Friday, May 17, 2024

Higher Frequency E.T. Beings - The Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton

Higher Frequency E.T. Beings - The Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton

page 171, Ascension - The Shift to the 5th Dimension channeled by Daniel Scranton

"Greetings, We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

If you are capable of receiving our messages, then you must be on a similar wavelength. You must have the vibrational resonance with us that is required to receive these messages. Just as the channel must raise his vibration in order to connect with us and transmit our energy, so must you be able to raise your vibration to receive and integrate that which we offer.

What that means for you is that you get to determine for yourself what types of downloads you want to receive. You get to tune yourselves energetically to the vibration s of the beings that you want to be in contact with. You get to use your discernment an decide for yourselves which messages, which beings, and which transmissions resonate with you at your core. 

This puts you in the driver's seat, so to speak, when it comes to connecting with other beings who have physical bodies and who you would consider to be extra-terrestrial. These beings, no matter who they are, are not able to affect every single human on planet Earth, no matter what they are offering vibrationally. Physical extra-terrestrial beings can only influence those humans who are offering a vibration that is receptive to their offerings. 

So if you want to interact with high-frequency beings, all you have to do is tune yourself to their vibration. And you don't then need to put your attention on any other beings that are vibrating at a lower frequency. You get to pick and choose. It is a very big galaxy, and there are many, many different beings who want to connect with you for various reasons. 

If you want to connect with the extra-terrestrial beings who have your best interests at heart, who want to co-create, and play, and learn more about you, then you just have to put your attention on those beings and their vibrations. They will be the ones that you are in harmony with. And therefore, they will be the ones that you connect with, that you receive downloads from, and that you have contact with in the physical. There is nothing for you to be afraid of. All you need to do is pay attention to your vibration. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you." 

Warming the Hearts of your Galactic Family - The Arcturian Council, channeled by Daniel Scranton

page 170, purple book  Ascension - The Shift to the 5th Dimension, by Daniel Scranton

"Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are pleased to offer you our assessment of your recent leaps in evolutionary progress. There has been a major shift in the energy on planet Earth recently, and that shift has to do with the collective's willingness to be in this galactic community that you are a part of. 

More and more of you are waking up to the truth that you are not alone in the universe, and you are feeling for the presence of your extra-terrestrial friends. By opening yourselves up to other beings, you show a willingness to cooperate. You also demonstrate that the beings who you connect with do not have to be exactly like you in order for you to respect them and take them seriously. 

This is bringing you closer to one another as a human race. For years and years, and eons of your time, the differences between the different races of human has been a point of separation. And if you can see now that the these differences are actually strengths and see that your points of harmony are greater than the points of difference between you, then you can come together as a human race and ascend together in spite of your differences. 

This warms the hearts of your extra-terrestrial brother and sisters, as they see you coming together with one another to form a unified whole of human consciousness. If you can all agree that it is worth your while to see each other as equals, then that goes a long way in bringing you closer to full extra-terrestrial contact. And so, letting your points of harmony guide you to a place in your revolution as a collective consciousness is very encouraging to all of us who are watching from the non-physical realms as well. 

We are excited to see you all coming together, sharing your perspectives with each other, and knowing that in spite of your differences, you can agree on some basic truths about what is decent and what is right for humanity. It is necessary for you to reach out beyond the Earth's atmosphere to the other beings who are present in order for you to understand yourselves and in order for you to feel yourselves as whole beings. 

It is necessary for you to understand your galactic origins in order to understand yourselves as humans, and not every single one of you has to believe in extra-terrestrials. But enough of you do, and that is what is responsible for the major shift in energy that has occurred. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you." 

Know Yourself as the Christ Consciousness ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters by Daniel Scranton, May 16, 2024

Know Yourself as the Christ Consciousness ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters by Daniel Scranton, May 16, 2024

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Where We Are All Going Together ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 15, 2024

Where We Are All Going Together ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton, May 15, 2024

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you. Someday you will all realize why you had the experiences that you are having right now. Someday it will all make sense, and if you accept that that future day is coming, then perhaps you can make peace with the current moment that you are in. Perhaps you can even look for the ways in which your current set of circumstances is serving you in myriad ways. You don’t need to see the future. You don’t need to know everything that will unfold, and you don’t need to make sense of everything that is right now. You certainly don’t need to do those things with a limited physical mind. What you do need and want to do is make peace with your current reality, and we are talking about your personal reality and the global one. We are even talking about the galactic picture of which you are a part. Making peace means being at peace, and being at peace is a step closer to Source. Being closer to Source gives you more of the experience that you want to have of your reality. So even if you could change everything outside of you without changing yourself, you would eventually start finding fault with your new reality, and you would demand that it be changed, or you would take all the necessary action steps to change it. You want to see peace out there on your world. You want to see peace in all areas, all countries, all continents, and you can start to see that peace when you can make peace with everything as it is right now. You are there to welcome in everything that which is coming, but you do not have to be the one who makes it all happen. You must understand that billions of years in our universe have led up to this moment, and therefore there is a lot of momentum carrying us to the next level, to the next octave, the next experience. You are there to enjoy the ride, to ride the waves of the expansion. You are the beneficiaries of all of the momentum that has brought us all to this place and that will continue to nudge us forward. This is why letting go, and going with the flow, and acceptance are so important and why you hear about them so frequently. And yes, you still do get to create your reality, and you are creating your reality and will continue to do so. But you are so much more effective as creators of your reality when you are not in resistance. And so, if you have a tendency to look outside of yourself at others and try to determine who is getting in the way of your alignment, your ascension, your expansion, we invite you to instead look at your resistance to those people, those governments, those corporations, those banks, to whomever it is you are blaming for your current set of circumstances. Lowering your resistance and making peace will get you beyond the third dimension, because the third dimension was and has been all about us versus them, dark versus light, and even people within the same country against each other. You are ready to move beyond that, and now is the time, because of the momentum that you have going, to simply relax into the flow and let yourselves be carried quite naturally into the higher-dimensional plains of existence that are beckoning you to them. Please do relax and let go, and trust that everything is in proper flow, and not only will you be able to get to where you are going faster, but you will also be in greater harmony, in greater community with those like us in the higher realms. We know these things to be true, and we invite you to align with us and to accept our beautiful universe as it is right now, because we are eager to see where it is we are all going together. We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Why Files: Killer Patents & Secret Science Vol. 1 | Free Energy & Anti-Gravity Cover-Ups


"For decades, we've heard about the catastrophic effects of fossil fuel pollution. For just as long, I've been hearing that global warming is a myth.

The two sides are constantly at each other's throats. But it's a fight that's completely unnecessary. The technology to create unlimited, clean, free energy has existed for over a hundred years. Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of inventors have created machines that pull energy out of thin air. Machines that could defy gravity, levitate, and fly. Machines that bend the fabric of spacetime itself. These machines sound - not just like science fiction - they sound like magic. So, where are these magical devices? Well, when the inventors patented and publicized their technology, they performed another magic trick: they disappeared." - WF

Friday, May 10, 2024

Are You Harming Your Soul? (..No) ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 10, 2024

Are You Harming Your Soul? (..No) ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 10, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters. We are here to tell you more about your beautiful souls. You think of your souls as something that you possess. However, your souls are who you really are. They are your truth, your essence, and they are aspects of Source/God/All-That-Is. Therefore, your souls are infinite and eternal beings of unconditional love, and that is why we tell you that it is also true of yourselves. You are infinite and eternal beings of unconditional love, and you are aspects of Source. Now, who you are pretending to be in your physical body doesn’t always hold that knowing and speaks, thinks, and acts accordingly. The goal then for every human being in existence is to know themselves as they truly are while masquerading around in their physical meat-suit. That is how you live the best of both worlds. That is how you become who you really are in spite of the challenges that you have laid out for yourselves in the physical reality that you call your life. Do not worry that you are harming your soul by doing what you are doing, thinking what you are thinking, or saying what you are saying. You cannot possibly do so. You can feel a wider gap between who you are pretending to be and who you really are, and that is the worst of it. The worst of what you are doing when you are not being your true, whole self is that you have what you would call a negative emotion. When those emotions come up, the best thing to do in that moment is accept the emotion as it is. It is what it is, but it doesn’t have to keep showing up. You can learn from it, and you can grow from it. You can identify why it came up, and recognize that there is something that you want to change so that you don’t keep experiencing that not-so-good feeling emotion. Those negative emotions are your friends because they are showing you that you are out of alignment, off center, not on your path. You are choosing not to be who you really are in those moments, but those moments can be fleeting if you allow them to be. If instead you beat yourself up for whatever you did, said or thought, then you will stay in the negative emotional state longer. You have to be easy on yourselves; you have to forgive yourselves in order to move past the false, limited self that you’ve created for an experience. You cannot stay in that lower-vibrational state forever, just as you cannot be the masquerading meat-suit that you pretend to be forever. Nor would you want to. You are going to change, you are going to evolve, you are going to ascend, because it is appropriate for you to have new experiences. Let go of that tendency towards self-recrimination, self-hate, self-loathing, and it will be easier then for you to be the love that you are, because the love that you are doesn’t judge. Your soul and Source have never judged you. Not once. But you tend to judge yourselves, and it’s one of the things that you’re letting go of right now. Doing so feels good. Not doing so feels bad. Choose who you want to be and how you want to feel, and live happily ever after because it is your birthright to do so, and we will keep encouraging you do just that because we are your loving guides and friends here in the twelfth dimension. That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Monday, May 6, 2024

What's Coming in May 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 30, 2024

What's Coming in May 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton, April 30, 2024

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have so much excitement for humanity’s journey at this time, because we see what you are on the precipice of, and we know that you are going to like what is coming. You have so much to look forward to in the next several years, and in the time leading up to the full and open extra-terrestrial contact experience, you still have your lives to live. There are many details within your lives that you would like to alter, and the month of May is a beautiful time to be considering what it is that you do want to shift within your experience. This month of May is all about shifting into receiving mode and activating your Divine Feminine essence. You are to sprout forth your beautiful selves to the world as the flower does. You are to open up and receive more of what you have desired from this life experience, and you can expect that more is coming in this month of May 2024. We know that you are good at the asking part, and we know that some of you are very good at the doing part and the trying part, but now it is time to begin flexing your muscles as the ones who are good at the receiving part. You see, you don’t have to make it all happen. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel or do anything from scratch. There is enough momentum there, and you do have so much that is already done and created. There is so much waiting for you to open up to it, and you have so many helpers who are working on your behalf to make sure that this next phase of your lives is one that is filled with manifestations. You can tell yourselves and really mean it when you say, ‘The hard part is over; I can cruise now.’ You are there to experience and to grow through your experiences, and when you have had enough of an experience, it is time to move on from it. It is time to experience less struggle, less pain, less lack, and more of what you do want. And so, for the month of May, we recommend asking yourselves the question of, ‘May I have this?’ And we recommend answering yourselves by saying, ‘Yes, I may.’ It does not have to be any harder than that. You do not have to make it harder on yourselves by creating ideas about why something hasn’t come or why it may not come. Instead, recognize that now is the time for you to simply open up to all that you wish to experience, knowing that it serves you to have those experiences. And if it serves you, it serves humanity and Source Energy. It serves your soul to no longer struggle, to no longer resist, and to give up, let go and let in. This month of May is the time to do all of that, because you have done enough of everything else, and you are worthy, you are seen, you are heard, and you are loved. Now is the time to see those things, and to feel your resonance with that which you desire. Open up, relax, and let in more of what you have desired in this calendar year and in all of the years prior to this one put together. It is your time, and you are awake enough to do this. We know it, your guides know it, your higher selves know it, and it is time for you to know it as well. We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”