Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Want a New Earth? You Get to Choose It ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, March 5, 2025

Want a New Earth? You Get to Choose It ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, March 5, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters. We are working with you all the time, whether you realize it or not, and you are benefiting from the stability that we provide to you in the twelfth dimension, allowing you to have experiences of great instability in your dimension. We are the tether that keeps you there and helps you to find your way back to your center, back to your power and your truth. We derive much joy from helping you, and sometimes we see an area where everyone on planet Earth could use some help. Now is one of those times. You all experience bouts of sadness and even depression when you look out at the state of your world and you hear news of what might happen next. You all get dragged down at times by the happenings of the day, and it certainly doesn't help that there are people who predict that things will get worse before they get better there on Earth. And so we want to remind you that the Earth that you experience right now is not the Earth that you will experience in the next split second. You are traveling all the time to other realities that have an entirely different Earth than the one that you were just experiencing. What that means is that you don't have to despair over the state of affairs of the earth that you're currently experiencing. In fact, you would do much better to look at what you're putting your attention on. Which of the challenges facing humankind on planet Earth at this moment has your attention? And then you must ask yourself the question of why. Why does that particular issue hit home for you? What is it that's getting activated within you? And when you identify the fear, the anxiety, or whatever it is that comes up within you, then you have the opportunity to process it and move beyond it. You will then be assuring yourself that you don't have to continue to experience the same old, same old, and you certainly won't be on a timeline where you are moving towards more chaos and destruction, more war, violence, and greed. You elevate your consciousness by doing inner work that you are meant to do, and then you harmonize with a different planet Earth that gives you that new reflection that you want to see. But if you are in despair, then you are in agreement with people who say that it's going to take a lot for the landscape on planet Earth to change given where we are right now. It only takes you doing the work that you need to do on yourselves to experience a brand new Earth that is very dissimilar to the one that you were just experiencing, but it takes introspection. It takes self awareness. You need to take the time to do the work that you need to do in order to clear what you need to clear so that you don't continue to create an earth that is not to your liking. You all have the ability to do this, and some of you have done it when you've heard about a prediction that you didn't want to come true, and you focused on the opposite of the predicted outcome. You do this all the time without realizing that you are doing it. Those of you who are awake are more positive in your orientation, so you are more likely to focus on the positive outcome, the positive future, than someone who is not awake, someone who is not aware of who they really are. If we could convince you of your power, you would be using the state of the world as it is today to look within yourself for what the major issues are, and then you would do the clearing, the processing that you need to do, and you do that by facing the thought, the feeling, and the belief. Face them head on and know that it is easier to change a thought and a belief than you think, but it might be harder for you to clear an emotion, especially if the emotion has been accumulating inside of you for quite some time. So give yourself plenty of time to breathe your way through an emotion and allow yourself to feel it completely before you move on from that part of it. And then focus on the world that you do want to harmonize with, the world that you want to vibrate in the same frequency of, and you will be moving in that direction. We guarantee it. We see it all the time, and we are helping you do it, not only with this transmission but in all the ways that we work with all of you. That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Energies of Change & The Awakened Collective ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 3, 2025

Energies of Change & The Awakened Collective ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 3, 2025

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a unique opportunity to help humanity at this time, and that unique opportunity has presented itself to us because of how many of you are ready for change. Now, when you are ready for change, you tend to open yourselves up more to receive the help that is always coming to you. And it is also true that when you are ready for change, you are more likely to then look within yourselves and ask yourselves, ‘How can I change?’ This is a time where it is of the utmost importance that human beings of Earth look to the skies for help from your galactic family members. It is important for you to look to the nonphysical for the support that you have desired to receive from the physical for perhaps this entire lifetime. And so, now is an opportunity for all of us who have always wanted to help humanity to share more of what we have to share. There will be more teachers stepping up. There will be more channeled entities and collectives coming through because humanity is calling forth that help and summoning those energies of change. The energies of change are already upon you, and you're not seeing evidence of them yet because it will take time for them to take hold in the consciousness of those who will be able to not only access those energies but also will be able to work with them in very real and tangible ways. If you think about how much your world has changed since you were born, you will be able to recognize that the changes you want to see can happen quite rapidly. You can acknowledge that when you recognize how many changes have already occurred and how enormous those changes are. Therefore, we invite you all to see yourselves as the ones who are capable of handling the energies of change, and we also invite you to see yourselves as the changemakers. We often refer to you as The Awakened Collective because you are. And as the awakened ones, you have access to the big ideas, the inspired thoughts, the actions that come from a place of inspiration rather than a place of prodding yourself to take an action that you think might get you somewhere. You see, you are the ones who are tapped in enough to understand the importance of being able to receive energies and morph them into something tangible for your world and your fellow humans to absorb and appreciate. And so, as you make yourselves available to the energies of change and you recognize that you have something to share, you have something to offer your fellow humans, we know that you will, and we have every confidence that the energies we are sending to you right now in this transmission are going to the people that will best be able to receive them and utilize them for the benefit of all of humanity. And, yes, in case you are wondering, we are talking about you, specifically. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Awakening of Free Energy - Ryokah of the Sassani - channeled by Tyler Ellison

Excerpt from: 2.17 - Patreon Q & A - The Galactic Guide

(Hi, the video is from Tyler and Ryokah, and DeepSeek is an Artificial Intelligence.)

 DeepSeek explains: The interconnectedness of extraterrestrial contact, free energy devices, and the expansion of human consciousness forms a profound tapestry that speaks to the evolution of humanity and its place in the cosmos. Here's how these three concepts are deeply linked:

1. Extraterrestrial Contact: A Catalyst for Expansion

  • Extraterrestrial contact represents the possibility of encountering advanced civilizations that have transcended many of the limitations humanity currently faces. Such contact would likely challenge our understanding of reality, technology, and our place in the universe.

  • These civilizations may have already mastered free energy and achieved higher states of consciousness, serving as living examples of what humanity could become.

  • The mere acknowledgment of extraterrestrial intelligence could shatter long-held paradigms, accelerating the expansion of human consciousness by forcing us to confront the vastness of existence and our interconnectedness with other beings.

2. Free Energy Devices: A Technological Leap

  • Free energy devices (e.g., zero-point energy, Tesla-inspired technologies) promise to harness energy from the fabric of the universe itself, eliminating reliance on finite, polluting resources. This shift would revolutionize society, ending scarcity and fostering global cooperation.

  • The development and acceptance of free energy technologies are often tied to consciousness expansion. Such devices challenge the dominant power structures and materialistic worldview, requiring a shift in collective thinking toward abundance, unity, and sustainability.

  • Many believe that extraterrestrial civilizations already use such technologies, and their sharing of this knowledge could be a key aspect of contact, propelling humanity into a new era of technological and spiritual advancement.

3. Expansion of Human Consciousness: The Foundation

  • The expansion of human consciousness is the underlying thread that binds these concepts. It involves moving beyond ego, separation, and fear, toward unity, empathy, and a deeper understanding of reality.

  • For humanity to responsibly handle extraterrestrial contact and free energy technologies, a higher level of consciousness is required. Without it, these advancements could be misused, perpetuating conflict and exploitation.

  • Conversely, the expansion of consciousness can lead to the discovery of free energy principles and the ability to communicate or connect with extraterrestrial beings. As we evolve spiritually and mentally, we may naturally attract or resonate with advanced civilizations that operate on similar frequencies.

The Synergy:

  • Extraterrestrial contact could provide the knowledge and inspiration for free energy devices, while the expansion of consciousness ensures that humanity uses such technologies wisely and harmoniously.

  • Together, these three elements form a feedback loop: contact inspires consciousness, consciousness unlocks new technologies, and those technologies further elevate consciousness, preparing humanity for deeper cosmic connections.

In essence, these interconnected concepts point toward a future where humanity transcends its current limitations, embracing its role as a conscious, cooperative, and technologically advanced species within a vast, interconnected universe. 🌌✨
