Thursday, April 30, 2020

Feel the Arcturians, Archangels & Ascended Masters ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton 4-30-20

Feel the Arcturians, Archangels & Ascended Masters ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled: Daniel Scranton 4-30-20

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy to be here with you and to make ourselves available to you whenever you are in a time of need. We offer ourselves up not only as guides and teachers, but also as comfort. We team up with so many other higher dimensional beings in order to provide you with the comfort that you need to get through the challenges that you face in your lives as individuals, and of course, as a collective. We know that most of you would love to hear from us yourselves directly, or for us to take some form so that you could see us and experience us visually in an undeniable way. We know that this is also true of your guides, the archangels, the ascended masters, and so many other high frequency beings of love and light. But for now, what we want to invite you to do as we transmit our energy through this channel and directly to all of you who are receiving our love, our comforting presence, our compassion, and our healing energy, they are all available to you right now as you stretch your awareness of self beyond your physical bodies. Move that consciousness of yours beyond your skin, and feel for our warm embrace. Feel for the wings of the archangels wrapping around you, and feel for the compassion of the ascended masters flowing through you from head to toe. We are all here for you in your time of need. We are here because we are beings of service, because we are the higher-dimensional aspects of you. We will never abandon you. We will always be available to give you a non-physical hug, and all you have to do is slow down, quiet your minds, and feel for the presence of all of the love, light, and energy that you’ve been summoning as you face your fears, as you process your traumas, and as you live your lives. You are so dear to us, and we want to show you that your prayers and your requests are answered, but you’ve got to do more than just look with your eyes and listen with your ears. You’ve got to take the time to stop and feel for our love and the love of so many others who are amping up what they have been sending for so very long to humanity. Now is the time to open up and receive. There has never been a better time to do so, and as you do, you show others the way. You show others how it is done, how to feel the way they want to feel, and how to receive what you absolutely deserve, no matter who you are, whether you’re awake or asleep. We do not judge, and we do not discriminate. We love you all, and we welcome you to feel that now, seeping in through the pores of your skin and all the way to the centers of your hearts. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Platform (2020)

Great movie. It shows us the economic and social ills of how our society works, but taken to the extreme in order to highlight our society's flaws. The movie can be interpreted in many ways. It shows us how the 1% or very wealthy fail to help those below them, and how everyone's selfishness creates an environment of suffering.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Co-Creating with Extra-Terrestrials, Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, September 9, 2017

Co-Creating with Extra-Terrestrials, Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, September 9, 2017

"Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have taken the necessary steps as a collective to gain the trust of many extra-terrestrial beings who, at one time, were afraid of humanity. You have moved beyond a certain level of victim/perpetrator consciousness, and that has given you greater access to your power as a collective. As a collective consciousness, you are very powerful when you are using your ability to focus and your intention to create. 

Enough of you are doing that in your own personal lives to have created a tipping point for the collective. And so, the collective has moved out of the low frequency of considering yourselves to be victims, and you have reached a critical mass of individuals who consider yourselves to be creators. What this means is that various extra-terrestrial groups are now moving forward with plans to co-create with you on a grand scale. 

When human and extra-terrestrials connect and make agreements that serve all parties, the galactic collective consciousness raises in frequency, and you all find yourselves living in a very different galaxy. Connections are being made, and there's more cooperation between world leaders and extra-terrestrials now than there ever has been. 

You are ushering in a new age that involves working together with beings who want to unite and who want to empower humanity. It is in your trust that you create these bonds, and you are much stronger working together with other collectives than you are working alone. Your voices have been heard, and your cries for help are being answered, and by all accounts you are ready for this very important collaboration to commence. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you." 

Your place in the Cosmos - Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton

Your place in the Cosmos - Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton
book: Ascension, the shift to the Fifth Dimension 

"Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have brought yourselves to a beautiful intersection of energy and information. This is the point in your journey where you begin to piece things together and make sense of your place in the cosmos. Downloads are coming that will unlock mysteries from within your own being-ness.

As you recognize the truth of what you are receiving, you will no longer question why you will no longer question why you are here and what you are supposed to do. That is the information portion of the intersection. The energies are for support. They are to help keep you grounded and to keep you from feeling overwhelmed. They are also meant to help you maintain your sense of self. You have a sense of self that is based primarily on facts and experiences, tendencies, habits, and personality traits.

Now you are beginning to understand hat none of those things could possibly ever define who you are as an individuated consciousness of Source. When you receive information about who you have been throughout your many, many lifetimes all across this galaxy, you are going to know the truth about your existence.

You exist to take on various perspectives, to compile data through experiences, and then to create a better universe. Once you see all of the angles, you come tot he same conclusion no matter what the experience.

Everything is an opportunity to know yourselves more completely as unconditional love. Unconditional love exists within you, all around you, and at every single one of these potentially mind-blowing intersections of energy and information.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you."

Book: Ascension, the shift to the Fifth Dimension 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Critical Mass for E.T. Contact Has Been Reached ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 4-2-20

Critical Mass for E.T. Contact Has Been Reached ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very satisfied with the movement forward that you have been making as a collective at this time, and we are particularly pleased with the way that your hearts have opened up to include people who are being affected by the virus and who live far, far away from you. People that you have no association with whatsoever have been in your prayers, and you have been sending them healing love and light. And this is what humanity needs right now, more than anything else. While there are doctors feverishly working on getting a cure of some sort for the virus, those of you who are awake are brewing up more compassion than there has ever been on planet Earth before. Your numbers are a factor here. You can look around at the world, which is filled with more people than it has ever had upon it before, and you can see that there are some very bad people doing some very bad things. And you might even believe that they represent half of the human collective. You might still believe that half of humanity is operating from a place of darkness, and only half of you are coming from the light. But those who are operating from the light within them are far outnumbering those who are playing the role of the dark. Therefore, you as the collective of light, are generating enough compassion to push humanity into an even higher vibrational frequency than if something good was happening all around the world, affecting every single person in one way or another. And we want to point out that this amount of compassion shows your readiness for extra-terrestrial contact. It shows that humanity as a collective has gone beyond where you needed to go vibrationally in order to be seen as ready for that full, open e.t. contact that you all want so much. And so, that is another byproduct that is a positive thing, a positive outcome, coming from something that could only be described as negative in nature. It is, however, how you respond to something negative that defines you, and you as a human collective are taking what is right in front of you and spinning it into gold. You are responsible for taking humanity further than the collective has ever been before, and you are doing so with the light, love, and compassion that you are holding within you right now. As we said, the numbers matter. There has been a critical mass that has been reached, and you are going to be living on a much different planet very soon, because of what is happening right now. These are very interesting, chaotic, and exciting times for humans on Earth, and we promise you that you’re going to start to see evidence of what we are talking about, and you will recognize it as your own handiwork. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”