Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, May 31st, 2019

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, May 31st, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been noticing how much pressure those of you who are awake put on yourselves. It is a different type of pressure than what most of humanity is experiencing. You have your normal pressures that align you with everyone else, but then you have that extra pressure of feeling as though you are the ones who are making all of this happen. You are the ones who have to right all the wrongs – that is how the story goes within you. You are the ones ensuring that humanity does not have another false start in the ascension process.

We want to take that pressure off of you by letting you know that you are just accessing trauma from past experiences like Atlantis and Lemuria. Everyone who is on the Earth right now was a part of those highly evolved civilizations, and for those of you who are doing the math right now, don’t bother. We could explain it, but that would be an entirely different transmission. Just take our word for it that every human was represented in some way in Atlantis or Lemuria, or you have taken on those memories as your own as you would if you were to walk in to another person’s life.

So given that you are all carrying those traumas within you, it is no surprise whatsoever that you are putting so much pressure on yourselves to carry humanity forward into the fifth dimension. You want not only to let go of that trauma that you experienced when Atlantis fell and when Lemuria fell, but you also want to do everything in your power to make sure humanity does not go through another cataclysmic event like those. What you are doing now will actually be an even greater accomplishment because there are so many in physical form now and because all of humanity is involved in this shift in consciousness.

It isn’t just about one civilization. It’s about all nations across the world, and you are there as the awakened ones, holding the light. You are there making the shift easier on yourselves and others, but you are not there to make it happen, and you are not there to make sure that it is free of any and all cataclysmic events. That’s a decision that you will make as a collective, and you can also rest assured that this is a very natural thing that is happening.

It is simply time for this entire universe to shift. So even though we tell you that humanity and Earth are going to be that first domino that falls and has that ripple effect for the rest of the galaxy and the rest of the universe, we don’t want you to take that on. We don’t want you see that then as your responsibility. You are doing it. It is a guarantee, and what you want to do now is have the best possible experience of it. So that is the challenge in front of you. Everything else is already taken care of.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

06/27/19 Update

06/27/19 - Update

I've realized there is no way I can possibly keep up with posting links. There are too many interesting articles to sift through, which is a good thing. I encourage you to search for yourselves.

And here is some stuff from Terrence McKenna:


Friday, June 21, 2019

Antarians via Galaxygirl | June 17, 2019

Antarians via Galaxygirl | June 17, 2019

Antarians 6/17/2019

Greetings humanity, we are the Antarians and we are delighted to reconnect through this one to you once again. For great and wondrous changes are in the making currently on both the inner and outer realms of Gaia and we see great advancements on behalf of humanity’s collective consciousness. For you, ground team, are becoming quite strong with your intentions and many of you are advancing much faster than anyone anticipated. For you are surfing the wave, riding at the forefront of these delightful cosmic rays / energies and are doing most swimmingly, pun intended (laughing).
You will begin to see anomolies of space time. Portals are opening and closing all around you, depending on your vibrational alignments as to which vibrational frequency resonates with you in that given moment. Best to keep your vibration as high as possible, indeed, and many of you are doing so very well with this that it pleases us to such great extents! Indeed, all of the galactic collective of ascended beings are monitoring your progress with tremendous love and care, trying to make it as comfortable and as smooth as possible. We are well aware that there are some on your surface world who are holding white-knuckled to the old ways. They will be unable to hold on much longer, for the vibration will simply not allow it. For Goddess Gaia has spoken, Mother / Father God have spoken, Source has deemed this experiment complete and we are all in the wrap-up stages of this.
We are the Antarians. Our forms are much greater in height and our appearance is much different than your human appearance, but we gently remind you that we are all the same. We are not carnivorous insects, no, we are benevolent, loving, healing beings of praying mantis form, and we are vibrant in hues, just as humanity is of many colors. We offer our healing balm to you now. If you would like to connect with this healing encodement simply intend it to be. Ask your higher self and your favorite ascended master to be on either side of you for this may be intense for your systems. Love. With your approval, we now bathe your form, your cells in crystalline love / light of the highest order of several dimensions up from where you are currently. We will not define a number to it, for vibrations, tones, are not as hard-fixed as you have been told. There are multidimensional layers / levels to a dimensional field. And as many of you are on a different vibrational field, a 5/6 blessing may not be high enough to advance you. Indeed, many of you are higher, which is a magnificent quandary to have. And so we open up the field of the Christed love light to you, 2 levels up to your most current advancement, with the approval of your higher self and the blessing of your favorite guide. Be ascended in form. Be the Christ light in form, functioning in perfect rhythm with the music of the spheres. Feel the music of the universe flow through you, like a fine-tuning fork of great power, aligning. Feel your cells resonate with the higher ways, with the higher Christed light that shimmers and moves all through your four body systems and surrounding your aura, healing any cracks and holes that may have been marks of old memories and woundings. Now you are a shimmering being of crystalline. Feel the liquid light move through you like thick rainbow light, fine-tuning you for the solstice burst. Yes, you have had many bursts, and today holds many as well. But you have been using these to get ready for more, and as more is in your very near now, we encourage you to sit with in this field of Christed light plasma waves that we are encasing your form in, in a protective sphere, bubble of intention, of purity, of love, of healing.
We are the Antarians. Please feel free to invite the Arcturians and the Pleiadian healing teams to surround you as well, to amplify this, to prepare you for the coming wave of waves. We know that there has been much chatter about “the big one” and all of that stuff and nonsense, for really, every wave is big if you are unprepared for it, and one can drown in the smallest of waves. And so, surfers, boards up, get ready to ride. Be fortified, be buoyed up by this lovely plasma light encodement. Our intention is for you to be as completely prepared as possible.
We are the Antarians. We love you completely and offer our support whether it be healing, or vibrational upliftment or camaraderie. We are here to support you in whichever way is needed and by the looks of things, we see that you are doing very well, which is tremendously exciting. You are teaching us all, ascending humans, about fortitude, sheer will and grit. Tenacity in form, that is you, ground team. We salute you in love, we embrace you with our plasma Christed light and we pass the torch of the Christed flame to you, for you are lighting up the world. We love you. We are the Antarians. Our large eyes are shining tears of joy. Be ignited, be healed, and be ready to lead for you are most surely needed. And of course you are most completely supported. Please remember we are always here for you. We are the Antarians.

~ galaxygirl

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Mushrooms, Fungi

Psilocybin Magic Mushrooms Growers Guide byO.T. Oss & O.N. Oeric

Foreward by Terrence McKenna

Our method is scientific but our opinions about Stropharia cubensis are not. Our opinions in this matter do not rest upon the opinions of others nor upon anything written in any book, instead they rest upon the experience of five dried grams of this psilocybin mushroom; at that level a peculiar phenomenon occurs. It is the emergence of an I-Thou relationship between the person taking the psilocybin and the mental state it evokes. Jung calls this "transference" and it was a necessary condition of early and primitive humanity's relationship to its gods and demons. The mushroom speaks, and our opinions rest upon what it tells eloquently of itself in the cool night of the mind:

 I am old, older than thought in your species, which is itself fifty times older than your history. Though I have been on earth for ages I am from the stars. My home is no one planet, for many worlds scattered through the shining disc of the galaxy have conditions which allow my spores an opportunity for life. The mushroom which you see is the part of my body given to sex thrills and sun bathing, my true body is a fine network of fibers growing through the soil. These networks may cover acres and may have far more connections than the number in a human brain. My mycelial network is nearly immortal - only the sudden toxification of a planet or the explosion of its parent star can wipe me out. By means impossible to explain because of certain misconceptions in your model of reality all my mycelial networks in the galaxy are in hyperlight communication across space and time. The mycelial body is as fragile as a spider's web but the collective hypermind and memory is a vast historical archive of the career of evolving intelligence on many worlds in our spiral star swarm. Space, you see, is a vast ocean to those hardy life forms that have the ability to reproduce from spores, for spores are covered with the hardest organic substance known. Across the aeons of time and space drift many spore-forming life-forms in suspended animation for millions of years until contact is made with a suitable environment. Few such species are minded, only myself and my recently evolved near relative shave achieved the hyper-communication mode and memory capacity that makes us leading members in the community of galactic intelligence. How the hyper-communication mode operates is a secret which will not be lightly given to humans. But the means should be obvious: it is the occurrence of psilocybin and psilocin in the biosynthetic pathways of my living body that opens for me and my symbiots the vision screens to many worlds. You as an individual and Homo sapiens as a species are on the brink of the formation of a symbiotic relationship with my genetic material that will eventually carry humanity and earth into the galactic mainstream of the higher civilizations.

Since it is not easy for you to recognize other varieties of intelligence around you, your most advanced theories of politics and society have advanced only as far as the notion of collectivism. But beyond the cohesion of the members of a species into a single social organism there lie richer and even more baroque evolutionary possibilities. Symbiosis is one of these. Symbiosis is a relation of mutual dependence and positive benefits for both of the species involved. Symbiotic relationships between myself and civilized forms of higher animals have been established many times and in many places throughout the long ages of my development. These relationships have been mutually useful; within my memory is the knowledge of hyper light drive ships and how to build them, I will trade this knowledge for a free ticket to new worlds around suns younger and more stable than your own. To secure an eternal existence down the long river of cosmic time, I again and again offer this agreement to higher beings and thereby have spread throughout the galaxy over the long millennia. A mycelial network has no organs to move the world, no hands; but higher animals with manipulative abilities can become partners with the star knowledge within me and if they act in good faith, return both themselves and their humble mushroom teacher to the million worlds to which all citizens of our star swarm are heir."

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, May 14th, 2019

The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, May 14th, 2019

Be the Wayshowers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are feeling the vibrations that you are offering as individuals, and we can also feel into the overall vibration being offered by the human collective. You are bringing in higher frequency energies, and as individuals, you are affecting the human collective’s overall vibration. You are also taking yourselves to higher levels within the fourth dimension, and in so doing, inviting the rest of humanity to come along for the ride.
Here is what gets in the way, however. When you look at someone else and their words, their actions, their beliefs, and you feel yourself moving into a space of judgment and condemnation, that is the moment when you rescind the invitation. You must let the rest of the collective, and all of the individuals within it, be where they are in order for them to evolve on their own.
You cannot talk someone into being compassionate. You cannot make someone think the way that you think or believe what you believe, and even if you could, doing so would not affect that person’s vibration. You would not be expanding their consciousness in any sort of measurable way.
The best thing that you can do for the rest of humanity is to live your truth. In so doing, you are offering those invitations, you are setting an example, and most importantly, you are staying in that higher vibrational state. And that is what humanity needs more than anything else.
People are changing. They are growing and evolving, and they don’t need to be convinced of anything in order to make those leaps forward. We want you to recognize what your role is there as changemakers and wayshowers. You are not there to poke and prod people into living in a higher vibrational state. You are there to gently offer that invitation so that they may make the choice for themselves to evolve and to join you in a better feeling place.
In the meantime, you may feel alone. You may feel that there aren’t enough people around you who share your vibration and certainly not enough people who share in your beliefs and your outlook on life. And that is simply something for you to have to handle, but it is not a permanent situation that you find yourselves in. As we said, people are growing and evolving, and more of them are waking up every single day. So it is up to you then to make the most of the connections that you do have while you continue to be the ones who are holding space for the rest of humanity to come along for the ride.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Antarians via Galaxygirl | June 10, 2019

The Antarians via Galaxygirl | June 10, 2019


Sunday, June 16, 2019

Message from Starlight and Rosey via Galaxygirl, May 25th, 2019

Message from Starlight and Rosey via Galaxygirl, May 25th, 2019

Message from Starlight and Rosey (5/25/19) | Galaxygirl

Starlight and Rosey 5/25/2019

Greetings human, I am Starlight of the Unicorn race. We are nestled deep within Gaia where green rolling hills, crystal clear waters and snow peaked mountains all invite one in deeper, deeper into the mystical lands where all that is possible is. I, Starlight, have seen the sufferings of the surface world and so to protect ourselves we went deep within, as the Lumerians who survived the flood, as have many of your “extinct” creatures. Life is not lost, but locations may have shifted.

We unicorns are ready to welcome those of the pure Christed light to cross over into the the realm of Nova Gaia, where all good things are possible, purified, alive, blessed. I, Starlight, have brought my clan, my tribe with me for this meeting, this interchange with the humans who are seeking expansion of consciousness, of awareness. For one must be aware of oneself, to open up deeper into the hidden truths, to keep exploring, deep diving, healing past woundings. And you humans reading these words have been doing this for a long while. And it has paid off, for you are not who you once were. You have grown, matured, into these higher energies with the grace, strength of purpose and self-reliance of the inner power within. There are many here within the hidden realm, the hidden world who wish to speak, who are eager to rejoin the surface realm, it is true. Humanity has not been alone. Many, many others from many other realms, times, spaces, are here observing, assisting, watching, listening to see how they may best assist you.

I, Starlight, touch my horn to your third eye. Feel the purity of my light race through your body making it tingle and zing with pleasure, renewal. Ride on my back as we gallop fast and free over the rolling green hills of the new, of your new way, your new path that you are forging moment by moment in your vibratory choices. There is none to fear here. Let us rest a while by the clear brook who gurgles and sings. Lay against my mane and see the tendrils of light within it. The foals dance and frolic, the nymphs sing – it is a lovey place to rest, to be alive. Fully integrate these higher dimensional experiences, feelings, places into your aura that you might bring such energies to where you are now, on the almost-ascended plane. Although we see the humans ascending or descending a bit by bit every day, there is yet much hope, much joy, much to look forward to for those who are forging on the upward spiral of ascension.

I, Starlight bless you with my light, with my warm breath. Welcome home. I am here should you call upon me. I am here waiting for the Christed ones who are forging a new pathway to Nova Gaia. Here we meet, soon it will be in person. I am Starlight of the Unicorn race. I assure you I am very much alive, real, just as you, just as these expansions of time-space and reality shifting are real, alive, true. Take these inter-dimensional experiences deep within your heart space, treasure them. They are assisting the collective, seeding consciousness with more higher dimensional light and contact. That is all for now. Be blessed.
I am Starlight of the Unicorn race. Be christed. I am here with my new little foal Rosey today, who embodies the qualities of the divine feminine. She is growing fast and free, an apt analogy for your surface experience. Her light cannot be stopped. Her light is like a sparkler that lights up the night in celebration, such love contained within this one. Pink surrounds her. We all have our colors, our auras, our qualities. Feel the white silver light of my horn and the pink glow of little Rosey’s horn touch your third eye. Together we ignite the divine feminine, the divine masculine, the divine Christed light. All three light rays together spin around you in glorious light circles, vortexes of spinning light. There. Be balanced. Be christed. I am Starlight….

And I am Rosey of the divine feminine path! Follow me towards the light for much joy awaits you here in this space! Many, many want to play, to see what a human is. For we have only heard, we have not seen, those of us who are freshly from the Mother of All Things. We guard Gaia’s light, we guard her with our love-light, with our power of our love and intention. I am very proud of my father, Starlight. He is a mighty leader. Some day too I will lead. You humans are leaders where you are. You might just not know it. That doesn’t mean that you are not doing great good. I see great good on your faces. You are warriors in your own way. You are weary I see. Rest awhile. Romp and play with me, Rosey! I have never had a human friend before! Such fun! Shall we play?
(Starlight is laughing). Human friends, it is a good sign that the foals wish to play with you. You are rising up. I am Starlight. Be at peace. Now come along Rosey dear, the meeting is over.

~ galaxygirl

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Message from Alcyone (5/29/19) | Galaxygirl

Message from Alcyone (5/29/19) | Galaxygirl

Alcyone 5/29/2019

Hello friends of the light, of the way. I am your central sun Alcyone. I guard this time-space quadrant with my light, radiating, warming, cleansing, blasting away the dark. I am surrounded by the darkness of space and yet it makes my light seem brighter to those witnessing its brilliance. So too, Source fractal, human embodied, so too are you shining up your own space quadrant with your tremendous love and light. It brings me great joy for in the times of old it was foreseen that this would be a most epic journey for those humans lucky enough – and brave enough – to be an embodied soul in this most auspicious now of planetary enlightenment. Do you feel the rush and tingle of excitement shoot down your spine, causing your arm hairs to raise up? Yes friend, I am speaking about you.

I am Alcyone, your great central sun. I see much. I am ancient, I am wise. I am loving, most loving. I am the embodiment of peace and yet sometimes to keep the peace there must be a ferocity, a firmness. The great solar flash is a firmness, a firm stand against all that is not light, and setting all else a-right. A rebalancing must come to this sector. Gently and lovingly the Pleiadian teams (and many others) have been redirecting the Gamma rays from my body so that your bodies can handle them with the grace and ease of masters, as your bodies morph and spin into yet more light. But the great solar flash is imminent friends, and it brings me great joy and sadness to say so. For there are many who are not ready, but that is their choice. And there are many who are ready, and that too is their prerogative, their own sacred path. For to embrace my light, to embrace the second coming of the inner christ, is a great mystery, one that will never be fully understood with the mind, for it must be fully embraced in great joy by the heart. Tears. I see tears on many of your faces as you read and type these words. For so many of you knew Yeshi in his day – a great master of the light, of the Christed flame that now burns so brightly over all of Gaia’s lands and waters, and deep within her core as well. The Christed flame is burning brightly over the hearts of humankind, causing a deep inner metamorphosis from 3d into 5d and above, blasting away the matrix, and that which no longer serves.

I Alcyone invite you to sit awhile with these intense, glowing energies. For they are little embers that you can tuck into your aura and your energy signature as one who has seen the Central sun and not been burned, but instead internally ignited with the flame of the inner peace, of the inner Christ child that blooms and blossoms from deep within the sacred heart space of the once-locked-away secret garden of the human soul. Be unlocked. Be free. Burst forth. Shine your light.

I shine my light with vim and vigor, with great joy, for that is my projection, my own aspect of Source. You, ground team on Gaia, precious Gaia, you are to be Source’s hands and feet, Source’s expression of eternal love and service towards the others of you who are embodied. Source serving, discovering itself, lending a hand, healing the wounded hearts with yet more of the healing balm of the Christed rays. Many of you are healers, massive planetary healers, all. You all have your own unique talents, passions, irritations, quirks. You are all unique rainbow fractals of the Christed flame, eternally diversifying, massively beautiful in its cohesive light.

I see you, human-Source-fractal, with the tender eyes of an ancient grandparent. We have been through many shared experiences for in fact we are one, we are aspects of each other, of Source. My energy permeates all things and so I have been watching, silently holding the light for you, for Gaia, for many others. I am an advanced planetary being / sphere of the Christed flame. It is my tremendous honor to hold the light for the others, as it is for you. As you have been quietly serving over the eons in silence, so too have I. We are kindred spirits, you and I. Bring in this aspect of Source into you and further ignite your Christed flame.

I love you. Do not fear me. Embrace me and embrace these deep, innermost changes within you as you morph and change into the emerging Christed human of the new divine template. Arise ignited, on fire with love, with the Christed light. Arise, serve, live, laugh, love, lead. It is your time. I pass the baton of the light holder to you, friends. It is the time of Gaia’s rebirth, of golden cities of light nestled around the forested peaks of Gaia’s surface, healing the others. It is time for the deserts to be changed into the once lush rainforests they were intended to be. It is time for the creatures of the earth to feel safe and live in oneness.

It is time for this space quadrant time of war, of old rendings and past pain to be healed. I am Alcyone. I heal with my Christed flame. You too human friend heal with your Christed light. Together we will heal Gaia. We will share our light. Feel my orgasmic embrace and feel your heart rise up, pounding, bursting with hope, joy, love and promise. You are the way makers. You are the Source hands and feet in expression. Just as you were once barefoot or wearing sandaled feet in the ancient places, the temples, the tombs, the healing places, the circled rocks, the secret fairy coves, so be now with your modern feet. You have trod many places. You have been many things. And now it is time for you to be the silent leader of love, for some of financial distribution of abundance, for all the leaders of love, of sharing, of the divine being who you already are, for you are love. You are light. You are Source. Feel this download and be Christed. Be complete. Welcome the Source light into every one of your now spinning, morphing cells that are excited, ignited and very much alive, spinning away the dross into yet more light. The tachyons are back. The new forms of light are here. The angels are near. It is a glorious time.

I am Alcyone. Talk with me as you would to your beloved ancient grandfather. For this is my current aspect. Can you feel me near you? Release the pain of the past. Forgive the grandfathers of your past, for there has been much family pain and much karma to clear. The wounded masculine has been very wounded. It is time to heal both the divine feminine and the divine masculine. Let healing be your intention in all of your interactions. Healing and love. This is my intention as my light flame increases daily over your surface waters and lands, over the hearts of humankind that morph into the divine crystalline human template. There is much excitement friends. 
I am Alcyone. Peace.

~ galaxygirl


Blue Avians, Tier-Eir via Galaxygirl | June 3, 2019

Blue Avians, Tier-Eir via Galaxygirl | June 3, 2019

Greetings human typing and humans reading these words. I am Tier-Eir of the Blue Avian grouping, higher ascended beings that have been monitoring this space time quadrant in all of its changing. For the time is now ripe for the planetary ascension of your planet, Gaia, who is morphing and changing right under your feet. We monitor the planetary encodements of numerous worlds. We assist the others in their quest for ascension on a planetary level. We see now that it is the time to make a formal introduction of ourselves, although our presenc has already been made known through the writings and reportings of our dear friend Corey Goode, who has worked with us so tirelessly over his many years of service. Thank you Corey.
It is those such as Corey, and those such as many of you, who are to the be future leaders in the beginning of Gaia’s transition. For disclosure is definitely most underway, this is true. Many, many conversations have been and are going on in this most present now as far as the most blessed way for humanity to experience their wake-up. Of course those who have prepared and are preparing with these higher influxes of light are most ready to fly, wings up, and those who have not been preparing may be a bit ruffled in their feathers. For the energies wait for no one. The energies from Alcyone are coming fast and furiously, strong in their light. We assist with the Pleiadian teams in honing and fine tuning, of including the appropriate encodements such that the most may benefit from them and that they come in the most appropriate and perfect alignment. But honestly being in alignment is your work, is part of this inner work and clearings that many of humanity have not performed. And so many of you have been doing this inner clearing for the masses, and for this we thank you for they do not know enough to do so, yet. In many ways you have been the quiet light holders, which is apt and appropriate for to shout it from the rooftops would have been foolhardy and dangerous. Although those that are the whistle blowers, such as Corey and many others, they are most appropriately protected, as are you, channelers, for you are consistent in holding the light, holding higher vibrations and this makes you impermeable to attacks of the lower beings. You have galactic and yes, even intergalactic protection.
And so, to you all I say shine your light. Shine your light boldly, strongly, brightly. Be the Christ light. Be Yeshua. Be Buddha. Be Mary. Be your ascended masters in form, for they have provided you with excellent examples of the higher ways, of the ascended timelines that were misty in their possibility but now have become emboldened by the energies and strong. For ascension is happening to this space quadrant. Whether the dark ones approve or not is meaningless. Their votes no longer count. The light is now to be experienced with great, inner, tender joy and you my friends, you lighted ones, the Christ bearers, you have the front row seats. Your service is to be commended and we salute you in your service to the light. I am Tier-Eir. I wish you peace and I leave you in it.
~ galaxygirl

Monday, June 10, 2019

Message from the Antarians via Sue Lie (1995)

 Full article here:
Some time in May or June of 1995 I began to receive the below transmissions from Antares. I was new to the Antarians and had mostly communed with the Arcturians, Pleiadians, and Venusians. Recently these files on the Antarians revealed themselves to my consciousness, as a strong Inner Voice told me to share this information within this NOW of May 27th, 2019, which just happens to be Memorial Day.
We are from Antares.
We Antarians have come into your awareness to communicate with you because you have remembered the ancient alliance that you have with the Antarians, who are the Warriors for the LIGHT. 

Many of you have not, yet, been able to recognize the portion of yourself, as you have placed it in the darkness of unknowing and judged it as “wrong” when you tried to share your awakening memories of being a warrior. 

Before you can move through the gateway of Arcturus, you must make peace with your warrior SELF and honor what you have done. We, the Arcturians, have asked you if you would be willing to share your information of "being a warrior for the LIGHT," and you have said, "YES!" 

We have messages, which we would like to relay to the people of Earth who are willing to hear.  We feel your doubt and fear to put your self in a vulnerable position. This fear is ungrounded.  You are great warriors for the Light.   

We translate the word “warrior” as one who is brave and unafraid of battle.  The battle is not the first choice, but it will be taken if necessary.  However, we on Antares have resolved the term battle into evolutionary terms instead of devolutionary terms. We are proud to say that many of you are very connected to us because of you from your days as a Norseman and as a Celtic.  Do you now remember your bravery? 

We came to your planet in the late 1980s to assist your Gaia to expand into her higher frequency expressions of form. We have also been working with humanity’s immune system, which has been very taxed by the pollutants within your biosphere. 

Some of the pollutants were released from Earth and others were a part of chemical warfare that was occurring in the sky above your planet. The apex of this battle at that time was above your city is now known as Los Angeles.  This is why we have come to communicate with you. 
It is time now for all of you to open your memory to us. To assist you with this process, we will recount the “dream” that many of you have had upon first meeting us, who is your own higher dimensional warrior.  

You were in your Light Body flying above your city.  The vibration of your Los Angeles is much like the vibration of Atlantis during its fall.  Our commander, Radulan, a name with which you are familiar, came to greet you.  There was a facsimile of a Spaceship created for you so that you could feel more comfortable.    
When you entered the ship you met with many old friends from past, future, and parallel realities. We are a very dynamic people. Our energies are very different from the Arcturians with whom you have formally communicated.  We are very tall to your earth standards, about ten to twelve feet tall.  Our skin appears copper in color to you, and we enjoy long hair, much like the ancient Celtic warriors. 

Many of you have taken on a body for this life that carries much of the genetic codings of your Antarian people. Many of us Antarians followed the line of the heritage of  Northern Europe. You may feel our energy strongly when you were in Norway and/or Ireland.  None of these incidents are accidental.  
You have been being prepared for many lives for this task. Yes, we feel your hearts pull to Arcturus.  It is indeed the planet of your ascension. However, at this time of our first meeting you need to align your energies with our race of warriors in order to achieve the tasks that you are to accomplish. 
First, you had to come to peace with the Warrior within you.  It was the final step necessary for the opening of your Heart. We have assignments for you all that you volunteered for very, very long ago from your measurement of time. Of course, time is not as you would measure in your third-dimensional world. In fact, when you have made the transition from duality to unity, you will be living in the NOW. 

We speak to you from the omnipresent NOW. It is our task to assist you to understand the functioning of the NOW so that you do not become confused by the many ensuing changes you are facing. For example, you are becoming someone new at the same time that you, also, are becoming the person that you have always been. 

Furthermore, you are moving into the future at the same time that you are moving into the past. In no time and no-space, there is no separation between future/past or new/old. All simply IS.  As many of you have learned before, your planet is moving into the, NOW of your fifth-dimensional consciousness. 

We ask that you take a moment to Feel this Isness, Nowness and Beingness about you as you communicate with us. We use the word “US” because we are no longer in duality and no longer perceive ourselves as beings separate from each other. Again, when we say “no longer” there is an inference of time. It is difficult to communicate in your language without the inference of time or space.  
One of the techniques that will allow you to expand your conscious is to communicate with us by using a language free of references to time or space.  Within the NOW, language is NOT laid out in strings of letters or sounds such as we must now do to communicate with you.
Imagine now that we are with you.  See our form. Yes, we are very tall by your standards. We have taken on a denser form than we usually wear to facilitate your vision of us. Do you now see two beings standing behind me to my right and my left? They are emanations of my SELF.  

All is a spectrum. I am a band of energy. In order to communicate with you, I place my consciousness at a particular vibration upon that spectrum.  My “wings,” which appear to be two other people standing behind me to my right and left, are the "frequency bands" in my spectrum.  

Imagine a long ribbon that is elastic. It is anchored at two distinct points.  The points of anchoring are the edges of the spectrum. Now, these “edges” are actually illusions, but we choose envelopes of operation such as your envelopes of light and sound. 

At Tthe point within this band or envelope on which I place my consciousness, there is a peak of activity that fans out and behind me in all directions from that point of my consciousness. Experience yourself now as a point on your spectrum. Put the past at one end and the future at the other end. Now move your consciousness towards the “past” portion of the spectrum and experience Atlantis. 
 Feel your consciousness moving along the band of the spectrum and view some of the other lives that you have remembered.  Your Atlantis life has a “niche” on the spectrum, as it was the point of your entry into duality.  

Now realize that this spectrum is actually a circle, as is all life.  As you see the band as a circle you can match up the resonant point of your entry into duality with the point of your exit from duality. 
As you see this spectrum as a circle, you realize that there is no beginning and no end, no now and no later because you can travel around the circle many times. Also, you can go in either direction on the circle.  
Therefore, you can begin again and again, or end—again and again.  You, however, are not the point.  You are a spectrum.  The point of your consciousness is just a tool that you can use at this point of your remembering until you can embrace more of your emanations. 

In actuality, you are the entire circle and can exist in all “spaces” on the spectrum at the same “NOW.” You do not have to learn this process. You need only to remember it. We see in your mind the graph of the light spectrum and the points of it that are visual to a third-dimensional human. That is a good example of what we are saying. Now place that spectrum into a circle by connecting the “ends” of the spectrum. 

We ask you to practice expanding that spectrum of visibility until you can see all of it at once. How do you do this?  You move to a point of perception above the circle of Light. After you have achieved the ability to see the entire circle, practice becoming the circle and moving your point of awareness around it.   

We see that you struggle with the wounds of your long battle on Earth.  Release that struggle now and allow those wounds to heal. Your life shall be calm and simple for a portion of your time so that you can come into complete healing.  
Your body is undergoing a great transformation, your emotions are being healed at a deeper level than you ever imagined possible, and your mind is being expanded beyond all of your lives on Earth.  Allow yourself now to enjoy this process. The Light will care for your needs. Release that old belief that you have to struggle in order to survive. You will always survive because you are Spirit.  Spirit is infinite.   
You are very blessed to be able to have this experience of transformation first hand. For many lives, you have been prepared for this experience.  Remember to use your Merkaba.  Draw it out and meditation on the drawing. The integration of your higher selves into your current reality will greatly assist you.  
Finish all that you have begun and BE patient. All is proceeding just as it should. Remember, there truly is no time, as you know it. Therefore, there is no impatience.
Commander Maltese

(Note from Sue, It is interesting that I was guided to read this message now. It has been 19 years since I received this message and I am just beginning to enter the healing that Commander Maltese is speaking about.)

Friday, June 7, 2019

After Skool

Embrace All the Activations ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 9, 2019

Embrace All the Activations ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 9, 2019

Embrace All the Activations ∞The 9D Arcturian Council 

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have awakened within you a greater sense of the truth of who you really are, because you are part Arcturian, just as you are part Pleiadian, part Sirian, part Andromedan, and so on. You originated from Source, and you are still Source, and Source is all that is, but you have also known yourselves as beings from all across this galaxy and beyond. Now, when you encounter your fellow humans, they are all also awakening something within you, something that you have been in denial of, or just something you have been needing a reminder of. And so, every single other human on the planet with you now is there to help you. You are all helping each other to become the truth of who you are, the total you. You are all complete as you are, but you chose to emphasize certain aspects of yourselves in this lifetime to give you a unique experience. But those aspects of self that you chose not to emphasize are still there. They are what you would call lying dormant within you, waiting to be activated. It is our assertion here that you are being activated constantly and that you sometimes enjoy and accept those activations, but at other times, you reject them. You look at someone or something and say, ‘That is not me. That has nothing to do with me, and in fact, I condemn it. I do not believe that should exist. But if you were to truly eliminate something or someone, you would be chopping off a piece of your self. You would be taking away a part of Source that was meant to exist. Many of these aspects you are in denial of are calling you out to forgive and love unconditionally, and that is challenging, we know. We know that it’s a tall order, but it’s the one that you signed up for in this lifetime. So you might as well accept it as a part of your journey and know that every time you are willing to forgive, to accept, and then unconditionally love someone or some aspect of life, you get another piece of yourself. You become more whole, and that is the ultimate goal. When you are feeling all of that wholeness, you will have become your higher self. So look for opportunities to forgive and to love unconditionally. You don’t have to deny that some aspect of you doesn’t exist or that some person couldn’t possibly be real. You just have to embrace everything as it is to take yourselves to the next level, or what we and others are referring to as the fifth dimension. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Commander Ash’Tar’Ka’ree May 21, 2019 Channelled by Zayn

From the Commander Ash’Tar’Ka’ree
MAY 21, 2019

Dearest one I Am Ash’Tar’Ka’Ree, and I greet you from the Aurora.

As we stand by ready to make appropriate contact with you.

For that is what awaits you now, is a more of open contact in where we will make ourselves known, to those of you who are ready and willing to meet us.

We know there are many of you that are eagerly awaiting our arrival, but know that this arrival will not be the physical landing of our ships, not yet anyway.

We will begin to make contact to you through your sleep state and as we flash by in you daily lives.
For we are here and we are all around you now, some of you even walk past us in the streets, fully unaware that you have just passed us by.

For we are here in great numbers now dear one.

Those of you, that are being prepared for this contact, will be the ones in charge of acclimating to our presence and then going forth and preparing others, in the similar way that, you yourself, have been prepared.

For all is to take shape now dear ones, the many announcements you have been waiting for are to be revealed, the truth is to be told now, all is in place at the ready for a grand reveal, a reveal that will shock many, but let those of you, the truth seekers, warriors of what is right, the light, the love, to let out that big sigh.

And so it will be for you all to step up to the plate and assist those in understanding these truths and you will finally be at ease.

Your mental well being will be fully put to ease as this will cause a release of all that you have been fighting for, it will no longer be a weight on your shoulders as everything will be made known.
So be ready now dear ones, be steadfast in the light and all will be an easy task for you all.

I am here in this now, this moment with you dear one to assist you in remembering why you are here and what it is you are to do.

For there is an energetic connection between you that has a purpose and that purpose is to assist in the creation of the etheric grids that are now being strengthened, wave after wave of Source energy, of galactic energy.

You are assisting in creating a web of light, many of you are the anchor points for your areas and once fully activated this web of light will be magnificent to see and see it you shall.
For it is time now, there is no more mucking around with the dark ones, they are to be dealt with and swiftly.

They have had their time now and it is to be final. Done, kaput as you say.
So, fret not about what is occurring in the outer world and just know that all is well and being taken care of with Divine Justice, justice for the Earth and her peoples.

Go now dear ones and anchor the focal points of light into your cities.
Begin to visually do this and we will be here to assist you with this work.

There is much to do, so be ready dear ones, the time is now.
I Am Ash’Tar’Ka’Ree and I have been with you both for quite some time now.

Say hi next time you see me
Channelled by Zayn ….. @h