Saturday, August 31, 2024

Ensure Your Physical ET Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 28, 2024

Ensure Your Physical ET Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 28, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have so much interest in what’s happening there on Earth because it is a reflection to us of ourselves in many ways. We always look at what we can see outside of ourselves as reflecting something back to us that we need to see. Now, of course we are all also interested in helping all of you, and that’s another reason why we place our attention on planet Earth so much, but we recognize that what we see is showing us something that we still are working on in terms of our own spiritual evolution. We still are works in progress ourselves, and we may see something in your realm that we are still carrying an iota of judgment about, and therefore we know we have to clear that. We encourage you to do the same, especially when you are looking at the beliefs of others, the actions of others, the political affiliation of others. You still have a lot to do in order to get past the judgments, the resistances, the resentment, everything that you are carrying within you that no longer serves you and that needs to be cleansed out. Now is a wonderful time to be doing that, as you want to be the clearest and cleanest version of yourself as you embark upon extra-terrestrial encounters in the physical. When you are standing in front of one of these beings, you want to have already let go of everything that would prevent you from having a pure experience of that other aspect of Source that you will be encountering. It will also make you happier, healthier, and more filled with the light and the love of Source, to let go of the need for anyone else to be different, to think different, to act differently than they currently do. And so, looking out at the world as it is today, notice what triggers you and know that where you are getting triggered and how you are getting triggered are showing you what still needs to be released by you. Don’t just give everyone else the assignments and tell them what work they need to do on themselves to get their act together. But rather, see within yourself where you can shift your perception of what you are looking at and make peace with everything as it is right now so that you allow everyone else the opportunity to grow and to change. They will change and so will you, and no one needs to fight over who is more right in this current version of themselves that will be different five years from now and ten years from now. So you see, when you recognize that you are changing, and that you have already changed so much, you then can give others the permission, the freedom and the opportunity to do the same without you having to be the one who convinces them to change and change for the better as far as you are concerned. Instead, notice what you are feeling, ask yourself whether you like how you feel when you focus on that person, or that group, or that government, and if you don’t, you know that you have some work to do on yourself. The best way to do it is to simply breathe your way through the discord, the lack of harmony, the negative emotion that you are feeling, and then you will allow more of who and what you really are to flow to you and through you, and you are much more beneficial to everyone and everything you encounter when you do this work, and the mirror will be reflecting something much better to you after you have engaged in this simple process. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Luis Elizondo Interviews, Joe Rogan / NewsNation Ross Coulthart


I strongly recommend reading Lue Elizondo's new book,  "Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs". It was a very good read, and helped me learn more about Lue's role in bringing Disclosure forward through the U.S. military and government.

Luis "Lue" Elizondo is the former head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which investigated UFOs, now referred to as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). A veteran of the U.S. Army, he has worked in counterintelligence and counterterrorism worldwide.

NewsNation - Former Pentagon insider, veteran and investigator Luis "Lue" Elizondo is quite possibly the most important voice in the modern UFO movement, and he sat down with NewsNation's Ross Coulthart to share the story of what he claims the American government really knows about UFOs.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

New Energies Coming in from Andromeda ∞The Andromedan Council of Light Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 21, 2024

New Energies Coming in from Andromeda ∞The Andromedan Council of Light Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 21, 2024

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you. It is indeed a time to celebrate how far you’ve come there on planet Earth because you face so many challenges and because you have faced so many challenges, and yet there you are, still standing, still in one piece. Now the road ahead for you is easier and better than the road that is behind you, and that due in large part to the help that you’re getting, but it has much more to do with how much you’re helping yourselves. Those of you who have been willing to engage in self-help are leading in this consciousness evolution there on your planet. You cannot help but raise the level of consciousness of the entire Earth and all of her inhabitants when you look within yourselves and you say, ‘Is that the best I can do?’ As you wonder even if there’s a better version of yourself than the one that you’ve been, you automatically start to actualize that version of yourself that you are daydreaming about. Now when you also take an interest in the betterment of the lives of other people there on your planet, then you know you are really moving the needle of the overall vibration of this collective consciousness that you are all a part of. We know that you sometimes see yourselves as ones who are not enough, and you are very hard on yourselves about how much you are doing to help, but we want you to know that you are having a much bigger impact than you could possibly imagine, and we also want you to know that more help is on the way. More help comes when you utilize the help you are being given, and that’s what humanity has been doing lately, and that’s how the additional help can be justified by all of us in the higher realms. Keep opening up to receive from your galactic friends and family members, knowing that we have an eye on each of you, and we are measuring your readiness for the energies that we want to deliver. Remember that this will continue and that you will also continue to get help from your guides, your ancestors, your higher selves, the archangels, the ascended masters, and so many others who you wouldn’t think of as galactic beings and collectives necessarily. From the Andromedan Galaxy right now, you can expect to receive more energies that will help you in feeling, in sensing, in intuiting more of what you need to know, because with your heightened sensitivity, you have more information to go on when making a choice that involves yourself and a choice that involves others. And you are the thought leaders and the wayshowers there on Earth who need that sensitivity to guide them. You need to be able to demonstrate to others that they too have everything that they need inside of them. And this is how you do it, and this is how we help. We love helping you to become more independent, to be more empowered, and to know yourselves more truly and fully as you really are. And so you can expect the help to continue to pour in as you continue to grow and evolve, expanding into your higher selves. We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

Monday, August 19, 2024

CBSMornings: Interview with Lue Elizondo, August 19, 2024


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Shifts & Changes Are About to Come for Humanity ∞The Andromedan Council of Light via Daniel Scranton, August 12, 2024

Shifts & Changes Are About to Come for Humanity ∞The Andromedan Council of Light via Daniel Scranton, August 12, 2024

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you. We love monitoring your progress there on Earth, and we know that you enjoy receiving progress reports because you tend to doubt yourselves and question whether humanity is headed in the right direction. You think about wars and artificial intelligence and the collapse of currencies all the time, and wonder how humanity is going to make it. We want to tell you that you already have made it and that you are in the midst now of witnessing the shift in consciousness. This is what it looks like. It’s not all rainbows, fairy dust and unicorns. You do need to look at what you’ve been creating in order to move past it, and you need to look at it in a new way. And so, instead of looking at what is happening on Earth right now as a sign of the coming apocalypse, you can see it as a shedding of the skin of the third-dimensional human collective, because that’s what it is. You need to let go of your fears, and you need time to do it. You will continue to shed that skin and release those fears, and you will need to do it more rapidly because you are headed for big changes and you need to have everything in order to be able to handle the energies of the shifts and changes that are to come for humanity. We are of course talking about the first contact experience, the changing of all of your various systems, and the completion of the shift in consciousness. These are not just things that happen to you and that you experience passively. You are meant to participate in them, and as the ones who are awake, you can start by removing your fears and your doubts about what is to come of humankind. You can instead focus like a laser beam on the reality that we and others have been telling you about. It is a reality where everyone has more than enough and where there is peace on Earth. It is a reality where e.t.s walk amongst you, and you get to travel throughout space, throughout this galaxy of ours. It is a reality of joy, love, freedom, excitement, creativity, and all of the other experiences that you’ve wanted to have there on Earth but have felt were just out of reach. You are closing the books on the third dimension, which has been a pretty messy experience for humanity, and as you clean up the mess, you will find that there is great satisfaction that you can take in being the custodians, in being those who take responsibility for humanity’s actions. And you are, as the awakened ones, capable of doing this while simultaneously creating the experience of the fifth-dimensional Earth. And your place on the 5D Earth is guaranteed. We want you to know that and feel into that, and we also invite you to begin experiencing the 5D Earth now, because it is yours to inherit. We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

TED talks

 How the US Is Destroying Young People’s Future | Scott Galloway | TED

Your Ascension Has Begun...Now What? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 13, 2024

Your Ascension Has Begun...Now What? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 13, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have already begun your ascension. You have ascended from the third dimension to the fourth, and you are ascending into the fifth, but you are doing so gradually and at your own pace. You do not need to be in any hurry to get there, and you will find that patience comes more easily to you when you are in a state of trust, when you have faith that you are ascending, and so is everyone else. Now, what does that mean, exactly? It means you have access to more of your light body, and you can heal more quickly. It also means you can manifest more quickly than ever before. It means you are accessing more and more of your spiritual gifts, and you are connecting to other beings from other dimensions and star systems, especially while you are asleep. One of the ways in which you can experience more of the fifth dimension is through remembering your astral travels, and so we recommend that you do that as you are falling asleep. And you can even set an intention to go to different places and connect with different beings that you want to connect with. You see, the realization that you are creating your reality one hundred percent of the time is also indicative of the fact that you are shifting your consciousness. You are getting closer and closer to a fifth-dimensional frequency range to exist in, and that’s very exciting. You will have extra-terrestrial contact there on Earth before you complete the shift, and by interacting with these human/e.t. hybrids, you will raise your vibrations, you will have better coping mechanisms and strategies for living on your Earth and in harmony with her. You will get a lot out of e.t. contact that will go beyond just knowing that you are not alone in the universe. You also have the ability to receive more downloads, activations, and upgrades in the waking state, as well as in the sleep state. So that is something else for you to set intentions for as you are drifting off to sleep, but in the waking state you can also tell your spirit guides what activations you are most interested in receiving. As we said previously, it is better to be patient when it comes to the completion of the ascension and enjoy the ride than it is to impatiently wait for some big event to occur outside of you. You are there for the journey, and the journey includes everything we have just laid out for you. All of that means that you do not need to be in any hurry to get to the fifth-dimensional frequency range, since you already have access to so much of what being in the fifth dimension will provide you. See what you can activate, download and manifest today by simply believing more in the possibility and believing in yourself as an awakened soul who is consciously ascending to the fifth dimension. Doing it consciously means you get to enjoy it more, and you are more likely to see everything as bringing you closer to the completion of the ascension. You are there to do it, and you are there to help others do it. And one of the ways you help others to ascend is by having that certainty, that knowing inside of you that ascension at this point is a guarantee for humanity because it is already happening. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Lions Gate Energies Are Here...Now ET Contact ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 6, 2024

The Lions Gate Energies Are Here...Now ET Contact ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 6, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are looking forward to seeing what humanity does with these Lions Gate energies, as we know that so many of you are very interested in extra-terrestrial contact for yourselves as individuals. We also understand that there are many ways to have a first contact experience for you. Daniel has his own story of how it first occurred for him, and perhaps many of you have heard that story. There are experiences that you can have with e.t.s that ready you for the physical face-to-face contact that we know you all desire. Using the energies of the Lions Gate, you can open up your own personal portals and receive more psychic, telepathic communication. You can slip more easily into the channeling state. You can receive more of the love and the downloads, the activations and upgrades coming from your own galactic teams. You can begin expressing in ways that you’ve never expressed before, such as through artistic expression, through music, song, dance. There are so many ways in which the energies of the galaxy can flow to you and through you, and we suggest that you think about all of them in relationship to what you want for a contact experience. Remember that UFO sightings, or UAP sightings, are also types of contact experiences and that those ships in the sky know when you are looking at them. The beings on board those ships are registering your responses to them as well. All e.t. beings are contemplating at this time humanity’s readiness for contact as a collective, and they are also registering your readiness as an individual for a contact experience. And if you are thinking very logically and practically about your face-to-face physical encounter and wondering how the ship would land given the amount of space you have around you, let go of those ideas. The e.t. beings can also utilize these portals to come to you in their physical bodies, and do not need to land a spaceship. They have so many technologies to assist them in contacting you, and many of you have been onboard ships yourselves. One of the other tricks that you can now employ to bring about a contact experience that you can remember is to see if you can remember the contact experiences that you have already had but have forgotten. Remember that a lot of the energies that you experience in a contact moment will be too much for the body and/or the mind, and that is the reason for the forgetting. It is not because they do not wish you to remember, and it’s not because some agency of the government is forcing you to forget either. When you are ready, you will have your contact experience, and these energies of the Lions Gate are helping to expedite that process. Lean into them, feel into them, and experience what you want to experience with your extra-terrestrial friends. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Had some brief UFO sightings outside on 08-Aug-2024. I was in the backyard, and there was a faint light near the Ursa Major constellation. It moved and later disappeared.

After a few minutes, an airplane flew above me going North. I was thinking that the ships probably keep a low profile when there are planes nearby. Planes often fly overhead. But, when the plane passed over, there was another brighter object that flew and made a small direction change, then disappeared. (Same area of the sky, very far off)

I played this Youtube video while I was outside about halfway through the sightings. Lastly, there were a couple of brief flashes of light near the same area of the sky, maybe 3 or 4.
I was outside around 30-40 minutes when this all happened. Very cool and exciting.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Friday, August 2, 2024

The 8-8-8 Lions Gate Energies on Earth & Thru the Galaxy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council & Daniel Scranton, August 1, 2024

The 8-8-8 Lions Gate Energies on Earth & Thru the Galaxy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council & Daniel Scranton, August 1, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased to let you in on this wisdom that we have to share with you about this Lions Gate and every Lions Gate that you experience there on Earth and that we all experience throughout our Galaxy. This is a galactic event, after all, and the effects of the Lions Gate portal being open is not just about Earth. It’s about all of us throughout the galaxy and how we relate to one another, how we process and share energies with each other. And so, this Lions Gate, like all of them, has the potential to open you up to more experiences with your galactic friends and family members. There are more contact experiences available to you through this time period that you are in. And there is a specific meaning to this particular Lions Gate portal being open, and it is about first contact there on Earth for all of you. You all have your desires for contact experiences, and many of you have stated that you do not want to wait for the mass landing of ships that will occur within the next three years or so. You want to have your contact experiences now, and before 2027 for sure. And so, these energies are very supportive of those desires that you hold for yourselves and your fellow humans. The more you hear about other people’s contact experiences, the more you are willing to believe that it is possible for you. Now, the thing you want to avoid saying to yourself is, ‘Why that person and not me?’ because there is a much better way for you to look at it. Instead, you can say, ‘Since that person is having e.t. contact experiences, that must mean that I am next.’ You must see what others are doing as evidence to you of what is possible, and you need to let go of that idea that something is wrong with you and that’s why you are not having the same experience as someone else. You are all meant to have the experiences that you have in the perfect timing for you, which is orchestrated by your guides and higher selves. Therefore, you can let go of that idea that you are somehow blocking yourselves from the experiences that you do want to have. And we want to invite you to recognize that if you want to have a contact experience prior to 2027, you can. You all have the ability to create the experiences that you want to have in your lives. And one of the ways that you bring yourselves closer to those experiences is by working with the beliefs that you hold. If you are holding beliefs that say that you are not worthy or you are not ready, then that will be your experience. No one has to be perfect in order to manifest something that they desire into their lives. Surely you can see that just by looking around at your fellow humans right now. And recognize that you are all meant to have those things you are working on so that you can experience growth. No one is defective. No one was created to just be defective, but you were all created to have a journey and an arc. When you watch a movie, it’s far more satisfying when the main character has an arc. They have an evolution throughout the course of the events that unfold, and you all are the same way, and now is a time for you to recognize that you are ready to move forward. You are ready to grow and evolve through the experiences that you are having, and e.t. contact is one of those experiences. It is meant to occur for you in this lifetime, and it is meant to spur you on to the completion of the shift and many other things prior to that. So rest assured that the Lions Gate energies are already working upon all of you and will continue to do so even past the date of August 8th and August 12th. Relax and know that all is well and all is occurring in Divine perfect timing. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”