Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Dolores Cannon on Life After Death - 2008


Dolores Cannon revealed her discoveries about life after death and the astral plane as detailed in her book "Between Death and Life" at the 2008 Ozark Mountain Transformation Conference.

"Dolores Eilene Cannon was an American author, self-trained hypnotherapist, and publisher. She was a leader of the New Age movement and a promoter of theories relating to aliens and alternative realities."

Born: April 15, 1931, St. Louis, MO
Died: October 18, 2014 (age 83 years)

She published about 19 books. I've read The Convoluted Universe Book 2. I thought it was pretty good, but I read it many years ago, and don't remember much.
I mainly remember that the beings from Atlantis experimented with creating hybrid humans, with DNA from humans and animals. (In a negative way, like slavery.)
It's been a while, so don't quote me on that. 

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