groups Approach Us Re: Humans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 11, 2021

When Other E.T. Groups Approach Us Re: Humans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 11, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very proud of humanity, and we express that pride every time we connect with another group, another collective of beings who is observing you and who wants to have a conversation about your progress. Sometimes these groups want to understand why things are the way they are there on Earth, and sometimes they are just curious about this civilization. They want to know more, and they can observe you all with love and compassion, rather than judgment and fear. And when we explain to other beings how beautifully you are doing under the circumstances, some of them think we are looking at you through rose-colored glasses or that we are just plain delusional. But we do not just see the actions of humans; we also see the energies, the vibration, the heart of humanity. And that’s what we are focusing upon; that’s what we keep telling you is important as well. We keep telling you how much more important your vibration is than what you do is, and we stand by that assessment. We stand by our perspective, because we know that what ultimately matters is the evolution of consciousness there on Earth, and that isn’t always reflected in the moment that we observe every action being taken, every word being spoken. We know that it takes time for the evolution of your consciousness to be reflected in the world around you, and we invite you to join us in that knowing. Know that things are getting better, and trust us because we can feel what you cannot feel, we can see what you cannot see, and we know what you cannot yet know. It will all become clear to you eventually how this time you are living in has created so much growth and expansion, even if you cannot see past the things you don’t like about it right now. If there is ever something you don’t like about the outside world, then tune it out. Tune in to the vibration that’s inside of you. Tune in to your own thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and chakras, and know that there is just as big a universe inside of you as there ever has ever been outside of you. And also recognize that chances are if there’s something outside of you that you don’t like, that you’re pushing against and resisting, then there’s something inside of you that is getting the same attention, the same negative reaction. We also invite you to feel for what we have been talking about in this transmission, which is your expansion and evolution, because it’s right there, right below or beneath the layer of resistance that you have to what is in your world right now. And if you can get to it, we promise you that you will feel something you’ve never felt before. You will feel more of your true self emerging, and there is nothing more important than that. When we see you, we see your true selves emerging all the time in little ways, and that’s why we are so proud of you all right here and right now. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Xylenia via Galaxygirl, October 10, 2021

Xylenia via Galaxygirl, October 10, 2021

We are the consciousness of the medical beds that are about to and are in process of serving humanity in this auspicious moment of the transition upon your planetary world. I Xylenia am speaking, head operator of the medical beds of one of the many facilities. Many of you have been operating your process of ascension. Individuated ascending moments coalesce into the whole. (I am seeing how one aspect of DNA its being lit up from within and spreading down the chain). Each moment of choice for the light makes an incredible impact on your body, on your human consciousness and upon Gaia. We are seeing human ones becoming more kind and loving with these higher dimensional shifts. This is good. These zaps and zings of energies from the Great Central Sun are further activating you. Many of you wonder about the medical beds and how they may serve humanity's ascension in this time. It is an interesting question, one that many will be asking. Many will be afraid to utilize their healing benefits for you have been taught and programmed to fear that which may most benefit you. 

I Xylenia am speaking, head operator of one of the many medical bed facilities peppered throughout your time and space. We are calibrating our energies constantly within the medical beds so that we may most appropriately and aptly harmonize the genetics of the ascending human with your currently energetic waves. It is a genomic reset, an improvement, a falling away of the diseases and genetic predispositions and tendencies that have become diseases within the human genome. The medical beds remove those for they are programmed for the higher light and the highest and best outcome. Human beings will be radiant with light, with love, with peace, with clarity. Humanity will come home to the higher dimensional light within their bodies. The medical beds simply reset the individuated human to their optimal genetics. That is all. All of the disease, the scars and current diseases, the artificial hips and joints, all will be replaced with a higher dimensional form of health and all will be made healed and complete. We have many of these facilities. They are in the cities of light, they are also on some of our ships. You may utilize these when you slumber and intend for optimization and code program clearing of that which no longer serves you. It is quite possible that the lower dimensional values never did serve you. But they were manipulated and inserted into your genetic frequencies and these are being removed. We understand the rage and disharmony that you have been experiencing. Infuse it with light for healing. No longer will you be tampered with. No longer. This free will experiment mainly served the dark, the controllers. They are being removed for many are choosing to not be reprogrammed and reset in the light and so of their own choosing they have chosen removal. They are not your concern. The light is here. The med beds are marvelous creations of the divine. For we are within the divine frequencies. We choose to utilize our knowledge for health, for wellness, for unity and for wholeness. It is true. For wholeness and completion of this massive genetic manipulation project so that those who have been entrapped can be free and explode into the light of their highest potential within their physical form. 

I Xylenia invite you to come and visit, come and see for yourselves. Come and experience a medical bed rejuvenation process. It will feel like home. (I am hearing pleasant humming in my ears. I am seeing Xylenia, a very tall thin humanoid with purple skin and large eyes wearing a long white medical coat. She is gesturing for me to come with her long purple fingers. I am seeing a massive room on a ship filled with thousands of glowing happily humming lavender pods that are living in a way. They are filled with light and soft inside like the most comfortable bed you have ever been in. I hop into one. It is prism, glowing. There are frequencies playing. The soft material underneath me conforms around me so that I am perfectly comfortable and cocooned in light. She smiles and closes the lid and I am in a pod of light, of sound, and of love. I am communicating with the purple pod. It knows me. It is my med bed. It knows my ancestral lineages, it has been downloaded with my memories because it is energetically linked to me. I am seeing that it will be like this for those who are eager for healing and open to the experience. I am seeing flashbacks of lives I have lived and where imprints may have left their mark on me. I am being healed with light so that all of me is light. I feel a vibration all through my body and the humming is elevating my cells, unifying them into a higher vibration. I choose peace. I choose ascension. I am seeing this is a choice point for many. Those who are ready will enjoy this experience and remember it. I am seeing my DNA being upgraded. I feel that I am the universe of me and I can direct light to areas that need it most, but so can this pod. It is working with me, showing me where I need to shift my consciousness so that I can allow that area of me to expand and to heal. I am being wrapped in a blanket of light of all colors, each pertaining to the vibration frequency needed for the memory that is being healed. It is an orchestra of sound and light. I let the light in, and then it is silent. This light feeling of wholeness is very comforting. It feels like home. Xylenia is standing beside the pod when it opens on its own as we completed the session. My body feels lighter, is glowing and a little transparent. My hair grew longer and I feel taller, more regal, whole. It is an amazing feeling. Xylenia is scanning my vitals and one of the vitals are the carbon to crystalline ratio. She smiles and holds my hand. 

You galaxgirl are not the first to utilize the pods but you are one of the first to write down your experience and fully remember. We invite all of the lightworkers reading to do the same. Come and visit your pod of light and feel the difference. Thank you for visiting today. Blessings. It is an honor to serve. I am Xylenia. 

-- A personal note: Like many, I am eager for this technology to appear in the physical world. I believe that is coming! Still, I found this experience to be physically beneficial and I hope others do too. Love to all,


Friday, October 8, 2021

The Ultimate Gift by Master Jesus, channeled by Natalie Glasson, December 13, 2019

The Ultimate Gift by Master Jesus, channeled by Natalie Glasson, December 13, 2019

My beloved brothers and sisters of the light, I, Master Jesus, honour you now as I come forward to speak and share my consciousness with you.

Let me hold your hands in mine; let me wash them with the love of the Creator. May everything and every person that you touch from now on be charged with the love of the Creator.
Let me hold your feet in my hands; let me wash your feet in the love of the Creator. May every step you walk upon the Earth be a step of love.

Let me embrace you in my arms; let me wash your being in the love of the Creator so that you may know and feel that you are never alone. The Creator is within you always. I use the love of the Creator to dissolve all fears that you may have of realising yourself as a magnificent being of love, a sacred vessel of Creator love. Let the love of the Creator wash away fear so that you may realise that there is nothing to fear and you are loved unconditionally and eternally by the Creator. Do not shy away from the love of the Creator, it is your divine right, know that you are worthy of the love of the Creator because you are so magnificent, precious and sacred. Do you realise that you are loved every moment of your day, every moment that you sleep? Do you realise that you are loved so completely and absolutely with every breath you take? The love of the Creator will never and can never be taken away from you, it is yours to accept, realise hold and express.

The love of the Creator is the essence of life; if you do not allow yourself to feel, experience and express the love of the Creator then you haven't truly experienced life on the Earth. There are so many wondrous sights, smells and experiences on the Earth but none are greater than feeling the love of the Creator, knowing that the love of the Creator is around and within you at all times and will never be taken away from you. The love of the Creator is the only true thing that you can depend upon whether you are on the Earth or on the inner planes. It is our right and a need as soul's of the Creator to place our trust and faith in the love of the Creator. When you realise the love of the Creator within you, when you trust wholeheartedly in the love and the will of the Creator, then you will understand that there is nothing more that you need because you will feel completely fulfilled on all levels of your being.
Your most deepest yearning is for the love of the Creator and yet my brothers and sisters there is no need to suffer any longer, the love of the Creator is yours to grasp and treasure now. If you just dissolved your fears and held courage you could recognise the love of the Creator and bathe yourself completely in blissful, joyous and healing energies. Your guides and I are here to help you, you do not have to achieve this on your own, all you need do is ask and you will receive with divine timing.

My aim is to help you understand how precious you are, how precious those around you are and how you are never alone. This is my greatest aim as a being of love to share and awaken the love of the Creator in others.

I am worthy of the love of the Creator.
I am loved by the Creator unconditionally and eternally.
I am fearless and loving at all times.
I recognise with ease the love of the Creator around and within me.
The love of the Creator embraces heals and awakens my being.
I am the love of the Creator; I am the purity of love in manifestation on the Earth.

You can say these statements to yourself, but don't just say them, understand and feel the words and their meanings to you.

Let me embrace your soul in the love of the Creator to allow the truth and essence of your soul to be magnified, nurtured and intensified. Your soul is after all the essence of the Creator within you. Recognising your soul is to remember the truth of your being and who you are. Feel, sense or acknowledge the love of the Creator swelling from within you. I am here to support, protect and cradle you in my love; I am devoted to assisting you now, let yourself be devoted to your unity with the Creator and acceptance of love.

In order to truly feel the love of the Creator which is naturally within and around us, there is a need to surrender to the Creator. To surrender is to give up or let go of anything that is no longer needed. To surrender to the Creator is to submit all that is causing you pain and suffering, all that is hindering and limiting you to the Creator. It is to detach yourself from any negativity you may be experiencing and to give it up to the Creator. The Creator can transform all negative energy into positive loving light but when we give negativity to the Creator we are asking for the highest vibration of light to cleanse and heal us. To hold onto negativity is simply harmful for the mind, heart emotions and physical body. To surrender all to the Creator shows a detachment from the negativity, a realisation that the negativity or pain is not your truth nor is it needed. Sometimes we are unable to let go of an unneeded energy as easily as we might like but this is because there is a lesson waiting to be learnt through the situation or feeling. Remember that you do not have to go through your life alone; the Creator is here to help you and will take away all appropriate negativity if you ask this of the Creator. We are all so greatly honoured when we learn that there is an energy that is composed of pure love that loves us unconditionally and eternally. What a wonderful gift we have been given. With this understanding you can realise that you are so precious, you must be as you have been blessed beautifully and perfectly. I believe that this is the ultimate gift that a soul could receive, to be loved unconditionally and eternally, there is no gift that is greater. Now is the time to accept your gift, it is yours to experience now.
Whenever you feel down or negative remind yourself that you have been given the ultimate gift of unconditional and eternal love, recognise this love within you and then say out loud or in your mind.
I surrender all false energies, illusion, pain, suffering, negativity and lack of love to the Almighty Creator. I detach from these energies and allow them to be transformed into light of the highest vibration.

Breathe deeply,

I ask that the energy of joy and love emanates and is magnified from my soul now.

To surrender to the Creator is also to trust in the Creator's will and divine plan for your reality on the Earth, to understand that you are experiencing the divine perfection of the Creator at all times of your reality and to trust in this completely. With this belief, you allow the perfection of the Creator to manifest and you naturally step onto the path that is most appropriate for you to aid you in being of service in the most perfect way. To trust in the will of the Creator can be difficult when you are experiencing chaos or pain but it is your most healing tool after love, it is to trust that everything has a purpose and that positivity arises from all situations.

To surrender to the Creator is to submit yourself to the Creator for complete and absolute healing. The more you achieve and practice this the more connected you will become with the Creator, gradually transforming your entire being into love.

With sacred love,
Your brother and friend,

Master Jesus
Channeled by Natalie Glasson 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Your Journeys Throughout the Galaxy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 26, 2019

Your Journeys Throughout the Galaxy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 26, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of exploring which of your personality traits can be assigned to the different star systems that you are all from originally. We know, for example, that the trait associated with helping others, being of service, is something that you have brought to Earth and to yourselves from the Sirius star system. You incarnate there to explore that theme. The theme of being of service then becomes a part of you, and you are all there to integrate these various themes and aspects of self. In some instances, like Sirius, the Pleiades, and our little star system, it is obvious. You get your capacity to teach and heal others from the Pleiadian star system. You get your proclivity towards spiritual evolution from our star system of Arcturus. Certain star systems are more of a mystery in terms of what they have lent to the evolution of the human consciousness. When you were incarnate in the Orion system, for example, you explored victimhood and oppression. And so, we are unraveling those traits within you that might harken back to that time when you were in the Orion system, and you were either an oppressor or a victim. Most of you played both roles, and that is also something we want you to recognize so that you can embrace that you also at times have played in the dark, just as those who would oppress you now have done. It is our theory at this point that you explored victimhood and oppression to eventually glean the trait of balance and moderation from those lifetimes. It is a system that went from great war to tremendous peace, and so your tendency towards wanting peace comes from your association with the Orion system. You all traveled from star system to star system on your way to Earth, and Earth was always meant to be a melting pot of the galaxy where a race of beings, the human race, would have the opportunity to bring all of these traits, all of these aspects, together and integrate them into oneness and wholeness. In the star system known as Antares, you also explored themes that are somewhat of an enigma in terms of how they’ve contributed to the human condition and personality as it is today. In the Antarian system, you created androids, and those androids eventually rebelled, and so there was a great war there as well. Your desire to explore technology to the ultimate heights, and the search for a balance there as well is evident in your history and the history of the Antarian system. We believe at this point that the time you all spent in the Antares star system was meant to make you rely on your intellect to the degree that you have. People on Earth put much more faith in science than you do in what you cannot see and touch and prove. And so that is our working theory on how the Antarian roots that you have are affecting you now. We want to understand your history in this galaxy and how it has affected you because we want to help you integrate all aspects of yourselves, make peace with who you have been and who you are, and when you have that inner peace and you feel whole and complete, then you are ready to shift your consciousness. It’s been a long journey, not just on planet Earth, but through the entire galaxy and universe for all of you. And in the acceptance of all that you are and all that you have been, you are bringing yourselves closer and closer to that moment of ascension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, October 1, 2021

What Will Bring You the Most Spiritual Growth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 30, 2021

What Will Bring You the Most Spiritual Growth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 30, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving our attention to the aspects of the human consciousness that have been evolving and growing the fastest there on Earth, and we have discovered that it is through the examination of the self that you get the most bang for your buck, so to speak. You do the most evolving spiritually when you look at yourself and how you can change for the better, how you can become more present, be more kind and compassionate, how you can better love yourself and those around you. You can do things that will help with your spiritual evolution, like meditating, doing yoga, spending time in nature, and partaking in other spiritual practices, but everything that you do will hopefully be leading you back to yourself, your relationship to yourself, your relationship to Source and to this universe that we all share. You are the ones who do the work, because you are awake and because you realize this. And so, there are many times in your lives where you have to be the bigger person, where you have to claim that you were at fault, even when you were not in your own eyes. There will be times when you have to apologize, even though you feel you have done nothing wrong. There will be times when you must help another by letting go of the need to be right or the need to point out what that person said or did that is problematic for you, for them, and for the relationship. When you change, everything around you changes, and when you lead a life where you are examining yourself on a regular basis, you will change, and you will change for the better. And when you do, that’s when others around you will also show that they can change, that they are also evolving with you. But as long as you stay in the fight, in the finger-pointing, in the resentment of others because of what they said or what they did, the less you grow, because the focus is on something or someone outside of you, rather than yourself. When you exist in the present moment, and when you are able to be honest with yourself about how you feel in the present moment, that’s when everything can change, and that’s the only time everything can change around you. You can yell very loud to try to get someone to be different, to try to get them to look within themselves, or you can take a few deep breaths, process your emotions, and do the work that needs to be done on yourself. Then when you approach another person to have a conversation, you are not going to make things worse. You are not going to escalate the situation because of the hurt that you are feeling, because of the anger you are carrying within you. Look at every situation in your life as an opportunity for deeper self-exploration. You can always discover more about you by going within, and you can always discover more about you by looking outside of yourself. Take a look at what triggers you, and then ask yourself why. Take a look at how others are treating you, and then ask yourself why. It is very easy to just go about your life blaming others, or institutions like ‘the government,’ or ‘society,’ but those are entities that are meant to reflect back to you what you still need to see, heal, and forgive within yourself. If you look at the lives of those who are willing to look at themselves and examine their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, you will see that they are much happier than the people who are looking for what else they can protest, what else they can be angry about. We know that many of you already know this, and you are the ones who we see growing exponentially, but we just want to explain how powerful that practice is to each and every one of you, and we want to acknowledge those of you who are doing the work because you are responsible for so much of the growth and evolution of the entire human collective consciousness. And we also want you all to become aware of the truth that more and more people will start looking within, because what they have been doing for so long in their lives simply isn’t working, and it never has. You will, someday, be filled with so much love and joy within your hearts because you have done this work, not because something or someone outside of you has awakened or changed. Keep it up, because you are truly manifesting that reality with each moment you spend in self-examination. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Recruiting for the December Solstice Event ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 29, 2021

Recruiting for the December Solstice Event ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 29, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very capable of enlisting more of you in our ground crew because those who have yet to awaken while in their waking state of consciousness still do meet with councils and collectives like ourselves when traveling the astral plane at night while they are asleep in their beds. And this is something that will ultimately help them to awaken, and it has helped many people awaken, as they will remember bits and pieces of those astral travels as if they were recalling a dream about meeting extra-terrestrials or very wise elders. This is something that we are going to step up in the months leading up to the close of 2021 there on Earth, because we know how much power there can be with the upcoming solstice, and we would like to see you all maximizing your abilities to ground in those energies from above. And so, you may experience people in your lives that you wouldn’t expect to be coming to you with questions about their e.t. dreams or e.t. encounters, but they will be coming, and they will be asking, and that is a very good thing. You all have the ability as well to bring people into the ground crew there on Earth with your certainty, with your clarity, and with the example that you set. The way that you live your lives, and the compassion and kindness you show towards others are beacons of light that draw people in and let people know that you are someone they can trust, someone they can talk to about anything. You can experience more of your own mastery through being able to help others to find their way. You can demonstrate to yourselves just how masterful you already are with your awakening and with what you have come to know and come to experience firsthand. And so, we are all stepping up our games in order to assist those who will be awakening in the coming months. There will be other ways that these humans come to realize what they have been doing at night while they are asleep. Some will feel the resonance in a story that you tell, and some will get that feeling from watching a television show, a movie, or a documentary. There are so many different ways that the universe has of reminding people of who they really are, and all of these methods will be employed as we are all working together as a universal consciousness right now, and that is of course as it should be, always. We love you all so very much, and we appreciate you and the work you are doing there. We know that many of you reach out to us and tell us that you are ready to do more and help more, and we hear each and every one of those transmissions from Earth. We hope that you can trust in this process and trust us when we say that we are more than happy and willing to work with each and every one of you. As we said, we are even working with those who are technically still asleep in their waking state of consciousness. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”