Sunday, October 14, 2018

channeled by Ann Albers, October 13th, 2018

Dear beloved souls.
When I dreamt you into being I knew you were perfect. I saw you as exquisite and magnificent creations, as surely as those of you who are parents dream of your children’s perfection before they are born. Each of you remains exquisite, magnificent, and perfect in my eyes, now and forevermore, no matter what you think about yourselves.
You do not have to earn my love. It is already given. You do not have to earn the love of others in your 3-dimensional reality. You simply have to allow yourself to be the perfect, beautiful, loving being that you truly are, and those who see your light – my light within you – and resonate with your particular expression of it will be drawn unto you.
If ever you feel you have to prove your worth to another, stop and remind yourself, “I am worthy of love exactly as I AM.”
If ever you feel you have to earn the attention or affection of another, stop. Remind yourself, “I don’t need to earn the attention of another or ask them to play the role of my very own Creator, who loves me more than words can ever describe.”
If you feel you are not good enough, stop. Remind yourself, “I can never be anything less than perfect in the eyes of the One who made me, and who still sustains my very life in this very moment.”
Dear beloved souls, you are perfect in my eyes. I could not stop loving you, no matter what you have done, said, or experienced. Whether or not you have disappointed yourselves, or others, you have never disappointed me.
I know who you really are. I dream you into being, constantly focused on your perfection, constantly cheering you onward, constantly whispering a vibration of love into your hearts to help you remember who you truly are.
If only you knew my love for you, you would easily relax into life. You would know that there is never a reason for you to “make things happen” in your life that do not happen naturally. There is never a need to try to make things happen in the heart of another that do not happen naturally. There is never a need to bend and twist yourself to try to be perfect when in my eyes, you already are.
I love you. I AM.

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