Friday, March 22, 2019

Arcturian Bedtime Story w/Daniel & Oluwayinka 3/13/19

Daniel Scranton

Arcturian Bedtime Story w/Daniel & Oluwayinka

 The story starts around 12 minutes.

In the story, the Arcturians tell us about an extraterrestrial race called the "Morg" who lived on the planet "Ortar." Their story is very similar to our own. 

 The Morg had made advances in technology and gadgets that made life easier. They started to rely more on their electronics, and became more detached from nature, from their planet. Their oceans, air, and water became more polluted; they had garbage "pilling up."

This is very similar to how we have treated our own planet Earth.

 The "Kreyla" took notice of the Morg's problems, the growing toxicity on their planet, and decided to intervene. The Kreyla slowly made themselves known to the Morg. 

 Later, the Kreyla assisted the Morg in helping them clean up their planet by giving them advanced technology. Their society focused on science, the mind, and technology. And as the Arcturians put it, "[the Morg's] spiritual evolution lagged behind in comparison to their technological evolution."

 Eventually the Morg created more technology that started to pollute the planet once again. The Kreyla's previously introduced technology was unable to fix their new problems. The Morg began to realize that they could not fix their problems solely with technology. 

The Kreyla decided to once again return to help the Morg, but this time they helped the Morg evolve spiritually. They built spiritual retreat centers, healing centers, and other spiritually focused areas. And the Morg began to reconnect with their planet. They began to love their plants, trees, and animals. "Their flora and fauna became more fascinating to them than their gadgetry and their devices." And the had more of a connection to Source. Their consciousness began to create a healthier planet, and clean up their messes created by relying too much on their technology.

 "They were able to clean up their environment, with the help that they really need from the Kreyla, which was the help of advancing their consciousness, helping them evolve spiritually instead of technologically."

The Kreyla learned a very important lesson themselves as they went on to help other civilizations. The Morg learned how to live in balance and harmony, between technological and spiritual endeavors, and continued to grow and ascend. 


One major theme of the story is that it is important for a civilization to balance technological evolution with spiritual evolution. 

 If we apply this story to our own, we could assume that we have also gotten the attention of ET's. The way we have treated our planet most likely has gotten ET's to observe us. There have been UFO sightings at nuclear facilities, shutting off the nuclear missiles. I believe that ET's are protecting humanity and the planet from nuclear destruction. 

So applying their story to ours, we can assume that ET's are not only watching us, but waiting for the right time to reveal themselves. There have been UFO sightings throughout human history. We may have had Extraterrestrial contact in our past. But the ET's are slowly revealing themselves to us, waiting to reveal themselves when it is the right time. I believe it must happen before we ruin the environment, assuming they want to help us heal the planet. I'm not suggesting the Kreyla are going to show up for us, but I believe some races will. 

So "they" are slowly seeping into our consciousness, waiting for humans to invite the ET's to our planet.  Eventually I believe they will make contact with us. Assuming they are benevolent, they might share their technology with us to heal the planet, and other advanced technology to change our transportation and make major scientific leaps. If there are ET races that go around the universe assisting other planets, I believe they will be expert "cultural anthropologists," expert scientists, and expert spiritual gurus. They will most likely be very technologically and spiritually advanced. And we can assume that they will most likely help us to evolve as well, but at a pace that is appropriate for us. It would not be appropriate for the ET's to give us super advanced technology, because we will end up like the Morg. As a species, we are already attached to our computers and phones. They are most likely waiting for us to evolve more spiritually (and less belligerent) before making contact. They are waiting so that is safer for them to reveal, and to create less fear in humanity.

So this story reveals a lot to us, if we apply it to our own. Does it mean our own ET contact will happen in the same way? Who knows, but probably not. But I think this story that the Arcturians shared with us does reveal a lot about why the ET's are waiting, and the strategic pace at which they plan to assist us technologically and spiritually.


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