Saturday, January 5, 2019

Mother Earth via Natalie Glasson, January 4th, 2019

Mother Earth via Natalie Glasson, January 4th, 2019

Awakening the Light of the Earth by Mother Earth
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 4th January 2019 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Love and gratitude, I express to you as co-creators of the reality we are all experiencing now. I am Mother Earth/ Gaia, I honour all that you are and all you are creating upon the Earth now. I wish to share with you that all you are creating is appropriate and necessary to create the larger picture of the Creator. Everything has a purpose and accelerates enlightenment or Creator realisation. The larger picture for the Earth is created by the Creator and you are an aspect of the Creator, therefore you hold this larger picture for the Earth’s reality within your essence. The more you connect with and bring your focus to the Creator the more you will access this larger picture of the Creator within you which will guide you appropriately forth. Thus, you and others upon the Earth as a collective will bring forth all that is divinely appropriate and necessary for each stage of ascension.
I, Mother Earth, invite you to accept that all you create through your thoughts, believes and actions in your life are appropriate for you now and at this stage of ascension. This means to let go of feelings or worries that your thoughts are too negative or not positive enough, that you are focusing inappropriately or need to alter your beliefs. Instead, I invite you to accept yourself, your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions as they are now. Accept that everything is appropriate for your reality and ascension stage now, as well as allows for you to access transformation and truth from within your being. When you accept that all you are creating right now is appropriate for your reality and the larger picture of the Creator you accept your power as an instigator of transformation, change, and truth in your world and the entire world. Accepting your power and ability to make shifts in your world and the reality of the Earth allows for illusions to fall away especially connected to your ability as a powerful beacon of light, spiritual being and wise expression of the Creator.
Rather than judging yourself and stating all the things you could or should do better, simply accept yourself as you are now, without the need to change, even if you are desperate for some form of change. This can be challenging although when achieved it creates a unique shift within you and a deeper connection to your truth; there is a sense of relief and empowerment. It is from this state of being and existence that you can then make the necessary changes and shifts within your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions with greater ease and without any form of resistance. It is through the acceptance of the now that resistance or battling with yourself dissolves, the lesson or meaning of an action comes to the surface, thus the energy is liberated, and you become liberated.
Awakening the Light of the Earth
I, Mother Earth, wished to share this understanding of accepting all that you are right now to empower you that you are a creator of your reality and the reality of the Earth. With this empowerment, I, Mother Earth, wish to join with you to create an awakening of light for the Earth, that all will benefit from.
The awakening of light is an activation within the core of my being, Mother Earth, which will fortify all aspects of humanity with sacred qualities of the Creator. This is akin to a revitalisation of your inner truth and divinity and a reconnection of the Creator with your entire being and reality. The qualities that will be fortified within all of humanity will be the qualities of acceptance of self, unconditional love for self and a redirection of mental focus free from illusions especially connected to self-power and self- abilities. The awakening of light from my being, Mother Earth, will support a deeper connection for humanity to all the dimensions and different aspects of the Earth, such as nature, animals, elementals etc. Thus, humanity will be able to draw from the essence of my being, energy, and aspects, the wisdom, knowledge, and support that is available to create a reality that supports and fulfils all.
You have a powerful role to play in awakening the light of my being, for once you connect with the light you will become an anchor and radiant of the light, delivering and supporting all that awakens from the light into manifestation upon the Earth. That which awakens from my light is somewhat unknown, we do know that it is ancient wisdom of harmony, compassion, and communication. These sacred qualities are needed to be fortified between the different civilisations inhabiting the Earth in order for the oneness of the Creator to dawn and be fully experienced once more. The different civilisations existing on the Earth at this time exist with separation in mind, this is especially present within humanity, as humanity sees themselves separate from the nature kingdom, animals and so forth. When harmony, compassion, and communication manifests between all inhabiting then a new wisdom and knowledge will manifest from the Earth regarding how to exist on the Earth, how to serve the ascension of all and how to exist in oneness and truth simultaneously. This will encourage many to look at the Earth, their world and all that has been created in a new way, from a space of the actions and possibilities that can be manifested and experienced by all. Thus, a judgemental and worrisome view of the Earth will dissolve. Each person and being will let go of the illusion and thought process that allows them to recognise themselves as being alone or unsupported. A new understanding and thought process will evolve where each person harnesses the power of being connected, supported and a unique aspect of a light filled collective. Now is the time to realise that you are fully supported that this is your divine right and a natural existence for you upon the Earth. It doesn’t mean that you need to know what your purpose on the Earth is at any given moment, your purpose changes and shifts constantly, while also consisting of recognising yourself as the true qualities of the Creator and delivering them through your being in ways that thrill and excite you.
When you and all of humanity co-create with me, Mother Earth, we create a powerful force where anything is possible. Imagine this for a moment.
The Process of Awakening the Light of Mother Earth
Allow yourself to gain a meditative state of being and awareness, imagine yourself sitting in nature which is luscious and green. Surrounding you are many large emerald crystals which exude the energy of my being, Mother Earth.
Feel yourself creating a network of energy and light with the large emerald crystals, receiving their energy and transferring their energy through your being. You begin to feel as one with the emerald crystals and feel the power of my energy, Mother Earth, building.
As the emerald light flows through and around you a brilliant white golden light emerges from below, this is the essence of my being.
Focus upon my white golden light drawing it up so that it flows up through your being while coming to rest within your heart chakra.
‘It is my purpose and wish to activate the light of the Earth now to bring forth a revitalisation of my inner truth and divinity and a reconnection of the Creator with my entire being and reality. The qualities that will be fortified within all of humanity will be the qualities of acceptance of self, unconditional love for self and a redirection of mental focus free from illusions especially connected to self-power and self- abilities. The awakening of light from Mother Earth, will support a deeper connection for humanity to all the dimensions and different aspects of the Earth, such as nature, animals, elementals, etc. May I become an anchor and radiant of the light, delivering and supporting all that awakens from the light into manifestation upon the Earth.’
Take time to observe, sense or simply focus on my white golden light. Be aware of how the light transforms and expands, where it flows to and how it impacts your being. The more you focus upon my white golden light the more you will allow its blessings, truth, and purpose to unfold to you.
In loving truth and support,

Mother Earth

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