Wednesday, June 6, 2018

6-5-18 lucidmd's dream  - lucid dream

The dream started off with Kyle H., we were in an English class or something. A lady visitor sang for our class and not many people showed her respect. One guy made a joke about (???). Afterwards I told the lady I liked her singing. She seemed like she was going through rough times? The teacher wanted me to do a current event. I checked I was excited about the future and technology, and the buildings being built. I realized I was dreaming. Kyle H. and I explored the dream. We "fought" each other, with superpowers.

There was a poem or a song about a kid not fitting into the boxes of mainstream society, but breaking out of them. I don't remember who exactly it was, or what the poem/song was about. Someone was painting like Picasso in the dream at one point. But the poem/song seemed like a masterpiece. It had a similar feeling to this video:

At one point there was The Matrix scene with Keanu, similar to the Matrix Revelations ending. Neo was confident, he said put the gun in my mouth, if I'm wrong pull the trigger. So the "bad guys" checked downstairs on Trinity, who was saving them. Neo was right. They later get the guns, and bust out.

Later I was on a boat with my brother and a few others. I was talking with people. This guy on the boat brought up collective consciousness or group think and fear. I said we're being conditioned to be afraid of aliens, with movies about alien invasions. My brother was holding onto some blue poker chips that I gave him. The boat we were on rocked in place, or bumped like a bumper car. The other girl and dude were talking once I brought it up. Someone started to try to stop me? I don't know. The sky was gray. I thought of Bashar and I thought I don't prefer this reality, then I shifted. I must have realized I was dreaming. I was peuedo awake, then I really woke up.

Before, the Roses neighbors were standing near our pool shooting fireworks. Moses the dog was going blind. He couldn't see, his eyes were white/gray. Other dogs there. A bluejay flew into our house and landed on Ken / Mom's head, and I remembered I was dreaming.