Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Ashtar: The New Jerusalem, June 29, 2021, Seraphim Akchooel Subramani

(interesting article if true)

Greetings Beloved Ones,

Everyone up here on all of our ships are viewing what has been and is happening on your beautiful planet, Gaia. She has such a beautiful, joyful smile with the happiness she was promised eons ago. She has so much love for you, her children, having faith in you as you come into your full consciousness and glory.

We assure you that you, too, shall be running on the water in your Dimensional Consciousness, or doing any number of wonderous things that you may consider to not be possible at this moment; nevertheless, it is known that you are the Creators, not only of your next individual moment, but of the world known as the entirety of planet Earth.

Dear Hearts, you have done the most marvelous loving act that your dear planet has ever experienced – you did run on the water, so to speak with this wonderous love for all humanity… the sacrifice of abstaining from food for your physical body from day to day. This is the greatest gift of love ever shown on any planet for millions of years! Your time, and the love, the compassion, the wanting for your Galactic brothers and sisters to contact you, bringing Disclosure with all the Announcements, and… wanting US to land on your beautiful world, Gaia! It was breathtaking. We all watched you from our ship and the sparks were flying from your countenances. Your whole globe was aglow.
Dear Hearts, in this message, we here want to share our appreciation for the sacrifice you, our brothers and sisters, have made to welcome us and invite us to join you once more.

Dear Hearts, in this message, we here want to share with you our beautiful MotherShip, The New Jerusalem.

Looking up from your world, you would see a huge vessel hovering like a big city, larger than any you have on your world. She even glows and is alive – organic. Not anything like your transportation on Earth. The New Jerusalem is many millions of years old. She has been mentioned in your bible many times (King James version), referred to even as a city upon your Earth:

Revelations, Chapter 21, Verse 2
And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
Luke 24. 51

And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.
Mark 16. 19

So then, after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into Heaven and sat on the right hand of God.

Maybe we can describe our ship to you and you can visualize it in your mind’s eye:

The New Jerusalem is the largest of the “Inns of Heaven;” a floating Etheric world, housing the headquarters… the Quarters of Lord Sananda, Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command. The New Jerusalem is a Pearly White Space City. It is 2,000 miles in length and 2,000 miles in width. It is one of ten MotherShips. It will be seen from coast to coast. It has twelve levels:

1. Bottom – The entry and exit portal for trafficking craft. Includes disembarking platforms, parking docks, garages, maintenance departments, storage areas and Registration Headquarters.

2. A colossal stockroom. The Quartermaster Deck containing all manner of supplies. It is an immaculate city of warehouses.

3. A vast zoo, including animal husbandry research and a bird land with creatures from many worlds.

4. Agricultural research. It is like a vast farmland of well kept vegetables, gardens and fruit orchards. Much of the growth is blue instead of green.

5. Housing Center for all those technicians and persons who serve on the four levels below.

6. Recreational Level and lovely landscaped park areas for residents of all ages.

7. Medical Complex. Patient facilities, dental care, biological research, ships lavatories and quarters for all medical personnel.

8. Housing prepared for Earth evacuees. It contains staterooms for individuals and apartments for families. There are countless joint dining areas, social halls, nursery care sections, laundry facilities and information offices.

9. University Compound. The Halls of Wisdom, vast libraries, endless concert halls and cultural interests, halls of learning for all ages, music rooms and computer classrooms.

10. Special apartments for visiting dignitaries from all dimensions, barracks for the ET’s, staterooms and apartments with multiple scattered conference rooms and beautiful sprawling dining and lounge areas.

11. Ashtar Command Headquarters and Great Rotunda Meeting Hall. Earth evacuees are brought to this Great Hall for any necessary group gatherings. The Command Communication Center is located here.

12. Officers’ Observation Deck and Pilot Control Center, which can be visited by appointment.

How our Earth Support system works:

Beloved Hearts, there are millions of craft operating in your solar system at all times, and many of these belong to the Ashtar Command. Some are stationed far above your planet and are more or less stationary for long periods of time, keeping track of the Earth on their monitoring systems. Others move about, discharging their various duties. We have small craft doing surveying activities, and we have larger craft with an extended range that are capable of operating in space and which visit planets in other solar systems.

Each base or Earth unit does, at all times, have its personal craft hovering within its vortex, for personal, immediate relay of messages to or from that unit. This station, or platform, never changes, although the persons involved might be removed temporarily for rest and relaxation to return later. All of our signals, beams and contact are relayed to our messengers through the medium of these individual platforms of contact. In the atmosphere above a base unit there is an invisible identifying beam that projects incredibly high above it for identification purposes.

This beam projection identifies the particular command sponsoring the base unit.

Those of you who serve in your places, be assured, that all who participate in this program know you are there.

The true inter-planetary craft, the Ventlas of our forces, will appear to your optics with a manifestation of colored lights, usually green, red and white. They will sometimes appear constantly red and green, other times, they will appear to be flashing.

Questions have been asked why there are not more spaceships seen in the skies. We would like to answer that by saying that they are there. It is not necessary for them to be seen in such great numbers at this time to implement their work. The time is coming soon when great fleets of them, vast armadas, will be seen in the skies, and that will tell you, who are drawn so close to our hearts, that another phase of our work has begun.

At the moment, we expect the conditions to be propitious for the taking of those who are inwardly prepared on shorter or longer journeys. We know you are all longing for this. We hesitate ever to cause disappointment in any heart and yet we must say that in some cases, the physical body could not take such a flight.

Beloved Ones, it must be a body in perfect physical health, in a certain type of spiritual atunement, in a certain degree of soul evolvement and in a state of mental alertness and readiness.

Preparing Earth’s Energy Grid for First Contact:
From the book, “Lord Ashtar and the Galactic Federation,” page 14:

“Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda Jesus are the sole deciders in the Earth Ascension and when it is appropriate to decloak the StarShips in the fleets in Earth’s orbit.

When this happens, Ashtar is in charge of creating a Force Field on Earth through the Earth Grid connected through the pyramids, ziggurats and portals of Earth which will bring us to zero-point.

“Within this energy, much more advanced technology is possible. To illustrate the Earth Grid, we have the example of Mount Hermon . Mount Hermon is where the transfiguration of Jesus took place. Mount Hermon is located in the Golan Heights area and was gained by Israel in the land grab of the 6-day war in 1967. Mount Hermon is a StarGate. Jesus took his disciples, Peter, James and John with him to the mountain top. The three then fell asleep. A StarShip appears and Jesus meets with his Galactic travelers, Elijah and Moses. They come out of the Ship, onto the mountain and Jesus appears in his Glowie or Etheric Body to his disciples. Mount Hermon is located on the 33rd Latitude Line of Earth. If you follow the 33rd parallel around to the other side of Earth, you will also find on the 33rd parallel… Roswell, New Mexico, United States. This is the site of the famous UFO crash which resulted in the recovery of live extraterrestrials. The Earth Grid is an electromagnetic and crystalline pathway for Etheric Ships.”

Many are wondering what will exactly happen when we actually make First Contact:
When the divine, right moment occurs, the amount of higher consciousness energy that the local Spiritual Hierarchy has brought in will be much greater than you, heretofore, have experienced. Individuals surrounded by a lot of negative energy will most likely experience five to ten minutes of sickness from these intense energies. It is almost as if somebody placed a storm of high positive energies around Mother Earth. Many who are more aware will see these new energies as extremely brilliant light. Everybody will feel it as a calming energy. It is going to feel like the ultimate form of ecstasy!

These wonderful energies are to be accompanied by extremely beautiful celestial music played by the local Spiritual Hierarchy. This heavenly music will be a sign to all that a truly divine intervention in the affairs of Earth’s humanity is about to transpire. Your local Spiritual Hierarchy will also form some easy-to-detect, ‘Angel-like’ clouds in the sky. These heavenly portents will be your signal that something miraculous is about to happen.

Dear Hearts… dear, dear Hearts, all of you on your world are now in the position within your spiritual growth to solve or put the rest of the puzzle pieces together. And as you look, dear ones, and observe this puzzle, you can now, with your great awareness (without me cluing you in ðŸ˜‰ understand why we are informing you at this time about our large MotherShip, The New Jerusalem. Yes, Dear Hearts, you’ve got it!

Yes, Dear Ones, you are at the finish line, running on the water, coming through the fog… with arms outstretched, to join The New Jerusalem. And know that you are loved beyond measure… deeply, unconditionally.

Your Galactic Brother,

Lord Ashtar

**Channel: Seraphim Akchooel Subramani

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

July 2021: New Energies & Upgrades ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 29, 2021

July 2021: New Energies & Upgrades ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 29, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of discovering new avenues to your dimension, avenues that will make it so much easier for a two-way communication with us to occur. We know that you all are seeking more connection, more guidance, from above, and when you seek it out for yourselves directly, you often listen for a little voice inside your head. But the new avenues that we are discovering right now will deliver energetic downloads and information directly into your hearts. There will be heart chakra upgrades given in the month of July that will facilitate this connection and make it so much more powerful than if you did hear a little voice inside your heads. If you want to know us, to truly know us, you must do so through your hearts, through the love that you are capable of activating within you. That is what we feel like to you when you encounter us in the astral plane. To you, we are love, and since your heart is the love center in your physical body, it is the best tool for us to utilize to establish that two-way communication that you want and that we want as well. First of all, we want you to feel loved, and secondly we want you to know that you are love. Thirdly, we would like for there to be a heart-to-heart connection between us that will assist greatly in the elevating of the consciousness there on Earth. As you establish yourselves in the universe and the galaxy as beings who are capable of great acts of love, you will more quickly enter into the galactic community in an official way. The other e.t.s in your dimension need to see just how powerful you all are when you are heart-centered, when you are operating from love, and the upgrades that are coming in July, coupled with the energies you will then be receiving are going to put you on the map, so to speak. You are going to be getting a lot more attention from physical e.t.s who are eager to connect with you. These are exciting times for humanity, and we are excited to play our role in the evolution of your consciousness. We are also thrilled to be able to connect with all of you more directly and all the time. Now, you might be wondering what you have to do. You might be wondering what your role is in all of this. You have already determined for yourselves what you want, and you have asked, and now all you have to do is receive. And that truly is the easy part, and we know that you are capable of doing it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

How to Connect to Jesus Christ/Yeshua ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 28, 2021

How to Connect to Jesus Christ/Yeshua ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 28, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are focusing on what is most appropriate for humankind to know about, so that we can guide you in the right direction, a direction which is not predetermined, not set in stone. Therefore, there is always hope for humanity, no matter how things might look out there in the world, a world that is a projection of your consciousness, as everything else is. Remember that when you think about changing the world and how hard it will be. Remember that it is easy to change your perspective, your point of view. It is easy to shift your focus, and that is what is most appropriate for you to be working on at this time. There is always good that you can focus upon, and there is always light and love within every single person and every single situation. It is when you abandon hope that you can only see the darkness around the light. Your vision becomes foggy and your mind becomes cluttered with facts and historical events. It’s time to toss all of that aside for all of you so that you can be very present and so that you can let go of the heaviness that does not need you to focus upon it. Stay light and stay in the light, and then harness the power of the light. The power of the light is not in its ability to defeat the dark; the power of the light is in its ability to illuminate what everyone needs to see in order that it can be healed. You are there to heal, to shift, and to operate as the light in a world that needed you, a world that beckoned you forth from the very comfortable nonphysical realm in which you were previously dwelling. You came forth to be the light, just like the one called Jesus Christ. The light that shone within him is also within you and everyone else, and that was another part of the teachings of Jesus, and it is the one that everyone needs to be focused upon in order to heal, in order to become the vision that he held for all of you. You have so much strength and power within you when you shine that light, and you connect yourself to Jesus, or as many of you refer to him as, Yeshua. And that light is what will carry you into the fifth dimension, because it will alter you from the inside, melting away anything that obscures it and shining a light on whatever your fellow humans need to see or recognize. This is the way, and it is the way that Yeshua taught all of you. The time is now to implement those teachings and bring about the great changes that will result in the shift in consciousness there on planet Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, June 26, 2021

What Lies Within the Star Children ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 24, 2021

What Lies Within the Star Children ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 24, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are determined to play our part in the evolution of consciousness there on Earth, just as we know that many humans are determined to play their parts and help in whatever ways that you can. We know that you all recognize the potential that exists within each child to make Earth a better place. We know that you all know that the children who are coming in are quite different than all the children of all previous generations. We have referred to them as the star children because they represent more of their extra-terrestrial lineage. They hold to that lineage a bit more firmly, and their light is a lot harder to shroud. Those of you who understand who they are and what their presence means to the evolution of consciousness there on your world want to help. We say to you that the best way to help is to get out of their way. Let them be who they are, and let them teach you, as they are very capable of leading humanity right now with that wonderful light that shines from within each one. Those who can and will make the biggest difference there on Earth have chosen their parents very wisely, for they knew that the parents would have to hold a certain belief about them in order for them to thrive, in order for them to fulfill their purpose. You can rest assured that nothing is ever going to get in the way of your ascension, because nothing is ever going to be able to extinguish all of that light that is coming in. You are also a part of the helpers, the ones who have come to shine more light, and you have recognized this trait in yourselves. And so, it is time to team up with the children, just as we would invite you to team up with us, your guides, your galactic family, and everyone else who is coming from the light to serve the mission of ascension there on Earth. You can always count on the children of your world to guide you and to bring you into heightened states of joy and love. They will teach you how to play again, how to expect things to come to you with ease, and how to shed all of your beliefs about what is possible and what is impossible. You are their best hope, just as they are your best hope, because you resonate with what we are saying right now. Collaborate with these beautiful star children, and wait to be amazed at what lies within them. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Pleadian Council of Nine via Tazjma Amariah Kumara, June 10, 2021

Source, via Galaxygirl June 22, 2021

Source, via Galaxygirl June 22, 2021

In the beginning all was me, the light of myself, illuminating and free, unbound by any physicality of expression. In the beginning all I knew was of myself and the great mystery beyond myself. For I had not further expanded, I was all that I knew. And so I created aspects. Aspects of myself that I could communicate with, share the great mystery and joy of life with. And as aspects of myself they were creators of the highest order, for they were the first order. 

Elohim. Seraphim. Archangels. All were created to experience further differentiation of themselves as myself. And so they longed for experiences, to flex their creator muscles, to learn. To explore. But there was not yet much to explore in way of places, for we mainly existed within the vast consciousness of myself. And so we created places and spaces, realities and dimensions to create further, to expand, to further explore love. 

In order to explore love deeply we had to explore and feel what the lack of love was. It was not the original intention to explore total lack of love but that was the result. For the lower vibrational realities are addictive and lower forms were created by lack of experience of love, of ultimately lack of self worth and self love. And it was not that these realms spiraled out of control it was that they were subverted and perverted, overridden by those in the process of diving deeper, darker and they lost their way. 

As they lost their way they wanted to take others along with them, to control them, to use them, for they had lost their own direction. They had lost their own spark. They forgot that they are a part of the ultimate creator, of Source, of myself. They forgot their inner spark because they tried to crush it out, to let their ember fade until it was nothing but coal and ash. 

Unfortunately, these trapped realms that were overtaken over vast eons of time... sank further, dove deeper, trapping many who were there to lend a hand initially but ultimately became ensnared in the project. This could not be. All of heaven was very aware of this issue, for all of my aspects are deeply loved, treasured. You are heaven's treasure. You are my heart. And so this could not be. 

And you, millions and millions of you, volunteered to come, to lose your way for a while to volunteer, to lend your light of the higher vibrational consciousness — for you remembered. You remembered your inner fire of Source and you stoked it, you grew it until you became the mighty bonfire of Source in form. (I am seeing fire of all colors dancing in plasma crystalline form enveloping people in meditation.) 

I am Source. It took billions and billions of time... and no time for this to all unfold. This sector, this area of space experienced quantum hijacking, and a web was weaved so that my light would be further dimmed, twisting truths and laws against myself. Humanity was energetically cut off from me and every attempt was made by the dark to be victorious. But in this sector, there is the yin and the yang. There is the dark and the light. The light cannot be vanquished for we are not at war with myself. I am not at war with myself. 

I am Source. I am whole. I am the all and the everything and the in-between. I am both sides of the story, yet there are billions and billions of sides of the story. For I cannot be limited. I am everything. It is much like when you have conflicting inner dialogues with yourselves, as you try to work out the best possible route. 

All of those moments of decision and indecision are what make up your journey. What steps you take determine your route. Consciousness out of form becoming in form, in forms so varied that they cannot be counted. And so you wanted to experiences all of these forms. Many of you have been a little bit of everything. Many parts were to be played. Much karma had to have been cleared for you to all close this book of the lower dimensional realities and create a new book, a new era of peace. You are all creating Nova Gaia. You are creators. You are me in form, how could you do anything but create? 

I am Source. I am not at war with myself. You are experiencing lower dimensional beings who have lost their way. We are bringing them home, to the light, to be recycled, re-loved, repurposed. You are to send your world and those upon her love, my love, the love of Source, for that is all that you are. You are love, in form. I am love. 

I am Source. I created because I loved. I will always love. There is nothing else but love and levels less-than love. Love is the barometer of the universe. Universes and galaxies are breaths of my love. And so it shall be. Gaia will rise, energetically, dimensionally, figuratively, literally. Gaia is tremendously, tremendously special, loved and appreciated for her planetary sacrifice. This one charged her crystals last night on the solstice. These acts of kindness, of miniature ceremony, are all important. All create minor portals of light that you can expand so that more love comes through. 

You are my walking light brights. You are the breath of my heart. You too have experienced the darkness in so many various forms, over so many lifetimes. And you are weary from this expansion. Let your tears be tears of victory, of accomplishment, of relief of a job well done. Energetically code your tears for joy. There is and has been enough sadness upon this realm. The dark actors are being revealed. And then all upon Gaia will cry. 

The great cleansing will enable the great healing. It must be so. Only broken hearts can heal. Proud asleep hearts refuse healing for they do not see the need. YOU precious ones of myself, you are my heart. Gaia is my heart. You all have my love. You are not alone. How can I be alone with myself? You are having a tremendous adventure. See this as the greatest adventure of your many lives all combined and feel the excitement. Gaia is rising. You are rising. You are one. We are one. 

I am Source. I love you. Feel these encodements. Galaxygirl has asked me to pour more encodements in and because the energies are higher I am able to do so. Feel the love here. Feel the love in you. It is the love of myself. My precious fractals, you are home. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

How to Discover Your Magic ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 22, 2021

How to Discover Your Magic ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 22, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been watching and waiting for just the right opportunity to deliver to you the following transmission, and we know that now is the perfect time because of how well you are all handling the solstice energies. We want so much for you to acknowledge who you really are that we encourage all of you to make proclamations to this universe about your intentions moving forward in this lifetime, and we want you to expect to see something almost immediately in response to that proclamation. It is time that you all demonstrated to yourselves once and for all that you, without a doubt, are this universe. You are not in the universe; the universe is an extension of who and what you are. And therefore, you don’t have to wait for the universe to tell you what to do or to decide when the timing is right for something. It is time for you to start speaking and acting as if the universe were an extension of you, as if it were a projection of your consciousness outward. You are the totality of this universe, and more, and that means you don’t just have a say in what happens in your reality and what you create. You are having the experience of yourself as everything around you. Everything and everyone is a part of you, and wants you to feel that connection, wants you to know the truth of who they are and what they are to you. But you need this to be more than just a platitude, a refrigerator magnet, or a bumper sticker. You need to start owning that you are the universe and the universe is you. Start by making statements and taking actions that reflect to you these truths we speak of. Everything is magic. Everything is responding to your every thought, your every word and your every action, because everything is a projection of it. And we are using the word ‘everything’ as a synonym for the word ‘universe.’ We know that you have had moments of understanding this, and perhaps even putting it to the test in your lives, but you have never been where you are right now in your spiritual development, and therefore, you have never been this universe, exactly as it is until this very moment, where you are hearing what you need to hear in order to be more of who and what you really are. You can be a universe of peace, of trust, of love and of connection, or you can be a universe of fear, resentment, mistrust, and hate. You can be the universe that integrates or the universe that continues to explore the idea of separation. And again, the choice is yours. We know that if you have stumbled upon this transmission, you are going to choose the loving, peaceful universe that is filled with joy, that is all inclusive, and that wants to explore itself even more as you continue your expansion, your evolution, and your ascension. Go forth and be who you really are in word, thought and action. Be in alignment in all three and discover just how magical you really are. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Humans In All Universes, Realities & Timelines ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, June 19, 2021

Humans In All Universes, Realities & Timelines ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, June 19, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are gathering enough data to support all humans on all timelines, in all realities and universes. We have broadened the scope of the help that we are offering at this time to include those humans who do not exist in your reality, on your timeline, or in your universe right now. We want you to understand how significant that is, because as all versions of you are assisted, you benefit. You are not just growing as the individual that is in your physical body right now. Even past and future versions of you are helping you to evolve and ascend. Therefore, you can take the weight of the world off of your shoulders. You can relax more and know that your evolution is a natural process. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. It doesn’t have to include you going through a series of trials and tribulations. It can be quite smooth and easy. As you begin to understand that your evolution of consciousness is inevitable and that it benefits al beings throughout all universes, you can also accept the idea that you don’t have to do anything at this time. You don’t have to prove your worthiness to ascend. Yes, you are there to help, but the help that you bring to other humans is through the up-leveling of your consciousness; it is not through the completion of tasks. Now, as we have been focusing on these other versions of you, we have come to appreciate this human collective consciousness that we are addressing right now through the channel here. We are very impressed with your growth and evolution; we know that our energy transmissions have helped, but there are also many other wonderful teachers out there who are assisting you in raising your vibration and becoming more of who you really are. You already are your fifth-dimensional selves, and in every moment of every day you are recognizing that truth and letting go of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and stuck energies that hold you back from knowing yourselves as your true selves. Imagine that you are very hot. It is a particularly hot and humid day, and you are wearing several layers of clothing, including some pretty thick ones. The way that some humans go about cooling off is to begin the process of building an air conditioner from scratch when the easier and faster way is to just remove the layers and layers of clothing. That’s what we are telling you right now. That is the case with your spiritual evolution. It doesn’t have to be hard, and you don’t have to go about it in the most challenging of ways. You don’t have to prove yourselves to be smart or capable of figuring out how to build an air conditioner, or anything else, from scratch. Take the easy route, and make it a point to consciously tune in to all of those other selves and what they are receiving right now, what they have been able to achieve in terms of their vibration, and know that you are also helping every single one of these other yous. You are always being of service, no matter how it might look, and just by receiving this transmission right now, you are helping yourselves, all of your fellow humans, and all of the other yous throughout the multiverse. This is a wonderful time to be alive and in a human body on Earth, because of all of this help and all of the transformation that will follow. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, June 17, 2021

What We Do with Your Emotional Data ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 16, 2021

What We Do with Your Emotional Data ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 16, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are totally and completely engaged in all of the goings on there on planet Earth. We have been following your stories for quite some time, and we are very interested in capturing the essence of what it means to be human and living on Earth at this time. We want to know what it feels like for all of you to have the experiences that you have, and when we gather that emotional data, we are able to then co-create with you better circumstances that will help you to access higher-vibrational states. Everything in the universe is co-creation. Everything that occurs happens by agreement, and one of the agreements that you all have is with us. We are here to assist; we are here to help you create a better-feeling reality for all of humankind. And that is why we are much more likely to work with you if your aim is to create a better reality for all than if it is just something that you are interested in as an individual. But we also do recognize that there is a ripple effect that occurs when we help one of the helpers. And so, if you are one who helps other human beings, and you have a desire for yourself, like a romantic relationship, we certainly do everything that we can to be of assistance. We are studying the effects of the new realities that are created, even before they have a chance to be experienced by you. They still have an essence of their own that we can explore, and many of you try out these new realities when you are not in your bodies at night. It is like you are at a clothing store, and we are the sales clerks, and you are trying on outfits and telling us how they feel to you. This cooperation is what being linked together is all about for all beings throughout this universe and beyond. We take our role very seriously, while also attempting to always have fun, and you all are doing your part when you focus on whatever the new desire is that you have hatched up, and you are also being of service every time you feel one of your emotions, because again, we get to collect that data. And we are not the only ones who are working with you in this way. We all compare notes here in the higher realms, and everyone has a different perspective and a different approach on how to best help humanity. But this you can know for certain; we are all attempting to help you all the time and in every imaginable way. You are the children of the universe, and we are your doting grandparents, and we also are your co-creators who see you as valuable members of this universe. And many of you are contributing so much because of what you have agreed to live and experience in your human earthly lifetimes. We are very, very appreciative of each and every one of you, and we would like for you to feel that appreciation and see if you can also appreciate yourselves. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Repairing Earth’s Grids & Removing Pollution ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 13, 2021

Repairing Earth’s Grids & Removing Pollution ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 13, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are placing a great deal of our emphasis at this time on repairing the damage that has been done to your planet, because you and Earth are woven together, interconnected in ways that cannot be severed. And while we always seek to help you, the human collective, we also must look to the Earth, for she is the one carrying you on this journey and supplying you with so much of what you need to be alive, to be human. We have been working on repairing her energy grids, as well as the atmosphere, and of course we are looking to help with the clean up from all of the pollution. And we can do this because we have the permission of all of the higher selves of humanity. You are allowed to ask for help and to receive it, and if physical e.t.s did too much of this work, they might be interfered with, they might not get it right, or there might be some other complication from using physical tools to fix a problem that was created by holding a lower consciousness. If you held a higher consciousness, you would never want to do harm to your planet. You would respect the planet, the plants, the animals, the waterways, the food supply. Instead, humanity has gotten so far off course that you need help, and there are enough humans who realize this, and have asked for help, that we can respond. The consciousness has shifted within so many there on your world, and it is time for your world to start reflecting that. One person can feel completely overwhelmed by the amount of damage that has been done, but you don’t have to feel that way anymore, because you have help. And when you look for problems on planet Earth, you are certain to find more and more and more. That is why we are calling upon all of you to change your perspective. Don’t be hopeless and in fear about Earth’s current set of circumstances, and instead, look for what is pristine, what is beautiful and inspiring within Mother Nature. And feel the love that Earth has for you, as she too looks to rebalance herself. She wants all of you to come with her on this journey to a higher state of consciousness. You are her children now, and she knows that a lot of the problems that you have caused were set into motion by others, by all the extra-terrestrial beings who have tinkered with your DNA. She knows that you would have evolved quite nicely without all of that intervention, and she forgives you. And if she can forgive you, then you can forgive the e.t.s who meant well, but who did more harm than good. You are in for a much more peaceful and harmonious future there on Earth, and we are just doing our part. We just answer the call, but you all can take credit for sending out the signals, telling us and others like us what you need. We all work together as a team in this galaxy, in this universe, and within Source Energy. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, June 12, 2021

We Are All Source Energy Beings ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January, 10, 2020

We Are All Source Energy Beings ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January, 10, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in the way you all perceive yourselves in relationship to Source Energy. We understand that most of people, the vast majority, were not raised in a household where it was explained to you that you were an aspect of Source Energy and that the entirety of Source Energy existed within you. And since so many humans were not given that talk early on in their lives, most of you felt alone, unworthy, and even felt that you were sinners, disappointing God with your lustful thoughts, your lies, and your petty theft. Now, here you are as adults, and you have all of that programming to undo. There are people within the new age community who still do not believe that they are Source Energy Beings in the flesh, creating experiences in order to expand that which Source is. And then there are many who know this truth intellectually, but still believe that a certain percentage of humanity is evil. And we have news for those people. If you are an aspect of Source, then so is everyone else. People have been throwing around the idea that a certain percentage of humanity are really human at all. They are either androids, or illusions, or some other made-up story to make it easier to separate. One thing that we want you all to understand is that Source is all about inclusion. Yes, there are differences between you and other humans, and yes that causes conflict, but that conflict also results in the expansion of Source. And so, there is no need to dehumanize anyone. And in fact, in so doing, you are dehumanizing an aspect of yourself. Trust us when we say that in some past life, you have done some pretty reprehensible things, and that’s what those people represent to you, so that as a Source Energy Being, you can forgive. You can feel compassion, and you can offer unconditional love. You can be Source Energy in the flesh. You can include. You can embrace. You can expand. That’s the purpose of those people existing on Earth and elsewhere who are doing such horrible things to other humans, and to animals as well. And don’t forget the planet. There are plenty of negative acts performed by beings who have felt so separate from Source that they have resorted to these actions in order to feel something that they couldn’t otherwise find a way a to feel. And so, each and every one of you who is receiving this transmission would benefit from sitting quietly, closing your eyes, and feeling for Source Energy as that spark of Divinity that exists within all of us, no matter where we are, no matter what dimension. We are all masquerading as something other than Source so that we may feel what it feels like to go home again, to return to the Love that we were all born out of. And when you can walk the Earth while holding that knowing, and speak and act accordingly, then you won’t even care about when ascension is going to happen, because you will already be living the best of all worlds. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, June 5, 2021

We Transmit Energy, Galactic Light Codes & DNA Activations ∞9D Arcturian Council & Daniel Scranton, June 5, 2021

We Transmit Energy, Galactic Light Codes & DNA Activations ∞9D Arcturian Council & Daniel Scranton, June 5, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always seeking more humans who will resonate with us, but we don’t seek out humans for our benefit or our curiosity. We seek you out because you need to have an understanding of how connected we all are in this galaxy and in this universe, and we can do that for you all. We have the capability to help you access that which is buried deep inside of you, and we do this with all of you who are open to us. We can see how our energy, our consciousness, our vibration has impacted the collective consciousness there on Earth, and we can also see an opportunity for great changes to come there on Earth simply because human beings were willing to open themselves up to us. We don’t care if you believe anything that we say through the channel here, because all of that just gives your mind something to do so that we can be more effective as transmitters of energy, so that we can be more effective as the ones who deliver the galactic light codes to you, the ones who activate your DNA. There is so much more happening during one of these transmissions than you could possibly imagine, and again, we see the impact. We feel it; we know it. And in this case, more is better. We seek to connect to all humans who are willing to explore the possibility that consciousness exists outside of humanity, outside of your dimension, your solar system. This is a time of expansion for Earthlings. It is a time to let go of the idea that you have it all figured out, that you know what’s going to happen or what needs to happen in order for humanity to ascend. This is a time for you to let go and trust that you’re going to receive exactly what you need to when you need to, so long as you take the time to relax and open up to what is always around you and always coming to you. We are your past and your future. We are your colleagues and your teachers, and we are here to unlock human potential. That is why it is so important that we reach as many of you as we possibly can. The more of you with your potential unlocked, the easier it will be for humanity to ascend and ascend with grace, with joy, with excitement, and with love. We know that if you are receiving this message, you probably already know what we have just given you, but it always helps to have it repeated. And this message will also help all of you to know that we are going to reach more humans. It is inevitable, especially as more and more people open themselves up to the idea of extra-terrestrial life and e.t. consciousness. We invite you to be with us and share in our intention for more humans to know their galactic origins, their galactic roots and the potential that lies deep inside each and every one of you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Where We’ve Hidden a Multitude of Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 1, 2021

Where We’ve Hidden a Multitude of Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 1, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are the bringers of a multitude of different energies to Earth and humanity, and we see how these energies affect all of you, including plant, animal, and mineral life. We notice what those kingdoms can handle first, as they are the building blocks for human life, and we want you to see them as such also. We encourage you to do this because when you connect to Mother Earth, Mother Nature, and the animal kingdom, you are connecting to something that stabilizes you. You are connecting to energies that are responsible for life on Earth, and as you show them gratitude, you grow spiritually. You also get to connect to those energies that we have infused into these life forms. You get to benefit from the anchoring that they do when you are unavailable to be the anchors. And as we have said, there are also just times when we need to test what we are delivering to see how it can be assimilated there in the environment of the fourth-dimensional Earth. We want you to recognize your connection to all things, because that will be a stepping stone to you recognizing your connection to all humans and then all beings throughout this beautiful universe of ours. We know that compassion is the key there on Earth, and if you can realize that there is no real separation between you and anyone or anything, you can take humanity to the next level of consciousness, and with the help of beings and collectives from other star systems and dimensions, your success is guaranteed. One thing we do encourage you to also employ there on planet Earth is tending to your own gardens. As soon as you see someone outside of you as a threat, as soon as you give in to the idea that you are a victim, you immediately go on the defensive. And when you are on the defensive, you are not connected to all beings, to all life forms. You more further and further from Source when you do this, because Source never separates. Source always integrates, always seeks to bring home all of creation. And so, when you feel triggered by what someone else is doing or saying, or by what you think some one or some group is doing, you must look at yourself for the reason behind what you are feeling, and you must feel that feeling. You are not there to put a stop to anything that is happening outside of you. You are there to live in peace and harmony inside of your own bodies and your own psyches. You are there to balance your own energies and your own emotions, and you can’t do that when you are fighting against enemies, foreign and domestic. It doesn’t work that way. It hasn’t worked for anyone, for any society in the history of the universe. You are there to unite and to unite with love, and you can start by uniting with the love that is all around you, that we have hidden quite literally under every rock, every pebble, every grain of sand, every clump of dirt. We encourage you to do this often, but we will repeat ourselves yet again. Shut off your devices and get outside; connect with Mother Nature and Mother Earth. Connect with your animal friends and go within to seek what you want to experience outside of you, because the outside world will always reflect your inner realm, and because ultimately it is all you ever have control of there in your lives. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Coronavirus Effect ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 28, 2020

The Coronavirus Effect ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 28, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are capable of perceiving the slightest shift in your collective consciousness and the overall vibration that you emit. We want you to know that we have witnessed a huge spike in the frequency of the human collective consciousness over the past few days. You have been shifting your consciousness as a result of the compassion that you have all been feeling for those who have been afflicted the coronavirus. Now, everyone wants to know whether it actually came from an animal, or whether it was made in a laboratory. You must understand that once something is in your past, it is malleable. The more of you focusing on the idea of a manmade virus, the more timelines you create where that was the origin. There is not one future, and there is not one past. But in the present, humanity is showing your true colors. You are not just feeling afraid for your own wellbeing. You are concerned for those who are sick and for those who are left behind as they watched their loved ones pass on. You are showing that you understand that this is a human problem and not just a problem for parts of Asia. Now, it would be accurate to say that humanity created this set of circumstances in order to unite the collective. You often think about people living on the other side of the world and wonder what their lives are like, but many of you find it challenging to relate to people who live in a far off land, speak a different language, and have an entirely different set of values and customs. What links you all up is that you are human, and you feel emotions. You know that there is suffering in the world, now more than ever, and you are coming together not only to stop the virus in its tracks. You are coming together to send love, light, and healing energy to the part of the world that is afflicted. And for those of you receiving this transmission, who are living right in the heart of where it all began, please know that you have more support than you can imagine. Your fellow humans are stepping up their level of compassion, and those of us in the higher realms are sending the energetic transmissions necessary to raise the vibration of everyone who could possibly contract this virus. So as much as you are feeling protective of your health and wellbeing, make sure you are opening yourselves up energetically to receive your non-physical inoculation. And those of you who feel far removed from the part of the world that is suffering and living in fear, you are doing your part to help those in need by shining your light upon them, by seeing this as an opportunity for you to step up and help those members of the collective that need it the most. We are very proud of all of the lightworkers that we have seen doing this, and we know that you will continue to evolve and ascend as a collective. This response to the coronavirus by most of you who are awake is another indicator that you are on the right track in your ascension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”