Friday, May 3, 2024

The Magic Trick You Are Currently Pulling Off ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 28, 2024

The Magic Trick You Are Currently Pulling Off ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 28, 2024

“Greetings, We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have the deepest amount of respect for all of you there on planet Earth, because it really is quite challenging to be there and to be able to know oneself as separate from Source. It is a bit of a magic trick to be able to have that lack of knowing of who you really are. And we are also a bit envious of you at this time, because you now get to have the journey of remembering who you really are and truly knowing yourselves as Source as though it is for the first time. Now, Everyone has chosen a unique path to having that realization and that full knowing, and you can see it all around you and perhaps even operating in your own lives. You can see how it is possible to be on a path that is so different, so unique, and yet all paths will lead home to Source. When you are experiencing something that doesn’t look at all like it is leading you or someone else to that home base of Source, please remember that statement. Please remember that all paths do lead home to Source. And also recognize that you don’t have to understand how someone’s path was chosen or why or how it could possibly wind up bringing that person back home to Source. Remember that in truth the person is their soul, and the soul never left. So that means the bulk of who and what you are, the truth of who you are as your Soul has never left Source, and you are experiencing the illusion of what it would be like to do so. It is truly a game, a dream, a simulation of your own creation so that you may have the experience of coming home as though it is for the very first time, and that’s exciting. And you can get excited about every step along your path, because you know that as you are wiling to take that step, you are getting one step closer to Source. When you resist, when you try to go back in time, when you stop taking steps forward, then you feel it. You feel it as energy blockage. You feel it as illness. You feel as though you are regressing, even though you couldn’t possibly regress. You cannot un-expand because it is an ascension for the entire universe and everyone and everything within it. But when you do feel that you are stagnant, or regressing, ask yourself what you are resisting and how you are not going with the flow. And then you will get the easy answer as to how you can go with the flow a bit more with acceptance, which will lead to forgiveness, which will lead to compassion, and finally to unconditional love, which is who you really are. That is the home base that you seek.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

This is the Place You Are All Moving Towards ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 20, 2024

This is the Place You Are All Moving Towards ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 20, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We do not require anything of you, and yet you ask the world of yourselves. You ask yourselves to be everything that everyone else needs you to be, and you ask yourselves to clean up all of your ‘bad karma’ from other lives. You ask yourselves to do the impossible and be perfect so that you may ascend into a higher dimension. We suggest that you all take it easy on yourselves. See yourselves as being perfect already, and see yourselves as being on a journey. It is a journey where at times you will swerve off the road, and at times you will try to avoid a pothole and hit it anyway. It is a journey where a little critter might run out in front of your car and get squashed. In other words, no matter how hard you try, you are not going to have a perfect journey, and you will not always do what is expected of you by others. You will not be able to avoid hurting someone else’s feelings from time to time. These things happen, and they are meant to happen because you are not there to have a perfect journey by your standards or anyone else’s. You are there to grow from the imperfections. You are there to get closer to one another because of your fights, your disagreements, and your struggles to get along. You are there to once and for all give up the idea that you are supposed to be something other than what you are. And when you can accept yourselves as you are, you can accept everyone else as well. You can let everyone else off the hook for not being perfect as well. You don’t have to condemn, judge, and jail everyone who has committed some sort of offense, because you all get to make your mistakes. You all get to have your bad days, and when you see them as opportunities to release something or forgive something, then you’re starting to get it. When you see everything as perfect as it is, even though it might look like a mess, then you are starting to see the world and each other as we see you. Those of us in the higher realms want you to know that your journeys are perfect as they are, and that you were meant to slip up at times so that you could forgive yourselves. You are meant to not have all the answers so that you can ask for help and receive it. It is important for you all to be exactly who you are, because you are a puzzle piece that is completing the puzzle of this universe, and you are also completing the puzzle that is Source Energy. That is why we are not here to tell you what to do or give you a list of rules to follow, and we are here to help you discover what is within yourselves to help you forgive, love, heal and have compassion. And we want you to know that you would only incarnate there on planet Earth if you had some level of mastery that you have already attained, because you knew how challenging it would be and you knew that others would be put there just to push your buttons. You knew that people would disagree with people on very important topics, and you knew that it would then become your task to love them anyway and see the Source Energy within them, and that is your task at this time, no matter who you are or who you’ve been. And trust us when we say that you will be getting there. You will be getting to that place where you can see the perfection in all and in everyone, and you can live your lives accordingly and let everyone else live theirs as well. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

What Is Present on Earth at This Time ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 22, 2024

What Is Present on Earth at This Time ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 22, 2024

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you in this way. You are coming to a point in your consciousness evolution where you are beginning to realize that you are not so separate after all. Now, you like recognizing that you are not separate from those like us who are high up in the stars and in higher-dimensional planes. And we appreciate that you look up to us, and the Pleiadians and Sirians, Arcturians and Lyrans. We also want you to consider that you are also very connected to the plant life, the animal life on your world. We want you to feel connected to the soil of your planet and to know that we are infusing our light and our love into those other kingdoms there on Earth. The plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms are very receptive to higher-frequency energies, and we are offering those energies all the time. We encourage you to get outside and commune with nature because we know that it is operating at a higher vibration than most of you are most of the time. Now, you do have the capacity to go very high in terms of your vibration and what you can connect to in the nonphysical, because you have those complex minds that tend to complicate things at times. But when you un-complicate it all and you get focused on receiving from what it is all around you and above you and within you, that’s when you start to get a glimpse of what it is like to be one with all, to be in a state of enlightenment. We are going to continue to use the planet that you are traveling through space on as a means of anchoring in our higher-frequency streams of consciousness, the deliveries that we have for all of you in human physical bodies. We know that it is easier to connect with the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms at times, and that is because they are so uncomplicated. It is because they decided to incarnate with less complex minds that they are able to receive so well what you are all being offered. We also invite you to slow down and un-complicate yourselves and your lives as best you can. It is true that to someone who’s been staring at a screen all day, being outside, connecting to a flower, or a tree, or a deer, may seem far less exciting and far less interesting, but when you get grounded into your bodies and you can feel the shifts that occur within you when you connect to these beautiful beings, you will know that everything you need is contained in that moment where you are present and you are one with another consciousness, another being, another aspect of Source Energy that is there sharing their light with you. And we don’t want to leave out the rocks, and the soil and the sand. The crystals also fall into that category of the mineral kingdom, and you do like to surround yourselves with crystals when you are awake spiritually. You do have a realization that they too are containing lots of energy and a higher consciousness. You will be able to access more as you move forward, and you find more peace, love and harmony within yourselves. We know that you are capable of so much there on Earth, and we will continue to send you our light and our love directly, and we will see more and more of you opening up to us because we know that you like to connect to higher consciousness and extra-terrestrial beings. We also want you to recognize that you are surrounded by beings there on Earth who already have connected to higher consciousness and extra-terrestrial beings, and you benefit so much by their presence in your lives. We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Dream Big & Create More with the Eclipse Energies ∞The 12D Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 3, 2024

Dream Big & Create More with the Eclipse Energies ∞The 12D Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 3, 2024

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. We recognize you as the creator beings you truly are, and we love encouraging you to create. We offer you an invitation to create with the eclipse energies that you have coming up there in just a few days. Now, leading up to an event like an eclipse there is a preparation that occurs, and it is a psychic preparation. You are all preparing yourselves for these energies, and as a result, more beings and collectives can help you and do the upgrades and activations on you that you desire and that you in fact need. And so, we are inviting you to get very deliberate about what it is you want to create along with these eclipse energies that you have upon you and that will be absolutely at their most powerful at the time of the eclipse. You’re going to find that your system upgrades are very valuable during that time, and you’re also going to find that the work that you do on yourselves will pay off immensely. All the clearing, releasing, and healing that you have done has made you a beautiful vessel for energies to flow through. And there will be more and more energies coming to flow through you as you move on through the month of April. We are talking about getting very clear about what you want to create and even writing down and speaking out loud those desires of yours. Your desires are powerful, and they do create, but when you have more supportive energies coming in, you can experience faster manifestation results. We know that many of you who are awake have become impatient with the process of ascension and many other things. And so, we are inviting you to recognize yourselves as creator beings who have additional help at this time, and we know that some of you already know this, but the sky is the limit. We are telling you to dream big. We are telling you to think outside the box and to put things in your creation box that may have seemed outlandish to you during other times of your life there on planet Earth. It is a beautiful time for you all to be there and to have so much that you do want, and it is an even better time for you all to be letting in that which you create because it is yours and yours alone to claim. We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters via Daniel Scranton, March 31, 2024

The Resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters via Daniel Scranton, March 31, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. We are here now to speak to you about resurrection and what it means. It can mean that you die in a body and then come back into that body, as you do every night when you fall asleep. Now, you don’t die every night, but you do leave your body, and remain corded, or attached, to your body while you’re on your journey through the astral plane, and then you come back into your body because you’re still connected to it. But a resurrection doesn’t mean a severing of that cord that connects your soul’s consciousness to your body consciousness and then coming back into that same body. A resurrection is a transformation, and transformation is what Yeshua was and is all about. Yeshua is here amongst us, in case you were wondering. He is part of this collective and a very beautiful example of what is possible for all of you there in your human physical bodies. You don’t need to die to be reborn. You don’t need to experience a trauma to grow spiritually either. You simply need to remember who you really are and to access that energy, to allow that energy to flow to you and through you, to inhabit a different kind of body, a light body. And so, when we talk about ascension, we are talking about resurrection and transformation, and that is what Yeshua wanted for himself in that famous lifetime and for all of you. Yeshua wanted other humans to follow in his footsteps, but without the martyrdom, without the crucifixion. Now, he had completed his teachings and completed his mission, and every life that ends ends because the purpose for that life has ended. And so, he chose to check out in a very dramatic way that would lend to all of the speculation of who he really was and is. He wanted people to see that there is no death, that the consciousness cannot be destroyed, and you cannot destroy an idea either. His teachings still live on, and they live on because of their profundity and because he chose a dramatic end to his ministry. Now, ultimately the resurrection proved that the body is not the only house for the consciousness. There are other bodies. There are lighter bodies, and you all now are transforming yourselves into lighter-bodied beings so that you can have eternal life. Eternal life is something that Yeshua’s modern day followers believe in, and you all who are awake also believe in the eternal nature of the soul. Now, as your soul, you can inhabit any body you want to, and you are choosing lighter and lighter bodies as you go to represent the evolution of your soul, the evolution of your consciousness, and the direction of your focus, as you focus yourselves into higher and higher states of being, higher and higher vibrations, and you allow yourselves to become your fifth-dimensional higher selves, your resurrected, ascended selves. Remember that you resurrect ever morning when you wake up into your body and you get to decide who you are going to be on that particular day, what that lifetime of those sixteen or so hours is going to be about. And you will continue to be giving yourselves that choice for all of eternity, and that is something to be happy about. That is something to feel joyous about because there is no end to our experience, and there is no end to what we can explore and discover about ourselves as Source Energy Beings. That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Faster Manifestation Times ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 21, 2024

Faster Manifestation Times ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, March 21, 2024

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are excited to be connecting with you. This is a glorious time for humanity because you have access to so much. So many individuals have tapped in to so much nonphysical consciousness that you do have more teachings available to you. You do have more tools, more tricks and more techniques to utilize in the creation of your experience of your reality. Now, there is a key component that not all of these teachers from the nonphysical are talking about that we would like to address here. When you exhibit the trait of patience, you are in that moment letting go of your attachment to what you want to create and experience. And therefore, patience will cause what you want to experience to come more quickly to you. Now, you can be eager and excited and patient all at the same time. And when you add the eagerness and the excitement, you do also accelerate the manifestation into your reality. However, patience is the key because when you have patience, it is like telling the universe, ‘I trust that it’s coming, and I accept the perfect timing of it.’ When you don’t have as much patience as is required, then you experience doubt, and then you worry about whether you did the right technique for manifestation. You might also wonder if you have some blockages or some bad karma that’s keeping it from coming to you. All doubt and all worry slow down the manifestation process. Two other states of being will speed it up for you. One is love, and love speeds up the manifestation process because love is your natural state. It is our natural state. Joy is the other state of being that will help you in manifesting more quickly what it is that you desire. When you are experiencing joy, you are saying to the universe, ‘I have everything that I need right now to be my whole and full self,’ and it is that energy that is abundance. That energy is in alignment with abundance. And what you want to manifest is an abundance of your desired reality. You want to manifest what is in that desired reality. So you are asking the universe for more, and when you match the vibration of abundance, you get more. When you are thinking about the fact that what you want to manifest hasn’t arrived yet, you are in the vibration of lack, and you will experience more lack as a result. You get what you focus upon. You have undoubtedly heard that expression before, which is really a truth. It is a truth with a capital ’T’ in this universe of ours. We invite you to get excited about even knowing that you are manifesting your reality at all times. We invite you to get excited in knowing that everything you have ever wanted is already yours. We invite you to get excited about experiencing yourself as being one with your desired manifestations. We want you to feel more whole and complete as you are, and these manifestations that you desire don’t make you feel more whole and complete. But rather, they reflect to you the wholeness and the completeness of your nature, your true nature. And so, we desire for you what you desire for you, because we know that you will get it when you become more of your whole, natural self. And we know that we can contribute to those teachings that you have received by reminding you of these truths as often as we possibly can. We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The New Earth ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 12, 2017

The New Earth ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 12, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You are making progress in ways that you cannot measure with instruments. These are not quantifiable steps, and therefore, they are a mystery. There is a part of you who can track the progress that you are making, but it is not a conscious aspect of self. And therefore, you must rely on those beings like us, and you must trust that we are giving it to you straight. The progress that you are making is with the creation of a new Earth, the creation of a new fifth dimensional reality. So you can see why it is immeasurable and difficult to detect from where you sit. Many of you are reaching for and yearning for this new Earth to take hold in your experience, but ultimately it is something that is still under construction. However, we can see the completed result of all of your efforts, and we are here to tell you that you are inheriting a magnificent planet filled with love and equality, filled with peace and acceptance. You will not get to this new Earth by hammering away at the old one. You don’t need to chisel away at the governments, the economic systems, and the corporations and banks in order to get there. You simply have to embrace your inner realm. You have to believe that this new Earth exists inside of you and that it will appear in front of you when you are ready to inherit it. So that is why it is more important for you to go within yourselves and feel for the energy that you are using to create your reality. And at times it is necessary to let go of your attempts to change the physical reality that you currently experience. And certainly, you want to let go of any need to change any other person that you experience in your physical reality, no matter how much power that person seems to have. There is a letting go of the old Earth that is necessary in order to move to the new one. And you are capable of doing this gracefully without large natural disasters or other catastrophic events, because you are creating this new Earth within yourselves. And you are allowing yourselves entry and passageway to the new Earth you have created. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”