Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Seraphim Collective via Galaxygirl | March 30, 2020


Seraphim Collective via Galaxygirl | March 30, 2020

Seraphim Collective 3/30/2020
Beloved ones. We are the Seraphim. (I am seeing them come through the portal of Alcyone, our great central sun, descending down in a pillar of white light, surrounding Gaia in a circle. We are a collective consciousness and yet we are one. We are orchestrators of love, of divine planning. We implement with divine focus and intention the will of Creator. Thus, we are the architects and directors of change. Your human words do not quite have the ability to hold the capacity of this meaning. We are the breath of life of creator, our breath is the creator’s breath, just as your breath is as well. We operate at a high level of dimensional activity. We are all completely focused on the success of Gaia’s rebirth and the liberation of this realm. Make no mistake – there are no mistakes. Creator has decreed it and it is done, it shall be done and it will be done. The breath of our love is to finally be fully felt. (I am seeing a great flash of light blast through the matrix, crumbling it. I am seeing the personal matrices of fear and pain that look like black legos surrounding each human collapse into smoke). Yes, we are the bringers of change in that we usher in the energies. We direct the flow of the cosmic breath to the most appropriate divine willed locations.
We move energies, we are love. We wish for you to join in meditation with us and join our hands in your hands as we encircle Gaia with light. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is, who is to come, who is here now in this precious moment of cosmic inbreath and out breath, who guides this momentum for change in exacting detail. We are a manifestation of the presence of the divine, as are you. This is not blasphemous, this is truth. You are Source fractals who have bravely volunteered to be placed in a realm to promote healing and great change, the liberation of humanity is nigh. We see this as occurring now. (I am feeling breath on my back. In this circle around Gaia the seraphim are blowing onto Gaia. Great light is glowing now from within her body and the darkness melts away. I am invited to blow my breath as well). Divine ones, be Christed in this energy. Add your energies to our own and be united with the higher dimensional realities, be aligned with the cosmic wave of love, with the out breath of the Mother-Father, the divine All that has decreed this planetary liberation. Such has not occurred in this fashion before and we are all on the precipice of something divinely new. You are honored to participate. Hold this space of love, of light. We send it into the heart of the light workers, of the grid workers, of the world leaders who are being upgraded in new and tremendous ways, into the plant and animal kingdoms of Gaia and in turn all of Gaia’s systems, so that the light flows unhindered. (I am seeing glowing rocks and waterfalls, moving the energies, processing the healing, the change).
Rest little ones. Ground this light. Hold our hands during this turnover from dark to light and know that the light within you is stronger than anything the dark could conjure up to throw at it. The light and love of Creator are the fabric the universe, and it is within you. Many of you are becoming accustomed to our seraphim energies as we breathe on you. We are fully offering our assistance to the light workers and to Gaia’s ascension in this time. We are always in utmost service to the All. The divine has decreed this shall be done swiftly, with great purpose and tremendous love. As you watch your news programs send this tremendous love of the higher dimensional energies into your TV screens, into your news networks and like electricity it shall spread across the entire globe of media. Send light and peace to your friends who are unawakened and perhaps beginning to rub their eyes and ask the hard questions. Be aligned with our energies, with the Christed light inner glow first, before you answer, and beam them love purposefully first. This will put you in a wiser space and energetically provide that healing they are really seeking. We are with you. We are the Seraphim Collective. We are many. We are one. We are here. We love humanity.
~ galaxygirl

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Codes, Energies & Upgrades in Response to Covid-19 ∞9D Arcturian Council: Channeled Daniel Scranton March 27, 2020


Codes, Energies & Upgrades in Response to Covid-19 ∞9D Arcturian Council: Channeled Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are ready to take all of you to the next level in the evolution of your consciousness. We are very eager to deliver to you the codes, energies, and upgrades to take humanity further than you’ve ever been before there on planet Earth. We are very eager to meet with those of you who are ready to take this journey with us while you are asleep and your consciousness is traveling in the astral plane. The meeting that we have with each of you who is ready and willing to take this journey will be one that you may or may not remember upon waking up. Know this, however. If you decide that you want to receive the codes, the energies, and the upgrades, you will. We are just answering the call that has been made and that has gotten stronger for more assistance from the higher realms. You are the ones doing all of the hard work down there on Earth. You are the ones living through the hardships that are upon you at this time. Our job here is quite easy by comparison. We listen to your requests. We know then what it’s going to take to give you exactly what you need, and we figure out a way to deliver it. We are here now to ride the wave with you that this covid-19 virus has brought into being, and we are ready to help you all gain greater access to your strength, your power, and your ability to care for yourselves physically. We are ready to assist you in becoming sovereign beings there on Earth. And as sovereign beings, you will still want and need help from those like us in the higher realms, and we will continue to deliver it. Your sovereignty is from the reality that you are in right now, where you have unwittingly given so much of that power away. We are here now to help you take it back. We are here to help you claim your birthright as the awakened ones, as the small portion of the human collective that is ready to tip the scales for humanity, to bring the vibration of the collective to the highest heights. We have heard your requests, and we also know that you who are receiving this message are ready. And so, we will be seeing you in the astral plane. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, March 23, 2020

Adama of Telos via Asara Adams, March 21, 2020


Adama of Telos via Asara Adams | March 21, 2020

Adama of Telos:
“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
It has begun.
The great shift that so many of you have been asking for has begun.
First, there is an entire reset of all systems on planet Earth necessary.
This is the state you are in right now.
At this time, humanity has created two intense energy grids around the planet:
One is a fear based energy grid.
The other one is a higher dimensional energy grid that is filled with Peace, Love, Abundance, Wellbeing and Freedom.
With every moment, you have the choice to enter either the fear based energy grid or the higher dimensional energy grid.
Whichever one you choose, both have a very fast momentum at this time.
Be very mindful what you are focusing on right now.
Choose consciously.
This standstill of the world is your opportunity to fully surrender to Source/God.
As you turn inward and connect with Source, begin to feel that this love, wisdom and freedom is the only real thing.
Everything else is an illusion…
As you go further inward and fully connect with Source, begin to imagine for you and the world being lifted up into the higher dimension.
What will your new life look and feel like?
What will your new found Freedom, Love, Abundance and Wellbeing look and feel like?
That is what is coming to you, the more you are connecting with the higher dimensional energy grid, which is available to you now.
Know that you will come out of this victorious if you keep doing these steps consistently.
You are the creator of your reality and experience.
We champion your victory in the Light!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.”
Thank You, Adama! ðŸ™‚
~Asara~ Adams
Founder of The Telos Channel
Trance-channel for
Adama of Telos
Archangel Michael and
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Heal the Coronavirus Fear-Mongering ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Mar 12, 2020


Heal the Coronavirus Fear-Mongering ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Mar 12, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have begun to explore the implications of the fear-mongering that has been going on there on your world because of this coronavirus situation, and we know that certain people are susceptible to fear-mongering. They are the ones being targeted at this time, and keeping you all in fear has been a very successful way to keep you all in check. But as we have said in an earlier transmission, the amount of compassion that is being generated for those who have gotten sick, and for the families and friends of the deceased, far outweighs the negative effect of the fear-mongering. Each of you who is awake is being called at this time to be a part of the compassionate blanket of energy that humanity needs right now. Humans need to feel secure about their health and well-being, and those of you who are there to be the lightworkers at this time are the ones to construct that blanket of energy, that healing love and light, and to throw it over the entire planet at this time. See yourselves working with the other lightworkers, the other healers, the other compassionate ones, all around the planet to co-create this healing, loving, compassionate energy, and imagine yourselves holding that blanket around the entire population at this time. Hold space for those who are living in fear that they will get sick and possibly even die. This is a gigantic root chakra cleanse for humanity, and when you are cleansing, there are side effects. You do experience pain during a cleanse because you are releasing that which is toxic. There have been enough now who have suffered from the coronavirus to have completed the root chakra cleanse, but the fear is still present because some of these fears are fears that have been generated in this lifetime and are just floating around in people’s energy fields. The cleansing of the energy fields of each and every human being of the fears that they hold onto is the final step here, and you are the ones to help bring about this final purging with a gentle kindness in your hearts for those who are feeling the fear. You are the ones who are being called at this time to be strong, to be balanced, to be grounded, and to know that your vibration will always determine how much health and well-being you hold in your body. Knowing that, holding that truth in your consciousness, is also what is needed at this time for the collective. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sanat Kumara via Erena Velazquez, March 10, 2020


Sanat Kumara via Erena Velazquez, March 10, 2020

I am Sanat Kumara,
I am glad to be here today.

I want to give you my message to humanity. The Dark Forces had enslaved Humanity for thousand of years and kept them in fear by taking their power away from them. Their time is coming to the end, I am here today to remind you that. Their losing the battle with the Light, and all of you need to remember, who are and don’t let fear interrupt your path to Ascension.

The Negative Forces always tried all of their tricks to scare and keep everyone in fear. You need to let it go, it’s just an emotion, the emotion that doesn’t mean anything. You are much stronger than that and your winning the battle with our assistance from the Galactics, Ascended Masters and everyone else. You are almost there, you just need to remember that they can’t defeat you, and they can’t keep everyone in slavery anymore like they did for so many years. Their time is almost ending, you need to not react to all of the things that are happening in world, it’s all their tricks that they had in their sleeves, which they are now putting out. They always did and they will do that to their last moment.

Fear can freeze you and make you uncertain by making you forget that you are a spiritual and a powerful being. You just need to remember that and not to be afraid of anything. All of these energies that have been sent to Earth are helping you in your process to Ascension, and the new thing that appeared on the horizon the Coronavirus is the last trick of the Dark Forces. Please don’t listen to the news, don’t pay attention to what the media and the rest of the world is telling you, because most of it is not true. They want you to be afraid, so you would not succeed in your mission of ascending. I am here to tell you and encourage you to be strong and not react to the lies, which have been told to you for thousand of years. You are who you are and you will soon remember, who you really are. You came here to this planet to have an experience and you end up being stuck here, but this will not continue anymore. You will be able to ascend to 5th dimension and you will live long and happy lives on new Mother Earth.

Everything that we have been telling you, I and the rest of Ascended Masters it’s only the truth. We would never say anything to you to discourage you or to tell you something that’s not true. I am here to let know you that your part of us, you are a spiritual being that forgot who he or she is. Very soon the whole humanity is going to get awake, and they will remember who they are, and then the New Golden Age will start with a new life for everyone. There will be no more suffering, no more hunger and no more poverty, everyone will be equal and everyone will live magical, happy and amazing lives. I am Sanat Kumara and I am here to encourage you not give up and trust us, trust the Galactics that your not alone, and we are here to help and assist you and bring you to the New Beginning.

I am Sanat Kumara and I was happy to be here today.
Thank You

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Sinning, Forgiveness & Returning to Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Mar 10, 2020


Sinning, Forgiveness & Returning to Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Mar 10, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are able to completely look past every single act that a human being partakes in that is not a representation of your true self. You sometimes refer to these as sins, immoral acts, travesties of justice, and a wide array of other colorful words and phrases for what a person does when they feel disconnected from Source. No one is born and thinks as a baby or a very young child, ‘I would like to grow up and be disconnected from the Source Energy within me.’ No one wants to feel the pain, the suffering and the darkness that comes so naturally to living on a planet where the really rational and intelligent people tend to be atheists. What does that say about the human collective consciousness? It says that you have been trained to think so little of yourselves that you could believe even for a moment that you are there by accident. Your existence could not possibly be more on purpose, and yet, there are still so many who feel so disconnected from Source, from the truth of who they really are, that they want to take all of that out on someone else. They want someone else to feel the pain that they feel. And while we do not condone any of that, we can see how it would occur within a person’s consciousness to harm someone else. And so, it is easy for us to forgive. It is easy for us to look at someone who is suffering because they feel no connection whatsoever to Source Energy and to want for that individual or group of individuals to find their way. And so, we are willing to look past everyone’s actions in all lifetimes. We know how challenging it is to be there on Earth, and we want you to feel that you are loved unconditionally by us. We want you to know it. We want you to feel it, and we want you to join us and forgive yourselves. Forgive yourselves for whatever you are feeling guilty or ashamed of and come back to the light. Come back to the love. Come back to the infinite and eternal Source Energy consciousness and being-ness that you truly are. We, and so many others like us, are waiting with open arms, and this is yet another reason why we are so excited about the mass awakenings that are coming. All of that will mean people there on Earth are feeling closer to Source, closer to the truth of who they are, and closer to the unconditional love that wants so very much to flow through each and every one of you in every moment of every day. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Love Coming in from the Higher Realms ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton 3-4-2020


Love Coming in from the Higher Realms ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have begun to understand what it will take for humans to recognize their value. You all want to feel valuable, but you are also waiting for someone else in human form to validate you. You are waiting to see evidence in the physical that what you do, what you think, what you say, or who you are in general is producing something valuable to society. When you are able to open yourselves up and allow in the unconditional love of your guides, councils and collectives like us, the archangels, and the ascended masters, you will begin to understand and feel into your intrinsic value. You have value no matter what you do, and we know now that the only way you all can get to that knowing is through receiving validation from beings like us who give it so freely and expect nothing in return. And we are just one collective of so many who want you to feel loved, who want you to feel welcome, who want you to feel that you are valuable because you exist as a unique aspect of Source Energy. And that, by the way is something that no one can ever take away from you. And anyone who tries does not know who they really are. So why take the word of anyone who is not standing in that truth of knowing that they are a Source Energy Being? How could their disconnected, misguided, and totally biased opinion carry any weight? What humanity really needs are awakened individuals like yourselves who have remembered who you really are demonstrating to the rest of humanity how to value oneself, how to be the light, even when you are surrounded by darkness, even when those who have forgotten who they really are have attained certain positions of authority that people might even consider to be powerful positions. We know that you have the power to determine your own value, and we will continue to invite you to do so, to love you unconditionally, and to encourage you to open up to receive all of that love coming in from the higher realms. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday, March 1, 2020

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner, February 6th, 2018


A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner, February 6th, 2018

Greetings, I am Mira. I speak to you today from the Earth Council where I am focused on assisting you and the earth with your Ascension.
Today I extend to you all the love from our hearts from the Earth Council, the Pleiadian High Council, your Galactic friends and family of the light. You are living during extraordinary times. It takes extraordinary beings to live in such extraordinary times. We admire the tenacity that you have in these final phases of trance-formation. Yes, you are coming out of your trances in preparation for transit into higher dimensions.
Daily you are awakening from slumber that was placed intentionally around your planet to prevent you from what you are now doing. You are becoming successful beyond measure in extricating your selves and the planet from the dark energies that have interfered for far too long. The energies are choppy and becoming increasingly chaotic as you have noticed.
The success that we are seeing is a monumental. It could be disarming, especially for those of you who are ultrasensitive, to feel what is going on with the earth around the earth and also within the earth. We suggest you just ride through the changes as best as you can… knowing that you are doing your jobs simply by being on the planet right now.
We understand that your mainstream media is continuing to present the fakest of the most fake news. We applaud the truth tellers on the Internet for enlightening you and those of you who can see the truth ..about what is really going on. Please support these individuals that are taking many risks to let you know the truth. Someday you will be receiving information from what this channel likes to call CBS-the Celestial Broadcasting System.
Yes, the real CBS, will have much to share with humanity. You will learn the true history of the earth. You will be able to speak with our Creator and will be telepathic with each other. You will be able to talk with the animals, elementals and nature spirits. The old control system is crumbling. Have you noticed how their stories are getting less plausible? They are stretching the truth so much that they are almost stepping on their tongues.
You have many surprises that are in store for you. They are good surprises that you would have as if you were at a party. There will be other surprises that may not be as fun but are necessary in toppling those from the dark forces. We know it is heart wrenching for some of you to discover the horrific information that you have been learning. When this is all over we will have a huge celebration with all of you. You will get to taste the sweetness of life and drink the nectar of the goodness that you have earned by your devotion and dedication to this most important project.
I am Mira. I am sending love to all of you!