Friday, June 28, 2024

Change This & Change Your Journey, Your Timeline ∞Thymus, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 27, 2024

Change This & Change Your Journey, Your Timeline ∞Thymus, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 27, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. You are always embarking upon new journeys there on Earth, and it is a truth that you all are living in your own realities. You are not only having your own journeys, but you each experience your journeys differently. And therefore, it can be very challenging for you to relate to what another person or group of people is experiencing, and that is okay. It is perfectly fine for you not to understand why someone chose the journey that they are on. And you cannot possibly fully understand what it is like for them to have the experience of their journey, but you can set the intention that everyone is getting what they need out of the journey that they are on. You can hold space for everyone to get what they need in terms of the help and the guidance that will lead them along that path in the most joyous way possible. You can also recognize that the way that you have been living on your path and the way that you have been experiencing your own journey is something that you get to alter. You don’t always have the ability to wave a magic wand and make your life circumstances different from what they are, but you do have the ability to change your perspective on what you are living, and sometimes it is as simple as doing so that will make everything different for you on that journey. You see, you don’t have to make broad, sweeping changes in your lives to feel differently about them. Sometimes you genuinely do get that impulse from within that says, ‘Quit your job,’ or ‘Move to this place,’ or ‘It is time to move on from this relationship,’ and other times you think that doing those things will make you feel better. And so you try them, and you realize that you are creating similar circumstances in what is new because you haven’t made any changes inside of yourself. Therefore, the simplest way to start any process of making a big change in your life is to do so by making the small change of your perspective on your life. Maybe you’re only focusing on your finances, which are in disarray, while at the same time you have many wonderful friendships and a beautiful romantic relationship, perfect health, and live in a nice place. You could place your focus on all of those things, and let the universe, your guides, your helpers, your faeries, help you with your finances. You can remind yourself that things always do work out in the long run. You can remind yourself that you’ve been in that position before, and you didn’t wind up homeless and hungry. And so, we recommend that you see this next phase of your journey in your life as one where the most important aspect of it will be how you walk that path and how you look at the circumstances, how you look at the people and the projects that come into your awareness. You all need to lighten up and let yourselves off the hook more. You all need to trust and have faith and receive that help that is coming to you from above. And all of you benefit from trying something new, even if it is just a new perspective, even if it is just taking a different route to that place you always go. Mix it up a bit, and do the little things that you can do to bring yourself into a higher-vibrational state. Recognize that timeline jumps are something you do all the time, and it is through those timeline jumps that you get to experience lots of changes. You don’t have to change a timeline or fix a timeline. You don’t have to go back in time and change anything that has occurred, because you have that much freedom. You have the freedom to vibrate in alignment with the timeline that you want to be on. That is and always has been available to you, but it is even more available to you now because you believe that you can shift and you can jump and you can change everything with a single thought. Put this teaching to the test, and see the results that you get out of it. We know you will be impressed. That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Bashar Journeying Within to Observe Thoughts in Neutral State - Channeled By Darryl Anka, September 14, 2019

"Thinking outside the box". Guided meditation to reduce the mind clutter, and cultivate a sense of peace and clarity. (Warehouse and box) 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

New Energies Coming for the 2nd Half of 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 25, 2024

New Energies Coming for the 2nd Half of 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 25, 2024

“Greetings, We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been communicating with you, your higher selves and your spirit guides in the astral plane, and we are very excited about what is to come for you. We want you to know that the timing is right for you now to be receiving this transmission and that you are getting ready to engage in some higher-frequency energies. You are getting ready to open up to them and receive them, and you’ve been doing some purging to bring you to this point of readiness. You are shifting in so many ways, and some of those shifts are easier for you to detect than others. When you have been doing some housecleaning on your physical and energetic bodies, it may not look pretty and it may not feel so good. Furthermore, you may not understand why it is happening, but we encourage you to always see what is happening as being for your benefit, because it is. And you have been readying yourselves in a variety of ways to take on the new energies for the second half of 2024. These energies are about catapulting you into new experiences, new abilities and gifts, and of course more e.t. contact. You have been readied, and now is the time to begin the downloading, and so you are more likely to experience surges in energy in your bodies. You are likely to experience more intuitive hits, more guidance, and more impulses coming from within to take you down very particular paths. You are now stepping up to be the lightworkers and wayshowers that you have always known yourselves to be. And again, you are doing so because of your readiness. You have come to this point of readiness through the work you have done on yourselves and because you have been willing to go through the uncomfortable purges that you have. If you want to maximize the effectiveness of these energies then sit, or lie down, and open yourselves up to them. Tell the universe that you are ready to receive, and ask for all of your helpers to assist you in acclimating to the new energies that are propelling you into this new time for humanity of greater connection and your eventual ascension. You can continue to see everything as happening for your benefit, and you do not ever need to rush to the conclusion that something is going wrong. Everything is moving you towards the completion of the shift, and those of you who are aware of this can enjoy the ride. You can also reassure others that everything is going to be okay, and you can help them to breathe through whatever experience they are having of discomfort and purging. As you begin to display your new abilities and hold the energy in your body and in your field, people will take notice, and you will become more effective leaders for the Newly Awakened Collective. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, June 21, 2024

A Path to All of Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 20, 2024

A Path to All of Your Spiritual Gifts ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 20, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. We see you as you truly are, and that is our greatest gift to you. The greatest gift you could give to someone else is to simply know them as they truly are, because if you do, you are more likely to send them love, hold space for them and interact with them with the level of respect that you would give to an ascended master were one to materialize in front of you. When you think about your gifts, you often think in terms of your abilities to channel, to offer psychic insights, or to heal. You think about reading people’s akashic records and being able to tell them very specific things about their past lives. But if you were to think of your greatest gift as your ability to see someone as they truly are, then you would be aligning with us, and we know that many of you would like that. It is quite possible for you to utilize this gift in any and all circumstances. And in fact, you will often put yourself in situations that will challenge you to see the other as a being of Source Energy, a being of unconditional love. This is the challenge that you face as a collective. It is something that could potentially bring you together. And yet, so many more people are interested in the fancy spiritual gifts than the ones they have access to at all times. Now, we understand why that is, and we know that you are emerging out of your egoic shells as we speak. And so, we are here now to encourage you to reach for the most beautiful gift that you can give to another and to practice sharing that gift in every circumstance you find yourself in. Let us give you an example. Let’s say you are interacting with someone, and they are coming at you from their ego. They have certain desires, and they feel that you are getting in the way of them attaining their desired manifestations. And so, they are approaching you from that lower-vibrational place of anger. You can still look through the anger and past the ego, and see them as they really are. You can see the Source Energy love inside of them getting bigger and burning brighter because of your willingness to focus on that, instead of what they are showing you in that moment. And that is the best way for you to help that person and help yourself, because if you meet them where they are, you are likely to get into an argument that no one wins. Now, as you pass a person on the street who is begging for money and obviously doesn’t have a home, you are also helping that person a lot more by seeing them as a Source Energy Being than if you just walk right past them or drop some money in their palm and you continue walking. You may feel better about yourself if you hand out some money, but unless you are willing to also see them as a Source Energy Being, you have only helped them temporarily. You want everyone to feel better after having been in your presence. You want everyone to know more fully who they really are because of how you gazed upon them and the words you spoke to them, and you want this because of course you want to live in that world, and you want to see humanity complete the shift in consciousness joyously and effortlessly, and you can also engage in this practice and utilize this gift because you will get the most satisfying feeling you can find inside of you by doing so. You will know yourself as you truly are because Source looks upon everyone as a being of Source. And as you align with Source, with that which you truly are, you become a more effective creator and you become a more effective manifestor. You do then actualize more of your spiritual gifts as well. And so, this is a path that we are offering to you, and it is a path that many of us have walked ourselves, and so we know how effective it is, and we know that it gets you to where you ultimately are going and want to go, and it gets you there faster. That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Thinking Critically and Open-Mindedly about the Nazca Mummies, Professor Steven Brown, Philosophy


Here is an interesting lecture by a Philosophy professor on the topic of UAP's and Extraterrestrial Disclosure.

Explanation / highlights of the conference 

Unearthing Nazca The Complete Story (2019)

Here are the pictures and evidence of the alien bodies that have been found. Nazca mummies, etc.

12, September 2023. 
Opening caskets @2:29:22

7, November 2023. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bashar | Stop Arguing with Creation: Overcoming Addiction


From the video: "In this enlightening episode of BasharClips, we dive deep into a transformative conversation about self-love, overcoming addiction, and finding our inherent worth with Bashar's powerful guidance. Bashar explains the crucial difference between self-hatred and excitement, emphasizing that our worth is inherent simply because we exist. He provides profound insights into addiction, withdrawal, and how to harness our indestructible core to redefine our reality."

Same talk / video

Meditation / Prayer for the June Solstice energies


I am the creator of my own reality. I am consciously creating a new, more expansive, exciting, and joyful timeline.

I pray for world peace, unconditional love, happiness and joy, perfect health and well-being, abundance, prosperity, and all other divine qualities for Mother Gaia, for myself, and for all other beings throughout Creation.

I pray that we, as the human race, can open our hearts and minds to our extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters, and that we can make peaceful, open contact with them.

I pray that we can co-create a new timeline with the ETs and that we can heal the planet, including the animal kingdom.

We ask, as a collective, that the positive ETs will share their technology with us to achieve these goals, and that our economic monetary systems, health care, political, and other institutions will change to a more service-to-others approach, based on generosity and abundance. 

Lastly, we create a timeline where we share our rich human culture and knowledge with them, and they share theirs with us, so that we can learn from each other as equals and join the galactic family.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Nothing is More Important than This ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 7, 2024

Nothing is More Important than This (Your Vibration) ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 7, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have so much to feel good about right now in your lives, and whether you feel good or not really does depend on whether you are focused on those things or you are focused on things that are missing or things that don’t feel so good about your life. You get to determine how you feel, and how you feel is how you are vibrating. And therefore, you get to determine what you are getting and not getting in your lives, because your vibration is everything. You have a vibration that is unique to you. You are energy that is vibrating, and how you vibrate as a unique energetic being determines so much about what you experience, because this is what you are really meant to master on Earth. You are meant to be more conscious, more aware of what you are vibrating, what your are feeling, what you are thinking about, what you are focusing upon, and that is why it must be reflected back to you as your life, your circumstances, the things that are coming and the things that are missing. These are your reflections to tell you about how you have been vibrating so that you will learn and make adjustments. You can always make the course correction that helps you to get more into alignment with the things that you want. And so, the question then remains - when will you do it? Do you have to wait until things get really bad before you make a course correction. In some cases, the answer to that question is yes, because some people have to try everything else before they become aware of their vibration. And everything they experience that leads up to them realizing that they have a vibration and that it has been pretty low has also helped them in some way. And that is why nothing is going wrong there on Earth, and there is nothing that you have to feel bad about. You always get to decide. You always get to decide how you look at your life circumstances as well, and how you look at them will also determine how you are vibrating in that moment. Every moment contains within it a choice, and you can choose what you’re focusing on and how you’re focusing upon it, and that will change your life because it will change your vibration. Now, were you meant to live in only higher-vibrational states for your entire lives and in every lifetime? Of course not. You are meant to have access to all of the vibrations so that you can make an informed choice. Sometimes there is a beauty to sadness, and sometimes it is appropriate to be angry. Sometimes fear serves you. So are you meant to avoid all of these lower-vibrational emotions all the time? Well, you already know the answer. But you are also meant to notice how these emotions feel to you, and therefore how you are vibrating, so that you will make a course correction. It does help to recognize that your vibration matters, and it does help for you to have the knowledge that you are creating your reality. And some people will reject that truth for as long as they possibly can, but it is a law of this universe. And once you embrace it, you can start working in your vibration, tending to it, noticing it more often and offering it on purpose so that you can see the reflection to you of that which you want to see. And we know that many of you are doing this and doing it beautifully, and we also know that there is always more that can be done and that will be done by you, and we will be here in the ninth dimension, supporting you every step along the way. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Energy and Economy - A Pleiadian Perspective from Sasha, channeled by Lyssa Royal Holt

Sasha talks about how we are moving from the polarity of lack (including the economy) into something more balanced, where each individuals needs are met. 

Bashar | The Flexibility of Alien Consciousness 

Session: It's from Going M.A.D (Mass Agreement Dissociation)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The End of Limitations ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 6, 2017

The End of Limitations ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 6, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been able to detect a leap forward by humanity that has taken you past the need to limit yourselves any further. Limitations that were self-imposed by you before deciding to take on the human experience were placed upon you by yourselves. You needed limitations in order to have the human experience on planet Earth. Now that you’ve crossed this particular threshold, the limitations that you experience are only in place because of beliefs that you have picked up along your way. In other words, in all of your years in this lifetime on planet Earth, and in all of your previous lifetimes put together, you have become aware of what humans can and cannot do for the most part. And so these belief systems exist, and you incarnate and plug right into them. But the limitations that were necessary in order to give you a particular experience of yourselves are now a thing of the past. They are no longer active. What that means is you can do far more than just meet your soulmate, have perfect health and plenty of abundance. What this means is that you can occupy a light body, you can teleport, you can move things with your mind, you can know whatever it is you need to know by accessing records, by accessing current information. You can do and be so much more now that you’re self-imposed limitations have been lifted. Now what this means is that you are stepping into your destiny as creator beings in the physical who have access to tremendous amounts of non-physical energy. You have access to so much more of who you really are. All you have to do now is let go of the limiting beliefs and the limiting thoughts, and hold your vibration in a place of expectation, and you will receive more of that energy. You will become limitless and yet still physical. You can have the best of all worlds. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thoughts ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 4, 2017

Thoughts ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 4, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have noticed that you all like to sit with a particular thought and ruminate on it until it has worn out its welcome. We see you intersecting with certain thought forms and then dissecting them as if they were somehow now your problem to deal with or fix. You don’t have to worry about fixing anything, and you certainly don’t have to worry about any thought that comes into your awareness as though it were somehow a part of you.

Your thoughts are not your own. You borrow them, and it usually serves you better to give them back before you all do. You mustn’t be afraid of the thoughts you think. It does not serve you to give them any power over you whatsoever. 

Many individuals have been led to believe that their thoughts originate from inside of them, but we know that thoughts are floating around, and you are colliding with them. And then you have to determine for yourself whether you want to continue to exist in that thought’s presence or whether you would like to move on.

Thoughts, like emotions, can move right through you if you allow them to. But once you let them define you, then you feel that it is your responsibility to do something about them. You are energy that vibrates, and when you vibrate in harmony with other energies, you become aware of them. 

If you don’t like the energies that you are becoming aware of, that you are intersecting with, then it is to your benefit to change your vibration. Go to the core of what is bringing you that thought, but let the thought be. Let the thought exist for those who want to harmonize with it. 

When you understand the importance of vibration, you will also understand that thoughts are just symbols. They have absolutely no power over you, unless you give them that power, unless you let them define you. We know you as you really are – pure, unconditional love. And that is how we will always see you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, June 3, 2024

You Cannot Break this Law of the Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 2, 2024

You Cannot Break this Law of the Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, June 2, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to be visiting with you once again, and we want you to know that we are visiting with you always. And so, what we mean is, visiting with you through this particular channel. We can reach any of you at any time, and it is your openness to us that makes that possible. You are opening yourselves up to connect with whatever it is you are focusing upon in any given moment. And so, if you do not wish to connect with, or vibrate in harmony with, a particular person, government, group, or organization, then take your focus off of that and put your attention on what it is you would like to connect with, what it is you would like to become. You are becoming what you focus upon, and that is one of the laws of this universe that we all share together. We are here to assist you in navigating through your lives by helping you to understand these truths in practical ways. You may feel that you need to be more informed so that you can know where to send the love, the healing and for whom to pray. But keep in mind that what you need to be informed of will make its way to you. There is no shortage of information out there, and you can choose what you put your attention on in any given moment. That is one of the many uses of your free will. Use your free will decide what you want to focus upon and become more of. Do not see anything as having been thrust upon you, but instead recognize that you are receiving what it is that you have been focusing upon in your reality, and empower yourselves by reminding yourselves that you can change your point of focus at any time. Use that power, that ability that you have, and you will see the results immediately in how you feel and eventually in what comes your way. Remember that you have a bit of a time lag there on Earth, and so you may not see results in your physical reality immediately, but they are coming. What you can always do is feel for the resonance, the relief, the expansion, and the joy that comes to you when you are focusing on something that is higher vibrational and when you are focusing on something that you do want to experience more of. You will get the results that you want from doing this, and it is not just our guarantee. This is universal law, and it must be so. Take your attention off of the when, the where and the how of it all, and enjoy the process of experiencing yourself becoming that which you are focusing upon, and you will enjoy the ride. This is something else you are meant to do. You are meant to enjoy the ride, and we are here to help. We promise you that we will continue to do so, as this is an eternal ride that we are all on together. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Accessing New Channels ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 24, 2017

Accessing New Channels ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 24, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You are bringing forth a tremendous amount of energy as you shift to the fifth dimension. You are accessing more through different channels than you had previously been able to access, and you have far less blockages within you than you have previously in this lifetime. What this means is that you are ready to assist the extra-terrestrials who have been working behind the scenes to ensure that everything goes smoothly with the shift in consciousness. They have been waiting for you, and now you are ready. You are ready to provide them with more of the essence of the human race. You are becoming more hybridized, but not in the traditional meaning of that word. As you access these channels and allow more energy to flow, you are becoming more of your Source Energy selves and mixing that essence with the essence of humanity to create a brand new race of humans. The extra-terrestrials who have been helping you, and they are from all across the galaxy, are very impressed by this movement forward in humanity. They recognize your readiness, and they are eager to work with you. Many more of you are having dreams of meetings with extra-terrestrial beings, and this will continue. Even more will find themselves dreaming about being on ships and speaking to councils and collectives, and all of it readies you for the experience in the waking state. More than anything else, you have readied yourselves by releasing your own blockages to these very powerful channels, and letting in so much more of Source. The human experience in planet Earth is changing, and it is changing for the better. You are the leaders of this movement because you have this knowing that you are Source Energy Beings, but without any of the hubris that sometimes accompanies that knowing. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Releasing Entity Attachments ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 15, 2017

Releasing Entity Attachments ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 15, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have been taking the necessary steps forward in your evolutionary journey to bring you to a place of readiness for the systematic elimination of entities that have been draining your energy fields. We have noticed that a large majority of humans have been releasing these entities from your fields, and most of you have been doing it without even realizing that they were there in the first place. The change that has occurred, that has allowed this to happen, is that more of you are choosing love over fear. You are choosing to process your fear, and then you are choosing love as your dominant operating state of being. These entities feed off of fear, and fear is the way that they find their human hosts. Now, once they have removed themselves from your fields, they must locate another place to go in order to continue to exist in the way that they have been. But in that process of searching, many of them are evolving themselves and going to the light, returning to their oversouls. The result is that there are less of these entities on planet Earth at this time than there have been in a very, very long time. You are, as a collective, doing the work that is necessary to shift to the fifth dimension. These beings cannot come with you, of course, and you cannot make the strides that you need to make if they are hanging on. So it is time to celebrate this moment in human history, and it is time to congratulate yourselves for this accomplishment. And now that you are aware of what you have achieved, you can acknowledge that you have been choosing love over fear in your personal lives. And even though you live in a world filled with circumstances and events and even people to fear, that game is losing its grip on all of you. You are ready for a less polarized experience of reality, and you are ushering in a time of greater peace and harmony on planet Earth. We are happy to report this to you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, June 1, 2024

UAPDA House amendment bill for UAP Disclosure


"The new UAPDA House amendment is an absolute slam dunk. NON-HUMAN INTELLIGENCE is mentioned 25 times. TECHNOLOGIES OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN mentioned 21 times. BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE mentioned 6 times! Contact your Reps and refer to the Amendment number below. Let's get this passed!"

I recommend start reading at page 29. 

Eminent Domain Clause

A Simple Exercise to Master Your Mind ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 26, 2024

A Simple Exercise to Master Your Mind ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 26, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. And I am here to teach you. I am here to guide you. I am here to assist you in welcoming in the newer consciousness. You are ready to elevate yourselves to a higher level of vibration, and you are doing that in a variety of ways. One of the ways is through entertaining new thoughts, different thoughts than you had previously entertained in your consciousness. Here is an exercise that you can utilize to do just that. I advise you to allow your mind to just wander and to be the observer of the wandering mind. Take note of where your mind goes, and in that noticing do not judge yourself or your mind, but rather be curious about where your focus tends to go. And then ask yourself the question, at the end of this exercise, ‘Is this what I want to be focusing upon?’ Now, if the answer is no, you can also ask yourself the question of, ‘Why do I tend to place my focus here rather than somewhere else?’ And you may get an answer. You may discover that you are focusing in that way because of habit, because of societal programming, or you may find yourself focusing in that direction because of your upbringing, because of your parents and what they focused upon. Letting go of the old and accessing the new means first acknowledging that the old is there and that it needs to be released. By being more consciously aware of your thoughts, you can lovingly let them go, and you can raise your level of consciousness up to the next level by choosing more consciously what you focus upon and what you think about from moment to moment. You have the ability to do this, and you always have had it, but now you are ready to use that ability to a greater extent because you are supported by energies that are encouraging you to go to the higher consciousness, to go to the higher-vibrational state. You are ready to do just that because you have lived enough of the third and fourth-dimensional states of being. You are ready to grant yourselves access to higher-frequency thoughts and thought forms. You are ready to access streams of consciousness that were not available to you just a few years ago. And all of us in the higher realms are here to help. We are here to direct you and to show you that you can go higher than where you have been. Where you have been is not an indicator of who you really are. It’s just where you have been, and you are there to experience growth, to experience yourselves as attaining mastery, and that all means that you will have had experiences of yourselves as less than masterful. But you are ready to master those minds of yours, and we know that you are, and we feel the support that is coming in for you from all dimensions and all realms. And those of us here in the ascended master realm are helping you by reminding you that you can make a choice and it can be a better choice than the one you have been making. I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”