Saturday, September 22, 2018

9/22/18 Jupiter Ascending

9/22/18 Jupiter Ascending -


Cinema tells a story. And the beautiful thing is it is up the viewers to enjoy and interpret what the story means. I personally believe the movie Jupiter Ascending has a deeper meaning and tells an interesting story in the context of ascension. 

What is ascension? 

According to Suzanne Lie's blog, it is "a transmutation of the frequency of reality into the next octave of vibration. Transmutation is change, alteration and/or transformation into the next octave of reality." ( So from the movie title alone, the main character Jupiter Jones is changing into a higher frequency of reality. They could have also named the movie Earth ascending, but decided against this. In our reality, I believe the Earth is transmuting from a 3rd dimensional realm into a 5th dimensional realm, but I plan on focusing mostly on the movie. 

There is a battle going on between good and evil throughout the movie. "Caine Wise is an ex-Legion, lycantant-splice hunter sent to kidnap Jupiter Jones by Titus Abrasax. After meeting Jupiter he becomes suspicious of her true heritage, taking her to his former commanding officer Stinger Apini, who confirms that Jupiter is the recurrence of Seraphi Abrasax, the deceased matriarch of the House of Abrasax. With the heirs to Seraphi's fortune vying for control of Jupiter and the Earth, Caine assumes the role of Jupiter's protector."

In the movie there is talk of laws outside of Earth that protect human sovereignty. In the movie there is a police force called the Aegis, and they work as an intergalactic police force to maintain law and order. ( The galactic codex is like the interplanetary law that lays out what is allowed and not allowed on a galactic level, much like our human laws. 

Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis) meets Caine Wise (Channing Tatum) a half albino and runt of his lycantant splice litter, which can be interpreted to mean a hybrid between human and wolf DNA. ( This alludes to the hybridization program of humans with extraterrestrial races.  The Yahyel are one example of a hybrid race ( Another ET hybrid race is the Sassani that Darryl Anka (Bashar) has channeled. So there are alleged extraterrestrial hybrid races and hybridization programs where humans and aliens have mixed their DNA. 

The good guys in the film are limited. Jupiter Jones and Caine Wise are the two main characters that are allied. The bad guys in the film are Balem Abrasax and Titus Abrasax. Kalique Abrasax is sort of on the edge, and presents herself as an ally and a friend, however she is a family member of Abrasax family. Balem and Titus can be compared to the Illuminati factions that do not respect life. Balem Abrasax plans on harvesting the Earth of their souls. 

Jupiter questions what love is during the start of the movie, and towards the end, you can tell she obviously likes Caine Wise. The idea of twin flame love or divine compliment love is an underlying theme of the movie in my opinion, but isn't directly mentioned. "Why do we fall in love" is a theme of the movie. 

Also throughout the movie, Jupiter is called "your majesty" by many characters, including Caine Wise. It is believe that she is the heir to the House of Abrasax. "Seraphi Abrasax was the Sovereign of the House of Abrasax until she was murdered as she was approaching her 91st millennium. Her death deepened the division in the House of Abrasax, pitting her children Balem, Kalique and Titus against each other in the fight over the Abrasax inheritance. She bequeathed Earth to her potential recurrence in her will, and the identification of Jupiter Jones as her recurrence leads to a fevered dispute over the planet's fate."

In the wiki it says that towards the end of her life Seraphi became unsettled by the harvesting industry and sought to put a stop to it. Seraphi Abrasax could be compared to the Divine Mother, or a goddess being. This is also a reason why Jupiter is called, your majesty. The underlying theme is that Jupiter is Divine, that she is royalty. I believe that all humans and all beings are divine. "The one are the all, and the all are the one." We are divine consciousness experiencing itself. This is an underlying theme of the movie that I don't believe viewers consider. 

The  grey aliens and reptilian beings are portrayed as negative and attack Jupiter or Caine in the movie. The crop field scene is an obvious allusion to the movie Signs (2002).   

"Titus is first seen with his sister Kalique on the recently harvested planet Zalintyre, where they are soon joined by their older brother Balem; Titus explains that he was recently looking through his mother’s sheaves, and found a reference to Earth. Off the back of this, he asks Balem if it would be possible for him to be gifted Earth; both Balem and Kalique scorn the idea, with the latter pointing out that Earth is more valuable than all of Titus’s holdings combined." 

RegeneX (also spelled RegenX-E, Regenx) also called Nectar, is the life-extending substance produced by Abrasax Industries. When bathed in it, would replace old or dying cells with fresher, younger cells, all for the purpose of making profit, of course. It is commonly used by Entitled individuals to extend their life spans, with the wealthiest individuals living for millennia on account of RegeneX usage. However, it is manufactured at a grim cost. Entire planets must be harvested for its human population, who are then refined into RegeneX. 100 human lives are needed to produce a single portion of RegeneX. (

"After informing Jupiter that she is 14,004 years old, Kalique demonstrates how she can live for so long and remain young by taking Jupiter to her bathing chamber, disrobing and submerging herself in a pool of RegeneX." 

So while the Abrasax family is considered to be wealthy and evil, and they harvest planets for power, control, to produce RegeneX. In my opinion, you can interpret Kalique's role in a different way. It is my opinion that the positive ET races do have technology that can reverse aging, by regenerating one's cells. You do not need any substance and do not need to harm anyone for this. And I believe once ET disclosure happens, life regenerating technologies, replicators, new transportation and many other technologies will be released. 

In regard to the RegeneX, I viewed it as similar to Adrenochrome. It is rumored that Luciferian worshipers torture and kill children in order to produce adrenochrome, an oxidation product of adrenaline. However, it is unknown if this true. Similarly to Mrs.  Peregrine's home for peculiar children, the bad guys eat eyeballs of little children. However, the main theme of RegeneX is the harvest of 100 souls per bar to produce the regenerative effects, and most would see this as pure evil.

Lastly I wanted to bring up Mass Effect games. Here is an image of the Aegis from the movie, and Mass effect 3. Both look very similar. So throughout the movie and throughout video games there is a story being told on extraterrestrials. Just be cognizant of when the portrayal of ET is negative. Because I believe there a good and bad aliens, just like humans. And just like the Mass Effect games where you can choose to be good or evil, so is the same for our reality. I believe the powers that be merely want to control the narrative and say that all aliens are bad. When in when reality is this not true. There are positive ET's out there who want to help planet Earth and her inhabitants. Thank you for reading. 

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