Saturday, February 27, 2021

The March 2021 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 27, 2021

The March 2021 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 27, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of exploring all of the various timelines that are in front of you now there on Earth in 2021, and we are very impressed by the timelines that you are currently creating and that you have been creating so far in this calendar year of yours. You are looking for opportunities to go deeper in your connections, and that is of paramount importance to the unification of the human collective. Now, as you start coming together in more powerful ways because of the connections that you feel to one another, you are going to see powerful co-creative councils forming there on Earth. We are talking about councils and collectives made up of human beings, and these groups will not just be affiliated with one government, or even one political party. These groups are not going to form based on race, religion, or economic status. The groups that you will be forming there in 2021 will be about your desire to raise the level of consciousness there on Earth and your desire to reach out to the e.t.s that are present and available to you right now. The desire for more unity has been birthed by the divisiveness that you have all experienced in one way or another there on your world, and the coming together will occur because of the energies we have told you about that are already beginning to come in as you begin the month of March and get closer and closer to the March equinox. You all are beginning to experience less and less of the distortions that have plagued humanity for far too long. You energy fields are already beginning to operate as the beautiful filters that they were always meant to be. And so many humans are already experiencing a clarity that they have not known within themselves for quite some time, or ever in this or any other lifetime. You now have granted yourselves the power to feel clearly what is going on inside of yourselves and outside of yourselves, and more and more of you can see the futility in being divided and in arguing over who is wearing a white hat and who is wearing a black hat. You have the ability to take back your power to have more faith in yourselves and in your ability to come together, and now is the time. Now is the time to put down your torches and your pitchforks and to come together as one human race, united with the knowing that you all have these deep connections that go back many lifetimes, and in most cases they go back even further than the first lifetimes that you experienced there on planet Earth. You are one unified collective, but most people just don’t know it yet, and we see that beginning with the tremendous download of energies that is coming in for the month of March, that is all about to change. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, February 26, 2021

The Most Powerful Portals You’ll Ever Access ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 24, 2021

The Most Powerful Portals You’ll Ever Access ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 24, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have awakened so many of you to the portals of energy that you have around you and that we continuously add to your dimension in order to improve our energy delivery system. We also want you to recognize that these portals pale in comparison to the ones that you are going to be opening inside of yourselves and all around you when you choose to tap in to those abilities. You have access to so much love, joy, abundance, creativity, downloads of information, activations, upgrades, and attunements, and we don’t want you to believe that you have to wait for us, or any other beings or collectives throughout the universe, in order to receive. We would much rather see you believing in yourselves than see you giving all of your power away to those like us, even though there are so many beings and collectives in this universe who really do want to help humanity. Ultimately, what we strive to do is to create masters there on Earth. We want you all to experience your own mastery, and we want you all to be able to tap in to whatever energies you desire all the time, because of your awareness of your abilities. Just sit, quietly, with your eyes closed, and intend to open a portal that will deliver to you whatever energies you desire, whatever upgrades, whatever activations, whatever vibration you want to be holding. You have this power all the time, and we just want you to acknowledge that. In the meantime, of course, Mother Earth, your sun, and all of us who are your cheerleaders throughout the universe are going to help, but we all just want to help you get used to receiving. We want you all to feel more in the flow, and we certainly want you to feel that you deserve to receive whatever this life has helped you to determine you desire. One of the best experiences you can have there on Earth right now is to summon energy, and then have that energy move through your physical body, have it surround you and fill your energy field. You can do it right now. You don’t have to wait for us or any other beings or collectives and our promises of what we can and will deliver to you. You don’t have to wait for an equinox, a solstice, or any other gateway that you have in your calendar year. You can open portals with your will, and you can receive whenever you are in a relaxed state, whenever you are open and possibly even joyful. Please do not wait for anyone to give you the signal that says, ‘Now is the time.’ You decide, and demonstrate to all of us in the higher realms what you are capable of so that we can increase the levels and the amount of energies that we send in our next big delivery. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Crystalline Collective and Alisheryia via Galaxygirl, February 21, 2021

Crystalline Collective and Alisheryia via Galaxygirl, February 21, 2021

Hello friends! We are the Crystalline Collective of the 9th dimensional rays. All rays have their own energy signatures and these can become encoded with those whom wish to assist. We wish to assist. We work with Archangel Michael and many other archangels. We work with the music of the spheres for creation is always humming. And we wish to work with you, dear ones, undergoing the tremendous shift from the then to the dream world. You are in the not yet, the space in between, which we want to lovingly remind you is a very powerful place to be. Intentions are the means of creation. We see that much is going on that would distract you from your intentions but do not give up, manifest them none the less for that is what you are to do, to assist with creating and comforting and moving this reality from where you have been to where you are to be. You are in this realm of the not yet, but yet it is a worthy realm in its own right. For here — here — is where you get to meet the secret part of yourself that you have long forgotten and are in the process of remembering. Like a long lost friend that you have recently become reunited with, it is a powerful feeling of union, of union with yourselves, with your soul family and with your ancestors who are always whispering on the wind memories to be remembered. 

We are the Crystalline Collective Consciousness of the 9th dimensional ray. It is our privilege and honor to come through this one this day to speak. We wish for our words to be of comfort and joy, for that is what we intend bring to the collective. (I am seeing a huge heart shaped box of chocolates.) Yes, they are our gift to you today, within are encodements for easily obtaining your remembrances, your memories of who you are and have been, which will assist you with who you are becoming. (I am seeing warriors, kings and queens, priests and priestesses, powerful beings of old.) You all have been these beings, you all have access to these encodements. Galaxygirl, eat a chocolate. (I open the pink heart box and see that the chocolates in their individual wrappers are stories. It is like a moving video within each one.) We know that you are strong enough for this task, we know that you will rise as a mighty collective of human light, restored, revealed, remembering that which you have always been and were always meant to be so that you can become this massive collective of multidimensional creator-light, filled with love which is the breath of creation. We know that this is your destiny. We assist you with this remembering now. (I see the box of chocolates is open and all of the chocolates are floating around me creating a vortex. They open and all unroll like old film playing videos.) You have been brave before. You will be brave now. We see you as already succeeded. Your gifts to the collective will be remembered and recorded. You will tell this video of this lifetime to your progeny. We love you. Rest, take care, of your vessels. Show mercy and grace to yourselves and to the others. We are sending you rainbow crystalline codes of the purest love. (I see rainbow fire all around me.) 

I Alisheryia am speaking. I remember, I see. I see you. I remember you. We dragons have excellent memories. We recall with great precision and accuracy for we have not been surrounded by the fog of forgetting. This serves us well. You will begin to remember. You will know. You will feel differently in the coming days and moments for more and more of your DNA is becoming crystalline, is coming online and as a collective this greatly increases your psychic abilities. Not only psychic connection with those who are similarly attuned, but psychic connection with your past selves. This will prove to be interesting for you. 

I Alisheryia am speaking. We have not spoken in some time. But I assure you, we are most near. Do not be dismayed by the coming revelations. You were born for such a time as this. Be this. Be this light for the world. 

I Alisheryia am speaking. I am my highest ascended dragon aspect of me. I assist my other aspects through the fire and flame, wielding the light. Your own higher selves are within the space that surrounds you. You are becoming this higher self aspect more and more, every time you choose love and light you radiate more of it and become vibrationally aligned. Do not align with fear. Align with the light, for hope and truth is stronger than any sword of fear. You are this light. You are this love. You are this breath of hope for the cosmos. We dragons have been assisting Gaia with her energy core to keep her stabilized for the upcoming energy fluxes our Pleiadian friends are managing. We are fully aligned with the Pleiadians, with many here in the higher dimensional realms forging the light and sending its nutrients of rebirth and healing to Gaia and all upon her. You are upon her. We have been within her. We have seen the dark deeds of those who exclude the light of love from their inner being and have become lost in their own darkness. We have assisted them with becoming recalibrated and with removing them from your reality. (I see Alisheryia has a gash on her right upper arm.) Yes, we have been in battle, and yes were are always healing so that we can continue. (I see her blow blue fire on her arm and it is restored.) This same power of healing lies within you. This same warrior lies within you. This same light is all around you, assisting, helping, guiding, coordinating. The inner Gaia had to be cleansed further prior to further surface developments. Of course this is so. We protect life, the dark devour it. We are done with this inequity of service and abuse of free will. Creator flies with us. Creator is within and all around us. We are assisting the light with our every breathing moments, as are you. 

I Alisheryia am speaking. I speak to you now, to those of you who say nothing is happening. All is happening in the tenderest and fiercest of ways, to provide utmost protection and blessing for all. Peace. Patience. The light has won. The light has come. Peace, brothers and sisters in human skin. You are being transformed every day. Your world grows and glows brighter every day. And yes, the darkness is being revealed more every day. Focus on the light. Read the uplifting stories. And more will come. More will come. 

I am Alisheryia. Peace, little human. Peace. Your warrior self is ready, but first your own inner war must be won. Yes? We all know what damage an angry dragon can do. One must be fully aligned with light and great purpose of truth within. Be aligned with the light and the balance will be maintained. (I am seeing many white boats with deep anchors, that extend all the way to the ocean floor.) You are anchoring these energies. Anchor hope with it. Be this radiant hope to the others. Little human, this is who you are. You are source fractals with human flesh, you are more than capable of the task at hand. Send your hope, your creative potential into Gaia, into the hearts of your human friends, and know that you are truly wielding the light and hope of eons to come within your today and tomorrow. 
I am Alisheryia. I depart. (I see her blowing white fire onto the crowns of humanity as she flies away.)

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt & Your E.T. DNA ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 22, 2021

Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt & Your E.T. DNA ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 22, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very happy with the progress that we feel you making there on Earth as a collective of beings. You have taken yourselves so very far since the times of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Egypt, and you have done so with very little interference and very little intervention on the part of extra-terrestrials. In fact, you have done so very well for yourselves there on Earth in spite of the way that physical e.t.s can somehow and someway get involved in your spiritual evolution. This time that you are living in now is the time for you to step up and show your readiness to be a part of the galactic community, of which you are a part. It is not time for e.t.s to just land their ships and disrupt your natural evolution, as they did during the times of Lemuria, Atlantis, the Egyptian Empire, and other times throughout your history. You would have done fine just on your own, because even without physical e.t.s coming and landing their ships, you still have that extra-terrestrial DNA inside of you. Some of you have a lot more of it than others, but everyone there on Earth has some, and that e.t. DNA gets activated by all sorts of occurrences that have nothing to do with you actually being visited for face-to-face contact. Even UFO sightings are not entirely necessary to give you the activations of your e.t. DNA, but living your lives and having all of the experiences that you have, these are the best ways for you to access what is buried deep down inside of each and every one of you. You’ve all been higher-dimensional beings, and you can all become so much more than you could at any other time in human history, and that is because every part of you is evolving to keep up with the energies that you have upon you, energies that have more to do with your sun and the photon belt than they do the beings and collectives like ourselves and what we are capable of sending you. It was always a part of the plan for you all to evolve on your own, because the Earth experiment is part of a much bigger story, a story that was initiated by Source. And you are the aspects of Source that are best equipped to bring humankind into that higher level of consciousness that we, and others, refer to as the fifth dimension. We want you to feel proud of what you have accomplished and what you will accomplish. And we want you to know that once again you have everything that you need inside of you, and you always have. You are not going to repeat what happened on Lemuria, Atlantis, and in Egypt. You are going to go far beyond what those ancient civilizations where capable of accomplishing, and you are going to do it because of what is inside of you. This we know to be true. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, February 19, 2021

Why Most Romantic Relationships Don’t Last ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 18, 2021

Why Most Romantic Relationships Don’t Last ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 18, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving ourselves everything that we need in order to be the best versions of ourselves for all of you and all of the other beings that we are helping in this universe of ours. We do not hold back when it comes to giving ourselves the love and compassion that we enjoy receiving so much from others. One of the greatest secrets that you are not taught in schools or in religions is that if you want others to treat you a certain way, then you must first treat yourselves the way that you want to be treated. This is the golden rule, part two that we are talking about. Yes, you want to treat others the way you would love to be treated, but you also have to treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. The universe is a gigantic mirror, and it always reveals to you what’s going on inside of you, rather than what you want the world to think or see. Whatever you want others to think and say about you, please think those thoughts and say those things to yourselves. Tell the universe, and show the universe, what you want to see reflected back to you from your fellow humans. You have so much more to give others when you first feel whole and complete in yourselves. This is the key reason why most relationships that are romantic in nature do not work out or do not last until death do you part. It is because at least one of the individuals in the relationship is looking to the other to give them something that they’ve never been able to give themselves. And at first, it is easy for the other person to do that, but eventually, they will get caught up in other aspects of life and forget to give their partner what the partner needs and wants. And that is usually when the relationship fizzles out. But if you make the way you relate to yourself a priority, then there is no end to the amount of love, praise, and adoration you can receive from your fellow humans. This is something we would love to see being taught in your public school systems, but sadly, it is not even spoken about in the curriculum. And most of you have to wait until you are adults to realize what has been missing from your lives for decades. We are here to give you permission to give yourselves everything that you want and need from your fellow humans, and let everyone else off the hook, for now. Just trust that they will start to reflect to you that self-love that you will dedicate yourselves to from this point forward in your lives. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Starseeds, You Will Get to Go Home ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 17, 2021

Starseeds, You Will Get to Go Home ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 17, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have so much respect for those of you who are willing to be yourselves in a world that often seeks conformity. We have noticed that those of you who are starseeds are quite willing to tell others that truth about yourselves in spite of the fact that many people would, and do, mock you for believing that extra-terrestrials are in fact real. When you come out as a starseed, that really puts you in a vulnerable position for so many to ridicule you and even exclude you from your group, or your families. It hasn’t been easy for many of you there on Earth for a very long time, and for some of you it hasn’t been easy for your entire life, because you have felt different. Once you stumbled on the concept of the starseed, many of you wept, because something finally made sense of how you have always felt, being there on Earth. Now, from our perspective, you don’t have to be living your first lifetime on Earth to be a starseed; you are just awake to the truth that you had to travel through other star systems, and higher-dimensional planes, to get to Earth. And now that you are awake, you know that extra-terrestrials not only exist, but you also know that you are related to all of the e.t.s throughout the galaxy. Your roots go back a long way and spread a tremendous distance, and that is all very helpful to bring humankind into the galactic community, officially. Many of you have been waiting for that official invitation for quite some time, and you are growing impatient. So many there on Earth are very eager to go home to be a part of their galactic family once again, but you did want to be on Earth, and we invite you to do your best to remember why you wanted to be on Earth at this time of great changes, shifting energies, and ultimately the ascension of the consciousness throughout this universe of ours. Trust us when we say that you will be able to go home, but please do your best to consider Earth your home for now, because Earth and your fellow Earthlings need you there. They need you to normalize their experiences with e.t.s, which will be coming. You will help them feel ready for those encounters, and you will help them to understand who they really are. And all throughout the galaxy will be able to come together once again and be united, even before the shift in consciousness is complete. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Something to Get Excited About ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 16, 2021

Something to Get Excited About ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 16, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of examining your receptivity to the current energies you have there on your world, because we want to see if you are capable of handling more. We always like turning up the volume on humankind when we feel that it is appropriate to do so. And we are not the only ones who feel this way about not overdoing it, not overloading your bodies and your energy fields, because we know the importance of being able to absorb what you’ve received first, before you can get more and have that more that you get be meaningful. Think about your way of eating. You get hungry, and then you eat, and hopefully you stop when you are full. And even though you really enjoy eating, and would love to consume dessert after dessert, you understand that your body has to digest the food, and you have to work up an appetite. Food always tastes better when you are hungry and when you have exercised, because your cells are asking for the nutrients. This is how it is with downloads of energy as well; you may think you want it all right now, and you may think you want it all the time. But you have to absorb and acclimate to what you receive before you are ready to handle more, regardless of what the energies are about or where they are from. You have stretched yourselves as the awakened collective quite a bit, and you are capable of handling so much more than you once were capable of handling. But you are still not ready for the full force of energies that you have coming to you, and that is something to get excited about. Get excited about what you don’t know that is coming to you, and how you will feel when it comes. As you look around your world, you will see most people looking for what they have expected to come that hasn’t, or hasn’t yet, and you will notice that they are very disappointed. You, as the awakened collective, once again have an opportunity to show your fellow humans how it is done. Don’t worry about when something is coming, or even if it is coming. Instead, remember all of the times something unexpected came to you, and it was more than you could have possibly imagined it would be. Feel that power of anticipation, that power of positive expectation, for all that is coming, and then relax, and go live your lives. Trust that everything you have ever wanted and more is on its way to you, and remember that it is a feeling that these energies will help to facilitate within you, but also, the feeling is already there inside of you. And any energies that we send you, or that any other beings send you, will always be just to remind you of what is already inside of you and to facilitate the process of unlocking what has been dormant inside of you and is just ready in that moment to be awakened. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

A Big Part of Your Destiny on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 10, 2021

A Big Part of Your Destiny on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, February 10, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are studying all of you from afar, but we are also right there with you, observing you from within you and all around you. We are ninth-dimensional beings, which means we have no physicality, no bodies, and no borders to confine us. We get to go where we want to go and put our attention wherever we want to put it in this beautiful universe of ours, and we choose to focus on humanity there on Earth because we are fascinated by you. We are enthralled by your journey, by your perseverance, and by your ability to rise up and meet challenges that you face on a daily basis. You are making history with your ascension. You are making the biggest leap forward that you can possibly make, as you have moved from the third dimension, and now you are making your way to the fifth. This is a time to feel very good about yourselves and how far you have already come, but it is also a time for you to be exploring where you want to go next. One of the reasons why your journey is so fascinating to us is because we don’t know what you will choose for yourselves next. We have some idea because of probabilities and because it is very rare for a being or a collective to make a ninety-degree turn out of the blue. But we are interested in what you will do next, what you will create next, and how you will become your higher selves, which is a big part of your destiny there on Earth. Many assume that the shift to the fifth dimension is about you taking yourself to a better place, like getting upgraded from a fleabag motel to a five-star resort, but it’s not like that at all. You are changing yourselves, and as you do, the world outside of you seems to change. But really, you are the ones who are changing, and when you are operating at that higher-vibrational perspective, you will see, experience, and be able to do things that you cannot do right now. But your limitations are not because of what country you live in, what laws are governing you there, or how much money you have in the bank. Your limitations are only created by the vibration you are offering. Change your vibration, and you will change everything that you experience. This journey is about changing you, and it always has been. It has never been about a change of scenery or the elimination of all the bad ones. It has never been about leaving everything that you don’t like behind, as you soar off into a better place, a better reality. You are the shift in consciousness; it begins and ends with you. And it is your destiny to complete it; you cannot mess this up. You can either enjoy it by going with the flow, or you can go kicking and screaming in resistance, judgment, and condemnation about all that you don’t like about your current situation. Isn’t that more satisfying? That’s why we are studying and observing you, because we know that you are not just on a cruise ship, going from one place to another. We know that you are creating it all, and that your primary creation is you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Your Divine Feminine Essence ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 27, 2020 

Your Divine Feminine Essence ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 27, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been wondering for quite some time how you would handle the current energies that are upon you there on Earth, and we have seen some beautiful results. We see that more and more of you are awakening because of the energies that are upon you right now, and we see those of you who are awakened taking the time that you need to acclimate to these energies and to give your bodies the rest and relaxation they need and deserve. You are wonderful carriers of the light, and as such, you often put a lot of pressure on yourselves to do something monumental that will make a huge difference in the world. We want to assure you that by being the conduits of higher frequency energies that you are, you are already doing more than enough to be the changemakers and wayshowers that you are. People on Earth at this time need to understand the power of the Divine Feminine, and they need examples of what it means to be actualized in your Divine Feminine essence. Those of you who are awake and are allowing yourselves to receive and ground these higher frequency energies are most certainly accessing the Divine Feminine within you and utilizing it for its designed purpose. You don’t need to give up the Divine Masculine to be in the Divine Feminine. They are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they beautifully intertwine within a person who is paying attention to what’s going on inside of them. You can be in your Divine Feminine and take action when it is necessary, when it is called for by the situation at hand. And again, this is something that you are there to be examples of for the rest of humanity. Humanity needs to know that you can be both masculine and feminine, and you are seeing that in the youth of today. You are seeing how people on your world understand that gender is fluid because how you feel in your body can be masculine one moment and feminine the next, and it really doesn’t matter which sexual organs you have. You can be whoever you want to be, and it just so happens that right now, it serves you to be in that Divine Feminine no matter what gender identity you have. Soon, you will be called upon to take actions, and you will. But for now, opening up and being those Divine conduits is exactly what the energies are calling for at this time. And we are very excited to see how many of you get that because you are listening to what’s going on inside of you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Ashian: Become the Detective of Your Greatness, 11 February, 2021

Ashian: Become the Detective of Your Greatness, 11 February, 2021

Each one of you is loved beyond measure. You may forget it, you may not feel it, you may have been programmed by life to think that love is not for you. Nothing is further from the truth.

Now, let me remind you, in the kindest and most loving way you can imagine, you are not alone. You have a team of beings that work with you constantly, every day and every night. They are here to help you remember – and then embody – your divine creator self.

They have different roles: some assist you in your work, some assist you in awakening to your divine creator self; some provide hunches and ideas about how you may deepen your practice of parent, child, partner, friend, colleague; and some assist you in transforming your 3D work into 5D service.

These beings are known as angels, as galactics, as versions of your higher self, as ascended masters and aspects of the divine. Their label does not matter, their service to you does.

As with all things divine, less is more. The less your ego insists on doing, the more surrender. As you surrender – blessing any action and inviting the highest outcome – you create space for your creator self to emerge and for your team to assist you.

The less you complain in your thoughts, the quieter your mind becomes and – almost suddenly! – you begin to hear the soft whispers of your team. Small intuitions, intense knowingness… all this is your team working with you and supporting you.

For anything that brings you down, that feels overwhelming, disappointing or confusing: ask for help. Surrender it – offer it for assistance, blessing the obstacle and knowing that a miracluous insight is your birthright, because it is your divine essence.

Expand your understanding of yourself beyond your (physical) self. You are far greater than you imagine. You have untold assistance to create miracles for your highest good, and what aligns with your highest good aligns with the highest good of all.

Become the detective of your greatness. Find clues that show you that you are greater than your programming or even your physical self. Every day, notice things that are beyond what you imagined were possible. They may be small, but they may also be so huge that you have failed to notice them before.

Begin to put in place, one by one, new ideas that support your greatness, evidence that supports your greatness, so that one day you awaken and you no longer have to convince yourself that you are a divine creator, you Know you are a divine creator.

If you do the small daily steps, your team will meet you; they will assist with miracles and clues, insights and inspirations, all created to reflect your divine creative power.

In spaciousness, your divinity becomes apparent; in spaciousness, your divine creator self is allowed the space to emerge.

Creating spaciousness is possible in any life, regardless of how busy you are. Coming into the present moment; letting go of the endless trains of thought; focusing on just what you are doing right now; surrendering doubt, fear and envy, adopting trust and generosity … these are all ways of creating spaciousness in your life and allowing your divine self to dance with you in your daily life.

You have a team, you have a divine creator self. You are infinitely loved, infinitely loved, infinitely loved.

(channeled by Jennifer Crokaert PH.D.) 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Archangel Sandalphon via Galaxygirl, February 6, 2021

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Will of Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 30, 2021

The Will of Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 30, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are surrendering our will, surrendering ourselves and our desires in favor of the universal shift in consciousness that we are all experiencing together. In other words, we have given ourselves over to the will of Source, and because we are where we are, we have found that the will of Source feels even better to us than if we were to have our own agendas that we were seeking to fulfill and actualize. We have noticed that going with the flow of the will of Source aligns perfectly with our desires, and sometimes we notice that the will of Source leads us to something that we didn’t even know we desired, but when we arrive at that destination, we certainly do recognize the creation in front of ourselves as ours. What this has led us to realize is that any idea, any notion at all, of being separate from Source or ‘just’ an aspect of Source is pure fiction. It’s fantasy; it’s only real in the imagination of the one who is making that assumption that they are not Source all the time. So yes, if you say that you surrender to the will of Source, that might be a blow to your ego. You ego is, after all, designed to give you that experience of being separate from Source and being separate from everyone else as well. So you shouldn’t expect your ego to be very happy about that desire to flow with the will of Source. Once you recognize that you are Source, it becomes a lot easier, because then you know that the will of Source is your will. It is your will at the highest level of consciousness that you could possibly hold. You are there to assist in the shift in consciousness, as you experience it yourselves, and that is a huge purpose to have in life. That is, in fact, you fulfilling the deepest desire that Source holds, and we just want you to feel for that alignment so that you can know that the journey to the fifth dimension is one of inclusion. The biggest part of you is including you in the process, as you include the biggest part of you in your process. Making this a conscious evolution and a conscious journey was always the goal for you as a member of the awakened collective, and with you being conscious of the truth that you are Source, you make the ride so much easier, so much better feeling, and so much faster than it would be if you had to do it all by yourselves. Let go and join us in our surrender, and we promise you, you will not be disappointed. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

How to Access All of Your Power ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 28, 2021

How to Access All of Your Power ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 28, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been exploring many possible timelines for humanity there on Earth, and we have seen some beautiful futures for all of you, but the future is especially bright for those of you who have owned that you have issues, that you have trauma, that you have negative emotions that you don’t always allow yourselves to feel. You are the ones who understand that in order to evolve and become more of who you really are, there’s a certain amount of self-awareness, self-reflection, and work on the self that must occur. Therefore, you are the ones who lead humanity into the better-feeling futures by first not feeling very good at all. Now, that may seem like a paradox to you, but it is absolutely the case. You have to clean out the old to allow the new in, and in this case the new that we are referring to is higher-frequency energy. We are talking about letting in upgrades, activations, downloads, and attunements, all of which are available to you. But you don’t always let them in, and you cannot let them in if you are in denial. You cannot let them in if you are offering a lower vibration that you are completely unaware of. And it is for these reasons that we prescribe to all of you regular check-ins. Everything you need to know can be discovered when you take the time to check in with your seven main chakras. Your seven main chakras are where you are going to feel the vast majority of what you need to feel before you get to feel those higher-frequency energies running through you. This is why a lot of wise people say that a person who is going down into a very bad place must hit rock bottom before they’re going to come back up again. When you hit rock bottom, you have no other option but to feel what you’re feeling. You run out of defense mechanisms, distractions, and things to escape into, and you face yourself, a person you are supposed to be loving, honoring, and respecting. It is by first acknowledging where you are that you can find your way to where you are going. So do yourselves a favor and do not live for one moment in denial of what’s going on inside of you, because you’re not doing yourself or anyone any good by pretending that everything is all right when it truly is not. And do not be afraid to communicate to those around you what you are going through you, because they will surprise you oftentimes with compassion, support, and kindness. There are way more empaths on Earth with you today than there have ever been in all of human history, and empathy is a superpower. It is those of you who feel that truly have access to all of your power, and the more you feel, the better. The more you feel, the sooner you get to choose what you are going to feel in the next moment, and the next, and the next. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, February 1, 2021

Mira and Ashtar via Galaxygirl, January 31, 2021

Mira and Ashtar via Galaxygirl, January 31, 2021

I am Mira, working full time on behalf of humanity. Our technologies are quite advanced which will be beneficial for your world systems in many ways. The Al web has been manipulated against humanity. Humanity is to be returned unto itself so that war and division are no longer the norm. 

I am Mira. I serve in my fullest capacity. We are aware of the challenges that many of you are facing in this now. Know that we are working full time. The dark does not give up its prize easily, but this does not matter for the light is transmuting, always in the process of transmuting it. You have been busy transmuting on multidimensional points, as many realities converge to heighten and hone the energies. Gaia is being cleansed of the darkness that has permeated. This is a multidimensional war involving energies from this universe. It is no easy fight but Creator has decreed that the light has won and so it will. And so it has. It is not apparent yet upon your physical reality that you are temporarily immersed within as you are awake. It is apparent when you are in the higher dimensional realms when you sleep or when you meditate. 

We encourage you to tap into the vast network of Pleiadian healing energies that we are streaming through your skies, your ionosphere to assist with transmuting the Al web of lower dimensional control frequencies. We encourage you to breathe fresh air and to feel the sun on your face and to ground to your planetary mother, who is full of joy and healing frequencies for you. 

I am Mira. I offer to you today encouragement that you can keep going, and you will, for we need you to and you are more than well qualified. And hope because it is written in the stars and on the spoken breath of Creator that this victory is for the light. Our Pleiadian technology, our love, our hearts are ever in service to the ascending ones of humanity, and to healing Gaia. It is with the greatest of joys that I send you this message of love and light today. I am Mira. 

Greetings, friends of the light! I am Ashtar. Your planet is well loved from every corner of the galaxy. Emissaries from other realms and worlds are present to offer their assistance and service to the light. Your skies and underground are brimming with higher dimensional beings. I tell you this because you are not going to hear it in your news media, that is still propaganda for the dark in many ways. 

I tell you this so that you can feel the support that is quite literally all around you, just a dimension or two up. Also it is imperative that you continue to keep holding the higher frequencies of light as it is assisting us with our missions to serve you further, as well as greatly enhancing the speed of your ascension. You should know, ground team, how breathtakingly beautiful you are to us. Your stamina and tenacity is tip-top and we salute you. You are not alone! We are here side you, serving and soon we shall meet. Soon, in fact, your world will change. 

(I am seeing pancakes sizzling on a frying pan and the pancake being flipped). I am showing you this, galaxygirl , not because you are hungry but for an illustration. The sizzling batter in the pan is aware it is being cooked. The flipping over of the pancake determines how good it will taste. If you flip it too fast and under cook it, the batter is runny, isn't it? And it kind of falls apart in the pan. But if you wait just until the right moment and flip it, both sides will be golden brown. 

Timing is everything, to pancakes and to this mission. The batter, the dark, is being cooked by the light. All that is not right shall become right and pure and good. Hold on to this knowing and feel the truth. The celebrations will be worthy of the wait. You are grounding the heat of these light frequencies. The light workers are much like the frying pan itself. You are providing a grounding platform for the heat to cook the batter. And so you feel the heat. You feel the sizzle, and you are exhausted. 

But without you, we couldn't cook the pancake. It would run over the stove, it would not have a framework for change. You are creating this framework for change and in so doing your bodies are receiving an upgrade and you are providing a tremendous service to the universe. Tremendous service! Thank you! The pancake flipping, the great unveiling, the timing, is all coming down to the moment. Thank you for holding the light, and in this case, the heat. Feel our energies soothe and comfort, and bring a gentle breeze of joy. I am Ashtar. I have not talked about pancakes before, this was quite exciting. Perhaps humorous too but I hope I have made my point. Pancakes all around! 

(I am seeing light workers all over the globe unite, we are strategically, energetically placed. I see dark, sludgy grids in the atmosphere and beneath the ground. I am seeing plasma light being honed and beamed down from the Pleiadian ships in the skies, increasing the frequencies. We ground these frequencies, allowing the energies above and below us to be transmuted. I am seeing astral levels melting, smoky cities and mist being transmuted into light. We are doing so much more than we know. Continue on, my friends. Continue on.)