Thursday, December 26, 2024

Hi, this is artwork I found online that I felt like sharing. I could not find the original image source, but the artwork is very similar to Jean-Luc Bozzoli. ( The main difference between these two images is the opacity. (See the crystal on the left side of the screen). There were three images total online, but I only merged two of them because the last image didn't fit properly. It was the same image, but has "watermarks" / blocks in the corner, and a picture of Pleiadian ET beings in the middle. (The original images are titled, "Agartha.jpg, Agartha2.jpg, Agartha3.jpg) I checked the images with ; but didn't see anything interesting. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Your Dream Life ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 20, 2017

Your Dream Life ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 20, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the desire to share with your our perspective on the way that you interpret reality. Keep in mind that this is just our perspective, and it is our perspective on how we perceive you interpreting your reality. So is it a Truth then, when a capital “T”? Probably not But if it resonates, if it makes sense to you, then you might benefit from hearing our perspective on the way you interpret reality. First of all, we see you interpreting reality as solid and fixed. It is what it is, you sometimes say. When you take that approach to reality, you become powerless in the face of it. We also see that you look at the present as though it is the product of the past. You see continuity, and that often gives you comfort. We also see you projecting into the future more of what you see in the present. You make projections based upon the data that you have in front of you, and you extrapolate it out. So if things are going badly, they will get worse. That is the assumption. Here is what we invite you to do instead of maintaining your interpretation of reality. We suggest that you see your waking life as being no different than your dream life. In the realm of your dreams, things can change right in front of you. In the realm of your dreams, there is very little continuity, and it is often impossible for you to predict what is going to happen next, or what you will dream about next, based upon the current experience you are having of your dream. It behooves you to bring that same experience of reality to your waking life. As you begin to tear down the walls of the institution of the reality you have been experiencing, you will find that there is indeed a great deal of power that you can obtain for yourselves. You can start very simply by acknowledging that you can change your interpretation of reality right now. Whatever it is that you are experiencing right now is not something that is unchangeable, and there is not just one interpretation of it. Shift your perspective, and shift your experience of reality, and then see what shifts next. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, December 13, 2024

"Drone" sightings in and around New Jersey, December 2024

 Hi, there have been numerous "drone" / UAP sightings in and around New Jersey. 

Update (12/15/24) Here is a video from Dr. Steven Greer. I know a lot of people don't like the stuff he puts out, but consider watching for first couple minutes, and see if it makes sense. In the end, it's all speculation, and we don't have any real answers at the moment. 

@2:18 to 11 minutes

Update from George Knapp:

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis

"At this time, we have no evidence that these activities are coming from a foreign entity or adversary. 
"These are not U.S. military drones."

Statements from the White House:

Current theory:

"Late Edit: Please see the C-17 Globemaster comments below. <C-17 overlay gif here>

Original Post: This drone footage looks exactly like a Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel, and the profile fits.

Here is an animated gif showing them overlaid.

The RQ-170 is "designed to evade radar and other surveillance systems". 'The New York Times has reported that the RQ-170 is "almost certainly" equipped with communications intercept equipment, as well as highly sensitive hyperspectral sensors capable of detecting very small amounts of radioactive isotopes and chemicals that may indicate the existence of nuclear weapons facilities.' - wiki

Original observation credit to this post and u/raqebane.

Edit/Update: Could also be a C-17 Globemaster, which with a bit of googling you'll find plenty of photos that show a closely matching light pattern. Credit to /u/Secret_Squirrel_711 1 from here.

C-17 Globemaster Comparison: Here is an animated gif I made overlaying a C-17 Globemaster with the drone footage. It appears to be a good match for ALL of the lights observed. Credit for the underside photo goes to whoever it was on this subreddit that posted a video they took. I accidentally closed the tab and I can't find you again for proper credit, sorry!

The main takeaway should be that this footage has plausible prosaic explanations."


Ascension is Assured…Now What? ∞St. Germain, Channeled: Daniel Scranton, December 10, 2024

Ascension is Assured…Now What? ∞St. Germain, Channeled: Daniel Scranton, December 10, 2024

"I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. We in the higher realms sometimes wonder how you perceive us, and whether you believe we are capable of tuning in to you at any time. I know that I can speak for all of us when I say that we can, and we do. Therefore, you do not need to call upon us. You do not need to ask for our assistance, but rather you really need to change your belief in your worthiness to receive from beings in a higher dimensional plane of of consciousness. That is one way to work on letting in more of the activations, more of the upgrades, more of the downloads, more of the attunements, more of the healing, and more of the abundance that we are always offering to you. Shift your beliefs so that you recognize that as a Source Energy Being, you are very worthy. You don't earn these things; you allow them to come in. You allow yourselves to be healed. You allow yourselves to be upgraded, to be attuned to a higher consciousness. Now, another way that you can receive more of these energies that we are sending is by simply relaxing, opening up, and allowing that which is coming to you to enter into your field. See your energy fields as being these wonderful doorways that you can open up with your intention. See the crown of your head similarly, and know that sometimes you do relax and open up, and you do receive so much of what we are offering here in the higher realms. I also want you to know that we work with your guides and your higher selves. To them, we are higher dimensional beings as well, and we all work together to assist those of you who operate in the physical realms. We all know how challenging it is to be where you are, and we also all trust that you are going to get to where you need to go eventually. All of us know that any twists and turns you take along your paths will serve you and serve everyone in some way. And so, of course, we are not concerned. All of us would like to see you living lives of joy more of the time because now your ascension is assured. You don't have to work towards making that happen. All you need to do is decide that it can be a joyous journey from this point forward, no matter what you have experienced to date. I know you can do this, and so do the rest of the higher dimensional beings and collectives that have dedicated themselves to being of service, to seeing the ascension through for everyone who embraces it there on Earth. And I know not everyone has yet, and some will certainly come kicking and screaming. But there's plenty of time. Do not worry about your fellow humans and whether they are receiving enough, whether they are awake or not. They all have their own journeys, and those of you who are awake now are there to assist them. And you do just with your presence, and there will be more to come, more to do, more ways to be of service, and I, St. Germain, and all the others promise you that we will always be helping. We are not waiting to be called upon by you, but we do notice when any of you opens up and receives, and it is a glorious moment for all in this entire universe of ours. I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

The Galactic/Cosmic Energies Coming In ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 5, 2024

The Galactic/Cosmic Energies Coming In ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 5, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy to tell you about the galactic energies you have coming in to support you on your journeys to the 5th dimension. The support you have is magnificent. It is enormous, and it is unending. Cosmic energies coming in at this time are, oddly enough, coming for very earthly reasons. You are all needing to feel more stabilized in your bodies and more connected to your planet. You are needing to experience more groundedness, more openness, more heart-centeredness, more balance, and all of these things are going to help you to grow spiritually. The cosmic/galactic energies coming in are designed to give you more of a feeling that you are already home while on earth. That is not tricking you into believing that you are home while on earth because, of course, you are at home wherever you feel most at home. But instead, these energies are designed to alert you to that fact that whatever it is you consider to be home is also available to you in the here and now, and in fact, it's more available to you when you decide to feel more at home in your body and on your world. Therefore, everyone who is awake, who has felt like they don't belong there on Earth, is going to be experiencing some changes. You will start to feel more settled. You will start to feel more relaxed. You will start to feel more connected to whatever star system you consider to be your home, and you can do that while also feeling grounded to your Mother Earth. You get to have the best of both worlds. You get to be the ones who ground the galactic energies in so that Earth can join the galactic community in a very real way. Now, all you have to do is be open to receive the energies that are coming forth at this time. All you have to do is be willing to ground in your bodies and ground to Mother Earth, and all you need to do is welcome in all that is yours, all that is earmarked for you, that was always yours. This is a natural part of your spiritual evolution. It is natural and normal for you to start discovering that you are more than just an Earthbound being living a singular lifetime. It is also important that you have these types of experiences so that e.t. contact with Pleiadians, with Sirians, with Arcturians, and with others doesn't feel like you are connecting to energies that are far outside of your normal frequency range. You are being made to feel more comfortable with extra-terrestrial consciousness, and that is happening incrementally, step by step. You are going to feel that you are a connection point between Earth and the other star systems, because many of those of you who are awake chose that as one of your purposes for incarnating at this time of e.t. contact and ascension. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

An Invitation from The Creators ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 27, 2024

An Invitation from The Creators ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 27, 2024

“We are The Creators. We are 12th-dimensional collective of non-physical beings and we are here to help. We come to you in this moment as helpers, as guides, as teachers, but in other moments we come to you as pure energy, energy that you can use to co-create with. We desire to be more a part of your creations, and we assist you at times with an inspired thought, an idea, an impulse. We don't just come to you through this particular channel with words of wisdom to share to you. We come to you in a variety of ways, and we are not alone. There are so many in the nonphysical realms who are working with you and working through you, and when you realize that you have an external power source available to you, then of course you're more likely to tap into it. So today, we invite you to remember that you have all of us available to you as your co-creators. You are not alone in any of this, and you never have been. You have been able to give yourselves the feeling, or the impression, that you are alone, but it doesn't make that true. And now that you know that you have helpers, please do tune in. Call upon us. Allow us to co-create with you the version of your reality that you would like to experience. We are interested in that reality as well. We are co-creative by nature. We are a collective. We offer you the component or the natural resource that you don't have available to you in the physical. We offer you not only the nonphysical energy, but also the thoughts, the inspirations, the ideas, and so on. So when you don't know what to do or what to create next, remember that you can simply relax, open up, and let in this non-physical energy, this consciousness, this collective that is here for you all the time. We may not speak through you in the way that we speak through Daniel here, and that will be okay. That will be as it needs to be for anyone who doesn't speak for us, but you don't have to think of us as only teachers who have a limited scope in what we can offer you. We introduce ourselves to you in this way to let you know that you have helpers beyond number, beyond your imaginings, and we do have different specialties. We enjoy creating. And we know that your perspective on what needs to be created in the physical is a very important component to us in the non-physical, who aren't living exactly what you are living. And so you help us as we help you. We are The Creators and we love you very much.”

Monday, December 2, 2024

An Offer from Melchizedek ∞The Order of Melchizedek, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 26, 2024

An Offer from Melchizedek ∞The Order of Melchizedek, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 26, 2024

“We are the Order of Melchizedek, and we are here in service to you. We do enjoy watching you, but we also love to join you on your journeys. We are happy to join you anytime you are willing to allow us in, to allow us to walk with you, to occupy the same space as you do with your physical form. We are not separate from you and we are not off in a far off place that you cannot possibly reach with your physical body or with your mind. The more you believe in the possibility of communion with us, the easier it becomes and the more we can assist you. on your journeys. Each and every one of you has the capability to do this, and channeling is not just coming up with fancy words and teachings. It is about energy first and foremost. And from where you sit, we are pure energy, pure consciousness. We are nonphysical, and therefore, we have no location and no limitation. We can join you on your journey no matter what it is about at this time in your life. You have an unlimited supply of helpers, an unlimited amount of help available to you. You just need to believe in the possibility that you could receive from the likes of us. As we look down upon you and we see you in your struggle, we want to help, and we invite you to come up and join us, but we are just as happy to send energetic transmissions to you in the physical. We will continue to do so, and we know that more of you are going to open up to us now that you know about this possibility. We invite you to think about what it would be like to have the order of Melchizedek walking with you, occupying the same space as you and helping you in all the ways that we can. There are so many ways that we seek to be of service, and there are many ways that we can be of service, but we cannot just interfere, and there must be a vibrational relationship. And therefore, we invite you to consider how we would feel to you if we were in your presence. Just that imagining alone will attune you to us to a much greater degree than you have ever been attuned to us before. We welcome your input. We welcome your prayers. We welcome your suggestions, and we know who you really are, and we want to say yes to you all the time. We will continue to work with so many of you in the astral plane, and we know that more and more of you will experience us in the dream state and have a knowing that you connected with us when you awaken in the morning. This is our promise to you because we love you, and we love you unconditionally. We are the Order of Melchizedek and it has been a pleasure to serve you.”

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Say ‘Yes’ to St. Germain’s Offer ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 12, 2024

Say ‘Yes’ to St. Germain’s Offer ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 12, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. I am ready to take all of you to the next level of your consciousness. I am ready to hold your hands as I guide you into the light, into the love, into the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension. I am excited to be called upon to be your guides, and I love each and every one of you as if you were my own children. The way that you allow this to occur is simply by getting out of the way. You know how good you feel when you get out of your own way and you allow for something to flow through you. You understand that it is powerful to be in the flow and to not be getting in the way through offering up a blockage of some kind. And that’s what this journey together that we have in front of us will be all about. It will be about you letting go of that which you have clung to that has held you back and held you down. And I will guide you by helping you to recognize when you are doing that, and one of the ways that I offer you is an increase in your sensitivity. As you become more sensitive, you notice more, and when you notice more, you notice when you are getting in your own way. You notice when there is a thought or a belief that is out of place, that you are stumbling over. If you are willing to accept more sensitivity, you will be able to recognize when you are on your very own straight and narrow path and when you are veering off into the bushes. It will become more evident to you when you are doing something that you don’t really want to be doing with this added sensitivity. You can also call it an increase in your awareness if that is less threatening to you. In other words, I know that some of you think you are already too sensitive. I know that many of you have been labeled as being too sensitive by those around you. And so, let’s call it an increase in your awareness, but you will be having that awareness through a feeling sense, and all you have to do is say yes. All you have to do is say yes to more awareness, yes to knowing when you are shooting yourself in the foot, yes of being aware of when you veering off of your straight and narrow path. Your path needs to feel good to you in order for you to stay on it. So do not worry that I am asking you to endure more pain and more suffering. In fact, I am doing just the opposite. I am asking you all to avoid those feelings by being so sensitive to what you are doing, thinking and saying that you will not let yourself go far enough off in the wrong direction to experience more pain and more suffering than you already have. No one in the higher realms wants you to experience more pain and more suffering. We all want you to take our hands and to enjoy the path of ease, the path of excitement, the path of love, of creativity, of freedom. You don’t have to make sacrifices of any kind to ascend to your more natural self, your fifth-dimensional self. So please do not believe for a minute that I am asking you to endure more suffering. It is quite the opposite. I am asking you to become more aware, and to do so sooner than you previously have, so that you can re-direct you to what is for your greatest and highest good at all times, and the path of ease for your ascension is for the greatest and highest good. I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

Monday, November 11, 2024

"Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth" Congressional Hearing on Nov-13-2024

This the second Congressional Hearing on the topic of UFO's / UAP's. 

Witnesses and testimonies:
Dr. Tim Gallaudet
Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (RET.)
Chief Executive Officer, Ocean STL Consulting, LLC

Luis Elizondo
Author, and Former Department of Defense Official

Michael Shellenberger
Founder of Public

Michael Gold
Former NASA Associate Administrator of Space Policy and Partnerships; Member of NASA UAP
Independent Study Team

Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth

November 13, 2024

Time: 11:30 am

Place: 2154 Rayburn House Office Building

Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation

National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs

Here is Tim Gallaudet's testimony:

Among the four witnesses testifying during Wednesday's Congressional UFO hearing, it appears that only Tim Gallaudet has provided pre-hearing written testimony. Here it is IN FULL, with key ideas or statements Bold: "Chairwoman Mace, Chairman Grothman, Ranking Members Connolly and Garcia, and Members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify before you regarding unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAP. "Confirmation that UAPs are interacting with humanity came for me in January 2015 when I was serving as the Commander of the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command. At the time, my personnel were participating in a pre-deployment naval exercise off the U.S. East Coast that included the USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group. This exercise was overseen by the United States Fleet Forces Command, led by a four-star admiral who also served as my superior officer. "During this exercise, I received an email on the Navy’s secure network from the operations officer of Fleet Forces Command. The email was addressed to all subordinate commanders, and the subject line read in all capital letters: URGENT SAFETY OF FLIGHT ISSUE. The text of the email was brief but alarming, with words to the effect: “If any of you know what these are, tell me ASAP. We are having multiple near-midair collisions, and if we do not resolve it soon, we will have to shut down the exercise.” "Attached to the email was what is now known as the “Go Fast” video, captured on the forward-looking infrared sensor onboard one of the Navy F/A-18 aircraft participating in the exercise. The now declassified video showed an unidentified object exhibiting flight and structural characteristics unlike anything in our arsenal. The implication of the email was clear: the author was asking whether any of the recipients were aware of classified technology demonstrations that could explain these objects. Because DoD policy is to rigorously deconflict such demonstrations with live exercises, I was confident this was not the case. "The very next day, the email disappeared from my account and those of the other recipients without explanation. Moreover, the Commander of Fleet Forces and his operations officer never discussed the incident again, even during weekly meetings specifically designed to address issues affecting exercises like the one in which the Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group was participating. "This lack of follow-up was concerning. As the Navy’s Chief Meteorologist at the time, my primary duty was to reduce safety-of-flight risks. Yet, it was evident that no one at the Flag Officer level was addressing the safety risks posed by UAPs. Instead, pilots were left to mitigate these threats on their own, without guidance or support. "I concluded that the UAP information must have been classified within a special access program managed by an intelligence agency — a compartmented program that even senior officials, including myself, were not read into. Last year’s UAP hearing before this oversight committee confirmed that UAP-related information is not only being withheld from senior officials and members of Congress, but elements of the government are engaging in a disinformation campaign to include personal attacks designed to discredit UAP whistleblowers. "For the remainder of my government service, including my time as an Under Secretary of Commerce and NOAA Administrator, this incident disturbed me. It highlighted a dangerous culture of over-classification, where even pressing safety-of-flight issues could be swept aside under the pretense of secrecy. "Now, as a private citizen not bound by non-disclosure agreements regarding UAPs, I have become an advocate for greater transparency from the U.S. government and continue to speak out to validate the credibility of witnesses and other former government and military UAP whistleblowers. "I do this for several reasons. First, there is a moral imperative. We know from last year’s UAP hearing and recent statements and publications by credible whistleblowers that UAP, NHI, and their technology of unknown origin (TUO) represent a new realization that we are not the only advanced intelligence in the universe. Unelected officials in the U.S. government do not have an exclusive right to this knowledge about the nature of reality. The American people have a right to that knowledge. "There is a public safety requirement for more government UAP transparency. The safety of flight concerns regarding UAP are not limited to the military, and that is why I support Ryan Graves’ organization Americans for Safe Aerospace, which is calling for legislation requiring the FAA establish UAP reporting procedures. "There is a national security need for more UAP transparency as well. In 2025, the U.S. will spend over $900 billion on national defense, yet we still have an incomplete understanding of what is in our airspace and water space. I add the term “water space” because UAP have been observed in the ocean and are known to exhibit transmedium travel through the air-sea interface. These are often referred to as unidentified submerged objects (USOs). Whether aerial or undersea, UAP are operating unhindered in our seas and skies, and American taxpayers have a right to know why our military’s massive budget is inadequately addressing this national defense deficiency. "Additionally, more government UAP transparency has the potential to yield socioeconomic benefits through increased open research. Our present understanding of physics is not capable of explaining many observations of UAP, and more research might lead to unimaginable advances in energy, transportation, medicine, agriculture, not to mention the paradigm shift that NHI represent in areas such as astrobiology, psychology, sociology, and international relations. Such research is the mission of Harvard University’s Galileo Project, which I support as a research affiliate. "Finally, and perhaps the most important reason, the failure of the Executive Branch to share UAP information with Congress is an infringement on the legislative branch that undermines separation powers and may be creating a constitutional crisis. "The foundational issue is one of governance and public accountability. The continued excessive secrecy surrounding UAPs has not only hindered our ability to effectively address these phenomena but has also eroded trust in our institutions and compromised the safety of both military and civilian aviators. While recent initiatives, such as the establishment of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), NASA’s UAP study team, and research efforts by institutions like Harvard and Stanford, are positive steps forward, they are only the beginning. A more comprehensive approach is urgently needed—one that acknowledges the broader implications of UAP transparency across public safety, national security, and the socioeconomic opportunities that open research could unlock.

Luis Elizondo testimony for Nov. 13, 2024 "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth"

Ship sighting, 11/11/2024


I just got back from a walk up and down the street. I went to grab my phone in the car, and just decided I would walk up and down the street real quick. I was thinking about ET's, looking up at the stars (as usual...), and I pulled out my phone to use the Sky Map app (android). It maps which stars and planets are in the sky. It's very cool, and I strongly recommend it. 

Anyway, I noticed Jupiter in the sky, and on my walk back to my home, I was thinking about which planets I would want to see first. I was thinking, "maybe, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Moon (Earth), Arcturus? Arcturus should be higher, Pleiades, and how cool it would be to visit a planet...etc" 

(false sighting at first)

I looked up and saw a UFO, and at first I thought it was a ship, but after watching it for about two minutes, I could tell it was most likely an airplane. (blinking lights) 

However, when I continued walking and was in the driveway, I was looking up at the sky, a string of faint white lights appeared in the sky. I was facing towards the moon (South), and this object appeared in the Western sky, and flew East, pretty far away. At first I thought it was possibly ducks or seagulls. It definitely was not. 

This was a boomerang shaped craft with small white lights, about 8 to 9 on the wings. The craft itself was gray / very dark, and almost blended in with the night sky. I saw it for less than 15 seconds, I think. It was pretty big, but it was high up in the sky, but it was moving fairly quickly. I sort of live near an airport. This sighting was very quick, and I believe the craft cloaked itself very quickly. I doubt any pilot in the sky would have seen it. 

I've never seen anything like it before in person, and I was just blown away by it. It reminds me of the Phoenix Lights (1997) craft, but this craft was just smaller, and flew pretty fast, with no sound. 

Anyway, very very cool. :) 

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Does Who is Elected Get in Between You & Your Creations? ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 6, 2024

Does Who is Elected Get in Between You & Your Creations? ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 6, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. You may look up to me and my cohorts here in the twelfth dimension, but we all revere you and see you as the heroes, the masters, because of the enormity of the challenges that you face in your personal lives and in the world in which you dwell. Of course, there are so many issues that you face individually and collectively. And now is the time for you all to benefit from the creations of yourselves as a collective of eight billion and the creations of all who have come before you and have spent time in physical bodies there on Earth. You are the heroes. You are the masters, but you are not meant to do it all yourselves, and you don’t have to do anything from scratch. You get to benefit from those who have come before you and from every previous moment you have taken breath in this lifetime. The amount of positive creations out there in the ethers for you all to download and enjoy is enormous. That is one of the key tasks that we have here in the twelfth dimension as ascended masters. It is to insure that all that you have created is still being held for you in pristine condition, and it is also to show you the tricks, the steps needed to allow in more of your own creations. You do not have to wait for permission, and you do not have to wait for favorable laws to be passed. You don’t have to wait for someone to get voted into office at a high level of government for you to receive more of those creations in your now, as an individual. And since you are a part of a collective there on Earth, you are also meant to be the catalysts who help humanity to receive. The collective consciousness of humanity by and large wants what you want as an individual - peace, freedom, the ability to be who you are, love, joy, abundance, clarity of thought, effective communication, and something to call home, a foundation, a sense of oneness, a sense of spirit. Imagine what all of those desires put together create for all of humanity, and be one of the ones who now sees themselves as being capable and in fact called upon to bring those to fruition that will serve the totality of humanity. You of course also have your own personal desires, and they too can be fulfilled by you, and in so doing, you can inspire others and show others how to receive more of what they desire in their lives, and we all see that as being an important step in playing your roles as the leaders that you are for humankind. Do not let anyone or anything thwart you in your ability to bring about that reality that you see clearly as the one that is best for you and best for humanity. Nothing and and no one can stand in between you and that, but you may have some beliefs to uncover and examine. You may want to clear some unfriendly-feeling emotions from inside of you. And then bring them to fruition - all of those desires, all of those creations, all of those manifestations that serve you and serve your fellow humans. Now is the time. It is not the time to despair or give all of your power away to anyone else, and we who exist in the higher realms are here to help all day, all night, whenever you call upon us. That is my promise to you. I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Don't' Worry...Everything is Going to Be All Right ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, November 5, 2024

Don't' Worry...Everything is Going to Be All Right ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, November 5, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are quite certain of your ascension. We know that it is happening, and therefore we know that everything will be all right there on Earth. You don’t have to worry about humanity. You don’t have to worry about going in the wrong direction. You simply cannot. It will not happen. This is a universal ascension, and you all are included. You are rising up energetically and vibrationally, and that which is physical will come last, because of its density. So please do not worry about the circumstances of life on Earth as they are right now. They cannot help but change with the changing consciousness that resides within each and every one of you and each and every particle that comprises the atoms that make up planet Earth, and all of your bodies, and all of the trees, and the entire solar system. Therefore, if you catch yourself worrying, know that you are only creating for yourselves a less joyous journey, a ride that will be bumpier, that will not be entirely to your liking. You need sometimes to zoom out and see the bigger picture. You need these reminders that everything will be all right, because if you look at the circumstances, and you put a spotlight on what is wrong, it certainly can seem like you are headed in the wrong direction and humanity is not going to make it. You don’t have to believe for a moment that you are headed in the wrong direction or that ascension is somehow not guaranteed. It is. Remember that you get to participate in that ascension in the ways that you want to. You get to participate as the beings of light and love that you are, and you don’t ever have to give in to fear and worry. See yourselves as creating the beautiful ascension journey with the love and the light that you are, and know that your reality will reflect it back to you soon enough. In the meantime, take solace in the knowing that you have put out what you wanted to put out into this universe and that it must come back to you. Do not give up, do not despair, and do not worry about whether everything is turning out the way that it needs to, because it always is. You always are on the upward spiral of ascension, and those of you who are aware of that can enjoy the journey a bit more. We certainly hope that you do, and we invite you to with every energy that we provide to you. Those energies are not to insure ascension, because it is absolutely happening. Those energies that we are sending you are to help you to have the best possible journey that you can into the fifth dimension. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Species Transformation through Planetary Challenge | CE-5 Contact Meditation, Sasha through Lyssa Royal Holt, April 5, 2020

CE5 Meditation starts @24:35

The November 2024 Energies & How They'll Affect You ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 31, 2024

The November 2024 Energies & How They'll Affect You ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 31, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. I am here now to tell you about the energies of the month of November on your world. This is a time of great change, great transformation, and you are being supported in transforming yourselves, transforming your perspectives. You are not there to take something that is bad and make it good. You are there to transform yourselves and your point of view so that you see it all as good, all as God, as of Source. And the energies coming in for the month of November are to support you in that. You have the 11/11 energies and the portal to supply those energies, and it is there to assist you in knowing that you are being helped. You sometimes need to hold that awareness within yourselves, that awareness that you are being helped by those who care, those who exist in higher-dimensional planes. We can help of course, but there is only so much we can do without interfering with your process, your evolution of consciousness. And so, we in the higher realms offer the energies to support you, to nudge you, and to hold the space for you to do what you need to do in order to exist more as you truly are. You are there bridging the gap between heaven and Earth, between nonphysical and physical, between that which is human and that which is Divine, and sometimes you need help in the form of reminders, and sometimes you need help in the form of energies. Sometimes you will get ideas that are dropping in throughout the month that seem like they are new ideas or that seem like they came out of nowhere. They are coming to support you in knowing you more as you truly are and to give you everything that you need to be able to see the world that you create through the eyes of Source. Source as Creator is never condemning any of Its creations. And you as the creator of your reality also want to view your reality in that way. You don’t condemn it, but rather you see why you created it, what the potential is within it, and how you can grow from it, no matter what it is. By the end of the month of November, you will feel yourselves to be new, to be a higher-frequency version of yourselves, and I can say this with confidence because I know how many of you who are awake and who are receiving this message are going to take these energies and use them for the greatest and highest good of all. You are there building, creating better lives for everyone on Earth, and that is what makes this time unique for humanity, because so many of you realize the connection that exists between you and all others, and you know all others must also be given a chance to succeed in order for you to live a life that you can consider to be successful, joyous, and one that has meaning and satisfaction within it. Open yourselves up on a daily basis to the November energies, and benefit from all that we are sending you from the higher realms. I know that in so doing, you will be transformed, and you will see the world outside of you transforming before your very eyes. I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Quantum Universe, Science & Spirituality ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 29, 2024

The Quantum Universe, Science & Spirituality ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 29, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. We are here to awaken within you that which was always there, but that which has not yet been known by your physical minds. We would like to broaden your minds by helping you with your concepts of self, of world, of Source, and of others. And as you shift these concepts, you shift who you are in the world, how you act, what you think, and what you say. And that will change your lives for the better. It will also give you a truer picture of the reality that you are experiencing. Science has been doing this for quite some time by showing you all the things that you could not possibly see with your own two eyes. Science is helping you to understand the quantum universe and how those sub-atomic particles are behaving. And you are noticing that there is a link between science and spirituality. In other words, the objective world that is measurable is coming together with the world of metaphysics - the world that seeks to understand the unseen and the unknown. And as you bridge that gap, you come to recognize that everyone is really talking about the same thing. Why do we exist? How did we get here? And how can we maximize this opportunity of being here? Now everyone goes about that in different ways, because everyone has a different path, a different plan for themselves and for that life they are living. You all get to decide more now than you ever have before what your path is. You get to determine what your life can be about as you stretch your consciousness and your imagination to include more possibilities for you. You are awakening to the truth of your own power, and that is a very important truth for you to awaken to, because thinking of yourself as just a lowly human who is on Earth to somehow impress God, some supreme being outside of you, is not a very fun or healthy way to live your life. It diminishes you as an individual with free will. You have this immense power to create, and you are creating because of Source, but you are also creating within Source, and you are using your consciousness to move those sub-atomic particles around in a way that is most pleasing to you. You also get to use your free will to determine how you look at each particle within this universe of ours. You get to try on different perspectives and choose the one that best suits you in the moment, and when you can see that everyone else doing that is not a threat to you, then you can truly live and let live. You can be the creator of your own reality and allow everyone else do the same, knowing that all is well and all are truly safe because all of this is happening inside of a gigantic Being of Unconditional Love. Now, when you are awake to all of that you can get through life’s challenges in a very joyous way and in a way that also has the side effect of inspiring others, empowering others, and you can live in a universe where everyone is marching to the beat of their own drum and doing so with a skip in their step. And you can be inspired by others as well when you see them as powerful beings of Source Energy who are co-creating experiences with you to further the expansion of Source. So if you are looking for a Theory of Everything, we think that one is pretty good, and we think you don’t have to complicate it any more than your minds are capable of doing. We want you to enjoy this life, and in order to do so, it is helpful to know who you are and how it all works. And we and others like us will continue to do our best to convince you that you are capable of so much more and that this universe responds to your every thought and every desire. We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

AI generated music

Now Is a Glorious Time for Humanity…Here’s Why ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, October 28, 2024

Now Is a Glorious Time for Humanity…Here’s Why ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, October 28, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. We are very happy with your process of learning, discerning, growing, evolving, expanding, and we can say that because you are all still there doing it. We like all the ways that we witness you going through these processes, and even though we might teach one over another, it is only because we feel that the process we teach might be faster, might be more effective, but they all have value. You never have to worry about letting anyone down with your mistakes, with your wrong turns. You grow in your misalignment. You grow at all times regardless of what you are doing and even if you are not on a conscious path of ascension. You seek to experience it all, which is why you don’t come in with the intention of being perfect. If you really investigate the lives of the ascended masters you know about, you will see that in truth, none of us came in perfect. We all had our growth experiences, and sometimes we grew exponentially when we were out of alignment with our Source. How is that possible, you might wonder? Well, just because you are growing, doesn’t necessarily mean that you are taking the growth on. You grow as a soul, no matter what happens, no matter what choice you as a human being makes. Eventually, you do tend to catch up to your soul. You have a moment of peace, or joy, or exhaustion where you let it happen. You let yourself go with the flow because you let go of control. You let go of the need to orchestrate everything in every single moment of your lives, and that is when you take the growth and the expansion. You become more of your soul all the time, whether you realize you are doing it or not. When we and others like us talk about energies, we mean that you are receiving the energies of your own souls, and those energies have all kinds of treats in them like a care package someone gets sent after they go away from home to some boarding school or university. Now again, you get to decide whether you are receiving those treats or throwing the care package away because you think you have found something better. And again, we don’t mind. We like it when you are exploring on your own the different ways you can be in the world, the different possibilities that are out there for you and for your growth. We love you no matter what, and so do your oversouls, and so does Source, and no one is keeping score here. No one is keeping track of whether you did the right thing or not, but you have your feelings to tell you and you have your outcomes in your lives to tell you whether you are receiving all that you can and working with the energies that are being sent to you all the time. The energies will never stop, because you will never stop growing and becoming more of that soul that you truly are. And now is a glorious time for humanity, because more of you are opening up and receiving, and you are consciously becoming more of the unconditional love that you truly are. And you start to operate in the world as that unconditional love, and everyone benefits when you do. And you all will at some point, and there’s no hurry, and we are all infinitely patient as we observe you, as we witness you, and as we come together and discuss what you might need more help with, because we know some of you want to get to a certain place and just don’t know the route. You don’t quite have the coordinates or an example of someone else who has done it before you. And so, we step in and we drop something in and many times you find what we have given you, and you go with it, and we are delighted because we like to help. That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Monday, October 28, 2024

Is Humanity Headed for More Chaos? (No) ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 27, 2024

Is Humanity Headed for More Chaos? (No) ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, October 27, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. You take yourselves to extremes at times because you like to come back to the middle. You like to find the peaceful balance point once again. You enjoy a little chaos when you know that it will be easy for you to come back to center, to come back to a calm, cool, collected state. In other words, you like feeling as though you can control those times when you feel out of control. And those other times when you don’t feel like you are the one controlling the amount of chaos you are experiencing usually result in you feeling afraid. You start to question what will happen next, and you wonder what that person is going to do next, and so on. It is important for you to remember that you will always be the ones controlling how much you experience of one thing or another. If you feel out of control, or like the chaos is taking over, you need to remind yourselves that you are creating all of this, and you are safely doing so within your own soul’s energy. Not only are you never separate from Source, but you never operate outside of Source. And what could be safer than being nestled in the bosom of Source? We all always are, no matter how it looks, no matter how it feels, no matter how it seems. We trick ourselves at times into believing that we are not because we feel like it’s worth the pain, and the fear, and the anguish to do so. But eventually everyone always comes back to center and to the recognition of who they really are. You are doing it while awake in your physical bodies, and you are there as reminders to everyone else of what that looks like and feels like so that others may benefit from your presence. Remember that the simulation is your simulation, and you are both the player of the game and the creator of the game. You can remind yourselves of these truths on a more regular basis, but especially have them written down so that you access these truths when you are feeling out of control, when you are feeling that someone else is in control of your life, your destiny, your reality. Nothing could be further from the truth, but you often can convince yourselves of these falsehoods because you ultimately like having certain experiences that you can only have while there in a physical body on a planet that is experiencing so much duality and polarity. Remember that you are never really polarized. It’s just an idea. It’s just pretend polarization, but you are always united. We are always one. And so, if someone comes to you with their extreme views on something, and you know that these views do not serve the greatest and highest good of all, remember they are just pretending. It’s not the real them, and you get to decide how you see that person and from what level of consciousness you interact with them. This is a time not to get sucked into anyone else’s chaos, anyone else’s story or anyone else’s polarized views. If you do, you will enjoy the ride back to center, but it’s better to be aware of these things and to recognize that you don’t have to get caught up in some political debate with someone. You don’t have to have to get into a heated argument with someone whose views are entirely different from yours. You can relax, and take deep breaths, and remember who they really are, and who you really are, and that there’s no real separation between you and that person. Beliefs are temporary and they will change, but who you really are never changes. Who we all really are never changes, and to remember that is especially important at this time where it seems like humanity is headed for more chaos. You are the ones who will stabilize the energies of planet Earth at this time, because you know that someone has to do it, and it might as well be those of you who are awake. I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”