Saturday, January 30, 2021

Who the Arcturian Council Seeks to Reach ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 16, 2020

Who the Arcturian Council Seeks to Reach ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 16, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have discovered that the path to humanity’s heart is granting you more access to yourselves. That is what you truly want, no matter what you might think. You might think you want a nice car, a big, beautiful house, and a nearly perfect soulmate, in addition to more money than you could ever spend, and certainly, most humans want one or more of those things. But what you really want is the experience of allowing more of who you are to flow through you, and those are the items most people have identified as granting yourselves access to more of who you really are. Who you really are is more of a feeling than anything else. You are there to experience yourselves as growing and expanding into more of the truth of who you are as Source Energy Beings, and there are many paths to granting yourselves that experience. We have stepped in now to represent a path to that feeling. For one, when you connect with us, you access more of your Arcturian self. And for everyone, that feels very good. The Arcturian aspect of who you are feels very good because you were in a higher dimension in our star system, and you lived in peace and prosperity. Love was abundant, and so was spiritual growth and evolution. You all had it pretty darn good when you were incarnate here. And so, our energy reminds you of that and helps to fill in that part of yourself that sometimes feels a bit empty with that Arcturian love and light. We are also higher dimensional in this moment. In this moment, we are the ninth dimensional beings and you are the fourth dimensional ones. In another moment, we will trade places and play different roles for each other. But right now, as you tune in to us, you get to feel your higher dimensional aspects activated, and you get to feel more of who you are. This is what you are doing as you ascend. As you ascend, you access more of who you really are, and that feels very good. For a time, many of you who are receiving this transmission were chasing those physical prizes that you thought would give you the expansive feeling all the time, but then you discovered the feeling was temporary. And so now you are looking for another way, a more permanently fulfilling way of filling yourselves up with more of who you really are, and we are doing our best to give you that through these transmissions and our teachings. We seek to reach those who are ready to go beyond just getting all of the goodies that you can in the physical realm, and from what we can feel, we would say that we are doing a fairly good job of reaching that particular population. And we will continue to work at it, even after you shift to the fifth dimension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

How You are Freeing Humanity from Enslavement ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 4, 2020

How You are Freeing Humanity from Enslavement ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 4, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been calculating the estimated arrival time for the evolution of your consciousness to get you to the point where you don’t have to take so many actions just in order to survive, and we have determined that you are only about five years away from being free of all of the tedious chores that you have to do in order to maintain your physicality. When you no longer need to work and do all of the little things that you need to do in order to maintain your bodies, your vehicles, and your homes, you will be freed up for more lofty pursuits. Those of you who have always wanted to paint will have the freedom to paint. Those of you who have always wanted to sing will have the freedom to sing. Those of you who have always wanted to write will have the freedom to write. You will have more free time for spiritual pursuits. You will be able to take the time to connect to beings in other dimensions. The lack of free time that some people experience makes it challenging for them to even take fifteen minutes out of their day to meditate. And so, the hamster wheel that you have all been on has kept you from really exploring who you are and being able to express that. Now, not everyone who has an enormous amount of free time has been using it for spiritual and artistic pursuits, but there is also a level of consciousness that needs to be reached by humanity before you are freed from the enslavement that you have been taking part in for so long. When you reach that level of consciousness, then of course more individuals are going to awaken to the truth that there is more to life than going to parties and accumulating stuff. That level of consciousness is something that those of you who are awake are adding to every day, as you make time for your spirituality and for your artistic pursuits. You express yourselves. You talk about your feelings. You connect with Mother Nature, Mother Earth, and the animal kingdom. You are helping all of humanity to evolve and to get to that place, and you’re doing it not through political action, not through creating a new economic system, and not through defeating those who are seeking to keep things as they are. You are shifting the consciousness of humanity by listening to that little voice inside of you, honoring your intuition. You are taking humanity to the next level of its evolution by being yourselves fully and expressing who and what you are to as many people who will pay attention. And that is not egoic. That is you letting your higher self through to reach as many people as possible. And of course, your higher self is your fifth dimensional self. We just love to see you progressing so nicely. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, January 28, 2021

A New Cassiopeian Alliance for Humankind ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 27, 2021

A New Cassiopeian Alliance for Humankind ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 27, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of exchanging ideas with a nonphysical collective of Cassiopeians, and this exchange between us and the Cassiopeians is all about how to get humankind to live more in your hearts than you currently are. The Cassiopeians know all about being heart-centered because the theme of their star system is love, just as the theme of our star system is spirituality, and the theme of your system is all emotion. We are strategizing with the Cassiopeians to find new ways of opening the hearts of each human there on Earth. It is our desire for all of you to speak from your hearts, to think with your hearts, to lead with your hearts, and to live your lives according to your heart’s desire. When you are able to do those things, you will be closer to your true self, which is Source Energy, and Source Energy is of course, unconditional love. Unconditional love is not a concept to be contemplated in your heads; it’s not mind-oriented. It’s something that you are but that you do not always allow yourselves to be. And it is usually your minds that get in the way, and so we are discussing with this beautiful Cassiopeian collective the possibilities that exist to bring you all into your hearts in a way that also makes it your decision to do so. We are not here to force you to evolve and become your higher selves, but we are here to encourage you to do so, and we’re always looking for new opportunities to get you to decide for yourselves that you want to be the unconditional love that you truly are. We are always telling you about the energies that we are sending and the portals that we are opening, but this time we know that this Cassiopeian alliance we have formed will result in something even bigger, perhaps a massive wave of energy that strikes you all in just the right way. On your world right now, there are plenty of opportunities to choose love, to choose your hearts over your minds, to choose compassion over condemnation, but you could always do with some more encouragement along those lines. We are learning quite a bit from our friends, the Cassiopeians, and we know they are also benefiting from conversing with us. The bottom line is, and the thing we keep coming back to in these discussions, is that we know who you really are, and we know that you will choose love. We just want to be a part of the process of facilitating those choices, and quite frankly that is our agreement with you. It’s an agreement that we continue to come to time and time again when we meet up with you as individuals in the astral plane, but it’s also an agreement that we had before all of this began. That’s how long we have known each other, and yet, we have evolved, and so have all of you. And that is why we don’t always know precisely what to do, and we seek help. We seek collaboration, because we know that more perspectives are always welcome when you’re dealing with a topic as grand as the ascension of all beings within this wonderful universe of ours. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

You’re Part of Our Galactic Team ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 25, 2021

You’re Part of Our Galactic Team ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 25, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very interested in what you all have to say to us. Please do not ever feel that you are bothering us or wasting our time when you reach out to us and tell us what you need, what you’re feeling, and what your take is on what’s going on there on planet Earth. We want to hear from you. Now, because we are a nonphysical collective, we are essentially consciousness, and therefore, we have no limitations placed upon us in regards to how much information we can take in at one time. No matter how many times a day you reach out to us, we will be able to hear what you have to say. And with all of that information, we can better strategize around what energies to send you, what portals to open, what alliances to form, and so on. You are part of our galactic team. To us, you are the extra-terrestrials, even though we know that most of you have existed in our star system as well. We know the value of working as a team, and we want you to recognize that value as well. We also want you to value yourselves; we want you to see yourselves as significant members of this team. You all didn’t create the myriad issues you have there on Earth; you all went there to fix the problems, find the solutions, and raise the consciousness so that all of humanity would be able to do so. Therefore, you are just like us, only you are there in the flesh. You are the ground crew; we are the nonphysical support staff. We are all in this together, and all of the problems of Earth were problems that you inherited from other parts of the galaxy. So none of it, none of the giant mess that has been created there, is really humanity’s fault. But of course, you have to live your lives believing that in order to feel something, and you have to feel something negative first in order to feel something positive. We are giving you permission to feel the positive emotions, the higher vibrations, and we want you to feel as good about yourselves as you possibly can for even being there and taking one, or several, for the team. This is why all you have to do is open up and receive our help and the help we provide, along with the other beings and collectives in our little alliance. This is no time for you to feel ashamed of where you are as a collective. But rather, we want you to recognize that you are the ones who are there to let in all of the energies that will serve humanity the most. You are there to ground them and make them available to your fellow humans, and we will remain here in the ninth dimension to help, and our suggestion box is always open. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Faster & More Effective Manifestation ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 24, 2021

Faster & More Effective Manifestation ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 24, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are giving ourselves a chance to stop every once in a while and appreciate the beautiful universe that we are doing our part to co-create. We are, of course, always looking to help, always looking to do our part to bring the consciousness of this universe to a higher level. But we understand that there must be a balance between moving towards what we are all inevitably becoming and taking that time to reflect on how far we’ve already come and what we’ve already created. No matter where you are in your life right now, you can benefit from more of this kind of balance in your lives and in your being-ness. As much as you are eagerly awaiting the next upgrade, the next activation, the next giant leap forward in your consciousness evolution, you have to take time out to appreciate the beautiful world you have co-created. And even if it is challenging at times to find the beauty on your world, that’s all the more reason to be putting your effort and attention on getting to that place of appreciation for what already is. You must bring those two sides of yourselves together – the side that is always striving for more and the side that just wants to kick back, relax, and do nothing. You want there to be harmony between the creative aspect of you and the part of you that feels very satisfied with what already is in your lives and on your world. Striking that balance makes you a better creator being; it makes all of your effort towards manifestation more effective and faster. There has to be balance between doing and not doing, between masculine and feminine, between desire and appreciation, or else you’ll always overwhelmed, or you’ll always feel stuck. The key to determining what you need to strike that balance is checking in. You have to look at your current energy level, and you have to take into consideration what you genuinely desire in the moment you are in, or else your decision will be determined by programming. And you want to break free from parental, societal, and even internalized programming, so that you can be you. You have to be honest with yourselves about how you’re feeling, what you’re wanting and whether you are in balance or out of balance in the moment. That’s how you get to where you want to go, and it’s also just a more pleasant way to be in this beautiful universe of ours. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Get Ready for an Amazing Ride ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 23, 2021

Get Ready for an Amazing Ride ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 23, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been approaching humanity from the perspective that you are already fifth dimensional. We have been seeing you as such, feeling you in your light bodies, and we have been holding that knowing that you are already there in that higher-vibrational state. You could say that is daydreaming, wishful thinking, or fantasizing, but we know that it is a true reality, and we feel into that reality so that when you feel us coming through this channel, and in all the other ways that you can feel us, you are activated. We hold that space for you so that you can vibrate on up into it. We love you into the higher-dimensional planes of existence. Now, here is our request. Do the same for yourselves; do the same for each other. See the light and love that is within waiting to come out and emerge as your true self. See that in others as well, rather than what they are showing you. Most people are showing you their trauma because that’s all they know, and that’s all anyone has ever shown them. But the healing from the trauma already exists, and you are moving into it. It is easier to do so when you know it exists and you know that is what’s happening. That’s why we are so valuable to you as your friends, as your teachers, as the ones who believe in you more than you believe in yourselves. We know where you are going because we have been there ourselves. We have evolved, expanded, and ascended into the non-physical state we are in now. We remember ourselves as fifth-dimensional beings, and that also helps us to help you to find that vibration inside of you. We know that we keep saying this, but we will say it again for emphasis. Stop looking for something or someone outside of you to bring you into the fifth-dimensional frequency range. Start looking within yourselves for that feeling of liberation, that feeling of excitement, that feeling of joy that is your fifth-dimensional higher self. It’s all inside of you, and you don’t have to wait, but you can continue to receive the encouragement and the invitations from collectives like ourselves and other high-frequency beings who see you for who you really are. We are all in this together, and you, dear Earthlings, dear humans, are key components in this universal shift in consciousness. And that is one of many reasons why you have so many beings and collectives from all across the universe holding space for you right now. Just let go, and let yourselves be sucked up into it. We promise you that if you do, you will have quite an amazing ride. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

See your Life as a Party, Ophelia the Faerie, December 11, 2013

See your Life as a Party, Ophelia the Faerie, from the book "Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings, volume 2" pg. 54 by Daniel Scranton, December 11, 2013

"I am here. I am Ophelia. 

I am Love. I would like to invite you all to a party. I would like for each of you to attend this party as the guest of honor. And as the guest of honor, you are to be showered with praise and love and gifts. I want you all to imagine how you would feel as the guest of honor at a party thrown just for you.

I want you to be willing to accept the love, the affection, the praise, the hugs, the kisses, and the gifts. And I want you to feel how good you can feel when you accept, when you are willing to let all of that love in, when you are willing to accept yourselves as being worthy of receiving, of accepting.

This is something that all of you have a difficult time with, because you keep so much of that love from yourselves. So when it comes from another, you tend to downplay your acceptance of it, your worthiness of it. You do not embrace fully the praise that you receive, because you do not accept it fully yourselves. 

There is such a bombardment of Love coming your way at all times. There is always a party being thrown in your honor, and everyone in the universe is invited to attend. And you are usually absent from that party because you are too busy attempting to make yourselves worthy of receiving. And you will never be able to prove that you are worthy, because proving it is so unnecessary. 

You exist as Love. If you strip everything away that you think would make you worthy of being loved, the only thing left would be your true essence as Love. I don't want you to need to receive love from others, because I want you to recognize yourselves as Love. But when that love is coming from others, accept it. Because in so doing you are not only acknowledging your worthiness but you are granting the other permission to be the Love that they are. 

I am sending out your invitations to your party, and I expect to receive your RSVP. 

This is Ophelia, and I love you. And I celebrate you." 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Mikos of Inner Earth: Earth Is the Showcase of the Milky Way Galaxy

Mikos of Inner Earth: Earth Is the Showcase of the Milky Way Galaxy

I am Mikos, speaking to you from the Library of Porthologos, where I am the Head Librarian. I reach out to you today, in harmony and goodwill toward all surface dwellers on Earth.

We extend our friendship to you with open arms, to receive you into our lives, into our homes, and into the Inner Earth where we dwell. Harmony surrounds us all inside the depths of the Earth, and soon harmony will surround the entire Earth, as she rises in consciousness, as an ascending Star in the Heavens.

As Earth floats through space, her weary travelers climb the ascension ladder that will bring all souls into the knowingness of their beings. Due to the enormous amounts of energy being directed to Earth, a flame has been ignited in the hearts of people, a flame so great, that all humanity has caught the fire of God’s spark of consciousness blazing in their hearts. This Light is awakening all people to the remembrance of who they are, and the knowledge of the Universe contained in each tiny body cell.

We see the Light as it pours forth onto Sacred Mother Earth’s body, igniting her atmosphere into a blazing Light that penetrates the body cells of all life on her surface. We, too, feel the intensity of this Light as it revs our vibration to speeds beyond Light. All on Earth are being blessed by the luminous Light show as Earth’s aura gleams through the density that once kept her hidden in darkness.

Now her Light is seeping through the vast expanses of space, where all eyes are focused on her amazing birth into Light. She is ignited and fanned by God’s Love, and all Ascended Beings, Angels, and Cetaceans carry the torch of Love that keeps her Light blazing through all life everywhere. No one can escape her Light now. Even the darkest of souls, who refuse to budge in their positions of power and destructiveness, are feeling the Light invade their space to reveal their intent to control the Earth’s populations. They love the dark, and the Light is exposing all facets of their true character for all to witness. This is creating an uncomfortable environment for them, and causing them to step up their operations and react more intensely to situations in government and politics. They will do themselves in, and bring about their own demise.

We are all in for exciting times ahead, as all knowledge that has been kept from you will be revealed. You will bask in the Light of “who you are”, and remember your purpose for being here. As Unity Consciousness envelopes the Earth, she will rapidly rise in frequency to burst through the third dimensional barrier of density into the Light of the fifth dimension, carrying you all with her.

These are remarkable times, never before experienced on Earth. Soon you will be discovering hidden ancient knowledge, tablets and ancient writings that will remind you all of your heritage, and free you from life’s struggle. All you need is free.

We, in the Inner Earth, are free people living free lives. And this freedom is what keeps us perpetually young in heart and young in body. For we have resolved to never deviate from God’s laws. For it is God’s laws that keep us in health and wealth, and that perpetuate our life spans.

All is quickening on Earth. In the Inner Realms, where all is Light and all is Love, we watch in amazement as more and more humans awaken to the call of their souls daily, and opt for peace, opt for life, opt for all that is their birthright. The Earth is the Showcase of the Milky Way Galaxy, for it is bringing all life back to the heart of God, to be reunited in one great Wave of Ascension.

We remain hidden in the Earth’s core until Unity Consciousness prevails on the surface, at which time you will find us in the midst of you, guiding you and loving you and welcoming you home.

**Source **Channel: Dianne Robbins 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Which Reality is Coming? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 20, 2021

Which Reality is Coming? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 20, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very particular about what we put our attention on, because we know that if we put our attention on something, it will not be long before we are vibrating in harmony with it and then creating more of it in our experience. All realities are real, and all truths are true. You are all choosing which reality you are experiencing right now, and in so doing, you are choosing which reality you are moving towards next. People keep arguing over what is true at this time, but those people think that there is just reality that everyone is supposed to agree upon as the ‘one true reality.’ Now, it is true that you can focus on a reality that you are not currently experiencing, but if that is the case, then that reality had better be one that you want to experience, because if you’re putting your attention on it, then it’s coming. So it is important to ask yourself whether you want to experience the reality that you are focusing upon but that is not right in front of you in the moment. You can even create realities for yourselves that are in the past from your current moment’s perspective. We say that you should choose wisely what you focus upon, because you do want to experience a good-feeling reality, a reality where you get to experience what you want to experience. And you cannot do that while at the same time pushing against some reality that you read about on the Internet. It is very, very important for you all to learn how to discern, and you do that by listening to your bodies, your emotions, your hearts, and your chakras. They will tell you whether the reality you’re focusing upon is one that you want to experience, but then you have to listen to those signs that are coming to you from within your own being-ness. And we know that many of you receiving this transmission right now are aware of all of this, but we also know that it is easier to hold this as a belief than it is to put it into practice, just as it is easier for you to say that you are Source Energy than it is for you to be Source Energy in action there in a physical body on Earth. These are a few of the challenges you’ve placed in front of yourselves for this very important lifetime. What we want you to do more of is pay attention to what you are focusing upon and how it feels, and we encourage you to ask yourself if that is a reality that you truly want to experience. And if you want to go even further, then ask yourself why. Do you want to be right, or do you want to feel in alignment with Source? The choice is yours, and from where we are sitting, the choice is simple. We always choose alignment with Source, and we are always feeling the expansion of Source as a result. Trust us when we say that it is the only way to live, the only way to be, the only way to exercise your free will in this free will universe, with all of its duality and all of its polarity. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

How to Receive from The Arcturian Council ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 19, 2021

How to Receive from The Arcturian Council ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 19, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are sending energy to every single one of you who addresses us in some way. Even if you are just thinking your thought and sending it to us telepathically, we do respond. We never stop sending humankind energy and information, but you have to receive it, and most people only seek to receive from us with their mind’s ear. Most people expect to hear something in response to their thought or their words to us, and we want to give you a different way. We want you to open up to us, energetically. Remember that we are ninth dimensional, and therefore, if you want to connect with us and really have an experience of us, you have to be willing to raise your vibration. And that means letting go of the problem, letting go of what you have been focusing on that puts you in a lower-vibrational state. When you do that, then you are much more likely to feel the energetic transmission coming back to you, and you are much, much more likely to be able to translate that energy into something that you can understand. Now again, your prayers, your requests, and everything else that you are sending us will always be received. And we ask you to trust in us when we say that to you. You can still receive something that you want from us, tangibly, physically, even if you’re not getting the feeling from our energetic transmissions. But if you want to open a dialogue, this is what we recommend. We also recommend that you do this with the Earth, the animals, the plants, your guides, the ascended masters, the archangels, and so many others that are constantly looking for ways to help all of you. Most of the help goes unnoticed because most people don’t tune themselves to the being or beings they are reaching out to. We are not telling you this because we want you to put in a certain amount of effort in this relationship that we have with you. We are telling you this because it is the law of the universe. If two vibrations being offered are very different from each other, then they do not intersect. The higher vibration is aware of the lower vibration, but the lower vibration is not aware of the higher vibration, not in a way that the lower vibration can interpret. In other words, the lower vibration misses out on what the higher vibration is offering, because it literally goes over the head of the being, the thought, the belief, the energy that is vibrating at too low of a frequency to perceive all that is present around it at all times. To summarize, being in a high vibration is important, and if you don’t know how to get to a higher vibration, there are a few things that usually work. Take your mind off of what’s bothering you, get out into nature if you can, pet a cat or a dog, or do something that you know will make you feel better. Take a bath. Take a nap. Slow down. Relax. Watch something on one of your devices or your television set that you know will make you happier. You have so many tools at your disposal, and when you use them, you get to have two-way conversations with beings and collectives, just like us. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Waters of Nova Gaia via Galaxygirl, January 16, 2021

Waters of Nova Gaia 1/16/2021 

(I am hearing bubbling streams and seeing flowing water descending from the mountains down to the beaches of Nova Gaia where they are greeted with the sound of the gentle waves.) We are the waters of Nova Gaia. This one has summoned us for our higher energies are soothing, clear and deep. We nurture our mother and we nurture those upon and within her form. We will nurture you, should you like. 

We are the Waters of Nova Gaia. Our energies are of the highest light, of the higher ways. Many healing modalities are utilized through our form as we are crystalline and our atoms hum and sing the codes of divinity. If you listen you can hear us sing. You hear us in your more diluted lower form upon your realm. We are there nonetheless. (I am seeing plastic in the oceans and feeling the tremendous sorrow of the sea creatures affected by it.) Galactic technology will quickly remedy as all is transmuted up into the higher frequencies, do not fear. (I am seeing a tulip bulb that looks brown, dirty and dry, cracked and without life. I am now seeing it being split open to reveal the green bulb and future life within. I am seeing these bulbs within the hearts of the awakening humans. Our hearts are being split open so that the new growth can emerge. I am seeing that the pollution islands of plastic in our current oceans will be split and peeled back in a way to reveal new beauty within, like a husk falling away in the wind, all new things are coming.) Yes, galaxygirl. You see what we wished you to. The hearts and the planet are being opened. The husks are falling away in the wind, the wheat being separated from the chaff, it is the same. That which no longer serves can no longer hold resonance within the shifting, ever elevating energies that are pummeling with great love and tenderness, but pummeling the same. 

We are the Waters of Nova Gaia. Waters calm the human electrical circuit. (I am seeing lightning strikes above the ocean waves.) We are showing you this for this is the general sentiment of humanity in this time. The news to come will be shocking. Electrical circuits will break, snap, others will burn. Water cools and soothes the human form, for you are made up of water. You are the breath of the elements within a human package and your light is within. Soothing baths surrounded by candles will comfort for they will remind you of your light within the waters. It cannot be dimmed. It cannot be put out. Many of you long for our waters on your new world. You can connect with us now. Feel our energies within your water that you drink, within the water that you swim in or cleanse in. You will feel our presence and the lightness of a cleansed and happy spirit. Many adventures await you but know that you are sorely needed here in this moment. You are the energy makers, the bringers of realms. This is why you are drawn to these words. The hearts of humanity are opening, much like the tulip bulbs that split open and grow and bloom. The time of germination is over, the time of humanity's full bloom is nigh. We bear witness to this. We see, we know, we feel, we wash. We wash away, with your permission, any worries or burdens you carry with your energetic field. (I am feeling a bucket of warm water being dumped on my head and it feels joyful. My forehead is spinning and hot, my head feels like the energy is moving around, my shoulders relax.) A lightness of spirit is coming to the human collective, but not yet. The heaviness must be felt fist. And so we wash you with our light, with our lightness of spirit, with our joy in the higher realms where you are and will be joining. All is well. 

We are the Waters of Nova Gaia. (I am looking down and seeing tanned feet on the beach and hearing the waves beyond, feeling the warmth of the sand and hearing the waves, feeling the gentle wind. It is a place of pristine beauty and peace.) We are the Waters of Nova Gaia. This is our message for today. Be at peace in these times of change. 


The Real Event You’re Waiting For ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 18, 2021

The Real Event You’re Waiting For ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 18, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the utmost respect for humanity because the path you have chosen is filled with more challenges than any of us would care to consider taking on here in the higher realms. We see you as pioneers who were willing to explore the depths of darkness and the depths of despair, and all for the purpose of having new experiences that would lead to the further expansion of Source. Now, as we say that, we want to remind you that you are Source. Source is not a Being that exists outside of you; Source is inside of you, and so is everything else. What we know is very hard on all of you is the acceptance of the truth that even a person or a belief that you despise exists inside of you and is not separate from you. What that means is that humanity needs humility in order to get to the step in the evolution of your consciousness. You cannot just stay up high above it all on a rainbow and look down upon everyone else. Do not fall into the trap of thinking that you have it all figured out, that you’re doing everything correctly, and that you have all the right beliefs and information. That would be boring, thwart your growth, and be a type of death experience that doesn’t really exist. You never stop growing. You never stop expanding, and you never stop becoming more of who you really are. In order to do all of those things, you needed the end of the spectrum to exist that was furthest from Source, furthest from the light and the love that is your true nature. What is more Source-like than being able to love the darkness and those operating in the dark? If you truly understand what the shift in consciousness is, then you know that it’s not just about a solar flash and three days of darkness. If you really know what the shift is about, then you know the real event is you becoming more like Source Energy, and that means acknowledging that it’s all inside of you, even the ones you want to condemn, even the beliefs that you cannot understand how anyone could even entertain. Once again, you have our respect and admiration, because as we describe to you what you are being asked to do, we realize what a huge mountain that is to climb, especially when one of these beings that represents true darkness has done something to you or someone you love. You’ll say it’s not fair and that it shouldn’t be, but it is part of your journey and everyone else’s journey to experience some really horrific things throughout the course of your lives there on planet Earth. Now most of you had those truly terrible experiences in past lives, and in this lifetime, you are meant to clear those traumas. That too is not an enviable task to have signed up for, and once again, it’s hard for us to even fathom making that choice. But you did, and we know you did because you are there. And if you are there, then you also get to have the biggest ride possible. You get to be on the pendulum when it swings into the light, carrying you and the rest of humanity with it to where you all belong. You are becoming your higher selves, and you are becoming fifth dimensional, and you knew exactly what you were doing when you chose that journey. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, January 15, 2021

The Reason for the Current Mass Awakenings ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 14, 2021

The Reason for the Current Mass Awakenings ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 14, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been expecting more and more people to awaken at this time, and we have expected it because we knew that many people have been right on the brink of awakening but have been putting their faith in someone or something outside of themselves, and we knew that eventually these individuals would have a crisis of faith and have to question their loyalty. Now, as we have said many times before, our definition of being awake has nothing to do with knowledge and information. It has everything to do being the love you know you are because you feel it. The feeling comes first. What you believe in needs to follow what you feel, and feeling yourselves as Source, as unconditional love, and then seeing all others as unconditional love, is what it really means to be awake. So much emphasis has been placed on believing in an event, a conspiracy theory, a solar flash, or a person in a position of power, and what you are now having to recognize is that you were putting your faith in something outside of the truth of who you are, if you were one of these people. And we are not saying that any of you who are receiving this transmission right now are one of those people, but certainly you know who we are talking about. There comes a point where someone who believes in something outside of themselves, or someone outside of themselves, becomes disillusioned and disappointed. There comes a time when someone who is looking outside of themselves stops, because they realize that they need to have a more solid foundation within them, that they need to have something they can count on, and that they can only find within their own hearts. And that is why now is one of those times where you are going to see more and more people going within and discovering who they really are, awakening to the feeling that is expansion, infinite, and eternal, and that can only be found within them. True awakenings, not mental awakenings, but true awakenings, are happening all across your planet at this time, and more are happening than usual because people’s belief systems are crumbling and will continue to crumble. Believing in your own Divinity, knowing it as a truth because you feel it, that is the way to ascend. And then you’re not waiting on your sun to give you a solar flash, and you’re not waiting on a blackout to give you an ascension experience. When you awaken to the truth that you don’t need any of that to happen in order to become your higher self, that’s when you know you are truly awake. And as you be the examples to others of what an awakened soul looks like and feels like, you inspire the awakenings of so many others, and if you are thinking to yourself right now that you have been doing that and that people still are not awakening, we ask you to be patient. Just wait, because the time is coming, and you are the ones who have been awake for quite some time and who are ushering in this new age, this time of massive awakenings, this time of the emergence of the Divinity within so many across your planet. What a beautiful time it is to be alive and to be awake there on Mother Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

A Haven for Lightworkers from Across the Galaxy ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 12, 2021

A Haven for Lightworkers from Across the Galaxy ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 12, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of co-creating a beautiful haven within the astral plane for all lightworkers from across the galaxy to come and share stories, experiences, and ideas about how to bring the physical reality of this galaxy together in unity. We are putting together a group of those of us in the ninth dimension to be the moderators and the ones who ensure that only those who are pure of heart enter this haven that we are in the process of co-creating. We are working very closely with the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Pleiadians, and the Lyrans on this little project, as we all feel so very responsible for all of you in physical form, and we also are just wanting to be of service and give a gift to those who are in physical bodies and traveling on the astral plane while you are asleep or while you are awake. Once astral travel becomes a common experience, this haven of our creation will be bursting at the seams at all times with those who are operating from the light, in service, and who are ready for a galaxy of unity, cooperation, and collaboration. We know that those of you who are receiving this transmission are feeling ready for that experience, and we know that you will participate in these discussions. We know that you will bring your light, your perspectives, and your joy to the proceedings. We know that the humans of Earth have much to contribute, and we know that those of you receiving this message are ready to become a part of a galactic community. We just want to give you the opportunity to experience that, even if it is in a place where you’re not going to bring your physical bodies yet. We know that many of you already work in the astral while you are asleep at night, and you each have your own usual stomping grounds so to speak. And that is why it is our desire to bring you all together with the common goal of sharing all that you have to offer. We know that together we can co-create an experience that has never been a part of our galaxy, or even this universe. And we know that when this haven is complete, you will all be more than ready to come to our little clubhouse in the astral plane, and we are very excited to host all of you and to see what will transpire when the lightworkers of this galaxy are brought together with a beautiful goal of galactic unification. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, January 9, 2021

An Exciting New Alliance is Coming to Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 9, 2021

An Exciting New Alliance is Coming to Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, January 9, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are looking for assistance from other collectives in the non-physical realm, collectives who want to form an alliance to create a new energetic field that would be able to modulate all of the energies there on Earth so that you can have a purer experience of yourselves, of your thoughts, and of your emotions. This is a Herculean task, which is why we are looking for allies, those who are as interested as we are in helping all of you. You have had so much interference in your natural growth and development, interference that spans millions of years. And now, there are so many different kinds of energies present there on Earth that we just feel it is time for humankind to show the rest of the galaxy what you can do when you have access to the right energies and no interference from the wrong ones. Now, we know many of you take steps to protect yourselves, to clear your energy fields, and to harmonize with those higher-frequency energies, but you are in the minority. Most of the humans there on Earth are being influenced by something that is detrimental to the development of their consciousness. And right now, one thing we know for certain is true about humanity and life on Earth, and that is the truth that you need a higher level of consciousness up, to bring all of you together so that you can become the harmonious collective that you are destined to be. We would just like to see you get there without interference. We would like to see you be able to receive more of the help that is coming your way all of the time, and we would like to see what you can do when there are no energies present that are there with the intention of disrupting your natural evolution. We want to see you free, because we know that you are capable of so much more, and those of you who are taking care of your energy fields are demonstrating that by holding so much light and so much love that you are providing the necessary balance that will allow humanity to continue to rise up and ascend. But life on your world doesn’t have to be like this; you don’t have to be divided. You don’t have to be living in fear or defiant to such an extent that you lack compassion for others. You can find that center point, that balance point that allows you to encourage others to raise their level of consciousness without beating them over the head with a bunch of dogma, links, and propaganda that supports your beliefs. You help others to awaken by raising your consciousness, and we want everyone else to have the opportunity to see you and to benefit from what you are doing there as the ground crew. And that’s why we know that this alliance will be formed, and you will see more from your fellow humans, even those who are asleep, that it is possible for you right now to imagine they could be. But trust us when we say that we are coming together to create this new energy field and that everyone there on Earth is going to benefit from it. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, January 8, 2021

Ashian - via Jennifer Crokaert, January 6, 2021

Ashian - via Jennifer Crokaert, January 6, 2021

Jennifer: Good morning Ashian, I have been thinking that my experience may be a useful starting point for this conversation.

Ashian: Good morning beloved sisters and brothers. Yes, let’s begin here!

J: I am aware of the new energies on the planet from what others say, but for me personally, it’s been a rollercoaster ride: one day I lack energy, another day I am listless, another day I feel depressed, another day I feel all of those things simultaneously! I had imagined new energies and new beginnings would have a freshness to them, a joy or at least not a bath of the tired old emotions.

A: First, you are not alone in this feeling, or all these feelings. New energies don’t mean that lightworkers stopped doing what they were doing: shining light and clearing darkness. However, there are new dimensions to this now which I shall share in the hope that it assists you all.

You are still shining and clearing, and you are doing that magnificently. The new energies will make this process easier and it will also do a lot of the work for you, so there is less clearing to do. A lot of the dense, stuck energy you have been clearing cannot exist in these higher vibrations you inhabit, so it … vaporises, therefore this is less work for you in the long run.

J: You do know that’s not awfully encouraging for those of us living in the present and not the long run!

A: Ah, now this is where it gets exciting! So, if you can imagine two colours, red and yellow, sitting in two paint pots beside each other, each one is the pure expression of that colour; however, in the rainbow, you have both red and yellow in their pure expression, but they are not independent – they transition from one to the other, creating orange.

You did not bounce from one vibration to another, you evolved from one vibration to another, so there is an overlap, consequently you can see both the new and the old, depending on where you look, how you are feeling and a million other factors.

If I may make this even more complex…

J: Why not!?

A: You did bounce! You did jump timelines. That is why some people are actually living in the fifth dimension; however, you bounced with lots of people whose lenses are still focused on the red, so they aren’t seeing the yellow: yet. It takes time for your eyes to become accustomed to the light when you come out of a dark tunnel, this is no different. But you will become accustomed and quicker than you imagine.

There is something I do wish to bring to your attention. Enormous amounts of work have been done behind the scenes to ready the very fabric of your society for this moment. The fabric was red – service to self – and now it is yellow (to continue the analogy) – service to others. Everything that has been put in place will soon be revealed, the red of the past will be show in its purest form and that will be hard to see. Alongside that yellow will also be shown, new structures and ideas that serve everyone, not just the elite few.

Your reactions to that will be orange – a mixture of pain from the dark times and joy at the new beginning; gradually the joy will be greater as the new ways become embedded.

You saw a gateway of golden flames in your meditation, this entry point into the new vibration is here. You have entered, it is about to become obvious to you and to everyone.

All you who have been the meek, the quiet, the hidden, will be seen for the beacons of light that you are. You will be called upon by those around you to help them make sense of how they are feeling, of what has happened to them and to the world. Don’t worry about how to explain these things, the right words will come for the right people; you are I the flow now, the new energies will pour through you in inspiration, in new ideas, in new connections with others … the magic you have been dreaming of in your life is now starting. Enjoy it!

J: Thanks a million, I appreciate all your words. Can I just ask, you told me recently that there are a lot of smokescreens at the moment, and not to believe everything I see/ hear. Can you comment on that?

A: Of course and with pleasure. There is a war of disinformation going on at present, there is information that is red, yellow and orange! The red is lies, the yellow is pure truth and the orange is mixture of both. It is hard to discern one from the other, as the red sometimes makes itself look orange or yellow, to continue our analogy.

The wisest judge of anything is how you feel inside, yet there is such volume, so much ‘quantity’ of information bombarding you in every moment, from news feeds, televisions, papers, blogs, truthers who are truthers and truthers who are not truthers… it is hard for you to keep going inside to feel into the content. Time consuming and exhausting.

The truth will emerge soon and then clarity will arrive, in the meantime, it can be helpful to form no judgement about what you hear. It can be even more helpful to limit your intake of ‘information’ at all!

Put your energy into how you feel, into creativity, into doing things that uplift you even if only for a few minutes a day. Many of you are overstretched at this time, ask for comfort, ask for peace and we will answer you. We force nothing on you, not even the good stuff!

Remember to breathe. In. Slowly. Three. Times. A. Day. You are breathing in light, you are breathing out all that is stale and no longer suits you.

Jiggle your body! Let that light that you breathe in move through your body and loosen it up. Share a little jiggle with children, with the elderly, with the poorly, even a waving of your fingers is better than nothing, because it embeds light into your body ðŸ˜Š

J: Thanks Ashian! I shall give that a go, more play less serious: simple and fun. Woohoo!

A: And Woohoo from us to all of you!

**Source **Channel: Jennifer Crokaert

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: Coming Together In Oneness, via Valerie Donner, January 7, 2020

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I speak to you with great news. You and the earth have made it through the gateway to the new universe, your new tomorrow. We offer you the utmost congratulations for what you have achieved. It is truly miraculous.

Our ships are in the sky and we have been celebrating. What is occurring now is a fantastic fete. We continue to hold the energies for this evolutionary cycle in the history of creation. The earth moving into the Golden Age is phenomenal. It has required enormous effort from all of the lightworkers stationed on the earth, from us, the Galactic’s, and from all of creation. Truly, this has been a long time coming. It is the great awakening.

As we observe the changes with you and the planet, we marvel at the light and expanded spiritual consciousness. Never before has a planet risen from the darkness to such an extent. The truth about the dark ones and their secrets is coming to light. This information may be disheartening and shocking. However, one must take it in and process it as best they can if they want to remain on the earth. There will be some who will not be able to receive the information and will continue to have a third dimensional experience, or something else. For those who are awakened, we recommend that you continue holding the light of the 5th dimension and higher. We know how much you want to bring your friends, family and loved ones along with you, but that may not be their choice.

Part of living in higher consciousness is learning to love, allow, adjust, and adapt in gentle ways. You will soon begin to understand why this is going to become the normal way of living. The Earth Council continues to monitor your reactions to what is occurring. We want to reassure you that you are constantly being observed and protected. It is important that you continue to follow your best inner guidance. Do not let the outer circumstances disturb you but look within for peace.

You have much to look forward to in your future on the new earth. You will find the fountain of youth. The new technology will astound you so you will have opportunities for healing what you could never have imagined. Your communication will become telepathic. You will have great abundance. Your purpose and destiny will come from your heart. You will remember much more of your gifts and abilities. You will be steadfast on your mission because the energy in your hearts will be strongly directing your work.

Humanity is coming together in oneness. You are here to be a part of this oneness. You have all suffered from separation but as these new energies continue to shift, you will no longer find separation.

Live in the light of the new world. It will be happening quickly. Do not try to gauge timing from the old third dimensional linear time because that is passé also. It was used to mechanize and enslave humanity. Live in the ever-changing present moment and be happy. Be grateful for your contribution to this momentous shift. Know that you are blessed beyond measure.

I am Mira and I send you great love from your galactic family.

**Source **Channel: Valerie Donner

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Your Official Invite to Join the Galactic Community ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, January 5, 2020

Your Official Invite to Join the Galactic Community ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton, January 5, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You are taking on so much for the rest of this galaxy that we share, and as a result, there are so many beings throughout the galaxy who owe humankind. As you get closer and closer to becoming a unified collective there on Earth, you become the solution to issues that are billions of years old. You have taken on more than your fair share as a collective because you wanted to be at the center of the unification of the Milky Way galaxy. You wanted to be the first domino to fall, and you wanted to let that moment be the same exact moment when you were invited to be a part of our galactic community, officially and with much fanfare. This journey that you are on is all about being the microcosm of the galaxy and the universe. You get to be that representative of all the various star systems in our galaxy, and you get to contain all the different energies and all the DNA from the various systems. And as you sort out your internal issues, you as an individual put out a vibration that demonstrates to the rest of humankind that it can be done. You can become a unified whole as an individual, and that will be the spark that ignites the flame that spreads throughout the human collective consciousness, so that everyone knows what is possible when you focus and apply yourself. And when you become that unified collective of humans, all the various disputes that have ever existed throughout this galaxy will be settled, because again, you will have demonstrated to everyone in the galaxy what is possible. If the humans of Earth can unite and become a collective in more than just name, then so can all the star systems in the galaxy and all the different races of beings come together as a unified whole, and that’s what the shift in consciousness is really all about. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Giving Your Power Away to Ones Who Claim to Know All ∞9D Arcturian Council thru Daniel Scranton, January 4, 2021

Giving Your Power Away to Ones Who Claim to Know All ∞9D Arcturian Council thru Daniel Scranton, January 4, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are extremely interested in working with humanity as partners, as equals. We could tell you that we know what is best for you in every situation because we are here on our lofty perch in the ninth dimension, and we have been through the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth dimensions. But the reason why a partnership is better for you and for us is because you are the ones living life there on Earth, feeling emotions, suffering through traumatic events, and having to work just to survive. You are the ones who know what it’s like to be having a human experience on planet Earth at this time. So do not give your power away to us or anyone else who is telling you that they have all the answers for you as an individual, or that they know what is best for all of humankind. We meet with so many of you in the astral plane when you are asleep because we need your help in determining what kind of help to give you, and we are still not always one hundred percent certain that what we are offering you is going to work or that it serves you. And we tell you this because we want to empower you always. We want you to know that you are the ones who have the most information and experience, and that is why we are constantly telling you that you are the ones to lead humankind into the fifth dimension. Those of you who resonate with what we have just stated must be especially careful not to give your power away to someone who says that they know what is right for you or for all of humanity. Remember that you are all in this together, and no matter what anyone says, they do not have all the answers. No one has all of this figured out, and you are meant to figure it out as a collective. Remember that everyone is fallible and can get what they are receiving wrong. And trust yourselves. Trust your instincts, your intuition, the impulses that you get. Don’t ask someone else what that sign or symbol means to you, because no one knows better than you what it means. You create one hundred percent of your reality, so you put that sign or that symbol in front of you because you knew how you would interpret it. We encourage you to let go of the idea of putting anyone above yourself or beneath you, and recognize that you are all doing the best that you can, given the traumas that you are carrying around with you. And continue to hold that intention as you fall asleep to visit with us, and others like us, in the astral plane, and together we will make some progress. But this journey will always be about the journey and not about just getting to the destination. Remember that, and you can live a happy life. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, January 4, 2021

Ashian: Expansion 2021, via Jennifer Crokaert, January 3, 2021

Ashian: Expansion 2021, via Jennifer Crokaert, January 3, 2021

My beloved brothers and sisters of the light, you are to be congratulated on coming through 2020 so magnificently.  It was a brutal year, one that tore so many of you from your sleep.  You awoke!  You used the opportunity to look with fresh eyes at everything you thought you knew about life, and refocus your own lives and values. 

There are a two themes that I would like to reflect upon in advance of the coming year of your now time, in the hope that they assist you.

Creativity and Joy

Stay in the present moment!  How often have you heard this said?!  In the coming year, your creativity will become extremely important for several reasons.  First, any creative activity where you are engrossed, brings you directly into the present moment.  You are no longer missing the past or worrying about the future.  You are in your expanded, higher dimensional self. 

Your creativity offers you a direct bridge to your higher consciousness, allowing you to effortlessly incorporate these higher vibrations into your mind, body and psyche. 

Your creativity also allows you to access your higher wisdom, opening new insights, new visions, new inventions and evolutions that are beyond the grasp of the rational mind. 

Creativity is the doorway to your Ascended Self.

Your Ascended Self is always in the present, always in joy, always in acceptance of what is.  These are qualities that will help you navigate 2021 with much greater ease and grace.

Institutional Evolution

For many, it appears that the institutions of society are continuing to function as they always did.  This is an illusion.  They are held together by the cobwebs of outdated paradigms and they are crumbling. 

In the coming year you are to witness unprecedented change in your intuitions. They all need to change, to crumble and to be re-imagined (remember your creativity!). The old 3D methods, patterns and programming is outdated: it will and must be redesigned in alignment with your rapidly emerging 5D consciousness.

For many the shock of so much change, when they had hoped to return to ‘normal’ this year, will seem overwhelming. The key to gracefully transitioning is returning to the present moment of acceptance of what is. Resistance will only make this process harder for you because it will put you in opposition to What Is; the process itself will not stop, cannot stop.

Returning to your creativity will allow you to expand into your higher consciousness and download insights that are invaluable to you for your personal journey and for your sacred mission on this planet.


Beloved brothers and sisters, you are moving, evolving and transforming at unimaginable speed.  You are radiant beyond belief, but we understand that the lived experience of that soul expression is not always clear or easily accessed in the physical form.

You are on an accelerated ascension timeline. You are changing quickly and this year will see no let up in the pace of change.

So our advice is this: return to the basics.  Follow your joy, it will provide you with release and rest when you feel battered by the external pace of change.  Create space and time regularly to be creative, it is your direct pathway to your Ascended Self, anchoring in new ideas, new innovations, new You.

As ever, you are loved in every Now moment and we are always here for you, just call upon us. 

© 2021 Jennifer Crokaert                                                                     

Shaquina via galaxygirl, January 4, 2021 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Our Energetic Transmissions ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 30, 2019

Our Energetic Transmissions ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 30, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so interested in how you respond to energy that we continuously send different strands of energy to you. Ultimately, all we want to do is learn how to best help humanity and others like you who are existing in other parts of the galaxy in the fourth dimension. And so, we study those reactions that you have to different energetic transmissions. What we are noticing at this particular time in human history is that you are responding quite well to a very unique strand of energy, a very unique flavor. The energy that we are referring to is a transmission of love and light that we could only refer to accurately as motherly and fatherly energy. It is as though we found a way to synthesize motherly love and fatherly love to create this strand of energy that we see you responding and reacting so beautifully to. Some of you even think of us as your parents or grandparents, and you were never really sure why you felt that way. Now you know. It is because we are offering you that love and light, and we are doing so because we want you to know that you are loved by beings you look up to. We are, of course, your equals, but it is challenging for most of you not to look up to us in some way. Here we are in the ninth dimension, in a star system that has always known peace and spiritual prosperity, and there you are on Earth struggling with your emotions, struggling with abundance, struggling with your relationships and health. And we are reaching down with our non-physical hands to assist you in whatever way that we can. When you receive the motherly and fatherly love that we send, it can help you to activate those vibrations within yourselves so that you can eventually realize that all you ever need is your own love. But when someone shows you conditional love or disapproval, of course it can be challenging to find that love for the self within you. It is as though you are trained to be critical of yourselves, to be results-oriented in regards to your self-worth and your approval of who you are. We are looking to help you change all of that, and so these transmissions are meant to give you a boost, to give you a nudge in the direction of self-love, unconditional approval of self. We are inviting you with these energies to drop your judgments of self, your guilt, and everything else that is getting in the way of you knowing yourselves as the beautiful beings of love and light that you truly are. We will continue to send these transmissions, but they are always meant to be training wheels, so that you can have that independent feeling of self-love flowing through you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Telekinesis, Time Travel, Levitation & Telepathy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scranton, January 2, 2021

Telekinesis, Time Travel, Levitation & Telepathy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scranton, January 2, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are feeling the impact of the shift in the human collective consciousness since you have left the very challenging year of 2020 behind you. Now you can focus on moving forward, on moving into a new realm of possibilities for humankind. You have for a very long time been flirting with the idea that you could access certain abilities that you once believed were something out of science fiction or something to be reserved for after the completion of the shift to the fifth dimension. We are talking about accessing your ability to communicate through telepathy, your ability to move objects with your will, and your ability to teleport, levitate, and even time travel without any help from technological devices. You who are awake have undoubtedly become aware of the fact that certain technologies are in the hands of a small number of human beings and that those devices are not being made available to the masses as a way of keeping you down, keeping you feeling less empowered. And you have also heard that these individuals are making billions off of oil, coal, and other means of fueling your vehicles and providing electricity to your homes. But we are not talking about any of that right now. We are talking about your ability to access powers that you already possess, and we want to assure you that you don’t need any fancy technological gadgets to access abilities that are inside of you. In fact, these are abilities that you’ve already had in previous lifetimes. But of course, you don’t remember having them, unless you’ve had a dream or a vision of using your telekinetic abilities, your telepathy, your ability to jump to a different point in space/time. But then many of those individuals have dismissed those dreams as creations of the mind, rather than as past life bleed-throughs, which is what they are. You all get to decide how and when you access your fifth-dimensional abilities, and those who are wanting the technology that is in the hands of the few are disempowering themselves by continuing to play the role of the victim, but you are not victims. You are meant to be inspired by information; you are meant to access your abilities in defiance of being denied these gadgets, these devices. You are meant to see what is possible with technology, and then decide that for you it’s possible without that piece of technology. So do that; be inspired. Go within and feel for the possibilities that you have stepped into in this new year. Prove that you are ready for full e.t. contact by demonstrating how far human consciousness can go when you are focused on a desire that most people consider to be unattainable to say the least. You are the ones to demonstrate to humankind what is possible, and we just wanted to remind you of all of that. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”