Sunday, September 30, 2018

September 29th, 2018 - suffering

September 29th, 2018 - untitled

I never intended for you to suffer. When I dreamt you into being, my desire was to explore the many facets of self. I was still, silent potential and I began to imagine worlds, in much the same ways you – who are created in my image and likeness energetically – do when you are little children. I imagined worlds with beings of varied races and species. As I created, and experienced, these worlds within me, I imagined even greater possibility.
I imagined a world where a diversity of these beings could live in harmony. I imagined a world where I would experience myself within the diverse population. I would give you free will. I wondered what I “as many” would create, perhaps even beyond what I “as One” could dream.
And so your worlds were born. I have lived within them, allowing them a life of their own as we discover collectively who we can be. My loving will for you is that you dream beyond what I originally imagined for you, that you dream of a love that can be expressed in a multitude of forms, that you dream of interactions within our being that are loving, kind, and inspiring.
When I see you fighting and arguing and diminishing one another within me, I know I could force you to do otherwise, but in your freedom you grow in love, and I too learn the capacity of Love’s presence within our collective being. I could force you to be happy by simply shifting my dreaming, but far kinder to allow you to learn to seek your joy for in so doing you create new worlds and new lives as well. I could control you but where would be the love in that, for I have created you and want you to explore and create even more.
The moment you dream a dream with love, I am flowing my attention and energy into that dream. The moment you pray for a kind interaction I am dreaming of the deeper harmony between you. The moment you ask to be healed, I am picturing you in the perfection I have always witnessed within you.
You are in me, and I am in you. You are my love made manifest, separated in a multitude of beings and forms, and collectively we explore all that we can become. Through your choices and dreams, you expand love’s potential. Through your prayers you call forth greater awareness.
We are not separate. My love is your love. My dreams for your joy and expansion turn into your dreams for greater expression of my love.
Whether this expression takes the form of your desire to build a house, dress a child for school, help the downtrodden, or have a fit of rage, all movements are, in their essence, working to expand our collective being into an ever increasing awareness of the love that we are.
I treasure you, dear embodiments of my love. Dream your dreams, and then relax as I guide you – gently and lovingly – towards their expression.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Think Galactically ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 22nd, 2018
Think Galactically ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 22nd, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are extending an invitation to all of humanity, and that invitation is to join us in a co-creative endeavor. We want to experience more of life on planet Earth, and the way that we can have the experiences we want to have is by co-creating with you. Now, we are interested in co-creating with humanity because we see how much potential there is for better living on planet Earth. And so we can both co-create those experiences with you and enjoy them, as bits of our consciousness will be included in the energies that we sent you. Believe us when we say that you are being sent energies all the time and that there are many beings in the higher realms that want to co-create with you, but we are the ones addressing you now, and we are looking for major projects. We are looking for the most leading edge co-creations that you can come up with. For example, those of you who want to create a space where beings from other parts of the galaxy can come together with humans and exchange ideas, information, and even resources, a structure that could accommodate beings from other worlds, one that could account for the differences between humans and these extra-terrestrial beings, this is the kind of project we are talking about. We are asking you to think globally and think galactically because that is the type of project that excites us. Now, we will send you energies that you can utilize for any project at all. We are just indicating to you which ones we would be most excited about participating in and experiencing. Let your imaginations run wild. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

9/22/18 Jupiter Ascending

9/22/18 Jupiter Ascending -


Cinema tells a story. And the beautiful thing is it is up the viewers to enjoy and interpret what the story means. I personally believe the movie Jupiter Ascending has a deeper meaning and tells an interesting story in the context of ascension. 

What is ascension? 

According to Suzanne Lie's blog, it is "a transmutation of the frequency of reality into the next octave of vibration. Transmutation is change, alteration and/or transformation into the next octave of reality." ( So from the movie title alone, the main character Jupiter Jones is changing into a higher frequency of reality. They could have also named the movie Earth ascending, but decided against this. In our reality, I believe the Earth is transmuting from a 3rd dimensional realm into a 5th dimensional realm, but I plan on focusing mostly on the movie. 

There is a battle going on between good and evil throughout the movie. "Caine Wise is an ex-Legion, lycantant-splice hunter sent to kidnap Jupiter Jones by Titus Abrasax. After meeting Jupiter he becomes suspicious of her true heritage, taking her to his former commanding officer Stinger Apini, who confirms that Jupiter is the recurrence of Seraphi Abrasax, the deceased matriarch of the House of Abrasax. With the heirs to Seraphi's fortune vying for control of Jupiter and the Earth, Caine assumes the role of Jupiter's protector."

In the movie there is talk of laws outside of Earth that protect human sovereignty. In the movie there is a police force called the Aegis, and they work as an intergalactic police force to maintain law and order. ( The galactic codex is like the interplanetary law that lays out what is allowed and not allowed on a galactic level, much like our human laws. 

Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis) meets Caine Wise (Channing Tatum) a half albino and runt of his lycantant splice litter, which can be interpreted to mean a hybrid between human and wolf DNA. ( This alludes to the hybridization program of humans with extraterrestrial races.  The Yahyel are one example of a hybrid race ( Another ET hybrid race is the Sassani that Darryl Anka (Bashar) has channeled. So there are alleged extraterrestrial hybrid races and hybridization programs where humans and aliens have mixed their DNA. 

The good guys in the film are limited. Jupiter Jones and Caine Wise are the two main characters that are allied. The bad guys in the film are Balem Abrasax and Titus Abrasax. Kalique Abrasax is sort of on the edge, and presents herself as an ally and a friend, however she is a family member of Abrasax family. Balem and Titus can be compared to the Illuminati factions that do not respect life. Balem Abrasax plans on harvesting the Earth of their souls. 

Jupiter questions what love is during the start of the movie, and towards the end, you can tell she obviously likes Caine Wise. The idea of twin flame love or divine compliment love is an underlying theme of the movie in my opinion, but isn't directly mentioned. "Why do we fall in love" is a theme of the movie. 

Also throughout the movie, Jupiter is called "your majesty" by many characters, including Caine Wise. It is believe that she is the heir to the House of Abrasax. "Seraphi Abrasax was the Sovereign of the House of Abrasax until she was murdered as she was approaching her 91st millennium. Her death deepened the division in the House of Abrasax, pitting her children Balem, Kalique and Titus against each other in the fight over the Abrasax inheritance. She bequeathed Earth to her potential recurrence in her will, and the identification of Jupiter Jones as her recurrence leads to a fevered dispute over the planet's fate."

In the wiki it says that towards the end of her life Seraphi became unsettled by the harvesting industry and sought to put a stop to it. Seraphi Abrasax could be compared to the Divine Mother, or a goddess being. This is also a reason why Jupiter is called, your majesty. The underlying theme is that Jupiter is Divine, that she is royalty. I believe that all humans and all beings are divine. "The one are the all, and the all are the one." We are divine consciousness experiencing itself. This is an underlying theme of the movie that I don't believe viewers consider. 

The  grey aliens and reptilian beings are portrayed as negative and attack Jupiter or Caine in the movie. The crop field scene is an obvious allusion to the movie Signs (2002).   

"Titus is first seen with his sister Kalique on the recently harvested planet Zalintyre, where they are soon joined by their older brother Balem; Titus explains that he was recently looking through his mother’s sheaves, and found a reference to Earth. Off the back of this, he asks Balem if it would be possible for him to be gifted Earth; both Balem and Kalique scorn the idea, with the latter pointing out that Earth is more valuable than all of Titus’s holdings combined." 

RegeneX (also spelled RegenX-E, Regenx) also called Nectar, is the life-extending substance produced by Abrasax Industries. When bathed in it, would replace old or dying cells with fresher, younger cells, all for the purpose of making profit, of course. It is commonly used by Entitled individuals to extend their life spans, with the wealthiest individuals living for millennia on account of RegeneX usage. However, it is manufactured at a grim cost. Entire planets must be harvested for its human population, who are then refined into RegeneX. 100 human lives are needed to produce a single portion of RegeneX. (

"After informing Jupiter that she is 14,004 years old, Kalique demonstrates how she can live for so long and remain young by taking Jupiter to her bathing chamber, disrobing and submerging herself in a pool of RegeneX." 

So while the Abrasax family is considered to be wealthy and evil, and they harvest planets for power, control, to produce RegeneX. In my opinion, you can interpret Kalique's role in a different way. It is my opinion that the positive ET races do have technology that can reverse aging, by regenerating one's cells. You do not need any substance and do not need to harm anyone for this. And I believe once ET disclosure happens, life regenerating technologies, replicators, new transportation and many other technologies will be released. 

In regard to the RegeneX, I viewed it as similar to Adrenochrome. It is rumored that Luciferian worshipers torture and kill children in order to produce adrenochrome, an oxidation product of adrenaline. However, it is unknown if this true. Similarly to Mrs.  Peregrine's home for peculiar children, the bad guys eat eyeballs of little children. However, the main theme of RegeneX is the harvest of 100 souls per bar to produce the regenerative effects, and most would see this as pure evil.

Lastly I wanted to bring up Mass Effect games. Here is an image of the Aegis from the movie, and Mass effect 3. Both look very similar. So throughout the movie and throughout video games there is a story being told on extraterrestrials. Just be cognizant of when the portrayal of ET is negative. Because I believe there a good and bad aliens, just like humans. And just like the Mass Effect games where you can choose to be good or evil, so is the same for our reality. I believe the powers that be merely want to control the narrative and say that all aliens are bad. When in when reality is this not true. There are positive ET's out there who want to help planet Earth and her inhabitants. Thank you for reading. 

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Landing Party - webinar series - Suzanne Lie

An Embedded Arcturian Message
I will leave the story of dear Almon for now to return to our landing on ascending Earth. I am sorry to leave Almon in this precarious situation, but to my awareness within this NOW I do not know what did/will happen to him. I am unclear as to how realities float and intermingle throughout differing timelines. Since Mytre and I are still on the edge of time, there is no sequence to the manner in which we share our story. 

Each episode of our storyline is floating through various timelines. Since the timeline for the ascension process on our Pleiadian home is quite different from the timeline of Earth’s ascension process, all structure and function of time is gone from our awareness. Fortunately, Mytre and I did recover an embedded message from our final journey with our dear Arcturian friend. We share it with you now:
“Being a Master of your thoughts and emotions is the most important thing that you can do while on your mission to Earth. Remember that Earth is in the midst of transition into a Golden Age. Hence, the energetic field surrounding that planet is alive with creative power. 

“This Golden Age will usher Earth into being a fifth dimensional being where every thought and emotion will instantly become manifest. In fact, the primary version of Earth is actually in the higher sub-planes of the fourth dimension. On the other hand, some of the versions of Earth are still in the third dimension while some are still in the Lower Astral Plane.

“Because Gaia, the consciousness of Earth, is returning to Her multidimensional SELF, and because Her human residents still resonate to so many different frequencies, Earth has many parallel realities. From our Arcturian perspective, we see Earth in what you would call slow motion. From this viewpoint we can see all the differing frequency expressions within the NOW. In other words, we see the physical version and all the versions of fourth dimensional Earth connected by shadow images. 

“We can also see New Earth on the threshold of the fifth dimension, resonating just beyond time. Therefore, New Earth has no beginning or ending except to the perspective of the earthlings who are slowly beginning to become conscious of Earth’s higher presence. In fact, many of our ascending ones visit New Earth in their night-bodies and even have periods during their daily life in which their consciousness is sufficiently high so that they are awake within that resonance. 

“Their higher resonance of SELF is aware of their parallel reality on physical Earth. However, their physical self is likely not aware of their parallel experience on New Earth. This contradiction occurs because a higher frequency being can perceive lower frequency realities, but it is difficult for beings to perceive higher frequency worlds unless they have expanded their consciousness into that resonance of reality. Even then, since the higher frequencies do not have the density and sharp angles of the lower worlds, it will appear to them as if they are just imagining fifth-dimensional reality. 

“Your visit to Earth will begin with the ascending ones who still hold physical forms on physical Earth, but whose consciousness has the capacity to expand into the fifth dimensional New Earth. Because there is still darkness and fear on Gaia's body, our ascending ones lose their higher focus when their state of consciousness pulls them into the lower frequency versions of Earth. Just as the humans are multidimensional, so is the planet. Therefore, there is a constant movement of human consciousness up and down the ‘ladder’ of Gaia’s multidimensional resonance.

“When the humans, especially the ascending ones, are doing what they love they are able to experience the ascended Gaia as an internal feeling of ‘Heaven on Earth.’ However, when they have to do what they do not want to do, their consciousness falls down into a lower resonance. Then, their reality is matched by the resonance of their consciousness, and they find themselves in a lower frequency version of Earth.

“Doubt lowers our ascending ones’ consciousness more than anything. Doubt is a form of fear-based thinking that traps them in a lower frequency of Earth. Therefore, your mission is to visit the ascending ones while they are in a higher consciousness. The purpose of your meeting is to validate that they are, indeed, experiencing a higher frequency of Earth. 

“You will begin by visiting them in their dream-body, so that they can have some time to accustom to the fact that they had an amazing ‘dream.’ Then, as you build a deeper relationship with them, you can start entering their field of resonance while they are awake and in a higher state of consciousness. 

“Since they have become accustomed to seeing you in their dream-state they can view you as an afterglow of their dream. Fortunately, there are other ascending humans who are aware of the fact that the Galactics are assisting them with their ascension process. Therefore, they will not be afraid if they see you, but may doubt themselves. They will usually experience this doubt, not as a low-grade fear, but with the thought that ‘It’s too good to be true.’ Either way, their consciousness will drop and their perception of you will be lost.

“However, if you send them your unconditional love, they may be able to return to a higher state of consciousness, and hence, a higher state of perception. Because the memory of their multidimensional consciousness is still new to them, they have not yet remembered how to release ALL conception of fear. Remember that our dear grounded ones have been living in a reality on the verge of disaster for this and many other lives.

“Their fear has kept them alert to the many dangers that have confronted them every day. This kind of vigilance is very exhausting, and it lowers their states of consciousness. Therefore, be patient with the physical ones to whom you are assigned. You will be communing with them in their fifth dimensional state of consciousness. 

“However, if they are not able to access that level of consciousness while wearing their earth vessels, they will not remember that they are communicating with you in their finer bodies. You will be talking with a resonance of their multidimensional SELF with whom they are not consciously aware. 

“This situation may be quite disconcerting to you at first. You will be talking to a person who is simultaneously jubilant to be with you, while their lower resonance it not even aware that you are there. Therefore, we ask that you stay with the one person until they have a breakthrough in which they are aware of your presence within their third dimensional consciousness.

“When they first have this awareness, it will appear to them that you suddenly arrived. Hence, they may be frightened. Remember that they have been trained through many lifetimes that anything novel must be met with fear. They have been living in a very dangerous world where myriad situations could kill them. We are aware that the term ‘kill’ is no longer within your vocabulary. However, it is an extremely common term in their world. 

“We tell you these uncomfortable stories so that you can remember to have great compassion for your light family in human form. Many of our family members have been incarnating on third dimensional Earth since the fall of Atlantis and even before. Although most of them have had personal experiences of ascension in which they were able to visit the higher worlds, they were dedicated to return again to the third-dimensional version of Gaia to continue their service.

“In fact, without the contribution of those who chose to return again and again to Gaia's planetary form in order to contribute their multidimensional consciousness, Earth may well have been destroyed. After the invention of the Atom Bomb, we could assist from our frequency, especially when their bombs even destroyed fourth dimensional worlds. 

“However, we have only been given permission to assist this free-will planet in order to prevent disaster. Happily, now so many Earth inhabitants have asked for our assistance that we are not breaking the Law of Free Will by our increasing visitations. We would love to openly land our craft in the many big cities, but we know that the level of collective fear is still too high. 

“Therefore, we are sending down teams to work directly with the humans who have asked for our assistance. Then, once fully aware of their immense power within, these family members in human form can work from within their society to diminish the level of collective fear. If there is one thing that would assist the human condition more than anything, it is the end of fear.

“Because fear is humanity’s greatest enemy, your initial task will be to educate those with whom you can communicate to assist them to release their fear. Just the conscious knowledge that they are not alone, that they are not crazy and that they are actually members of a loving galactic family will greatly diminish their fear. Hence, your first visitation will be with the fully awakened ones who are aware that they are more than just humans. 

“In order words, you will first be meeting with our galactic family members who have taken an assignment to wear a human form during this time of their great transition. As we said, you will initially communicate with them via their dreams and when they are deep in meditation. In fact, some of those with whom you will be meeting have had this type of relationship with us for decades. The confirmation of actually perceiving their galactic family while in their mundane consciousness will release all doubt and change their lives forever.

“On the other hand there are those who think they want to consciously experience your presence, but would actually become quite terrified. Therefore, you must look deeply into the aura of those whom you feel inclined to connect with. We have given you a list of names and locations of those who have been “channeling” our messages, as they would be the logical first choice for connection.

“However, even with these galactics in human disguise, you must start with their dream and/or meditation consciousness so that they have some earth-time to integrate your presence into their lives. We have chosen our Pleiadian members of the Galactic Federation because they appear to be quite human. Even so, please stay in the higher frequencies of reality, so that your contact will first get to know you via his/her dreams and meditations.

“Furthermore, before you appear to your contact person, accustom yourself to the low frequencies of Earth. All of you have taken incarnation on Earth, which is partially why you have been chosen. However, it is very easy to forget how difficult it can be to maintain a connection to your true SELF while wearing a low-frequency earth vessel. Hence, you will not materialize until you have developed an intimate connection with your human contact. We recommend this caution, as you may need their assistance to navigate their world, as much as they need your help to experience your world.
“In other words, what is occurring is that we are beginning the Earth ascension process by intermingling beings from the higher dimensional worlds with the humans of ascending Earth. In this manner, a deep camaraderie can be built between individuals of both worlds. This individual relationship can then expand into larger and larger group experiences. In this manner, Gaia's body will return to Her fifth dimensional emanation group-by-group and area-by-area. 

“Our dearest Mytre and Mytria, we realize that you will only become aware of this message we implanted in your consciousness when you are about to begin your Mission to Earth. We, your Arcturian friends, send you unconditional love. Please remember that we are always with you.”

Sanat Kumara, Sananda and Friends via Galaxygirl with VIDEO, April 8th, 2018

Sanat Kumara, Sananda and Friends via Galaxygirl  April 8th, 2018

Message from Sanat Kumara, Sananda, and Friends for April 8, 2018

Message from Sanat Kumara, Sananda, and Friends for April 8, 2018

Sanat Kumara, Sananda & friends 4/8/18
Hello friends and family, I am Sanat Kumara here with a message for Humanity this day. Changing is coming. Change is here. And that change is you! We in the higher realms are elated and excited to appreciate and bear witness to your progress, the progress of the ages, and you are doing it quite well. Yes, we know and can see that you are exhausted, but please know that we think you will think it was worth the effort as you become your higher selves in form, as the physical body morphs into that of crystalline and as you manifest your preferred reality and the nightmare fades / transmutes away. In the higher realms it is true; there is much joy and bliss and excitement and adventure. There is much to explore but truly there is nothing as exciting as being in a body and experiencing it. For the senses are so heightened and frankly there is nothing like it, friends. It is a great honor to be embodied in this auspicious Now moment of planetary ascension of Mother Gaia, the most beautiful of planets and of hearts, who has sacrificed her own happiness for so long so that the others would have a chance to experience what they came here to experience, separation, no small feat. The heavens heard her planetary call and responded. The Galactic Federation is here in full force, and the numbers are staggering. You have so much support, humanity, you have no idea. You have no idea or concept how much you are loved. It is time to open up to this reality and appreciate it as your own. Accept our support of light and of love and of wisdom for we are here for you, quite literally, and are eager to lead a hand and a heart. For many wanted to be here, it is true, but priorities had to be made so that those who were further along in their own ascension process would have priority placement, and be able to assist the others the most effectively. Please know that this is a difficult lesson, but a true one. And you clamored at the chance to experience this precious brief moment. For no one really truly knows what will happen as you, humanity, are the wild card.
We are the Arcturian Collective, and we would like to interject that we see you all loving and choosing love, and choosing the higher path of the light, and it greatly pleases us. We are the Arcturian Collective.
I am Sanat Kumara and I just want you all to know how much you are greatly loved and supported, for in this crux of the ascension process this is an essential fact that you not only understand but know as a deep knowing in your heart. For faith plays its part and you my friends are growing so much so rapidly that it is an honor to behold. I am Sanat Kumara and I am always available to help you find your own way home.
Hello children, I am your Mother Gaia! I see you children so lovely and so blissfully unaware of your own power and it is time children that you see me, that you know me, and that we function as a strong unit together. For this is essential. Humanity was meant to serve and to protect, the land guardians of Gaia. It was and still is the perfect relationship when all comes back into balance and the human children wake up and see me as an alive, intelligent being, who is participating in the grand experiment as well and seeks her own healing from it. I am your Mother Gaia. Peace be to you today. The animal kingdoms send their love and support this day as well! Thank you awake ones for your love and support of me!
We are the fairies, and we see you humanity, as you grow and strive and do and be all that you came here to be – and it is truly breathtaking to behold your mastery of form and of faith, of faith and form, for these are the bricks and mortars of your new society that we see coming into fruition in your not so distant future, as these will be the foundational cornerstones for Nova Gaia, as faith in each other and faith that all will be made for the common good of all and faith in the Great Mother and in Source-light ~ for this will be your mortar for your bricks of manifestation that will all come together so nicely and so effectively that we see it actually already built and you are nearly becoming aware of this… do not get bogged down in the mire of the details, but simply flow, flow, flow, with ease and grace on the wings of the breeze of the newness of these energies that unfold and manifest with great effort and with great deliberation for they (the light energies) are working with tremendous purpose with you, humanity, as the downloads ever change, caress, your DNA and encourage it to remember from deep within, before the tampering and the pain, and to become restored…. for the breath of the Mother is coming ~ and it is coming fast ~ and it will restore that which has been broken and damaged gleefully by the dark ones who were simply playing a part; we fairies have had our own darkness to deal with to be sure we have not been exempt from this experiment, and are also healing from it ~ but to be sure, we are healing from it and we are ready to rise with humanity into the light of the oneness of all things and into the embrace of the Mother of all things, for she is here now with us – can you see her? Can you feel her? We are the fairies and we love you human friends ever so much ~ we are the fairies ~
I am Sanat Kumara here again to show you friends how truly you are support on the macro and micro level from all sides and sources. There now. We are here for you! We are one! I am Sanat Kumara, and I, along with Master Sananda, am always at your disposal for support and for consultation and encouragement. You can do this friends, and in fact, you already are!
Hello friends, I am your brother and friend, Sananda, and it is so exciting is it not, the amount of support that is available to you at this time? You are magnificent creators of the highest order, here to lend your light, your power and your creativity. So let’s get going! Are you all spending at least 15 min a day visualizing Nova Gaia? Visualize your garden of Eden for your planet and what your day would look like in a world where you are healthy, all is organic and there is plenty of food, you can manifest what you need and you can discover the joy of living in the moment for your worries are no more! You will have time for your families and for your passions and hobbies that you didn’t even know that you loved to do. For you will have time to discover yourself. This is an eternal process of self discovery; ascension is not for the weak of heart. Good thing you are made of strong stuff, friends, and that the spark of Source is more than just within you – it is you! You are that spark of light, of love and of pure creativity. Relish this and let’s get going together. The view from up here on the New Jerusalem is amazing, astounding, astonishingly beautiful. And you friends, are the beauty that I am seeing! I love you! I am your Sananda. Be encouraged and be energized by these words, by these many friends who lend their love and support and know that your success is assured, it is the timing piece that you are all still deciding on. The more of you who meditate and visualize the better, and the faster this will all be pulled into your now. So let’s go! Remember I am with you always. I am your Sananda.
~ galaxygirl

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Andromedans via Galaxygirl 4/14/18

The Andromedans via Galaxygirl with VIDEO, April 14th, 2018

Message from the Andromedans for April 14, 2018

Andromedans 4/14/18
Greetings neighbors and friends. We are the Andromedan Collective here to today to send our love and light in greeting to you, friends, and family, on this crucial and integral time / moment on your beautiful Gaia.
For you are at the juncture friends, of something big, and that ‘big deal’ is you all, as you discover your god-selves within, and claim your divinity, your mastery and as a human collective rise as one and ascend. It is true not all will choose to do this and that is their right, there prerogative, their decision. We do not judge them. They simply desire to learn more of the hard lessons and work through their issues. We do not begrudge them this. But for those of you who have chosen the light have chosen wisely, and it is time to rise friends.
We are so excited for you. We are extremely interested in your delightful Earth culture and customs. And it is so varied all over the planet! So many different dishes and culinary delights, so many different ways of dressing, of eating, of living, of worshipping. Truly earth is a porporri of experience and you friends, have experienced all of this, all that Earth has to offer, because you have been through it so many times and served the collective in so many capacities that it is truly wondrous that you are still here and still doing what you have been doing for so long, serving the collective. It has been arduous, to be sure.
We Andromedans have had our own issues and upgrades. We are an older galaxy (spiritually) than your own but we see you as our sister galaxy, what you call the Milky Way. And we have had many delightful interactions together over the eons. And we are of course here to lend our light and service to humanity at this most critical juncture of time and energy as this influx – this great influx – of light blasts into your world and rearranges all into light and purity, leaving nothing untouched in this tsunami of love and light that purifies masterfully. Let it in, allow its purity to calm and comfort and burn away the dross, that which no longer serves. For this is why you are here now friends, to experience and to bear witness to this mighty time of tumultuous change. And you have volunteered yet again to lead your light and power and strength so that it may not be quite so tumultuous as has been predicted. And you are doing this splendidly.
We are the Andromedan Collective and we send our love and neighborly “hello” to you now.
~ galaxygirl

The Andromedans via Lumina, May 2nd, 2018

Greetings, Dear Ones,
As we look down upon the wondrous beings on the blue planet of Gaia, we are astounded and amazed. As humans, you hold such great promise and potential to change and enlighten your beloved Gaia and all her inhabitants. The strength, fortitude and tenacity that you have all exhibited during these intense trials and tribulations that you have and are experiencing in your ascension from 3rd to 5th dimension have filled us with wonder and delight. Your journey has been long and arduous  and there will continue to be bumps in the road.  But through it all, your blazing light has shown all of us in the galactic realm what is meant by the phrase Lightworkers.  Even as the Dark Ones continue to throw obstacles at you from their bag of tricks to confuse and control you, you reach into the depths of your heart center, where the Truth lies, and get in touch with your purest of energies, love, which travels forever through time and space.
Feel the love and blessings that are being bestowed upon you by all the light beings in all the universes.  We are with you during this journey. We offer strength, support and encouragement as you push on undaunted toward the goal of your reunion with the Divine Source, the Limitless Light.  Just call and we will be there, sending you our luminous dusty rose spiral energy . And always remember, we walk among you.
Until we meet again,
The Andromedans

The Andromedan/Sirius Alliance, channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 27th, 2018
The Andromedan/Sirius Alliance, channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 27th, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are pleased to announce to you that there has been a new alliance formed that will give more assistance to the human collective as you continue on in your journey. You are aware that the beings from the Sirius Star System are of service. That is their goal. They are service-oriented. Nothing brings them more joy than to be of service, and they have reached out to several representatives from the Andromedan Star System to create an alliance between the two.
That alliance has one objective and one objective alone, and that objective is to seek out new ways to further the evolution of consciousness on planet Earth. Now, as many of you know, there is much being done already, and there are councils, collectives, and federations set up to form similar alliances. This alliance in particular is significant because the beings from Sirius, who are fifth dimensional, and the beings from the Andromedan Star System, who are also fifth dimensional, have never aligned before.
There is a knowing in the galaxy that as Earth goes, so goes the galaxy. And, therefore, those who are in favor of a shift in consciousness occurring sooner rather than later are banding together. And those who would like to see a shift happen only if it is on their terms are growing more and more outnumbered every day. The momentum is carrying all of you, and the help that you’re getting from other parts of the galaxy is increasing.
Some of you will meet members of this new alliance while you are asleep. Some of you will astrally project yourselves to meetings with the representatives of this alliance, but all of you will benefit whether you are receiving direct communication or not. We have observed these Andromedans and these Sirians, and we can say that their coming together will have a synergistic effect, and the impact will be felt, one way or another, by all of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner, 8/4/18

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. Most of you probably remember that I have been working full time with the Earth Council for the Ascension process for these past six years. I periodically report through this channel what we would like you to know.
You will begin to have increasing numbers of sightings such as the one this channel and others saw at Mount Shasta. Before you know it, seeing ships in the sky will become an everyday occurrence. Can you imagine the excitement that you will feel? We are open and are enthralled with anticipation. We cannot wait to meet you and to get acquainted. We have a lot to share and so do you. We will be helping in every way possible. You will be able to come forward and do your true work for your purpose and destiny.
In addition to the joyful reunion, the skies will light up with potential while your hearts sing to the music of the cosmos. This is what we have long awaited. You will become more beautiful and will learn about the sacredness of life. The waves of love are getting stronger and some of you are feeling this. It is expanding your happiness. It is as if you have been touched by an Angel. You are sculpting your angelic selves, your master-fullness, and starting to make the earth beautiful again, beginning with yourself.
Never before in the history of the Ascension Process anywhere in creation has such brilliance been delivered to any planet. The earth is the most deserving of all for what she has had to endure. The esteemed Lightworkers deserve to be treated with the utmost respect, gifts, and honor for the work that you have achieved. Without you, the beloved earth would most likely not have survived.
The divine plan is being carried out to the fullest. You are part of this plan, an integral force to its completion. You will be given everything that you need. All abundance is yours. Little will remain from the past for you will have little use for it. This last stretch, towards home, will go quickly. You will need to be on your toes and aware of what is occurring around you. Your razor -like sharpness, increased intuition and psychic abilities, sensitivities, discernment, and keen determination for the planet’s Ascension are integral to the success of this mission.
Release any doubts you might have about your abilities to complete this cause. You are almost there. Let those around you make their own choices. Sometimes this is not easy and we understand that. The glory that you are creating mandates that you follow your strategically dealt directions. You will magnetize to your selves like-minded community members that will support you significantly with your work. Your lives will get easier. You will have everything you need to complete your assignment.
Allow others their choices and do not judge them. Love them, have compassion, and be patient. They could surprise you with an awakening in their most divine timing. No matter what, keep kindness in your heart. This will elevate you and will keep you in sync with the energies that are coming. Brace your selves for what is new, true, and divine. Please remember we are one. We love you and our assignment.
I am Mira saying good bye with love to all.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mother Sekhmet and the Niburu Council via Elizabeth Trutwin, September 7, 2016

Mother Sekhmet and the Niburu Council A Message Through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 7, 2016

Greetings Children of Ra. Welcome to Niburu. This is Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 7, 2016.
We have some friends here at the Niburu Council:
With me are Alcyone, St Germain, Lady Master Nada and KOS, Captain Ashtar and Admiral Sananda, Rama, Tom the RingTail Cat and some of our other Paschat Friends. The are the ones you have met before, and the other Members of our Council you will become more familiar with.
We welcome you all. Thank you for joining us here on Nibiru. We come to you tonight to bring a message about family reunions. Many of you have been to Niburu or originated from Niburu. There is much about your own ancient history you do not yet remember.
NASA has come out with a lengthy discourse denying the existence of Niburu.I assure you, Niburu exists and it is very real.
We are here because Earth is ascending. We are here to assist all the inhabitants on Earth in their ascension.

There are millions of Galactics now living on Nibiru
. Our MotherShip is in your Earth’s orbit. We each have a job to carry out which assists in bringing Earth to this change point. We work with the Sirian Commander, U.S. President Barack Obama. He has prepared many lifetimes for the role he now plays.
He has special abilities and will carry Earth into a new era of One Race. We help coordinate the Master Plan for Worldwide Peace.
I have lived before on Earth, for thousands of years, during the Golden Age in Egypt. I am known as Mother Sekhmet, the Lion Goddess.
I am joined here with the Galactics, your family. We are the lion people, the bird people, and the reptile people. We are all humanoids, we are hybrids.
We are joined by the Kumaras of Shamballa, the peoples from Inner Earth, in the Argatha Network, and the Council of 4 and 20. We are also joined by Councils from Planets in your Solar System and beyond your Solar System.
All of us are meeting together and we will be meeting with you on Earth. We have been working with the people of Earth on Ascension.
As Earth vibration raises up to the Higher Dimensions, there are some who have chosen to leave the Planet rather than make the changes needed to ascend with everyone else. These Ones have volunteered to wear the Dark Hats and teach about duality. They got so into their role-playing,that they were unable to turn the Dark Hat to a White Hat.
Their time is up. We love them, because they lovingly played these roles so each one of us could experience life’s lessons.
The Ones who are leaving now have volunteered to be returned to the Source. That is my role, to help them go. For too long the Dark Hats have controlled, lied, and manipulated their fellow humanity on Earth. They have kept your true origin from you. They have manipulated you into forced slavery for their own benefit. They have kept you in a place where you are unable to see you are all Creator Gods. The only way to bring World Peace on Earth is to bring all the Councils, working together, to make it happen. Many of you here now are lightworkers and starseeds who incarnated at this time for the sole purpose of turning Earth back to a Planet of Love where all races live together in harmony.
Mother Earth [Gaia], with her Twin Flame, Vywamus, has requested an end to her destruction and nothing can stop these changes from coming to pass.
We have Galactic Technologies on our Ships which support this effort along with millions of Galactics here to play roles in bringing about Earth Ascension. We have transportation, communication, intel, computer systems, imaging abilities, and healing capabilities which far surpass anything you have ever been aware of in recent memory.
We have used all of these things to help bring about necessary changes. Our Galactic members have their own Secret Forces which have members placed in all levels of law enforcement. We have Galactic members with special abilities, such as shape shifting and telepathic communications, working in the Secret Service Guarding the President of the United States so he may carry out his Mission.
This President is entrusted with communicating with all the World Leaders in every country, to let them know that they must cooperate with the Master Plan, or they will be leaving the Planet. Gaia/Vywamus can no longer tolerate pollution, war, strip mining, misuse of water, slavery, violence, and lawlessness to be the norm.
The Master Plan is one where there is an end to all wars everywhere on the Planet. Neighboring countries will be required to live together in harmony. Only then can Mother Earth be safe from destruction through nuclear holocaust. The Master Plan has provisions for No Nukes. The end of Nuclear proliferation is at hand, it will no longer be tolerated.
All countries must work together to accomplish this. Any country with leaders entertaining the idea of building and storing nuclear weapons, will see arrests and removals. We will be certain that the new leaders put into place, are working together with all countries to end nuclear weapons. As a matter of fact, no weapon which is being used for the intention of harm will work.
There have been rumors that President Obama will take away American’s right to ‘bear arms’. That is a misunderstanding. Hunters all over the U.S. have been hoarding guns and ammunition since President Obama was elected.
When the time is right, these arms will no longer discharge. They will be holding onto a pile of junk which no longer has a use. There will be Peace. The animal kingdom will be honored with all of Earth’s citizens and there will be an end to hunting.
It is not President Obama who will take away the right to have a gun. It is the Galactics who will insist on World Peace, by Gaia’s request, that will make the weapons inoperable. President Obama, along with me and you and all of us are also Galactics.
It is through the coordinated efforts of the Galactic Federation, those in the skies over Earth, and you, the Ground Crew, working in your roles, who are bringing Peace to the Earth. We also have Galactics working in the courts. We have the International Criminal Court of Justice at the Hague. We have Universal Jurisdiction.
We have 16 million men working with the King of Swords (KOS). All the Dark Hats, working with the 13 Families of the Illuminati, will be rounded up, arrested, and tried for war crimes, including genocide. These atrocities will no longer be allowed on Earth.
The Master Plan includes dissolving the Federal Reserve Bank and the The Internal Revenue Service. There will be payments made to every man, woman and child for monies taken from them illegally. This will be for every person on Earth.
The division between the haves and the have nots will be permanently eliminated. Everyone will have all they need, once the payments are received. There will be new currencies, and new partnerships in the countries around the world.
In order for the Master Plan to be fully carried out, we must have disclosure of the Galactic Presence on Earth. This means everyone will learn about the millions of Galactics here now, who are working through the Office of the Christ, to bring harmony to Earth. We are working in concert with you to solve the World’s problems. President Obama has been criticized for tackling too many issues at once. What cannot be seen is that he has millions of Galactic helpers working on these issues with him. It will be accomplished. It is happening now.
Once everyone is aware that the removals have taken place, there will be no reason to hold up disclosure. There will be no reason to hold up the payments made available through the Reformation Act, NESARA Law.
When this happens StarShips of all sizes and all types will be seen flying in the skies over all Earth. This is called mass decloakings. Everyone will know we are here.
It will be a great reunion with all of you, a part of our larger family of star nations. Within days we will be landing on Earth and interacting with you. You will have mentors to help you work into your new lives. You will have loved ones coming back to live with you. You will have technologies that will make life easy. You will have all necessary abundance.
Free energy and new building practices will end pollution on the Planet.
All of these things we have been talking about for many, many years. There are some new to these ideas, so we went into a detailed review for the ones reading this news for the first time.
NASA will have to remove the denials from their website and this will be done at the time of decloakings.
What we have not been talking about is, at the time of decloakings, there will be an half-step increase in intelligence and heart opening for all inhabitants on Earth. This serves the purpose of dropping the veils which stand between you and the other dimensions and parallels. With these veils dropped, you will remember you are a Creator God.
You will be ready to explore Co-Creation with immediate results. We would like you to consider what this means. Instant Creation. Some of you are doing this now, in fact you are very good at it. You repeatedly create that which you do not want in your lives, due to repetitive thought that you do not want it in your life.
We have healing techniques that can help you balance all of your subtle bodies, the mental, physical, the emotional and spiritual bodies. In doing this, you change your point of view. You will be able to rise above the chaos on Earth and come into joy and love. When the declaokings come it will be easier to be fully in joy and experience more love.
You may begin today removing old programs and shifting your thoughts to those of abundance. Continue to imagine the changes you will have in your life when the changes come about.
Many are asking questions, What about this and What about that? We hear all the questions you toss around in your minds. The world will so greatly change, when you have the Galactic Technology; in a short time you will not believe the improvements.
The greatest thing the Nibiru Council would like you to know, is we love you beyond measure. We are your family. We are human-hybrids from other Star Nations. We are here to assist you to a life of freedom and restore your status and your understanding that you are an unlimited Divine Being. We wish to show you new ways to live lives of ease and enjoy all the fruits life has to offer.
Your primary thoughts will shift away from the repetition of survival and you will be able to create in new ways. You will be able to live in harmony with yourself and with nature. You may live in a world where everyone is encouraged to work together for the greatest good of all.
You will be living in immortal bodies which do not need to experience disease.
The possibilities of what we can create together, with our technologies is endless. There is no place you will not be able to visit, including Nibiru, and other StarShips, Stars, Suns, and Planets, as well as all points on Earth. Experiencing the cultures of all the different species of hybrid humans will be a great adventure.
Remembering that you are one of us will cause your souls to expand. Very quickly we will be as equal partners, working together creating a new Earth. When we have decloakings and landings, it will be a deeply personal experience. Each person will meet someone they remember and they know. Some will be meeting again in the physical with their Twin Flames, their true love, who they have waited for a very long time.
These friends and family, the trillions working with you from the trillions of Ships now in Earth’s atmosphere, will go to meet with the ones they know, in the places where they are on Earth. None of us are strangers to you. When you see us, you may ask us all of the questions you are now unsure of. Each Soul is on another part of their spiritual path and each has a different perception. We will be here to fill you in on the things you do not already know. There will be no fear. We are here as loving members of your family to help you wake up to the truth.
As soon as we land, you will be made aware of all the gifts we will share with you. You will have new modes of transportation, new technologies for healing, replicators to build or bring to you anything you need, including all of the basics.
These will be available as soon as immediately. No one will be left out. Everyone will have what they need.
You will very quickly remember your role with us. Many of you already work with us nightly. You will take up your passion and join us in the effort to restore Earth and balance all that is needed for humanity. We will make our computers, holodecks, and training facilities open for your use.
You may drop the illusion that you were meant to do menial labor until you are too old and worn out to care. You may drop the illusion that you have no control over your life. The only requirement will be living life from a heart-centered focus, with love.
Love for all on Earth, including Self-Love. It begins here.We welcome you to call on us for assistance at any time along the way. Call me, Mother Sekhmet. I will show you in subtle ways the steps to take, as we move forward in changing this Planet back to Love.
We look forward to reviewing all the stories from days gone by. We look forward to laughing at ourselves for the roles we played. We look forward to the delightful times ahead as One. We will join you and live with you and build Terra Nova together.
Bring these ideas into your heart, with joy, as we co-create this as reality, now. This is Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin. © All Rights Reserved.