Thursday, September 15, 2022

New Collaborations with Beings in the Andromedan Galaxy ∞ 9D Arcturian Council, channeled Daniel Scranton, September 15, 2022

New Collaborations with Beings in the Andromedan Galaxy ∞ 9D Arcturian Council, channeled Daniel Scranton, September 15, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are searching for more collaborators out beyond this galaxy, because we feel the time is now for such co-creation to begin. We know that we are more effective when we have more beings of light and love working with us, and that is why we have created so many alliances with so many beings and collectives throughout this galaxy, and as we look into other galaxies for help, we know that the help that we are getting is effective. We can feel the strength of the collaborations that we have been able to already bring to fruition. We have been very actively employing the help of beings and collectives from the Andromedan Galaxy, and we are continuing to probe all of the neighboring galaxies for more collaborators, more helpers, more friends that we have not met yet. We know that all of you are very interested in collaborating as well, as you look for members of your soul family, your tribe, and you seek to come together with them to help humanity. Humanity is ascending, but the whole process can be smooth and easy or it can be hard and filled with pitfalls. And that is where the help comes in. That is where you all come in as well, as you have the ability to reach out to people now all across the planet, and you have the ability to come together with those like-minded souls who want to help, who want to see humanity take the smooth and easy path. This is the perfect time because of the energies that are present right now throughout the universe. We are all, of course, working with Source Energy, and we work with the Source of this universe constantly. Those energies that support collaboration are felt by those of you who are sensitive, and you recognize that it is a call. It is something that you feel compelled to do when you gather together with others in prayer and meditation, or when you are just setting intentions with other people, you are collaborating in the same way that we are with our newfound friends, who are really old friends, outside of this galaxy. We have felt so welcomed by those in the Andromedan Galaxy, and we will continue to probe, continue to seek out those beautiful collaborators who want only to help make this the smoothest transition possible for the entire universe. We have power in numbers, and our numbers are increasing all the time. You add to those numbers with your willingness to be the conduits, the anchors of high-frequency energies coming from above. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

How to Face the Darkness on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 14, 2022

How to Face the Darkness on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 14, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always very impressed with how humans handle the amount of darkness that you encounter throughout your lives. You experience the darkness, the heaviness, the weight of existence there on Earth in many different ways, and most of you hang in there and endure so much without even having the proper tools to alleviate the pain of carrying that darkness. You all should be very impressed by yourselves. You can all pat yourselves on the back, and you can look at others as well, differently, knowing that they too took on a lot in this lifetime. Everyone has their cross to bear; everyone is working through some very heavy stuff from their genetic line, from their childhood, from their past lives. It all adds up. And everyone there on Earth right now should be celebrated just for being there and being willing to wade through all of the muck that was there before you were even born into this lifetime. Now, you all who are awake, who are members of what we call the Awakened Collective, you are the lightbringers, the lightworkers. You are the ones who do have the tools and do have the knowledge and can lead by example and show others how it’s done. Many of you tried the other methods first. You tried drowning the pain, the darkness, in alcohol, or numbing yourself to it with drugs. You tried avoiding, pushing it down, denying its very existence, and none of that works. And as awakened souls, you now know that and you can move forward with the truth that you hold within you that all of this stuff needs to be accepted, embraced, processed, and ultimately released to allow more of the light in. The high-frequency energies that are upon you right now are helping you to purge all of it, but it helps to have an awareness of what is happening when you are in the midst of one of these purges. Letting go of darkness feels good after it’s done, but during the process it can be a harrowing, unpleasant experience, to say the least. And so, again, you have to be gentle with yourselves and others because of how much you know you all took on. If someone is being mean, or rude to you, remember the weight that they carry and know that they are having a particularly bad time. Not everyone knows what to do when they have fear, sadness, anger, anxiety, frustration, and all of the other negative emotions stirring around inside of them. But, again, you as the Awakened Collective, do know what to do, and every time you face the darkness, allow it to be what it is, and even embrace it, you show others how it’s done, and you add something to the collective consciousness that is for the betterment of all. It is true that you are doing this, because we witness it all the time, and we see the effects you are having on the collective that is humanity and the collective that is this universe, and we know that you will continue to do so, because it is the only way, and because of our little reminder here. That’s what we give you most of the time. We give you reminders so that you can focus in such a way that you know what to do when something comes up. You release that forgetting mode that you sometimes get stuck in, along with the rest of humanity. And we see you all making the choice for the light over and over again, and that is something else to be very proud of as a human being living on Earth at this time. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, September 12, 2022

Remember These Two Things & Be Your 5D Self ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 12, 2022

Remember These Two Things & Be Your 5D Self ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 12, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are looking forward to what humanity will choose next as your way of coming together and accelerating more awakenings across the planet. For those of you who are already awake, you really need to see everything that is happening on planet Earth as a co-creation whose purpose it is to get more people to come together in the acknowledgement that you are all one as a human race. It is important for you to see everything through that lens, rather than the way a lot of new agers see things now, which is that this circumstance is yet another attempt by the cabal to keep us down. Do you see the difference? In one scenario, you are the powerful co-creators, and in another scenario you are the victims. You get to choose on the macrocosmic level and on the microcosmic level as well. In other words, everything that is happening in your life with friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, lovers, they are not happening because you are the victim of someone else’s trauma, or narcissism, or whatever you want to call it. When you experience something on a personal level, you also need to see it as your co-creation that is meant to help you awaken to the truth of who you really are as unconditional love. Now, of course, the details of how to do that in every scenario of your life experience is the tricky part. It is easy for us to say it, harder for you to enact it, and that is why we are here for you for the long term experience of your ascension. We are not just going to tell you what so many others have told you in the past, which is that you are all one, and that you are Source Energy and unconditional love and then leave you to figure the rest out for yourselves. We want to tell you how to shift your perception of reality to such an extent that you can know that truth viscerally, and you can speak, think and act accordingly. So the first thing you must do when it comes to the world at large and when it comes to your personal lives is accept everything as it is just as it is, and acknowledge that it is your creation. Next, you have to be willing to notice when you go back into resistance to it, no matter what it is, and just let go. Don’t continue down that train of thought that allows you to feel justified in your resistance. Instead, practice more letting go. Next, you have to look for how it is the current set of circumstances serves you. That doesn’t mean that you have to figure out how it all came to be. You don’t have to unravel the giant, tangled ball of yarn. You just have to look at it as it is and say, ‘This must serve me somehow, and I am open to understanding exactly how it does.’ And when you are open to receiving that piece of information that tells you how it serves you, you are more likely to receive it. Ultimately, there’s going to be something you need to heal, forgive, release, or have compassion for in the set of circumstances you are facing. Once you get to that place, you have to keep making the choice to rise above the pettiness of the ego and be your Source Energy Self in thought, word and action. When you do so, you will feel such relief because you will have risen above the level of consciousness that many operate at for entire lifetimes. You will feel more one with all; you will feel more connected to all others in the universe and to Source. And then you will be able to live happily ever after because nothing will be able to bring you down. But it takes practice, it takes a concerted effort, and it takes reminders. And that’s something else we do for you with these messages that are almost daily. We remind you that love is all there is, and everything else is an illusion, and we remind you that you are Source Energy Beings pretending to be human. And when you remember that, it becomes easier to be the fifth-dimensional being you always intended to be in this lifetime. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, September 3, 2022

For the Awakened & Newly Awake ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 3, 2022

For the Awakened & Newly Awake ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 3, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to be witnessing the awakening of so many individuals there on Earth, just as we take so much joy in watching those of you who have already awakened, as you continue to blossom and become higher versions of yourselves. The world that you live in does not encourage this, and so you really do have to go against the grain to be true to yourselves as fifth-dimensional beings. You must lovingly say no to people who want you to join them in condemning someone else, or some group, because at your core you do know that unity and oneness are a part of your ascension. You do not get to where you are going by putting yourself or anyone else into a nice, neat little box. Boxes have walls, and you are not there to further engage in separation and segregation. You are there to foster love and integration. And so, when we talk about you furthering your evolution of consciousness, this is what we mean. You must see the opportunities that are in front of you all day every day for doing this. And the good news is, those of you who are awake have tuned in more to your emotional bodies. You are sensitive; you are empathic. You know when something feels good to you and when something feels off. When something doesn’t feel right, that is a clue to you that it’s time to let go of whatever it is you’re thinking about, whatever it is you’re putting your attention on. It just doesn’t serve you, and it doesn’t serve that overall goal that every single person has of ascending. To ascend is to become closer to Source Energy, and Source Energy is everything and everyone. So if you see someone offering you an invitation to join them in pushing against some person or some group, some ideology, then you simply have to politely decline to be a part of that movement. Being aware of such movements helps you to recognize what is needed there on Earth. You need more of this: you need more people who are wanting to come together. And when people are newly awake, they tend to recognize this; people want to find their tribe, their soul family. And those of you who are receiving this message most certainly have been at that point or are at that point now. So you can do this just as much as anyone else can. You can decide that you are going to start a group, or a movement, that is about uniting humanity in spite of all the differences that you have. You can have different opinions about what is right and ethical to eat and still be united with other people. You can have different opinions about who has the better political ideas and still be united with those individuals you disagree with. You don’t have to let any belief separate you. Instead, as you focus on what unites you, which is the truth that we are all one, then you attract to you more individuals who believe that as well and who want to live that in their daily lives. When you start to think about that as a goal, or as a mission, then you need not look any further than your circle of family, friends and colleagues. And you know that you can come to together with those individuals based on the truth that they are Source and so are you. And you can get past any differences you have because you are ready to rise above all of that, and you are the ones to invite others to do so as well. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

A Tipping Point for the Collective Consciousness ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 8, 2017

A Tipping Point for the Collective Consciousness ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 8, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are pleased to give you a progress report that you are going to enjoy receiving. The human collective consciousness is approaching a tipping point that when reached will bring you past any possibility of putting yourselves in a very difficult and unfortunate situation regarding your planet and your ascension. There have been many possibilities for all of you to shift in a rather messy way, but as you continue to seek out the comfort that comes from connecting within yourselves, you eliminate any need for humanity to create a rockier road for yourselves. There are many opportunities for you to exercise your free will in releasing that which has been holding you back as individuals, and we see so many of you making the choice that serves you most. So many of you are exercising that free will to go within and seek out the comfort that you need to experience from opening your hearts. You have been given opportunities to blame, to ignore, and to numb yourselves, and the vast majority of you are not making those choices. Each time each one of you as an individual makes a choice to go within and seek that comfort within your hearts, you add momentum to the shift of the collective consciousness and you move yourselves down a timeline that does not include catastrophe, natural disasters, or large scale wars. You also move yourselves further and further away from needing an intervention from some of your physical extra-terrestrial friends. Everyone who has your greatest and highest good at heart is applauding the nearing of this tipping point. We are all doing what we can to assist you in making those decisions that serve your greatest and highest good, but it always comes down to you and it always comes down to choice. The choices that you are making are having a very positive impact on the shift of the collective consciousness. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”