Monday, September 16, 2024

ET Disclosure topic (work in progress)

 Okay, here is the rundown, hopefully without sounding too out there.

ET's have been in contact with humans for many thousands of years. Some of the ET's have genetically manipulated humans in our past to create the homosapien race. 

Skipping ahead to 1940's in the U.S. 

Post WWII, atomic energy is being developed. Whenever there is an explosion it not only affects our reality, but others as well, hence the UFO's / UAP's investigating. Our technology is advancing, but we haven't evolved spiritually enough to decide not to use this weapons. ET's are concerned. 

All the way up to current day, more and more UAP sightings. UAP's definitely showing the U.S. military their presence, and in some ways it appears they are saying, "we are technologically advanced enough that your aircraft cannot compete with ours." "They" or the UAP are showing up right in front of our faces, knocking on the door, showing their presence. This is the way that UAP Disclosure and ET Disclosure has progressed over many decades, but also recently in the last couple of years. 

"The UAP Task Force was refused access to a broad crash retrieval program, retrieving nonhuman origin technical vehicles, you know, call it spacecraft, if you will, nonhuman exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed . . . There is a sophisticated disinformation campaign targeting the U.S. populace which is extremely unethical and immoral" - David Grusch interview with Ross Coulthart June 12, 2023

"Non-Human Intelligence exists. Non-Human Intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and it's been ongoing. And there are unelected people in the government that are aware of that. There's zero doubt." - Karl Nell

    Tim Gallaudet said he is convinced the story Grusch is telling is true based on his experience in the military and government. He also told NewsNation correspondent Ross Coulthart there were attempts to cover up UFO sightings by members of the military. NewsNation is not able to independently verify the evidence that Gallaudet said led him to this conclusion.

Gallaudet said the planet has been visited by entities he described as “non-human.” He said he absolutely believes non-human intelligent beings are real.

“We’re being visited by non-human intelligence with technology we really don’t understand and with intentions we don’t understand either,” he said.

Now what does that mean for humans? How do we wrap our heads around "The Big Secret"?

Positive and Negative oriented ET's have interacted with humanity for thousands of years. 

We are Source Energy beings creating our own reality. We are raising our consciousness / frequencies to a point where we say, "enough is enough", and I'm not going to react in fear. To what have negative ET beings have manipulated humanity, I cannot say. Do they still continue to? I lean towards, no. But you can see the political divide in the U.S. and around the world, where people are being manipulated into fear, where the opponent candidate is going to "ruin the country" if their elected. Doesn't necessarily mean ET's. 9/11 event was also a significant event where we reacted in fear as well, and the U.S. started a war in a foreign country over false information. Anyway, moving on. 

Darryl Anka talks about the Annunaki and their role in creating the homosapien race.

So, those ships that we see in our skies? They are our ET family, our brothers and sisters. And it's not just a "kumbaya" message. If you read / listen to Daniel Scranton's message on the Zetas, it explains that they are humans on a parallel Earth where they did not take care of their planet, and they tried to suppress their emotions and focus on intellect. Over time, they got to the point where they could not reproduce. In desperation, they traveled to our dimension and started to take our human DNA. (They claim their were pre-birth contracts, so this was not done without our consent). They did not understand the fear emotion at the time, but learned over time that this is can be a very unpleasant experience for the human. They used the genetic DNA of humans to create a hybrid species, which are named the Yahyel and the Sassani (and probably more). 

They are waiting for us to raise our vibration so that we won't react in fear when they make open contact with us. They don't want it to be a "Us vs. Them" event, where humans immediately jump to war. I'm sure they can see our propensity for war. 

Read pages 11 to 16 for more information on the Zetas and their hybridization program

So, it's quite a lot for humanity to wrap their heads around it. I would say most people do not really think about this topic, and would rather to keep life simple, but that's not how reality is. ET Disclosure and Contact is coming, but the transition from a scarcity based economy to an abundance / plentitude based economy will completely revolutionize our world. The powers that be probably don't want this because they will lose control, and their wealth will decrease. The stock markets will inevitably be effected, and this could cause panic, if it's not done in a slow transition. Think about the energy, oil / gas sectors of our economies around the world. Transportation will change. Computers will change, AI will change, health care, humanitarian projects, etc. 
Lyssa Royal Holt - channeled message: 
Stages of Contact 

Stage 1: Stage one is telepathic contact with the inhabitants of the planet. This is carried out approximately 50 and 100 years before the next stage is introduced. Telepathic contact is made with receptive individuals within the society. The telepathic contact is not saying "We are here." it is instead a filtering of ideas about extraterrestrial beings that seemingly enter the imagination of the recipient and the normal flow of their life. This is reflected in society as, for instance, fictional works of such as books that introduce the society to this idea. This would also include archetypal contact through symbology, on an unseen levels of the humanoid mind. 

Stage 2: Stage two is a contact of a physical nature with the inhabitants when the physical crafts of other civilizations are seen in the skies. This is not presented in a threatening way. It is usually presented where there are large Gatherings of people people, so that it becomes very quickly known. Often there will also be experiences with these physical crafts. For example, let us say there is a forest fire that is very difficult to contain. The ET crafts come by and assist the firefighters to put out the fire, then they disappear. This is a demonstration of benevolence, and is continued for a span of perhaps 25 years.

Stage 3: Stage three takes advantage of the progress made in stage two, after one of these instances when the craft had actually assisted with a disaster, the craft would land and come face to face with some of the inhabitants of the planet.

That is First Contact. those are the three main stages. 

Edit: Hopefully Stage 2 doesn't take 25 years...

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