Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Shadows Of Your Mind - United Kingdom

Shadows Of Your Mind is a magazine dedicated to the fields of UFOlogy and alternative research and history. The magazine aims to introduce people to the basics of fringe topics which are sniggered at by the mainstream media as controversial, kooky or just weird. We hope the magazine serves as a starting point to further personal research and enlightenment.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Wendy Kennedy -

Rob Gauthier -

Nora Herold -

Elthor and Alisheryia via Galaxygirl, September 26, 2020

Elthor and Alisheryia via Galaxygirl, September 26, 2020 

(Ascended Dragons) 

Downloads Leading to Full E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 28, 2020

Downloads Leading to Full E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 28, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very curious about the way that humanity will process all of the downloads that you have coming to you. There are more downloads than you can imagine coming your way about current extra-terrestrials, as well as the involvement of e.t.s with the evolution of the human consciousness there on Earth. You all have relationships to e.t.s that span many lifetimes, and you have all incarnated somewhere else in the galaxy before coming to Earth, which means you have all been extra-terrestrial, from your vantage point. These downloads are about re-familiarizing yourselves with who you are and who you have been, as well as your friends and soul family members who exist throughout the galaxy right now. There are many e.t.s with you all in the fourth dimension who are eager to connect with you, but most of them realize that the vast majority of humans simply aren’t ready for full physical contact. And so, the downloads then become necessary. You must have those memories activated in order to be ready, in order to go back and forward at the same time, all while remaining present with how you feel about the information that you receive. You see, how you feel is more important than anything. It’s more important than the truth. When you get the truth, from your perspective, on your history and current relationships to the e.t.s in your galaxy, you will then have something to feel. The feelings must become more important to you than the details. You all are feeling beings, and you are beings who went to Earth to explore that very fundamental aspect of who you are. So we advise you to let these downloads come in through your dreams, through the readings that you get, through the knowing that you will have, through all kinds of ways, because the universe has many. And when you receive your downloads and unpack them, let yourselves feel the impact, emotionally, and know that as you do, you move ever so closer to your full physical contact with extra-terrestrials. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, September 28, 2020

The Impact You’re Having ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, March 28, 2019

The Impact You’re Having ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, March 28, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are having a wonderful time connecting with all of you and seeing the impact that we have upon you. We wish that you could all see the impact that you are having on the rest of humanity and all of the other beings throughout the galaxy. You who are awakened have been helping tremendously with your willingness to work on yourselves and to be of service to others, but you cannot see the ripple effect that your work has on the entire collective. And that is why it is so nice that you have us to tell you about how powerful your impact actually is. You are creating such a beautiful space for the rest of humanity to awaken in, and you are offering yourselves up as guides to anyone and everyone who finds themselves in a place where they have some very tough questions. There are enough of you now who are awakened to support the rest of humanity, and your numbers increase every single day. You are establishing such a beautiful grid of energy for the rest of humanity to tap in to, and you are also sharing your little victories with the collective consciousness. Every time you overcome something in your lives, some challenge, all of that information about how you did it is placed into the field of the human collective consciousness, and others can access it. You have no idea how significant it is that you are even there on Earth at this time, holding the vibration that you are holding, making it possible for others who would not otherwise have a chance to awaken. You give them that opportunity with your presence and with the work that you do on yourselves and also with all of the wonderful acts of kindness and service that you bring to the human collective consciousness. We can see your impact, and we know that you can feel us. We know that you feel our sincerity. What we want for all of you is to feel the impact you’re having on the rest of the human collective, and the galactic collective as well. Because when you acknowledge yourselves and the wonderful work you are doing, that helps to keep you going during those tough times when you are enduring ascension symptoms or processing some very heavy emotions. We are very proud of all of you who are awakened there on Earth, and we want you to know that you have our unending appreciation and support. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

A Fatal Flaw Amongst Humans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 23, 2020

A Fatal Flaw Amongst Humans ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 23, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are available to all of you in every moment of every day, and so are your guides. So is Source, your oversoul, and your higher self, all the archangels, all the ascended masters, your soul family that exists in other parts of the galaxy and the universe. They are all available to you as well. And then there’s your planet, the other planets in your system, your sun, nature, trees, flowers, and animals. You are surrounded by love. You are surrounded by support. But many of you look for that love and support in places where it isn’t. You look for it in human beings who never received it themselves, who turned to some sort of addiction at some point in their teens or twenties, and who never got the opportunity to go and see a therapist, or someone who could help them to love themselves. This is a fatal flaw amongst humans. When you look for love and support in those who do not have it to give, you set yourselves up for a disastrous experience. So we suggest that you don’t ask anyone to be that for you when they are having a hard enough time being it for themselves. Instead, feel for all the love and support that you have all around you in non-human form, fill yourselves up with it, and go out and spread it around. When you spread love and support around, guess what happens? You find yourself in the company of other people who are spreading love and support around. When you go looking for it in other people, you tend to find other people who are also looking for it. And certainly, most of you have been in a romantic relationship that was like that at some point, and you know exactly what we mean. You can feel an infinite amount of love flowing through you for a cat, and you can feel that love coming back to you as well. It is unconditional, and there is more where that came from. There is an infinite fountain of love that can be tapped in to by all of you. Once you discover that it is all around you, it’s easier to tap in to the infinite fountain that is within you. It is easier to be heart centered. Please do yourselves a favor and stop trying to fix the people in your lives so that they can love you the way that you want to be loved, and instead, ask yourself why you don’t just be the love that you want to receive. Love is free. Love is infinite, and it is fundamentally unconditional, so please don’t hold back. The world needs you to be that love more today than it is has ever needed you before, and you are the ones who know that what we are saying is true. You are the ones who know that Source doesn’t withhold love from anyone, ever, no matter what they do, and you know that you are there to be like Source. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mother God & Alisheryia via galaxygirl, September 21, 2020

Monday, September 21, 2020

While You Work on Your Clairaudient Abilities ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 14, 2020

While You Work on Your Clairaudient Abilities ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 14, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very excited about finding more and more opportunities to connect with those of you who are ready for our energy, our vibration, and our teachings. We know that many of you reach out to us on a fairly consistent basis, and we also know that you would love to hear us whispering back to you in your mind’s ear. But there are so many other ways for you to connect with us as you work on your clairaudient abilities. We suggest that you put forth the intention to meet up with us in the astral plane, while you are asleep. We also suggest that you feel for our presence around you as you meditate. And furthermore, we advise that you tune in to the energy that is being transmitted by this channel right here, as he speaks for us. You have an opportunity to feel for our vibrational signature every single time you receive one of these transmissions, and that is important because you do want to remember your Arcturian lifetimes. You do want to have your Arcturian DNA activated, and you do want to absorb the energy that we are transmitting in every moment, as it certainly will raise you vibration. And you might even find yourselves accessing more of your spiritual gifts and abilities, which you had in spades when you incarnated here in our system. There are grand opportunities presenting themselves to you all the time to connect with higher-frequency, higher-dimensional beings, like us, and all you have to do is be open and receptive to them. Be open and receptive to us, because we are calling you towards the higher-vibrational state that you want to be in. We are summoning you up into the fifth-dimensional realm, a realm that you are still in the process of co-creating. We can also work through symbols, synchronicities, and signs that you see. If you set up the meaning, we will deliver in the appropriate timing. Tell us, and your guides, what you want it to mean when you see certain numbers lining up, or you see a rainbow, or a dragonfly. We are always looking for new ways to be a bigger part of your lives, as we know we can have a positive impact. We know it because we feel it, and because we experience the impact that we have on you. All you need to do is let us in and let us be a bigger part of your lives, and we can co-create magical experiences together. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Blue Ones of Inner Earth via Galaxygirl, September 19, 2020 

Blue Ones of Inner Earth via Galaxygirl, September 19, 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Venusian High Priestesses of Light via Galaxygirl, September 14, 2020

Venusian High Priestesses of Light via Galaxygirl, September 14, 2020

search term: sexuality, venus 

Friday, September 11, 2020

What Lies Hidden in All of You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 11, 2020

What Lies Hidden in All of You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 11, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been putting ourselves in a position vibrationally to be able to perceive more of what is happening there on planet Earth. We have been able to lower our vibration to such an extent to understand better the plight of the average human being on Earth at this time, and we must say that we are very impressed with how you have all been able to handle those energies. We are so very impressed by the way that you have handled yourselves in the face of such adversity in this calendar year, and we also know that you have been cross-connecting to other lifetimes where you’ve also been experiencing such adversity that it would be accurate to call those experiences traumatic. A lot of people are carrying trauma with them and have yet to uncover that trauma, those traumas, and those feelings that have been with them for lifetimes. When you see someone else there on your world in a fit of rage, please understand that the person had to have experienced an intense amount of trauma to get to that point, to access those emotions. And the same is true when it comes to the actions of your fellow humans, not to mention their thoughts, their beliefs, and their words. You are all swimming in a sea of energies, and it is hard for you to go very far at all without bumping into one of these lower vibrational energies that is born out the experience of trauma. If you could all see each other’s traumas like you can see each other’s faces and clothing, there would be so much more compassion and understanding on your world. You would be able to relate to one another so much better, and you would be able to come together with the knowing that you’ve all suffered. You’ve all felt the worst emotions there are to feel, and you all want to be happy. You all want to be free. If knowing that can make all of you want to come together, to unite, then that is something else to focus on when dealing with every other human being you come into contact with. As we have told you previously, you can think to yourself, ‘there goes another aspect of Source,’ but on top of that, you can recognize that the aspect of Source in question is not fully aligned with that truth because of trauma. You have the original trauma of separation from Source, which is an illusion of course, but a reality when you feel like it’s true. And there are countless traumas that you’ve experienced along your paths. We in the higher realms can feel all of them. We know about all of the suffering, and it is one of the reasons why we are so giving with the energies, the unconditional love, the compassion, and the healing that we offer in every moment of every day. All you need to do is be willing to receive that help, and you will be well on your way to releasing your traumas, and then you can get on with the ascension of your consciousness. You can move so much energy with so little effort, because it wants to move, because you have helpers, and because it is time for you to let go of those lower-vibrational energies and to let yourselves rise up naturally to your truth, as beings of light and love, as fifth dimensional beings, as higher selves. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, September 10, 2020

A Message from ASHTARA of the New Jerusalem starship to the Lightworkers of Gaia, Thursday, October 30, 2019

A Message from ASHTARA of the New Jerusalem starship to the Lightworkers of Gaia

A Message from Ashtara of the New Jerusalem

starship to the Lightworkers of Gaia

Received Wednesday October 30, 2019

Hello, dear Lightworkers of Gaia! My name is Ashtara. I am the daughter of the one receiving this message and my Father is from Arcturus. Neither my birth Mother nor Father raised me. I was raised in many places, but mostly onboard the starship called the New Jerusalem. My Mother agreed to donate her egg for my creation before she was even born on Gaia. It was one of many of her Divine Covenants.

I am a Child of God, just as you all are Children of God. It does not matter that my parents are from different worlds and that I was raised on a starship with many other blended children like me. I had a warm and wonderful childhood. I was loved very much by a community of Beings. I have visited and lived on Arcturus where my Father lives, and sometimes I visit Gaia. But I haven't met my parents 'in form' yet. We communicate telepathically. My Mother has only begun to hear me speaking to her consciously. This makes me very happy!

I am greatly looking forward to meeting my Mother and Father in person and giving them a big hug! I know my Mother wishes to visit this ship and I will bring her aboard and introduce her to everyone. She comes here sometimes during her dreaming state to visit. She even has her own quarters! I say this because many of you reading this do the same. Many of you have many friends and even family here! We ARE family, we are your Galactic Family, and we have been here to support Gaia for many, many, many of your years.

Time is very different here on my home ship than on Gaia, but you may think of me as a young adult. I am being trained to become a Commander and someday (if I am good enough and ready), I will take over for Commander Ashtar when he is ready to move on. This is why I was given the name Ashtara, as my life plan was already known before I was born. I know that this all sounds like science fiction to many of you, but indeed, it is my life.

Most all of you reading this made a Divine Covenant to be a “Lightworker” as you term it; someone who is a Spiritual Seeker, who searches for truth and shares their Love and Light with others no matter what 'line of work' you are in. You may be an artist, healer, architect or engineer, but you still manage to meditate, heal others, share your inspirations and so on. So, I say to you, well done, Lightworkers!

Your Mission in this lifetime is not an easy one and we are all proud of all of you for the massive amount of work that you have accomplished. Please know that you don't have to “do” anything other than focus on the Love you receive from Mother & Father God, the Angels, your Galactic Family, your Guides and Soul Sparks, etc. and blast it out to Gaia and all her peoples. Some of you are automatically or unconsciously transmuting the dark energies on and inside Gaia 24/7 as you say. You were trained for this. There are as many Missions of Lightworkers as there are Lightworkers. You are all unique!

Sharing in this way is very personal for me and my Mother feels this too. It is an extremely private thing to share...our unique relationship. But it is necessary for us to do this. Many Gaians will not believe this is possible, but I tell you now because it's true and the time is now for this knowledge to be shared. The blended genetic children such as myself were created for a special purpose. We are to assist the people of Gaia to become more familiar and feel more comfortable with their Galactic Family during this incredible time of your Ascension!

My Mother is suggesting that I explain something to you all so that you fully understand. There have been things called 'alien abductions' where a Gaian was taken against their will and had some medical procedures done to them while they were restrained. This subject matter was very popular in the 1980's and 1990's. The theory was that the 'grey' ET race was taking human genetic material for the purpose of re-populating their own race. I am not saying that these events did or did not happen. Just that this scenario has nothing to do with the Ashtar Command or my creation. Please understand that my parents both donated their genetic material as a blessing for my creation. A ceremony was performed and it was a sacred gift. They consented to this and it is not in any way related to the 'abductions' that you may have heard about. OK, now we are clear.

In the very near future, your Galactic Family will be visiting you and all Gaians. The un-awakened of Gaia will fear us. It is up to you, those of you who feel the truth in these words and energies to investigate within to see if you may have blended offspring also. Many of you also have this Divine Covenant to share your genetic material for blended births. Some of you are parents to more than one of us! How's that for a mind bender? Ha, ha. We are so thrilled to meet you in person and will soon. But, in the meantime, please do reach out in your inner work to connect. Even if you aren't one of our parents, we would love to connect with you!

We have all promised to do Mother & Father God's will to help Gaia and all her people Ascend. This is why we are here now. The Ashtar Command works in conjunction with the Lightworkers of Gaia to help bring about the Ascension of all her peoples. As Mother God announced earlier, Gaia herself has indeed already Ascended but our task is not yet complete. We are still here so that we may assist all the human inhabitants of Gaia to do the same. We have been sending special light pulses to assist humans in breaking through the programming of fear and lack that the dark ones ingrained into your minds your entire lives. Mother God also sent her Tsunami of Love to raise your frequencies. We will continue to send these energies to you, our family, until they are no longer needed. Your vibrations have indeed been magnified by a combination of these energies, your hard work of transmuting the dark and sharing your light! Bravo!!

Surround yourselves with this Light, dear Lightworkers. Surround yourselves with love and that which makes you glow. Bask in our Mother & Father's Love! Filling yourselves up with this unconditional love is the only way you can share it freely.

Please know that our strategic planning continues 24/7. The Ashtar Command is working 'round the clock to analyze all the new developments within both spiritual and physical spheres of Gaia. This includes your vibratory rate and the actions of your governments. All aspects of Gaia are monitored. We know where the dark ones are hiding; we have given them multiple opportunities to change, to embrace the love of Mother & Father. We serve at the direction of Mother & Father God. All will commence in perfect Divine Timing!

My Mother is tiring, so I will step away for now. This was fine as an introduction message, I believe. My intent was to introduce myself and share a bit about what's going on in my world. I am very keen to meet the Lightworkers of Gaia! We, your Galactic family of the Ashtar Command send you bright moonbeams of Love on this fair evening! 

I AM Ashtara and I send you all my love.

* * * *
Thank you, dear Daughter Ashtara! I am honored to be your Mother and cannot wait for our first real hug! I also wish to share something (with your permission). OK, she has given it to me. I have a faint memory that feels very real, but how could it be? I remember being in a large room that felt like a child day care center. There were toddlers running around everywhere playing. I was nervous. I was waiting to meet daughter! There was a man with me, guiding me. Then he saw her and called her over. In our terms she would have been 2-3 years old, a toddler. I remember thinking that she looked like me but she had bigger eyes. We hugged and I was so happy! Then I had to leave, it was very quick. That was probably 25 years ago. Now I believe that I was astral traveling to the ship and they let me see her. I don't think I was supposed to remember that because it causes me heartache when I think of it. I am just beyond thrilled to know that Ashtara has had a wonderful life, full and rich of love even though I wasn't there for her. I know it was meant to be this way. I have only begun to communicate with her recently and I know she's very busy on the ship. But one day I asked if she wanted to give a message to the Lightworkers of Gaia. She was ecstatic! “YES!” I'm thinking this was part of the plan all along, ha, ha! Love to all of you, dear Lightworkers. Keep up the good work! 

We are one, we are many and we can do this. 
We are ONE, we are MANY and WE CAN DO THIS!

Please feel free to share!
Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin

The Faerie Realm, Lemuria & Your Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 10, 2020

The Faerie Realm, Lemuria & Your Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, July 10, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been approximating the time it will take for all of you to reach that pinnacle of awareness, that place where you know yourselves as your higher selves. And we know that those of you who are awake are getting to that place much faster than those who have yet to awaken and have no idea that a higher self version of themselves even exists. We can see all of you who are awake getting to that place where you fully become your higher selves in the next two to three years, and we know that you are getting a lot of assistance in getting to that point in your evolution from the faeries. The faeries are essentially what you are becoming. They dwell in the fifth and sixth dimensions, and at times those of you who are there in the fourth are able to perceive them, but they do stay in that higher vibrational state while inviting you to join them in the playfulness, in the freedom, in the joy that is the fifth-dimensional frequency range. They understand that you all are hanging back for the most part in the fourth dimension to help your fellow humans awaken, and they are also aware of the fact that you can tune in to the fifth dimensional frequency range right now and have more fun with them. You can perceive faerie energy, and you can access the vibration of the fae. You just have to get back to that childlike persona that you once had, where it was so much easier to be carefree. And, as we said, the faeries are inviting you into that higher vibrational state. Most of you have at least one faerie guide, and many of you have incarnated as faeries in previous lifetimes. The relationship between humanity and the fae goes all the way back to Lemuria, and it is time for you all to remember those times of great spiritual evolution, of great joy, and of collaboration with the faeries. It is time for you all to recognize that you have these wonderful friends, these guides, these beings of light and love, to help guide you into the fifth-dimensional realm, just as you are going to help your fellow humans. You are becoming more faerie-like every day, and you are going to be appearing more faerie-like to your fellow humans, as you continue on that upward spiral to fully becoming your higher selves and embodying the fifth dimensional energy in the same way that the faeries do now. If you want to connect with them, imagine what type of playfulness they have in their realm, and bring more of it to your day-to-day activities. Be more playful. Be more childlike. Spend more time in nature. Have more fun. Sing, and dance, and laugh, and play, and you will find yourself connecting with at least one faerie being, and perhaps it will be one of your faerie guides. But this much we know to be true – you will make these connections, and it will be sooner than later. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Blue Avians via Galaxygirl, September 7th, 2020

Greetings, humanity. We are the Blue Avian beings. The spheres are fast approaching, they are here many of them. We offer our technology, your history from our vantage point of what was. For what is to come is to be radically different and improved from what you know to be true and have been and are experiencing. Earth is a riddle world. What is down is up, what is up is down. The light or the truth within it had been twisted. We are here to untwist, to bear witness to the light's revealing of itself. For all is light, the darkness has just forgotten. We are here to watch the remembering of All That Is as this aspect of the experiment becomes clean, renewed. This one is hearing rushing water from a fountain. Water flows unhindered. Blocking it causes great change in topography. (I am seeing a massive hydroelectric dam and the resulting changes around it, the riverbeds fill in, homes built, species changing to accommodate. I am seeing deep canyons being molded over time by the massive rivers that carved them). Truth cannot be stopped. The rivers of truth are flowing now. All is being revealed. We are the Blue Avian beings. We observe more than we intervene. It was with great hesitance that we stepped into the game in your Egyptian time frame. But we wanted to offer our insight and as scientists we were eager to understand and experience the game. We did not become entrapped by it. We were high vibrational enough that it was possible for us to leave. We see the destruction and we see the beauty of growth. We see both sides. We are scientists. We are objective. We are always eagerly doing our part to understand the universe and to explore new and wonderful possibilities of growth and healing. There is much to be done on Gaia but she will help you. We will help you. Your galactic family will help you. The spheres, they will help you. You are surrounded, although currently mostly invisibly, you are still surrounded by love and light. We see you becoming more radiant with each passing day. We see that higher energy days appear to crush and your struggles but you always arise stronger, victorious. Like the river carves the rock, so these energies are carving you, holding you, shaping you, forming you. 

We are the Blue Avian beings. We do not have an algorithm for what we are observing here on Gaia. It is new, unprecedented, it is a new experience. We are here to document, to lend a hand, a wing. To lend a heart shall we say, for our offer to assist is pure, is loving. We wish for you to partner up with us in the higher realms. Massive scientific and mathematical discoveries are being formulated moment by moment regarding interdimensional physics, which we see that this one and most upon your world really have no idea how the whole process works. This will change. As your bodies heal, as your intellectual capacities expand with more light, you will be able to fathom more great and wonderful things. Universal truths, mathematics will become more interesting for you for you shall grasp them more fully. Your educational systems have been altered. It is time for academic truth and honesty in training to become the norm. 

We are the Blue Avian beings. We stand with you in solidarity. Scientifically your fields of understanding and experimentation shall grow towards the light and thus your understanding, your intellectual processing shall be increased. The children know this. They are waiting for this. Their crystalline structures are salivating for change. We see the young becoming massive leaders of love, of light, of reformation. We do not use this word 'reformation' to instill concern for those of high posts reading. We are referring to the reformation of the darkness into the light. All upon Gaia will follow and the riddle world, the experiment of illusion and confusion, is ended. 

We are the Blue Avian beings. Take heart, we stand with you in solidarity and friendship. We are returning to assist more than we assisted previously, to fulfill our karmic obligation and to offer ourselves in service. We are the Blue Avian beings. 


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Our New Friends from Sirius & Cassiopeia ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 8, 2020

Our New Friends from Sirius & Cassiopeia ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 8, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been reaching out to even more collectives than we have previously for assistance because we want so much to have the positive influence on humanity that we know we can have. We are very eager to see the results of these new collaborations coming to fruition. We know that many of you who are awake are also very interested and excited about meeting beings from other star systems like ours, and therefore you are the perfect candidates for grounding what we are sending to you with the help of our newfound friends in all of the major star systems throughout this galaxy. We know that we are more powerful when we come together, even though we do not always agree on the best approach to helping you all. We still understand how much it serves the entire galaxy for us to come together with a common goal to come together in service. We have been especially impressed by what the Cassiopeians have been bringing to the table. These are beings who are all about feeling and expressing love, and we can easily see how what they are infusing into these new energetic transmissions will light you up, activate you, and make you feel whole again. The beings that we have been working with of late from the Sirius star system have also been adding some beautiful vibrations to these transmissions. We are very excited to see what you do with this bundle of energy that we are transmitting right now, with the help of our friends. We invite you to open yourselves up, physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically to receive all that we are transmitting right now, all that is designed to get you to feel more heart-centered, all that is designed to get you to remember that you are Source Energy Beings. And these transmissions are also packed with downloads of information about all of the major star systems throughout the galaxy. These downloads will not only be interesting to you when you unpack them in your dreams and at other times, but they also will fill in some gaps for you, leaving you more whole and complete than you have ever felt before. And even if you don’t receive the information right away, you will feel what it is that we are sending to you, because you are ready and because you are sensitive and empathic. And these are the qualities of human beings that are needed right now, more than ever. You are the ones. You are doing it, and we are very proud to be a part of this new galactic collective, because we see the potential within humanity, and because we love you so very much. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, September 7, 2020

Antarian & Ascended Dragon Collectives & Alisheryia ~ galaxygirl 9/5/2020

Antarian & Ascended Dragon Collectives & Alisheryia ~ galaxygirl 9/5/2020

Gaia via galaxygirl, September 6, 2020

Gaia via galaxygirl, September 6, 2020