Thursday, September 13, 2018

Mother Gaia & Mother God 9/11/18

Mother Gaia & Mother God 9/11/18
Greetings children, it is I, your Mother Gaia. Much change is afoot, and although to many I may look the same, I am not, just as you children, you are not. You are not the same today that you were even yesterday with all of these energy influxes of light from the Great Central Sun, from the womb of creation, blessing and bestowing grace and release in new and unusual, unexpected ways. For we are being released, you and I, of what we have been and we are becoming more of what we used to be, before the darkness descended and before we experimented with the dark heaviness of energies that forgot the light.
It has been exhausting children. I too am weary but much of me has already been created in the New World, the new place, the new me, and you children are helping me in more ways than you could know now, in this Now moment of moments, when the memories are fuzzy but the hope and faith are high. This is perhaps what I love most about you children – your fierce optimism and tenacious faith that the light will win. And children do you see that it has won? That you are standing tall in victory? “Oh, not quite so”, many of you are muttering – but perhaps you don’t yet see yourselves as I see you, through the loving eyes of a mother who knows her children through and through? I see that battles that you have fought, won and lost. I see the many instances that you have had to choose dark or light and how you kept – keep – choosing faith and light and love. It warms my heart children.
I am your Mother Gaia. I have unlimited – eternal love for you. I am love. I am a planet of love ascended – that is my desire children that you should help me build and create this environment of healing, of love, of renewal and of joy – tremendous joy. It is time the we all rest in joy. And so children, let us do a meditation for I know that many of you are too weary-worn to do this on your own very regularly right now, as the energy waves have been beating and stirring you to bits, so it seems. But the waves are just caressing out the dross that you no longer need so that you will be a better vibrational match for the wave of waves, the heartbeat of the Mother of All Things. For she is coming, children. She is here. She is within you as these fingers type fast and furiously – she is here. I see her when I look into your precious eyes. I see you reflected in her tears as she cries tears of relief and utter joy that the light has won.
The light has won! And you children, my precious ones, are weary. Come. Sit on my sandy shores. Go there in your mind should you be unable to do otherwise. It matters not. You are in a hologram as it is. So create what you want! Sit on a cool sandy beach now. The sky is twilight and the purple blue and pink hues take your breath away. It is my sunset painting for you, in love for you. Feel the smooth sea breeze dry your salty tears and push your tendrils off of your face so that you can see clearly. We are one. Look at your sandy toes. Each grain of sand is a lifetime, a memory, a hurt, a joy. It is all sand coalescing into oneness. We are one. We are inextricably linked together, you and me.
I am Gaia, your mother, feel free to tell me anything. Confide in me. I am a grand listener. We planets perhaps listen the best. We wait ever patiently as experiments, as time, as eons pass. We hear all. We see all things. Know that I am ascending. Ground deeply into my crystalline core into the New Earth, the New World. Much like the explorers of old discovered a new continent, so will you discover me in all of my grandeur, my beauty and I promise the green will be greener, the blue like crystalline blue that sparkles in the moonlight. For I am radiant here, as will you be. And the 5D colors alone are worth the wait. It has been my privilege to speak with you today children, warriors of the light, bringers of the old ways that are here to be forever returned and re-grounded into me, creating the foundation for a new galactic society, interchange, where the others will come and learn and bask in my beauty. I am your Mother Gaia. I love you children so. Be at peace. Sit on my beach and remember who you are and why you came. You came for me, just as I am forever here for you. We are one.
Children, it is your Mother God speaking. I am so grateful for these beautiful words by Mother Gaia just now. Her compassion is like no other, a rare gem of the cosmos, here on her final ascension journey. Although nothing is ever final, is it children? For expansion is the way of the universe, it is how we learn, how we grow. It is who we are as ever expanding and growing beings of light, ever eager to become more of that which we might become. Many of you wonder why you are here. I see your questions, I hear your prayers. You wonder why the path is so long. It is a spiral children. It is a spiral ever going closer to me, to Source, and you are doing a splendid job. I love you ever so. I am your Mother God. Cling to me. We will ride the wave together, you and I. All will be made right. Ground the light and as you do this, the light will spiral you higher, more into your authentic, higher self. We are all here cheering for you on the other side of the veil which is lifting, children. Be at peace. All is well. I am your Mother God.
~ galaxygirl

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