Monday, October 14, 2024

Loving Loving Your Oppressors ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 7, 2017

Loving Loving Your Oppressors ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 7, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are surprised by humanity every single time we look upon you. There is no shortage of love, compassion, and kindness on your world, in spite of the fact that you have all been oppressed for millions of years. You have not lost faith and you have not lost hope, and you have found strength where it seemed there was none to be found. You have persevered through the darkest of times, and we are pleasantly surprised to see that humanity is still making life on planet Earth as pleasant and enjoyable as you can. The more of you who awaken, the more recognition there is that there are forces who are keeping humanity at a manageable level. There are more and more of you who are awakened to the fact that you have been under the control of certain nefarious groups and that they have the ability to silence people who want to expose them. And so, what can you do once you recognize that you are being oppressed, you are being kept down, and you cannot oppose the ones who are doing it by exposing them? And you certainly cannot win by force because they have technology that far exceeds what is available to most humans. Again, we are going to ask you to do the unimaginable here, the unthinkable. We are suggesting that you do the only thing that will keep you in the higher frequency ranges. We are asking you to love your oppressors, because as you hold that higher frequency you make yourself invisible to them. It is through fear that they manipulate and control. Your love and your compassion for each other must extend to them in order to disarm them. There are those working on the side of the dark who can be saved, but it will take a tremendous amount of light to do it, and that is where all of you come in. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday, September 30, 2024

October 2024 Energies & Their Effect on You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 29, 2024

October 2024 Energies & Their Effect on You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 29, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy and excited to give you this report on the energies of October, as far as we are concerned. We know that you will be receiving a lot of different energies from a lot of different sources, but we can tell you all about the energies that we are offering and the energies we know are also coming from other points within the ninth dimension. The energies of October will be about strengthening your resolve in following the beat of your own drum. The energies will be about amplifying the intensity of the inner guidance that you are getting. That means an increase in all of your clairs - clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance. It means moving into a time when the nudges that you get from within are harder to ignore. The impulses that you get feel more undeniable. It is a time when you are going to be supported by these energies to let go of what other people think and say you should be doing so that you can increase your awareness of what is happening inside of you in terms of all of that guidance that you do get and that many of you ignore. Now of course, some of you only ignore this guidance some of the time, and there are very few of you who receive that guidance and follow that guidance every single time that you’re getting it, but most people need some energetic boosts in this regard. They need to be given more of the impulses and for those impulses to be stronger. They need more of the nudges and for the nudges to be less subtle. And when you hear a voice or you see an image in your mind’s eye, you will be less likely from this point forward to dismiss it as something that you made up using just your imagination. You are of course getting help and guidance all the time, and the number of sources you have of your own guidance is too big of a number to give you. Many of you have dozens of spirit guides. You have a galactic team that is in somewhere in the range of fifty and a hundred beings. You have ancestors. You have your higher selves. You have oversouls. You have Source Energy. You have faeries and angels and all kinds of helpers around you, including orbs, and they all want you to know how powerful you are, and they all want you to live lives in joy where you feel fulfilled and satisfied with what you are doing. And so, the energies of October are a combination of encouraging you to listen to what you are getting from those sources, and they will also help to amplify the power and the intensity of what you are getting. And so, moving forward, you can be more confident now than ever before that what you are getting is meant for you and is to be followed by you, because we all can see the broader scope of your lives. We can see the bigger picture, and we know what it serves you best to be doing, thinking about, talking about and moving towards, and now the encouragement that you get will be so much more than it has ever been before to move in those directions and to live that life of joy, while also being fulfilled and satisfied in what you are doing. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, September 26, 2024

What It Will Take for all the Spaceships to Land ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 25, 2024

What It Will Take for all the Spaceships to Land ∞9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 25, 2024

"And when you let go of all of that heaviness and all that darkness that is within you, then you don’t need to create the idea of villains in your stories anymore. And it just so happens that when enough of you are in that space of forgiveness, that’s when the ships will land. When enough people decide that no one has to be put on trial and no one has to be locked up, that’s when you will open up to your friends and family members who are waiting patiently on their ships in your skies. We are excited for that day to come, and we know that it is coming soon."

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been aware of so many of the struggles that humanity faces, and we have taken a hands-off, non-interference approach, and many of you would ask why. Many of you would ask, ‘Why do the e.t.s not intervene on our behalf? Why are we not protected from the forces that would keep us down, keep us feeling enslaved?’ Well, the truth is you all wanted it this way before you were born onto that planet in this lifetime, whether you know it or not. Now, hear us out. From the human perspective, people living in war-torn countries, experiencing poverty, famine, all kinds of civil unrest, these are all terrible things that no one would ever want. And it is true that they are terrible things, and it is all right for you all to decide that they are terrible things and that you do not want them anymore, and that is one of the purposes that they serve for you. You get to create what you want out of those circumstances that you don’t want. You also get to experience yourselves as the ones who feeds the hungry person, or you get to experience yourselves as the one who gives money to the poor. You get to experience yourselves as the ones who stand up for those who are disenfranchised in some way. People who live in those war-torn countries get to experience themselves as heroes, and many have. And so, for any being or group of beings to come into your environment and say, ‘We will make it all better for you,’ would just be robbing you of those experiences of self that you ultimately want to have as souls, and some of you can even admit want to have as people. This is why non-interference is such an important policy for e.t.s to take. Now, have all e.t.s taken the non-interference policy to heart all the time? Of course, you know the answer to that is no. We can say it is true for us, but we can also say that we were interested in other things, and what we were interested in didn’t involve planet Earth for a very long time. And now we have taken an interest in you, and we know that the way to help you is to teach you, to send you energies, and all kinds of codes and transmissions. And we know that you will take the knowledge that you receive from us and the energies that you download, and you will run with them, and you will get to experience the joy of your own growth. Many on Earth would like to see thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, or even millions of trials going on to bring the truth to light about those who have been doing the dastardly deeds there on your planet. And perhaps you think we would be the ones to be the judges or the juries in those cases, but that is going about it the very long and very hard way. It is so much easier to forgive, and it is so much faster to see the light, the love, the Divinity within each and every human being no matter what they have done. It is so much better for you than to lock them all up, and some of you know this, and some of you are doing it, and you are the ones doing that work that some humans want us to do. We are not coming to balance the scales for you, but you can do so much with what is happening inside of you. You can do so much when you realize you’re holding onto resentment, you’re holding onto judgment, you’re condemning those who seem to be responsible for all the problems on your world. And when you let go of all of that heaviness and all that darkness that is within you, then you don’t need to create the idea of villains in your stories anymore. And it just so happens that when enough of you are in that space of forgiveness, that’s when the ships will land. When enough people decide that no one has to be put on trial and no one has to be locked up, that’s when you will open up to your friends and family members who are waiting patiently on their ships in your skies. We are excited for that day to come, and we know that it is coming soon. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Do Not Limit Your Uses of the Violet Flame ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 22, 2024

Do Not Limit Your Uses of the Violet Flame ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, September 22, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. I invite you to work with the violet flame in whatever way you see fit. If I were in human form right now, I would not be limiting the uses of the violet flame to just one or two things. You can use your relationship to that energy to manifest, to heal. You can use it for help with problems, issues, challenges you face in your life. You can use it to clear the energy in a room, and of course to clear your energy field. You can use it to heal a part of the world that is in famine, war, or experiencing other types of emotional upheavals. Do not limit yourselves, and do not limit your tools. Do not assume for a moment that I believe the violet flame is the best tool that you have in your toolbox. It is one and hopefully one of many, and I would prefer to see you all using it in more ways than I currently do. And so, this transmission that I am bringing through Daniel here is one to initiate the use of the violet flame within each and every one of you so that you know that you have this tool available to you at all times, and I would also enjoy knowing that this transmission gave you an activation to remind you that you have this tool available to you at all times. Therefore, the next time that you are struggling with something, that you are fighting against someone, you will remember that you have this available to you. It is a valuable tool. It is a tool that has more uses than I can list right now, but I will continue to list more because I want to stretch your imaginations. Use it to activate the water you are about to drink or bathe in. Use it to work with the energy grids of Mother Earth. Use it to clear anything from your food that it might be carrying energetically. Use it in meditation, in healing, and in manifestation. Visualize the violet flame when you want to get into a place of greater peace or when you want to open up to channel. Use it to ground by imagining it coming out of the soles of your feet. Use it to create an opening at the crown of your head so that you can receive more. Use it as a multi-purpose tool, as a consciousness, an energy that you can always rely upon, and know that it will be that for you. You are creating your reality, but it is easier for you to use the higher-vibrational tools that you have available to you to create a reality that is going to be more to your liking than it is to use something that is of a lower vibration to create a higher-vibrational future experience for you. If you want to get the color right, I suggest that you look it up. There are many depictions of the violet flame that you can find, and you can simply look for the color violet with one of your wonderful search engines. Get comfortable with the feeling of it around you, and visualize it just to raise your vibration. To create better relationships between you and others, see yourselves engulfed by the violet flame while you are talking or even while you are arguing. I want you to use other tools that you have as well and to allow your intuition to guide you as to which tool is the best one for you at any given time, but it is my hope that you will no longer limit your uses of the violet flame as you move forward. This is a beautiful journey that you are on, and you have many more tools and gifts to discover along your path. Be open to all of them being of many uses to you. I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

Friday, September 20, 2024

Your Galactic Origins ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, December 15, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. In your discovery of your connection to beings from other parts of the galaxy, you often wonder where you are from. You have a lineage, and you all have led lifetimes in other parts of the galaxy, because you are all very, very old souls. And so, the connections that you feel are real, but they are also varied. Chances are, you have felt a connection to more than one star system or more than one species of extra-terrestrials, and this is because of that lineage. It is because you all contain energy and DNA from a variety of places and a variety of beings. You are here on Earth, playing the role that you are playing in an effort to unite all beings in the galaxy and all star systems. If you can do it, if you can set aside your differences on planet Earth and work together regardless of race, religion, or country of origin, then you will demonstrate to the rest of the galaxy that it is possible and it is fruitful to do so. We are all stronger when we are united than when we are separated, and we are all children of the same universe, the same Source. Now, whichever star system you feel closely connected to at this time is likely to be a star system where you originated in the galaxy, where you spent most of your lifetimes, or where you spent your most recent lifetimes, outside of Earth, of course. Bringing together these various aspects of yourself will help you tremendously, but it will do much more than that. Just by working on your own personal integration of energies, you help the entire galaxy, and you are starting with helping yourselves and helping each other. When humanity is able to form a union, that is when you will know you are on the verge of ascension. When you can stop playing politics, and start working together, that is when you will know that you have fulfilled your mission as individuals and as a human race. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Open First Contact with E.T.s ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, November 28, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. It is an awakening that the rest of the galaxy has been waiting for. You are the awakened ones who are bringing more light and more love to planet Earth, making it possible for more contact with your extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters. You are the ones who are responsible for the elevation of the status of humanity, bringing all of you to a point where you are closer than ever to having open first contact with extra-terrestrial beings. Of course, there has been contact. It has been made. We are talking about open contact, contact that is undeniable, and contact with a large enough portion of the population that there will be a trust. The humans who would have feared the presence of physical extra-terrestrials will be able to sense how trustworthy they are by the effect these E.T.s have on those of you who welcome them with open arms. Now we are not saying when this is going to happen. We are just saying that you are closer than you have ever been in this day and age. It has been a long time since other beings were able to walk among you without striking fear in the hearts of those who would come across them. However, the groundwork has been laid for this to occur again on planet Earth, and this time the E.T. beings will be coming as your equals, as your partners, and as your co-creators. They will not be seeking worship, and they will not be seeking to enslave. They want you to be a part of the galactic community. They want it as much as you do. Your leaders of nations are aware of these beings. They are aware, and they are more open than ever to becoming part of the galactic family that you all want to be a part of. We want you to know that the openness in your hearts has tipped the scales. Those who would be afraid are far outnumbers. And those of you who know who you really are, and know that extra-terrestrial beings are a part of your history are the ones who made this happen. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The 2 Assassination Attempts in the US Presidential Election ∞The Creators Channeled Daniel Scranton, September 19, 2024

The 2 Assassination Attempts in the US Presidential Election ∞The Creators Channeled Daniel Scranton, September 19, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. We know that you love excitement there on Earth, and you like news that is compelling and gets your blood pumping, but you often take your attention off of what really matters when you are looking at the sensationalized news story. You have of course, there in the United States, a presidential election coming up, and you have two assassination attempts now on one of the candidates. And certainly there has been a lot of speculation about those assassination attempts, and there will be plenty of people out there who will want to talk about them, and there will be just as many people out there who have an opinion about them. And the average person who is putting their attention on this type of eye-grabbing news story is not paying attention to how they feel as they give those assassination attempts their attention. And so, that is the most important piece of any news that comes across your awareness. You must ask yourself how you feel in relationship to it, and if you are feeling something about it, know that the feeling is about you and not the quote/unquote ‘state of the world.’ You have some relationship to that candidate, or gun laws, or violence, or people being polarized, and when you get triggered and you have those emotional responses, you need to take care of yourself first. You don’t need to get to the bottom of the story itself, and you don’t need to know what anyone else thinks about it, what their theories are and so on. You simply need to get back to the place where you are being a person who exudes unconditional love, and as quickly as possible, because if you are not doing that, then you are letting these news stories drag you down. And in this day and age, you don’t even have to watch the mainstream news in order to get this type of information, and you certainly are going to see a lot said and written about the assassination attempts, but how does it relate to you and the world you want to create? How does it relate to you and how you feel about guns, about the candidate, about the election, about the future of the world, and the United States in particular? Deal with that first, because you are the most powerful force in your universe. You are the one who can change everything by changing you, and you don’t have to feel disempowered by anything that is happening out there in the world. But everything is there because it needs to be there in order to help you and everyone else grow in the ways you still need to grow. And therefore, we advise you to take care of yourselves, get on with your lives and send love to everyone who was involved in these shootings, and everyone who is getting riled up by these news stories. Send love to everyone who is arguing about them right now and everyone who is in a pit of despair because of what these circumstances and events in your world mean. You have the power to change your world for the better, and you do want to live in a world where no one is shooting at anyone else. That is the ultimate goal here. You want to live in a world where everyone is loving everyone else unconditionally. And you may think that you are getting further and further from that world, but everything that ever happens is happening to get you closer to living in and on that world. So relax, take a deep breath and know that all will be well. All is well, and it will get better, and it will get better because of you.

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”