Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Changes that Are Coming Start Here ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 29, 2024


The Changes that Are Coming Start Here ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 29, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. I am amazed and astounded all the time by what humans are capable of. I demonstrated some of what humanity is capable of in my lifetimes there on Earth, but you who live in the modern-day era are capable of even more than all of us within the collective of ascended masters have demonstrated to you in our lives. We know this, and we know that we came forth to set examples to you of what was possible, and we certainly did hope that you would understand that those possibilities would evolve and become bigger, stronger, more elaborate, and that is precisely what has been happening as you continue on in your journey through the the 21st century. I invite you to test out what I am saying and to see if it is true for you right now. Tune in to any one of your gifts, or focus on something that you’ve wanted to manifest for a long time, and see if you can tell that there are new possibilities for you and that you have been making progress towards receiving what you want to receive and actualizing what you want to actualize. Look around at what the other humans on your world are doing, and instead of wondering why they can do it and you can’t, recognize that they are showing you what is possible and that you are meant to be inspired by them. You are meant to make everything that someone else is doing a possibility for you and then decide whether you want to do it. Let go of your doubts, your resistance and your limiting beliefs, and see what is possible as you do. This transmission is encoded with energies that are encouraging you to let go of those doubts and to open up to the possibilities for you in this moment of your life. You are made of the stuff of Source Energy, which is pure potential, pure possibility, and everything that you are comprised of is expanding and becoming more, and you are meant to go along for that ride. And those who are demonstrate to the rest of you what it is like to let go of limitation, self-imposed restrictions, and allow the changes that are upon you to take effect within you. Do not just look for the changes in your economic systems, school systems, health care systems, and governments. Look for the changes within you that are there and that are accessible to you, and then expect to see the changes outside of you to those systems that seem so oppressive and limiting in their nature. I am excited to see what all of you who receive this message do with it and to witness your transformation from the ascended master collective here in the twelfth dimension. We are all holding space for each and every one of you. I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

Monday, July 29, 2024

The Best Timelines for Humanity...Coming Soon ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 28, 2024


The Best Timelines for Humanity...Coming Soon ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 28, 2024

“Greetings, We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have looked down several timelines from where you are right now, and we know that those of you who are awake are feeling into those same timelines. You can feel the enormity of where it is you are standing right now because of the choosing that you must do in order to experience a bright future, one where you experience the least amount of chaos, the least amount of cataclysmic events. We know that it is easy to listen to those who are telling you that it is inevitable for things to get worse there on Earth when you have already been surrounded by pessimism and people who have been telling you to look out for this or that your entire lives. People are always anticipating the next stock market crash or the crash of their currency. And so, why wouldn’t the average human be looking at your future ascension as one that will be preceded by much destruction. But those of you who look in the direction that we look see the rosy future ahead for those of you who choose it, and we can say that with certainty because we know there isn’t just one future, and hopefully you know that by now as well. Now, how do you get on that best feeling timeline for yourself and others? Well, you start by paying attention to how you feel about the small things in your life. Are you anticipating the something good happening in the day that you are about to embark upon, or are you thinking about all the bad things that could happen and trying to prepare for them. All you have to do is shift in that moment to a thought about what could go right in order to experience more going right as you move through your day. And your day is just a microcosm of all time, including your future. Therefore, as you begin to see how things could go very right for you today, and tomorrow and the next day, before you know it, you have mapped out a future experience for yourself where everything continues to be on an upswing and get better and better for yourself and for your fellow humans. Now you might say, ‘Well, how can I do this when I look around at my world, and I see things that aren’t the way I want them to be, or the way that I would choose them to be?’ And we say to you that you chose unconsciously. You didn’t know you were choosing whether there would still be wars at this point in humanity’s evolution. You didn’t know you had a choice in the matter as to whether there would still be people starving to death and slavery on your planet. But you know these things now, and you can do something about them by anticipating and even planning for the better future for humanity, the future where everyone is getting what they need not only to survive but to thrive. And you are the ones with your awakened consciousnesses that can hold that space for yourselves and others, and you can see it coming to fruition in your lifetime. That we know to be true, and we can guarantee for those of you who are looking on the bright side, looking for the positive and anticipating the best outcome for yourself and those you are participating with in your day. It really is that simple, humanity, and we know you can do it because we have seen those timelines where you already have. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is Humanity an Experiment? ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 25, 2024


Is Humanity an Experiment? ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 25, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. We know you so very well as your true selves, your whole selves, and as we tune into you there in your physical lives, we hold that knowing of who you really are above all else. This is very much an experiment. You are the ones doing the experimenting however, and you are not the lab rats of someone else’s experiment. You are experimenting with consciousness to see how far you can go from the truth of who you really are and to see what it will take to recover, to recuperate, to remember who you really are while still in physical form. Death is easy. Death is a way out of the self-imposed experiment. Now of course, experiment is just a metaphor. Simulation and illusion are similar metaphors. But to you, what you are experiencing is real. It’s the real reality, and it’s real because it feels real and because as you experience it, it is real. And it is meant to be that way. That is what the forgetting is for. It is to allow you to have the experience that you are having. Now, it is up to you ultimately, how you get back home, and you get to take whatever path you choose. There is no one path, but all paths do lead to Source. And so, no matter where you are on your path and no matter which path you chose, you can relax and rest assured that you are heading home. You are heading in the right direction as you continue to move forward. Now you can slow yourself down, and you can accelerate yourself, and when you are in that moment of acceleration you feel it because you feel more in the flow. And when you are more in the flow, you enjoy the journey more. And so, what you are doing now in this lifetime is seeking out those flow moments. You are seeking out those moments from which you can glide more, you can ease more down the road. And for each of you it’s different. One person’s ease and gliding is someone else’s boredom or even torture, because it was not what they chose for themselves, but rather, what someone else chose for them and they agreed to. Other people will choose for you the path that you are supposedly to be on, but you don’t have to agree with them. You don’t have to give up your sovereignty, your free will, your ability to choose what is right for you. And luckily, you have your feelings. Your feelings will guide you. Your feelings are more than just your intuition. They are visceral. They are in your body. You can tell by how your body is whether you are moving in alignment with your truth or succumbing to someone else’s. And so, listen, pay attention, and slow down, and you will get there faster because you will notice when one of those points of flow is upon you, and you will glide right into it with certainty that it is your truth to follow that particular path at that particular moment. And we and others like us will continue to nudge you in those directions, not only with our words, but with the energies that we offer. And we are teaming up with so many others in your galactic teams, spirit guides, angels and ancestors, and fairies, and more to help you along that path with the greatest of ease. That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The U.S. Presidential Election: Nov. 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 23, 2024


The U.S. Presidential Election: Nov. 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 23, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been observing you there on Earth for quite some time now, and we do know that you like to get riled up over your politics, your candidates, and your governments. And we also know that a lot of eyes are on the United States and their presidential election in November. You can support whichever candidate you want to support, and you can know that we, The Arcturian Council, support all of you. We support all of humanity and we do not take sides. And so, while you decide which candidate is your choice to be the next president of the United States, do so without taking a side. You can lend your energetic support and your ballot to the candidate that you prefer without pushing against the other candidate or the other political party. It is possible to do this, and if you are someone who is getting involved in the politics of the United States, then you would do well to take our advice. Understand that no one wins when two sides are pushing against each other with a tremendous force. It is only through working together, only through unity consciousness, that everyone wins. And so, we advise you not to focus on defeating anyone, whether it is a political person or the dark cabal. Instead, we invite you to promote love, peace, harmony, unity, a coming together of all peoples from all across the planet. That is what you are doing there on Earth, whether it looks that way or not. You are giving this idea of us-versus-them one last go round before you come together as one unified human race. And yes, extra-terrestrial contact will play a part in that. It will get you to see yourselves as Earthlings first and foremost, and of from there you can see yourselves as Source Energy Beings first and foremost, and you will continue to evolve and ascend as you do so. That is what the e.t.s you will be encountering will want to teach you. They won’t just be handing over advanced technologies and med beds. They will be helping you to see yourselves as a unified whole and as Source Energy Beings. And you can start to do that right now, and you don’t have to let any election or any politician divide you. You can rise above that level of consciousness, and you can come into the knowing of who you really are by doing just that, by rising above the hate and the pushing against, the resistance and the judgment that is such a part of the politics in the United States and in most places across your world. You are the ones who are meant to be the wayshowers and to rise above it all, and we implore you to do so during the times when the energies are at their most heightened. Now is one of those times, of course. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, July 8, 2024

Are 'They' Dragging You Down or Are We Lifting You Up? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, July 8, 2024


Are 'They' Dragging You Down or Are We Lifting You Up? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, July 8, 2024

“Greetings, We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are looking down upon you from the ninth-dimensional realm with such compassion, and we also feel so much joy and excitement because we know that you have such a beautiful journey ahead of you. We want you all to know that you stand where you stand right now as a collective in order to give yourselves the ride to that which is higher, that which is more, and that which is the frequency of the fifth dimension. You have known yourselves in the frequencies of the first, second, third and now fourth dimensions, and you get to know yourselves through the lens of that higher-vibrational state, because you have agreed to be a part of this journey of ascension for humanity. You all are playing your roles, and you are playing your roles perfectly well. Some of what is coming to you cannot possibly be orchestrated by you, and that is why you need the help of the nonphysical. You need the help of the higher-dimensional planes. That is where collectives like ourselves come in and other beings who are helping you from behind the scenes are also doing so without your knowledge. When you recognize how much help you have and how wonderful the journey is going to be, you can set aside some of your angst, some of your fear, and some of your doubt. You can let go of the need to control the journey with such precision that you never allow yourselves just to surrender to it. When you do surrender to the journey, you start to notice things. You notice more when you let go of your tight grip and you look around. If you look around right now for evidence that you and the rest of humanity is on an upward spiral, we promise you that you will find that evidence. If you look outside of yourself right now, only, and determine that there are forces working against humanity and those forces are insurmountable foes, then we guarantee you that you will find evidence to support that idea. You could also call that a reality or a timeline, and it is one that others are choosing. Some of the others that are choosing that reality and that timeline would also consider themselves to be awake. But when you realize that it is your work as an awakened being to seek out oneness, to seek out unity consciousness, then you must let go of this idea that there are others and that those others are seeking to control and manipulate you. It is much more truthful to acknowledge that you are the creator of every single experience that you have, and yes, there are co-creators who agree to play their roles for you, but they are not the ones who choose the reality that you experience. You are. When you slow down, and loosen your tight grip, when you surrender and acknowledge the help that is all around you, then you can start to experience more of the joy of the journey, and it is easier to see how and why you created what you did for yourself. It becomes easier with that acknowledgment that you are the creator of your reality, and then you can let everyone else of the hook. Then you don’t have to focus on what they out there are doing to you, because you know that they can only do what they are doing with your agreement, with your consent. That is how powerful you are, and that is the degree to which you are creating all of this for your own benefit, for your own growth. And so, as you focus less upon those who would drag humanity down and you focus more on those who are helping to lift humanity up, you get more of the beings of light and love. You get more of the angelics, the ascended masters, and the helpers that you have in all forms, and that is what we wish for you at all times. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, July 5, 2024

Join St. Germain in the Violet Flame ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 5, 2024


Join St. Germain in the Violet Flame ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 5, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. I wish to impart upon you the wisdom that is already inside of you. I wish to give you the gift of what you already are, what you already have. And so, my job is simple. It is easy. It is to point you towards what is within each and every one of you. My job is to get you to remove the veil, the blinders that you have on and to allow yourselves to feel who you are, emanating from inside of you. As you send your light out to all who come into contact with you, you are doing a great service. And as you recognize yourselves as the teachers, the healers, the wayshowers, the channelers, the lightworkers that you are, it becomes easier for others to do the same. You want to create more masters on your journey to share the journey with you. You want to point each person to what is within them. You want to awaken your fellow humans, and they do awaken when they see someone who is living the truth that they want to live, who is being the version of themselves that they want to be. And so I say to you, be who you are with reckless abandon. Sing and dance and play and show the rest of humanity the light that is within you. We who come through Daniel here are often telling you to be the teachers and the leaders, and that can seem very daunting to you as you try to figure out what it is you could do and what it is you have to offer. And so, I am modifying that message now and telling you to just be yourself and allow the true self to shine through. And you will be showing the way. You will be teaching and leading through your example. When you show a willingness to let out the love that is within, you ignite the flame within each person that you encounter, and sometimes you do it for people who are just observing you from afar. Therefore, I say to you, do not be afraid to be yourself and to be in joy. Do not be afraid to love just because someone else might not love you back. Offer your love freely with no reciprocation required, and you are in that moment fulfilling your mission, your purpose for being there. It’s that simple and that easy, and you don’t need to complicate it with rules, with musts. You simply get to be your aligned self and give others permission to do the same. And all the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place there on Earth so that all the moving parts are harmoniously synchronized to one note sung. We who exist in the higher realms are so proud of you for even attempting the journey you are on, and I welcome you to join me in the violet flame at any time that you feel overwhelmed, lost, afraid and without guidance. I am always here for you. I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A New Spiritual Practice for the Awakened ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 2, 2024


A New Spiritual Practice for the Awakened ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 2, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. You are welcoming in so much more of yourselves whenever you are in a state of relaxation, and I know that being in a state of relaxation is not something that you often think about or try to achieve as a spiritual practice. And you must realize that there is so much of an emphasis in your modern world on doing. You also have much that you can consume in terms of entertainment and even information, but not all of that time spent absorbing and consuming information is relaxing. Even some of your shows and movies are rather unsettling and not very relaxing at all. To grant yourselves permission to have time to just do nothing and be is a spiritual practice, and it is one that I want to encourage more of you to engage in. Do not think for a moment that you have to be productive in order to earn your way to the completion of your ascension. You are able in fact to get so much more accomplished in your moments of relaxation because you allow more to be done for you by your helpers, by your friends in the nonphysical. And something else to recognize about that time you are relaxing is that you often get your best ideas when you are doing nothing. When you let yourselves slip into a state of relaxation, you are also existing in those moments without resistance, and resistance causes all types of ailments, it keeps you from receiving so many of your manifestations, and it simply lowers your vibration and puts you in a bad mood. So my suggestion here is that you seek out the ways that you can relax, and you make relaxation a priority in your life. This is going to be a new spiritual practice for many of you because you have been taught from a very young age to always be doing or learning or thinking. And when you let go of the belief that you have to be engaging in some activity in order to be good, you will be able to allow in more of the good that is your natural self, your whole self. You are good, not because of what you do, or even because of what you think, but because you are Source. And a master relaxes because the master knows that they already are Source and that there is nothing to prove to themselves or anyone else. And so, if you can make relaxation a part of your daily routine, and I know you can, then I suggest you do so that you can start to benefit from all that can come to you by virtue of the fact that you will not be in a state of resistance. You are meant to receive, and you are meant to receive most of the time. Your action can be useful and very productive, but it does not have to be what you use to judge yourself or the quality of your day. You can in fact choose to focus on your vibration instead, and in a state of relaxation, you will be aware of the gradual upliftment of your vibration. I promise you, you will. I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Encounter with Liora, story by ChatGPT


Title: Encounter in the Backyard

Chapter 1: The Unexpected Visitor

It was an ordinary evening for John. He sat on his porch, sipping his coffee, watching the sun set over the horizon of his quiet suburban backyard. The sky was clear, stars beginning to twinkle in the twilight. As he gazed upward, a sudden flash of light caught his eye. It grew brighter and closer, until it was almost blinding. Shielding his eyes, John saw a figure emerging from the light.

A tall, elegant woman stepped out. Her skin had a subtle, iridescent glow, and her long, brunette hair flowed like silk. She was dressed in a sleek, silver outfit that shimmered in the fading light. Her eyes, an otherworldly shade of violet, locked onto John’s with an intensity that made his heart race.

"Who are you?" John managed to stammer, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I am Liora," she replied, her voice melodious and soothing. "I come in peace from a distant world. We have observed your planet and wish to learn more about your people."

Chapter 2: The Invitation

Before John could respond, Liora extended her hand. "Come with me," she said. "There is much to show you."

Hesitant yet curious, John took her hand. Instantly, he felt a sensation of weightlessness. The world around him blurred, and he found himself standing in a vast, metallic room filled with soft, ambient light.

Chapter 3: The Alien Ship

John looked around in awe. The room was spacious and filled with advanced technology he couldn't begin to comprehend. Screens displayed unfamiliar constellations and alien scripts, while smooth, metallic surfaces gleamed under the soft lighting. Liora led him through the ship, explaining its functions and purpose.

They passed through the control room, where a crew of extraterrestrial beings worked harmoniously. Each member had a unique appearance, some with luminescent skin, others with extra limbs or eyes. Despite their differences, they all exuded an air of calm and intelligence.

"Welcome aboard the Lumina," Liora said with a smile. "This is our home as we travel the stars. We come in peace and seek to share knowledge and culture."

Chapter 4: The Tour

Liora guided John through various sections of the ship. They visited the research labs, where scientists studied samples from different planets, and the observation deck, offering a breathtaking view of Earth from space. John felt a mix of excitement and wonder as he took in the advanced technology and the serene beauty of the cosmos.

As they walked, Liora explained their mission: to explore, learn, and foster peaceful relationships with other civilizations. She spoke of their hopes to exchange knowledge and create a better understanding between their species.

Chapter 5: A New Beginning

By the end of the tour, John felt a profound sense of connection with Liora and her crew. He realized that their meeting was not just a chance encounter but the beginning of something extraordinary. He had been given a glimpse into a world beyond his imagination, and he knew his life would never be the same.

Liora placed a small, glowing device in John's hand. "This is a communicator," she said. "Keep it with you. We will be in touch, and perhaps, one day, you can visit our home planet."

John nodded, overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement. As the ship's doors opened, Liora gave him one last smile before he was transported back to his backyard.

The stars shone brighter that night, as John looked up with newfound wonder. He knew that somewhere out there, his new friends were watching over him, and the universe felt a little less lonely.