Monday, February 27, 2023

The Arcturians & Archangels Unite ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 23, 2023

The Arcturians & Archangels Unite ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 23, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have brought ourselves into greater alignment with the Archangels of this universe because we want to blend with their energies, because we want to feel their love, their support, their compassion and their powerful creative abilities. We are channelers, just like Daniel here, just like so many of you are. We are merging with Archangel energy at this time, because those who look to the galactic but do not look to the realm of the angelic will benefit from opening up to us in the ways that they do. Some of you, of course, are open to both realms, as well as the faerie realm and the ascended masters. Of course, there are more realms than those, however they certainly are getting a lot of attention there on Earth and with good reason. We all have our part in co-creating the experience there on Earth, and we all have our roles to play in helping you to grow, to evolve, to expand and to ascend. When we feel the Archangel energies moving through our collective, we feel as though we have gone home. We feel closer to Source, and we feel held in their arms. We want you to feel this way as well. Many of you still see us as having bodies and having ships, even though we have explained that we are a nonphysical collective consciousness, and because people see us and experience us with all of their e.t. filters on, they don’t quite get the entirety of the Arcturian energy that we provide. With this blending, this merging that is occurring with our Archangel friends, we know you will experience more of that higher-dimensional consciousness. We know that you will see and feel more of that angelic energy coming through the channel here, and we know that we are reconnecting you to your roots in the twelfth dimension. Everyone has their roots in the twelfth dimension, no matter where they are in this universe. You simply need that foundation to grow from, and you need that place of love, comfort, cohesiveness and expansiveness to come from in order to grow appropriately and beautifully, just like flowers need their roots to do so. We are forever changed by this experience, and we hope that you feel the love now from us that we have felt from them, as well as the compassion, the support, and the protection that you all need to feel in order to move forward in your lives with trust, with faith and with knowing that everything is going to be all right for humanity there on Earth. And we want all of you to spread that energy around as well, and these transmissions will always help you do that with ease with a spring in your step. You will especially feel it from now on. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, February 24, 2023

The New Energies Coming from Arcturus ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 22, 2023

The New Energies Coming from Arcturus ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 22, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have determined that we will be sending you more energies in support of you being heart centered, because we have noticed how much further you grow spiritually when you simply focus yourselves on that heartspace. We know that your minds have the ability of complicating things for all of you there on Earth, and that the less thoughts you are thinking and the less beliefs you are holding onto the better. You really only need to be focused on what is happening right now in the moment you are in, and anything else that you need to know will come to you. It will come to you as a thought out of the blue. You will begin channeling more as you actively think less. You will experience faster and faster manifestation times when you are heart centered because you will be much more in touch with your feelings. You will be much more likely to offer a vibration on purpose. You will be present and grounded. You want to feel unity consciousness because it is the truth. You want to feel expansive because it is the truth. You want to feel the love that you are because it is the truth. With your head, you can make something true even if you don’t want it to be true. Think about that for a moment. So you see, it makes much more logical sense for you to be heart centered, but it does require you to trust that what you need to know will come to you in the moment you need to know it. And so, the energies that we have committed to sending you now are about shoring up that trust within you so that you can let go of being mind oriented, being addicted to problems that you can then solve. We know that you are being sent a lot of energies at this time, and that trend will continue because you are multi-faceted beings, and because you need a lot of support and have been asking for a lot of support, and those of us in the higher realms just have to decide how we are going to do it. Right now, it is good for you to know that you are receiving support energetically for being more heart centered, more present, more grounded, and more capable of feeling everything as it comes up so that you know what you are putting out into the universe. And when you know that, you know what you are going to get back from the universe. And all of that is so much more important than thinking about what you’re going to have for lunch in a few hours. Settle into your heartspace right now, and feel the relief of not having to think yet another thought because you are too tuned in, too aware of the love that you truly are and how that feels. We will always support you in this, but in the coming weeks and months, for those of you who are open to them, you will feel those energies and you will be able to notice the nudge you are getting into your heartspace, and that nudge is going to feel very good. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Bashar: Emotionless Greys, Hybridization Program


The Hybrid Races, Shayayel, Yayael /Yahyel, Shalanaya

Bashar - Prime Radiant


"The One" ; The Big Bang; All of Existence 

Bashar: Why We Observe You


Bashar: Future Technologies



"How can I discover my own life's theme?"

"By acting on your highest excitement to the best of your ability, with no insistence on a particular outcome. And whatever challenges you face by doing that, are the themes you chose to explore." - Bashar

@1:18 - Talks about quantum mechanics / science and technology 

"There are actually quantum effects in your macroscopic classical physics situations, especially in what you call your Biology. Your brain is a quantum computer. Many of the enzymes in your body actually function using quantum principles. The trees around you use quantum principles to turn sunlight into energy."

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Bashar: You're Living Under An Airport


@1:20 Higher mind, physical mind explanation 

Later he says that we live under basically an airport, but we are only now becoming more aware of the ships. 

The Lyran Contribution to the 2-22 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 21, 2023

The Lyran Contribution to the 2-22 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 21, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been working with humanity from the very beginning, but we have been very much behind the scenes in our offerings of assistance. Others from star systems in our galaxy have helped humanity quite a bit, and at times that help has become interference and has actually taken away from your ability to naturally evolve into the beings you will ultimately become. But worry not, because help is on the way. The Lyrans have given us permission to share with you the energies that they are providing for the February 22nd portal. The energies being sent by the Lyrans are for helping you all to release the traumas you experienced on Lemuria and all traumas experienced with extra-terrestrial beings. These energies are hugely important in the coming contact experiences that you all have as individuals and as a collective. Therefore, we are very happy with this offering by the Lyrans, as they are once again taking initiative in helping humanity to grow and evolve, but they are not interfering. They are not interfering because these energies don’t just do everything for you. They support you in releasing your own trauma. They create a space, a container, in which that can happen, and they help to activate your excitement for extra-terrestrial contact. The Lyrans also want you to know that the energies will give you Lyran DNA activations. And so, as you continue on with your journeys of ascension, recognize that all that has ever been done to humanity is going to be healed. It is going to be reversed; you are going to receive tenfold in the positive everything that has been projected to you that has been negative. Now, we don’t want to play into any victimhood type of mentality here, and so we just want to remind you that all that has ever happened to humankind has been to give you a unique experience, an experience you chose before you were born into each and every incarnation. Therefore, nothing has ever gone wrong there on Earth, and you are not a prison planet. You are not being controlled all the time. Certain limitations needed to be put into place so that you could all have the experiences you wanted to have. And there had to be those who would play that role for you, and those beings are now looking to shift all of that and actually help. The Lyrans never had an intention to do harm. Many of the beings that interfered with the normal and natural development of your consciousness never intended to do any harm. But just like you, they had to have certain experiences that would help them to grow, and sometimes being the unintentional villain in someone else’s story is an experience that a soul wants to have. Or in the case of these e.t.s, many different souls. Once again, recognize nothing is ever going awry there and there are no mistakes. You will continue on your journey of ascension without any interference and only with the help of your friends from other star systems who love you very much and who feel responsible for you. And we do hope that brings you some solace and helps you to relax so that you can receive the full benefit of these 2-22 energies that are now upon you and will continue to be upon you throughout the remainder of the month of February. Please dip in to all of them and enjoy! We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Energies & Portal of 2-22-23 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 20, 2023

The Energies & Portal of 2-22-23 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 20, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have some very good news for all of you. As of this moment, the 2-22 portal is open and the energies have already begun pouring through it. We know that you all put yourselves in a space of greater expectation to receive during these times, and it is that expectation that has created the opportunity for the February 22nd portal. Now, what the energies are about is determined by those of us who are offering you energetic support, as we must determine through our observations you most are in need of at any particular time. And so, we have determined that the energies coming from our system will be about helping you to attract more of your soul family to you in this lifetime. This will be a time when more of those members of your tribe can show up in your space to co-create with you and to remind you that you are not alone there on this journey of ascension. Now, others from other parts of the galaxy will be sending you different energies to support different goals for all of you. And so, the wide array of energies available to you right now, and that will continue to come in, is much more varied than what we are giving you right now. We are telling you about our contribution, because we have met with so many of you who feel like you are living lives of isolation, of not being connected. And we also understand that many of you who are awake are surrounded by those who are not, even if they are humans that you want to connect with. Therefore, the soul families coming together in the physical is a big part of taking you to the next step on your journey of ascension there as a collective. Those of you who are there to do the work of the ground crew need to feel more grounded. You need to have experiences of connection, and you need that support and that stability that the soul family members will provide you with when they show up in your lives. Now, you might be wondering at this point what your role is in making these connections. All you have to do is be yourself, continue to live your life, follow your bliss, and you will find yourselves coming into contact with these other humans that you have long histories with throughout the galaxy and universe and all the dimensions within the universe. Therefore, now is a good time to get excited, to expect good things and good people to come into your space, and it is a good time for you to relax as well, as these energies are not about you having to clear something or work on something. They are about bringing you together with your soul family, your tribe, those with whom you are going to feel more at home. And those of you who are awake have been doing a tremendous amount of asking for this experience. Therefore, we are very happy to be able to give you this announcement, very happy indeed. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The UFOs Shot Down Over North America ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 14, 2023

The UFOs Shot Down Over North America ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 14, 2023 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very aware of the so-called UFOs that have been shot down in various locations across North America, and we are also aware of the wild speculation that has gone on within the new age community about what these objects really were. Now, we want you to all understand that your skies are filled with spaceships from all across the galaxy and from other dimensions, and we also want you all to rest assured that no one has shot down a spaceship. Something being a UFO does not make it a spaceship. These were all human-made crafts that were shot down. Now, there is more good news coming from us around this story. Having mainstream media and government officials, including the military, talk about the possibility that they could have been extra-terrestrial is very good for all of you who want the e.t.s to hurry up and land their ships already. You are being readied for that experience. Soft disclosure is happening, and it will continue to happen. There will continue to be less laughter around the idea of extra-terrestrial life amongst those who operate in more of the mainstream than all of you do. And again, the average person who does not focus on these things very much is being readied. Those of you who are ready have to of course wait for your fellow humans to be ready enough for that experience, but you still get to have your own experiences with e.t.s and with actual spaceships, and you have all taken a step closer to those experiences as well. So you see, it is all good news, and you don’t need to worry about the wild speculation that goes on amongst those who are conspiracy theorists and do believe that they have the one and only truth at all times about what’s really going on. In fact, we would recommend that you tune out anyone who starts drawing lines between different events that have no relationship to one another whatsoever. You need to focus on you and your readiness for e.t. contact. You need to focus on what you still need to let go of and the places within yourself where you still need to raise your vibration. What you want is a harmonious planet to live on where humans and e.t.s can walk side by side and where space travel will be available to everyone. And what will not get you closer to that reality is finger-pointing and speculating about what the cabal is doing today, or what they were doing yesterday, or what they will do tomorrow. Continue to focus on yourselves, on what you need to clear, what you need to forgive, what you need to let go of, and you will continuously inch closer and closer to that time where the real ships can land, and you can be reunited with family members from out there in the stars. We are so happy to bring you this message because it is a message to let you know that you are still right on track, and this is yet another step forward on that track to joining the galactic community in an official capacity. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

How to Love Yourself ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 14, 2023

How to Love Yourself ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 14, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have so much respect and admiration for all of you there on Earth, but we also have so much love, and we feel that love for you in every moment of our existence. We have trained ourselves to be heart-centered, to be focused on how we feel, and to be loving to ourselves, as well as to others. Now, we are nonphysical beings, but we once did have bodies, and we had hearts, and we began the training when we still had hearts, but the focus is the same. You want to focus on your center in order to access the love that you truly are. You want to find someone or something to remind you of that love, and then take your attention off of them or it, so that you become more interested in the feeling of love inside of you. Now, we know that many of you are aware of the importance of self-love, but we also know that most of you do not understand how that can be attained. In other words, if you haven’t done anything or been anything worthy of that love, how could you possibly give it to yourself? You want to start by understanding whether you have been loving to yourself or not, and that starts by paying attention to your self-talk, your thoughts, your words, and even your behaviors. If you make a mistake while doing something, how hard are you on yourself? If you are constantly doing things that you don’t want to do, are you really honoring yourself and being loving to yourself? Can you notice what types of thoughts you think about yourself and how they feel? You will feel the hollow feeling somewhere in one of your chakras when you are not being loving with yourself, because you will be out of alignment with your true self, which is love, which is Source, and which of course loves you. So as you notice whether or not you are being loving to yourself, you then are faced with a decision. You have to ask yourself if you want to continue to feel this way, or whether you would prefer to self correct your course. You can always replace a thought that does not feel good about you with one that does. You can always focus on something about yourself that you at least find acceptable, and you can take the microscope off of yourself for a while and go and do the thing the you love to do, go and be with the people you love to be with, or go and pet the animal that you know loves you un conditionally. Once your heart is open to anything or anyone, it is also open to you. So you can take that lens and turn it on yourself once you have gotten the ball rolling by activating the love within you through focus, through doing what you love to do, or being with the people you love to be with. You can also pay attention to how you look at others and whether you are being loving with them. If you are being harsh and critical with someone else, then chances are you are going to turn that lens back on yourself at some point, and you are going to be just as harsh and just as critical with yourself. Therefore, the best way to engage in more self-love is to be love. Ask yourself in every morning when you wake up what you want to be today, and on those days when you choose love, intend to include yourself, and that will make all the difference. If there is no one in your life right now who is showering you with love, attention, and praise, then remember that Source loves you, remember that you are love, and remember that you can find that love within yourself, even if you have never done anything noteworthy, even if you feel like you haven’t become the person you’ve wanted to become in this life. You are who you are and you have come this far to be awake enough to receive this message, and you can love yourself right where you are, no matter where that is. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, February 13, 2023

The New Healing Portals Popping Up All Over ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 11, 2023

The New Healing Portals Popping Up All Over ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 11, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very excited about this transmission because we know how much you all like to know what you can expect there on planet Earth. What we are seeing right now is many of the groups, the collectives, the councils that we work with are opening up portals to deliver more energies to Mother Earth at this time. You have been asking for quite some time for a healing for yourself and others in your life, and at many times in your life, you have asked for a healing for a particular place, a a particular group of people, and all of those prayers get answered. You are at a time right now where you collectively are opening up to receive, and that makes this the perfect time for beings and collectives from all across this galaxy to deliver the healing energies you have requested. We have been doing this for quite some time now, as we have gotten more intimately connected with you as a collective and with you as individuals. But to get this help from this many places all at once is huge, and you know that the earthquakes have something to do with this, and you know that the war in Ukraine has something to do with this, because when an event gets the attention of almost everyone in the world, your collective asking is enormous. When enough of you relax into the receiving of what you have asked for, that’s when we all can get to work and deliver to you what you are a vibrational match to. In other words you ask, and what you are asking for is automatically created, but until you align with what you have asked for, it remains as a potential experience. And as we have said, enough of you have aligned to make this an actual physical experience that has already begun. The portals are popping up all around the planet, not just in those areas where they are needed the most, although there are more in those regions for sure. But each individual needs some amount of healing, and each region of the world needs some amount of healing. And when you see traumas and tragedies it reminds you of your own, and it reminds you of what you are still waiting for, what you still have yet to receive. And so, you are all getting these healing energies, and they will heal you physically, emotionally, psychologically, and energetically, so you can move past the wounds and the hurt and move towards the future where you can create that beautiful, peaceful, harmonious world that you all desire. You are doing so extremely well right now as a collective, and you deserve all of the praise we are giving you right now and so much more, and there will be more to come. The healings are just the beginning for these portals. And in case you wondering who is involved, there are a lot of Sirians and a lot of Pleiadians pitching in at this time, a lot more from Antares than you might expect, and quite a few Lyrans as well. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Bashar - An Essassani Story, (Hybridization Program, Zeta Reticulum)

 Bashar Channeling - An Essassani Story - Part 1 | Psychology, Metaphysics & Reality Creation

Bashar - An Essassani Story, (Hybridization Program, Zeta Reticulum) 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Co-Creating with You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 22, 2018

Co-Creating with You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton, August 22, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have encountered many of you while you are asleep. Your bodies are asleep, but your consciousness never rests. You leave your bodies at night, and you go on many different adventures, including the ones that involve us. We gather information from those of you who come visit us, and we use that information to assist us in formulating our next transmission. We need to know what you need to know, but more importantly we need to know how you feel as you move through the challenges of being physical and in the fourth dimension on planet Earth at this time. We are aware of the challenges, but we cannot feel what you feel. So many of you are telling us, and then we transmit energy through this channel, and others, to do what we can to help. You are receiving the energetic transmissions just as much as you are receiving the words that are channeled. We are going to continue to co-create with those of you who recognize us and recognize yourselves in us, and we are going to invite you to listen with your energetic bodies. We want you to receive the fullness of the transmission. We understand that it is faster for some of you to read what we are transmitting, and you will still receive some of the energetic transmission when you do. But when you listen to our transmissions, you get the fullness of the energetic transmission, the fullness of what we are offering. We are working with you on many different levels of your being-ness, and your mind is perhaps the most shallow level. So while we enjoy having your attention, what we really want to do is help you vibrate in the frequency that will create the reality that you want to experience. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Celebrating You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 16, 2018

Celebrating You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 16, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the perspective on your progress that we would love for you to share with us. We would love for all of you to be able to see how far along you are as individuals and as a collective. And yet, sometimes it is hard for you to acknowledge yourselves. We feel that the critical mind will often get in the way of your ability to celebrate how far you’ve come as individuals, because you tend to focus on what you do not have and what you have not become. It is nice to have goals. It is nice to have accomplishments that you are reaching for, and they certainly do keep you going. They certainly do keep the energy flowing to you and through you. And so it is a very good thing that you are focused on what it is you want to have in terms of skills, gifts, and abilities. And it is also wonderful that you want to be of service and achieve inner peace, and to create the reality that you want to create. But stopping and celebrating how far you’ve come, recognizing the significance of the fact that you are awakened beings on a planet that is ascending, this is something that we would like to see more of amongst the humans that we are connecting with. We will acknowledge that there will always be more that you are expanding into, but we will not agree with you when you say that you are blocked for some reason. We will not agree with you when you assume that you must be doing something wrong to not be further along by now, to not have solved all of your problems and all of the world’s problems. If there is something in front of you that is yet to be achieved, it is there for the purpose of keeping you focused and drawing more of that high frequency love and light through you. You do need to find time in your day to sit, relax, and look how far you’ve come. Appreciate the person that you are right now, and see the truth about yourselves. You are all doing wonderfully well, and the truth is you take most of your gifts for granted, rather than celebrating that which you have already become, and so we are initiating the celebration for you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Suppressed Emotions & Power ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, September 10, 2018

Suppressed Emotions & Power ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, September 10, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You are the best examples in the entire galaxy of beings who do not exercise their complete power. You have more access to Source Energy, and that which you truly are, because of how emotional you are as a species. And yet, you have been fooled into believing that being emotional makes one weak. You have been taught, over and over again, to hide your emotions. As children, even when you were in a state of absolute joy, if there were other people around that could be disturbed by your joyous behavior, you were told to settle down. You were told not to be a crybaby. You were told that there was something wrong with your angry outburst, and it was labeled a tantrum. You were told not to be a scaredy cat, and you were taught that love was only really appropriate between males and females. And so, all of your emotions, whether negative or positive, have been squashed by some member of your family, or a teacher, or perhaps even a clergy member. And therefore, you have had less access to makes you truly powerful. It is your ability to feel, not your ability to take action, that makes you powerful creator beings. You are more powerful than you know, and many of you are starting to access that power, as you have been given permission as adults to feel your feelings. Now, when you allow yourselves to feel all of the feelings that come up within you, you are much more in the flow of the high frequency energies that are all around you. And if you can access those higher frequency energies, you can know true power. The next step for all of you will be not fearing that power. Power has been given a bad name by those who have abused it, but the power that you access by allowing all emotions to flow through you and by accessing the truth of who you are as Source Energy Beings, that power, could not and would not harm a fly. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Blueprint to & Map of the New Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 1, 2023

The Blueprint to & Map of the New Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 1, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have an enormous amount of respect for you all there on Earth and your journeys, because we have been observing you for a very long time, and we know how many challenges you have faced there on Earth. We are excited, however, about what is to come for humanity, because we also see how much you create from each and every hardship you face, each and every time that you do not succeed. And those of you who are awake realize this. You know how reality works, and you know that there is more than one reality, and therefore you are the ones to lead humanity into the light, the knowing that the perfect planet and society you have co-created together is available, and it is available right now. You don’t have to wait until the solar flash, the financial collapse, the full disclosure of the fact that governments know about e.t.s and have been working with e.t.s, and so on. You don’t have to wait for free energy, and you don’t have to wait for the mass landing of ships that is coming. You don’t have to wait for you to have full access to your spiritual gifts and abilities. You just have to care enough about how you feel to focus on that Earth and that society that you all have co-created together. It’s available to those who care enough about how they feel to focus on their vibration, rather than on what’s wrong with society today. You can care your fellow humans and the way that you all have been treating Mother Earth in terms of your pollution and toxins in the air and water and soil and so on, and you can still be focused on where you want to go, where you want to be, where you want to lead humanity. As soon as you start focusing on what’s wrong with the way things are today on planet Earth, then inevitably you have to look for the source of those problems, and that puts you in a position where you are pointing fingers. And if you are pointing fingers, you are stuck in us-versus-them mode, and when you are there you are not in a high vibration. Therefore, you must be able to see something that you know is not a part of the Earth and the society that you want to be a part of, and you must be able to send healing, love and compassion to all who are involved, and then focus on the Earth and the version of the human collective that you do want to harmonize with vibrationally. It is possible to do this every single time you become aware of a problem, an issue, a challenge, in your life as well. As an individual, you can look at your health, your finances, your relationships, your career, and you can ask yourself, ‘Who is to blame for all of this? Was it my mistake? Is it that person’s fault? Is it the economy?’ Or you can recognize that all you are living is nudging you in the direction of what you want to be living instead, and it is entirely up to you whether you make that gentle shift to focusing on the beautiful version planet Earth in that other reality that you want to be a part of, that you want to live in and experience. It is up to you. You can stay where you are, look for all the villains, all the culprits, and fight them to the death, or you can forgive them, recognize that they are hurting in some way and need love and compassion. You can be the one who sends the healing to the person who needs it the most, and then you can focus on what it is you’d rather be seeing in your society, in your fellow humans, and even in yourself, as you must recognize that if you see it in someone else, then it must also exist within in you. And there is self-forgiveness that is necessary. We know all of this is easier said than done, but that is the blueprint, that is the map that gets you to the new Earth you have all co-created. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”